50 resultados para Macieira Galaxy


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This Thesis presents the results of my work on how galaxy clusters form by the accretion of sub-clumps and diffuse materials, and how the accreted energy is distributed in the X-ray emitting plasma. Indeed, on scales larger than tens of millions of light years, the Universe is self-organised by gravity into a spiderweb, the Cosmic Web. Galaxy clusters are the knots of this Cosmic Web, but a strong definition of filaments (which link different knots) and their physical proprieties, is still uncertain. Even if this pattern was determined by studying the spatial distribution of galaxies in the optical band, recently, also in the X-rays probes of filamentary structures around galaxy clusters were obtained. Therefore, given these observational facilities, the galaxy clusters’ outskirts are the best candidate regions to detect filaments and study their physical characteristics. However, from X-rays observations, we have only a few detections of cosmic filaments to date. On the other hand, it is crucial to understand how the accreted energy is dissipated in the baryon content of galaxy clusters and groups. Indeed, it is well known that in the central region of galaxy clusters and groups, the baryon fraction increases with the halo mass. On the outer region, the lack of X-rays constraints influences our understanding of the evolution of baryons in the halos volume. The standard assumption of “closed-box” system, for which the baryon fraction should approach the cosmological ratio Omega_bar/Omega_m, for galaxy clusters and groups seems to be too strong, especially for less massive objects. Moreover, a complete redshift evolution of baryons in galaxy clusters and groups is still missing.


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Understanding how Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) shape galaxy evolution is a key challenge of modern astronomy. In the framework where black hole (BH) and galaxy growth are linked, AGN feedback must be tackled both at its “causes” (e.g. AGN-driven winds) and its “effects” (alteration of the gas reservoir in AGN hosts). The most informative cosmic time is z~1-3, at the peak of AGN activity and galaxy buildup, the so-called cosmic noon. The aim of this thesis is to provide new insights regarding some key questions that still remain open in this research field: i) What are the properties of AGN-driven sub-pc scale winds at z>1? ii) Are AGN-driven winds effective in influencing the life of galaxies? iii) Do AGN impact directly on star formation (SF) and gas content of their hosts? I first address AGN feedback as “caught in the act” by studying ultra-fast outflows (UFOs), X-ray AGN-driven winds, in gravitationally lensed quasars. I build the first statistically robust sample of high-z AGN, not preselected based on AGN-driven winds. I derive a first estimate of the high-z UFO detection fraction and measure the UFO duty cycle of a single high-z quasar for the first time. I also address the “effects” of AGN feedback on the life of host galaxies. If AGN influence galaxy growth, then they will reasonably impact the molecular gas reservoir first, and SF as a consequence. Through a comparative study of the molecular gas content in cosmic-noon AGN hosts and matched non-active galaxies (i.e., galaxies not hosting an AGN), we find that the host galaxies of more regular AGN (not selected to be the most luminous) are generally similar to non-active galaxies. However, we report on the possibility of a luminosity effect regulating the efficiency by which AGN might impact on galaxy growth.


