281 resultados para Néel de Lavigne
L'elaborato considera anzitutto la genesi dell'istituto, e con chiarezza analizza il percorso di affioramento della figura del distacco nell'impiego pubblico rimarcando affinità e differenze con ipotesi similari di temporanea dissociazione tra datore di lavoro e fruitore della prestazione. Nell'operare gli opportuni distinguo, il dott. Tortini si confronta con la fattispecie tipica del lavoro subordinato e con il divieto di dissociazione che ad essa sarebbe sotteso, anche alla luce della legge 1369 del 1960 sul divieto di interposizione. Gli elementi caratterizzanti il distacco sono poi esposti analizzando con acutezza i più rilevanti orientamenti emersi nella giurisprudenza di merito e di legittimità , in specie con riguardo alla prassi invalsa nei gruppi di società di dirigere la prestazione di lavoro a favore di società collegate o controllate dalla società datrice di lavoro. In tal senso l'elaborato prende posizione in ordine alla necessaria temporaneità dell'interesse del distaccante, nonchè all'inclusione del distacco nell'ambito del potere direttivo-organizzativo del datore di lavoro, ciò che esclude la necessità del consenso del lavoratore distaccato. Nel secondo capitolo il dott. Tortini si confronta con il quadro delle libertà fondamentali del diritto comunitario, ed in particolare con la libera prestazione di servizi, analizzando profili essenziali quali la natura autonoma, la transnazionalità e la temporaneità del servizio prestato. Con ampi riferimenti alla dottrina, anche comparata, in argomento, il capitolo delinea le possibili forme di interazione tra gli ordinamenti nazionali all'interno dell'Unione europea ed individua, in alternativa, tre modelli di coordinamento tra le esigenze liberalizzanti tipiche del mercato unico e le prerogative nazionali di tipo protezionistico che si manifestano qualora un servizio venga prestato in uno Stato membro diverso da quello in cui ha sede il prestatore: host state control, home state control e controllo sovranazionale. L'analisi si rivela essenziale al fine di delineare le ragioni della più recente giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia in tema di appalti cross-border e libera circolazione dei lavoratori, e dimostra un sostanziale "slittamento" della base giuridica mediante la quale il diritto comunitario regola il fenomeno della prestazione di lavoro transnazionale, dall'art. 39 all'art. 49 TCE. Il terzo capitolo confronta l'impianto teorico ricavabile dai principi del Trattato con la Direttiva 96/71 sul distacco ed i relativi provvedimenti attuativi (d.lgs. n. 72/2000 e art. 30, d.lgs. n. 276/2003). In particolare, vengono analizzate le ipotesi limitrofe alla nozione di distacco ricavabile dal diritto comunitario, accomunate dalla dissociazione tra datore di lavoro ed utilizzatore della prestazione, ma distinguibili in base alla natura del rapporto contrattuale tra impresa distaccante ed impresa distaccataria. La funzione principale della Direttiva comunitaria in argomento viene individuata dal dott. Tortini nella predisposizione di una base inderogabile di diritti che devono essere, in ogni caso, assicurati al lavoratore oggetto del distacco. Questa base, denominata hard core della tutela, deve essere garantita, all'interno del singolo Stato membro, dalla contrattazione collettiva. Nell'ordinamento italiano, la disciplina del distacco contenuta nella Direttiva viene attuata con il d.lgs. n. 72/2000 che, come opportunamente segnalato dal dott. Tortini, contiene una serie di incongruenze e di lacune. Fra tutte, si rimarca come la stessa Commissione abbia rilevato uno scostamento tra le due discipline, dato che la legge italiana estende surrettiziamente ai lavoratori distaccati tutte le disposizioni legislative e/o i contratti collettivi che disciplinano le condizioni di lavoro, operazione non consentita dal la Direttiva 76/91. E' in specie il riferimento al contratto collettivo stipulato dalle organizzazioni comparativamente più rappresentative ad essere criticato dall'elaborato, in quanto finisce con il trasformare l'art. 3.1 del D. Lgs. 72/2000 in una discriminazione fondata sulla nazionalità e rischia di creare maggiori difficoltà e più oneri per gli imprenditori stranieri che intendano erogare servizi sul territorio nazionale. A conclusione della tesi, il dott. Tortini esamina la nozione di distacco introdotta ad opera dell'art. 30, d.lgs. n. 276/2003, ed enuclea gli elementi caratterizzanti dell'istituto, individuati nell'interesse del distaccante e nella temporaneità dell'assegnazione, definita «l'in sè» dell'interesse stesso.
