226 resultados para olio RTIL voltammetria ciclica microelettrodo platino frodi alimentari


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In genere, negli studi di vocazionalità delle colture, vengono presi in considerazione solo variabili ambientali pedo-climatiche. La coltivazione di una coltura comporta anche un impatto ambientale derivante dalle pratiche agronomiche ed il territorio può essere più o meno sensibile a questi impatti in base alla sua vulnerabilità. In questo studio si vuole sviluppare una metodologia per relazionare spazialmente l’impatto delle colture con le caratteristiche sito specifiche del territorio in modo da considerare anche questo aspetto nell’allocazione negli studi di vocazionalità. LCA è stato utilizzato per quantificare diversi impatti di alcune colture erbacee alimentari e da energia, relazionati a mappe di vulnerabilità costruite con l’utilizzo di GIS, attraverso il calcolo di coefficienti di rischio di allocazione per ogni combinazione coltura-area vulnerabile. Le colture energetiche sono state considerate come un uso alternativo del suolo per diminuire l’impatto ambientale. Il caso studio ha mostrato che l’allocazione delle colture può essere diversa in base al tipo e al numero di impatti considerati. Il risultato sono delle mappe in cui sono riportate le distribuzioni ottimali delle colture al fine di minimizzare gli impatti, rispetto a mais e grano, due colture alimentari importanti nell’area di studio. Le colture con l’impatto più alto dovrebbero essere coltivate nelle aree a vulnerabilità bassa, e viceversa. Se il rischio ambientale è la priorità, mais, colza, grano, girasole, e sorgo da fibra dovrebbero essere coltivate solo nelle aree a vulnerabilità bassa o moderata, mentre, le colture energetiche erbacee perenni, come il panico, potrebbero essere coltivate anche nelle aree a vulnerabilità alta, rappresentando cosi una opportunità per aumentare la sostenibilità di uso del suolo rurale. Lo strumento LCA-GIS inoltre, integrato con mappe di uso attuale del suolo, può aiutare a valutarne il suo grado di sostenibilità ambientale.


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Over the past years fruit and vegetable industry has become interested in the application of both osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation as mild technologies because of their low temperature and energy requirements. Osmotic dehydration is a partial dewatering process by immersion of cellular tissue in hypertonic solution. The diffusion of water from the vegetable tissue to the solution is usually accompanied by the simultaneous solutes counter-diffusion into the tissue. Vacuum impregnation is a unit operation in which porous products are immersed in a solution and subjected to a two-steps pressure change. The first step (vacuum increase) consists of the reduction of the pressure in a solid-liquid system and the gas in the product pores is expanded, partially flowing out. When the atmospheric pressure is restored (second step), the residual gas in the pores compresses and the external liquid flows into the pores. This unit operation allows introducing specific solutes in the tissue, e.g. antioxidants, pH regulators, preservatives, cryoprotectancts. Fruit and vegetable interact dynamically with the environment and the present study attempts to enhance our understanding on the structural, physico-chemical and metabolic changes of plant tissues upon the application of technological processes (osmotic dehydration and vacuum impregnation), by following a multianalytical approach. Macro (low-frequency nuclear magnetic resonance), micro (light microscopy) and ultrastructural (transmission electron microscopy) measurements combined with textural and differential scanning calorimetry analysis allowed evaluating the effects of individual osmotic dehydration or vacuum impregnation processes on (i) the interaction between air and liquid in real plant tissues, (ii) the plant tissue water state and (iii) the cell compartments. Isothermal calorimetry, respiration and photosynthesis determinations led to investigate the metabolic changes upon the application of osmotic dehydration or vacuum impregnation. The proposed multianalytical approach should enable both better designs of processing technologies and estimations of their effects on tissue.