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Radio galaxies (RGs) are extremely relevant in addressing important unknowns concerning the interaction among black hole accretion, radio jets, and the environment. In the classical scheme, their accretion rate and ejection of relativistic jets are directly linked: efficient accretion (HERG) is associated with powerful edge-brightened jets (FRIIs); inefficient accretion (LERG) is associated with weak edge-darkened jets (FRIs). The observation of RGs with an inefficient engine associated with edge-brightened radio emission (FRII-LERGs) broke this scheme. FRII-LERGs constitute a suitable population to explore how accretion and ejection are linked and evaluate the environment's role in shaping jets. To this aim, we performed a multiwavelength study of different RGs catalogs spanning from Jy to mJy flux densities. At first, we investigated the X-ray properties of a sample of 51 FRIIs belonging to the 3CR catalog at z<0.3. Two hypotheses were invoked to explain FRII-LERGs behavior: evolution from classical FRIIs; the role of the environment. Next, we explored the mJy sky by studying the optical-radio properties of hundreds of RGs at z<0.15 (Best & Heckman 2012 sample). FRII-LERGs appear more similar to the old FRI-LERGs than to the young FRII-HERGs. These results point towards an evolutive scenario, however, nuclear time scale changes, star population aging, and kpc-Mpc radio structure modification do not agree. The role of the Mpc environment was then investigated. The Wen et al. 2015 galaxy clusters sample, built exploiting the SDSS survey, allowed us to explore the habitat of 7219 RGs at z<0.3. Most RGs are found to live in outside clusters. For these sources, differences among RG classes are still present. Thus, the environment is not the key parameter, and the possibility of intrinsic differences was reconsidered: we speculated that different black hole properties (spin and magnetic field at its horizon) could determine the observed spread in jet luminosity.


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The discovery of scaling relations between the mass of the SMBH and some key physical properties of the host galaxy suggests that the growth of the SMBH and that of the galaxy are coupled, with the AGN activity and the star-formation (SF) processes influencing each other. Although the mechanism of this co-evolution are still a matter of debate, all scenarios agree that a key phase of the co-evolution is represented by the obscured accretion phase. This phase is of the co-evolution is the least studied, mostly due to the challenge in detecting and recognizing such obscured AGN. My thesis aims at investigating the AGN-galaxy co-evolution paradigm by identifying and studying AGN in the obscured accretion phase. The study of obscured AGN is key for our understanding of the feedback processes and of the mutual influence of the SF and the AGN activity. Moreover, these obscured and elusive AGN are needed to explain the X-ray background spectrum and to reconcile the measurements and the theoretical prediction of the BH accretion rate density. In this thesis, we firstly investigate the synergies between IR and X-ray missions in detecting and characterizing AGN, with a particular focus on the most obscured ones. We exploited UV/optical emission lines to select high-redshift obscured AGN at the cosmic noon, where the highest SFR density and BH accretion rate density are expected. We provide X-ray spectral analysis and UV-to-far-IR SED-fitting. We show that our samples host a significant fraction of very obscured sources; many of these are highly accreting. Finally, we performe a thoughtful investigation of a galaxy at z~5 with unusual and peculiar features, that lead us to identify a second extremely young population of stars and hidden AGN activity.


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This Thesis explores two novel and independent cosmological probes, Cosmic Chronometers (CCs) and Gravitational Waves (GWs), to measure the expansion history of the Universe. CCs provide direct and cosmology-independent measurements of the Hubble parameter H(z) up to z∼2. In parallel, GWs provide a direct measurement of the luminosity distance without requiring additional calibration, thus yielding a direct measurement of the Hubble constant H0=H(z=0). This Thesis extends the methodologies of both of these probes to maximize their scientific yield. This is achieved by accounting for the interplay of cosmological and astrophysical parameters to derive them jointly, study possible degeneracies, and eventually minimize potential systematic effects. As a legacy value, this work also provides interesting insights into galaxy evolution and compact binary population properties. The first part presents a detailed study of intermediate-redshift passive galaxies as CCs, with a focus on the selection process and the study of their stellar population properties using specific spectral features. From their differential aging, we derive a new measurement of the Hubble parameter H(z) and thoroughly assess potential systematics. In the second part, we develop a novel methodology and pipeline to obtain joint cosmological and astrophysical population constraints using GWs in combination with galaxy catalogs. This is applied to GW170817 to obtain a measurement of H0. We then perform realistic forecasts to predict joint cosmological and astrophysical constraints from black hole binary mergers for upcoming gravitational wave observatories and galaxy surveys. Using these two probes we provide an independent reconstruction of H(z) with direct measurements of H0 from GWs and H(z) up to z∼2 from CCs and demonstrate that they can be powerful independent probes to unveil the expansion history of the Universe.