4 resultados para [NO2]-

em AMS Tesi di Dottorato - Alm@DL - Università di Bologna


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Il traffico veicolare è la principale fonte antropogenica di NOx, idrocarburi (HC) e CO e, dato che la sostituzione dei motori a combustione interna con sistemi alternativi appare ancora lontana nel tempo, lo sviluppo di sistemi in grado di limitare al massimo le emissioni di questi mezzi di trasporto riveste un’importanza fondamentale. Sfortunatamente non esiste un rapporto ottimale aria/combustibile che permetta di avere basse emissioni, mentre la massima potenza ottenibile dal motore corrisponde alle condizioni di elevata formazione di CO e HC. Gli attuali sistemi di abbattimento permettono il controllo delle emissioni da sorgenti mobili tramite una centralina che collega il sistema di iniezione del motore e la concentrazione di ossigeno del sistema catalitico (posto nella marmitta) in modo da controllare il rapporto aria/combustibile (Fig. 1). Le marmitte catalitiche per motori a benzina utilizzano catalizzatori “three way” a base di Pt/Rh supportati su ossidi (allumina, zirconia e ceria), che, dovendo operare con un rapporto quasi stechiometrico combustibile/comburente, comportano una minore efficienza del motore e consumi maggiori del 20-30% rispetto alla combustione in eccesso di ossigeno. Inoltre, questa tecnologia non può essere utilizzata nei motori diesel, che lavorano in eccesso di ossigeno ed utilizzano carburanti con un tenore di zolfo relativamente elevato. In questi ultimi anni è cresciuto l’interesse per il controllo delle emissioni di NOx da fonti veicolari, con particolare attenzione alla riduzione catalitica in presenza di un eccesso di ossigeno, cioè in condizioni di combustione magra. Uno sviluppo recente è rappresentato dai catalizzatori tipo “Toyota” che sono basati sul concetto di accumulo e riduzione (storage/reduction), nei quali l’NO viene ossidato ed accumulato sul catalizzatore come nitrato in condizioni di eccesso di ossigeno. Modificando poi per brevi periodi di tempo le condizioni di alimentazione da ossidanti (aria/combustibile > 14,7 p/p) a riducenti (aria/combustibile < 14,7 p/p) il nitrato immagazzinato viene ridotto a N2 e H2O. Questi catalizzatori sono però molto sensibili alla presenza di zolfo e non possono essere utilizzati con i carburanti diesel attualmente in commercio. Obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è stato quello di ottimizzare e migliorare la comprensione del meccanismo di reazione dei catalizzatori “storage-reduction” per l’abbattimento degli NOx nelle emissioni di autoveicoli in presenza di un eccesso di ossigeno. In particolare lo studio è stato focalizzato dapprima sulle proprietà del Pt, fase attiva nei processi di storage-reduction, in funzione del tipo di precursore e sulle proprietà e composizione della fase di accumulo (Ba, Mg ed una loro miscela equimolare) e del supporto (γ-Al2O3 o Mg(Al)O). Lo studio è stato inizialmente focalizzato sulle proprietà dei precursori del Pt, fase attiva nei processi di storage-reduction, sulla composizione della fase di accumulo (Ba, Mg ed una loro miscela equimolare) e del supporto (γ-Al2O3 o Mg(Al)O). E’ stata effettuata una dettagliata caratterizzazione chimico-fisica dei materiali preparati tramite analisi a raggi X (XRD), area superficiale, porosimetria, analisi di dispersione metallica, analisi in riduzione e/o ossidazione in programmata di temperatura (TPR-O), che ha permesso una migliore comprensione delle proprietà dei catalizzatori. Vista la complessità delle miscele gassose reali, sono state utilizzate, nelle prove catalitiche di laboratorio, alcune miscele più semplici, che tuttavia potessero rappresentare in maniera significativa le condizioni reali di esercizio. Il comportamento dei catalizzatori è stato studiato utilizzando differenti miscele sintetiche, con composizioni che permettessero di comprendere meglio il meccanismo. L’intervallo di temperatura in cui si è operato è compreso tra 200-450°C. Al fine di migliorare i catalizzatori, per aumentarne la resistenza alla disattivazione da zolfo, sono state effettuate prove alimentando in continuo SO2 per verificare la resistenza alla disattivazione in funzione della composizione del catalizzatore. I principali