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This Ph.D. thesis focuses on the investigation of some chemical and sensorial analytical parameters linked to the quality and purity of different categories of oils obtained by olives: extra virgin olive oils, both those that are sold in the large retail trade (supermarkets and discounts) and those directly collected at some Italian mills, and lower-quality oils (refined, lampante and “repaso”). Concurrently with the adoption of traditional and well-known analytical procedures such as gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, I carried out a set-up of innovative, fast and environmentally-friend methods. For example, I developed some analytical approaches based on Fourier transform medium infrared spectroscopy (FT-MIR) and time domain reflectometry (TDR), coupled with a robust chemometric elaboration of the results. I investigated some other freshness and quality markers that are not included in official parameters (in Italian and European regulations): the adoption of such a full chemical and sensorial analytical plan allowed me to obtain interesting information about the degree of quality of the EVOOs, mostly within the Italian market. Here the range of quality of EVOOs resulted very wide, in terms of sensory attributes, price classes and chemical parameters. Thanks to the collaboration with other Italian and foreign research groups, I carried out several applicative studies, especially focusing on the shelf-life of oils obtained by olives and on the effects of thermal stresses on the quality of the products. I also studied some innovative technological treatments, such as the clarification by using inert gases, as an alternative to the traditional filtration. Moreover, during a three-and-a-half months research stay at the University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, I also carried out a study related to the application of statistical methods for the elaboration of sensory results, obtained thanks to the official Swiss Panel and to some consumer tests.


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Il lavoro svolto durante questa tesi di dottorato pone le basi per lo sviluppo di nuove biotecnologie della micorrizazione di piante forestali con tartufi pregiati ed in particolare con Tuber magnatum. Durante questa tesi è stato possibile isolare e mantenere in coltura pura il micelio di T. magnatum, ad ottenere e descrivere le sue micorrize e quelle di altri tartufi “bianchi” (T. oligospermum, T. borchii) e a seguire l’evoluzione del micelio nel suolo utilizzando la tecnica della real time PCR. Sono stati disegnati primer specie specifici in grado di identificare T. oligospermum ed è stata verificata la possibiltà di utilizzare questi primers in PCR multiplex con quelli specifici di T. magnatum e di T. borchii già presenti in bibliografia, al fine di “scovare” sia frodi nella commercializzaione degli ascomi sia eventuali contaminazioni nelle piante micorrizate. Per migliorare lo sviluppo miceliare di tartufo abbiamo si è cercato di migliorare il mezzo nutritivo per la crescita del micelio utilizzando: fonti di carbonio diverse, estratti radicali di nocciolo e singole frazioni separate dagli stessi. Infine sono stati sviluppati protocolli di crioconservazione per miceli di tartufo. Gli estratti radicali sono in grado di stimolare le crescita miceliare del tartufo modello T. borchii e dimodificarne la morfologia ifale. Questo risultati sono stati confermati anche dall’aumento dell’espressione di geni CDC42 e Rho-GDI, due geni legati alla crescita apicale polarizzata delle ife dei funghi filamentosi. Inoltre è stato dimostrato che il mantenimento in coltura per numerosi anni dei miceli di tartufo provoca una perdita della capacità d’infettare le radici delle piante e quindi il loro potenziale utilizzo sia a scopo sperimentale sia a scopo colturale. Questo pone in risalto l’importanza della conservazione a lungo termine del materiale biologico a disposizione ed è stato dimostrato che la crioconservazione è applicabile con successo anche alle specie del genere Tuber.


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This research work is aimed at the valorization of two types of pomace deriving from the extra virgin olive oil mechanical extraction process, such as olive pomace and a new by-product named “paté”, in the livestock sector as important sources of antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids. In the first research the suitability of dried stoned olive pomace as a dietary supplement for dairy buffaloes was evaluated. The effectiveness of this utilization in modifying fatty acid composition and improving the oxidative stability of buffalo milk and mozzarella cheese have been proven by means of the analysis of qualitative and quantitative parameters. In the second research the use of paté as a new by-product in dietary feed supplementation for dairy ewes, already fed with a source of unsaturated fatty acids such as extruded linseed, was studied in order to assess the effect of this combination on the dairy products obtained. The characterization of paté as a new by-product was also carried out, studying the optimal conditions of its stabilization and preservation at the same time. The main results, common to both researches, have been the detection and the characterization of hydrophilic phenols in the milk. The analytical detection of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol in the ewes’ milk fed with the paté and hydroxytyrosol in buffalo fed with pomace showed for the first time the presence in the milk of hydroxytyrosol, which is one of the most important bioactive compounds of the oil industry products; the transfer of these antioxidants and the proven improvement of the quality of milk fat could positively interact in the prevention of some human cardiovascular diseases and some tumours, increasing in this manner the quality of dairy products, also improving their shelf-life. These results also provide important information on the bioavailability of these phenolic compounds.


