6 resultados para 1984: Hot Dogs and Croissants

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Dynamical models of galaxies are a powerful tool to study and understand several astrophysical problems related to galaxy formation and evolution. This thesis is focussed on a particular type of dynamical models, that are widely used in literature, and are based on the solution of the Jeans equations. By means of a numerical Jeans solver code, developed on purpose and able to build state-of-the-art advanced axisymmetric galaxy models, two of the main currently investigated issues in the field of research of early-type galaxies (ETGs) are addressed. The first topic concerns the hot and X-ray emitting gaseous coronae that surround ETGs. The main goal is to explain why flat and rotating galaxies generally exhibit haloes with lower gas temperatures and luminosities with respect to rounder and velocity dispersion supported systems. The second astrophysical problem addressed concerns instead the stellar initial mass function (IMF) of ETGs. Nowadays, this is a very controversial issue due to a growing number of works on ETGs, based on different and independent techniques, that show evidences of a systematic variation of the IMF normalization as a function of galaxy velocity dispersion or mass. These studies are changing the previous opinion that the IMF of ETGs was the same as that of spiral galaxies, and hence universal throughout the whole large family of galaxies.


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Ultrasonography (US) is an essential imaging tool for identifying abnormalities of the liver parenchyma, biliary tract and vascular system. US has replaced radiography as the initial imaging procedure in screening for liver disease in small animals. There are few reports of the use of conventional and helical computed tomography (CT) to assess canine or feline parenchymal and neoplastic liver disease and biliary disorders. In human medicine the development of multidetector- row helical computed tomography (MDCT), with its superior spatial and temporal resolution, has resulted in improved detection and characterization of diffuse and focal liver lesions. The increased availability of MDCT in veterinary practice provides incentive to develop MDCT protocols for liver imaging in small animals. The purpose of this study is to assess the rule of MDCT in the characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals; and to compare this method with conventional US. Candidates for this prospective study were 175 consecutive patients (dogs and cats) referred for evaluation of hepatobiliary disease. The patients underwent liver US and MDCT. Percutaneous needle biopsy was performed on all liver lesions or alterations encountered. As for gallbladder, histopatological evaluation was obtained from cholecystectomy specimens. Ultrasonographic findings in this study agreed well with those of previous reports. A protocol for dual-phase liver MDCT in small animals has been described. MDCT findings in parenchymal disorders of the liver, hepatic neoplasia and biliary disorders are here first described in dogs and cats and compared with the corresponding features in human medicine. The ability of MDCT in detection and characterization of hepatobiliary diseases in small animals is overall superior to conventional US. Ultrasonography and MDCT scanning, however, play complementary rules in the evaluation of these diseases. Many conditions have distinctive imaging features that may permit diagnosis. In most instances biopsy is required for definitive diagnosis.


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The last decade has witnessed very fast development in microfabrication technologies. The increasing industrial applications of microfluidic systems call for more intensive and systematic knowledge on this newly emerging field. Especially for gaseous flow and heat transfer at microscale, the applicability of conventional theories developed at macro scale is not yet completely validated; this is mainly due to scarce experimental data available in literature for gas flows. The objective of this thesis is to investigate these unclear elements by analyzing forced convection for gaseous flows through microtubes and micro heat exchangers. Experimental tests have been performed with microtubes having various inner diameters, namely 750 m, 510 m and 170 m, over a wide range of Reynolds number covering the laminar region, the transitional zone and also the onset region of the turbulent regime. The results show that conventional theory is able to predict the flow friction factor when flow compressibility does not appear and the effect of fluid temperature-dependent properties is insignificant. A double-layered microchannel heat exchanger has been designed in order to study experimentally the efficiency of a gas-to-gas micro heat exchanger. This microdevice contains 133 parallel microchannels machined into polished PEEK plates for both the hot side and the cold side. The microchannels are 200 µm high, 200 µm wide and 39.8 mm long. The design of the micro device has been made in order to be able to test different materials as partition foil with flexible thickness. Experimental tests have been carried out for five different partition foils, with various mass flow rates and flow configurations. The experimental results indicate that the thermal performance of the countercurrent and cross flow micro heat exchanger can be strongly influenced by axial conduction in the partition foil separating the hot gas flow and cold gas flow.


