128 resultados para interfaccia,rover,monitoraggio,connettività,programmazione


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L’ipertiroidismo felino rappresenta oggi la più comune endocrinopatia della specie. I capitoli 2 e 3 costituiscono una revisione della letteratura in merito agli aspetti clinici, diagnostici e terapeutici della patologia. Il capitolo 4 indaga il ruolo della dimetilarginina simmetrica (SDMA) come marker di funzionalità renale nei gatti ipertiroidei prima e dopo terapia medica. La patologia tiroidea più comune nel cane è l’ipotiroidismo. Nello studio riportato al capitolo 5 sono state indagate le performance diagnostiche di freeT3, freeT4, rT3, 3,3-T2 e 3,5-T2, misurati tramite LC-MS/MS, nel differenziare tra cani ipotiroidei, cani con patologie non-tiroidee e cani sani. La presenza di una possibile correlazione tra la gravità della condizione clinica dei pazienti ipotiroidei, le variabili emato-chimiche e le concentrazioni sieriche di cTSH è stata valutata nel capitolo 6. Il capitolo 7 valuta l’andamento dell’SDMA in cani ipotiroidei prima e dopo supplementazione ormonale. A differenza della Sindrome di Cushing dell’uomo, che è considerata una malattia rara, nel cane l’ipercortisolismo spontaneo (HC) è una delle endocrinopatie più comuni. Gli aspetti epidemiologici dell’HC e la ricerca di un metodo di monitoraggio alternativo al test di stimolazione con ACTH nei cani trattati con Trilostano sono stati approfonditi rispettivamente nei capitoli 8 e 9. A differenza dell'HC, l'ipoadrenocorticismo primario (PH) è una patologia rara nel cane. Lo scopo dello studio riportato nel capitolo 10 consiste nel descrivere le frazioni escretorie degli elettroliti urinari nei cani con PH e di indagare se esse possano rappresentare un utile supporto alla diagnosi e al trattamento del PH canino. Il riscontro accidentale di masse surrenaliche rappresenta una criticità diagnostica. Infatti, può essere difficile distinguere morfologicamente tra lesioni corticali e midollari e tra lesioni maligne e benigne. Nel capitolo 11 vengono descritti i rilievi immunoistochimici dell'incidentaloma surrenalico nel cane e viene valutato il ruolo del Ki-67 PI come indicatore di malignità.


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Since their emergence, locally resonant metamaterials have found several applications for the control of surface waves, from micrometer-sized electronic devices to meter-sized seismic barriers. The interaction between Rayleigh-type surface waves and resonant metamaterials has been investigated through the realization of locally resonant metasurfaces, thin elastic interfaces constituted by a cluster of resonant inclusions or oscillators embedded near the surface of an elastic waveguide. When such resonant metasurfaces are embedded in an elastic homogeneous half-space, they can filter out the propagation of Rayleigh waves, creating low-frequency bandgaps at selected frequencies. In the civil engineering context, heavy resonating masses are needed to extend the bandgap frequency width of locally resonant devices, a requirement that limits their practical implementations. In this dissertation, the wave attenuation capabilities of locally resonant metasurfaces have been enriched by proposing (i) tunable metasurfaces to open large frequency bandgaps with small effective inertia, and by developing (ii) an analytical framework aimed at studying the propagation of Rayleigh waves propagation in deep resonant waveguides. In more detail, inertial amplified resonators are exploited to design advanced metasurfaces with a prescribed static and a tunable dynamic response. The modular design of the tunable metasurfaces allows to shift and enlarge low-frequency spectral bandgaps without modifying the total inertia of the metasurface. Besides, an original dispersion law is derived to study the dispersive properties of Rayleigh waves propagating in thick resonant layers made of sub-wavelength resonators. Accordingly, a deep resonant wave barrier of mechanical resonators embedded inside the soil is designed to impede the propagation of seismic surface waves. Numerical models are developed to confirm the analytical dispersion predictions of the tunable metasurface and resonant layer. Finally, a medium-size scale resonant wave barrier is designed according to the soil stratigraphy of a real geophysical scenario to attenuate ground-borne vibration.


