204 resultados para terapie avanzate
Engine developers are putting more and more emphasis on the research of maximum thermal and mechanical efficiency in the recent years. Research advances have proven the effectiveness of downsized, turbocharged and direct injection concepts, applied to gasoline combustion systems, to reduce the overall fuel consumption while respecting exhaust emissions limits. These new technologies require more complex engine control units. The sound emitted from a mechanical system encloses many information related to its operating condition and it can be used for control and diagnostic purposes. The thesis shows how the functions carried out from different and specific sensors usually present on-board, can be executed, at the same time, using only one multifunction sensor based on low-cost microphone technology. A theoretical background about sound and signal processing is provided in chapter 1. In modern turbocharged downsized GDI engines, the achievement of maximum thermal efficiency is precluded by the occurrence of knock. Knock emits an unmistakable sound perceived by the human ear like a clink. In chapter 2, the possibility of using this characteristic sound for knock control propose, starting from first experimental assessment tests, to the implementation in a real, production-type engine control unit will be shown. Chapter 3 focus is on misfire detection. Putting emphasis on the low frequency domain of the engine sound spectrum, features related to each combustion cycle of each cylinder can be identified and isolated. An innovative approach to misfire detection, which presents the advantage of not being affected by the road and driveline conditions is introduced. A preliminary study of air path leak detection techniques based on acoustic emissions analysis has been developed, and the first experimental results are shown in chapter 4. Finally, in chapter 5, an innovative detection methodology, based on engine vibration analysis, that can provide useful information about combustion phase is reported.
Le attività di ricerca svolte nel corso del dottorato di ricerca, sono state focalizzate principalmente sullo studio dell’evoluzione microstrutturale, delle proprietà meccaniche e tribologiche di una particolare lega da fonderia, EV31A, con alte percentuali di terre rare (Nd e Gd > 4% in peso). Le analisi microstrutturali sono state eseguite tramite microscopia ottica (OM), elettronica in scansione (SEM) ed elettronica in trasmissione (TEM), mentre le proprietà meccaniche sono state determinate attraverso prove di trazione e prove di fatica a flessione rotante. Al fine di incrementare le proprietà tribologiche delle leghe di magnesio è stata valutata l’efficacia del trattamento PEO sia sulla lega EV31A, sia sulle più comuni leghe AZ80 e AZ91D, effettuando test tribologici in modalità pattino su cilindro (Block on Ring). Infine è stato condotto uno studio sull’efficacia del trattamento di fusione superficiale laser (LSM), analizzandone gli effetti sia sull’evoluzione microstrutturale, sia sulle proprietà meccaniche e sulla resistenza a corrosione. Le attività svolte nel corso del dottorato di ricerca sono state svolte presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale DIN della Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura dell’Università di Bologna sotto la supervisione della Prof. ssa Lorella Ceschini.
Composite laminates present important advantages compared to conventional monolithic materials, mainly because for equal stiffness and strength they have a weight up to four times lower. However, due to their ply-by-ply nature, they are susceptible to delamination, whose propagation can bring the structure to a rapid catastrophic failure. In this thesis, in order to increase the service life of composite materials, two different approaches were explored: increase the intrinsic resistance of the material or confer to them the capability of self-repair. The delamination has been hindered through interleaving the composite laminates with polymeric nanofibers, which completed the hierarchical reinforcement scale of the composite. The manufacturing process for the integration of the nanofibrous mat in the laminate was optimized, resulting in an enhancement of mode I fracture toughness up to 250%. The effect of the geometrical dimensions of the nano-reinforcement on the architecture of the micro one (UD and woven laminates) was studied on mode I and II. Moreover, different polymeric materials were employed as nanofibrous reinforcement (Nylon 66 and polyvinylidene fluoride). The nano toughening mechanism was studied by micrograph analysis of the crack path and SEM analysis of the fracture surface. The fatigue behavior to the onset of the delamination and the crack growth rate for woven laminates interleaved with Nylon 66 nanofibers was investigated. Furthermore, the impact behavior of GLARE aluminum-glass epoxy laminates, toughened with Nylon 66 nanofibers was investigated. Finally, the possibility of confer to the composite material the capability of self-repair was explored. An extrinsic self-healing-system, based on core-shell nanofibers filled with a two-component epoxy system, was developed by co-electrospinning technique. The healing potential of the nano vascular system has been proved by microscope electron observation of the healing agent release as result of the vessels rupture and the crosslinking reaction was verified by thermal analysis.
