5 resultados para 730212 Disease distribution and transmission

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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The Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries represents the most recent research line in the international context, showing interest both towards the whole community and toward the identification and protection of all the “critical habitats” in which marine resources complete their life cycles. Using data coming from trawl surveys performed in the Northern and Central Adriatic from 1996 to 2010, this study provides the first attempt to appraise the status of the whole demersal community. It took into account not only fishery target species but also by-catch and discharge species by the use of a suite of biological indicators both at population and multi-specific level, allowing to have a global picture of the status of the demersal system. This study underlined the decline of extremely important species for the Adriatic fishery in recent years; adverse impact on catches is expected for these species in the coming years, since also minimum values of recruits recently were recorded. Both the excessive exploitation and environmental factors affected availability of resources. Moreover both distribution and nursery areas of the most important resources were pinpointed by means of geostatistical methods. The geospatial analysis also confirmed the presence of relevant recruitment areas in the North and Central Adriatic for several commercial species, as reported in the literature. The morphological and oceanographic features, the relevant rivers inflow together with the mosaic pattern of biocenoses with different food availability affected the location of the observed relevant nursery areas.


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L'insufficienza renale cronica (CKD) è associata ad un rischio cardiovascolare più elevato rispetto alla popolazione generale: fattori come uremia, stress ossidativo, età dialitica, infiammazione, alterazioni del metabolismo minerale e presenza di calcificazioni vascolari incidono fortemente sulla morbosità e mortalità per cause cardiovascolari nel paziente uremico. Diversi studi hanno verificato il coinvolgimento dei progenitori endoteliali (EPC) nella malattia aterosclerotica ed è stato dimostrato che esprimono osteocalcina, marcatore di calcificazione. Inoltre, nella CKD è presente una disfunzione in numero e funzionalità delle EPC. Attualmente, il ruolo delle EPC nella formazione delle calcificazioni vascolari nei pazienti in dialisi non è stato ancora chiarito. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di studiare le EPC prelevate da pazienti con CKD, al fine di determinarne numero e fenotipo. È stato anche valutato l'effetto del trattamento in vitro e in vivo con calcitriolo e paracalcitolo sulle EPC, dato il deficit di vitamina D dei pazienti con CKD: il trattamento con vitamina D sembra avere effetti positivi sul sistema cardiovascolare. Sono stati valutati: numero di EPC circolanti e la relativa espressione di osteocalcina e del recettore della vitamina D; morfologia e fenotipo EPC in vitro; effetti di calcitriolo e paracalcitolo sull’espressione di osteocalcina e sui depositi di calcio. I risultati dello studio suggeriscono che il trattamento con vitamina D abbia un effetto positivo sulle EPC, aumentando il numero di EPC circolanti e normalizzandone la morfologia. Sia calcitriolo che paracalcitolo sono in grado di ridurre notevolmente l’espressione di OC, mentre solo il paracalcitolo ha un effetto significativo sulla riduzione dei depositi di calcio in coltura. In conclusione, il trattamento con vitamina D sembra ridurre il potenziale calcifico delle EPC nell’uremia, aprendo nuove strade per la gestione del rischio cardiovascolare nei pazienti affetti da CKD.


