87 resultados para Isola di calore, Ray-tracing, Pianificazione urbanistica


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Il lavoro di tesi di dottorato, dal titolo “Turismo religioso: percorsi culturali-religiosi come leva di sviluppo territoriale”, ha preso in esame in particolare il tema dei percorsi culturali/religiosi, considerati “strategici” in una prospettiva di ricomposizione territoriale e di sviluppo locale, e considerati importanti per la promozione di nuovi flussi turistici e valorizzazione delle risorse storiche, artistiche e culturali del Salento leccese. Il lavoro di tesi affronta il tema del turismo culturale legato all’offerta del bene religioso inteso come potenziale fattore di attrazione turistica ed importante risorsa per lo sviluppo sostenibile del territorio. L’attenzione a santuari e luoghi di culto costituisce, infatti, una valida occasione di interesse per le opere d'arte in essi presenti, e rappresenta anche una possibilità di conoscenza del territorio in cui essi insistono, diventando la destinazione di un turismo colto e di qualità. Il lavoro di tesi, si propone di dimostrare come l’attenzione al motivo religioso creando mobilità, flussi di popolazione, di turisti possa diventare occasione di promozione del prodotto locale, mettendo a sistema tutte le risorse economiche presenti nel territorio. Più in dettaglio, dopo un iniziale approccio teorico al concetto di turismo culturale, turismo religioso e marketing territoriale, esso analizza lo stato dell’arte nel territorio provinciale leccese, individuando possibili itinerari turistico-religiosi nel Salento leccese rapportati ai “Cammini d’Europa”. Si propone l’itinerario turistico - e, in particolare, a quello Leucadense, noto come la “via della Perdonanza di Leuca”, che segue la via dei pellegrinaggi medioevali che si suffragavano di luoghi di sosta in chiese e cappelle dedicate alla Vergine Maria - come strumento verso cui si orientano le recenti strategie di competitività territoriale, definibile come uno strumento d’offerta turistica che mira a valorizzare elementi-risorse del territorio. Si tratta di percorsi utili a promuovere un prodotto competitivo, che presuppone l’enucleazione dell’offerta turistica locale integrata e la costruzione intorno ad essi di un territorio dotato di infrastrutture, ricettività, politiche dell’accoglienza, valorizzazione e fruizione del patrimonio culturale materiale, immateriale ed ambientale. Non mancano nel lavoro preoccupazioni legate alla sostenibilità di un tipo di turismo, che, se di massa (come è il caso delle visite al santuario di San Pio a San Giovanni Rotondo), produce gravi pressioni sull’ambiente e perciò necessita un forte impegno in termini di pubblicità, pianificazione investimenti e presume un’opportuna programmazione da parte degli enti locali in termini di offerta ricettiva, ristorativa e dotazione di infrastrutture. La coerenza degli interventi che promuovono il prodotto religioso non può prescindere da un’integrazione orizzontale tra il sistema territoriale (ambiente, paesaggio, sistemi socio-produttivi) e gli attori locali coinvolti, ai fini di un processo di valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale che produce sviluppo locale.


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The introduction of hydroxyl groups into ligands is able to transfer high hydrophilic features to the related metal systems. The atom-economy synthetic procedure adopted which consists in the one-step Cyclopentene-oxide ring opening, quantitatitatively affords stereoselective formation of the multi-hydroxyl rac-1,2,4- C5H2[CH(CH2)3CHOH]3 Cpººº ligand1. Rh complexation of Cpººº gives rise to a novel class of water-soluble complexes (L,L)RhCpººº (LL=NBD 1, COD 2, CH2CH2 3, CO 4) (Scheme 1) characterized by their spectroscopic features (ESI-MS, IR, 2D NMR, n.O.e.). The X-ray diffraction studies of 1a reveal the occurrence of one couple of enantiomeric pairs in the crystal structure, whilst the crystal packing shows an interesting self-organization in chains of dimeric units of 1a, promoted by strong intermolecular hydroxyl H-bonding. This effect has been exploited by performing VT NMR experiments in different solvents (CDCl3, Py, DMSO). Unpredictably, in the absence of chiral tag, 1 exhibits solvent-dependent chiroptical properties (CD, αD^ 25), which are correlated to UV transitions and DFT calculations. The intra/inter molecular H-binding is crucial in driving the equilibrium between the observed atropisomers 1a and 1b, by varying the planar chirality on the two π-complexes.