This thesis aims to present the ORC technology, its advantages and related problems. In particular, it provides an analysis of ORC waste heat recovery system in different and innovative scenarios, focusing on cases from the biggest to the lowest scale. Both industrial and residential ORC applications are considered. In both applications, the installation of a subcritical and recuperated ORC system is examined. Moreover, heat recovery is considered in absence of an intermediate heat transfer circuit. This solution allow to improve the recovery efficiency, but requiring safety precautions. Possible integrations of ORC systems with renewable sources are also presented and investigated to improve the non-programmable source exploitation. In particular, the offshore oil and gas sector has been selected as a promising industrial large-scale ORC application. From the design of ORC systems coupled with Gas Turbines (GTs) as topper systems, the dynamic behavior of the GT+ORC innovative combined cycles has been analyzed by developing a dynamic model of all the considered components. The dynamic behavior is caused by integration with a wind farm. The electric and thermal aspects have been examined to identify the advantages related to the waste heat recovery system installation. Moreover, an experimental test rig has been realized to test the performance of a micro-scale ORC prototype. The prototype recovers heat from a low temperature water stream, available for instance in industrial or residential waste heat. In the test bench, various sensors have been installed, an acquisitions system developed in Labview environment to completely analyze the ORC behavior. Data collected in real time and corresponding to the system dynamic behavior have been used to evaluate the system performance based on selected indexes. Moreover, various operational steady-state conditions are identified and operation maps are realized for a completely characterization of the system and to detect the optimal operating conditions.
The challenging requirements set on new full composite aeronautical structures are mostly related to the demonstration of damage tolerance capability of their primary structures, required by the airworthiness bodies. And while composite-made structures inherently demonstrate exceptional fatigue properties, when put in real life working conditions, a number of external factors can lead to impact damages thus reducing drastically their fatigue resistance due to fiber delamination, disbonding or breaking. This PhD aims towards contributing to the better understanding of the behavior of the primary composite aeronautical structure after near-edge impacts which are inevitable during the service life of an aircraft. The behavior of CFRP structures after impacts in only one small piece of the big picture which is the certification of CFRP built aircraft, where several other parameters need to be evaluated in order to fulfill the airworthiness requirements. These parameters are also discussed in this PhD thesis in order to give a better understanding of the complex task of CFRP structure certification, in which behavior of the impacted structure plays an important role. An experimental and numerical campaign was carried out in order to determine the level of delamination damage in CFRP specimens after near-edge impacts. By calibrating the numerical model with experimental data, it was possible, for different configurations and energy levels, to predict the extension of a delamination in a CFRP structure and to estimate its residual static strength using a very simple but robust technique. The original contribution of this work to the analysis of CFRP structures is the creation of a model which could be applicable to wide range of thicknesses and stacking sequences of CFRP structures, thus potentially being suitable for industrial application, as well.
Composite materials characteristics are highly influenced by foreign objects impacts. My research focused on how a Low Velocity Impact and, therefore, Barely Visible Impact Damages, can reduce carbon/epoxy laminates compressive residual characteristics and which could be an improvement of their impact resistance. Solution was found out in Fibre Metal Laminates. Experimental and numerical analysis were performed on Carbon/Epoxy and Fibre Metal Laminate.
