111 resultados para Localizzazione, Guasti, Trazione Elettrica, Ferrovia


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OPA3 è una proteina codificata dal genoma nucleare che, grazie a una sequenza di targeting mitocondriale, viene indirizzata ai mitocondri dopo la sua sintesi. Le mutazioni nel gene OPA3 sono associate a due patologie neurodegenerative: la Sindrome di Costeff, causata da mutazioni recessive, e una forma di atrofia ottica dominante che si manifesta con cataratta e spesso sordità. L’esatta funzione e regolazione della proteina non sono ancora state completamente chiarite, così come la sua localizzazione nella membrana mitocondriale esterna o interna. Lo scopo di questa tesi era quello di fare luce sulla funzione della proteina OPA3, con particolare interesse alla dinamica mitocondriale e all’autofagia, sulla sua localizzazione subcellulare ed infine di definire il meccanismo patogenetico nelle patologie neurodegenerative causate da mutazioni in questo gene. A questo scopo abbiamo utilizzato sia una linea di neuroblastoma silenziata stabilmente per OPA3 che linee cellulari primarie derivate da pazienti. I risultati del presente studio dimostrano che la riduzione di OPA3, indotta nelle cellule del neuroblastoma e presente nei fibroblasti derivati dai pazienti, produce alterazioni nel network mitocondriale con uno sbilanciamento a favore della fusione. Questo fenomeno è probabilmente dovuto all’aumento della forma long della proteina OPA1 che è stato riscontrato in entrambi i modelli cellulari. Inoltre, seppur con direzione apparentemente opposta, in entrambi i modelli abbiamo osservato un’alterata regolazione dell’autofagia. Infine, abbiamo confermato che OPA3 localizza nella membrana mitocondriale interna ed è esposta per gran parte nella matrice. Inoltre, un segnale della proteina è stato trovato anche nelle mitochondrial associated membranes, suggerendo un possibile ruolo di OPA3 nel trasferimento dei lipidi tra i mitocondri e il reticolo endoplasmatico. Abbiamo rilevato un’interazione della proteina OPA3 con l’acido fosfatidico che non era mai stata evidenziata fino ad oggi. Queste osservazioni sono compatibili con le alterazioni della dinamica mitocondriale e la disregolazione dell’autofagia documentate nei modelli studiati.


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Safe collaboration between a robot and human operator forms a critical requirement for deploying a robotic system into a manufacturing and testing environment. In this dissertation, the safety requirement for is developed and implemented for the navigation system of the mobile manipulators. A methodology for human-robot co-existence through a 3d scene analysis is also investigated. The proposed approach exploits the advance in computing capability by relying on graphic processing units (GPU’s) for volumetric predictive human-robot contact checking. Apart from guaranteeing safety of operators, human-robot collaboration is also fundamental when cooperative activities are required, as in appliance test automation floor. To achieve this, a generalized hierarchical task controller scheme for collision avoidance is developed. This allows the robotic arm to safely approach and inspect the interior of the appliance without collision during the testing procedure. The unpredictable presence of the operators also forms dynamic obstacle that changes very fast, thereby requiring a quick reaction from the robot side. In this aspect, a GPU-accelarated distance field is computed to speed up reaction time to avoid collision between human operator and the robot. An automated appliance testing also involves robotized laundry loading and unloading during life cycle testing. This task involves Laundry detection, grasp pose estimation and manipulation in a container, inside the drum and during recovery grasping. A wrinkle and blob detection algorithms for grasp pose estimation are developed and grasp poses are calculated along the wrinkle and blobs to efficiently perform grasping task. By ranking the estimated laundry grasp poses according to a predefined cost function, the robotic arm attempt to grasp poses that are more comfortable from the robot kinematic side as well as collision free on the appliance side. This is achieved through appliance detection and full-model registration and collision free trajectory execution using online collision avoidance.


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The present thesis is focused on wave energy, which is a particular kind of ocean energy, and is based on the activity carried out during the EU project SEA TITAN. The main scope of this work is the design of a power electronic section for an innovative wave energy extraction system based on a switched-reluctance machine. In the first chapter, the general features of marine wave energy harvesting are treated. The concept of Wave Energy Converter (WEC) is introduced as well as the mathematical description of the waves, their characterization and measurement, the WEC classification, the operating principles and the standardization framework. Also, detailed considerations on the environmental impact are presented. The SEA TITAN project is briefly described. The second chapter is dedicated to the technical issues of the SEA TITAN project, such as the operating principle, the performance optimization carried out in the project, the main innovations as well as interesting demonstrations on the behavior of the generator and its control. In the third chapter, the power electronics converters of SEA TITAN are described, and the design choices, procedures and calculations are shown, with a further insight into the application given by analyzing the MATLAB Simulink model of the system and its control scheme. Experimental tests are reported in the fourth chapter, with graphs and illustrations of the power electronic apparatus interfaced with the real machine. Finally, the conclusion in the fifth chapter offers a global overview of the project and opens further development pathways.