risultati conseguiti possono essere così riassunti: A. Caratteristiche Fisiche. Dall’analisi XRD si osserva che l’impregnazione con Pt(NH3)2(NO2)2 o con la sospensione nanoparticellare in DEG, non modifica le proprietà chimico-fisiche del supporto, con l’eccezione del campione con sospensione nanoparticellare impregnata su ossido misto per il quale si è osservata sia la segregazione del Pt, sia la presenza di composti carboniosi sulla superficie. Viceversa l’impregnazione con Ba porta ad una significativa diminuzione dell’area superficiale e della porosità. B. Caratteristiche Chimiche. L’analisi di dispersione metallica, tramite il chemiassorbimento di H2, mostra per i catalizzatori impregnati con Pt nanoparticellare, una bassa dispersione metallica e di conseguenza elevate dimensioni delle particelle di Pt. I campioni impregnati con Pt(NH3)2(NO2)2 presentano una migliore dispersione. Infine dalle analisi TPR-O si è osservato che: Maggiore è la dispersione del metallo nobile maggiore è la sua interazione con il supporto, L’aumento della temperatura di riduzione del PtOx è proporzionale alla quantità dei metalli alcalino terrosi, C. Precursore Metallo Nobile. Nelle prove di attività catalitica, con cicli ossidanti e riducenti continui in presenza ed in assenza di CO2, i catalizzatori con Pt nanoparticellare mostrano una minore attività catalitica, specie in presenza di un competitore come la CO2. Al contrario i catalizzatori ottenuti per impregnazione con la soluzione acquosa di Pt(NH3)2(NO2)2 presentano un’ottima attività catalitica, stabile nel tempo, e sono meno influenzabili dalla presenza di CO2. D. Resistenza all’avvelenamento da SO2. Il catalizzatore di riferimento, 17Ba1Pt/γAl2O3, mostra un effetto di avvelenamento con formazione di solfati più stabili che sul sistema Ba-Mg; difatti il campione non recupera i valori iniziali di attività se non dopo molti cicli di rigenerazione e temperature superiori ai 300°C. Per questi catalizzatori l’avvelenamento da SO2 sembra essere di tipo reversibile, anche se a temperature e condizioni più favorevoli per il 1.5Mg8.5Ba-1Pt/γAl2O3. E. Capacità di Accumulo e Rigenerabilità. Tramite questo tipo di prova è stato possibile ipotizzare e verificare il meccanismo della riduzione. I catalizzatori ottenuti per impregnazione con la soluzione acquosa di Pt(NH3)2(NO2)2 hanno mostrato un’elevata capacità di accumulo. Questa è maggiore per il campione bimetallico (Ba-Mg) a T < 300°C, mentre per il riferimento è maggiore per T > 300°C. Per ambedue i catalizzatori è evidente la formazione di ammoniaca, che potrebbe essere utilizzata come un indice che la riduzione dei nitrati accumulati è arrivata al termine e che il tempo ottimale per la riduzione è stato raggiunto o superato. Per evitare la formazione di NH3, sul catalizzatore di riferimento, è stata variata la concentrazione del riducente e la temperatura in modo da permettere alle specie adsorbite sulla superficie e nel bulk di poter raggiungere il Pt prima che l’ambiente diventi troppo riducente e quindi meno selettivo. La presenza di CO2 riduce fortemente la formazione di NH3; probabilmente perché la CO2, occupando i siti degli elementi alcalino-terrosi lontani dal Pt, impedisce ai nitriti/nitrati o all’H2 attivato di percorrere “elevate” distanze prima di reagire, aumentando così le possibilità di una riduzione più breve e più selettiva. F. Tempo di Riduzione. Si è migliorata la comprensione del ruolo svolto dalla concentrazione dell’agente riducente e dell’effetto della durata della fase riducente. Una durata troppo breve porta, nel lungo periodo, alla saturazione dei siti attivi, un eccesso alla formazione di NH3 Attraverso queste ultime prove è stato possibile formulare un meccanismo di reazione, in particolare della fase riducente. G. Meccanismo di Riduzione. La mobilità dei reagenti, nitriti/nitrati o H2 attivato è un elemento fondamentale nel meccanismo della riduzione. La vicinanza tra i siti di accumulo e quelli redox è determinante per il tipo di prodotti che si possono ottenere. La diminuzione della concentrazione del riducente o l’aumento della temperatura concede maggiore tempo o energia alle specie adsorbite sulla superficie o nel bulk per migrare e reagire prima che l’ambiente diventi troppo riducente e quindi meno selettivo.


