11 resultados para Ablation (Aerothermodynamics)

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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One of the most important problems in inertial confinement fusion is how to find a way to mitigate the onset of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability which arises in the ablation front during the compression. In this thesis it is studied in detail the possibility of using for such a purpose the well-known mechanism of dynamic stabilization, already applied to other dynamical systems such as the inverted pendulum. In this context, a periodic acceleration superposed to the background gravity generates a vertical vibration of the ablation front itself. The effects of different driving modulations (Dirac deltas and square waves) are analyzed from a theoretical point of view, with a focus on stabilization of ion beam driven ablation fronts, and a comparison is made, in order to look for optimization.


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Obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome (OSAHS) is the periodic reduction or cessation of airflow during sleep. The syndrome is associated whit loud snoring, disrupted sleep and observed apnoeas. Surgery aims to alleviate symptoms of daytime sleepiness, improve quality of life and reduce the signs of sleep apnoea recordered by polysomnography. Surgical intervention for snoring and OSAHS includes several procedures, each designed to increase the patency of the upper airway. Procedures addressing nasal obstruction include septoplasty, turbinectomy, and radiofrequency ablation (RF) of the turbinates. Surgical procedures to reduce soft palate redundancy include uvulopalatopharyngoplasty with or without tonsillectomy, uvulopalatal flap, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty, and RF of the soft palate. More significant, however, particularly in cases of severe OSA, is hypopharyngeal or retrolingual obstruction related to an enlarged tongue, or more commonly due to maxillomandibular deficiency. Surgeries in these cases are aimed at reducing the bulk of the tongue base or providing more space for the tongue in the oropharynx so as to limit posterior collapse during sleep. These procedures include tongue-base suspension, genioglossal advancement, hyoid suspension, lingualplasty, and maxillomandibular advancement. We reviewed 269 patients undergoing to osas surgery at the ENT Department of Forlì Hospital in the last decade. Surgery was considered a success if the postoperative apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) was less than 20/h. According to the results, we have developed surgical decisional algorithms with the aims to optimize the success of these procedures by identifying proper candidates for surgery and the most appropriate surgical techniques. Although not without risks and not as predictable as positive airway pressure therapy, surgery remains an important treatment option for patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), particularly for those who have failed or cannot tolerate positive airway pressure therapy. Successful surgery depends on proper patient selection, proper procedure selection, and experience of the surgeon. The intended purpose of medical algorithms is to improve and standardize decisions made in the delivery of medical care, assist in standardizing selection and application of treatment regimens, to reduce potential introduction of errors. Nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP) is the recommended therapy for patients with moderate to severe OSAS. Unfortunately this treatment is not accepted by some patient, appears to be poorly tolerated in a not neglible number of subjects, and the compliance may be critical, especially in the long term if correctly evaluated with interview as well with CPAP smart cards analysis. Among the alternative options in Literature, surgery is a long time honoured solution. However until now no clear scientific evidence exists that surgery can be considered a really effective option in OSAHS management. We have design a randomized prospective study comparing MMA and a ventilatory device (Autotitrating Positive Airways Pressure – APAP) in order to understand the real effectiveness of surgery in the management of moderate to severe OSAS. Fifty consecutive previously full informed patients suffering from severe OSAHS were enrolled and randomised into a conservative (APAP) or surgical (MMA) arm. Demographic, biometric, PSG and ESS profiles of the two group were statistically not significantly different. One year after surgery or continuous APAP treatment both groups showed a remarkable improvement of mean AHI and ESS; the degree of improvement was not statistically different. Provided the relatively small sample of studied subjects and the relatively short time of follow up, MMA proved to be in our adult and severe OSAHS patients group a valuable alternative therapeutical tool with a success rate not inferior to APAP.