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Il trasporto intermodale ha acquisito un ruolo sempre più importante nello scenario dei trasporti comunitari merci durante gli ultimi quindici anni. La sfida che si era posta a inizi anni novanta in Europa consisteva nello sviluppo di una rete europea di trasporto combinato strada-ferrovia. A questo fine è stata fondamentale la cooperazione tra gli operatori del settore e le istituzioni (comunitarie e nazionali), nonché l’impulso dato dalla liberalizzazione del trasporto ferroviario, che fortemente influenza il trasporto combinato. Questa tesi, in particolare, intende studiare il ruolo del Sistema Gateway come strumento innovativo e di nuovo impulso per lo sviluppo della rete di trasporto combinato strada-rotaia in ambito europeo. Grazie a questo sistema, le unità di carico, dirette in una determinata regione, giungono ad un "Terminal Gateway", dove secondo un sistema di tipo “hub-and-spoke” vengono trasbordate a mezzo gru su treni “Shuttle” verso la destinazione finale. Tutto ciò avviene con operazioni fortemente automatizzate e veloci con sensibile vantaggio in termini di tempo e costi. La tesi parte da una descrizione del trasporto intermodale, facendo un focus sugli aspetti strutturali, tecnici e organizzativi del trasporto combinato strada – rotaia e del suo funzionamento. Passando attraverso l’analisi delle reti di trasporto merci in Europa, nel secondo capitolo. Il terzo capitolo entra nel vivo della Tesi introducendo l’oggetto dell’indagine: il Sistema Gateway nell’ambito dello sviluppo della rete europea del traffico combinato strada-ferrovia. Nella seconda parte della tesi è voluto studiare il Sistema Gateway con l’ausilio dei metodi d’analisi che vengono applicati per la scelta fra progetti alternativi nel campo della pianificazione dei trasporti, pertanto sono stati presi in rassegna e descritti i metodi più utilizzati: l’Analisi Benefici-Costi e l’Analisi Multicriteria. Nel caso applicativo è stata utilizzata l’Analisi Benefici-Costi. Infine nel capitolo sesto è stato presentato dettagliatamente il caso reale di studio che riguarda il progetto per la trasformazione del terminal di Verona Quadrante Europa in un terminal gateway.


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Questa tesi riguarda l'analisi delle trasmissioni ad ingranaggi e delle ruote dentate in generale, nell'ottica della minimizzazione delle perdite di energia. È stato messo a punto un modello per il calcolo della energia e del calore dissipati in un riduttore, sia ad assi paralleli sia epicicloidale. Tale modello consente di stimare la temperatura di equilibrio dell'olio al variare delle condizioni di funzionamento. Il calcolo termico è ancora poco diffuso nel progetto di riduttori, ma si è visto essere importante soprattutto per riduttori compatti, come i riduttori epicicloidali, per i quali la massima potenza trasmissibile è solitamente determinata proprio da considerazioni termiche. Il modello è stato implementato in un sistema di calcolo automatizzato, che può essere adattato a varie tipologie di riduttore. Tale sistema di calcolo consente, inoltre, di stimare l'energia dissipata in varie condizioni di lubrificazione ed è stato utilizzato per valutare le differenze tra lubrificazione tradizionale in bagno d'olio e lubrificazione a “carter secco” o a “carter umido”. Il modello è stato applicato al caso particolare di un riduttore ad ingranaggi a due stadi: il primo ad assi paralleli ed il secondo epicicloidale. Nell'ambito di un contratto di ricerca tra il DIEM e la Brevini S.p.A. di Reggio Emilia, sono state condotte prove sperimentali su un prototipo di tale riduttore, prove che hanno consentito di tarare il modello proposto [1]. Un ulteriore campo di indagine è stato lo studio dell’energia dissipata per ingranamento tra due ruote dentate utilizzando modelli che prevedano il calcolo di un coefficiente d'attrito variabile lungo il segmento di contatto. I modelli più comuni, al contrario, si basano su un coefficiente di attrito medio, mentre si può constatare che esso varia sensibilmente durante l’ingranamento. In particolare, non trovando in letteratura come varia il rendimento nel caso di ruote corrette, ci si è concentrati sul valore dell'energia dissipata negli ingranaggi al variare dello spostamento del profilo. Questo studio è riportato in [2]. È stata condotta una ricerca sul funzionamento di attuatori lineari vite-madrevite. Si sono studiati i meccanismi che determinano le condizioni di usura dell'accoppiamento vite-madrevite in attuatori lineari, con particolare riferimento agli aspetti termici del fenomeno. Si è visto, infatti, che la temperatura di contatto tra vite e chiocciola è il parametro più critico nel funzionamento di questi attuatori. Mediante una prova sperimentale, è stata trovata una legge che, data pressione, velocità e fattore di servizio, stima la temperatura di esercizio. Di tale legge sperimentale è stata data un'interpretazione sulla base dei modelli teorici noti. Questo studio è stato condotto nell'ambito di un contratto di ricerca tra il DIEM e la Ognibene Meccanica S.r.l. di Bologna ed è pubblicato in [3].