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The first part of the research project of the Co-Advisorship Ph.D Thesis was aimed to select the best Bifidobacterium longum strains suitable to set the basis of our study. We were looking for strains with the abilities to colonize the intestinal mucosa and with good adhesion capacities, so that we can test these strains to investigate their ability to induce apoptosis in “damaged” intestinal cells. Adhesion and apoptosis are the two process that we want to study to better understand the role of an adhesion protein that we have previously identified and that have top scores homologies with the recent serpin encoding gene identified in B. longum by Nestlè researchers. Bifidobacterium longum is a probiotic, known for its beneficial effects to the human gut and even for its immunomodulatory and antitumor activities. Recently, many studies have stressed out the intimate relation between probiotic bacteria and the GIT mucosa and their influence on human cellular homeostasis. We focused on the apoptotic deletion of cancer cells induced by B. longum. This has been valued in vitro, performing the incubation of three B.longum strains with enterocyte-like Caco- 2 cells, to evidence DNA fragmentation, a cornerstone of apoptosis. The three strains tested were defined for their adhesion properties using adhesion and autoaggregation assays. These features are considered necessary to select a probiotic strain. The three strains named B12, B18 and B2990 resulted respectively: “strong adherent”, “adherent” and “non adherent”. Then, bacteria were incubated with Caco-2 cells to investigate apoptotic deletion. Cocultures of Caco-2 cells with B. longum resulted positive in DNA fragmentation test, only when adherent strains were used (B12 and B18). These results indicate that the interaction with adherent B. longum can induce apoptotic deletion of Caco-2 cells, suggesting a role in cellular homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract and in restoring the ecology of damaged colon tissues. These results were used to keep on researching and the strains tested were used as recipient of recombinant techniques aimed to originate new B.longum strains with enhanced capacity of apoptotic induction in “damaged” intestinal cells. To achieve this new goal it was decided to clone the serpin encoding gene of B. longum, so that we can understand its role in adhesion and apoptosis induction. Bifidobacterium longum has immunostimulant activity that in vitro can lead to apoptotic response of Caco-2 cell line. It secretes a hypothetical eukaryotic type serpin protein, which could be involved in this kind of deletion of damaged cells. We had previously characterised a protein that has homologies with the hypothetical serpin of B. longum (DD087853). In order to create Bifidobacterium serpin transformants, a B. longum cosmid library was screened with a PCR protocol using specific primers for serpin gene. After fragment extraction, the insert named S1 was sub-cloned into pRM2, an Escherichia coli - Bifidobacterium shuttle vector, to construct pRM3. Several protocols for B. longum transformation were performed and the best efficiency was obtained using MRS medium and raffinose. Finally bacterial cell supernatants were tested in a dotblot assay to detect antigens presence against anti-antitrypsin polyclonal antibody. The best signal was produced by one starin that has been renamed B. longum BLKS 7. Our research study was aimed to generate transformants able to over express serpin encoding gene, so that we can have the tools for a further study on bacterial apoptotic induction of Caco-2 cell line. After that we have originated new trasformants the next step to do was to test transformants abilities when exposed to an intestinal cell model. In fact, this part of the project was achieved in the Department of Biochemistry of the Medical Faculty of the University of Maribor, guest of the abroad supervisor of the Co-Advisorship Doctoral Thesis: Prof. Avrelija Cencic. In this study we examined the probiotic ability of some bacterial strains using intestinal cells from a 6 years old pig. The use of intestinal mammalian cells is essential to study this symbiosis and a functional cell model mimics a polarised epithelium in which enterocytes are separated by tight junctions. In this list of strains we have included the Bifidobacterium longum BKS7 transformant strain that we have previously originated; in order to compare its abilities. B. longum B12 wild type and B. longum BKS7 transformant and eight Lactobacillus strains of different sources were co-cultured with porcine small intestine epithelial cells (PSI C1) and porcine blood monocytes (PoM2) in Transwell filter inserts. The strains, including Lb. gasseri, Lb. fermentum, Lb. reuterii, Lb. plantarum and unidentified Lactobacillus from kenyan maasai milk and tanzanian coffee, were assayed for activation of cell lines, measuring nitric oxide by Griess reaction, H202 by tetramethylbenzidine reaction and O2 - by cytochrome C reduction. Cytotoxic effect by crystal violet staining and induction on metabolic activity by MTT cell proliferation assay were tested too. Transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) of polarised PSI C1 was measured during 48 hours co-culture. TER, used to observe epithelium permeability, decrease during pathogenesis and tissue becomes permeable to ion passive flow lowering epithelial barrier function. Probiotics can prevent or restore increased permeability. Lastly, dot-blot was achieved against Interleukin-6 of treated cells supernatants. The