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The convergence between the recent developments in sensing technologies, data science, signal processing and advanced modelling has fostered a new paradigm to the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of engineered structures, which is the one based on intelligent sensors, i.e., embedded devices capable of stream processing data and/or performing structural inference in a self-contained and near-sensor manner. To efficiently exploit these intelligent sensor units for full-scale structural assessment, a joint effort is required to deal with instrumental aspects related to signal acquisition, conditioning and digitalization, and those pertaining to data management, data analytics and information sharing. In this framework, the main goal of this Thesis is to tackle the multi-faceted nature of the monitoring process, via a full-scale optimization of the hardware and software resources involved by the {SHM} system. The pursuit of this objective has required the investigation of both: i) transversal aspects common to multiple application domains at different abstraction levels (such as knowledge distillation, networking solutions, microsystem {HW} architectures), and ii) the specificities of the monitoring methodologies (vibrations, guided waves, acoustic emission monitoring). The key tools adopted in the proposed monitoring frameworks belong to the embedded signal processing field: namely, graph signal processing, compressed sensing, ARMA System Identification, digital data communication and TinyML.


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Negli ultimi decenni, l’outcome dei pazienti sottoposti a chirurgia dell’aorta toracica è migliorato grazie ai progressi ottenuti nella gestione della circolazione extracorporea, della protezione miocardica e cerebrale e del monitoraggio intra- e postoperatorio dei pazienti. Malgrado questo però, la chirurgia dell’arco aortico è ancora gravata da una significativa mortalità e morbilità dovute principalmente alle complicanze neurologiche conseguenti all’interruzione temporanea della circolazione cerebrale. Nel presente studio sono stati analizzati 364 pazienti trattati per sostituzione dell’arco aortico con l’ausilio della perfusione cerebrale selettiva anterograda, presso l’Unità Operativa di Cardiochirurgia dell’Ospedale di Sant’Orsola di Bologna dal 1° gennaio 2015 al 31 maggio 2020.Le disfunzioni neurologiche permanenti sono state diagnosticate in 33 dei 364 pazienti (9.1%) operati, utilizzando la perfusione cerebrale selettiva anterograda come tecnica di perfusione cerebrale. Pertanto abbiamo confrontato due gruppi di pazienti: un gruppo di 33 pazienti con deficit permanenti con il resto dei pazienti (331) che non aveva alcun deficit. Tra le variabili intraoperatorie, i tipi di cannulazione arteriosa, in particolare la cannulazione dell’arteria femorale (109 [32.9%] vs 17 [51.5%], p-value=0.032) e dell’aorta ascendente (56 [16.9%] vs 0, p-value=0.010), presentano delle differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi. Per quanto riguarda la perfusione cerebrale selettiva anterograda, i valori del flusso medio (899.63 ± 214.12 vs 952.52 ± 160.72, p-value=0.051) presentano una differenza statisticamente significativa tra i due campioni. All’analisi multivariata, la dissezione aortica di tipo A (p = 0.010), la cannulazione femorale (p = 0.033) e l’arresto di circolo totale (p = 0.046) si confermano dei fattori di rischio statisticamente significativi per l’insorgenza di disfunzioni neurologiche permanenti