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La studio della distribuzione spaziale e temporale della associazioni a foraminiferi planctonici, campionati in zone con differente regime idrografico, ha permesso di comprendere che molte specie possono essere diagnostiche della presenza di diverse masse d’acqua superficiali e sottosuperficiali e di diversi regimi di nutrienti nelle acque oceaniche. Parte di questo lavoro di tesi si basa sullo studio delle associazioni a foraminiferi planctonici attualmente viventi nel Settore Pacifico dell’Oceano Meridionale (Mare di Ross e Zona del Fronte Polare) e nel Mare Mediterraneo (Mar Tirreno Meridionale). L’obiettivo di questo studio è quello di comprendere i fattori (temperatura, salinità, nutrienti etc.) che determinano la distribuzione attuale delle diverse specie al fine di valutarne il valore di “indicatori” (proxies) utili alla ricostruzione degli scenari paleoclimatici e paleoceanografici succedutisi in queste aree. I risultati documentano che la distribuzione delle diverse specie, il numero di individui e le variazioni nella morfologia di alcuni taxa sono correlate alle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche della colonna e alla disponibilità di nutrienti e di clorofilla. La seconda parte del lavoro di tesi ha previsto l’analisi degli isotopi stabili dell’ossigeno e del rapporto Mg/Ca in gusci di N. pachyderma (sin) prelevati da pescate di micro zooplancton (per tarare l’equazione di paleo temperatura) da un box core e da una carota provenienti dalla zona del Fronte Polare (Oceano Pacifico meridionale), al fine di ricostruire le variazioni di temperatura negli ultimi 13 ka e durante la Mid-Pleistocene Revolution. Le temperature, dedotte tramite i valori degli isotopi stabili dell’ossigeno, sono coerenti con le temperature attuali documentate in questa zona e il trend di temperatura è paragonabile a quelli riportati in letteratura anche per eventi climatici come lo Younger Dryas e il mid-Holocene Optimum. I valori del rapporto Mg/Ca misurato tramite due diverse tecniche di analisi (laser ablation e analisi in soluzione) sono risultati sempre molto più alti dei valori riportati in letteratura per la stessa specie. La laser ablation sembra carente dal punto di vista del cleaning del campione e da questo studio emerge che le due tecniche non sono comparabili e che non possono essere usate indifferentemente sullo stesso campione. Per quanto riguarda l’analisi dei campioni in soluzione è stato migliorato il protocollo di cleaning per il trattamento di campioni antartici, che ha permesso di ottenere valori veritieri e utili ai fini delle ricostruzioni di paleotemperatura. Tuttavia, rimane verosimile l’ipotesi che in ambienti particolari come questo, con salinità e temperature molto basse, l’incorporazione del Mg all’interno del guscio risenta delle condizioni particolari e che non segua quindi la relazione esponenziale con la temperatura ampiamente dimostrata ad altre latitudini.


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The main reasons for the attention focused on ceramics as possible structural materials are their wear resistance and the ability to operate with limited oxidation and ablation at temperatures above 2000°C. Hence, this work is devoted to the study of two classes of materials which can satisfy these requirements: silicon carbide -based ceramics (SiC) for wear applications and borides and carbides of transition metals for ultra-high temperatures applications (UHTCs). SiC-based materials: Silicon carbide is a hard ceramic, which finds applications in many industrial sectors, from heat production, to automotive engineering and metals processing. In view of new fields of uses, SiC-based ceramics were produced with addition of 10-30 vol% of MoSi2, in order to obtain electro conductive ceramics. MoSi2, indeed, is an intermetallic compound which possesses high temperature oxidation resistance, high electrical conductivity (21·10-6 Ω·cm), relatively low density (6.31 g/cm3), high melting point (2030°C) and high stiffness (440 GPa). The SiC-based ceramics were hot pressed at 1900°C with addition of Al2O3-Y2O3 or Y2O3-AlN as sintering additives. The microstructure of the composites and of the reference materials, SiC and MoSi2, were studied by means of conventional analytical techniques, such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). The composites showed a homogeneous microstructure, with good dispersion of the secondary phases and low residual porosity. The following thermo-mechanical properties of the SiC-based materials were measured: Vickers hardness (HV), Young’s modulus (E), fracture toughness (KIc) and room to high temperature flexural strength (σ). The mechanical properties of the composites were compared to those of two monolithic SiC and MoSi2 materials and resulted in a higher stiffness, fracture toughness and slightly higher flexural resistance. Tribological tests were also performed in two configurations disco-on-pin and slideron cylinder, aiming at studying the wear behaviour of SiC-MoSi2 composites with Al2O3 as counterfacing materials. The tests pointed out that the addition of MoSi2 was detrimental owing to a lower hardness in comparison with the pure SiC matrix. On the contrary, electrical measurements revealed that the addition of 30 vol% of MoSi2, rendered the composite electroconductive, lowering the electrical resistance of three orders of magnitude. Ultra High Temperature Ceramics: Carbides, borides and nitrides of transition metals (Ti, Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, Mo) possess very high melting points and interesting engineering properties, such as high hardness (20-25 GPa), high stiffness (400-500 GPa), flexural strengths which remain unaltered from room temperature to 1500°C and excellent corrosion resistance in aggressive environment. All these properties place the UHTCs as potential candidates for the development of manoeuvrable hypersonic flight vehicles with sharp leading edges. To this scope Zr- and Hf- carbide and boride materials were produced with addition of 5-20 vol% of MoSi2. This secondary phase enabled the achievement of full dense composites at temperature lower than 2000°C and without the application of pressure. Besides the conventional microstructure analyses XRD and SEM-EDS, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed to explore the microstructure on a small length scale to disclose the effective densification mechanisms. A thorough literature analysis revealed that neither detailed TEM work nor reports on densification mechanisms are available for this class of materials, which however are essential to optimize the sintering aids utilized and the processing parameters applied. Microstructural analyses, along with thermodynamics and crystallographic considerations, led to disclose of the effective role of MoSi2 during sintering of Zrand Hf- carbides and borides. Among the investigated mechanical properties (HV, E, KIc, σ from room temperature to 1500°C), the high temperature flexural strength was improved due to the protective and sealing effect of a silica-based glassy phase, especially for the borides. Nanoindentation tests were also performed on HfC-MoSi2 composites in order to extract hardness and elastic modulus of the single phases. Finally, arc jet tests on HfC- and HfB2-based composites confirmed the excellent oxidation behaviour of these materials under temperature exceeding 2000°C; no cracking or spallation occurred and the modified layer was only 80-90 μm thick.


