8 resultados para AVIAN SALMONELLOSIS
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Salmonella and Campylobacter are common causes of human gastroenteritis. Their epidemiology is complex and a multi-tiered approach to control is needed, taking into account the different reservoirs, pathways and risk factors. In this thesis, trends in human gastroenteritis and food-borne outbreak notifications in Italy were explored. Moreover, the improved sensitivity of two recently-implemented regional surveillance systems in Lombardy and Piedmont was evidenced, providing a basis for improving notification at the national level. Trends in human Salmonella serovars were explored: serovars Enteritidis and Infantis decreased, Typhimurium remained stable and 4,[5],12:i:-, Derby and Napoli increased, suggesting that sources of infection have changed over time. Attribution analysis identified pigs as the main source of human salmonellosis in Italy, accounting for 43–60% of infections, followed by Gallus gallus (18–34%). Attributions to pigs and Gallus gallus showed increasing and decreasing trends, respectively. Potential bias and sampling issues related to the use of non-local/non-recent multilocus sequence typing (MLST) data in Campylobacter jejuni/coli source attribution using the Asymmetric Island (AI) model were investigated. As MLST data become increasingly dissimilar with increasing geographical/temporal distance, attributions to sources not sampled close to human cases can be underestimated. A combined case-control and source attribution analysis was developed to investigate risk factors for human Campylobacter jejuni/coli infection of chicken, ruminant, environmental, pet and exotic origin in The Netherlands. Most infections (~87%) were attributed to chicken and cattle. Individuals infected from different reservoirs had different associated risk factors: chicken consumption increased the risk for chicken-attributed infections; animal contact, barbecuing, tripe consumption, and never/seldom chicken consumption increased that for ruminant-attributed infections; game consumption and attending swimming pools increased that for environment-attributed infections; and dog ownership increased that for environment- and pet-attributed infections. Person-to-person contacts around holiday periods were risk factors for infections with exotic strains, putatively introduced by returning travellers.
The study of protein fold is a central problem in life science, leading in the last years to several attempts for improving our knowledge of the protein structures. In this thesis this challenging problem is tackled by means of molecular dynamics, chirality and NMR studies. In the last decades, many algorithms were designed for the protein secondary structure assignment, which reveals the local protein shape adopted by segments of amino acids. In this regard, the use of local chirality for the protein secondary structure assignment was demonstreted, trying to correlate as well the propensity of a given amino acid for a particular secondary structure. The protein fold can be studied also by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) investigations, finding the average structure adopted from a protein. In this context, the effect of Residual Dipolar Couplings (RDCs) in the structure refinement was shown, revealing a strong improvement of structure resolution. A wide extent of this thesis is devoted to the study of avian prion protein. Prion protein is the main responsible of a vast class of neurodegenerative diseases, known as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), present in mammals, but not in avian species and it is caused from the conversion of cellular prion protein to the pathogenic misfolded isoform, accumulating in the brain in form of amiloyd plaques. In particular, the N-terminal region, namely the initial part of the protein, is quite different between mammal and avian species but both of them contain multimeric sequences called Repeats, octameric in mammals and hexameric in avians. However, such repeat regions show differences in the contained amino acids, in particular only avian hexarepeats contain tyrosine residues. The chirality analysis of avian prion protein configurations obtained from molecular dynamics reveals a high stiffness of the avian protein, which tends to preserve its regular secondary structure. This is due to the presence of prolines, histidines and especially tyrosines, which form a hydrogen bond network in the hexarepeat region, only possible in the avian protein, and thus probably hampering the aggregation.