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Anthropogenic activities and climatic processes heavily influence surface water resources by causing their progressive depletion, which in turn affects both societies and the environment. Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand the contribution of human and climatic dynamics on the variation of surface water availability. Here, this investigation is performed on the contiguous United States (CONUS) using remotely-sensed data. Three anthropogenic (i.e., urban area, population, and irrigation) and two climatic factors (i.e., precipitation and temperature) were selected as potential drivers of changes in surface water extent and the overlap between the increase or decrease in these drivers and the variation of surface water was examined. Most of the river basins experienced a surface water gain due to precipitation increase (eastern CONUS), and a reduction of irrigated land (western CONUS). River basins of the arid southwestern region and some river basins of the northeastern area encountered a surface water loss, essentially induced by population growth, along with a precipitation deficit and a general expansion of irrigated land. To further inspect the role of population growth and urbanization on surface water loss, the spatial interaction between human settlements and surface water depletion was examined by evaluating the frequency of surface water loss as a function of distance from urban areas. The decline of the observed frequency was successfully reproduced with an exponential distance-decay model, proving that surface water losses are more concentrated in the proximity of cities. Climatic conditions influenced this pattern, with more widely distributed losses in arid regions compared to temperate and continental areas. The results presented in this Thesis provide an improved understanding of the effects of anthropogenic and climatic dynamics on surface water availability, which could be integrated in the definition of sustainable strategies for urbanization, water management, and surface water restoration.


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In this thesis, Ph.D candidate presents a compact sensor node (SN) designed for long-term and real-time acoustic emission (AE) monitoring of above ground storage tanks (ASTs). Each SN exploits up to three inexpensive low-frequency sensors based on piezoelectric diaphragms for effective leakage detection, and it is capable by means of built-in Digital Signal Processing functionalities to process the acquired time waveforms extracting the AE features usually required by testing protocols. Alternatively, capability to plug three high frequency AE sensors to a SN for corrosion simulated phenomena detection is envisaged and demonstrated. Another innovative aspect that the Ph.D candidate presents in this work is an alternative mathematical model of corrosion location on the bottom of the AST. This approach implies considering the three-dimensional localization model versus the two-dimensional commonly used according to the literature. This approach is aimed at significant optimization in the number of sensors in relation to the standard approach for solving localization problems as well as to allow filtering the false AE events related to the condensate droplets from AST ceiling. The technological implementation of this concept required the solution of a number of technical problems, such as the precise time of arrival (ToA) signal estimation, vertical localization of the AE source and multilaration solution that were discussed in detail in this work. To validate the developed prototype, several experimental campaigns were organized that included the simulation of target phenomena both in laboratory conditions and on a real water storage tank. The presented test results demonstrate the successful application of the developed AE system both for simulated leaks and for corrosion processes on the tank bottom. Mathematical and technological algorithms for localization and characterization of AE signals implemented during the development of the prototype are also confirmed by the test results.


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Depth represents a crucial piece of information in many practical applications, such as obstacle avoidance and environment mapping. This information can be provided either by active sensors, such as LiDARs, or by passive devices like cameras. A popular passive device is the binocular rig, which allows triangulating the depth of the scene through two synchronized and aligned cameras. However, many devices that are already available in several infrastructures are monocular passive sensors, such as most of the surveillance cameras. The intrinsic ambiguity of the problem makes monocular depth estimation a challenging task. Nevertheless, the recent progress of deep learning strategies is paving the way towards a new class of algorithms able to handle this complexity. This work addresses many relevant topics related to the monocular depth estimation problem. It presents networks capable of predicting accurate depth values even on embedded devices and without the need of expensive ground-truth labels at training time. Moreover, it introduces strategies to estimate the uncertainty of these models, and it shows that monocular networks can easily generate training labels for different tasks at scale. Finally, it evaluates off-the-shelf monocular depth predictors for the relevant use case of social distance monitoring, and shows how this technology allows to overcome already existing strategies limitations.