The present work aims to provide a deeper understanding of thermally driven turbulence and to address some modelling aspects related to the physics of the flow. For this purpose, two idealized systems are investigated by Direct Numerical Simulation: the rotating and non-rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The preliminary study of the flow topologies shows how the coherent structures organise into different patterns depending on the rotation rate. From a statistical perspective, the analysis of the turbulent kinetic energy and temperature variance budgets allows to identify the flow regions where the production, the transport, and the dissipation of turbulent fluctuations occur. To provide a multi-scale description of the flows, a theoretical framework based on the Kolmogorov and Yaglom equations is applied for the first time to the Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The analysis shows how the spatial inhomogeneity modulates the dynamics at different scales and wall-distances. Inside the core of the flow, the space of scales can be divided into an inhomogeneity-dominated range at large scales, an inertial-like range at intermediate scales and a dissipative range at small scales. This classic scenario breaks close to the walls, where the inhomogeneous mechanisms and the viscous/diffusive processes are important at every scale and entail more complex dynamics. The same theoretical framework is extended to the filtered velocity and temperature fields of non-rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The analysis of the filtered Kolmogorov and Yaglom equations reveals the influence of the residual scales on the filtered dynamics both in physical and scale space, highlighting the effect of the relative position between the filter length and the crossover that separates the inhomogeneity-dominated range from the quasi-homogeneous range. The assessment of the filtered and residual physics results to be instrumental for the correct use of the existing Large-Eddy Simulation models and for the development of new ones.
This thesis argues the attitude control problem of nanosatellites, which has been a challenging issue over the years for the scientific community and still constitutes an active area of research. The interest is increasing as more than 70% of future satellite launches are nanosatellites. Therefore, new challenges appear with the miniaturisation of the subsystems and improvements must be reached. In this framework, the aim of this thesis is to develop novel control approaches for three-axis stabilisation of nanosatellites equipped with magnetorquers and reaction wheels, to improve the performance of the existent control strategies and demonstrate the stability of the system. In particular, this thesis is focused on the development of non-linear control techniques to stabilise full-actuated nanosatellites, and in the case of underactuation, in which the number of control variables is less than the degrees of freedom of the system. The main contributions are, for the first control strategy proposed, to demonstrate global asymptotic stability derived from control laws that stabilise the system in a target frame, a fixed direction of the orbit frame. Simulation results show good performance, also in presence of disturbances, and a theoretical selection of the magnetic control gain is given. The second control approach presents instead, a novel stable control methodology for three-axis stabilisation in underactuated conditions. The control scheme consists of the dynamical implementation of an attitude manoeuvre planning by means of a switching control logic. A detailed numerical analysis of the control law gains and the effect on the convergence time, total integrated and maximum torque is presented demonstrating the good performance and robustness also in the presence of disturbances.
Design and Development of a Research Framework for Prototyping Control Tower Augmented Reality Tools
The purpose of the air traffic management system is to ensure the safe and efficient flow of air traffic. Therefore, while augmenting efficiency, throughput and capacity in airport operations, attention has rightly been placed on doing it in a safe manner. In the control tower, many advances in operational safety have come in the form of visualization tools for tower controllers. However, there is a paradox in developing such systems to increase controllers' situational awareness: by creating additional computer displays, the controller's vision is pulled away from the outside view and the time spent looking down at the monitors is increased. This reduces their situational awareness by forcing them to mentally and physically switch between the head-down equipment and the outside view. This research is based on the idea that augmented reality may be able to address this issue. The augmented reality concept has become increasingly popular over the past decade and is being proficiently used in many fields, such as entertainment, cultural heritage, aviation, military & defense. This know-how could be transferred to air traffic control with a relatively low effort and substantial benefits for controllers’ situation awareness. Research on this topic is consistent with SESAR objectives of increasing air traffic controllers’ situation awareness and enable up to 10 % of additional flights at congested airports while still increasing safety and efficiency. During the Ph.D., a research framework for prototyping augmented reality tools was set up. This framework consists of methodological tools for designing the augmented reality overlays, as well as of hardware and software equipment to test them. Several overlays have been designed and implemented in a simulated tower environment, which is a virtual reconstruction of Bologna airport control tower. The positive impact of such tools was preliminary assessed by means of the proposed methodology.