Il piano dell’opera prende le mosse da una disamina dell’evoluzione storico-giuridica del principio di mobilità dei dipendenti pubblici, passando poi, sulla scorta dell’inquadramento teorico-sistematico dei fenomeni di mobilità e della classificazione delle differenti tipologie così operata, al successivo esame analitico delle singole figure. Il tutto non disgiunto da una necessaria quanto opportuna riflessione, “trasversale” alle fattispecie, oltre che conclusiva, circa l’impatto della c.d. Riforma Brunetta e dei provvedimenti in itinere sulla tematica di ricerca.
The Thrace Basin is the largest and thickest Tertiary sedimentary basin of the eastern Balkans region and constitutes an important hydrocarbon province. It is located between the Rhodope-Strandja Massif to the north and west, the Marmara Sea and Biga Peninsula to the south, and the Black Sea to the est. It consists of a complex system of depocenters and uplifts with very articulate paleotopography indicated by abrupt lateral facies variations. Its southeastern margin is widely deformed by the Ganos Fault, a segment of the North Anatolian strike-slip fault system . Most of the Thrace Basin fill ranges from the Eocene to the Late Oligocene. Maximum total thickness, including the Neogene-Quaternary succession, reaches 9.000 meters in a few narrow depocenters. This sedimentary succession consists mainly of basin plain turbiditic deposits with a significant volcaniclastic component which evolves upwards to shelf deposits and continental facies, with deltaic bodies prograding towards the basin center in the Oligocene. This work deals with the provenance of Eocene-Oligocene clastic sediments of the southern and western part of Thrace Basin in Turkey and Greece. Sandstone compositional data (78 gross composition analyses and 40 heavy minerals analyses) were used to understand the change in detrital modes which reflects the provenance and geodinamic evolution of the basin. Samples were collected at six localities, which are from west to est: Gökçeada, Gallipoli and South-Ganos (south of Ganos Fault), Alexandroupolis, Korudağ and North-Ganos (north of Ganos Fault). Petrologic (framework composition and heavy-mineral analyses) and stratigraphic-sedimentologic data, (analysis of sedimentologic facies associations along representative stratigraphic sections, paleocurrents) allowed discrimination of six petrofacies; for each petrofacies the sediment dispersal system was delineated. The Thrace Basin fill is made mainly of lithic arkoses and arkosic litharenites with variable amount of low-grade metamorphic lithics (also ophiolitic), neovolcanic lithics, and carbonate grains (mainly extrabasinal). Picotite is the most widespread heavy mineral in all petrofacies. Petrological data on analyzed successions show a complex sediment dispersal pattern and evolution of the basin, indicating one principal detrital input from a source area located to the south, along both the İzmir-Ankara and Intra-Pontide suture lines, and a possible secondary source area, represented by the Rhodope Massif to the west. A significant portion of the Thrace Basin sediments in the study area were derived from ophiolitic source rocks and from their oceanic cover, whereas epimetamorphic detrital components came from a low-grade crystalline basement. An important penecontemporaneous volcanic component is widespread in late Eocene-Oligocene times, indicating widespread post-collisional (collapse?) volcanism following the closure of the Vardar ocean. Large-scale sediment mass wasting from south to north along the southern margin of the Thrace Basin is indicated (i) in late Eocene time by large olistoliths of ophiolites and penecontemporaneous carbonates, and (ii) in the mid-Oligocene by large volcaniclastic olistoliths. The late Oligocene paleogeographic scenario was characterized by large deltaic bodies prograding northward (Osmancik Formation). This clearly indicates that the southern margin of the basin acted as a major sediment source area throughout its Eocene-Oligocene history. Another major sediment source area is represented by the Rhodope Massif, in particolar the Circum-Rhodopic belt, especially for plutonic and metamorphic