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L’oggetto della tesi di dottorato è costituito, nel quadro delle reciproche relazioni tra assetti territoriali e sviluppo economico, dalla dimensione giuridica del governo del territorio. Il diritto del governo del territorio, infatti, sta attraversando, con un ritmo ed una intensità crescenti, una fase di profonde e non sempre lineari trasformazioni. Questi mutamenti, lungi dal limitarsi ad aspetti specifici e particolari, incidono sui «fondamentali» stessi della «materia», arrivando a mettere in discussione le ricostruzioni teoriche più accreditate e le prassi applicative maggiormente consolidate. A dispetto della rilevanza delle innovazioni, però, la dimensione giuridica del governo del territorio seguita ad essere un campo segnato da una notevole continuità ed ambiguità di fondo, dove le innovazioni stesse procedono di pari passo con le contraddizioni. Un’ambiguità che, fatalmente, si riflette sull’azione delle pubbliche amministrazioni cui sono attribuiti compiti in materia. Queste, infatti, trovandosi spesso tra l’«incudine» (delle innovazioni) ed il «martello» (delle contraddizioni), sono costrette ad operare in un contesto fortemente disomogeneo e disarticolato già sul piano normativo. Da qui deriva, altresì, la difficoltà di restituirne una cifra complessiva che non sia la riproposizione di piatte descrizioni del processo di progressivo, ma costante incremento della «complessità» - normativa, organizzativa e funzionale - del sistema giuridico di disciplina del territorio, a cui corrisponde ciò che appare sempre di più come una forma implicita di «rinuncia» a logiche e moduli d’azione più o meno unitari nella definizione degli assetti territoriali: in questo senso, pertanto, vanno lette le ricorrenti affermazioni relative allo stato di crisi che, anche prescindendo dai difetti congeniti della disciplina per come si è venuta giuridicamente a configurare, caratterizza il sistema di pianificazione territoriale ed urbanistica. Si spiega così perché, nonostante il profluvio di interventi da parte dei diversi legislatori, specialmente regionali, si sia ancora ben lontani dal fornire una risposta adeguata ai molteplici profili di criticità del sistema giuridico di disciplina del territorio: tra i quali, su tutti, va sicuramente menzionata la sempre più marcata asimmetria tra la configurazione «ontologicamente» territoriale e spaziale degli strumenti cui si tende a riconoscere la funzione di «motore immobile» dei processi di governo del territorio - i piani - e la componente temporale degli stessi in relazione alle vorticose modificazioni del contesto socio-economico di riferimento. Né, a dire il vero, gli «antidoti» alla complessità, via via introdotti in sede regionale, sembrano aver sortito - almeno fino ad ora - gli effetti sperati. L’esito di tutto ciò, però, non può che essere il progressivo venir meno di logiche unitarie e, soprattutto, «sistemiche» nella definizione degli assetti territoriali. Fenomeno, questo, che - paradossalmente - si manifesta con maggiore intensità proprio nel momento in cui, stante il legame sempre più stretto tra sviluppo socio-economico e competitività dei singoli sistemi territoriali, l’ordinamento dovrebbe muovere nella direzione opposta. Date le premesse, si è dunque strutturato il percorso di ricerca e analisi nel modo seguente. In primo luogo, si sono immaginati due capitoli nei quali sono trattati ed affrontati i temi generali dell’indagine e lo sfondo nel quale essa va collocata: le nozioni di governo del territorio e di urbanistica, nonché quella, eminentemente descrittiva, di governo degli assetti territoriali, i loro contenuti e le funzioni maggiormente rilevanti riconducibili a tali ambiti; la tematica della competitività e degli interessi, pubblici, privati e collettivi correlati allo sviluppo economico dei singoli sistemi territoriali; la presunta centralità riconosciuta, in questo quadro, al sistema di pianificazione territoriale ed urbanistica in una prospettiva promozionale dello sviluppo economico; ma, soprattutto, i riflessi ed i mutamenti indotti al sistema giuridico di disciplina del territorio dall’azione delle dinamiche cosiddette glocal: questo, sia per quanto concerne le modalità organizzative e procedimentali di esercizio delle funzioni da parte dei pubblici poteri, sia per quanto attiene, più in generale, alla composizione stessa degli interessi nella definizione degli assetti territoriali. In secondo luogo, si è reputato necessario sottoporre a vaglio critico il sistema pianificatorio, cercando di evidenziare i fattori strutturali e gli ulteriori elementi che hanno determinato il suo insuccesso come strumento per realizzare le condizioni ‘ottimali’ per lo sviluppo economico delle collettività che usano il territorio. In terzo luogo, poi, si è rivolto lo sguardo al quadro delle soluzioni individuate dalla normativa e, per certi versi, offerte dalla prassi alla crisi che ha investito il sistema di pianificazione del territorio, soffermandosi, specificatamente e con approccio critico, sull’urbanistica per progetti e sull’urbanistica consensuale nelle loro innumerevoli articolazioni e partizioni. Infine, si è provato a dar conto di quelle che potrebbero essere le linee evolutive dell’ordinamento, anche in un’ottica de jure condendo. Si è tentato, cioè, di rispondere, sulla base dei risultati raggiunti, alla domanda se e a quali condizioni il sistema di pianificazione territoriale ed urbanistica possa dirsi il modello preferibile per un governo degli assetti territoriali funzionale a realizzare le condizioni ottimali per lo sviluppo economico.


