11 resultados para AGE-MATCHED CONTROLS
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Introduction The “eversion” technique for carotid endarterectomy (e-CEA), that involves the transection of the internal carotid artery at the carotid bulb and its eversion over the atherosclerotic plaque, has been associated with an increased risk of postoperative hypertension possibly due to a direct iatrogenic damage to the carotid sinus fibers. The aim of this study is to assess the long-term effect of the e-CEA on arterial baroreflex and peripheral chemoreflex function in humans. Methods A retrospective review was conducted on a prospectively compiled computerized database of 3128 CEAs performed on 2617 patients at our Center between January 2001 and March 2006. During this period, a total of 292 patients who had bilateral carotid stenosis ≥70% at the time of the first admission underwent staged bilateral CEAs. Of these, 93 patients had staged bilateral e-CEAs, 126 staged bilateral s- CEAs and 73 had different procedures on each carotid. CEAs were performed with either the eversion or the standard technique with routine Dacron patching in all cases. The study inclusion criteria were bilateral CEA with the same technique on both sides and an uneventful postoperative course after both procedures. We decided to enroll patients submitted to bilateral e-CEA to eliminate the background noise from contralateral carotid sinus fibers. Exclusion criteria were: age >70 years, diabetes mellitus, chronic pulmonary disease, symptomatic ischemic cardiac disease or medical therapy with b-blockers, cardiac arrhythmia, permanent neurologic deficits or an abnormal preoperative cerebral CT scan, carotid restenosis and previous neck or chest surgery or irradiation. Young and aged-matched healthy subjects were also recruited as controls. Patients were assessed by the 4 standard cardiovascular reflex tests, including Lying-to-standing, Orthostatic hypotension, Deep breathing, and Valsalva Maneuver. Indirect autonomic parameters were assessed with a non-invasive approach based on spectral analysis of EKG RR interval, systolic arterial pressure, and respiration variability, performed with an ad hoc software. From the analysis of these parameters the software provides the estimates of spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (BRS). The ventilatory response to hypoxia was assessed in patients and controls by means of classic rebreathing tests. Results A total of 29 patients (16 males, age 62.4±8.0 years) were enrolled. Overall, 13 patients had undergone bilateral e-CEA (44.8%) and 16 bilateral s-CEA (55.2%) with a mean interval between the procedures of 62±56 days. No patient showed signs or symptoms of autonomic dysfunction, including labile hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, headache, inappropriate diaphoresis, pallor or flushing. The results of standard cardiovascular autonomic tests showed no evidence of autonomic dysfunction in any of the enrolled patients. At spectral analysis, a residual baroreflex performance was shown in both patient groups, though reduced, as expected, compared to young controls. Notably, baroreflex function was better maintained in e-CEA, compared to standard CEA. (BRS at rest: young controls 19.93 ± 2.45 msec/mmHg; age-matched controls 7.75 ± 1.24; e-CEA 13.85 ± 5.14; s-CEA 4.93 ± 1.15; ANOVA P=0.001; BRS at stand: young controls 7.83 ± 0.66; age-matched controls 3.71 ± 0.35; e-CEA 7.04 ± 1.99; s-CEA 3.57 ± 1.20; ANOVA P=0.001). In all subjects ventilation (VÝ E) and oximetry data fitted a linear regression model with r values > 0.8. Oneway analysis of variance showed a significantly higher slope both for ΔVE/ΔSaO2 in controls compared with both patient groups which were not different from each other (-1.37 ± 0.33 compared with -0.33±0.08 and -0.29 ±0.13 l/min/%SaO2, p<0.05, Fig.). Similar results were observed for and ΔVE/ΔPetO2 (-0.20 ± 0.1 versus -0.01 ± 0.0 and -0.07 ± 0.02 l/min/mmHg, p<0.05). A regression model using treatment, age, baseline FiCO2 and minimum SaO2 achieved showed only treatment as a significant factor in explaining the variance in minute ventilation (R2= 25%). Conclusions Overall, we demonstrated that bilateral e-CEA does not imply a carotid sinus denervation. As a result of some expected degree of iatrogenic damage, such performance was lower than that of controls. Interestingly though, baroreflex performance appeared better maintained in e-CEA than in s-CEA. This may be related to the changes in the elastic properties of the carotid sinus vascular wall, as the patch is more rigid than the endarterectomized carotid wall that remains in the e-CEA. These data confirmed the safety of CEA irrespective of the surgical technique and have relevant clinical implication in the assessment of the frequent hemodynamic disturbances associated with carotid angioplasty stenting.