rocks. Considering preexisting data on the petrologic composition of Thrace Basin, silicilastic sediments in Greece and Bulgaria (Caracciolo, 2009), a Rhodopian provenance could be considered mostly for areas of the Thrace Basin outside our study area, particularly in the northern-central portions of the basin. In summary, the most important source area for the sediment of Thrace Basin in the study area was represented by the exhumed subduction-accretion complex along the southern margin of the basin (Biga Peninsula and western-central Marmara Sea region). Most measured paleocurrent indicators show an eastward paleoflow but this is most likely the result of gravity flow deflection. This is possible considered a strong control due to the east-west-trending synsedimentary transcurrent faults which cuts the Thrace Basin, generating a series of depocenters and uplifts which deeply influenced sediment dispersal and the areal distribution of paleoenvironments. The Thrace Basin was long interpreted as a forearc basin between a magmatic arc to the north and a subduction-accretion complex to the south, developed in a context of northward subduction. This interpretation was challenged by more recent data emphasizing the lack of a coeval magmatic arc in the north and the interpretation of the chaotic deposit which outcrop south of Ganos Fault as olistoliths and large submarine slumps, derived from the erosion and sedimentary reworking of an older mélange unit located to the south (not as tectonic mélange formed in an accretionary prism). The present study corroborates instead the hypothesis of a post-collisional origin of the Thrace Basin, due to a phase of orogenic collapse, which generated a series of mid-Eocene depocenters all along the İzmir-Ankara suture (following closure of the Vardar-İzmir-Ankara ocean and the ensuing collision); then the slab roll-back of the remnant Pindos ocean played an important role in enhancing subsidence and creating additional accommodation space for sediment deposition.
The aim of the study was to identify expression signatures unique for specific stages of osteoblast differentiation in order to improve our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying bone repair and regeneration. We performed a microarray analysis on the whole transcriptome of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) obtained from the femoral canal of patients undergoing hip replacement. By defining different time-points within the differentiation and mineralization phases of hMSCs, temporal gene expression changes were visualised. Importantly, the gene expression of adherent bone marrow mononuclear cells, being the undifferentiated progenitors of bone cells, was used as reference. In addition, only the cultures able to form mineral nodules at the final time-point were considered for the gene expression analyses. To obtain the genes of our interest, we only focused on genes: i) whose expression was significantly upregulated; ii) which are involved in pathways or biological processes relevant to proliferation, differentiation and functions of bone cells; iii) which changed considerably during the different steps of differentiation and/or mineralization. Among the 213 genes identified as differentially expressed by microarray analysis, we selected 65 molecular markers related to specific steps of osteogenic differentiation. These markers are grouped into various gene clusters according to their involvement in processes which play a key role in bone cell biology such as angiogenesis, ossification, cell communication, development and in pathways like TGF beta and Wnt signaling pathways. Taken together, these results allow us to monitor hMSC cultures and to distinguish between different stages of differentiation and mineralization. The signatures represent a useful tool to analyse a broad spectrum of functions of hMSCs cultured on scaffolds, especially when the constructs are conceived for releasing growth factors or other signals to promote bone regeneration. Morover, this work will enhance our understanding of bone development and will enable us to recognize molecular defects that compromise normal bone function as occurs in pathological conditions.