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The rational construction of the house. The writings and projects of Giuseppe Pagano Description, themes and research objectives The research aims at analysing the architecture of Giuseppe Pagano, which focuses on the theme of dwelling, through the reading of 3 of his house projects. On the one hand, these projects represent “minor” works not thoroughly known by Pagano’s contemporary critics; on the other they emphasise a particular methodological approach, which serves the author to explore a theme closely linked to his theoretical thought. The house project is a key to Pagano’s research, given its ties to the socio-cultural and political conditions in which the architect was working, so that it becomes a mirror of one of his specific and theoretical path, always in a state of becoming. Pagano understands architecture as a “servant of the human being”, subject to a “utilitarian slavery” since it is a clear, essential and “modest” answer to specific human needs, free from aprioristic aesthetic and formal choices. It is a rational architecture in sensu stricto; it constitutes a perfect synthesis between cause and effect and between function and form. The house needs to accommodate these principles because it is closely intertwined with human needs and intimately linked to a specific place, climatic conditions and technical and economical possibilities. Besides, differently from his public and common masterpieces such as the Palazzo Gualino, the Istituto di Fisica and the Università Commerciale Bocconi, the house projects are representative of a precise project will, which is expressed in a more authentic way, partially freed from political influences and dogmatic preoccupations and, therefore, far from the attempt to research a specific expressive language. I believe that the house project better represents that “ingenuity”, freshness and “sincerity” that Pagano identifies with the minor architecture, thereby revealing a more authentic expression of his understanding of a project. Therefore, the thesis, by tracing the theoretical research of Pagano through the analysis of some of his designed and built works, attempts to identify a specific methodological approach to Pagano’s project, which, developed through time, achieves a certain clarity in the 1930s. In fact, this methodological approach becomes more evident in his last projects, mainly regarding the house and the urban space. These reflect the attempt to respond to the new social needs and, at the same time, they also are an expression of a freer idea of built architecture, closely linked with the place and with the human being who dwells it. The three chosen projects (Villa Colli, La Casa a struttura d’acciaio and Villa Caraccio) make Pagano facing different places, different customers and different economic and technical conditions, which, given the author’s biography, correspond to important historical and political conditions. This is the reason why the projects become apparently distant works, both linguistically and conceptually, to the point that one can define them as ”eclectic”. However, I argue that this eclecticism is actually an added value to the architectural work of Pagano, steaming from the use of a method which, having as a basis the postulate of a rational architecture as essence and logic of building, finds specific variations depending on the multiple variables to be addressed by the project. This is the methodological heritage that Pagano learns from the tradition, especially that of the rural residential architecture, defined by Pagano as a “dictionary of the building logic of man”, as an “a-stylistic background”. For Pagano this traditional architecture is a clear expression of the relationships between a theme and its development, an architectural “fact” that is resolved with purely technical and utilitarian aims and with a spontaneous development far from any aprioristic theoretical principle. Architecture, therefore, cannot be an invention for Pagano and the personal contribution of each architect has to consider his/her close relationship with the specific historical context, place and new building methods. These are basic principles in the methodological approach that drives a great deal of his research and that also permits his thought to be modern. I argue that both ongoing and new collaborations with younger protagonists of the culture and architecture of the period are significant for the development of his methodology. These encounters represent