111 resultados para Zigrino, Francesco


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Calcolo della superficie curvilinea di scorrimento di un getto di litio in maniera che la pressione lungo il getto vari in maniera lineare. Formulazione di un codice di calcolo per la determinazione delle diverse possibili superfici. Studio termofluidodinamico del getto con codici CFD. Accoppiamento tra codici di sistema e codici CFD. Valutazioni delle condizioni di Incipient Boiling per il litio.


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With the goal of studying ML along the RGB, mid-IR observations of a carefully selected sample of 17 Galactic globular clusters (GGCs) with different metallicity and horizontal branch (HB) morphology have been secured with IRAC on board Spitzer: a global sample counting about 8000 giant has been obtained. Suitable complementary photometry in the optical and near-IR has been also secured in order to properly characterize the stellar counterparts to the Spitzer sources and their photospheric parameters. Stars with color (i.e. dust) excess have been identified, their likely circumstellar emission quantified and modelled, and empirical estimates of mass loss rates and timescales obtained. We find that mass loss rates increases with increasing stellar luminosity and decreasing metallicity. For a given luminosity, we find that ML rates are systematically higher than the prediction by extrapolating the Reimers law. CMDs constructed from ground based near-IR and IRAC bands show that at a given luminosity some stars have dusty envelopes and others do not. From this, we deduce that the mass loss is episodic and is ``on'' for some fraction of the time. The total mass lost on the RGB can be easily computed by multiplying ML rates by the ML timescales and integrating over the evolutionary timescale. The average total mass lost moderately increases with increasing metallicity, and for a given metallicity is systematically higher in clusters with extended blue HB.


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The main aims of my PhD research work have been the investigation of the redox, photophysical and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and their possible uses as functional substrates for the (electro)catalytic production of oxygen and as molecular connectors for Quantum-dot Molecular Automata. While for CNT many and diverse applications in electronics, in sensors and biosensors field, as a structural reinforcing in composite materials have long been proposed, the study of their properties as individual species has been for long a challenging task. CNT are in fact virtually insoluble in any solvent and, for years, most of the studies has been carried out on bulk samples (bundles). In Chapter 2 an appropriate description of carbon nanotubes is reported, about their production methods and the functionalization strategies for their solubilization. In Chapter 3 an extensive voltammetric and vis-NIR spectroelectrochemical investigation of true solutions of unfunctionalized individual single wall CNT (SWNT) is reported that permitted to determine for the first time the standard electrochemical potentials of reduction and oxidation as a function of the tube diameter of a large number of semiconducting SWNTs. We also established the Fermi energy and the exciton binding energy for individual tubes in solution and, from the linear correlation found between the potentials and the optical transition energies, one to calculate the redox potentials of SWNTs that are insufficiently abundant or absent in the samples. In Chapter 4 we report on very efficient and stable nano-structured, oxygen-evolving anodes (OEA) that were obtained by the assembly of an oxygen evolving polyoxometalate cluster, (a totally inorganic ruthenium catalyst) with a conducting bed of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). Here, MWCNT were effectively used as carrier of the polyoxometallate for the electrocatalytic production of oxygen and turned out to greatly increase both the efficiency and stability of the device avoiding the release of the catalysts. Our bioinspired electrode addresses the major challenge of artificial photosynthesis, i.e. efficient water oxidation, taking us closer to when we might power the planet with carbon-free fuels. In Chapter 5 a study on surface-active chiral bis-ferrocenes conveniently designed in order to act as prototypical units for molecular computing devices is reported. Preliminary electrochemical studies in liquid environment demonstrated the capability of such molecules to enter three indistinguishable oxidation states. Side chains introduction allowed to organize them in the form of self-assembled monolayers (SAM) onto a surface and to study the molecular and redox properties on solid substrates. Electrochemical studies on SAMs of these molecules confirmed their attitude to undergo fast (Nernstian) electron transfer processes generating, in the positive potential region, either the full oxidized Fc+-Fc+ or the partly oxidized Fc+-Fc species. Finally, in Chapter 6 we report on a preliminary electrochemical study of graphene solutions prepared according to an original procedure recently described in the literature. Graphene is the newly-born of carbon nanomaterials and is certainly bound to be among the most promising materials for the next nanoelectronic generation.


