14 resultados para 2D cutting and packing
em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna
Agri-food supply chains extend beyond national boundaries, partially facilitated by a policy environment that encourages more liberal international trade. Rising concentration within the downstream sector has driven a shift towards “buyer-driven” global value chains (GVCs) extending internationally with global sourcing and the emergence of multinational key economic players that compete with increase emphasis on product quality attributes. Agri-food systems are thus increasingly governed by a range of inter-related public and private standards, both of which are becoming a priori mandatory, especially in supply chains for high-value and quality-differentiated agri-food products and tend to strongly affect upstream agricultural practices, firms’ internal organization and strategic behaviour and to shape the food chain organization. Notably, increasing attention has been given to the impact of SPS measures on agri-food trade and notably on developing countries’ export performance. Food and agricultural trade is the vital link in the mutual dependency of the global trade system and developing countries. Hence, developing countries derive a substantial portion of their income from food and agricultural trade. In Morocco, fruit and vegetable (especially fresh) are the primary agricultural export. Because of the labor intensity, this sector (especially citrus and tomato) is particularly important in terms of income and employment generation, especially for the female laborers hired in the farms and packing houses. Hence, the emergence of agricultural and agrifood product safety issues and the subsequent tightening of market requirements have challenged mutual gains due to the lack of technical and financial capacities of most developing countries.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a large class of π-conjugated organic molecules with fused aromatic rings, which can be considered as fragments of 2D-graphene and have been extensively studied for their unique optical and electronic properties. The aim of this study is to understand the complex electrochemical behaviour of planar, curved, and heteroatom doped polycyclic aromatic molecules, particularly focusing on the oxidative coupling of their radical cations and the electrochemically induced cyclodehydrogenation reactions. In the first part of this thesis, the class of PAHs and aromatic nanostructures are introduced, and the reactivity of electrogenerated species is discussed, focusing on the electrochemical approach for the synthesis of extended π-conjugated structures. Subsequently, the electrochemical properties and reactivity of electrogenerated radical ions of planar and curved polyaromatics are correlated to their structures. In the third chapter, electrochemical cyclodehydrogenation of hexaphenylbenzene is used to prepare self-assembled hexabenzocoronene, directly deposited on an interdigitated electrode, which was characterised as organic electrochemical transistor. In the fourth chapter, the electrochemical behaviour of a family of azapyrene derivatives has been carefully investigated together with the electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL), both by ion-annihilation and co-reactant methods. Two structural azapyrene isomers with different nitrogen positions are thoroughly discussed in terms of redox and ECL properties. Interestingly, the ECL of only one of them showed a double emission with excimer formation. A detailed mechanism is discussed for the ECL by co-reactant benzoyl peroxide, to rationalise the different ECL behaviours of the two isomers on the basis of their topologically modulated electronic properties. In conclusion, the different electrochemical behaviours of PAHs were shown, focussing on the chemical reactivity of the electrogenerated species and taking advantage of it for important processes spanning from unconventional synthesis methods for carbon nanostructures to the exploitation of self-assembled nanostructured systems in organic electronics, to novel organic emitters in ECL.
