170 resultados para Analisi contrastiva, sentenze, connettori, italiano, tedesco, austriaco, traduzione giuridica
La dissertazione, partendo dall’analisi dei dati particolari, dei quali approfondisce il concetto e le norme previste per la disciplina del trattamento, arriva ad una completa ed approfondita analisi dei dati genetici, partendo dal loro inquadramento storico e giungendo sino ad evidenziare la simmetria intercorrente tra gli stessi e il tessuto umano (il campione biologico) che, sotto un profilo squisitamente giuridico, è stato sottoposto al medesimo regime di tutela previsto per il dato genetico. La finalità della definizione dei dati genetici è quella di individuare la loro regolamentazione nell’ambito dell’ordinamento interno nonché ad evidenziare la genesi di tale normazione e, soprattutto, la tecnica utilizzata dall’autorità preposta, che ha inteso recepire (anche se il termine, per taluni atti, è improprio) nell’ambito dell’ordinamento italiano una moltitudine di atti normativi di rango internazione e sovranazionale, succedutisi sin dagli anni immediatamente successivi la fine del secondo conflitto mondiale. Mentre la prima parte della dissertazione commenta la normativa in materia di dati particolari, la seconda parte costituisce un corpo unico finalizzato a rappresentare la doppia faccia dei dati genetici, costituita, da un lato, dalla pericolosità -per i diritti della persona- del loro trattamento e, dall’altro, dalla indispensabilità del trattamento stesso per la tutela della salute dell’uomo, come singolo e come soggetto collettivo. Il lavoro pertanto si inserisce in un contesto in cui la regolamentazione nazionale dei dati genetici pare prima di tutto finalizzata anche alla codificazione di alcune libertà fondamentali fino al 2006 di creazione squisitamente e quasi esclusivamente dottrinale, al più con qualche accenno giurisprudenziale (v. sul punto il diritto di non sapere o, anche se si ritiene che lo stesso sia di fatto stato regolamentato dal Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali, il diritto all’autodeterminazione informativa) dei quali la tesi in commento individua la chiave regolatrice nell’ambito delle norme contenute nell’Autorizzazione del Garante. L’esame della normativa nazionale, costituita appunto dall’Autorizzazione emanata dal Garante ai sensi dell’art. 90 del Codice è pertanto svolto mediante un commento e, in alcuni punti, una critica costruttiva finalizzata ad evidenziare l’estrema difficoltà nella normazione di un trattamento che, da un lato, rischia di aggredire irrimediabilmente i diritti della persona e dall’altro è indispensabile per la tutela degli stessi.
The biological complexity of NGF action is achieved by binding two distinct Neurotrophin receptors, TrkA and p75NTR. While several reports have provided lines of evidence on the interaction between TrkA and p75NTR at the plasma membrane, much fewer data are available on the consequence of such an interaction in terms of intracellular signaling. In this study, we have focused on how p75NTR may affect TrkA downstream signaling with respect to neuronal differentiation. Here, we have shown that cooperation between p75NTR and TrkA results in an increased NGF-mediated TrkA autophosphorylation, leads to a sustained activation of ERK1/2 and accelerates neurite outgrowth. Interestingly, neurite outgrowth is concomitant with a selective enhancement of the AP-1 activity and the transcriptional activation of genes such as GAP-43 and p21(CIP/WAF), known to be involved in the differentiation process. Collectively, our results unveil a functional link between the specific expression profile of neurotrophin receptors in neuronal cells and the NGF-mediated regulation of the differentiation process possibly through a persistent ERKs activation and the selective control of the AP-1 activity. In our studies we discuss the functional role of the neurotrophin receptor p75NTR and TrkA in a ligand-dependent signal transduction. It is known that p75NTR is also involved in the mediation of cell death ligand dependent. Here we show for the first time that the membrane receptor p75NTR, upon binding to b- Amyloid (Ab) peptide, is able to transduce a cytotoxic signal through a mechanism very similar to the one adopted by Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 (TNFR1), when activated by TNFa. We define that in neuroblastoma cell line Ab cytotoxicity signals through a pathway depending on p75NTR death domain (DD), mostly through some specific conserved residues. We identified that TRADD is the first interactor recruiting to the membrane and activates JNK and NF-kB transcription factors. Since Ab is defined as the most important aetiologic element associated with the Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), characterization of the mechanism involved in the mediation of the neurodegeneration can suggest also new therapeutic approaches.