Crowding is defined as the negative effect obtained by adding visual distractors around a central target which has to be identified. Some studies have suggested the presence of a marked crowding effect in developmental dyslexia (e.g. Atkinson, 1991; Spinelli et al., 2002). Inspired by Spinelli’s (2002) experimental design, we explored the hypothesis that the crowding effect may affect dyslexics’ response times (RTs) and accuracy in identification tasks dealing with words, pseudowords, illegal non-words and symbolstrings. Moreover, our study aimed to clarify the relationship between the crowding phenomenon and the word-reading process, in an inter-language comparison perspective. For this purpose we studied twenty-two French dyslexics and twenty-two Italian dyslexics (total forty-four dyslexics), compared to forty-four subjects matched for reading level (22 French and 22 Italians) and forty-four chronological age-matched subjects (22 French and 22 Italians). Children were all tested on reading and cognitive abilities. Results showed no differences between French and Italian participants suggesting that performances were homogenous. Dyslexic children were all significantly impaired in words and pseudowords reading compared to their normal reading controls. Regarding the identification task with which we assessed crowding effect, both accuracy and RTs showed a lexicality effect which meant that the recognition of words was more accurate and faster in words than pseudowords, non-words and symbolstrings. Moreover, compared to normal readers, dyslexics’ RTs and accuracy were impaired only for verbal materials but not for non-verbal material; these results are in line with the phonological hypothesis (Griffiths & Snowling, 2002; Snowling, 2000; 2006) . RTs revealed a general crowding effect (RTs in the crowding condition were slower than those recorded in the isolated condition) affecting all the subjects’ performances. This effect, however, emerged to be not specific for dyslexics. Data didn’t reveal a significant effect of language, allowing the generalization of the obtained results. We also analyzed the performance of two subgroups of dyslexics, categorized according to their reading abilities. The two subgroups produced different results regarding the crowding effect and type of material, suggesting that it is meaningful to take into account also the heterogeneity of the dyslexia disorder. Finally, we also analyzed the relationship of the identification task with both reading and cognitive abilities. In conclusion, this study points out the importance of comparing visual tasks performances of dyslexic participants with those of their reading level-matched controls. This approach may improve our comprehension of the potential causal link between crowding and reading (Goswami, 2003).
Introduction. Glycomic analysis allows investigating on the global glycome within body fluids (as serum/plasma), this could eventually lead to identify new types of disease biomarkers, or as in this study, biomarkers of human aging studying specific aging models. Recent studies demonstrated that the plasma N-glycome is modified during human aging, suggesting that measurements of log-ratio of two serum/plasma N-glycans (NGA2F and NA2F), named GlycoAge test could provide a non-invasive biomarker of aging. Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder in which multiple major aspects of senescent phenotype occur much earlier than in healthy age-matched subjects and has been often defined as an accelerated aging syndrome. The aim of this study was to compare plasma N-glycome of patients affected by DS with age- and sex matched non-affected controls, represented by their siblings (DSS), in order to assess if DS is characterized by a specific N-glycomic pattern. Therefore, in order to investigate if N-glycans changes that occur in DS were able to reveal an accelerated aging in DS patients, we enrolled the mothers (DSM) of the DS and DSS, representing the non-affected control group with a different chronological age respect to DS. We applied two different N-glycomics approaches on the same samples: first, in order to study the complete plasma N-glycome we applied a new high-sensitive protocol based on a MALDI-TOF-MS approach, second, we used DSA-FACE technology. Results: MALDI-TOF/MS analysis detected a specific N-glycomics signature for DS, characterized by an increase of fucosylated and bisecting species. Moreover, in DS the abundance of agalactosylated (as NA2F) species was similar or higher than their mothers. The measurement of GlycoAge test with DSA-FACE, validated also by MALDI-TOF, demonstrated a strongly association with age, moreover in DS, it’s value was similar to their mothers, and significantly higher than their age- and sex matched not-affected siblings