3D video-fluoroscopy is an accurate but cumbersome technique to estimate natural or prosthetic human joint kinematics. This dissertation proposes innovative methodologies to improve the 3D fluoroscopic analysis reliability and usability. Being based on direct radiographic imaging of the joint, and avoiding soft tissue artefact that limits the accuracy of skin marker based techniques, the fluoroscopic analysis has a potential accuracy of the order of mm/deg or better. It can provide fundamental informations for clinical and methodological applications, but, notwithstanding the number of methodological protocols proposed in the literature, time consuming user interaction is exploited to obtain consistent results. The user-dependency prevented a reliable quantification of the actual accuracy and precision of the methods, and, consequently, slowed down the translation to the clinical practice. The objective of the present work was to speed up this process introducing methodological improvements in the analysis. In the thesis, the fluoroscopic analysis was characterized in depth, in order to evaluate its pros and cons, and to provide reliable solutions to overcome its limitations. To this aim, an analytical approach was followed. The major sources of error were isolated with in-silico preliminary studies as: (a) geometric distortion and calibration errors, (b) 2D images and 3D models resolutions, (c) incorrect contour extraction, (d) bone model symmetries, (e) optimization algorithm limitations, (f) user errors. The effect of each criticality was quantified, and verified with an in-vivo preliminary study on the elbow joint. The dominant source of error was identified in the limited extent of the convergence domain for the local optimization algorithms, which forced the user to manually specify the starting pose for the estimating process. To solve this problem, two different approaches were followed: to increase the optimal pose convergence basin, the local approach used sequential alignments of the 6 degrees of freedom in order of sensitivity, or a geometrical feature-based estimation of the initial conditions for the optimization; the global approach used an unsupervised memetic algorithm to optimally explore the search domain. The performances of the technique were evaluated with a series of in-silico studies and validated in-vitro with a phantom based comparison with a radiostereometric gold-standard. The accuracy of the method is joint-dependent, and for the intact knee joint, the new unsupervised algorithm guaranteed a maximum error lower than 0.5 mm for in-plane translations, 10 mm for out-of-plane translation, and of 3 deg for rotations in a mono-planar setup; and lower than 0.5 mm for translations and 1 deg for rotations in a bi-planar setups. The bi-planar setup is best suited when accurate results are needed, such as for methodological research studies. The mono-planar analysis may be enough for clinical application when the analysis time and cost may be an issue. A further reduction of the user interaction was obtained for prosthetic joints kinematics. A mixed region-growing and level-set segmentation method was proposed and halved the analysis time, delegating the computational burden to the machine. In-silico and in-vivo studies demonstrated that the reliability of the new semiautomatic method was comparable to a user defined manual gold-standard. The improved fluoroscopic analysis was finally applied to a first in-vivo methodological study on the foot kinematics. Preliminary evaluations showed that the presented methodology represents a feasible gold-standard for the validation of skin marker based foot kinematics protocols.
Il lavoro di Elisa Tosi Brandi riguarda il mestiere del sarto nel basso Medioevo e si sviluppa utilizzando due prospettive differenti. Da un lato, infatti, si è deciso di seguire una tradizione di studi oramai consolidata, che privilegia l’indagine degli aspetti economici e politici, dall’altro si è scelto di non trascurare la storia dei prodotti degli artigiani. L’approccio utilizzato in questa tesi tiene insieme entrambe le prospettive di ricerca, tentando dunque di indagare i produttori e i prodotti così come le fasi e i metodi di lavoro. Ciò senza ignorare, da un lato, indagini di tipo politico, economico e sociale, poiché tali oggetti sono lo specchio della società che li ha ideati e creati e da cui non si può prescindere e, dall’altro, indagini di tipo tecnico, poiché gli oggetti sono rivelatori del complesso patrimonio di conoscenze artigianali. Partendo dal caso di studio della Società dei sarti della città di Bologna, la tesi di Elisa Tosi Brandi ricostruisce questo mestiere confrontando tra loro fonti inedite (statuti corporativi, matricole, estimi) e studi effettuati su altre aree italiane. La ricca documentazione conservata ha consentito di mettere in luce l’organizzazione di questo lavoro, di collocare abitazioni e botteghe nell’area del mercato e nel più ampio tessuto cittadino, di individuare i percorsi commerciali e di approvvigionamento. L’ultima parte della tesi offre l’analisi di alcune fonti materiali al fine di ricostruire le tecniche sartoriali medievali intrecciando tutte le fonti consultate: dai documenti scritti si passa pertanto agli abiti che offrono informazioni dirette sulle tecniche di taglio ed assemblaggio.
