113 resultados para Traduzione,Animazione,Giapponese,Evangelion,Doppiaggio


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La presente tesi di dottorato propone uno studio sulla casa editrice “Dalla parte delle bambine” di Adela Turin. Attiva dal 1975 al 1982 a Milano, si tratta della prima impresa editoriale femminista per l’infanzia in Italia. Nonostante l’originalità e il successo internazionale dei suoi libri, è stata riscontrata una sorprendente scarsità di studi sull’argomento. Questa ricerca interdisciplinare si propone quindi di colmare questa lacuna, inserendosi nel vivace ambito dello studio della letteratura per l’infanzia in prospettiva di genere. La dissertazione è divisa in cinque capitoli, a cui si aggiunge un’appendice iconografica che raccoglie le copertine dell’intero catalogo di DPDB. Nel primo capitolo viene introdotto il quadro teorico della ricerca, dalla complessità della letteratura per il giovane pubblico all’indagine in ottica di genere. Il secondo capitolo si concentra sulle pubblicazioni per bambine e bambini negli anni Settanta, passando in rassegna innovative esperienze editoriali nonché l’opera di scrittori e scrittrici sensibili alle questioni di genere. La terza sezione si occupa di ricostruire il profilo biografico di Turin e il suo decennale impegno contro il sessismo veicolato dai libri per l’infanzia, per poi concentrarsi sulla storia, il catalogo, la diffusione e la ricezione di DPDB. Il quarto capitolo propone un’analisi qualitativa e quantitativa di un corpus di 20 albi illustrati scritti da Turin, oltre a un confronto fra questi libri e diverse ricerche sulla rappresentazione di genere, allo scopo di evidenziare la peculiarità delle proposte di DPDB. La quinta sezione, infine, si occupa del rapporto con la contemporaneità. Dopo aver tracciato un quadro della complessa situazione dell’educazione di genere in Italia e aver proposto una panoramica di esperienze editoriali per il giovane pubblico attente alle questioni di genere, quest’ultima parte indagherà i contesti in cui gli albi di Turin vengono oggi letti e consigliati, offrendosi come narrazione alternativa e tutt’ora attuale.


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This dissertation investigates the role, training and practice of the interpreters that worked during the wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia in the 1990s, both at a high political level and on the ground for peackeeping troops. Adopting a historical method that uses interviews, newspaper articles, videos, archival documents and pictures the author tries to retrace how those interpreters were hired, employed and what challenges they faced in their daily work. The aim is to give voice to a category that has long been forgotten, to investigate how mediated interaction is shaped by violent conflict and to offer hindsight to improve the recruitment and management of local interpreters by armed forces.


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La presente tesi si concentra sulla tendenza, riscontrata nel panorama editoriale italiano, al repêchage e ritraduzione di letteratura fantastica angloamericana femminile. Il corpus di case studies individuati a tale scopo è costituito da una selezione di testi delle autrici Daphne du Maurier, Shirley Jackson e Angela Carter. Di ogni autrice si sono analizzati il romanzo e il racconto con più pubblicazioni editoriali fra lingua inglese e italiana. Di questi testi si sono esaminate le ritraduzioni italiane, che vanno dal 1958 al 2017, con particolare attenzione alle ritraduzioni degli anni Novanta e Duemila pubblicate dagli editori di cultura. Lo studio prende avvio da un apparato teorico sul problema della ritraduzione e sulle teorie formulate in merito alla letteratura fantastica femminile, coadiuvato da una ricerca all’interno dei cataloghi delle case editrici di cultura che hanno pubblicato le ritraduzioni in esame, confrontati con quelli di tre case editrici di riferimento per quanto riguarda il settore fantastico-gotico. Una seconda parte della ricerca è inoltre dedicata agli studi sulla ricezione e sul paratesto, come ulteriore strumento d’analisi del processo di repêchage editoriale quando coadiuvato dalla pratica ritraduttiva. L’apparato teorico è supportato da una ricerca qualitativa in merito all’evoluzione paratestuale dei testi selezionati e della ricezione degli stessi nel loro contesto originario e d’arrivo. La terza e ultima sezione della ricerca è dedicata all’analisi letteraria dei testi in esame. In questo contesto ha infine un suo spazio lo studio traduttologico contrastivo di una casistica di esempi linguistici tratti dai testi. A partire dall’osservazione delle parabole editoriali delle tre autrici, la presente ricerca si propone dunque di fornire uno sguardo d’insieme sul recente fenomeno del repêchage letterario di opere fantastiche femminili nel panorama editoriale italiano, e di investigare il ruolo e la portata socioculturale che la ritraduzione occupa all’interno di questo processo.