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My research PhD work is focused on the Electrochemically Generated Luminescence (ECL) investigation of several different homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. ECL is a redox induced emission, a process whereby species, generated at electrodes, undergo a high-energy electron transfer reaction to form excited states that emit light. Since its first application, the ECL technique has become a very powerful analytical tool and has widely been used in biosensor transduction. ECL presents an intrinsically low noise and high sensitivity; moreover, the electrochemical generation of the excited state prevents scattering of the light source: for all these characteristics, it is an elective technique for ultrasensitive immunoassay detection. The majority of ECL systems involve species in solution where the emission occurs in the diffusion layer near to the electrode surface. However, over the past few years, an intense research has been focused on the ECL generated from species constrained on the electrode surface. The aim of my work is to study the behavior of ECL-generating molecular systems upon the progressive increase of their spatial constraints, that is, passing from isolated species in solution, to fluorophores embedded within a polymeric film and, finally, to patterned surfaces bearing “one-dimensional” emitting spots. In order to describe these trends, I use different “dimensions” to indicate the different classes of compounds. My thesis was mostly developed in the electrochemistry group of Bologna with the supervision of Prof Francesco Paolucci and Dr Massimo Marcaccio. With their help and also thanks to their long experience in the molecular and supramolecular ECL fields and in the surface investigations using scanning probe microscopy techniques, I was able to obtain the results herein described. Moreover, during my research work, I have established a new collaboration with the group of Nanobiotechnology of Prof. Robert Forster (Dublin City University) where I spent a research period. Prof. Forster has a broad experience in the biomedical field, especially he focuses his research on film surfaces biosensor based on the ECL transduction. This thesis can be divided into three sections described as follows: (i) in the fist section, homogeneous molecular and supramolecular ECL-active systems, either organic or inorganic species (i.e., corannulene, dendrimers and iridium metal complex), are described. Driving force for this kind of studies includes the search for new luminophores that display on one hand higher ECL efficiencies and on the other simple mechanisms for modulating intensity and energy of their emission in view of their effective use in bioconjugation applications. (ii) in the second section, the investigation of some heterogeneous ECL systems is reported. Redox polymers comprising inorganic luminophores were described. In such a context, a new conducting platform, based on carbon nanotubes, was developed aimed to accomplish both the binding of a biological molecule and its electronic wiring to the electrode. This is an essential step for the ECL application in the field of biosensors. (iii) in the third section, different patterns were produced on the electrode surface using a Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. I developed a new methods for locally functionalizing an inert surface and reacting this surface with a luminescent probe. In this way, I successfully obtained a locally ECL active platform for multi-array application.


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This work describes the development of a simulation tool which allows the simulation of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), the transmission and the vehicle dynamics. It is a control oriented simulation tool, designed in order to perform both off-line (Software In the Loop) and on-line (Hardware In the Loop) simulation. In the first case the simulation tool can be used in order to optimize Engine Control Unit strategies (as far as regard, for example, the fuel consumption or the performance of the engine), while in the second case it can be used in order to test the control system. In recent years the use of HIL simulations has proved to be very useful in developing and testing of control systems. Hardware In the Loop simulation is a technology where the actual vehicles, engines or other components are replaced by a real time simulation, based on a mathematical model and running in a real time processor. The processor reads ECU (Engine Control Unit) output signals which would normally feed the actuators and, by using mathematical models, provides the signals which would be produced by the actual sensors. The simulation tool, fully designed within Simulink, includes the possibility to simulate the only engine, the transmission and vehicle dynamics and the engine along with the vehicle and transmission dynamics, allowing in this case to evaluate the performance and the operating conditions of the Internal Combustion Engine, once it is installed on a given vehicle. Furthermore the simulation tool includes different level of complexity, since it is possible to use, for example, either a zero-dimensional or a one-dimensional model of the intake system (in this case only for off-line application, because of the higher computational effort). Given these preliminary remarks, an important goal of this work is the development of a simulation environment that can be easily adapted to different engine types (single- or multi-cylinder, four-stroke or two-stroke, diesel or gasoline) and transmission architecture without reprogramming. Also, the same simulation tool can be rapidly configured both for off-line and real-time application. The Matlab-Simulink environment has been adopted to achieve such objectives, since its graphical programming interface allows building flexible and reconfigurable models, and real-time simulation is possible with standard, off-the-shelf software and hardware platforms (such as dSPACE systems).


