em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
The Geoffroy’s bat Myotis emarginatus is mainly present in southern, south-eastern and central Europe (Červerný, 1999) and is often recorded from northern Spain (Quetglas, 2002; Flaquer et al., 2004). It has demonstrated the species’ preference for forest. Myotis capaccinii, confined to the Mediterranean (Guille´n, 1999), is classified as ‘vulnerable’ on a global scale (Hutson, Mickleburgh & Racey, 2001). In general, the species preferred calm waters bordered by well-developed riparian vegetation and large (> 5 m) inter-bank distances (Biscardi et al. 2007). In this study we present the first results about population genetic structure of these two species of genus Myotis. We used two methods of sampling: invasive and non-invasive techniques. A total of 323 invasive samples and a total of 107 non-invasive samples were collected and analyzed. For Myotis emarginatus we have individuated for the first time a set of 7 microsatellites, which can work on this species, started from a set developed on Myotis myotis (Castella et al. 2000). We developed also a method for analysis of non-invasive samples, that given a good percentage of positive analyzed samples. The results have highlighted for the species Myotis emarginatus the presence on the European territory of two big groups, discovered by using the microsatellites tracers. On this species, 33 haplotypes of Dloop have been identified, some of them are presented only in some colonies. We identified respectively 33 haplotypes of Dloop and 10 of cytB for Myotis emarginatus and 25 of dloop and 15 of cytB for Myotis capaccinii. Myotis emarginatus’ results, both microsatellites and mtDNA, show that there is a strong genetic flow between different colonies across Europe. The results achieved on Myotis capaccinii are very interesting, in this case either for the microsatellites or the mitochondrial DNA sequences, and it has been highlighted a big difference between different colonies.
Introgression of domestic cat genes into European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) populations and reduction of wildcats’ range in Europe, leaded by habitat loss and fragmentation, are considered two of the main conservation problems for this endangered feline. This thesis addressed the questions related with the artificial hybridization and populations’ fragmentation, using a conservation genetics perspective. We combined the use of highly polymorphic loci, Bayesian statistical inferences and landscape analyses tools to investigate the origin of the geographic-genetic substructure of European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in Italy and Europe. The genetic variability of microsatellites evidenced that European wildcat populations currently distributed in Italy differentiated in, and expanded from two distinct glacial refuges during the Last Glacial Maximum. The genetic and geographic substructure detected between the eastern and western sides of the Apennine ridge, resulted by adaptation to specific ecological conditions of the Mediterranean habitats. European wildcat populations in Europe are strongly structured into 5 geographic-genetic macro clusters corresponding to: the Italian peninsular & Sicily; Balkans & north-eastern Italy; Germany eastern; central Europe; and Iberian Peninsula. Central European population might have differentiated in the extra-Mediterranean Würm ice age refuge areas (Northern Alps, Carpathians, and the Bulgarian mountain systems), while the divergence among and within the southern European populations might have resulted by the Pleistocene bio geographical framework of Europe, with three southern refugia localized in the Balkans, Italian Peninsula and Iberia Peninsula. We further combined the use of most informative autosomal SNPs with uniparental markers (mtDNA and Y-linked) for accurately detecting parental genotypes and levels of introgressive hybridization between European wild and domestic cats. A total of 11 hybrids were identified. The presence of domestic mitochondrial haplotypes shared with some wild individuals led us to hypnotize the possibility that ancient introgressive events might have occurred and that further investigation should be recommended.
The city is a collection of built structures and infrastructure embedded in socio-cultural processes: any investigation into a city’s transformations involves considerations on the degree to which its composite elements respond to socio-economical changes. The main purpose of this research is to investigate how transformations in the functional requirements of New York’s society have spurred, since the 1970s, changes in both the city’s urban structure and physical form. The present work examines the rise of Amenity Zones in New York, and investigates the transformations that have occurred in New York’s built environment since the 1970s. By applying qualitative measures and analyzing the relationship between urban amenities and the creative class, the present work has investigated changes in the urban structure and detected a hierarchical series of amenity zones classes, namely, Super Amenity Zones (SAZs), Nodal Amenity Zones (NAZs) and Peripheral Amenity Zones (PAZs). This series allows for a more comprehensive reading of the urban structure in a complex city like New York, bringing advancements to the amenity zone’s methodology. In order to examine the manner in which the other component of the city, the physical form, has changed or adapted to the new socio-economic condition, the present research has applied Conzenian analysis to a select study area, Atlantic Avenue. The results of this analysis reveal that, contrary to the urban structure, which changes rapidly, the physical form of New York is hard to modify completely, due to the resilience of the town plan and its elements, and to preservation laws; the city rather adapts to socio-economical changes through process of adaptive reuses or conversion. Concluding, this research has examined the dialectic between the ever-changing needs of society and the complexity of the built environment and urban structure, showing the different degrees to which the urban landscape modifies, reacts and sometimes adapts to the population’s functional requirements.
The Southern Tyrrhenian subduction system shows a complex interaction among asthenospheric flow, subducting slab and overriding plate. To shed light on the deformations and mechanical properties of the slab and surrounding mantle, I investigated seismic anisotropy and attenuation properties through the subduction region. I used both teleseisms and slab earthquakes, analyzing shear-wave splitting on SKS and S phases, respectively. The fast polarization directions φ, and the delay time, δt, were retrieved using the method of Silver and Chan [1991. SKS and S φ reveal a complex anisotropy pattern across the subduction zone. SKS-rays sample primarily the sub-slab region showing rotation of fast directions following the curved shape of the slab and very strong anisotropy. S-rays sample mainly the slab, showing variable φ and a smaller δt. SKS and S splitting reveals a well developed toroidal flow at SW edge of the slab, while at its NE edge the pattern is not very clear. This suggests that the anisotropy is controlled by the slab rollback, responsible for about 100 km slab parallel φ in the sub-slab mantle. The slab is weakly anisotropic, suggesting the asthenosphere as main source of anisotropy. To investigate the physical properties of the slab and surrounding regions, I analyzed the seismic P and S wave attenuation. By inverting high-quality S-waves t* from slab earthquakes, 3D attenuation models down to 300 km were obtained. Attenuation results image the slab as low-attenuation body, but with heterogeneous QS and QP structure showing spot of high attenuation , between 100-200 km depth, which could be due dehydration associated to the slab metamorphism. A low QS anomaly is present in the mantle wedge beneath the Aeolian volcanic arc and could indicate mantle melting and slab dehydration.