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Frame. Assessing the difficulty of source texts and parts thereof is important in CTIS, whether for research comparability, for didactic purposes or setting price differences in the market. In order to empirically measure it, Campbell & Hale (1999) and Campbell (2000) developed the Choice Network Analysis (CNA) framework. Basically, the CNA’s main hypothesis is that the more translation options (a group of) translators have to render a given source text stretch, the higher the difficulty of that text stretch will be. We will call this the CNA hypothesis. In a nutshell, this research project puts the CNA hypothesis to the test and studies whether it does actually measure difficulty. Data collection. Two groups of participants (n=29) of different profiles and from two universities in different countries had three translation tasks keylogged with Inputlog, and filled pre- and post-translation questionnaires. Participants translated from English (L2) into their L1s (Spanish or Italian), and worked—first in class and then at home—using their own computers, on texts ca. 800–1000 words long. Each text was translated in approximately equal halves in two 1-hour sessions, in three consecutive weeks. Only the parts translated at home were considered in the study. Results. A very different picture emerged from data than that which the CNA hypothesis might predict: there was no prevalence of disfluent task segments when there were many translation options, nor was a prevalence of fluent task segments associated to fewer translation options. Indeed, there was no correlation between the number of translation options (many and few) and behavioral fluency. Additionally, there was no correlation between pauses and both behavioral fluency and typing speed. The discussed theoretical flaws and the empirical evidence lead to the conclusion that the CNA framework does not and cannot measure text and translation difficulty.


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This thesis is based on a pilot investigation which explores the attitudes of a sample of Italian viewers towards the simil sync technique which in Italy is used for the dub of non-fictional television contents. The thesis seeks to analyse and define the characteristics of this dubbing modality which is often considered by scholars and professionals in the dubbing industry a hybrid modality of standard synchronised dubbing and voice-over. In order to investigate viewers’ attitudes, I organised 4 focus groups sessions which, due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic, were carried out online. The online recruitment of participants, which was a difficult task, resulted in a small sample of eighteen participants (and two interviewees). The four online focus groups revealed that participants were aware of the simil sync technique. They recognised that the clips were dubbed in a different modality from standard synchronised dubbing. The characteristic that was mostly mentioned for detecting simil sync was the original soundtrack that was audible below the dub, followed by the identification of the genre of the programme in the clip and the absence of lip sync. Moreover, while simil sync with a barely audible original soundtrack received neutral or positive attitudes, simil sync with a more audible original soundtrack, instead, was tolerated or considered annoying. Simil sync passed unnoticed in the in-depth interviews in which the discussion about dubbing was not focused on the distinction between two dubbing modalities, for instance simil sync versus standard synchronised dubbing, but rather on the distinction between programmes that originated in Italian and those that were translated into Italian from another language and then dubbed.


