205 resultados para Geofisica della terra solida
La sedimentazione clastica di mare profondo è attualmente uno dei principali argomenti della ricerca sedimentologica sia in ambito puramente accademico che in ambito petrolifero-industriale. Gli studi recenti hanno enfatizzato l'influenza fondamentale della topografia preesistente del fondo marino sulla crescita e la morfologia sui fan di mare profondo; si è visto come, in molti systemi torbiditici, l’evoluzione dei processi deposizionali sia stata da moderatamente a fortemente controllata dall’ effetto di confinamento di scarpate tettoniche, ridge strutturali e seamounts. Scopo di questo lavoro è studiare l'effetto del confinamento alla scala di bacino sui principali sistemi torbiditici del margine orientale della Sardegna che rappresenta un margine passivo articolato di bacini di intraslope confinati verso mare da seamounts. Lo studio dei sistemi deposizionali è stato eseguito attraverso l'interpretazione di dati di batimetria multibeam ad alto dettaglio acquisiti dall’ISMAR di Bologna durante la crociera Tir99. L’ interpretazione multibeam è stata integrata con l’ analisi di profili sismici a riflessione per comprendere la morfologia l’organizzazione interna e l’evoluzione nel tempo dei principali elementi deposizionali dei sistemi torbiditici. Tre bacini di intraslope (Olbia, Baronie e il settore settentrionale del bacino Ogliastra) sono stati investigati. Il bacino di Olbia è il bacino più settentrionale del margine orientale della Sardegna ed è limitato verso mare dai seamount Etruschi e Baronie. Il principale sistema torbiditico del bacino di Olbia è costituito dal Caprera, articolato in un sistema di canyon alimentatori nella piattaforma e nella scarpata continentale e da un ampio canale con argini alla base della scarpata. Il Caprera è fiancheggiato da un ampia piattaforma continentale, e questa, fungendo da “magazzino” per il materiale piu grossolando, può spiegare la peculiare architettura sedimentaria del suo fan. L'effetto di confinamento del bacino sulla forma e sull'evoluzione del fan del Caprera è evidente soprattutto sull'asimmetria dei leve e su fenomeni di avulsione che hanno coinvolto il canale. Il bacino di intraslope di Olbia appare completamente riempito, e, nel bordo orientale, è presente il canyon di intrabacino verso il bacino sottostante. Gli effetti dell'abbassamento del livello di base sono visibili nel settore distale del sistema, dove si ha lo sviluppo di canali distributari e di valli erosive a basso rilievo, che rappresentano le porzioni "upslope" dei canyon di "bypass". Il bacino di intraslope del Baronie è il bacino centrale del margine, confinato verso mare dal seamount delle Baronie, e presenta una via di fuga laterale rappresentato dal sistema di canyon di Gonone-Orosei. Il Posada è il sistema torbiditico principale, consiste di un canyon profondamente inciso nella piattaforma e nella scarpata, e sviluppa alla base della scarpata un piccolo fa radiale. La morfologia del è il risultato dell'interazione complessa tra la geoemtria del bacino ricevente ed il comportamento dei flussi sedimentari. La forma del bacino ha costretto il sistema torbiditico a cambiare la direzione di sviluppo, da est verso sud. Processi di framanento in massa a grande scala hanno inoltre contribuito alla riorganizzazione del sistema torbiditico. Il bacino dell’Ogliastra è localizzato nel settore meridionale del margine, limitato verso mare dal seamount Quirra. Il settore settentrionale della scarpata continentale del bacino Ogliastra è caratterizzato da canyon e incisioni di carattere ibrido, con tratti deposizionali ed erosivi. L'Arbatax è il principale sistema torbiditico del bacino di Ogliastra caratterizzato da un settore meridionale dominato da un canale alimentatore e da un settore settentrionale abbandonato, caratterizzato da fenomeni di smantellamento e instabilità gravitativa. In generale i risultati dello studio evidenziano l'importanza della combinazione dei fattori di controllo esterni, e della topografia preesistente, nello sviluppo dei processi sedimentari e degli elementi deposizionali dei sistemi torbiditici. In particolare, appare evidente come lo stile deposizionale dei sistemi torbiditici in ambiente confinato diverga sostanzialmente da quello previsto dai modelli di fan sottomarini usati come strumenti predittivi nella esplorazione e sfruttamento dei giacimenti di idrocarburi.