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Urine is considered an ideal source of biomarkers, however in veterinary medicine a complete study on the urine proteome is still lacking. The present work aimed to apply proteomic techniques to the separation of the urine proteome in dogs, cats, horses, cows and some non-conventional species. High resolution electrophoresis (HRE) was also validated for the quantification of albuminuria in dogs and cats. In healthy cats, applying SDS-PAGE and 2DE coupled to mass spectrometry (MS), was produced a reference map of the urine proteome. Moreover, 13 differentially represented urine proteins were linked with CKD, suggesting uromodulin, cauxin, CFAD, Apo-H, RBP and CYSM as candidate biomarkers to be investigated further. In dogs, applying SDS-PAGE coupled to MS, was highlighted a specific pattern in healthy animals showing important differences in patients affected by leishmaniasis. In particular, uromodulin could be a putative biomarker of tubular damage while arginine esterase and low MW proteins needs to be investigated further. In cows, applying SDS-PAGE, were highlighted different patterns between heifers and cows showing some interesting changes during pregnancy. In particular, putative alpha-fetoprotein and b-PAP needs to be further investigated. In horses, applying SDS-PAGE, was produced a reference profile characterized by 13±4 protein bands and the most represented one was the putative uromodulin. Proteinuric horses showed the decrease of the putative uromodulin band and the appearance of 2 to 4 protein bands at higher MW and a greater variability in the range of MW between 49 and 17 kDa. In felids and giraffes was quantified proteinuria reporting the first data for UTP and UPC. Moreover, by means of SDS-PAGE, were highlighted species-specific electrophoretic patterns in big felids and giraffes.


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The enteric nervous system (ENS) modulates a number of digestive functions including well known ones, i.e. motility, secretion, absorption and blood flow, along with other critically relevant processes, i.e. immune responses of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, gut microbiota and epithelial barrier . The characterization of the anatomical aspects of the ENS in large mammals and the identification of differences and similarities existing between species may represent a fundamental basis to decipher several digestive GI diseases in humans and animals. In this perspective, the aim of the present thesis is to highlight the ENS anatomical basis and pathological aspects in different mammalian species, such as horses, dogs and humans. Firstly, I designed two anatomical studies in horses:  “Excitatory and inhibitory enteric innervation of horse lower esophageal sphincter”.  “Localization of 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 receptor (5-HT4R) in the equine enteric nervous system”. Then I focused on the enteric dysfunctions, including:  A primary enteric aganglionosis in horses: “Extrinsic innervation of the ileum and pelvic flexure of foals with ileocolonic aganglionosis”.  A diabetic enteric neuropathy in dogs: “Quantification of nitrergic neurons in the myenteric plexus of gastric antrum and ileum of healthy and diabetic dogs”.  An enteric neuropathy in human neurological patients: “Functional and neurochemical abnormalities in patients with Parkinson's disease and chronic constipation”. The physiology of the GI tract is characterized by a high complexity and it is mainly dependent on the control of the intrinsic nervous system. ENS is critical to preserve body homeostasis as reflect by its derangement occurring in pathological conditions that can be lethal or seriously disabling to humans and animals. The knowledge of the anatomy and the pathology of the ENS represents a new important and fascinating topic, which deserves more attention in the veterinary medicine field.


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Leishmaniasis is a complex parasitic disease caused by intracellular protozoans of the genus Leishmania mainly transmitted by the bite of sand flies. In Italy, leishmaniasis is caused by Leishmania infantum, responsible for the human visceral and canine leishmaniases (HVL and CanL, respectively). Within Emilia-Romagna region, Italy, recent molecular studies indicated that L. infantum strains circulating in dogs and humans are different. This suggests that an animal reservoir other than dog should be evaluated in the epidemiology of HVL in Emilia-Romagna. Therefore, the main aim of this PhD project was to investigate the role of wild and peridomestic mammals as potential animal reservoirs of L. infantum in the regional zones where HVL foci are still active, also evaluating the possible role of arthropod vectors other than phlebotomine sandflies as vectors of Leishmania spp. in the sylvatic cycle of the protozoa. Overall, 206 specimens of different animal species (roe deer, rats, mice, badgers, hares, polecats, foxes, beech martens, bank voles, hedgehogs, and shrews), collected in Emilia-Romagna were screened for Leishmania with a real-time PCR, revealing a prevalence of 33% for roe deer (first report in this species). Positivity was also found in brown rats (10.6%), black rats (13.1%), mice (10%), badgers (25%), hedgehogs (80%) and bank voles (11%). To distinguish the two strains of L. infantum circulating in Emilia-Romagna, a nested PCR protocol optimized for animal tissues was developed, demonstrating that over 90% of L. infantum infections in roe deer were due to the strain isolated from humans and suggesting their possible role as reservoirs in the study area. Furthermore, the presence of Leishmania kDNA was detected in unfed larvae, nymphs and males of questing Ixodes ricinus ticks collected in regional parks of Emilia-Romagna suggesting their possible role in the transmission of L. infantum in a sylvatic or rural cycle.