In order to improve the animal welfare, the Council Directive 1999/74/EC (defining minimum standards for the welfare of laying hens) will ban conventional cage systems since 2012, in favour of enriched cages or floor systems. As a consequence an increased risk of bacterial contamination of eggshell is expected (EFSA, 2005). Furthermore egg-associated salmonellosis is an important public health problem throughout the world (Roberts et al., 1994). In this regard the introduction of efficient measures to reduce eggshell contamination by S. Enteritidis or other bacterial pathogens, and thus to prevent any potential or additional food safety risk for Human health, may be envisaged. The hot air pasteurization can be a viable alternative for the decontamination of the surface of the egg shell. Few studies have been performed on the decontamination power of this technique on table eggs (Hou et al, 1996; James et al., 2002). The aim of this study was to develop innovative techniques to remove surface contamination of shell eggs by hot air under natural or forced convection. Initially two simplified finite element models describing the thermal interaction between the air and egg were developed, respectively for the natural and forced convection. The numerical models were validated using an egg simulant equipped by type-K thermocouple (Chromel/Alumel). Once validated, the models allowed the selection of a thermal cycle with an inner temperature always lower than 55°C. Subsequently a specific apparatus composed by two hot air generators, one cold air generator and rolling cylinder support, was built to physically condition the eggs. The decontamination power of the thermal treatments was evaluated on shell eggs experimentally inoculated with either Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and on shell eggs containing only the indigenous microflora. The applicability of treatments was further evaluated by comparing quality traits of treated and not treated eggs immediately after the treatment and after 28 days of storage at 20°C. The results showed that the treatment characterized by two shots of hot air at 350°C for 8 sec, spaced by a cooling interval of 32 (forced convection), reduce the bacterial population of more than 90% (Salmonella enteritidis and Listeria monocytogenes). No statistically significant results were obtained comparing E. coli treated and not treated eggs as well as indigenous microflora treated and not treated eggs. A reduction of 2.6 log was observed on Salmonella enteritidis load of eggs immediately after the treatment in oven at 200°C for 200 minutes (natural convection). Furthermore no detrimental effects on quality traits of treated eggs were recorded. These results support the hot air techniques for the surface decontamination of table eggs as an effective industrial process.
The emergency of infection by highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) subtype H5N1 has focused the attention of the world scientific community, requiring the prompt provision of effective control systems for early detection of the circulation of low pathogenic influenza H5 viruses (LPAI) in populations of wild birds to prevent outbreaks of highly pathogenic (HPAI) in populations of domestic birds with possible transmission to humans. The project stems from the aim to provide, through a preliminary analysis of data obtained from surveillance in Italy and Europe, a preliminary study about the virus detection rates and the development of mathematical models, an objective assessment of the effectiveness of avian influenza surveillance systems in wild bird populations, and to point out guidelines to support the planning process of the sampling activities. The results obtained from the statistical processing quantify the sampling effort in terms of time and sample size required, and simulating different epidemiological scenarios identify active surveillance as the most suitable for endemic LPAI infection monitoring in wild waterfowl, and passive surveillance as the only really effective tool in early detecting HPAI H5N1 circulation in wild populations. Given the lack of relevant information on H5N1 epidemiology, and the actual finantial and logistic constraints, an approach that makes use of statistical tools to evaluate and predict monitoring activities effectiveness proves to be of primary importance to direct decision-making and make the best use of available resources.
Scopo del lavoro della presente tesi è stato quello di valutare la prevalenza di Chlamydiaceae, ed in particolare Chlamydia psittaci, in una popolazione aviare con caratteristiche sinantropiche quale il colombo di città (Columba livia var. domestica) dell’areale veneziano. Per evidenziare il patogeno sono state utilizzate metodiche sierologiche, d’isolamento e biomolecolari tradizionali. Contestualmente, mediante tecnologie molecolari innovative, quali microarray ed MLVA (Multilocus VNTR Assay) sono stati valutati i genotipi di C. psittaci e le eventuali altre specie di Chlamydia presenti in tale popolazione. Inoltre, si è proceduto ad una classificazione delle lesioni anatomo-patologiche ed ad una loro correlazione con la presenza del patogeno. I risultati dimostrano che la prevalenza di C. psittaci nella popolazione oggetto dello studio è del 10%. Durante tale studio è stata dimostrata la presenza di un ceppo di C. psittaci atipico, in quanto non classificabile con le attuali tecniche a disposizione. La genotipizzazione dei ceppi di C. psittaci conferma la presenza nel colombo di città del genotipo B, E ed E/B, che solitamente risultano essere coinvolti con minore frequenza in episodi di infezione umana. Inoltre sono stati dimostrati alcuni ceppi classificati come Chlamydia spp., in quanto le metodologie applicate e le conoscenze attuali non permettono ulteriori distinzioni, prospettando la possibilità di un nuovo ceppo. Infine, attraverso l’analisi dei dati raccolti durante la prima fase di campionamenti e successivamente confermati durante la seconda fase, siamo riusciti a strutturare un sistema di selezione, basato su caratteristiche funzionali ed anatomopatologiche, che permette di selezionare in sede necroscopica i colombi molto probabilmente infetti, permettendo conseguentemente una migliore organizzazione e gestione dei campioni di interesse contenendo nel contempo i costi ma mantenendo elevati gli standards diagnostici.