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This PhD Thesis is part of a long-term wide research project, carried out by the "Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna (INAF-OABO)", that has as primary goal the comprehension and reconstruction of formation mechanism of galaxies and their evolution history. There is now substantial evidence, both from theoretical and observational point of view, in favor of the hypothesis that the halo of our Galaxy has been at least partially, built up by the progressive accretion of small fragments, similar in nature to the present day dwarf galaxies of the Local Group. In this context, the photometric and spectroscopic study of systems which populate the halo of our Galaxy (i.e. dwarf spheroidal galaxy, tidal streams, massive globular cluster, etc) permits to discover, not only the origin and behaviour of these systems, but also the structure of our Galactic halo, combined with its formation history. In fact, the study of the population of these objects and also of their chemical compositions, age, metallicities and velocity dispersion, permit us not only an improvement in the understanding of the mechanisms that govern the Galactic formation, but also a valid indirect test for cosmological model itself. Specifically, in this Thesis we provided a complete characterization of the tidal Stream of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy, that is the most striking example of the process of tidal disruption and accretion of a dwarf satellite in to our Galaxy. Using Red Clump stars, extracted from the catalogue of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) we obtained an estimate of the distance, the depth along the line of sight and of the number density for each detected portion of the Stream (and more in general for each detected structure along our line of sight). Moreover comparing the relative number (i.e. the ratio) of Blue Horizontal Branch stars and Red Clump stars (the two features are tracers of different age/different metallicity populations) in the main body of the galaxy and in the Stream, in order to verify the presence of an age-metallicity gradient along the Stream. We also report the detection of a population of Red Clump stars probably associated with the recently discovered Bootes III stellar system. Finally, we also present the results of a survey of radial velocities over a wide region, extending from r ~ 10' out to r ~ 80' within the massive star cluster Omega Centauri. The survey was performed with FLAMES@VLT, to study the velocity dispersion profile in the outer regions of this stellar system. All the results presented in this Thesis, have already been published in refeered journals.


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Il tema generale di ricerca oggetto della presente trattazione è rappresentato dal diritto di difesa nel procedimento de libertate. Esso costituisce un tema da sempre controverso, materia di vivaci e mai sopiti dibattiti sia in dottrina che in giurisprudenza, poiché si colloca in un punto nevralgico non solo del procedimento penale, ma, addirittura, dell’intero ordinamento giuridico di uno stato, poiché in esso si incontrano, e sovente si scontrano, le istanze di garanzia del cittadino contro indebite limitazioni ante iudicium della libertà personale, da un lato, e le esigenze di tutela della collettività e del processo dai pericula libertatis (inquinamento delle prove, rischio di fuga, pericolo di reiterazione dei reati), dall’altro. Detto in altri termini, il procedimento de libertate è esattamente il luogo in cui un ordinamento che voglia definirsi liberale, nella sua naturale e incessante evoluzione, tenta faticosamente di trovare un equilibrio tra autorità e libertà. Trattandosi, per ovvie ragioni, di un argomento vastissimo, che spazia dall’esercizio del diritto di difesa nella fase applicativa delle misure cautelari personali, alle impugnazioni delle misure medesime, dalla revoca o sostituzione delle stesse al giudicato cautelare sulle decisioni de libertate, etc., il campo della ricerca è stato circoscritto a due temi specifici che interessano direttamente il diritto di difesa, limitatamente alla fase dell’applicazione delle misure cautelari personali, e che presentano profili di originalità, per alcune importanti modifiche intervenute a livello sia di legislazione ordinaria che di legislazione costituzionale: 1) l’accertamento dei gravi indizi di colpevolezza; 2) il principio del contraddittorio nel procedimento cautelare, alla luce dell’art. 111 Cost. Siffatti temi, apparentemente disomogenei, sono, in realtà, profondamente correlati tra loro, rappresentando, per usare una locuzione spicciola, l’uno la “sostanza” e l’altro “la forma” del procedimento de libertate, ed insieme concorrono ad individuare un modello di giusto processo cautelare.