the will to spread his own understanding of the “new architecture” as well as a way of self-renewal by confronting the self with new themes and realities and by learning from his collaborators. Thesis’ outline The thesis is divided in two principal parts, each articulated in four chapters attempting to offer a new reading of the theory and work of Pagano by emphasising the central themes of the research. The first chapter is an introduction to the thesis and to the theme of the rational house, as understood and developed in its typological and technical aspects by Pagano and by other protagonists of the Italian rationalism of the 1930s. Here the attention is on two different aspects defining, according to Pagano, the house project: on the one hand, the typological renewal, aimed at defining a “standard form” as a clear and essential answer to certain needs and variables of the project leading to different formal expressions. On the other, it focuses on the building, understood as a technique to “produce” architecture, where new technologies and new materials are not merely tools but also essential elements of the architectural work. In this way the villa becomes different from the theme of the common house or from that of the minimalist house, by using rules in the choice of material and in the techniques that are every time different depending on the theme under exploration and on the contingency of place. It is also visible the rigorous rationalism that distinguishes the author's appropriation of certain themes of rural architecture. The pages of “Casabella” and the events of the contemporary Triennali form the preliminary material for the writing of this chapter given that they are primary sources to individuate projects and writings produced by Pagano and contemporary architects on this theme. These writings and projects, when compared, reconstruct the evolution of the idea of the rational house and, specifically, of the personal research of Pagano. The second part regards the reading of three of Pagano’s projects of houses as a built verification of his theories. This section constitutes the central part of the thesis since it is aimed at detecting a specific methodological approach showing a theoretical and ideological evolution expressed in the vast edited literature. The three projects that have been chosen explore the theme of the house, looking at various research themes that the author proposes and that find continuity in the affirmation of a specific rationalism, focussed on concepts such as essentiality, utility, functionality and building honesty. These concepts guide the thought and the activities of Pagano, also reflecting a social and cultural period. The projects span from the theme of the villa moderna, Villa Colli, which, inspired by the architecture of North Europe, anticipates a specific rationalism of Pagano based on rigour, simplicity and essentiality, to the theme of the common house, Casa a struttura d’acciaio, la casa del domani, which ponders on the definition of new living spaces and, moreover, on new concepts of standardisation, economical efficiency and new materials responding to the changing needs of the modern society. Finally, the third project returns to the theme of the, Villa Caraccio, revisiting it with new perspectives. These perspectives find in the solution of the open plant, in the openness to nature and landscape and in the revisiting of materials and local building systems that idea of the freed house, which express clearly a new theoretical thought. Methodology It needs to be noted that due to the lack of an official Archive of Pagano’s work, the analysis of his work has been difficult and this explains the necessity to read the articles and the drawings published in the pages of «Casabella» and «Domus». As for the projects of Villa Colli and Casa a struttura d’acciaio, parts of the original drawings have been consulted. These drawings are not published and are kept in private archives of the collaborators of Pagano. The consultation of these documents has permitted the analysis of the cited works, which have been subject to a more complete reading following the different proposed solutions, which have permitted to understand the project path. The projects are analysed thought the method of comparison and critical reading which, specifically, means graphical elaborations and analytical schemes, mostly reconstructed on the basis of original projects but, where possible, also on a photographic investigation. The focus is on the project theme which, beginning with a specific living (dwelling) typology, finds variations because of the historico-political context in which Pagano is embedded and which partially shapes his research and theoretical thought, then translated in the built work. The analysis of the work follows, beginning, where possible, from a reconstruction of the evolution of the project as elaborated on the basis of the original documents and ending on an analysis of the constructive principles and composition. This second phase employs a methodology proposed