Low-pressure/high-temperature (LP/HT) metamorphic belts are characterised by rocks that experienced abnormal heat flow in shallow crustal levels (T > 600 °C; P < 4 kbar) resulting in anomalous geothermal gradients (60-150 °C/km). The abnormal amount of heat has been related to crustal underplating of mantle-derived basic magmas or to thermal perturbation linked to intrusion of large volumes of granitoids in the intermediate crust. In particular, in this latter context, magmatic or aqueous fluids are able to transport relevant amounts of heat by advection, thus favouring regional LP/HT metamorphism. However, the thermal perturbation consequent to heat released by cooling magmas is responsible also for contact metamorphic effects. A first problem is that time and space relationships between regional LP/HT metamorphism and contact metamorphism are usually unclear. A second problem is related to the high temperature conditions reached at different crustal levels. These, in some cases, can completely erase the previous metamorphic history. Notwithstanding this problem is very marked in lower crustal levels, petrologic and geochronologic studies usually concentrate in these attractive portions of the crust. However, only in the intermediate/upper-crustal levels of a LP/HT metamorphic belt the tectono-metamorphic events preceding the temperature peak, usually not preserved in the lower crustal portions, can be readily unravelled. The Hercynian Orogen of Western Europe is a well-documented example of a continental collision zone with widespread LP/HT metamorphism, intense crustal anatexis and granite magmatism. Owing to the exposure of a nearly continuous cross-section of the Hercynian continental crust, the Sila massif (northern Calabria) represents a favourable area to understand large-scale relationships between granitoids and LP/HT metamorphic rocks, and to discriminate regional LP/HT metamorphic events from contact metamorphic effects. Granulite-facies rocks of the lower crust and greenschist- to amphibolite-facies rocks of the intermediate-upper crust are separated by granitoids emplaced into the intermediate level during the late stages of the Hercynian orogeny. Up to now, advanced petrologic studies have been focused mostly in understanding P-T evolution of deeper crustal levels and magmatic bodies, whereas the metamorphic history of the shallower crustal levels is poorly constrained. The Hercynian upper crust exposed in Sila has been subdivided in two different metamorphic complexes by previous authors: the low- to very low-grade Bocchigliero complex and the greenschist- to amphibolite-facies Mandatoriccio complex. The latter contains favourable mineral assemblages in order to unravel the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Hercynian upper crust. The Mandatoriccio complex consists mainly of metapelites, meta-arenites, acid metavolcanites and metabasites with rare intercalations of marbles and orthogneisses. Siliciclastic metasediments show a static porphyroblastic growth mainly of biotite, garnet, andalusite, staurolite and muscovite, whereas cordierite and fibrolite are less common. U-Pb ages and internal features of zircons suggest that the protoliths of the Mandatoriccio complex formed in a sedimentary basin filled by Cambrian to Silurian magmatic products as well as by siliciclastic sediments derived from older igneous and metamorphic rocks. In some localities, metamorphic rocks are injected by numerous aplite/pegmatite veins. Small granite bodies are also present and are always associated to spotted schists with large porphyroblasts. They occur along a NW-SE trending transcurrent cataclastic fault zone, which represents the tectonic contact between the Bocchigliero and the Mandatoriccio complexes. This cataclastic fault zone shows evidence of activity at least from middle-Miocene to Recent, indicating that brittle deformation post-dated the Hercynian orogeny. P-T pseudosections show that micaschists and paragneisses of the Mandatoriccio complex followed a clockwise P-T path characterised by four main prograde phases: thickening, peak-pressure condition, decompression and peak-temperature condition. During the thickening phase, garnet blastesis started up with spessartine-rich syntectonic core developed within micaschists and paragneisses. Coevally (340 ± 9.6 Ma), mafic sills and dykes injected the upper crustal volcaniclastic sedimentary sequence of the Mandatoriccio complex. After reaching