Aim The aim of my Ph.D. was to implement a diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) pipeline to reconstruct cranial nerve I (olfactory) to study COVID-19 patients, and anterior optic pathway (AOP, including optic nerve, chiasm, and optic tract) to study patients with sellar/parasellar tumors, and with Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON). Methods We recruited 23 patients with olfactory dysfunction after COVID-19 infection (mean age 37±14 years, 12 females); 27 patients with sellar/parasellar tumors displacing the optic chiasm eligible for endonasal endoscopic surgery (mean age 53. ±16.4 years, 13 female) and 6 LHON patients (mutation 11778/MT-ND4, mean age 24.9±15.7 years). Sex- and age-matched healthy control were also recruited. In LHON patients, optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed. Acquisitions were performed on a clinical high field 3-T MRI scanner, using a multi-shell HARDI (High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging) sequence (b-values 0-300-1000-2000 s/mm2, 64 maximum gradient directions, 2mm3 isotropic voxel). DTT was performed with a multi-tissue spherical deconvolution approach and mean diffusivity (MD) DTT metrics were compared with healthy controls using an unpaired t-test. Correlations of DTT metrics with clinical data were sought by regression analysis. Results In all 23 hypo/anosmic patients with previous COVID-19 infection the CN I was successfully reconstructed with no DTT metrics alterations, thus suggesting the pathogenetic role of central olfactory cortical system dysfunction. In all 27 patients with sellar/parasellar tumors the AOP was reconstructed, and in 11/13 (84.7%) undergoing endonasal endoscopic surgery the anatomical fidelity of the reconstruction was confirmed; a significant decrease in MD within the chiasma (p<0.0001) was also found. In LHON patients a reduction of MD in the AOP was significantly associated with OCT parameters (p=0.036). Conclusions Multi-shell HARDI diffusion-weighted MRI followed by multi-tissue spherical deconvolution for the DTT reconstruction of the CN I and AOP has been implemented, and its utility demonstrated in clinical practice.
Autism is a neurodevelpmental disorder characterized by impaired verbal communication, limited reciprocal social interaction, restricted interests and repetitive behaviours. Twin and family studies indicate a large genetic contribution to ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders). During my Ph.D. I have been involved in several projects in which I used different genetic approaches in order to identify susceptibility genes in autism on chromosomes 2, 7 and X: 1)High-density SNP association and CNV analysis of two Autism Susceptibility Loci. The International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism Consortium (IMGSAC) previously identified linkage loci on chromosomes 7 and 2, termed AUTS1 and AUTS5, respectively. In this study, we evaluated the patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD) and the distribution of haplotype blocks, utilising data from the HapMap project, across the two strongest peaks of linkage on chromosome 2 and 7. More than 3000 SNPs have been selected in each locus in all known genes, as well as SNPs in non-genic highly conserved sequences. All markers have been genotyped to perform a high-density association analysis and to explore copy number variation within these regions. The study sample consisted of 127 and 126 multiplex families, showing linkage to the AUTS1 and AUTS5 regions, respectively, and 188 gender-matched controls. Association and CNV analysis implicated several new genes, including IMMP2L and DOCK4 on chromosome 7 and ZNF533 and NOSTRIN on the chromosome 2. Particularly, my contribution to this project focused on the characterization of the best candidate gene in each locus: On the AUTS5 locus I carried out a transcript study of ZNF533 in different human tissues to verify which isoforms and start exons were expressed. High transcript variability and a new exon, never described before, has been identified in this analysis. Furthermore, I selected 31 probands for the risk haplotype and performed a mutation screen of all known exons in order to identify novel coding variants associated to autism. On the AUTS1 locus a duplication was detected in one multiplex family that was transmitted from father to an affected son. This duplication interrupts two genes: IMMP2L and DOCK4 and warranted further analysis. Thus, I performed a screening of the cohort of IMGSAC collection (285 multiplex families), using a QMPSF assay (Quantitative Multiplex PCR of Short fluorescent Fragments) to analyse if CNVs in this genic region segregate with autism phenotype and compare their frequency with a sample of 475 UK controls. Evidence for a role of DOCK4 in autism susceptibility was supported by independent replication of association at rs2217262 and the finding of a deletion segregating in a sib-pair family. 