Il presente lavoro di tesi ha riguardato lo studio dello smantellamento di un reattore gas grafite di potenza di I Gen. L’indagine è stata focalizzata in particolare al recupero della grafite irraggiata che ne costituisce il core. Viene presentata una descrizione referenziata del reattore e dei suoi componenti per mettere in evidenza la particolare architettura e le specifiche problematiche ad essa correlate. A valle di un’indagine sulle esperienze internazionali in merito al decommissioning e allo smantellamento di questi tipi di reattori, si forniscono una possibile sequenza di accesso alla cavità del reattore e una procedura per il suo smantellamento; si descrivono sommariamente le tecnologie di taglio e di handling, attualmente allo stato dell’arte, considerate come più idonee a questo tipo di applicazione. Vengono descritte le principali criticità della grafite nuclear grade ed illustrati i fenomeni caratteristici che ne determinano l’evoluzione nel reattore. Sulla base dei dati resi disponibili dalla Sogin S.p:A. e ricorrendo ai dati di letteratura per quelli non disponibili, è stato effettuato un assessment della grafite irraggiata costituente il nocciolo del reattore, rivolto in particolare a determinarne le caratteristiche meccaniche e la resistenza residua post-irraggiamento. Per valutare la possibilità di prelevare la grafite dal nocciolo è stato ipotizzato un dispositivo di presa che agganci per attrito i blocchi di grafite del moderatore attraverso il canale assiale. Infine è stata valutata la fattibilità di tale metodo attraverso una serie di simulazioni agli elementi finiti dirette a verificare la resistenza del blocco in varie condizioni di carico e vincolo. Come risultato si è dimostrata la fattibilità, almeno in via preliminare, del metodo proposto, determinando l’inviluppo di utilizzo del dispositivo di presa nonché la compatibilità del metodo proposto con le tecnologie di handling precedentemente individuate.
The present thesis focuses on the on-fault slip distribution of large earthquakes in the framework of tsunami hazard assessment and tsunami warning improvement. It is widely known that ruptures on seismic faults are strongly heterogeneous. In the case of tsunamigenic earthquakes, the slip heterogeneity strongly influences the spatial distribution of the largest tsunami effects along the nearest coastlines. Unfortunately, after an earthquake occurs, the so-called finite-fault models (FFM) describing the coseismic on-fault slip pattern becomes available over time scales that are incompatible with early tsunami warning purposes, especially in the near field. Our work aims to characterize the slip heterogeneity in a fast, but still suitable way. Using finite-fault models to build a starting dataset of seismic events, the characteristics of the fault planes are studied with respect to the magnitude. The patterns of the slip distribution on the rupture plane, analysed with a cluster identification algorithm, reveal a preferential single-asperity representation that can be approximated by a two-dimensional Gaussian slip distribution (2D GD). The goodness of the 2D GD model is compared to other distributions used in literature and its ability to represent the slip heterogeneity in the form of the main asperity is proven. The magnitude dependence of the 2D GD parameters is investigated and turns out to be of primary importance from an early warning perspective. The Gaussian model is applied to the 16 September 2015 Illapel, Chile, earthquake and used to compute early tsunami predictions that are satisfactorily compared with the available observations. The fast computation of the 2D GD and its suitability in representing the slip complexity of the seismic source make it a useful tool for the tsunami early warning assessments, especially for what concerns the near field.
The work carried out is focused on the exploration of processes occurring in cement materials during sorption cycles by using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxometry. Long (months) and short (days-weeks) sorption cycles of cement materials were explored. The long cycle consists of around 6 months of drying and re-wetting cement samples of different sizes and water-to-cement (w/c) ratios in a homemade relative humidity (RH) chamber. Short cycles were performed by drying samples of different sizes and w/c ratios in the oven at 60 ˚C and re-wetting underwater. Different NMR techniques, such as one- and two-dimensional relaxometry and solid-signal analyses, were used to study the samples. Firstly, by the interpretation of quasi-continuous distributions of T2 relaxation time, we demonstrated that some reversible and irreversible changes concerning smaller porosity happened during the first sorption cycle. Secondly, using 2D NMR and a new 2D NMR inversion algorithm we showed preliminary results on the cement T1-T2 maps. Data obtained during sorption processes indicated possible water exchange between different pore populations inside the cement samples. Thirdly, the solid structure of cement samples was qualitatively investigated with T1 measurements and, as far as we know, for the first time interpreted with the Pake-Doublet theory. Changes in the solid structure were observed. Precisely variations of the amount of Ettringite during drying/wetting were proposed to take place. Finally, a work on NMR single-sided equipment design for in situ cement investigation was shown. The multi-cubic-blocks magnet structure design was performed using different specific CAD software, and the magnetic fields generated by RF coils of different geometries were investigated using a customized Matlab script. The single-sided NMR instrument equipped with the designed single-sided magnet and coil was built by the ERICA partner company MR Solutions (Abingdon, UK), and the preliminary results resultsated the correctness of the developed design.