the peak-pressure condition (≈4 kbar), the upper crust experienced a period of deformation quiescence marked by the static overgrowths of S2 by Almandine-rich-garnet rims and by porphyroblasts of biotite and staurolite. Probably, this metamorphic phase is related to isotherms relaxation after the thickening episode recorder by the Rb/Sr isotopic system (326 ± 6 Ma isochron age). The post-collisional period was mainly characterised by decompression with increasing temperature. This stage is documented by the andalusite+biotite coronas overgrown on staurolite porphyroblasts and represents a critical point of the metamorphic history, since metamorphic rocks begin to record a significant thermal perturbation. Peak-temperature conditions (≈620 °C) were reached at the end of this stage. They are well constrained by some reaction textures and mineral assemblages observed almost exclusively within paragneisses. The later appearance of fibrolitic sillimanite documents a small excursion of the P-T path across the And-Sil boundary due to the heating. Stephanian U-Pb ages of monazite crystals from the paragneiss, can be related to this heating phase. Similar monazite U-Pb ages from the micaschist combined with the lack of fibrolitic sillimanite suggest that, during the same thermal perturbation, micaschists recorded temperatures slightly lower than those reached by paragneisses. The metamorphic history ended with the crystallisation of cordierite mainly at the expense of andalusite. Consequently, the Ms+Bt+St+And+Sill+Crd mineral assemblage observed in the paragneisses is the result of a polyphasic evolution and is characterised by the metastable persistence of the staurolite in the stability fields of the cordierite. Geologic, geochronologic and petrographic data suggest that the thermal peak recorded by the intermediate/upper crust could be strictly connected with the emplacement of large amounts of granitoid magmas in the middle crust. Probably, the lithospheric extension in the relatively heated crust favoured ascent and emplacement of granitoids and further exhumation of metamorphic rocks. After a comparison among the tectono-metamorphic evolutions of the different Hercynian crustal levels exposed in Sila, it is concluded that the intermediate/upper crustal level offers the possibility to reconstruct a more detailed tectono-metamorphic history. The P-T paths proposed for the lower crustal levels probably underestimate the amount of the decompression. Apart from these considerations, the comparative analysis indicates that P-T paths at various crustal levels in the Sila cross section are well compatible with a unique geologic scenario, characterized by post-collisional extensional tectonics and magmas ascent.
A multidisciplinary study was carried out on the Late Quaternary-Holocene subsurface deposits of two Mediterranean coastal areas: Arno coastal plain (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) and Modern Po Delta (Northern Adriatic Sea). Detailed facies analyses, including sedimentological and micropalaeontological (benthic foraminifers and ostracods) investigations, were performed on nine continuously-cored boreholes of variable depth (ca. from 30 meters to100 meters). Six cores were located in the Arno coastal plain and three cores in the Modern Po Delta. To provide an accurate chronological framework, twenty-four organic-rich samples were collected along the fossil successions for radiocarbon dating (AMS 14C). In order to reconstruct the depositional and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the study areas, core data were combined with selected well logs, provided by local companies, along several stratigraphic sections. These sections revealed the presence of a transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequence, composing of continental, coastal and shallow-marine deposits dated to the Late Pleistocene-Holocene period, beneath the Arno coastal plain and the Modern Po Delta. Above the alluvial deposits attributed to the last glacial period, the post-glacial transgressive succession (TST) consists of back-barrier, transgressive barrier and inner shelf deposits. Peak of transgression (MFS) took place around the Late-Middle Holocene transition and was identified by subtle micropalaeontological indicators within undifferentiated fine-grained deposits. Upward a thick prograding succession (HST) records the turnaround to regressive conditions that led to a rapid delta