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The thesis has been carried out within the “SHAPE Project - Predicting Strength Changes in Bridges from Frequency Data Safety, Hazard, and Poly-harmonic Evaluation” (ERA-NET Plus Infravation Call 2014) which dealt with the structural assessment of existing bridges and laboratory structural reproductions through the use of vibration-based monitoring systems, for detecting changes in their natural frequencies and correlating them with the occurrence of damage. The main purpose of this PhD dissertation has been the detection of the variation of the main natural frequencies as a consequence of a previous-established damage configuration provided on a structure. Firstly, the effect of local damage on the modal feature has been discussed mainly concerning a steel frame and a composite steel-concrete bridge. Concerning the variation of the fundamental frequency of the small bridge, the increasing severity of two local damages has been investigated. Moreover, the comparison with a 3D FE model is even presented establishing a link between the dynamic properties and the damage features. Then, moving towards a diffused damage pattern, four concrete beams and a small concrete deck were loaded achieving the yielding of the steel reinforcement. The stiffness deterioration in terms of frequency shifts has been reconsidered by collecting a large set of dynamic experiments on simply supported R.C. beams discussed in the literature. The comparison of the load-frequency curves suggested a significant agreement among all the experiments. Thus, in the framework of damage mechanics, the “breathing cracks” phenomenon has been discussed leading to an analytical formula able to explain the frequency decay observed experimentally. Lastly, some dynamic investigations of two existing bridges and the corresponding FE Models are presented in Chapter 4. Moreover, concerning the bridge in Bologna, two prototypes of a network of accelerometers were installed and the data of a few months of monitoring have been discussed.


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Nello sport di alto livello l’uso della tecnologia ha raggiunto un ruolo di notevole importanza per l’analisi e la valutazione della prestazione. Negli ultimi anni sono emerse nuove tecnologie e sono migliorate quelle pre-esistenti (i.e. accelerometri, giroscopi e software per l’analisi video) in termini di campionamento, acquisizione dati, dimensione dei sensori che ha permesso la loro “indossabilità” e l’inserimento degli stessi all’interno degli attrezzi sportivi. La tecnologia è sempre stata al servizio degli atleti come strumento di supporto per raggiungere l’apice dei risultati sportivi. Per questo motivo la valutazione funzionale dell’atleta associata all’uso di tecnologie si pone lo scopo di valutare i miglioramenti degli atleti misurando la condizione fisica e/o la competenza tecnica di una determinata disciplina sportiva. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è studiare l’utilizzo delle applicazioni tecnologiche e individuare nuovi metodi di valutazione della performance in alcuni sport acquatici. La prima parte (capitoli 1-5), si concentra sulla tecnologia prototipale chiamata E-kayak e le varie applicazioni nel kayak di velocità. In questi lavori è stata verificata l’attendibilità dei dati forniti dal sistema E-kayak con i sistemi presenti in letteratura. Inoltre, sono stati indagati nuovi parametri utili a comprendere il modello di prestazione del paddler. La seconda parte (capitolo 6), si riferisce all’analisi cinematica della spinta verticale del pallanuotista, attraverso l’utilizzo della video analisi 2D, per l’individuazione delle relazioni Forza-velocità e Potenza-velocità direttamente in acqua. Questo studio pilota, potrà fornire indicazioni utili al monitoraggio e condizionamento di forza e potenza da svolgere direttamente in acqua. Infine la terza parte (capitoli 7-8), si focalizza sull’individuazione della sequenza di Fibonacci (sequenza divina) nel nuoto a stile libero e a farfalla. I risultati di questi studi suggeriscono che il ritmo di nuotata tenuto durante le medie/lunghe distanze gioca un ruolo chiave. Inoltre, il livello di autosomiglianza (self-similarity) aumenta con la tecnica del nuoto.


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Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) are becoming essential in many application contexts, e.g. civil, industrial, aerospace etc., to reduce structures maintenance costs and improve safety. Conventional inspection methods typically exploit bulky and expensive instruments and rely on highly demanding signal processing techniques. The pressing need to overcome these limitations is the common thread that guided the work presented in this Thesis. In the first part, a scalable, low-cost and multi-sensors smart sensor network is introduced. The capability of this technology to carry out accurate modal analysis on structures undergoing flexural vibrations has been validated by means of two experimental campaigns. Then, the suitability of low-cost piezoelectric disks in modal analysis has been demonstrated. To enable the use of this kind of sensing technology in such non conventional applications, ad hoc data merging algorithms have been developed. In the second part, instead, imaging algorithms for Lamb waves inspection (namely DMAS and DS-DMAS) have been implemented and validated. Results show that DMAS outperforms the canonical Delay and Sum (DAS) approach in terms of image resolution and contrast. Similarly, DS-DMAS can achieve better results than both DMAS and DAS by suppressing artefacts and noise. To exploit the full potential of these procedures, accurate group velocity estimations are required. Thus, novel wavefield analysis tools that can address the estimation of the dispersion curves from SLDV acquisitions have been investigated. An image segmentation technique (called DRLSE) was exploited in the k-space to draw out the wavenumber profile. The DRLSE method was compared with compressive sensing methods to extract the group and phase velocity information. The validation, performed on three different carbon fibre plates, showed that the proposed solutions can accurately determine the wavenumber and velocities in polar coordinates at multiple excitation frequencies.