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La ricerca ha mirato a ricostruire storicamente quali furono le motivazioni che, tra la fine del XIX e gli inizi del XX secolo, portarono gli amministratori della Cassa Risparmio in Bologna a progettare la creazione di un Museo d’arte e di Storia della città, delineandone quelli che furono i principali responsabili e protagonisti. Dall’analisi dei documenti conservati presso l’Archivio della Cassa di Risparmio è emerso uno studio approfondito dei protagonisti della politica artistica e culturale dell’Istituto, oltre che dei legami e delle relazioni intessute con le principali istituzioni cittadine. Lo studio si è progressivamente focalizzato su un particolare momento della storia di Bologna, quando, in seguito all’approvazione del Piano Regolatore del 1889, la città fu per oltre un trentennio sottoposta a radicali trasformazioni urbanistiche che ne cambiarono completamente l’aspetto. Tra i personaggi finora ignoti di questa storia è emerso il nome dell’ingegnere Giambattista Comelli, consigliere e vice segretario della banca alla fine del XIX secolo, che per primo, nel 1896, avanzò la proposta di creare un museo dell’Istituto. A differenza di quanto ritenuto sino ad oggi, questo avrebbe dovuto avere, nelle intenzioni originarie, esclusivamente funzione di riunire e mostrare oggetti e documenti inerenti la nascita e lo sviluppo della Cassa di Risparmio. Un museo, dunque, che ne celebrasse l’attività, mostrando alla città come la banca avesse saputo rispondere prontamente e efficacemente, anche nei momenti più critici, alle esigenze dei bolognesi. Personaggio oggi dimenticato, Comelli fu in realtà figura piuttosto nota in ambito cittadino, inserita nei principali sodalizi culturali dell’epoca, tra cui la Regia Deputazione di Storia Patria e il Comitato per Bologna Storico Artistica, assieme a quei Rubbiani, Cavazza e Zucchini, che tanta influenza ebbero, come vedremo in seguito, sugli orientamenti Si dovettero tuttavia aspettare almeno due decenni, affinché l’idea originaria di fondare un Museo della Cassa di Risparmio si evolvesse in un senso più complesso e programmatico. Le ricerche hanno infatti evidenziato che le Raccolte d’Arte della Cassa di Risparmio non avrebbero acquistato l’importanza e la consistenza che oggi ci è dato constatare senza l’intervento decisivo di un personaggio noto fino ad oggi soltanto per i suoi indubbi meriti artistici: Alfredo Baruffi. Impiegato come ragioniere della Cassa fin dai diciotto anni, il Baruffi divenne, una volta pensionato, il “conservatore” delle Collezioni della Cassa di Risparmio. Fu lui a imprimere un nuovo corso all’originaria idea di Comelli, investendo tutte le proprie energie nella raccolta di dipinti, disegni, incisioni, libri, incunaboli, autografi, fotografie e oggetti d’uso quotidiano, col proposito di creare un museo che raccontasse la storia di Bologna e delle sue ultime grandi trasformazioni urbanistiche. Attraverso l’attenta analisi dei documenti cartacei e il raffronto con le opere in collezione è stato quindi possibile ricostruire passo dopo passo la nascita di un progetto culturale di ampia portata. La formazione della raccolta fu fortemente influenzata dalle teorie neomedievaliste di Alfonso Rubbiani, oltre che dalla volontà di salvaguardare, almeno a livello documentario, la memoria storica della Bologna medievale che in quegli anni stava per essere irrimediabilmente cancellata. Le scelte che orientarono la raccolta dei materiali, recentemente confluiti per la maggior parte nelle Collezioni della Fondazione della Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, acquistano, con questo studio una nuova valenza grazie alla scoperta degli stretti rapporti che Baruffi intrattenne coi principali rappresentanti della cerchia rubbianesca, tra cui Francesco Cavazza, Guido Zucchini e Albano Sorbelli. Con essi Baruffi partecipò infatti a numerosi sodalizi e iniziative quali il Comitato per Bologna Storico Artistica, la “Mostra Bologna che fu” e la società Francesco Francia, che segnarono profondamente l’ambiente culturale cittadino. La portata e la qualità delle scelte condotte da Baruffi nell’acquisto e raccolta dei