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Combinatorial optimization problems have been strongly addressed throughout history. Their study involves highly applied problems that must be solved in reasonable times. This doctoral Thesis addresses three Operations Research problems: the first deals with the Traveling Salesman Problem with Pickups and Delivery with Handling cost, which was approached with two metaheuristics based on Iterated Local Search; the results show that the proposed methods are faster and obtain good results respect to the metaheuristics from the literature. The second problem corresponds to the Quadratic Multiple Knapsack Problem, and polynomial formulations and relaxations are presented for new instances of the problem; in addition, a metaheuristic and a matheuristic are proposed that are competitive with state of the art algorithms. Finally, an Open-Pit Mining problem is approached. This problem is solved with a parallel genetic algorithm that allows excavations using truncated cones. Each of these problems was computationally tested with difficult instances from the literature, obtaining good quality results in reasonable computational times, and making significant contributions to the state of the art techniques of Operations Research.


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Nella sindrome metabolica l’insulino-resistenza e l’obesità rappresentano i fattori chiave nello sviluppo di tale patologia, ma il principale player risulta un’infiammazione cronica di basso grado (Chronic Low Grade Inflammation) a carico del tessuto adiposo. Lo scopo di questo progetto di ricerca è quindi stato quello di testare citochine a basso dosaggio come possibile trattamento dell’infiammazione cronica. Le citochine utilizzate (GUNA®-Interleukin 4 (IL-4), GUNA®-Interleukin 10 (IL-10), GUNA®-Melatonin, GUNA®-Melatonin+GUNA®-IL-4.) sono state fornite dall’azienda GUNA S.p.a. Poiché l’infiammazione cronica a basso grado inizia in seguito ad un aumento eccessivo del tessuto adiposo, inizialmente si è valutato l’effetto su una linea di preadipociti murini (3T3-L1). Questa prima parte dello studio ha messo in evidenza come le citochine a basso dosaggio non modificano la vitalità cellulare, anche se agiscono sull’espressione e la localizzazione di vimentina e E-caderina. Inoltre IL-4 e IL-10 sembrano avere una parziale attività inibitoria, non significativa, sull’adipogenesi ad eccezione dell’espressione dell’adiponectina che appare significativamente aumentata. In ultimo i trattamenti con IL-4 e IL-10 hanno mostrato una diminuzione del contenuto di ROS e una ridotta attività antiinfiammatoria dovuta alla diminuzione di IL-6 secreto. Un’altra popolazione cellulare principale nel tessuto adiposo è rappresentata dalle ASC (Adipose Stem Cell). Per tale motivo si è proseguito valutando l’effetto che le citochine low-dose su questo citotipo, evidenziando che il trattamento con le citochine non risulta essere tossico, anche se sembrerebbe rallentare la crescita cellulare, e determina un’inibizione del processo adipogenico. Inoltre il trattamento con IL-10 sembra stimolare le ASC a produrre fattori che inducono una maggiore vasculogenesi e le induce a produrre fattori chemiotattici che determinano una maggiore capacità di rigenerazione tissutale da parte di MSC da derma. Infine, il trattamento con IL-4 e IL-10 stimola probabilmente una minore produzione di citochine pro-infiammatorie che inducono in maniera significativa una minore mobilità di cellule MSC.


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The main goal of the Airborne project is to develop, at technology readiness level 8 (TRL8), a few selected robotic aerial technologies for quick localization of victims by avalanches by equipping drones with two forefront sensors used in SAR operations in case of avalanches, namely the ARVA and RECCO. This thesis focuses on the design, development, and guidance of the TRL8 quadrotor developed during the project. We present and describe the design method that allowed us to obtain an EMI shielded UAV capable of integrating both RECCO and ARVA sensors. Besides, is presented the avionics and power train design and building procedure in order to obtain a modular UAV frame that can be easily carried by rescuers and achieves all the performance benchmarks of the project. Additionally, in addition to the onboard algorithms, a multivariate regressive convolutional neural network whose goal is the localization of the ARVA signal is presented. On guidance, the automatic flight procedure is described, and the onboard waypoint generator algorithm is presented. The goal of this algorithm is the generation and execution of an automatic grid pattern without the need to know the map in advance and without the support of a control ground station (CGS). Moreover, we present an iterative trajectory planner that does not need pre-knowledge of the map and uses Bézier curves to address optimal, dynamically feasible, safe, and re-plannable trajectories. The goal is to develop a method that allows local and fast replannings in case of an obstacle pop up or if some waypoints change. This makes the novel planner suitable to be applied in SAR operations. The introduction of the final version of the quadrotor is supported by internal flight tests and field tests performed in real operative scenarios by the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI).