metabolic activity of PoM2 and PSI C1 increased slightly after co-culture not affecting mitochondrial functions. No strain was cytotoxic over PSI C1 and PoM2 and no cell activation was observed, as measured by the release of NO2, H202 and O2 - by PoM2 and PSI C1. During coculture TER of polarised PSI C1 was two-fold higher comparing with constant TER (~3000 ) of untreated cells. TER raise generated by bacteria maintains a low permeability of the epithelium. During treatment Interleukin-6 was detected in cell supernatants at several time points, confirming immunostimulant activity. All results were obtained using Lactobacillus paracasei Shirota e Carnobacterium divergens as controls. In conclusion we can state that both the list of putative probiotic bacteria and our new transformant strain of B. longum are not harmful when exposed to intestinal cells and could be selected as probiotics, because can strengthen epithelial barrier function and stimulate nonspecific immunity of intestinal cells on a pig cell model. Indeed, we have found out that none of the strains tested that have good adhesion abilities presents citotoxicity to the intestinal cells and that non of the strains tested can induce cell lines to produce high level of ROS, neither NO2. Moreover we have assayed even the capacity of producing certain citokynes that are correlated with immune response. The detection of Interleukin-6 was assayed in all our samples, including B.longum transformant BKS 7 strain, this result indicates that these bacteria can induce a non specific immune response in the intestinal cells. In fact, when we assayed the presence of Interferon-gamma in cells supernatant after bacterial exposure, we have no positive signals, that means that there is no activation of a specific immune response, thus confirming that these bacteria are not recognize as pathogen by the intestinal cells and are certainly not harmful for intestinal cells. The most important result is the measure of Trans Epithelial Electric Resistance that have shown how the intestinal barrier function get strengthen when cells are exposed to bacteria, due to a reduction of the epithelium permeability. We have now a new strain of B. longum that will be used for further studies above the mechanism of apoptotic induction to “damaged cells” and above the process of “restoring ecology”. This strain will be the basis to originate new transformant strains for Serpin encoding gene that must have better performance and shall be used one day even in clinical cases as in “gene therapy” for cancer treatment and prevention.


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The motivation for the work presented in this thesis is to retrieve profile information for the atmospheric trace constituents nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) in the lower troposphere from remote sensing measurements. The remote sensing technique used, referred to as Multiple AXis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS), is a recent technique that represents a significant advance on the well-established DOAS, especially for what it concerns the study of tropospheric trace consituents. NO2 is an important trace gas in the lower troposphere due to the fact that it is involved in the production of tropospheric ozone; ozone and nitrogen dioxide are key factors in determining the quality of air with consequences, for example, on human health and the growth of vegetation. To understand the NO2 and ozone chemistry in more detail not only the concentrations at ground but also the acquisition of the vertical distribution is necessary. In fact, the budget of nitrogen oxides and ozone in the atmosphere is determined both by local emissions and non-local chemical and dynamical processes (i.e. diffusion and transport at various scales) that greatly impact on their vertical and temporal distribution: thus a tool to resolve the vertical profile information is really important. Useful measurement techniques for atmospheric trace species should fulfill at least two main requirements. First, they must be sufficiently sensitive to detect the species under consideration at their ambient concentration levels. Second, they must be specific, which means that the results of the measurement of a particular species must be neither positively nor negatively influenced by any other trace species simultaneously present in the probed volume of air. Air monitoring by spectroscopic techniques has proven to be a very useful tool to fulfill these desirable requirements as well as a number of other important properties. During the last decades, many such instruments have been developed which are based on the absorption properties of the constituents in various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, ranging from the far infrared to the ultraviolet. Among them, Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) has played an important role. DOAS is an established remote sensing technique for atmospheric trace gases probing, which identifies and quantifies the trace gases in the atmosphere taking advantage of their molecular absorption structures in the near UV and visible wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum (from 0.25 μm to 0.75 μm). Passive DOAS, in particular, can detect the presence of a trace gas in terms of its integrated concentration over the atmospheric path from the sun to the receiver (the so called slant column density). The receiver can be located at ground, as well as on board an aircraft or a satellite platform. Passive DOAS has, therefore, a flexible measurement configuration that allows multiple