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There is a constant need to improve the infrastructure's quality and build new infrastructure with better designs. The risk of accidents and noise can be reduced by improving the surface properties of the pavement. The amount of raw material used in road construction is worrisome, as it is finite and due the waste produced. Environmentally-friendly roads construction, recycling might be the main way. Projects must be more environmentally-friendly, safer, and quieter. Is it possible to develop a safer, quieter and environmentally-friendly pavement surfaces? The hypothesis is: is it possible to create an Artificial Engineered Aggregate (AEA) using waste materials and providing it with a specific shape that can help to reduce the noise and increase the friction? The thesis presents the development of an AEA and its application as a partial replacement in microsurfacing samples. The 1st introduces the topic and provides the aim and objectives of the thesis. The 2nd chapter – presents a pavement solution to noise and friction review. The 3rd chapter - developing a mix design for a geopolymer mortar that used basalt powder. The 4th chapter is presented the physical-mechanical evaluation of the AEA. The 5th chapter evaluates the use of this aggregate in microsurfacing regarding the texture parameters. The 6th chapter, those parameter are used as an input to SPERoN® model, simulating their noise behavior of these solutions. The findings from this thesis are presented as partial conclusions in each chapter, to be closed in a final chapter. The main findings are: the DoE provided the tool to select the appropriate geopolymer mortar mix design; AEA had interesting results regarding the physical-mechanical tests; AEA in partial replacement of the natural aggregates in microsurfacing mixture proved feasible. The texture parameters and noise levels obtained in AEA samples demonstrate that it can serve as a HIFASP


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The topic of this thesis is the design and the implementation of mathematical models and control system algorithms for rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicles to be used in cooperative scenarios. The use of rotorcrafts has many attractive advantages, since these vehicles have the capability to take-off and land vertically, to hover and to move backward and laterally. Rotary-wing aircraft missions require precise control characteristics due to their unstable and heavy coupling aspects. As a matter of fact, flight test is the most accurate way to evaluate flying qualities and to test control systems. However, it may be very expensive and/or not feasible in case of early stage design and prototyping. A good compromise is made by a preliminary assessment performed by means of simulations and a reduced flight testing campaign. Consequently, having an analytical framework represents an important stage for simulations and control algorithm design. In this work mathematical models for various helicopter configurations are implemented. Different flight control techniques for helicopters are presented with theoretical background and tested via simulations and experimental flight tests on a small-scale unmanned helicopter. The same platform is used also in a cooperative scenario with a rover. Control strategies, algorithms and their implementation to perform missions are presented for two main scenarios. One of the main contributions of this thesis is to propose a suitable control system made by a classical PID baseline controller augmented with L1 adaptive contribution. In addition a complete analytical framework and the study of the dynamics and the stability of a synch-rotor are provided. At last, the implementation of cooperative control strategies for two main scenarios that include a small-scale unmanned helicopter and a rover.