progradation in both study areas. Particularly, the outbuilding of modern-age Po Delta coincides with mud-belt formation during the late HST (ca. 600 cal yr BP), as evidenced by a fossil microfauna similar to the foraminiferal assemblage observed in the present Northern Adriatic mud-belt. A complex interaction between allocyclic and autocyclic factors controlled facies evolution during the highstand period. The presence of local parameters and the absence of a predominant factor prevent from discerning or quantifying consequences of the complex relationships between climate and deltaic evolution. On the contrary transgressive sedimentation seems to be mainly controlled by two allocyclic key factors, sea-level rise and climate variability, that minimized the effects of local parameters on coastal palaeoenvironments. TST depositional architecture recorded in both study areas reflects a well-known millennial-scale variability of sea-level rising trend and climate during the Late glacial-Holocene period. Repeated phases of backswamp development and infilling by crevasse processes (parasequences) were recorded in the subsurface of Modern Po Delta during the early stages of transgression (ca. 11,000-9,500 cal yr BP). In the Arno coastal plain the presence of a deep-incised valley system, probably formed at OSI 3/2 transition, led to the development of a thick (ca. 35-40 m) transgressive succession composed of coastal plain, bay-head delta and estuarine deposits dated to the Last glacial-Early Holocene period. Within the transgressive valley fill sequence, high-resolution facies analyses allowed the identification and lateral tracing of three parasequences of millennial duration. The parasequences, ca. 8-12 meters thick, are bounded by flooding surfaces and show a typical internal shallowing-upward trend evidenced by subtle micropalaeontological investigations. The vertical stacking pattern of parasequences shows a close affinity with the step-like sea-level rising trend occurred between 14,000-8,000 cal years BP. Episodes of rapid sea-level rise and subsequent stillstand phases were paralleled by changes in climatic conditions, as suggested by pollen analyses performed on a core drilled in the proximal section of the Arno palaeovalley (pollen analyses performed by Dr. Marianna Ricci Lucchi). Rapid shifts to warmer climate conditions accompanied episodes of rapid sea-level rise, in contrast stillstand phases occurred during temporary colder climate conditions. For the first time the palaeoclimatic signature of high frequency depositional cycles is clearly documented. Moreover, two of the three "regressive" pulsations, recorded at the top of parasequences by episodes of partial estuary infilling in the proximal and central portions of Arno palaeovalley, may be correlated with the most important cold events of the post-glacial period: Younger Dryas and 8,200 cal yr BP event. The stratigraphic and palaeoclimatic data of Arno coastal plain and Po Delta were compared with those reported for the most important deltaic and coastal systems in the worldwide literature. The depositional architecture of transgressive successions reflects the strong influence of millennial-scale eustatic and climatic variability on worldwide coastal sedimentation during the Late glacial-Holocene period (ca. 14,000-7,000 cal yr BP). The most complete and accurate record of high-frequency eustatic and climatic events are usually found within the transgressive succession of very high accommodation settings, such as incised-valley systems where exceptionally thick packages of Late glacial-Early Holocene deposits are preserved.
In this thesis Marsili back-arc basin and Palinuro Volcanic Complex (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) have been investigated by using magnetic, bathymetric and gravimetric data. A new velocity model of opening of the Marsili basin has been proposed, highlighting the transition from the horizontal spreading of the back-arc to the vertical accretion of the Marsili seamount. Introducing gravity data, Marsili's internal structure has been modeled and a huge portion of the volcano with low density and vanishing magnetization has been detected. Forward modeling of Palinuro Volcanic Complex showed as Palinuro represents the shallowest evidence of a deep tectonic discontinuity and the possible transition domain between the oceanic crust of Marsili Basin and the continental crust related to the Appenninic chain.