2)Analysis of X chromosome inactivation. Skewed X chromosome inactivation (XCI) is observed in females carrying gene mutations involved in several X-linked syndromes. We aimed to estimate the role of X-linked genes in ASD susceptibility by ascertaining the XCI pattern in a sample of 543 informative mothers of children with ASD and in a sample of 164 affected girls. The study sample included families from different european consortia. I analysed the XCI inactivation pattern in a sample of italian mothers from singletons families with ASD and also a control groups (144 adult females and 40 young females). We observed no significant excess of skewed XCI in families with ASD. Interestingly, two mothers and one girl carrying known mutations in X-linked genes (NLGN3, ATRX, MECP2) showed highly skewed XCI, suggesting that ascertainment of XCI could reveal families with X-linked mutations. Linkage analysis was carried out in the subgroup of multiplex families with skewed XCI (≥80:20) and a modest increased allele sharing was obtained in the Xq27-Xq28 region, with a peak Z score of 1.75 close to rs719489. In this region FMR1 and MECP2 have been associated in some cases with austim and therefore represent candidates for the disorder. I performed a mutation screen of MECP2 in 33 unrelated probands from IMGSAC and italian families, showing XCI skewness. Recently, Xq28 duplications including MECP2, have been identified in families with MR, with asymptomatic carrier females showing extreme (>85%) skewing of XCI. For these reason I used the sample of probands from X-skewed families to perform CNV analysis by Real-time quantitative PCR. No duplications have been found in our sample. I have also confirmed all data using as alternative method the MLPA assay (Multiplex Ligation dependent Probe Amplification). 3)ASMT as functional candidate gene for autism. Recently, a possible involvement of the acetylserotonin O-methyltransferase (ASMT) gene in susceptibility to ASDs has been reported: mutation screening of the ASMT gene in 250 individuals from the PARIS collection revealed several rare variants with a likely functional role; Moreover, significant association was reported for two SNPs (rs4446909 and rs5989681) located in one of the two alternative promoters of the gene. To further investigate these findings, I carried out a replication study using a sample of 263 affected individuals from the IMGSAC collection and 390 control individuals. Several rare mutations were identified, including the splice site mutation IVS5+2T>C and the L326F substitution previously reported by Melke et al (2007), but the same rare variants have been found also in control individuals in our study. Interestingly, a new R319X stop mutation was found in a single autism proband of Italian origin and is absent from the entire control sample. Furthermore, no replication has been found in our case-control study typing the SNPs on the ASMT promoter B.
La salute orale dei soggetti affetti da patologie sistemiche responsabili di disabilità fisiche e/o psichiche, in particolare in età evolutiva, è un obiettivo da perseguire di primaria importanza al fine di migliorare la qualità della vita del bambino e garantirgli un buon inserimento nel contesto sociale. Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche hanno individuato i momenti eziopatogenetici delle diverse problematiche che si riscontrano a carico del cavo orale, con una frequenza superiore nei pazienti disabili rispetto alla restante popolazione, attribuendo ai batteri formanti la placca e a quelli con la capacità di indurre un danno parodontale un ruolo chiave. Diversi sono stati i protocolli di prevenzione e terapia proposti nel tempo, costruiti proprio in relazione all’età del soggetto ed alla tipologia della disabilità; tuttavia risulta di fondamentale importanza chiarire il complesso rapporto tra la popolazione microbica orale e l'ospite nello stato di malattia. In un contesto del genere, intento del lavoro di ricerca è proprio quello di portare a termine un progetto di bonifica dentaria su un gruppo di pazienti in età compresa tra i 2 e i 17 anni, affetti da patologie sistemiche e patologie del cavo orale, sulla base di un profilo microbiologico, a partire da tamponi salivari e prelievi parodontali. Stilando il profilo microbiologico del “gruppo campione” e confrontandolo con quello di un gruppo di pazienti di controllo, lo studio si propone di riuscire a delineare i miglioramenti, qualora ci fossero, post terapia odontostomatologica e di riuscire a trovare una base microbiologica alle patologie extra -orali annesse.