The ‘Continental Intercalaire’ deposits of the Tataouine basin of southern Tunisia preserve one of the most diverse Cretaceous vertebrate fauna from Africa. This research project focuses on a detailed revision of the stratigraphic distribution of mid-Cretaceous fossil beds in the Tataouine Basin and includes the description of four, newly discovered vertebrate tracksites. In the Tataouine region, macro- and microvertebrate remains are recovered from three stratigraphic intervals: the lower Douiret Formation (Barremian), the Chenini (rare) and Oum ed Diab members of the Aïn El Guettar Formation (Albian). A detailed, basin-scale revision of the stratigraphic occurrence of fossil-bearing strata indicates 1. lateral facies variability within the context of a low gradient, circalittoral to coastal-plain environment; 2. multiple and diachronous fossil beds which include elasmobranchs, actinopterygians, sarcopterygians, turtles, crocodyliforms, pterosaurs, and non-avian dinosaurs remains. Four vertebrate tracksites have been discovered in the study area: 1. the Middle Jurassic Beni Ghedir site which preserves approximately 130 tridactyl footprints distributed over an area of 200 square meters, representing the oldest evidence of a dinosaur fauna in Tunisia; 2. the late Albian Chenini tracksite, which includes poorly preserved crocodilian tracks and the dinosaur ichnospecies Apulosauripus federicianus; 3. the Cenomanian Ksar Ayaat locality, where footprints assigned to a pleurodiran turtle are exposed, and 4. the upper Cenomanian Jebel Boulouha site which presents almost 100 well-preserved tridactyl tracks referred to small-sized theropods, fossil bird tracks - ichnogenus Koreanaorins – and tracks referred to a mammalian trackmaker, representing the first report of fossil bird and mammal from the Cretaceous of continental Africa and Tunisia respectively. In addition, data collected from the Tunisian tracksites have been compared with coeval tracksites in Italy and Croatia, showing analogies in morphology and paleoenvironment of dinosaur ichnoassociations, supporting the already hypothesized subaerial connection between these areas during the mid-Cretaceous.
I sottotipi H1N1, H1N2 e H3N2 di influenza A virus sono largamente diffusi nella popolazione suina di tutto il mondo. Nel presente lavoro è stato sviluppato un protocollo di sequenziamento di c.d. nuova generazione, su piattaforma Ion Torrent PGM, idoneo per l’analisi di tutti i virus influenzali suini (SIV). Per valutare l’evoluzione molecolare dei SIV italiani, sono stati sequenziati ed analizzati mediante analisi genomica e filogenetica un totale di sessantadue ceppi di SIV appartenenti ai sottotipi H1N1, H1N2 e H3N2, isolati in Italia dal 1998 al 2014. Sono stati evidenziati in sei campioni due fenomeni di riassortimento: tutti i SIV H1N2 esaminati presentavano una neuraminidasi di derivazione umana, diversa da quella dei SIV H1N2 circolanti in Europa, inoltre l’emoagglutinina (HA) di due isolati H1N2 era originata dal riassortimento con un SIV H1N1 avian-like. L’analisi molecolare dell’HA ha permesso di rivelare un’inserzione di due amminoacidi in quattro SIV H1N1 pandemici e una delezione di due aminoacidi in quattro SIV H1N2, entrambe a livello del sito di legame con il recettore cellulare. E’ stata inoltre evidenziata un’elevata omologia di un SIV H1N1 con ceppi europei isolati negli anni ’80, suggerendo la possibile origine vaccinale di questo virus. E’ stato possibile, in aggiunta, applicare il nuovo protocollo sviluppato per sequenziare un virus influenzale aviare altamente patogeno trasmesso all’uomo, direttamente da campione biologico. La diversità genetica nei SIV esaminati in questo studio conferma l’importanza di un continuo monitoraggio della costellazione genomica dei virus influenzali nella popolazione suina.