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This thesis deals with robust adaptive control and its applications, and it is divided into three main parts. The first part is about the design of robust estimation algorithms based on recursive least squares. First, we present an estimator for the frequencies of biased multi-harmonic signals, and then an algorithm for distributed estimation of an unknown parameter over a network of adaptive agents. In the second part of this thesis, we consider a cooperative control problem over uncertain networks of linear systems and Kuramoto systems, in which the agents have to track the reference generated by a leader exosystem. Since the reference signal is not available to each network node, novel distributed observers are designed so as to reconstruct the reference signal locally for each agent, and therefore decentralizing the problem. In the third and final part of this thesis, we consider robust estimation tasks for mobile robotics applications. In particular, we first consider the problem of slip estimation for agricultural tracked vehicles. Then, we consider a search and rescue application in which we need to drive an unmanned aerial vehicle as close as possible to the unknown (and to be estimated) position of a victim, who is buried under the snow after an avalanche event. In this thesis, robustness is intended as an input-to-state stability property of the proposed identifiers (sometimes referred to as adaptive laws), with respect to additive disturbances, and relative to a steady-state trajectory that is associated with a correct estimation of the unknown parameter to be found.


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Machine learning is widely adopted to decode multi-variate neural time series, including electroencephalographic (EEG) and single-cell recordings. Recent solutions based on deep learning (DL) outperformed traditional decoders by automatically extracting relevant discriminative features from raw or minimally pre-processed signals. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been successfully applied to EEG and are the most common DL-based EEG decoders in the state-of-the-art (SOA). However, the current research is affected by some limitations. SOA CNNs for EEG decoding usually exploit deep and heavy structures with the risk of overfitting small datasets, and architectures are often defined empirically. Furthermore, CNNs are mainly validated by designing within-subject decoders. Crucially, the automatically learned features mainly remain unexplored; conversely, interpreting these features may be of great value to use decoders also as analysis tools, highlighting neural signatures underlying the different decoded brain or behavioral states in a data-driven way. Lastly, SOA DL-based algorithms used to decode single-cell recordings rely on more complex, slower to train and less interpretable networks than CNNs, and the use of CNNs with these signals has not been investigated. This PhD research addresses the previous limitations, with reference to P300 and motor decoding from EEG, and motor decoding from single-neuron activity. CNNs were designed light, compact, and interpretable. Moreover, multiple training strategies were adopted, including transfer learning, which could reduce training times promoting the application of CNNs in practice. Furthermore, CNN-based EEG analyses were proposed to study neural features in the spatial, temporal and frequency domains, and proved to better highlight and enhance relevant neural features related to P300 and motor states than canonical EEG analyses. Remarkably, these analyses could be used, in perspective, to design novel EEG biomarkers for neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders. Lastly, CNNs were developed to decode single-neuron activity, providing a better compromise between performance and model complexity.


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The work activities reported in this PhD thesis regard the functionalization of composite materials and the realization of energy harvesting devices by using nanostructured piezoelectric materials, which can be integrated in the composite without affecting its mechanical properties. The self-sensing composite materials were fabricated by interleaving between the plies of the laminate the piezoelectric elements. The problem of negatively impacting on the mechanical properties of the hosting structure was addressed by shaping the piezoelectric materials in appropriate ways. In the case of polymeric piezoelectric materials, the electrospinning technique allowed to produce highly-porous nanofibrous membranes which can be immerged in the hosting matrix without inducing delamination risk. The flexibility of the polymers was exploited also for the production of flexible tactile sensors. The sensing performances of the specimens were evaluated also in terms of lifetime with fatigue tests. In the case of ceramic piezo-materials, the production and the interleaving of nanometric piezoelectric powder limitedly affected the impact resistance of the laminate, which showed enhanced sensing properties. In addition to this, a model was proposed to predict the piezoelectric response of the self-sensing composite materials as function of the amount of the piezo-phase within the laminate and to adapt its sensing functionalities also for quasi-static loads. Indeed, one final application of the work was to integrate the piezoelectric nanofibers in the sole of a prosthetic foot in order to detect the walking cycle, which has a period in the order of 1 second. In the end, the energy harvesting capabilities of the piezoelectric materials were investigated, with the aim to design wearable devices able to collect energy from the environment and from the body movements. The research activities focused both on the power transfer capability to an external load and the charging of an energy storage unit, like, e.g., a supercapacitor.