This research investigated someone of the main problems connected to the application of Tissue Engineering in the prosthetic field, in particular about the characterization of the scaffolding materials and biomimetic strategies adopted in order to promote the implant integration. The spectroscopic and thermal analysis techniques were usefully applied to characterize the chemico-physical properties of the materials such as – crystallinity; – relative composition in case of composite materials; – Structure and conformation of polymeric and peptidic chains; – mechanism and degradation rate; – Intramolecular and intermolecular interactions (hydrogen bonds, aliphatic interactions). This kind of information are of great importance in the comprehension of the interactions that scaffold undergoes when it is in contact with biological tissues; this information are fundamental to predict biodegradation mechanisms and to understand how chemico-physical properties change during the degradation process. In order to fully characterize biomaterials, this findings must be integrated by information relative to mechanical aspects and in vitro and in vivo behavior thanks to collaborations with biomedical engineers and biologists. This study was focussed on three different systems that correspond to three different strategies adopted in Tissue Engineering: biomimetic replica of fibrous 3-D structure of extracellular matrix (PCL-PLLA), incorporation of an apatitic phase similar to bone inorganic phase to promote biomineralization (PCL-HA), surface modification with synthetic oligopeptides that elicit the interaction with osteoblasts. The characterization of the PCL-PLLA composite underlined that the degradation started along PLLA fibres, which are more hydrophylic, and they serve as a guide for tissue regeneration. Moreover it was found that some cellular lines are more active in the colonization of the scaffold. In the PCL-HA composite, the weight ratio between the polymeric and the inorganic phase plays an essential role both in the degradation process and in the biomineralization of the material. The study of self-assembling peptides allowed to clarify the influence of primary structure on intermolecular and intermolecular interactions, that lead to the formation of the secondary structure and it was possible to find a new class of oligopeptides useful to functionalize materials surface. Among the analytical techniques used in this study, Raman vibrational spectroscopy played a major role, being non-destructive and non-invasive, two properties that make it suitable to degradation studies and to morphological characterization. Also micro-IR spectroscopy was useful in the comprehension of peptide structure on oxidized titanium: up to date this study was one of the first to employ this relatively new technique in the biomedical field.
Oxidative stress is considered to be of major relevance for a variety of pathological processes. Thus, it is valuable to identify compounds, which might act as antioxidants, i.e. compounds that antagonize the deleterious action of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on biomolecules. The mode of action of these compounds could be either to scavenge ROS directly or to trigger protective mechanisms inside the cell, thereby resulting in improved defense against ROS. Sulforaphane (SF) (1-isothiocyanato-(4R)-(methylsulfinyl)butane) is a naturally occurring cancer chemopreventive agent found as a precursor glucosinolate in Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. Although SF is not a direct-acting antioxidant, there is substantial evidence that SF acts indirectly to increase the antioxidant capacity of animal cells and their abilities to cope with oxidative stress. Induction of phase 2 enzymes is one means by which SF enhances the cellular antioxidant capacity. Enzymes induced by SF include Glutathione S-transferases (GST) and NAD[P]H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) which can function as protectors against oxidative stress. To protect themselves from oxidative stress, cells are equipped with reducing buffer systems including the GSH and thioredoxin (Trx) reductase. GSH is an important tripeptide thiol which in addition to being the substrate for GSTs maintains the cellular oxidation– reduction balance and protects cells against free radical species. Aim of the first part of this thesis was to investigate the ability of SF to induce the expression and the activity of different phase 2 and antioxidant enzymes (such as GST, GR, GPx, NQO1, TR, SOD, CAT) in an in vitro model of rat cardiomyocytes, and also to define if SF treatment supprts cells in counteracting oxidative stress induced by H2O2 It is well known that acute exhaustive exercise causes significant reactive oxygen species generation that results in oxidative stress, which can induce negative effects on health and well being. In fact, increased oxidative stress and biomarkers (e.g., protein carbonyls, MDA, and 8- hydroxyguanosine) as well as muscle damage biomarkers (e.g. plasmatic Creatine cinase and Lactate dehydrogenase) have been observed after supramaximal sprint exercises, exhaustive longdistance cycling or running as well as resistance-type exercises, both in trained and untrained humans. Markers of oxidative stress also increase in rodents following exhaustive exercise. Moreover, antioxidant enzyme activities and expressions of antioxidant enzymes are known to increase in response to exhaustive exercise in both animal and human tissues. Aim of this project was to evaluate the effect of SF supplementation in counteracting oxidative stress induced by physical activity through its ability to induce phase 2, and antioxidant enzymes in rat muscle. The results show that SF is a nutraceutical compound able to induce the activity of different phase 2 and antioxidant enzymes in both cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle. Thanks to its actions SF is becoming a promising molecule able to prevent cardiovascular damages induced by oxidative stress and muscle damages induced by acute exhaustive exercise.
Gli investimenti diretti esteri (IDE) giocano un ruolo importante nella crescita economica e nello sviluppo territoriale. Con il notevole aumento dei flussi IDE nel settore agroalimentare a livello mondiale l’attenzione si è concentrata sul dibattito relativo alle determinanti che spingono alla scelta di un territorio piuttosto che un altro. Non esiste ancora un lavoro definitivo ed univoco sulle determinanti degli IDE. Alcune delle più frequenti analisi sui fattori che influenzano gli IDE includono: l’entità del mercato, il costo del lavoro, i tassi di interesse, le barriere protezionistiche, tassi di cambio, predisposizione all’export, struttura del mercato, distanze geografiche, stabilità politica e affinità culturale. Questo lavoro si propone di analizzare le determinanti nel settore agroalimentare italiano sia teoricamente che empiricamente. A questo scopo è stata applica come base teorica il paradigma OLI di Dunning e i principi legati agli investimenti orizzontali al settore agroalimentare regionale italiano. Sono state esaminate le determinanti degli investimenti diretti inward in questo settore. Le risultanti suggeriscono una relazione positiva tra la presenza di attività di servizi e la presenza di IDE nelle diverse Regioni. In un Paese ad economia avanzata come l’Italia, strategie territoriali e di impresa basate sui costi e sul mercato non sono caratterizzanti per attrarre multinazionali straniere, mentre la dotazione di servizi e infrastrutture rappresentano un nuovo obiettivo su cui le Regioni devono puntare per aprire i territori alle sfide della globalizzazione. Questa ricerca unisce analisi statistica ed econometria e studio bibliografico per approfondire e comprendere la materia in oggetto e fornire nuovi elementi e spunti su cui discutere.