Introduction. Down Syndrome (DS) is the most known autosomal trisomy, due to the presence in three copies of chromosome 21. Many studies were designed to identify phenotypic and clinical consequences related to the triple gene dosage. However, the general conclusion is a senescent phenotype; in particular, the most features of physiological aging, such as skin and hair changes, vision and hearing impairments, thyroid dysfunction, Alzheimer-like dementia, congenital heart defects, gastrointestinal malformations, immune system changes, appear in DS earlier than in normal age-matched subjects. The only established risk factor for the DS is advanced maternal age, responsible for changes in the meiosis of oocytes, in particular the meiotic nondisjunction of chromosome 21. In this process mitochondria play an important role since mitochondrial dysfunction, due to a variety of extrinsic and intrinsic influences, can profoundly influence the level of ATP generation in oocytes, required for a correct chromosomal segregation. Aim. The aim of this study is to investigate an integrated set of molecular genetic parameters (sequencing of complete mtDNA, heteroplasmy of the mtDNA control region, genotypes of APOE gene) in order to identify a possible association with the early neurocognitive decline observed in DS. Results. MtDNA point mutations do not accumulate with age in our study sample and do not correlate with early neurocognitive decline of DS subjects. It seems that D-loop heteroplasmy is largely not inherited and tends to accumulate somatically. Furthermore, in our study sample no association of cognitive impairment and ApoE genotype is found. Conclusions. Overall, our data cast some doubts on the involvement of these mutations in the decline of cognitive functions observed in DS.
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic and progressive neurodegenerative disorder and according to the WHO it is estimated that 36 millions of people worldwide currently suffer from AD. Genetic and environmental factors interact in a complex interplay that might affect pathogenic mechanisms leading to age-related neurodegeneration. The hypothesis is that the presence of allelic polymorphisms in selected genes affecting individual brain susceptibility to infection by the herpes virus family during aging, may contribute to neuronal loss, inflammation and amyloid deposition. Herpes virus family show features relevant to AD, since they infect a large proportion of human population, develop a latent form persisting for several years, are difficult to eliminate by immune responses especially when latency has been established and are able to infect neurons. The association between AD and herpes viruses infection has been investigated. In particular the investigation focused on CMV, EBV and HHV-6 in DNA samples from peripheral blood of a large cohort of patients with clinical diagnosis of AD and age matched CTR, from a longitudinal population study, and DNA samples from brain tissue of patients with neuropathological diagnosis of definitive AD. An association between the presence of EBV and HHV-6 DNA from PBL positivity with the cognitive deterioration and progression to AD has been focused. Moreover, IgG plasma levels in CTR and AD to these viruses were tested. CMV and EBV IgG plasma levels were higher in elderly subjects that developed clinical AD at the end of the five year follow up. Our findings support the notion that persistent cycles of latency and reactivation of herpes viruses may contribute to impair systemic immune response and induce altered inflammatory process that in turn affect cognitive decline during aging.