The aim of this Doctoral Thesis is to develop a genetic algorithm based optimization methods to find the best conceptual design architecture of an aero-piston-engine, for given design specifications. Nowadays, the conceptual design of turbine airplanes starts with the aircraft specifications, then the most suited turbofan or turbo propeller for the specific application is chosen. In the aeronautical piston engines field, which has been dormant for several decades, as interest shifted towards turboaircraft, new materials with increased performance and properties have opened new possibilities for development. Moreover, the engine’s modularity given by the cylinder unit, makes it possible to design a specific engine for a given application. In many real engineering problems the amount of design variables may be very high, characterized by several non-linearities needed to describe the behaviour of the phenomena. In this case the objective function has many local extremes, but the designer is usually interested in the global one. The stochastic and the evolutionary optimization techniques, such as the genetic algorithms method, may offer reliable solutions to the design problems, within acceptable computational time. The optimization algorithm developed here can be employed in the first phase of the preliminary project of an aeronautical piston engine design. It’s a mono-objective genetic algorithm, which, starting from the given design specifications, finds the engine propulsive system configuration which possesses minimum mass while satisfying the geometrical, structural and performance constraints. The algorithm reads the project specifications as input data, namely the maximum values of crankshaft and propeller shaft speed and the maximal pressure value in the combustion chamber. The design variables bounds, that describe the solution domain from the geometrical point of view, are introduced too. In the Matlab® Optimization environment the objective function to be minimized is defined as the sum of the masses of the engine propulsive components. Each individual that is generated by the genetic algorithm is the assembly of the flywheel, the vibration damper and so many pistons, connecting rods, cranks, as the number of the cylinders. The fitness is evaluated for each individual of the population, then the rules of the genetic operators are applied, such as reproduction, mutation, selection, crossover. In the reproduction step the elitist method is applied, in order to save the fittest individuals from a contingent mutation and recombination disruption, making it undamaged survive until the next generation. Finally, as the best individual is found, the optimal dimensions values of the components are saved to an Excel® file, in order to build a CAD-automatic-3D-model for each component of the propulsive system, having a direct pre-visualization of the final product, still in the engine’s preliminary project design phase. With the purpose of showing the performance of the algorithm and validating this optimization method, an actual engine is taken, as a case study: it’s the 1900 JTD Fiat Avio, 4 cylinders, 4T, Diesel. Many verifications are made on the mechanical components of the engine, in order to test their feasibility and to decide their survival through generations. A system of inequalities is used to describe the non-linear relations between the design variables, and is used for components checking for static and dynamic loads configurations. The design variables geometrical boundaries are taken from actual engines data and similar design cases. Among the many simulations run for algorithm testing, twelve of them have been chosen as representative of the distribution of the individuals. Then, as an example, for each simulation, the corresponding 3D models of the crankshaft and the connecting rod, have been automatically built. In spite of morphological differences among the component the mass is almost the same. The results show a significant mass reduction (almost 20% for the crankshaft) in comparison to the original configuration, and an acceptable robustness of the method have been shown. The algorithm here developed is shown to be a valid method for an aeronautical-piston-engine preliminary project design optimization. In particular the procedure is able to analyze quite a wide range of design solutions, rejecting the ones that cannot fulfill the feasibility design specifications. This optimization algorithm could increase the aeronautical-piston-engine development, speeding up the production rate and joining modern computation performances and technological awareness to the long lasting traditional design experiences.