The present work concerns with the study of debris flows and, in particular, with the related hazard in the Alpine Environment. During the last years several methodologies have been developed to evaluate hazard associated to such a complex phenomenon, whose velocity, impacting force and inappropriate temporal prediction are responsible of the related high hazard level. This research focuses its attention on the depositional phase of debris flows through the application of a numerical model (DFlowz), and on hazard evaluation related to watersheds morphometric, morphological and geological characterization. The main aims are to test the validity of DFlowz simulations and assess sources of errors in order to understand how the empirical uncertainties influence the predictions; on the other side the research concerns with the possibility of performing hazard analysis starting from the identification of susceptible debris flow catchments and definition of their activity level. 25 well documented debris flow events have been back analyzed with the model DFlowz (Berti and Simoni, 2007): derived form the implementation of the empirical relations between event volume and planimetric and cross section inundated areas, the code allows to delineate areas affected by an event by taking into account information about volume, preferential flow path and digital elevation model (DEM) of fan area. The analysis uses an objective methodology for evaluating the accuracy of the prediction and involve the calibration of the model based on factors describing the uncertainty associated to the semi empirical relationships. The general assumptions on which the model is based have been verified although the predictive capabilities are influenced by the uncertainties of the empirical scaling relationships, which have to be necessarily taken into account and depend mostly on errors concerning deposited volume estimation. In addition, in order to test prediction capabilities of physical-based models, some events have been simulated through the use of RAMMS (RApid Mass MovementS). The model, which has been developed by the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) in Birmensdorf and the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF) takes into account a one-phase approach based on Voellmy rheology (Voellmy, 1955; Salm et al., 1990). The input file combines the total volume of the debris flow located in a release area with a mean depth. The model predicts the affected area, the maximum depth and the flow velocity in each cell of the input DTM. Relatively to hazard analysis related to watersheds characterization, the database collected by the Alto Adige Province represents an opportunity to examine debris-flow sediment dynamics at the regional scale and analyze lithologic controls. With the aim of advancing current understandings about debris flow, this study focuses on 82 events in order to characterize the topographic conditions associated with their initiation , transportation and deposition, seasonal patterns of occurrence and examine the role played by bedrock geology on sediment transfer.
L’unione di approcci differenti durante lo studio dei sistemi petroliferi, come l’accoppiamento dello studio delle emissioni in superficie con le analisi geochimiche e strutturali, è un aspetto principale nelle strategie di sviluppo per la ricerca degli idrocarburi. La presenza di acqua connata nelle sequenze sedimentarie profonde e la sua sovrappressione che viene generata dalle spesse coperture sedimentarie, incrementata inoltre dalla generazione di idrocarburi in profondità, sono fattori di controllo primari per la migrazione e l’emissione di fluidi in superficie. I risultati ottenuti da questo studio forniscono nuovi elementi per la comprensione del ruolo dello studio dei vulcani di fango nell’esplorazione petrolifera, e nuove importanti prove per la caratterizzazione dei sistemi petroliferi nelle aree considerate.