Limiti sempre più stringenti sulle emissioni inquinanti ed una maggiore attenzione ai consumi, all'incremento di prestazioni e alla guidabilità, portano allo sviluppo di algoritmi di controllo motore sempre più complicati. Allo stesso tempo, l'unità di propulsione sta diventando un insieme sempre più variegato di sottosistemi che devono lavorare all'unisono. L'ingegnere calibratore si trova di fronte ad una moltitudine di variabili ed algoritmi che devono essere calibrati e testati e necessita di strumenti che lo aiutino ad analizzare il comportamento del motore fornendo risultati sintetici e facilmente accessibili. Nel seguente lavoro è riportato lo sviluppo di un sistema di analisi della combustione: l'obbiettivo è stato quello di sviluppare un software che fornisca le migliori soluzioni per l'analisi di un motore a combustione interna, in termini di accuratezza dei risultati, varietà di calcoli messi a disposizione, facilità di utilizzo ed integrazione con altri sistemi tramite la condivisione dei risultati calcolati in tempo reale.
Negli ultimi anni, i limiti sempre più stringenti sulle emissioni inquinanti dei gas di scarico, hanno portato ad un notevole aumento della complessità dei motori a combustione interna. Questa complicazione determina un aumento esponenziale del numero di test da effettuare nella sala prova. I metodi tipici di gestione dei test non possono più essere utilizzati, ma è essenziale creare un sistema che ottimizzi le prove. Per ridurre drasticamente il tempo di esecuzione, è necessario implementare un'architettura in grado di facilitare lo scambio di dati tra i sistemi presenti nella sala prova, e, in aggiunta, definire le strategie di automazione dei test. L'approccio a taluni metodi si presenta ancora complicato in molti gruppi di sviluppo di strategie di controllo motore, anche se, una volta sviluppati, portano e a grandi benefici durante la fase di test. Il lavoro illustra i metodi implementati per la gestione di queste strategie. Prima si descrive l'approccio utilizzato nella calibrazione di anticipo di accensione per mantenere livelli accettabili di detonazione durante il processo di calibrazione. Successivamente è mostrato il sistema di automazione dei test che consente il pieno controllo del punto di funzionamento del motore, la gestione dell'acquisizione e la verifica della stabilità delle condizioni ottenute. L'ultima parte mostra sistemi di prototipazione rapida per la gestione di componenti innovatici del motore.
Il progetto di dottorato che verrà presentato in questa tesi è focalizzato sullo sviluppo di un metodo sperimentale per la produzione di protesi personalizzate utilizzando il processo di fabbricazione additiva di Selective Laser Melting (SLM). L’obiettivo è quello di definire una condizione di processo ottimizzata per applicazioni in ambito chirurgico che possa essere generalizzabile, ovvero che ne garantisca la riproducibilità al variare dell’anatomia del paziente e che rappresenti la base per estendere il metodo ad altre componenti protesiche. Il lavoro si è sviluppato lungo due linee principali, la cui convergenza ha permesso di realizzare prototipi di protesi complete utilizzando un solo processo: da una parte la produzione di componenti a massima densità per il raggiungimento di elevate resistenze meccaniche, buona resistenza ad usura e corrosione e controllo di tensioni residue e deformazione delle parti stampate. Dall’altra si sono studiate strutture reticolari a geometria e porosità controllata per favorire l’osteointegrazione della componente protesica post impianto. In questo studio sono stati messe a confronto le possibili combinazioni tra parametri di processo e sono state individuate le correlazioni con le proprietà finali dei componenti stampati. Partendo da queste relazioni si sono sviluppate le strategie tecnologiche per la progettazione e la produzione dei componenti. I test sperimentali svolti e i risultati ottenuti hanno dimostrato la fattibilità dell’utilizzo del processo SLM per la produzione di protesi personalizzate e sono stati fabbricati i primi prototipi funzionali. La fabbricazione di protesi personalizzate richiede, però, anche la progettazione e la produzione di strumentario chirurgico ad hoc. Per questo motivo, parallelamente allo studio della lega di Cromo Cobalto, sono stati eseguiti i test anche su campioni in INOX 316L. Anche in questo caso è stato possibile individuare una finestra operativa di processo che garantisse proprietà meccaniche comparabili, e in alcuni casi superiori, a quelle ottenute con processi convenzionali.