Down syndrome (DS) or Trisomy 21, occurring in 1/700 and 1/1000 livebirths, is the most common genetic disorder, characterized by a third copy of the human chromosome 21 (Hsa21). DS is associated with various defects, including congenital heart diseases, craniofacial abnormalities, immune system dysfunction, mental retardation (MR), learning and memory deficiency. The phenotypic features in DS are a direct consequence of overexpression of genes located within the triplicated region on Hsa21. In addition to developmental brain abnormalities and disabilities, people with DS by the age of 30-40 have a greatly increased risk of early-onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and an apparent tendency toward premature aging. Many of the immunological anomalies in DS can be enclosed in the spectrum of multiple signs of early senescence. People with DS have an increased vulnerability to oxidative damage and many factors, including amyloid beta protein (Abeta), genotype ApoE4, oxidative stress, mutations in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), impairment of antioxidant enzymes, accelerated neuronal cell apoptosis, are related to neuronal degeneration and early aging in DS. SUBJECTS and METHODS: Since 2007 a population of 50 adolescents and adults with DS, 26 males and 24 females (sex-ratio: M/F = 1.08), has been evaluated for the presence of neurological features, biomarkers and genetic factors correlated with neuronal degeneration and premature aging. The control group was determined by the mother and the siblings of the patients. A neuropsychiatric evaluation was obtained from all patients. The levels of thyroid antibodies (antiTg and antiTPO) and of some biochemical markers of oxidative stress, including homocysteine (tHcy), uric acid, cobalamin, folate were measured. All patients, the mother and the siblings were genotyped for ApoE gene. RESULTS: 40% of patients, with a mild prevalence of females aged between 19 and 30 years, showed increased levels of antiTg and antiTPO. The levels of tHcy were normal in 52% patients and mildly increased in 40%; hyperomocysteinemia was associated with normal levels of thyroid antibodies in 75% of patients (p<0.005). The levels of uric acid were elevated in 26%. Our study showed a prevalence of severe MR in patients aged between 1-18 years and over 30 years. Only 3 patients, 2 females and one male, over 30 years of age, showed dementia. According to the literature, the rate of Down left-handers was high (25%) compared to the rest of population and the laterality was associated with increased levels of thyroid antibodies (70%). 21.5% of patients were ApoE4 positive (ApoE4+) with a mean/severe MR. CONCLUSIONS: Until now no biochemical evidence of oxidative damage and no deficiency or alteration of antioxidant function in our patients with DS were found. mtDNA sequencing could show some mutations age-related and associated with oxidative damage and neurocognitive decline in the early aging of DS. The final aim is found predictive markers of early-onset dementia and a target strategy for the prevention and the treatment of diseases caused by oxidative stress. REFERENCES: 1) Rachidi M, Lopes C: “Mental retardation and associated neurological dysfunctions in Down syndrome: a consequence of dysregulation in critical chromosome 21 genes and associated molecular pathways.” - Eur J Paediatr Neurol. May;12(3):168-82 (2008). 2) Lott IT, Head E: “Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease: a link between development and aging.” - Ment Retard Dev Disabil Res Rev, 7(3):172-8 (2001). 3) Lee HC, Wei YH: “Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial DNA Mutation, and Apoptosis in Aging.” - Exp Biol Med (Maywood), May;232(5):592-606 (2007).
Recent reports showed that early-interim PET-scan is the only tool predicting treatment outcome in advanced-stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma (asCHL). We evaluated the prognostic impact of a series of immunohistochemical markers, mentioned in literature as prognostic factors, on tissue microarrays assembled from biopsies of 220 patients: STAT1, SAP, TOP2A, PCNA and CD20, both in neoplastic (HRSC) and microenvironment cells (MC); RRM2, MAD2, CDC2, BCL2, P53, BCL11A and EBER in HRSC; ALDH1A1, TIA-1, granzyme B, perforin, FOXP3, and PD-1 in MC. All patients had been treated with standard ABVD ± Rx therapy. Interim-PET after 2 ABVD courses was evaluated according to the criteria indicated by Gallamini in his study (Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2007). The survival analysis has been performed in a subset of 138 patients whose complete clinical information were available: the mean age was 33.3 years (14-79), the stage III-IVB in 98 and IIB in 40, and the mean follow-up 38.1 months (7.6-71.9). Histopathology review showed: NS-I 75, NS-II 22, MC 20, DL 3, and CHL/nos 18 cases. Interim-PET was positive in 30 patients, while treatment failure was recorded in 32. In univariate analysis the factors related to treatment outcome were BCL2 on HRSC (cut-off value 50%), STAT1/SAP on MC, and PET (Log-rank 6.9, 7.9 and 93.9 respectively). The combined expression of STAT1 and SAP was scored in three levels depending on the architectural pattern: score 0 for expression of both with a diffuse/rosetting pattern; score 1 for discordant combination of diffuse/rosetting and scattered patterns; score 2 for both markers with a scattered pattern; the 3y-PFS were 87.4%, 69.9% and 61.9% respectively. In multivariate analysis PET, BCL2 and STAT1/SAP remained significant (HR: 24.8, 4.6, 7.5 and 5.6, respectively; p<.01). The proposed model is able to predict treatment response in AsCHL, even if with a lower efficacy than PET. However, unlike PET, it can be applied upfront therapy.