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The Smart Grid needs a large amount of information to be operated and day by day new information is required to improve the operation performance. It is also fundamental that the available information is reliable and accurate. Therefore, the role of metrology is crucial, especially if applied to the distribution grid monitoring and the electrical assets diagnostics. This dissertation aims at better understanding the sensors and the instrumentation employed by the power system operators in the above-mentioned applications and studying new solutions. Concerning the research on the measurement applied to the electrical asset diagnostics: an innovative drone-based measurement system is proposed for monitoring medium voltage surge arresters. This system is described, and its metrological characterization is presented. On the other hand, the research regarding the measurements applied to the grid monitoring consists of three parts. The first part concerns the metrological characterization of the electronic energy meters’ operation under off-nominal power conditions. Original test procedures have been designed for both frequency and harmonic distortion as influence quantities, aiming at defining realistic scenarios. The second part deals with medium voltage inductive current transformers. An in-depth investigation on their accuracy behavior in presence of harmonic distortion is carried out by applying realistic current waveforms. The accuracy has been evaluated by means of the composite error index and its approximated version. Based on the same test setup, a closed-form expression for the measured current total harmonic distortion uncertainty estimation has been experimentally validated. The metrological characterization of a virtual phasor measurement unit is the subject of the third and last part: first, a calibrator has been designed and the uncertainty associated with its steady-state reference phasor has been evaluated; then this calibrator acted as a reference, and it has been used to characterize the phasor measurement unit implemented within a real-time simulator.


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Three dimensional (3D) printers of continuous fiber reinforced composites, such as MarkTwo (MT) by Markforged, can be used to manufacture such structures. To date, research works devoted to the study and application of flexible elements and CMs realized with MT printer are only a few and very recent. A good numerical and/or analytical tool for the mechanical behavior analysis of the new composites is still missing. In addition, there is still a gap in obtaining the material properties used (e.g. elastic modulus) as it is usually unknown and sensitive to printing parameters used (e.g. infill density), making the numerical simulation inaccurate. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to present several work developed. The first is a preliminary investigation on the tensile and flexural response of Straight Beam Flexures (SBF) realized with MT printer and featuring different interlayer fiber volume-fraction and orientation, as well as different laminate position within the sample. The second is to develop a numerical analysis within the Carrera' s Unified Formulation (CUF) framework, based on component-wise (CW) approach, including a novel preprocessing tool that has been developed to account all regions printed in an easy and time efficient way. Among its benefits, the CUF-CW approach enables building an accurate database for collecting first natural frequencies modes results, then predicting Young' s modulus based on an inverse problem formulation. To validate the tool, the numerical results are compared to the experimental natural frequencies evaluated using a digital image correlation method. Further, we take the CUF-CW model and use static condensation to analyze smart structures which can be decomposed into a large number of similar components. Third, the potentiality of MT in combination with topology optimization and compliant joints design (CJD) is investigated for the realization of automated machinery mechanisms subjected to inertial loads.


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The growing market of electrical cars, portable electronics, photovoltaic systems..etc. requires the development of efficient, low-cost, and low environmental impact energy storage devices (ESDs) including batteries and supercapacitors.. Due to their extended charge-discharge cycle, high specific capacitance, and power capabilities supercapacitors are considered among the most attractive ESDs. Over the last decade, research and development in supercapacitor technology have accelerated: thousands of articles have been published in the literature describing the electrochemical properties of the electrode materials and electrolyte in addition to separators and current collectors. Carbon-based supercapacitor electrodes materials have gained increasing attention due to their high specific surface area, good electrical conductivity, and excellent stability in harsh environments, as well as other characteristics. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in activated carbon derived from low-cost abundant sources such as biomass for supercapacitor electrode materials. Also, particular attention was given to a major challenging issue concerning the substitution of organic solutions currently used as electrolytes due to their highest electrochemical stability window even though their high cost, toxicity, and flammability. In this regard, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the performances of supercapacitors using low cost abundant safe, and low environmental impact materials for electrodes and electrolytes. Several prototypes were constructed and tested using natural resources through optimization of the preparation of appropriate carbon electrodes using agriculture by-products waste or coal (i.e. Argan shell or Anthracite from Jerrada). Such electrodes were tested using several electrolyte formulations (aqueous and water in salt electrolytes) beneficing their non-flammability, lower cost, and environmental impact; the characteristics that provide a promising opportunity to design safer, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly devices compared to organic electrolytes.