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Salmonella and Campylobacter are common causes of human gastroenteritis. Their epidemiology is complex and a multi-tiered approach to control is needed, taking into account the different reservoirs, pathways and risk factors. In this thesis, trends in human gastroenteritis and food-borne outbreak notifications in Italy were explored. Moreover, the improved sensitivity of two recently-implemented regional surveillance systems in Lombardy and Piedmont was evidenced, providing a basis for improving notification at the national level. Trends in human Salmonella serovars were explored: serovars Enteritidis and Infantis decreased, Typhimurium remained stable and 4,[5],12:i:-, Derby and Napoli increased, suggesting that sources of infection have changed over time. Attribution analysis identified pigs as the main source of human salmonellosis in Italy, accounting for 43–60% of infections, followed by Gallus gallus (18–34%). Attributions to pigs and Gallus gallus showed increasing and decreasing trends, respectively. Potential bias and sampling issues related to the use of non-local/non-recent multilocus sequence typing (MLST) data in Campylobacter jejuni/coli source attribution using the Asymmetric Island (AI) model were investigated. As MLST data become increasingly dissimilar with increasing geographical/temporal distance, attributions to sources not sampled close to human cases can be underestimated. A combined case-control and source attribution analysis was developed to investigate risk factors for human Campylobacter jejuni/coli infection of chicken, ruminant, environmental, pet and exotic origin in The Netherlands. Most infections (~87%) were attributed to chicken and cattle. Individuals infected from different reservoirs had different associated risk factors: chicken consumption increased the risk for chicken-attributed infections; animal contact, barbecuing, tripe consumption, and never/seldom chicken consumption increased that for ruminant-attributed infections; game consumption and attending swimming pools increased that for environment-attributed infections; and dog ownership increased that for environment- and pet-attributed infections. Person-to-person contacts around holiday periods were risk factors for infections with exotic strains, putatively introduced by returning travellers.


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This PhD thesis is focused on the study of the molecular variability of some specific proteins, part of the outer membrane of the pathogen Neisseria meningitidis, and described as protective antigens and important virulence factors. These antigens have been employed as components of the vaccine developed by Novartis Vaccines against N. meningitidis of serogroup B, and their variability in the meningococcal population is a key aspect when the effect of the vaccine is evaluated. The PhD project has led to complete three major studies described in three different manuscritps, of which two have been published and the third is in preparation. The thesis is structured in three main chapters, each of them dedicated to the three studies. The first, described in Chapter 1, is specifically dedicated to the analysis of the molecular conservation of meningococcal antigens in the genomes of all species classified in the genus Neisseria (Conservation of Meningococcal Antigens in the Genus Neisseria. A. Muzzi et al.. 2013. mBio 4 (3)). The second study, described in Chapter 2, focuses on the analysis of the presence and conservation of the antigens in a panel of bacterial isolates obtained from cases of the disease and from healthy individuals, and collected in the same year and in the same geographical area (Conservation of fHbp, NadA, and NHBA in carrier and pathogenic isolates of Neisseria meningitidis collected in the Czech Republic in 1993. A. Muzzi et al.. Manuscript in preparation). Finally, Chapter 3 describes the molecular features of the antigens in a panel of bacterial isolates collected over a period of 50 years, and representatives of the epidemiological history of meningococcal disease in the Netherlands (An Analysis of the Sequence Variability of Meningococcal fHbp, NadA and NHBA over a 50-Year Period in the Netherlands. S. Bambini et al.. 2013. PloS one e65043).


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In this thesis the potential risks associated to the application of biochar in soil as well the stability of biochar were investigated. The study was focused on the potential risks arising from the occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in biochar. An analytical method was developed for the determination of the 16 USEPA-PAHs in the original biochar and soil containing biochar. The method was successfully validated with a certified reference material for the soil matrix and compared with methods in use in other laboratories during a laboratory exercise within the EU-COST TD1107. The concentration of 16 USEPA-PAHs along with the 15 EU-PAHs, priority hazardous substances in food, was determined in a suite of currently available biochars for agricultural field applications derived from a variety of parent materials and pyrolysis conditions. Biochars analyzed contained the USEPA and some of the EU-PAHs at detectable levels ranging from 1.2 to 19 µg g-1. This method allowed investigating changes in PAH content and distribution in a four years study following biochar addition in soils in a vineyard (CNR-IBIMET). The results showed that biochar addition determined an increase of the amount of PAHs. However, the levels of PAHs in the soil remained within the maximum acceptable concentration for European countries. The vineyard soil performed by CNR-IBIMET was exploited to study the environmental stability of biochar and its impact on soil organic carbon. The stability of biochar was investigated by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC-MS) and pyrolysis in the presence of hydrogen (HyPy). The findings showed that biochar amendment significantly influence soil stable carbon fraction concentration during the incubation period. Moreover, HyPy and Py-GC-MS were applied to biochars deriving from three different feedstock at two different pyrolysis temperatures. The results evidenced the influence of feedstock type and pyrolysis conditions on the degree of carbonisation.