Nel trasporto di cose si registra l’intervento nella fase di riconsegna della merce di un soggetto diverso dall’originario contraente con il vettore: il destinatario. Tale contratto si caratterizza per uno sfasamento tra il momento della stipulazione del contratto tra mittente e vettore e quello della riconsegna delle merci, nel quale al destinatario viene riconosciuta facoltà di esercitare i diritti nascenti dal contratto di trasporto nei confronti del vettore; tale sfasamento temporale fra l’inizio e la fine della prestazione del vettore comporta una scissione in seno alla figura del creditore del trasporto nei confronti del vettore fra mittente e destinatario. Questo elemento crea una particolare situazione giuridica che è stata variamente inquadrata. Si verifica, infatti, un fenomeno di successione del destinatario al mittente nell’acquisto e nel conseguente esercizio dei diritti nascenti dal contratto di trasporto, ossia un trasferimento dei diritti dal mittente al destinatario, di portata apparentemente eversiva del principio della relatività degli effetti del contratto codificato dall’art. 1372 c.c. Si pone, dunque, il problema di individuare quali diritti nei confronti del vettore siano esercitabili dal destinatario, ossia quale sia il contenuto di tali diritti. In secondo luogo, si pone il problema di accertare con quali modalità temporali il destinatario acquisti tali diritti. Bisogna, poi, stabilire a quale titolo tale acquisto avvenga. Inoltre è necessario stabilire come si concili la legittimazione all’esercizio di tali diritti con i poteri di disposizione del carico e, in definitiva, di modifica del contratto del trasporto, riconosciuti al mittente e determinare a chi spetti la legittimazione ad esercitare le azioni derivanti dal contratto di trasporto verso il vettore. Questi quesiti toccano un problema di più ampia portata riguardante la configurazione giuridica della posizione negoziale assunta dal destinatario all’interno della complessa fattispecie contrattuale che vincola fra loro i tre soggetti e la determinazione del meccanismo giuridico che rende possibile il trasferimento dei diritti che nascono dal contratto di trasporto al destinatario, il quale si sostituisce al mittente nella titolarità degli stessi. La disciplina del trasporto non si presta ad una interpretazione univoca, ponendo problemi applicativi di non facile soluzione. Le esigenze di un’idonea configurazione giuridica del contratto di trasporto e dei rapporti intercorrenti fra i soggetti intorno ad esso interagiscono, quelle di un equo contemperamento degli interessi delle parti e quelle di una compiuta risposta ai problemi pratici connessi all’attuale realtà dei traffici non hanno trovato risposte condivise. La dottrina e la giurisprudenza hanno fornito diverse soluzioni, per lo più basate su un’interpretazione sistematica del contratto di trasporto, a margine del codice di commercio del 1882, prima, e del codice civile del 1942, poi. Si è dunque dato vita alla ricerca, all’interno delle norme generali in tema di obbligazioni e contratti, delle logiche e degli istituti ai quali può essere ricondotto l’acquisto da parte del destinatario del risultato della prestazione del vettore nella fase finale della riconsegna del carico. L’elaborato analizza tutte le teorie sviluppate dagli interpreti. In particolare viene esaminata la tesi accolta dalla dottrina e dalla giurisprudenza maggioritarie, volta a qualificare il trasporto come un contratto a favore a terzi, la tesi che qualifica tale contratto come un’ipotesi di indicazione o di delegazione di pagamento e la tesi che qualifica il trasporto come di cose come contratto naturalmente suscettibile di cessione al destinatario. Di tali teorie vengono indagate le conseguenze applicative, con particolare riferimento al contenuto dei diritti, delle azioni e delle eccezioni esercitabili dei soggetti che partecipano al contratto, per concludere che la teoria che fornisce il più ampio contemperamento degli interessi delle parti, alla luce dell’attuale realtà dei traffici, è quella che riconduce il trasferimento dei diritti inerenti al contratto di trasporto di cose all’istituto della cessione.