materiali si rivela ancora oggi, a distanza di quasi un secolo, attenta e mirata per il ruolo documentario che le Raccolte avevano e hanno assunto quali preziose e spesso uniche testimonianze del recente passato cittadino. Esaminata tutta la documentazione inerente la nascita delle Raccolte, la ricerca si è ha successivamente concentrata sulla vicenda di acquisto del fondo delle incisioni carraccesche della collezione Casati. La prima parte del lavoro è consistita nel repertoriare e trascrivere tutti i documenti relativi alla transazione d’acquisto, avvenuta nel 1937, vicenda che per la sua complessità impegnò per molti mesi, in un fitto carteggio, Baruffi, la direzione della Cassa e l’antiquario milanese Cesare Fasella. Il raffronto tra documenti d’archivio, inventari e materiale grafico ha permesso di ricostituire, seppur con qualche margine di incertezza, l’intera collezione Casati, individuando quasi 700 incisioni e 22 dei 23 disegni che la componevano. L’ultima fase di studio ha visto l’inventariazione e la catalogazione delle 700 incisioni. Il catalogo è stato suddiviso per autori, partendo dalle incisioni attribuite con certezza ad Agostino e ai suoi copisti, per poi passare ad Annibale e a Ludovico e ai loro copisti. Le incisioni studiate si sono rivelate tutte di grande qualità. Alcuni esemplari sono inoltre particolarmente significativi dal punto di vista storico-critico, perché mai citati nei tre principali e più recenti repertori di stampe carraccesche. Lo studio si conclude con l’individuazione di una stretta correlazione tra il pensiero e della pratica operatività in qualità di archivista, museografo e opinionista, di un altrettanto decisivo protagonista della ricerca, lo storico dell’arte Corrado Ricci, la cui influenza esercitata nell’ambiente culturale bolognese di quegli anni è già sottolineata nel primo capitolo. La conclusione approfondisce i possibili raporti e legami tra Baruffi e Corrado Ricci i cui interventi attorno alla questione della tutela e della salvaguardia del patrimonio storico, artistico, e paesaggistico italiano furono fondamentali per la nascita di una coscienza artistica e ambientale comune e per il conseguente sviluppo di leggi ad hoc. Numerose furono infatti le occasioni d’incontro tra Baruffi e Ricci. Qesti fu socio onorario del Comitato per Bologna Storico Artistica, nonché, quando era già Direttore Generale delle Belle Arti, presidente della storica mostra “Bologna che fu”. Sia Ricci che Baruffi fecero inoltre parte di quelle iniziative volte alla difesa e alla valorizzazione del paesaggio naturale, inteso anche in un ottica di promozione turistica, che videro la nascita proprio in Emilia Romagna: nel 1889 nasce l’Associazione Pro Montibus et silvis, del 1906 è l’Associazione nazionale per i paesaggi e monumenti pittoreschi, del 1912 è la Lega Nazionale per la protezione dei monumenti naturali. Queste iniziative si concretizzarono con la fondazione a Milano nel 1913 del Comitato Nazionale per la difesa del paesaggio e i monumenti italici, costituitosi presso la sede del Touring Club Italiano. Quelle occasioni d’incontro, come pure gli scritti di Ricci, trovarono certamente un terreno fertile in Baruffi conservatore, che nella formazione delle Collezioni, come pure nelle sua attività di “promotore culturale”, ci appare oggi guidato dalle teorie e dall’esempio pratico dei due numi tutelari: Alfonso Rubbiani e Corrado Ricci. La ricerca di documentazione all’interno di archivi e biblioteche cittadine, ha infine rivelato che il ruolo svolto da Baruffi come “operatore culturale” non fu quello di semplice sodale, ma di vero protagonista della scena bolognese. Soprattutto a partire dal secondo decennio del Novecento, quando fors’anche a seguito della morte del “maestro” Rubbiani, egli divenne uno tra i personaggi più impegnati in iniziative di tutela e promozione del patrimonio artistico cittadino, antico e moderno che fosse, intese a condizionare la progettualità politica e culturale della città. In tale contesto si può ben arguire il ruolo che avrebbero assunto le Collezioni storico artistiche numismatiche, popolaresche, della Cassa di Risparmio, cui Baruffi dedicò tutta la sua carriera successiva.