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This thesis provides a corpus-assisted pragmatic investigation of three Japanese expressions commonly signalled as apologetic, namely gomen, su(m)imasen and mōshiwake arimasen, which can be roughly translated in English with ‘(I’m) sorry’. The analysis is based on a web corpus of 306,670 tokens collected from the Q&A website Yahoo! Chiebukuro, which is examined combining quantitative (statistical) and qualitative (traditional close reading) methods. By adopting a form-to-function approach, the aim of the study is to shed light on three main topics of interest: the pragmatic functions of apology-like expressions, the discursive strategies they co-occur with, and the behaviours that warrant them. The overall findings reveal that apology-like expressions are multifunctional devices whose meanings extend well beyond ‘apology’ alone. These meanings are affected by a number of discursive strategies that can either increase or decrease the perceived (im)politeness level of the speech act to serve interactants’ face needs and communicative goals. The study also identifies a variety of behaviours that people frame as violations, not necessarily because they are actually face-threatening to the receiver, but because doing so is functional to the projection of the apologiser as a moral persona. An additional finding that emerged from the analysis is the pervasiveness of reflexive usages of apology-like expressions, which are often employed metadiscursively to convey, negotiate and challenge opinions on how language should be used. To conclude, the study provides a unique insight into the use of three expressions whose pragmatic meanings are more varied than anticipated. The findings reflect the use of (im)politeness in an online and non-Western context and, hopefully, represent a step towards a more inclusive notion of ‘apologies’ and related speech acts.


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Esta tese se debruça nas (im)possibilidades de tradução terminológica para demonstrar uma incomunicabilidade entre o contexto brasileiro e italiano, em termos de trabalho sexual e políticas travestis. Proponho uma análise etnográfica dos usos dos termos, efetivada pela pessoa antropóloga também corporificada e marcada contextualmente. Apresento como nos dois contextos há uma aproximação entre as noções “puta” e “travesti” que se materializa em processos interseccionais de criminalização. Demonstro como no contexto brasileiro mais do que termos, envolvem disputas, agenciamentos e vivências corporificadas que refletem ativismos protagonizados por pessoas diretamente engajadas na transformação política dessas nomenclaturas – movimentações intransponíveis para o contexto italiano. Ao mesmo tempo, “brasiliana” ativa um imaginário italiano local que enquadra a prostituição e vivências trans majoritariamente como um problema migratório, para o qual se mobilizam ostensivos recursos e financiamentos que ganham forma no combate à “tratta” / tráfico de pessoas” – todo um aparato de difícil tradução para o contexto brasileiro. Dessa forma, partindo dos termos locais mobilizados nos dois contextos, penso nos elementos culturais naturalizados e em seu diálogo transcultural. Os processos de tradução são, desse modo, epistemológicos e necessariamente políticos, uma vez que estão situados em uma geopolítica marcadamente desigual. Afirmo, portanto, que as (im)possibilidades de tradução cultural se materializam em ativismos, políticas institucionais e normativas legais que ativam diversas formas de criminalizar possibilidades de existência, criação de redes de afeto e de potência política em trânsito.


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This exploratory research project developed a cognitive situated approach to studying aspects of simultaneous interpreting with quantitative, confirmatory methods. To do so, it explored how to determine the potential benefits of using a computer-assisted interpreting tool, InterpretBank, among 22 Chinese interpreting trainees with Chinese L1 and English L2. The informants were mostly 2nd-year female students with an average age of 24.7 enrolled in Chinese MA interpreting programs. The study adopted a pretest and posttest design with three cycles. The independent variable was using Excel or InterpretBank. After Cycle I (pre-test), the sample split into control (Excel) and experimental (InterpretBank) groups. Tool choice was compulsory in Cycle II but not Cycle III. The source materials for each cycle were pairs of matching transcripts from popular science podcasts. Informants compiled glossaries out of one transcript, while the other one was edited for simultaneous interpreting, with 39 terms as potential problem triggers. Quantitative profiling results showed that InterpretBank informants spent less time on glossary compilation, generated more terms faster than Excel informants, but their glossaries were less diverse (personal) and longer. The booth tasks yielded no significant differences in fluency indicators except for more bumps (200-600ms silent time gaps) for InterpretBank in Cycle II. InterpretBank informants had more correct renditions in Cycles II and III but there was no statistically significant difference among accuracy indicators per cycle. Holistic quality assessments by PhD raters showed InterpretBank consistently outperforming Excel, suggesting a positive InterpretBank impact on SI quality. However, some InterpretBank implementations raised cognitive ergonomic concerns for Chinese, potentially undermining its utility. Overall, results were mixed regarding InterpretBank benefits for Chinese trainees, but the project was successful in developing cognitive situated interpreting study methods, constructs and indicators.