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Objectives. Blood pressure (BP) physiologically has higher and lower values during the active and rest period, respectively. Subjects failing to show the appropriate BP decrease (10-20%) on passing form diurnal activity to nocturnal rest and sleep have increased risk of target organ damage at the cardiac, vascular and cerebrovascular levels. Hypocretin (HCRT) releasing neurons, mainly located in the lateral hypothalamus, project widely to the central nervous system. Thus HCRT neurons are involved in several autonomic functions, including BP regulation. HCRT neurons also play a key role in wake-sleep cycle regulation, the lack of which becomes evident in HCRT-deficient narcoleptic patients. I investigated whether chronic lack of HCRT signaling alters BP during sleep in mouse models of narcolepsy. Methods. The main study was performed on HCRT-ataxin3 transgenic mice (TG) with selective post-natal ablation of HCRT neurons, HCRT gene knockout mice (KO) with preserved HCRT neurons, and Wild-Type control mice (WT) with identical genetic background. Experiments where replicated on TG and WT mice with hybrid genetic background (hTG and hWT, respectively). Mice were implanted with a telemetric pressure transducer (TA11PA-C10, DSI) and electrodes for discriminating wakefulness (W), rapid-eye-movement sleep (REMS) and non-REMS (NREMS). Signals were recorded for 3 days. Mean BP values were computed in each wake-sleep state and analyzed by ANOVA and t-test with significance at p<0.05. Results. The decrease in BP between either NREMS or REMS and W was significantly blunted in TG and KO with respect to WT as well as in hTG with respect to hWT. Conclusions. Independently from the genetic background, chronic HCRT deficiency leads to a decreased BP difference between W and sleep potentially adverse in narcoleptic subjects. These data suggest that HCRT play an important role in the sleep-dependent cardiovascular control.


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Traditional morphological examinations are not anymore sufficient for a complete evaluation of tumoral tissue and the use of neoplastic markers is of utmost importance. Neoplastic markers can be classified in: diagnostic, prognostic and predictive markers. Three markers were analyzed. 1) Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) was immunohistochemically examined in prostatic tissues: 40 radical prostatectomies from hormonally untreated patients with their preoperative biopsies, 10 radical prostatectomies from patients under complete androgen ablation before surgery and 10 simple prostatectomies from patients with bladder outlet obstruction. Results were compared with α-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR). IGFBP2 was expressed in the cytoplasm of untreated adenocarcinomas and, to a lesser extent, in HG-PIN; the expression was markedly lower in patients after complete androgen ablation. AMACR was similarly expressed in both adenocarcinoma and HG-PIN, the level being similar in both lesions; the expression was slightly lower in patients after complete androgen ablation. IGFBP2 may be used a diagnostic marker of prostatic adenocarcinomas. 2) Heparan surface proteoglycan immunohistochemical expression was examined in 150 oral squamous cell carcinomas. Follow up information was available in 93 patients (range: 6-34 months, mean: 19±7). After surgery, chemotherapy was performed in 8 patients and radiotherapy in 61 patients. Multivariate and univariate overall survival analyses showed that high expression of syndecan-1 (SYN-1) was associated with a poor prognosis. In patients treated with radiotherapy, such association was higher. SYN-1 is a prognostic marker in oral squamous cell carcinomas; it may also represent a predictive factor for responsiveness to radiotherapy. 3) EGFR was studied in 33 pulmonary adenocarcinomas with traditional DNA sequencing methods and with two mutation-specific antibodies. Overall, the two antibodies had 61.1% sensitivity and 100% specificity in detecting EGFR mutations. EGFR mutation-specific antibodies may represent a predictive marker to identify patients candidate to tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy.