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Fire blight, caused by the gram negative bacterium Erwinia amylovora, is one of the most destructive bacterial diseases of Pomaceous plants. Therefore, the development of reliable methods to control this disease is desperately needed. This research investigated the possibility to interfere, by altering plant metabolism, on the interactions occurring between Erwinia amylovora, the host plant and the epiphytic microbial community in order to obtain a more effective control of fire blight. Prohexadione-calcium and trinexapac-ethyl, two dioxygenase inhibitors, were chosen as a chemical tool to influence plant metabolism. These compounds inhibit the 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenases and, therefore, they greatly influence plant metabolism. Moreover, dioxygenase inhibitors were found to enhance plant resistance to a wide range of pathogens. In particular, dioxygenase inhibitors application seems a promising method to control fire blight. From cited literature, it is assumed that these compounds increase plant defence mainly by a transient alteration of flavonoids metabolism. We tried to demonstrate, that the reduction of susceptibility to disease could be partially due to an indirect influence on the microbial community established on plant surface. The possibility to influence the interactions occurring in the epiphytic microbial community is particularly interesting, in fact, the relationships among different bacterial populations on plant surface is a key factor for a more effective biological control of plant diseases. Furthermore, we evaluated the possibility to combine the application of dioxygenase inhibitors with biological control in order to develop an integrate strategy for control of fire blight. The first step for this study was the isolation of a pathogenic strain of E. amylovora. In addition, we isolated different epiphytic bacteria, which respond to general requirements for biological control agents. Successively, the effect of dioxygenase inhibitors treatment on microbial community was investigated on different plant organs (stigmas, nectaries and leaves). An increase in epiphytic microbial population was found. Further experiments were performed with aim to explain this effect. In particular, changes in sugar content of nectar were observed. These changes, decreasing the osmotic potential of nectar, might allow a more consistent growth of epiphytic bacteria on blossoms. On leaves were found similar differences as well. As far as the interactions between E. amylovora and host plant, they were deeply investigated by advanced microscopical analysis. The influence of dioxygenase inhibitors and SAR inducers application on the infection process and migration of pathogen inside different plant tissues was studied. These microscopical techniques, combined with the use of gpf-labelled E. amylovora, allowed the development of a bioassay method for resistance inducers efficacy screening. The final part of the work demonstrated that the reduction of disease susceptibility observed in plants treated with prohexadione-calcium is mainly due to the accumulation of a novel phytoalexins: luteoforol. This 3-deoxyflavonoid was proven to have a strong antimicrobial activity.


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The thesis topic concerns the limitation of fault current high temperature superconducting (HTS), reported in scientific literature by the acronym HTSFCL (High Temperature Superconducting Fault Current Limiter) or more commonly with SFCL. These devices, at least in their ideal concept, turn on limiting short-circuit current only when the event of failure occurs, and are transparent to the network during normal operating conditions. The thesis is therefore focused on the study of diff�erent types of SFCL and results in the production of a new and original concept of superconducting limiter, called "DC Resistive SFCL". It has designed and patented in the Department of Electrical Engineering University of Bologna. The author and ing. Antonio Morandi (tutor) are the inventors. The objective of the thesis is therefore to propose a type of SFCL which may have the potential to be a viable economic solution as well as technique. The innovative concept of DC Resistive SFCL device, in fact, provides a DC operating conditions for the used superconducting (SC). It allows the use of cryogen-free solutions for cooling system and the exploitation of cheap SC materials (MgB2), both of reality are already commercially existing and indeed precluded by the types of SFCL which provides an AC operating conditions for the used SC material.