This comprehensive study explores the intricate world of 3D printing, with a focus on Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM). It sheds light on the critical factors that influence the quality and mechanical properties of 3D printed objects. Using an optical microscope with 40X magnification, the shapes of the printed beads is correlated to specific slicing parameters, resulting in a 2D parametric model. This mathematical model, derived from real samples, serves as a tool to predict general mechanical behaviour, bridging the gap between theory and practice in FDM printing. The study begins by emphasising the importance of geometric parameters such as layer height, line width and filament tolerance on the final printed bead geometry and the resulting theoretical effect on mechanical properties. The introduction of VPratio parameter (ratio between the area of the voids and the area occupied by printed material) allows the quantification of the variation of geometric slicing parameters on the improvement or reduction of mechanical properties. The study also addresses the effect of overhang and the role of filament diameter tolerances. The research continues with the introduction of 3D FEM (Finite Element Analysis) models based on the RVE (Representative Volume Element) to verify the results obtained from the 2D model and to analyse other aspects that affect mechanical properties and not directly observable with the 2D model. The study also proposes a model for the examination of 3D printed infill structures, introducing also an innovative methodology called “double RVE” which speeds up the calculation of mechanical properties and is also more computationally efficient. Finally, the limitations of the RVE model are shown and a so-called Hybrid RVE-based model is created to overcome the limitations and inaccuracy of the conventional RVE model and homogenization procedure on some printed geometries.
The Three-Dimensional Single-Bin-Size Bin Packing Problem is one of the most studied problem in the Cutting & Packing category. From a strictly mathematical point of view, it consists of packing a finite set of strongly heterogeneous “small” boxes, called items, into a finite set of identical “large” rectangles, called bins, minimizing the unused volume and requiring that the items are packed without overlapping. The great interest is mainly due to the number of real-world applications in which it arises, such as pallet and container loading, cutting objects out of a piece of material and packaging design. Depending on these real-world applications, more objective functions and more practical constraints could be needed. After a brief discussion about the real-world applications of the problem and a exhaustive literature review, the design of a two-stage algorithm to solve the aforementioned problem is presented. The algorithm must be able to provide the spatial coordinates of the placed boxes vertices and also the optimal boxes input sequence, while guaranteeing geometric, stability, fragility constraints and a reduced computational time. Due to NP-hard complexity of this type of combinatorial problems, a fusion of metaheuristic and machine learning techniques is adopted. In particular, a hybrid genetic algorithm coupled with a feedforward neural network is used. In the first stage, a rich dataset is created starting from a set of real input instances provided by an industrial company and the feedforward neural network is trained on it. After its training, given a new input instance, the hybrid genetic algorithm is able to run using the neural network output as input parameter vector, providing as output the optimal solution. The effectiveness of the proposed works is confirmed via several experimental tests.