A servo-controlled automatic machine can perform tasks that involve synchronized actuation of a significant number of servo-axes, namely one degree-of-freedom (DoF) electromechanical actuators. Each servo-axis comprises a servo-motor, a mechanical transmission and an end-effector, and is responsible for generating the desired motion profile and providing the power required to achieve the overall task. The design of a such a machine must involve a detailed study from a mechatronic viewpoint, due to its electric and mechanical nature. The first objective of this thesis is the development of an overarching electromechanical model for a servo-axis. Every loss source is taken into account, be it mechanical or electrical. The mechanical transmission is modeled by means of a sequence of lumped-parameter blocks. The electric model of the motor and the inverter takes into account winding losses, iron losses and controller switching losses. No experimental characterizations are needed to implement the electric model, since the parameters are inferred from the data available in commercial catalogs. With the global model at disposal, a second objective of this work is to perform the optimization analysis, in particular, the selection of the motor-reducer unit. The optimal transmission ratios that minimize several objective functions are found. An optimization process is carried out and repeated for each candidate motor. Then, we present a novel method where the discrete set of available motor is extended to a continuous domain, by fitting manufacturer data. The problem becomes a two-dimensional nonlinear optimization subject to nonlinear constraints, and the solution gives the optimal choice for the motor-reducer system. The presented electromechanical model, along with the implementation of optimization algorithms, forms a complete and powerful simulation tool for servo-controlled automatic machines. The tool allows for determining a wide range of electric and mechanical parameters and the behavior of the system in different operating conditions.
The thesis deals with the experimental investigation of turbulent pipe flow at high Reynolds number. Wall-bounded turbulence is an extremely relevant topic for engineering and natural science applications and yet many aspects of the physics are not clear due to the difficulty in performing high Re experiments. To overcome these difficulties the CICLoPE Laboratory was developed, the main element of which is the Long Pipe wind tunnel. The facility is unique in its kind, as thanks to its large scale it delivers a flow quality and resolution that can not be achieved elsewhere at these Reynolds number. Reported here are the results from the first experimental campaign performed in the facility. A first part of the results presented concerns the characterization of this new facility. Flow quality and stability are assessed, particular attention is given to the characterization of pressure drop. The scaling of velocity fluctuations is analysed. The magnitude of the inner peak of the streamwise normal stress shows an increasing trend up to the highest Reynolds number examined, while no outer peak was clearly distinguishable from present measurements. Scaling of coherent motions is investigated via spectral analysis. An inner and outer spectral peaks are identified, with the former scaling in inner units while the latter neither following inner nor outer scaling, and increasing in magnitude with Re. Analysis of the spectra at y+ ≈ 15 shows how the increase of Reynolds normal stress is related to the influence of large scales in the inner wall region. Quadrant analysis was carried out on streamwise and wall-normal velocity fluctuations. The results show the important role in contribution to Reynolds shear stress of highly intermittent and strong events like ejections, that assume an even more intermittent and dominant role with the increase of Reynolds number.
Nell’ambito di questa ricerca sono stati sviluppati modelli in grado di prevedere le dimensioni dei grani dopo il processo di estrusione di alcune leghe serie 6XXX, in particolare AA6060, AA6063 e AA6082. Alcuni modelli matematici proposti in letteratura sono stati presi in considerazione e implementati su Qform, codice FEM in grado di simulare processi di deformazione plastica. Sono state condotte diverse campagne sperimentali, tra cui una di visioplasticità necessaria per ottenere dati sperimentali che permettessero la validazione del Codice (modellazione dell’attrito, dello scambio termico, del flow stress del materiale). Altre prove di microestrusione ed estrusione inversa hanno fornito dati sperimentali che sono stati messi in correlazione con i risultati numerici di una serie di simulazioni. Infine è stata effettuata una campagna sperimentale di estrusione industriale a tutti gli effetti, ottenendo un profilo dalla geometria piuttosto complessa in lega AA6063, i dati ricavati hanno permesso : • la validazione di un modello unico di ricristallizzazione dinamica, • la valutazione di modelli per la predizione del comportamento durante recristallizzazione statica