Nell’ambito del progetto multidisciplinare “Coastal Salt Water Intrusion”, che si propone di indagare “l’Intrusione salina nella costa ravennate con i conseguenti impatti territoriali-ambientali, connessi al previsto innalzamento del livello marino per cause climatiche e di subsidenza”, si inserisce il presente studio con l’obiettivo di fornire una caratterizzazione idrogeochimica delle acque di falda e superficiali e un modello geochimico generale sui processi di salinizzazione o desalinizzazione in atto nella falda freatica costiera della costa ravennate. E’ stato fatto un confronto fra tre metodiche di estrazione del complesso di scambio della matrice solida dell’acquifero che utilizzano rispettivamente acetato di ammonio, cloruro di bario e argento-tiourea. Sono stati posizionati 5 transetti perpendicolari alla linea di costa per un totale di 44 punti di campionamento con due campagne di prelievi, al termine della primavera e al termine dell’estate. La caratterizzazione dei processi di mixing e scambio ionico con la matrice solida dell’acquifero è avvenuta mediante analisi dei cationi ed anioni fondamentali, determinazione della CEC sulla matrice solida dell’acquifero, modellizzazione mixing/scambio ionico, modellizzazione della composizione teorica della frazione scambiabile in funzione della composizione acqua all’equilibrio e interpolazione geostatistica dei dati raccolti e costruzione di mappe geochimiche (curve di iso-concentrazione). La metodologia di estrazione che utilizza il bario-cloruro è risultata la più affidabile. Le acque prelevate dalla falda superficiale evidenziano miscelazione in varie proporzioni acqua marina/acqua dolce, scambi ionici per interazione acqua/sedimento, dissoluzione di CaSO4.2H2O. I processi di salinizzazione e/o addolcimento mostrano una significativa variabilità nello spazio (variabilità legata alla distanza dalla costa, al profilo topografico e alla distribuzione dei corpi sabbiosi litoranei) e nel tempo (variabilità legata alla piovosità e alla gestione delle acque superficiali e del sottosuolo). La complessa variabilità spazio-temporale dei processi in atto nella falda superficiale non consente di evidenziare una complessiva prevalenza di fenomeni di salinizzazione rispetto a quelli di addolcimento.
Lo studio dei processi biogeochimici che avvengono all’interfaccia acqua-sedimento riveste grande importanza per comprendere quali fattori ambientali siano responsabili di un eventuale modifica nel bilancio del carbonio organico e di altri elementi maggiori o minori e può` fornire un' indicazione su quali siano le aree più sensibili a tali processi. In questo studio sono stati analizzati i meccanismi che guidano la mineralizzazione della sostanza organica in aree caratterizzate da differenti condizioni idrodinamiche, batimetriche e trofiche nel Mediterraneo centrale. In particolare sono state prelevate carote di sedimento e analizzate le acque interstiziali in siti localizzati nell'Adriatico centro-meridionale, caratterizzati da basse profondità, alti tassi di sedimentazione e elevati apporti di sostanza organica, e in siti localizzati nello Ionio centro-settentrionale, caratterizzati da profondità crescenti, minori tassi di sedimentazione e ridotti apporti fluviali. L'analisi dei processi di degradazione della sostanza organica evidenzia differenze regionali tra il bacino adriatico e quello ionico: processi di mineralizzazione ossica e subossica appaiono intensi nei sedimenti adriatici, diversamente il bacino ionico appare caratterizzato principalmente da processi di degradazione ossica della sostanza organica. Inoltre, relativamente ai flussi bentici di Carbonio Inorganico Disciolto (DIC) flussi inversi sono stati registrati nei due bacini: i sedimenti adriatici si comportano come sourse di DIC, mentre i sedimenti Ionici si comportano come dei sink di DIC suggerendo una possibile precipitazione di carbonati nel bacino ionico.
Secondo il Report IFAD sulla povertà rurale, nel 2008, circa due terzi della popolazione africana viveva nelle aree rurali ed era in qualche modo coinvolta in attività agricole commerciali o di sussistenza (IFAD, 2011). L’agricoltura rappresenta il più importante settore economico per la popolazione africana e le donne risultano cruciali per la produzione agricola: rappresentano infatti il 62,8 per cento della forza lavoro (FAO, 2014). Dopo la crisi alimentare del 2007-2008 si è andato intensificando il fenomeno delle acquisizione di terre su larga scala in paesi del Sud del mondo, in particolare nel continente africano, da parte di multinazionali, governi, aziende nazionali e singoli soggetti privati. Questo processo è stato denominato anche land grabbing dalle principali organizzazioni internazionali e della società civile e ha avuto grande impatto mediatico a livello internazionale. L'intensificarsi del fenomeno ha portato a una progressiva perdita di controllo e accesso ad ampie porzioni di territorio da parte delle comunità locali, che non possono più disporre delle risorse naturali collegate alla terra. La cessione di ampi terreni avviene in molti casi senza trasparenza informativa, con violazione dei diritti umani e senza il consenso delle comunità che vi abitano e che coltivano tali aree, e a cui viene imposto un cambio radicale di vita. La terra è una risorsa centrale per l'identità, il sostentamento e la sicurezza alimentare di una comunità, dunque le conseguenze sono molteplici a livello sociale, culturale, economico e politico. Gli impatti sulle relazioni di genere e in particolare sulle donne delle comunità rurali risultano essere cruciali nel discorso sullo sviluppo. L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è indagare come le relazioni di genere, a seguito delle trasformazioni nella gestione della terra, si modificano amplificando squilibri già esistenti e creando conseguenze sulle logiche di potere delle comunità rurali e sulle vite delle persone che ne fanno parte.