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La presenza di Escherichia coli produttori di verocitotossine (VTEC o STEC) rappresenta una tra le più importanti cause di malattia alimentare attualmente presenti in Europa. La sua presenza negli allevamenti di animali destinati alla produzione di alimenti rappresenta un importante rischio per la salute del consumatore. In conseguenza di comuni contaminazioni che si realizzano nel corso della macellazione, della mungitura i VTEC possono essere presenti nelle carni e nel latte e rappresentano un grave rischio se la preparazione per il consumo o i processi di lavorazione non comportano trattamenti in grado d’inattivarli (es. carni crude o poco cotte, latte non pastorizzato, formaggi freschi a latte crudo). La contaminazione dei campi coltivati conseguente alla dispersione di letame o attraverso acque contaminate può veicolare questi stipiti che sono normalmente albergati nell’intestino di ruminanti (domestici e selvatici) e anche prodotti vegetali consumati crudi, succhi e perfino sementi sono stati implicati in gravi episodi di malattia con gravi manifestazioni enteriche e complicazioni in grado di causare quadri patologici gravi e anche la morte. Stipiti di VTEC patogeni ingeriti con gli alimenti possono causare sintomi gastroenterici, con diarrea acquosa o emorragica (nel 50% dei casi), crampi addominali, febbre lieve e in una percentuale più bassa nausea e vomito. In alcuni casi (circa 5-10%) l’infezione gastroenterica si complica con manifestazioni tossiemiche caratterizzate da Sindrome Emolitico Uremica (SEU o HUS) con anemia emolitica, insufficienza renale grave e coinvolgimento neurologico o con una porpora trombotica trombocitopenica. Il tasso di mortalità dei pazienti che presentano l’infezione da E. coli è inferiore all’1%. I dati forniti dall’ECDC sulle infezioni alimentari nel periodo 2006-2010 hanno evidenziato un trend in leggero aumento del numero di infezioni a partire dal 2007. L’obiettivo degli studi condotti è quello di valutare la prevalenza ed il comportamento dei VTEC per una analisi del rischio più approfondita.


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La farmacogenetica fornisce un importante strumento utile alla prescrizione farmacologica, migliorando l’efficacia terapeutica ed evitando le reazioni avverse. Il citocromo P450 gioca un ruolo centrale nel metabolismo di molti farmaci utilizzati nella pratica clinica e il suo polimorfismo genetico spiega in gran parte le differenze interindividuali nella risposta ai farmaci. Con riferimento alla terapia della narcolessia, occorre premettere che la narcolessia con cataplessia è una ipersonnia del Sistema Nervoso Centrale caratterizzata da eccessiva sonnolenza diurna, cataplessia, paralisi del sonno, allucinazioni e sonno notturno disturbato. Il trattamento d’elezione per la narcolessia include stimolanti dopaminergici per la sonnolenza diurna e antidepressivi per la cataplessia, metabolizzati dal sistema P450. Peraltro, poiché studi recenti hanno attestato un’alta prevalenza di disturbi alimentari nei pazienti affetti da narcolessia con cataplessia, è stata ipotizzata una associazione tra il metabolismo ultrarapido del CYP2D6 e i disturbi alimentari. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è di caratterizzare il polimorfismo dei geni CYP2D6, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP3A4, CYP3A5 e ABCB1 coinvolti nel metabolismo e nel trasporto dei farmaci in un campione di 108 pazienti affetti da narcolessia con cataplessia, e valutare il fenotipo metabolizzatore in un sottogruppo di pazienti che mostrano un profilo psicopatologico concordante con la presenza di disturbi alimentari. I risultati hanno mostrato che il fenotipo ultrarapido del CYP2D6 non correla in maniera statisticamente significativa con i disturbi alimentari, di conseguenza il profilo psicopatologico rilevato per questo sottogruppo di pazienti potrebbe essere parte integrante del fenotipo sintomatologico della malattia. I risultati della tipizzazione di tutti i geni analizzati mostrano un’alta frequenza di pazienti con metabolismo intermedio, elemento potenzialmente in grado di influire sulla risposta terapeutica soprattutto in caso di regime politerapico, come nel trattamento della narcolessia. In conclusione, sarebbe auspicabile l’esecuzione del test farmacogenetico in pazienti affetti da narcolessia con cataplessia.