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Existing bridges built in the last 50 years face challenges due to states far different than those envisaged when they were designed, due to increased loads, ageing of materials, and poor maintenance. For post-tensioned bridges, the need emerged for reliable engineering tools for the evaluation of their capacity in case of steel corrosion due to lack of mortar injection. This can lead to sudden brittle collapses, highlighting the need for proper maintenance and monitoring. This thesis proposes a peak strength model for corroded strands, introducing a “group coefficient” that aims at considering corrosion variability in the wires constituting the strands. The application of the introduced model in a deterministic approach leads to the proposal of strength curves for corroded strands, which represent useful engineering tools for estimating their maximum strength considering both geometry of the corrosion and steel material parameters. Together with the proposed ultimate displacement curves, constitutive laws of the steel material reduced by the effects of corrosion can be obtained. The effects of corroded strands on post-tensioned beams can be evaluated through the reduced bending moment-curvature diagram accounting for these reduced stress-strain relationships. The application of the introduced model in a probabilistic approach allows to estimate peak strength probability functions and consecutive design-oriented safety factors to consider corrosion effects in safety assessment verifications. Both approaches consider two procedures that are based on the knowledge level of the corrosion in the strands. On the sidelines of this main research line, this thesis also presents a study of a seismic upgrading intervention of a case-study bridge through HDRB isolators providing a simplified procedure for the identification of the correct device. The study also investigates the effects due to the variability of the shear modulus of the rubber material of the HDRB isolators on the structural response of the isolated bridge.


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The severe accidents deriving from the impact of natural events on industrial installations have become a matter of growing concern in the last decades. In the literature, these events are typically referred to as Natech accidents. Several peculiarities distinguish them from conventional industrial accidents caused by internal factors, such as the possible occurrence of multiple simultaneous failures, and the enhanced probability of cascading events. The research project provides a comprehensive overview of Natech accidents that occurred in the Chemical and Process Industry, allowing for the identification of relevant aspects of Natech events. Quantified event trees and probability of ignition are derived from the collected dataset, providing a step forward in the quantitative risk assessment of Natech accidents. The investigation of past Natech accidents also demonstrated that wildfires may cause technological accidents. Climate change and global warming are promoting the conditions for wildfire development and rapid spread. Hence, ensuring the safety of industrial facilities exposed to wildfires is paramount. This was achieved defining safety distances between wildland vegetation and industrial equipment items. In addition, an innovative methodology for the vulnerability assessment of Natech and Domino scenarios triggered by wildfires was developed. The approach accounted for the dynamic behaviour of wildfire events and related technological scenarios. Besides, the performance of the emergency response and the related intervention time in the case of cascading events caused by natural events were evaluated. Overall, the tools presented in this thesis represent a step forward in the Quantitative Risk Assessment of Natech accidents. The methodologies developed also provide a solid basis for the definition of effective strategies for risk mitigation and reduction. These aspects are crucial to improve the resilience of industrial plants to natural hazards, especially considering the effects that climate change may have on the severity of such events.


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This dissertation aims at developing advanced analytical tools able to model surface waves propagating in elastic metasurfaces. In particular, four different objectives are defined and pursued throughout this work to enrich the description of the metasurface dynamics. First, a theoretical framework is developed to describe the dispersion properties of a seismic metasurface composed of discrete resonators placed on a porous medium considering part of it fully saturated. Such a model combines classical elasticity theory, Biot’s poroelasticity and an effective medium approach to describe the metasurface dynamics and its coupling with the poroelastic substrate. Second, an exact formulation based on the multiple scattering theory is developed to extend the two-dimensional classical Lamb’s problem to the case of an elastic half-space coupled to an arbitrary number of discrete surface resonators. To this purpose, the incident wavefield generated by a harmonic source and the scattered field generated by each resonator are calculated. The substrate wavefield is then obtained as solutions of the coupled problem due to the interference of the incident field and the multiple scattered fields of the oscillators. Third, the above discussed formulation is extended to three-dimensional contexts. The purpose here is to investigate the dynamic behavior and the topological properties of quasiperiodic elastic metasurfaces. Finally, the multiple scattering formulation is extended to model flexural metasurfaces, i.e., an array of thin plates. To this end, the resonant plates are modeled by means of their equivalent impedance, derived by exploiting the Kirchhoff plate theory. The proposed formulation permits the treatment of a general flexural metasurface, with no limitation on the number of plates and the configuration taken into account. Overall, the proposed analytical tools could pave the way for a better understanding of metasurface dynamics and their implementation in engineered devices.