This PhD project focuses on the study of the early stages of bone biomineralization in 2D and 3D cultures of osteoblast-like SaOS-2 osteosarcoma cells, exposed to an osteogenic cocktail. The efficacy of osteogenic treatment was assessed on 2D cell cultures after 7 days. A large calcium minerals production, an overexpression of osteogenic markers and of alkaline phosphatase activity occurred in treated samples. TEM microscopy and cryo-XANES micro-spectroscopy were performed for localizing and characterizing Ca-depositions. These techniques revealed a different localization and chemical composition of Ca-minerals over time and after treatment. Nevertheless, the Mito stress test showed in treated samples a significant increase in maximal respiration levels associated to an upregulation of mitochondrial biogenesis indicative of an ongoing differentiation process. The 3D cell cultures were realized using two different hydrogels: a commercial collagen type I and a mixture of agarose and lactose-modified chitosan (CTL). Both biomaterials showed good biocompatibility with SaOS-2 cells. The gene expression analysis of SaOS-2 cells on collagen scaffolds indicated an osteogenic commitment after treatment. and Alizarin red staining highlighted the presence of Ca-spots in the differentiated samples. In addition, the intracellular magnesium quantification, and the X-ray microscopy on mineral depositions, suggested the incorporation of Mg during the early stages of bone formation process., SaOS-2 cells treated with osteogenic cocktail produced Ca mineral deposits also on CTL/agarose scaffolds, as confirmed by alizarin red staining. Further studies are underway to evaluate the differentiation also at the genetic level. Thanks to the combination of conventional laboratory methods and synchrotron-based techniques, it has been demonstrated that SaOS-2 is a suitable model for the study of biomineralization in vitro. These results have contributed to a deeper knowledge of biomineralization process in osteosarcoma cells and could provide new evidences about a therapeutic strategy acting on the reversibility of tumorigenicity by osteogenic induction.
The presented study aimed to evaluate the productive and physiological behavior of a 2D multileader apple training systems in the Italian environment both investigating the possibility to increase yield and precision crop load management resolution. Another objective was to find valuable thinning thresholds guaranteeing high yields and matching fruit market requirements. The thesis consists in three studies carried out in a Pink Lady®- Rosy Glow apple orchard trained as a planar multileader training system (double guyot). Fruiting leaders (uprights) dimension, crop load, fruit quality, flower and physiological (leaf gas exchanges and fruit growth rate) data were collected and analysed. The obtained results found that uprights present dependence among each other and as well as a mutual support during fruit development. However, individual upright fruit load and upright’s fruit load distribution on the tree (~ plant crop load) seems to define both upright independence from the other, and single upright crop load effects on the final fruit quality production. Correlations between fruit load and harvest fruit size were found and thanks to that valuable thinning thresholds, based on different vegetative parameters, were obtained. Moreover, it comes out that an upright’s fruit load random distribution presents a widening of those thinning thresholds, keeping un-altered fruit quality. For this reason, uprights resulted a partially physiologically-dependent plant unit. Therefore, if considered and managed as independent, then no major problems on final fruit quality and production occurred. This partly confirmed the possibility to shift crop load management to single upright. The finding of the presented studies together with the benefits coming from multileader planar training systems suggest a high potentiality of the 2D multileader training systems to increase apple production sustainability and profitability for Italian apple orchard, while easing the advent of automation in fruit production.
This Doctoral Thesis aims at studying, developing, and characterizing cutting edge equipment for EMC measurements and proposing innovative and advanced power line filter design techniques. This document summarizes a three-year work, is strictly industry oriented and relies on EMC standards and regulations. It contains the main results, findings, and effort with the purpose of bringing innovative contributions at the scientific community. Conducted emissions interferences are usually suppressed with power line filters. These filters are composed by common mode chokes, X capacitors and Y capacitors in order to mitigate both the differential mode and common mode noise, which compose the overall conducted emissions. However, even at present days, available power line filter design techniques show several disadvantages. First of all, filters are designed to be implemented in ideal 50 Ω systems, condition which is far away from reality. Then, the attenuation introduced by the filter for common or differential mode noise is analyzed independently, without considering the possible mode conversion that can be produced by impedance mismatches, or asymmetries in either the power line filter itself or the equipment under test. Ultimately, the instrumentation used to perform conducted emissions measurement is, in most cases, not adequate. All these factors lead to an inaccurate design, contributing at increasing the size of the filter, making it more expensive and less performant than it should be.