applications. The ability to properly interpret passive DOAS measurements of atmospheric constituents depends crucially on how well the optical path of light collected by the system is understood. This is because the final product of DOAS is the concentration of a particular species integrated along the path that radiation covers in the atmosphere. This path is not known a priori and can only be evaluated by Radiative Transfer Models (RTMs). These models are used to calculate the so called vertical column density of a given trace gas, which is obtained by dividing the measured slant column density to the so called air mass factor, which is used to quantify the enhancement of the light path length within the absorber layers. In the case of the standard DOAS set-up, in which radiation is collected along the vertical direction (zenith-sky DOAS), calculations of the air mass factor have been made using “simple” single scattering radiative transfer models. This configuration has its highest sensitivity in the stratosphere, in particular during twilight. This is the result of the large enhancement in stratospheric light path at dawn and dusk combined with a relatively short tropospheric path. In order to increase the sensitivity of the instrument towards tropospheric signals, measurements with the telescope pointing the horizon (offaxis DOAS) have to be performed. In this circumstances, the light path in the lower layers can become very long and necessitate the use of radiative transfer models including multiple scattering, the full treatment of atmospheric sphericity and refraction. In this thesis, a recent development in the well-established DOAS technique is described, referred to as Multiple AXis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS). The MAX-DOAS consists in the simultaneous use of several off-axis directions near the horizon: using this configuration, not only the sensitivity to tropospheric trace gases is greatly improved, but vertical profile information can also be retrieved by combining the simultaneous off-axis measurements with sophisticated RTM calculations and inversion techniques. In particular there is a need for a RTM which is capable of dealing with all the processes intervening along the light path, supporting all DOAS geometries used, and treating multiple scattering events with varying phase functions involved. To achieve these multiple goals a statistical approach based on the Monte Carlo technique should be used. A Monte Carlo RTM generates an ensemble of random photon paths between the light source and the detector, and uses these paths to reconstruct a remote sensing measurement. Within the present study, the Monte Carlo radiative transfer model PROMSAR (PROcessing of Multi-Scattered Atmospheric Radiation) has been developed and used to correctly interpret the slant column densities obtained from MAX-DOAS measurements. In order to derive the vertical concentration profile of a trace gas from its slant column measurement, the AMF is only one part in the quantitative retrieval process. One indispensable requirement is a robust approach to invert the measurements and obtain the unknown concentrations, the air mass factors being known. For this purpose, in the present thesis, we have used the Chahine relaxation method. Ground-based Multiple AXis DOAS, combined with appropriate radiative transfer models and inversion techniques, is a promising tool for atmospheric studies in the lower troposphere and boundary layer, including the retrieval of profile information with a good degree of vertical resolution. This thesis has presented an application of this powerful comprehensive tool for the study of a preserved natural Mediterranean area (the Castel Porziano Estate, located 20 km South-West of Rome) where pollution is transported from remote sources. Application of this tool in densely populated or industrial areas is beginning to look particularly fruitful and represents an important subject for future studies.


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The research work reported in this Thesis was held along two main lines of research. The first and main line of research is about the synthesis of heteroaromatic compounds with increasing steric hindrance, with the aim of preparing stable atropisomers. The main tools used for the study of these dynamic systems, as described in the Introduction, are DNMR, coupled with line shape simulation and DFT calculations, aimed to the conformational analysis for the prediction of the geometries and energy barriers to the trasition states. This techniques have been applied to the research projects about: • atropisomers of arylmaleimides; • atropisomers of 4-arylpyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines; • study of the intramolecular NO2/CO interaction in solution; • study on 2-arylpyridines. Parallel to the main project, in collaboration with other groups, the research line about determination of the absolute configuration was followed. The products, deriving form organocatalytic reactions, in many cases couldn’t be analyzed by means of X-Ray diffraction, making necessary the development of a protocol based on spectroscopic methodologies: NMR, circular dichroism and computational tools (DFT, TD-DFT) have been implemented in this scope. In this Thesis are reported the determination of the absolute configuration of: • substituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolines; • compounds from enantioselective Friedel-Crafts alkylation-acetalization cascade of naphthols with α,β-unsaturated cyclic ketones; • substituted 3,4-annulated indoles.