by Pagano in his article Piante di ville, which, as expected, focuses on the plant as essential tool to identify the “true practical and poetic qualities of the construction”(Pagano, «Costruzioni-Casabella», 1940, p. 2). The reading of the project is integrated with the constructive analyses related to the technical aspects of the house which, in the case of Casa a struttura d’acciaio, play an important role in the project, while in Villa Colli and in Villa Caraccio are principally linked to the choice of materials for the construction of the different architectural elements. These are nonetheless key factors in the composition of the work. Future work could extend this reading to other house projects to deepen the research that could be completed with the consultation of Archival materials, which are missing at present. Finally, in the appendix I present a critical selection of the Pagano’s writings, which recall the themes discussed and embodied by the three projects. The texts have been selected among the articles published in Casabella and in other journals, completing the reading of the project work which cannot be detached from his theoretical thought. Moving from theory to project, we follow a path that brings us to define and deepen the central theme of the thesis: rational building as the principal feature of the architectural research of Pagano, which is paraphrased in multiple ways in his designed and built works.


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The experience of void, essential to the production of forms and to make use them, can be considered as the base of the activities that attend to the formative processes. If void and matter constitutes the basic substances of architecture. Their role in the definition of form, the symbolic value and the constructive methods of it defines the quality of the space. This job inquires the character of space in the architecture of Moneo interpreting the meaning of the void in the Basque culture through the reading of the form matrices in the work of Jorge Oteiza and Eduardo Chillida. In the tie with the Basque culture a reading key is characterized by concurring to put in relation some of the theoretical principles expressed by Moneo on the relationship between place and time, in an unique and specific vision of the space. In the analysis of the process that determines the genesis of the architecture of Moneo emerges a trajectory whose direction is constructed on two pivos: on the one hand architecture like instrument of appropriation of the place, gushed from an acquaintance process who leans itself to the reading of the relations that define the place and of the resonances through which measuring it, on the other hand the architecture whose character is able to represent and to extend the time in which he is conceived, through the autonomy that is conferred to them from values. Following the trace characterized from this hypothesis, that is supported on the theories elaborated from Moneo, surveying deepens the reading of the principles that construct the sculptural work of Oteiza and Chillida, features from a search around the topic of the void and to its expression through the form. It is instrumental to the definition of a specific area that concurs to interpret the character of the space subtended to a vision of the place and the time, affine to the sensibility of Moneo and in some way not stranger to its cultural formation. The years of the academic formation, during which Moneo enters in contact with the Basque artistic culture, seem to be an important period in the birth of that knowledge that will leads him to the formulation of theories tied to the relationship between time, place and architecture. The values expressed through the experimental work of Oteiza and Chillida during years '50 are valid bases to the understanding of such relationships. In tracing a profile of the figures of Oteiza and Chillida, without the pretension that it is exhaustive for the reading of the complex historical period in which they are placed, but with the needs to put the work in a context, I want to be evidenced the important role carried out from the two artists from the Basque cultural area within which Moneo moves its first steps. The tie that approaches Moneo to the Basque culture following the personal trajectory of the formative experience interlaces to that one of important figures of the art and the Spanish architecture. One of the more meaningful relationships is born just during the years of his academic formation, from 1958 to the 1961, when he works like student in the professional office of the architect Francisco Sáenz de Oiza, who was teaching architectural design at the ETSAM. In these years many figures of Basque artists alternated at the professional office of Oiza that enjoys the important support of the manufacturer and maecenas Juan Huarte Beaumont, introduced to he from Oteiza. The tie between Huarte and Oteiza is solid and continuous in the years and it realizes in a contribution to many of the initiatives that makes of Oteiza a