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Background & Aims: This study investigates whether the aetiologic changes in liver disease and the improved management of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have modified the clinical scenario of this tumour over the last 20 years in Italy. Methods: Retrospective study based on the analysis of the ITA.LI.CA (Italian Liver Cancer) database including 3027 HCC patients managed in 11 centres. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to the period of HCC diagnosis: 1987–1996 (year of the ‘‘Milano criteria’’ publication), 1997–2001 (year of release of the EASL guidelines for HCC), and 2002–2008. Results: The significant changes were: (1) progressive patient ageing; (2) increasing prevalence of HCV infection until 2001, with a subsequent decrease, when the alcoholic aetiology increased; (3) liver function improvement, until 2001; (4) increasing ‘‘incidental’’ at the expense of ‘‘symptomatic’’ diagnoses, until 2001; (5) unchanged prevalence of tumours diagnosed during surveillance (around 50%), with an increasing use of the 6- month schedule; (6) favourable HCC ‘‘stage migration’’, until 2001; (7) increasing use of percutaneous ablation; (8) improving survival, until 2001. Conclusions: Over the last 20 years, several aetiologic and clinical features regarding HCC have changed. The survival improvement observed until 2001 was due to an increasing number of tumours diagnosed in early stages and in a background of compensated cirrhosis, and a growing and better use of locoregional treatments. However, the prevalence of early cancers and survival did not increase further in the last years, a result inciting national policies aimed at implementing surveillance programmes for at risk patients.


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Hypocretin 1 and 2 (HCRT, also called Orexin A and B) are neuropeptides released by neurons in the lateral hypothalamus. HCRT neurons widely project to the entire neuroaxis. HCRT neurons have been reported to participate in various hypothalamic physiological processes including cardiovascular functions, wake-sleep cycle, and they may also influence metabolic rate and the regulation of body temperature. HCRT neurons are lost in narcolepsy, a rare neurological disorder, characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep fragmentation and occurrence of sleep-onset rapid-eye-movement episodes. We investigated whether HCRT neurons mediate the sleep-dependent cardiovascular adaptations to changes in ambient temperature (Ta). HCRT-ataxin3 transgenic mice with genetic ablation of HCRT neurons (n = 11) and wild-type controls (n = 12) were instrumented with electrodes for sleep scoring and a telemetric blood pressure (BP) transducer (DSI, Inc.). Simultaneous sleep and BP recordings were performed on mice undisturbed and freely-behaving at 20 °C, 25 °C, and 30 °C for 48 hours at each Ta. Analysis of variance of BP indicated a significance of the main effects of wake-sleep state and Ta, their interaction effect, and the wake-sleep state x mouse strain interaction effect. BP increased with decreasing Ta. This effect of Ta on BP was significantly lower in rapid-eye-movement sleep (REMS) than either in non-rapid-eye-movement sleep (NREMS) or wakefulness regardless of the mouse strain. BP was higher in wakefulness than either in NREMS or REMS. This effect of sleep on BP was significantly reduced in mice lacking HCRT neurons at each Ta, particularly during REMS. These data suggest that HCRT neurons play a critical role in mediating the effects of sleep but not those of Ta on BP in mice. HCRT neurons may thus be part of the central neural pathways which mediate the phenomenon of blood pressure dipping on passing from wakefulness to sleep.