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Nowadays it is requested more investigations on alternative rearing systems that are able to improve poultry welfare and to warrant high-quality and safe meat products. This thesis work was focused on the evaluation of the oxidative stability of poultry meats, obtained with different rearing systems, diets (supplemented with bioactive compounds), and packaging conditions. The thesis work was divided into the following parts: - Evaluation of the effects of different rearing systems on the quality, fatty acid composition and oxidative stability of poultry thigh and breast meat belonging to different product categories (“rotisserie” and “cut-up” carcasses); - Evaluation of the effects of different rearing systems and packaging conditions on the shelf-life of poultry thigh meat stored at 4°C for 14 days, and the effects of feed supplementation with thymol (control diet and diet with 2 different concentration of thymol) and packaging conditions on lipid oxidation of poultry thigh meat shelf-life (stored at 4°C for 14 days). The oxidative stability of poultry meat was studied by means of the spectrophotometric determinations of peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. - Evaluation of anti-inflammatory effects of different flavonoids (thymol, luteolin, tangeretin, sulforaphane, polymethoxyflavones, curcumin derivates) to detect their biological activity in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophage cells in vitro, in order to study more in depth their action mechanisms. It was evaluated the cell vitality (MTT assay), nitrite concentration and protein profile. The study was focused on the identification of potential dietary bioactive compounds in order to investigate their biological activity and possible synergic effects, and to develop new suitable strategies for long-term promotion of human health, in particular against cancer.


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Objectives: The aim of this research was to evaluate the impact of Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) on risky lifestyles, quality of life, psychopathology, psychological distress and well-being, considering the potential moderating role of depression, anxiety and psychosomatic syndromes on lifestyles modification. The influence of CR on cardiac morbidity and mortality was also evaluated. Methods: The experimental group (N=108), undergoing CR, was compared to a control group (N=85) of patients affected by cardiovascular diseases, not undergoing CR, at baseline and at 1-month, 6- and 12-months follow-ups. The assessment included: the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV, the structured interview based on Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research (DCPR), GOSPEL questionnaire on lifestyles, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, MOS 36-Item Short Form Health Survey, Symptom Questionnaire, Psychological Well-Being Scale and 14-items Type D Scale. Results: Compared to the control group, CR was associated to: maintenance of the level of physical activity, improvement of correct dietary behaviors and stress management, enhancement of quality of life and sleep; reduction of the most frequently observed psychiatric diagnoses and psychosomatic syndromes at baseline. On the contrary, CR was not found to be associated with: healthy dietary habits, weight loss and improvement on medications adherence. In addition, there were no relevant effects on sub-clinical psychological distress and well-being, except for personal growth and purpose in life (PWB). Also, CR did not seem to play a protective role against cardiac recurrences. The presence of psychosomatic syndromes and depressive disorders was a mediating factor on the modification of specific lifestyles. Conclusions: The findings highlight the need of a psychosomatic assessment and an evaluation of psychological sub-clinical symptomatology in cardiac rehabilitation, in order to identify and address specific factors potentially associated with the clinical course of the heart disease.