Extensive mass transport deposits and multiple slide scars testify widespread and recurrent submarine sediment failures occurring during the late Quaternary on the SW-Adriatic and SE-Sicilian margins. These mass movements and their consequences contributed to shape the continental slopes and fill the basins with characteristic signatures. Geomorphological, seismo-stratigraphic, sedimentological and biostratigraphic data provide clues to: 1) define distinct failure mechanisms investigating on factors that determine dissimilar organization of coeval displaced masses, 2) reconstruct successive phases of failure stressing on the same location where slide scars crosscut and mass-transport deposits overlap, 3) analyze regional setting and indicate the most suitable place where to calculate mass wasting frequency. Discussions on the role of fluid flow, currents activity and tectonic deformation determine a wider view on the construction of the studied continental margins.
This volume is a collection of the work done in a three years-lasting PhD, focused in the analysis of Central and Southern Adriatic marine sediments, deriving from the collection of a borehole and many cores, achieved thanks to the good seismic-stratigraphic knowledge of the study area. The work was made out within European projects EC-EURODELTA (coordinated by Fabio Trincardi, ISMAR-CNR), EC-EUROSTRATAFORM (coordinated by Phil P. E. Weaver, NOC, UK), and PROMESS1 (coordinated by Serge Bernè, IFREMER, France). The analysed sedimentary successions presented highly expanded stratigraphic intervals, particularly for the last 400 kyr, 60 kyr and 6 kyr BP. These three different time-intervals resulted in a tri-partition of the PhD thesis. The study consisted of the analysis of planktic and benthic foraminifers’ assemblages (more than 560 samples analysed), as well as in preparing the material for oxygen and carbon stable isotope analyses, and interpreting and discussing the obtained dataset. The chronologic framework of the last 400 kyr was achieved for borehole PRAD1-2 (within the work-package WP6 of PROMESS1 project), collected in 186.5 m water depth. The proposed chronology derives from a multi-disciplinary approach, consisting of the integration of numerous and independent proxies, some of which analysed by other specialists within the project. The final framework based on: micropaleontology (calcareous nannofossils and foraminifers’ bioevents), climatic cyclicity (foraminifers’ assemblages), geochemistry (oxygen stable isotope, made out on planktic and benthic records), paleomagnetism, radiometric ages (14C AMS), teprhochronology, identification of sapropel-equivalent levels (Se). It’s worth to note the good consistency between the oxygen stable isotope curve obtained for borehole PRAD1-2 and other deeper Mediterranean records. The studied proxies allowed the recognition of all the isotopic intervals from MIS10 to MIS1 in PRAD1-2 record, and the base of the borehole has been ascribed to the early MIS11. Glacial and interglacial intervals identified in the Central Adriatic record have been analysed in detail for the paleo-environmental reconstruction, as well. For instance, glacial stages MIS6, MIS8 and MIS10 present peculiar foraminifers’ assemblages, composed by benthic species typical of polar regions and no longer living in the Central Adriatic nowadays. Moreover, a deepening trend in the paleo-bathymetry during glacial intervals was observed, from MIS10 (inner-shelf environment) to MIS4 (mid-shelf environment).Ten sapropel-equivalent levels have been recognised in PRAD1-2 Central Adriatic record. They showed different planktic foraminifers’ assemblages, which allowed the first distinction of events occurred during warm-climate (Se5, Se7), cold-climate (Se4, Se6 and Se8) and temperate-intermediate-climate (Se1, Se3, Se9, Se’, Se10) conditions, consistently with literature. Cold-climate sapropel equivalents are characterised