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La chirurgia con ultrasuoni focalizzati guidati da MRI (MR-g-FUS) è un trattamento di minima invasività, guidato dal più sofisticato strumento di imaging a disposizione, che utilizza a scopo diagnostico e terapeutico forme di energia non ionizzante. Le sue caratteristiche portano a pensare un suo possibile e promettente utilizzo in numerose aree della patologia umana, in particolare scheletrica. L'osteoma osteoide affligge frequentemente pazienti di giovane età, è una patologia benigna, con origine ed evoluzione non chiare, e trova nella termoablazione con radiofrequenza continua sotto guida CT (CT-g-RFA) il suo trattamento di elezione. Questo lavoro ha valutato l’efficacia, gli effetti e la sicurezza del trattamento dell’osteoma osteoide con MR-g-FUS. Sono stati presi in considerazione pazienti arruolati per MR-g-FUS e, come gruppo di controllo, pazienti sottoposti a CT-g-RFA, che hanno raggiunto un follow-up minimo di 18 mesi (rispettivamente 6 e 24 pazienti). Due pazienti erano stati esclusi dal trattamento MR-g-FUS per claustrofobia (2/8). Tutti i trattamenti sono stati portati a termine con successo tecnico e clinico. Non sono state registrate complicanze o eventi avversi correlati all’anestesia o alle procedure di trattamento, e tutti i pazienti sono stati dimessi regolarmente dopo 12-24 ore. La durata media dei trattamenti di MR-g-FUS è stata di 40±21 min. Da valori di score VAS pre-trattamento oscillanti tra 6 e 10 (su scala 0-10), i trattamenti hanno condotto tutti i pazienti a VAS 0 (senza integrazioni farmacologiche). Nessun paziente ha manifestato segni di persistenza di malattia o di recidiva al follow-up. Nonostante la neurolisi e la risoluzione dei sintomi, la perfusione del nidus è stata ritrovata ancora presente in oltre il 70% dei casi sottoposti a MR-g-FUS (4/6 pazienti). I risultati derivati da un'analisi estesa a pazienti più recentemente arruolati confermano questi dati. Il trattamento con MR-g-FUS sembra essere efficace e sicuro nel risolvere la sintomatologia dell'osteoma osteoide.


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L’obbiettivo di una ricostruzione micro vascolare di mandibola è quello di assicurare al paziente il miglior risultato estetico e funzionale auspicabile. Ciò può essere conseguito utilizzando il lembo microvascolare di perone/cresta iliaca e una placca ricostruttiva in titanio che funga da guida nella fase di modellamento del lembo per ricreare un contorno parabolico il più possibile simile al profilo mandibolare originario del paziente. Il modellamento manuale ed artigianale intraoperatorio di una placca ricostruttiva è operatore dipendente ed anche in mani molto abili o ricorrendo a modelli anatomici stereolitografici non sempre risulta preciso quanto voluto e spesso non porta ai risultati postoperatori attesi e desiderati. Obbiettivo del nostro studio è stato pertanto, sfruttando le moderne tecnologie CAD-CAM, la produzione di placche ricostruttive “custom -made” progettate direttamente al computer ricreanti il profilo osseo originale del paziente.


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Theoretical models are developed for the continuous-wave and pulsed laser incision and cut of thin single and multi-layer films. A one-dimensional steady-state model establishes the theoretical foundations of the problem by combining a power-balance integral with heat flow in the direction of laser motion. In this approach, classical modelling methods for laser processing are extended by introducing multi-layer optical absorption and thermal properties. The calculation domain is consequently divided in correspondence with the progressive removal of individual layers. A second, time-domain numerical model for the short-pulse laser ablation of metals accounts for changes in optical and thermal properties during a single laser pulse. With sufficient fluence, the target surface is heated towards its critical temperature and homogeneous boiling or "phase explosion" takes place. Improvements are seen over previous works with the more accurate calculation of optical absorption and shielding of the incident beam by the ablation products. A third, general time-domain numerical laser processing model combines ablation depth and energy absorption data from the short-pulse model with two-dimensional heat flow in an arbitrary multi-layer structure. Layer removal is the result of both progressive short-pulse ablation and classical vaporisation due to long-term heating of the sample. At low velocity, pulsed laser exposure of multi-layer films comprising aluminium-plastic and aluminium-paper are found to be characterised by short-pulse ablation of the metallic layer and vaporisation or degradation of the others due to thermal conduction from the former. At high velocity, all layers of the two films are ultimately removed by vaporisation or degradation as the average beam power is increased to achieve a complete cut. The transition velocity between the two characteristic removal types is shown to be a function of the pulse repetition rate. An experimental investigation validates the simulation results and provides new laser processing data for some typical packaging materials.