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The quality of fish products is indispensably linked to the freshness of the raw material modulated by appropriate manipulation and storage conditions, specially the storage temperature after catch. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which was largely conducted in the context of a research project funded by Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), concerned the evaluation of the freshness of farmed and wild fish species, in relation to different storage conditions, under ice (0°C) or at refrigeration temperature (4°C). Several specimens of different species, bogue (Boops boops), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), during storage, under the different temperature conditions adopted, have been examined. The assessed control parameters were physical (texture, through the use of a dynamometer; visual quality using a computer vision system (CVS)), chemical (through footprint metabolomics 1H-NMR) and sensory (Quality Index Method (QIM). Microbiological determinations were also carried out on the species of hake (Merluccius merluccius). In general obtained results confirmed that the temperature of manipulation/conservation is a key factor in maintaining fish freshness. NMR spectroscopy showed to be able to quantify and evaluate the kinetics for unselected compounds during fish degradation, even a posteriori. This can be suitable for the development of new parameters related to quality and freshness. The development of physical methods, particularly the image analysis performed by computer vision system (CVS), for the evaluation of fish degradation, is very promising. Among CVS parameters, skin colour, presence and distribution of gill mucus, and eye shape modification evidenced a high sensibility for the estimation of fish quality loss, as a function of the adopted storage conditions. Particularly the eye concavity index detected on fish eye showed a high positive correlation with total QIM score.


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Over the past 15 years the Italian brewing scene showed interesting changes, especially with regard to the creation of many breweries with an annual production of less than 10,000 hectoliters. The beers produced by microbreweries are very susceptible to attack by spoilage micro-organisms that cause the deterioration of beer quality characteristics. In addition, most of the microbreweries do not practice heat treatments of stabilization and do not carry out quality checks on the product. The high presence of beer spoilage bacteria is an economic problem for the brewing industry because it can damage the brand and it causes high costs of product retrieval. This thesis project was aimed to study the management of the production process in the Italian microbreweries within a production less than 10,000 hl. In particular, the annual production, type of plant, yeast management, process management, cleaning and sanitizing of a representative sample of microbreweries were investigated. Furthermore was made a collection of samples in order to identify, with simple methods, what are spoilage bacteria more present in the Italian craft beers. 21% of the beers analysed were positive at the presence of lactic acid bacteria. These analytical data show the importance of understanding what are the weak points of the production process that cause the development of spoilage bacteria. Finally, the thesis examined the actual production of two microbreweries in order to understand the process management that can promote the growth of spoilage bacteria in beer and production plant. The analysis of the data for the two case studies was helpful to understand what are the critical points where the microorganisms are most frequently in contact with the product. The hygiene practices are crucial to ensure the quality of the finished product, especially in the case of non-pasteurized beer.


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L’agricoltura si trova ad affrontare una diminuzione della disponibilità d’acqua ed una crescente domanda della produzione di cereali per scopi alimentari. Sono perciò necessarie strategie di coltivazione innovative per migliorare la produttività e nuovi genotipi migliorati nell'efficienza dell’uso delle risorse in condizioni di siccità. Questi rappresentano gli obietti principali del progetto “DROPS” (Drought tolerant yielding Plants) all’interno del quale ha avuto luogo il mio progetto di Dottorato. La mia attività di ricerca è stata svolta come segue: 1. Caratterizzazione molecolare di un panel di188 accessioni di frumento duro con marcatori SSR e DaRT; 2. Esperimenti in serra su 100 accessioni del panel per valutare la Water-Use Efficiency (WUE) in sei repliche secondo un Alpha Lattice design; 3. Prove sul campo, effettuate secondo un Alpha Lattice design, in due stagioni di crescita: a. 2010/11, valutazione di 100 accessioni presso l’Azienda sperimentale dell'Università di Cadriano (BO); b. 2011/12, valutazione del panel completo in 3 ambienti, con due diversi regimi irrigui In entrambi gli anni, abbiamo valutato caratteri agronomici correlati con il ciclo di sviluppo, la resa di granella e sue componenti, nonché diversi fattori ambientali e del suolo. Per quanto riguarda WUE, abbiamo trovato differenze altamente significative tra accessioni; inoltre, cinque accessioni hanno mostrato elevati valori di WUE e cinque accessioni valori molto bassi di WUE in tutte e sei le repliche. Gli esperimenti di campo nelle stagioni 2011 e 2012 hanno evidenziato differenze altamente significative tra le accessioni del panel per la maggior parte dei caratteri analizzati, confermando inoltre che il panel di fiorisce entro una settimana. L'esperimento del secondo anno ci ha permesso osservare un significativa interazione Genotipo X Ambiente. Questi risultati saranno integrati con ulteriori analisi QTL, per identificare regioni cromosomiche coinvolte nel controllo genetico dei caratteri di interesse e verificare la stabilità dei QTL in diversi ambienti.