by the absence of an oligotrophic phase, whereas warm-temeprate-climate sapropel equivalents present both the oligotrophic and the eutrophic phases (except for Se1). Sea floor conditions vary, according to benthic foraminifers’ assemblages, from relatively well oxygenated (Se1, Se3), to dysoxic (Se9, Se’, Se10), to highly dysoxic (Se4, Se6, Se8) to events during which benthic foraminifers are absent (Se5, Se7). These two latter levels are also characterised by the lamination of the sediment, feature never observed in literature in such shallow records. The enhanced stratification of the water column during the events Se8, Se7, Se6, Se5, Se4, and the concurring strong dilution of shallow water, pointed out by the isotope record, lead to the hypothesis of a period of intense precipitation in the Central Adriatic region, possibly due to a northward shift of the African Monsoon. Finally, the expression of Central Adriatic PRAD1-2 Se5 equivalent was compared with the same event, as registered in other Eastern Mediterranean areas. The sequence of substantially the same planktic foraminifers’ bioevents has been consistently recognised, indicating a similar evolution of the water column all over the Eastern Mediterranean; yet, the synchronism of these events cannot be demonstrated. A high resolution analysis of late Holocene (last 6000 years BP) climate change was carried out for the Adriatic area, through the recognition of planktic and benthic foraminifers’ bioevents. In particular, peaks of planktic Globigerinoides sacculifer (four during the last 5500 years BP in the most expanded core) have been interpreted, based on the ecological requirements of this species, as warm-climate, arid intervals, correspondent to periods of relative climatic optimum, such as, for instance, the Medieval Warm Period, the Roman Age, the Late Bronze Age and the Copper Age. Consequently, the minima in the abundance of this biomarker could correspond to relatively cooler and more rainy periods. These conclusions are in good agreement with the isotopic and the pollen data. The Last Occurrence (LO) of G. sacculifer has been dated in this work at an average age of 550 years BP, and it is the best bioevent approximating the base of the Little Ice Age in the Adriatic. Recent literature reports the same bioevent in the Levantine Basin, showing a rather consistent age. Therefore, the LO of G. sacculifer has the potential to be extended to all the Eastern Mediterranean. Within the Little Ice Age, benthic foraminifer V. complanata shows two distinct peaks in the shallower Adriatic cores analysed, collected hundred kilometres apart, inside the mud belt environment. Based on the ecological requirements of this species, these two peaks have been interpreted as the more intense (cold and rainy) oscillations inside the LIA. The chronologic framework of the analysed cores is robust, being based on several range-finding 14C AMS ages, on estimates of the secular variation of the magnetic field, on geochemical estimates of the activity depth of 210Pb short-lived radionuclide (for the core-top ages), and is in good agreement with tephrochronologic, pollen and foraminiferal data. The intra-holocenic climate oscillations find out in the Adriatic have been compared with those pointed out in literature from other records of the Northern Hemisphere, and the chronologic constraint seems quite good. Finally, the sedimentary successions analysed allowed the review and the update of the foraminifers’ ecobiostratigraphy available from literature for the Adriatic region, thanks to the achievement of 16 ecobiozones for the last 60 kyr BP. Some bioevents are restricted to the Central Adriatic (for instance the LO of benthic Hyalinea balthica , approximating the MIS3/MIS2 boundary), others occur all over the Adriatic basin (for instance the LO of planktic Globorotalia inflata during MIS3, individuating Dansgaard-Oeschger cycle 8 (Denekamp)).