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The Three-Dimensional Single-Bin-Size Bin Packing Problem is one of the most studied problem in the Cutting & Packing category. From a strictly mathematical point of view, it consists of packing a finite set of strongly heterogeneous “small” boxes, called items, into a finite set of identical “large” rectangles, called bins, minimizing the unused volume and requiring that the items are packed without overlapping. The great interest is mainly due to the number of real-world applications in which it arises, such as pallet and container loading, cutting objects out of a piece of material and packaging design. Depending on these real-world applications, more objective functions and more practical constraints could be needed. After a brief discussion about the real-world applications of the problem and a exhaustive literature review, the design of a two-stage algorithm to solve the aforementioned problem is presented. The algorithm must be able to provide the spatial coordinates of the placed boxes vertices and also the optimal boxes input sequence, while guaranteeing geometric, stability, fragility constraints and a reduced computational time. Due to NP-hard complexity of this type of combinatorial problems, a fusion of metaheuristic and machine learning techniques is adopted. In particular, a hybrid genetic algorithm coupled with a feedforward neural network is used. In the first stage, a rich dataset is created starting from a set of real input instances provided by an industrial company and the feedforward neural network is trained on it. After its training, given a new input instance, the hybrid genetic algorithm is able to run using the neural network output as input parameter vector, providing as output the optimal solution. The effectiveness of the proposed works is confirmed via several experimental tests.


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This thesis work has been motivated by an internal benchmark dealing with the output regulation problem of a nonlinear non-minimum phase system in the case of full-state feedback. The system under consideration structurally suffers from finite escape time, and this condition makes the output regulation problem very hard even for very simple steady-state evolution or exosystem dynamics, such as a simple integrator. This situation leads to studying the approaches developed for controlling Non-minimum phase systems and how they affect feedback performances. Despite a lot of frequency domain results, only a few works have been proposed for describing the performance limitations in a state space system representation. In particular, in our opinion, the most relevant research thread exploits the so-called Inner-Outer Decomposition. Such decomposition allows splitting the Non-minimum phase system under consideration into a cascade of two subsystems: a minimum phase system (the outer) that contains all poles of the original system and an all-pass Non-minimum phase system (the inner) that contains all the unavoidable pathologies of the unstable zero dynamics. Such a cascade decomposition was inspiring to start working on functional observers for linear and nonlinear systems. In particular, the idea of a functional observer is to exploit only the measured signals from the system to asymptotically reconstruct a certain function of the system states, without necessarily reconstructing the whole state vector. The feature of asymptotically reconstructing a certain state functional plays an important role in the design of a feedback controller able to stabilize the Non-minimum phase system.


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Several decision and control tasks involve networks of cyber-physical systems that need to be coordinated and controlled according to a fully-distributed paradigm involving only local communications without any central unit. This thesis focuses on distributed optimization and games over networks from a system theoretical perspective. In the addressed frameworks, we consider agents communicating only with neighbors and running distributed algorithms with optimization-oriented goals. The distinctive feature of this thesis is to interpret these algorithms as dynamical systems and, thus, to resort to powerful system theoretical tools for both their analysis and design. We first address the so-called consensus optimization setup. In this context, we provide an original system theoretical analysis of the well-known Gradient Tracking algorithm in the general case of nonconvex objective functions. Then, inspired by this method, we provide and study a series of extensions to improve the performance and to deal with more challenging settings like, e.g., the derivative-free framework or the online one. Subsequently, we tackle the recently emerged framework named distributed aggregative optimization. For this setup, we develop and analyze novel schemes to handle (i) online instances of the problem, (ii) ``personalized'' optimization frameworks, and (iii) feedback optimization settings. Finally, we adopt a system theoretical approach to address aggregative games over networks both in the presence or absence of linear coupling constraints among the decision variables of the players. In this context, we design and inspect novel fully-distributed algorithms, based on tracking mechanisms, that outperform state-of-the-art methods in finding the Nash equilibrium of the game.