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La dissertazione ha riguardato l’analisi di sostenibilità di un sistema agronomico per la produzione di olio vegetale a fini energetici in terreni resi marginali dall’infestazione di nematodi. Il processo indagato ha previsto il sovescio di una coltura con proprietà biofumiganti (brassicacea) coltivata in precessione alla specie oleosa (soia e tabacco) al fine di contrastare il proliferare dell’infestazione nel terreno. Tale sistema agronomico è stato confrontato attraverso una analisi di ciclo di vita (LCA) ad uno scenario di coltivazione della stessa specie oleosa senza precessione di brassica ma con l’utilizzo di 1-3-dicloropropene come sistema di lotta ai nematodi. Allo scopo di completare l’analisi LCA con una valutazione dell’impatto sull’uso del suolo (Land use Impact) generato dai due scenari a confronto, sono stati costruiti due modelli nel software per il calcolo del Soil Conditioning Index (SCI), un indicatore quali-quantitativo della qualità del terreno definito dal Dipartimento per l’Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti d’America (USDA).


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The demand of minimally processed fruits and vegetables has increased in the last years. However, their intrinsic characteristics may favor the growth of pathogens and spoilage microbiota. The negative effects on human health reported for some traditional chemical sanitizers have justified the search for substitutes to guarantee food safety and quality. In this work we have evaluate the potential of some essential oils and their components to improve the safety and the shelf life of Lamb’s lettuce (Valerianella locusta) and apples (Golden delicious). Moreover, the effects of selected lactic acid bacteria alone or in combination with essential oils or their components, on the shelf-life and safety as well as organoleptic properties of minimally processed products, were evaluated. Since the lack of knowledge of microbial cell targets of essential oils represent one of the most important limit to the use of these molecules at industrial level, another aim of this thesis was the study of the action mechanisms of essential oils and their components. The results obtained showed the beneficial effects of the natural antimicrobials as well as the selected lactic acid bacteria on minimally processed fruit and vegetable safety and shelf-life, without detrimental effects on the quality parameters. The beneficial effects obtained by the use of the selected biocontrol agents were further increased combining them with selected natural antimicrobials. The natural antimicrobial employed induced noticeable modifications of membrane fatty acid profiles and volatile compounds produced by microbial cells during the growth. The modification of the expression in genes involved in fatty acid biosynthesis suggesting that the cytoplasmic membrane of microbial cells is one of the major cellular target of essential oils and their components. The comprehension of microbial stress response mechanisms can contribute to the scaling up of natural antimicrobials and bio-control agents at industrial level.


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Milk and dairy products are important source of bioactive compounds useful to satisfy the nutritional and physiological needs of any newborns of mammalian species and useful to guarantee adequate growth and development of infants as well as provide a complete nourishment of adults. Physico-chemical, nutritional and organoleptic properties of the main constituents and the “minor” components have a crucial role in the quality of milk and milk products. Although in the past decades dietary milk fat was often regarded as harmful for the human health, recent researches suggest that milk contains specific fatty acids with nutritional and physiological health benefits. For these reasons, a major attention is given to the quantity and quality of total fat intake. In the recent years, as a result of the new concept of multifunctional agriculture and the changing behaviours about diet, consumer demands in favor of high-quality, security and safety dairy products are increased. Moreover, milk proteins and milk-derived bioactive peptides are recognized to have a high nutritive value, several health-promoting functional activities and excellent technological properties. Accordingly, growing interest in the development of functional dairy products and preparation of infant formulae for babies who cannot be breast-fed, has been give in order to meet the specific consumer’s requests. This manuscript presents the main results obtained during my PhD research aimed to evaluate the main bioactive lipids and proteins in milk and dairy products using innovative analytical techniques. The experimental section of this manuscript is divided in two sections where are reported the main results obtained during my research activities on dairy products and human milks in order to characterize their bioactive compounds for functional food applications.