La Sindrome da Asfissia Perinatale (PAS) è una delle più comuni patologie che colpiscono il puledro neonato nelle prime 72 h di vita. È una patologia difficile da diagnosticare in quanto non esistono parametri o segni clinici specifici, la sintomatologia è molto variabile in base alla durata e all’intensità dell’insulto ipossico ischemico e al tipo di organo maggiormente colpito. Lo scopo di questo studio è la ricerca e la valutazione di alcuni parametri biochimico-clinici e di alcuni biomarkers per la diagnosi precoce e il corretto trattamento dei puledri affetti da PAS. Nei puledri neonati che presentano questa patologia è stata riscontrata un’ipermagnesiemia al momento del ricovero associata a prognosi infausta, probabilmente causata da un grave danno cellulare con rilascio in circolo del magnesio intracellulare. La PAS potrebbe essere un’ulteriore causa di Euthyroid Sick Syndrome, in quanto abbiamo riscontrato una diminuzione delle concentrazioni di T3 e T4 nei puledri malati rispetto ai sani della stessa età, come avviene in altre malattie sistemiche. Lo studio del profilo proteomico ha permesso di separare le più importanti frazioni proteiche del liquido amniotico di cavalla, mettendo in evidenza similitudini e differenze qualitative e quantitative nei ferogrammi dei puledri sani e di quelli affetti da PAS ed una maggiore variabilità è stata riscontrata nei profili dei liquidi amniotici dei puledri malati. Il glutatione è risultato poco espresso nel puledro neonato, i puledri sani presentano concentrazioni più basse sia rispetto ai malati della stessa età sia agli adulti ma con una tendenza all’aumento nelle prime 24 ore di vita per i sani ed un calo nei malati. La somministrazione della terapia antiradicalica non influisce sulle concentrazioni di glutatione totale ed i puledri deceduti presentano concentrazioni più alte.
This case-control study involved a total of 29 autistic children (Au) aged 6 to 12 years, and 28 gender and age-matched typically developing children (TD). We evaluated a high number of peripheral oxidative stress parameters, erythrocyte and lymphocyte membrane functional features and membrane lipid composition of erythrocyte. Erythrocyte TBARS, Peroxiredoxin II, Protein Carbonyl Groups and urinary HEL and isoprostane levels were elevated in AU (confirming an imbalance of the redox status of Au); other oxidative stress markers or associated parameters (urinary 8-oxo-dG, plasma Total antioxidant capacity and plasma carbonyl groups, erythrocyte SOD and catalase activities) were unchanged, whilst peroxiredoxin I showed a trend of elevated levels in red blood cells of Au children. A very significant reduction of both erythrocyte and lymphocyte Na+, K+-ATPase activity (NKA), a reduction of erythrocyte membrane fluidity, a reduction of phospatydyl serine exposition on erythrocyte membranes, an alteration in erythrocyte fatty acid membrane profile (increase in MUFA and in ω6/ω3 ratio due to decrease in EPA and DHA) and a reduction of cholesterol content of erythrocyte membrane were found in Au compared to TD, without change in erythrocyte membrane sialic acid content and in lymphocyte membrane fluidity. Some Au clinical features appear to be correlated with these findings; in particular, hyperactivity score appears to be related with some parameters of the lipidomic profile and membrane fluidity, and ADOS and CARS score are inversely related to peroxiredoxin II levels. Oxidative stress and erythrocyte structural and functional alterations may play a role in the pathogenesis of Autism Spectrum Disorders and could be potentially utilized as peripheral biomarkers.
Background and rationale for the study. This study investigated whether human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection adversely affects the prognosis of patients diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).Thirty-four HIV-positive patients with chronic liver disease, consecutively diagnosed with HCC from 1998 to 2007 were one-to-one matched with 34 HIV negative controls for: sex, liver function (Child-Turcotte-Pugh class [CTP]), cancer stage (BCLC model) and, whenever possible, age, etiology of liver disease and modality of cancer diagnosis. Survival in the two groups and independent prognostic predictors were assessed. Results. Among HIV patients 88% were receiving HAART. HIV-RNA was undetectable in 65% of cases; median lymphocyte CD4+ count was 368.5/mmc. Etiology of liver disease was mostly related to HCV infection. CTP class was: A in 38%, B in 41%, C in 21% of cases. BCLC cancer stage was: early in 50%, intermediate in 23.5%, advanced in 5.9%, end-stage in 20.6% of cases. HCC treatments and death causes did not differ between the two groups. Median survival did not differ, being 16 months (95% CI: 6-26) in HIV positive and 23 months (95% CI: 5-41) in HIV negative patients (P=0.391). BCLC cancer stage and HCC treatment proved to be independent predictors of survival both in the whole population and in HIV patients. Conclusions. Survival of HIV infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy and diagnosed with HCC is similar to that of HIV negative patients bearing this tumor. Prognosis is determined by the cancer bulk and its treatment.