forwarder of the Basque culture. In the four years of collaboration with Oiza, Moneo has the opportunity to keep in contact with an atmosphere permeated by a constant search in the field of the plastic art and with figures directly connected to such atmosphere. It’s of a period of great intensity as in the production like in the promotion of the Basque art. The collective “Blanco y Negro”, than is held in 1959 at the Galería Darro to Madrid, is only one of the many times of an exhibition of the work of Oteiza and Chillida. The end of the Fifties is a period of international acknowledgment for Chillida that for Oteiza. The decade of the Fifties consecrates the hypotheses of a mythical past of the Basque people through the spread of the studies carried out in the antecedent years. The archaeological discoveries that join to a context already rich of signs of the prehistoric era, consolidate the knowledge of a strong cultural identity. Oteiza, like Chillida and other contemporary artists, believe in a cosmogonist conception belonging to the Basques, connected to their matriarchal mythological past. The void in its meaning of absence, in the Basque culture, thus as in various archaic and oriental religions, is equivalent to the spiritual fullness as essential condition to the revealing of essence. Retracing the archaic origins of the Basque culture emerges the deep meaning that the void assumes as key element in the religious interpretation of the passage from the life to the death. The symbology becomes rich of meaningful characters who derive from the fact that it is a chthonic cult. A representation of earth like place in which divine manifest itself but also like connection between divine and human, and this manipulation of the matter of which the earth it is composed is the tangible projection of the continuous search of the man towards God. The search of equilibrium between empty and full, that characterizes also the development of the form in architecture, in the Basque culture assumes therefore a peculiar value that returns like constant in great part of the plastic expressions, than in this context seem to be privileged regarding the other expressive forms. Oteiza and Chillida develop two original points of view in the representation of the void through the form. Both use of rigorous systems of rules sensitive to the physics principles and the characters of the matter. The last aim of the Oteiza’s construction is the void like limit of the knowledge, like border between known and unknown. It doesn’t means to reduce the sculptural object to an only allusive dimension because the void as physical and spiritual power is an active void, that possesses that value able to reveal the being through the trace of un-being. The void in its transcendental manifestation acts at the same time from universal and from particular, like in the atomic structure of the matter, in which on one side it constitutes the inner structure of every atom and on the other one it is necessary condition to the interaction between all the atoms. The void can be seen therefore as the action field that concurs the relations between the forms but is also the necessary condition to the same existence of the form. In the construction of Chillida the void represents that counterpart structuring the matter, inborn in it, the element in absence of which wouldn’t be variations neither distinctive characters to define the phenomenal variety of the world. The physics laws become the subject of the sculptural representation, the void are the instrument that concurs to catch up the equilibrium. Chillida dedicate himself to experience the space through the senses, to perceive of the qualities, to tell the physics laws which forge the matter in the form and the form arranges the places. From the artistic experience of the two sculptors they can be transposed, to the architectonic work of Moneo, those matrices on which they have constructed their original lyric expressions, where the void is absolute protagonist. An ambit is defined thus within which the matrices form them drafts from the work of Oteiza and Chillida can be traced in the definition of the process of birth and construction of the architecture of Moneo, but also in the relation that the architecture establishes with the place and in the time. The void becomes instrument to read the space constructed in its relationships that determine the proportions, rhythms, and relations. In this way the void concurs to interpret the architectonic space and to read the value of it, the quality of the spaces constructing it. This because it’s like an instrument of the composition, whose role is to maintain to the separation between the elements putting in evidence the field of relations. The void is that instrument that serves to characterize the elements that are with in the composition, related between each other, but distinguished. The meaning of the void therefore pushes the interpretation of the architectonic composition on the game of the relations between the elements that, independent and distinguished, strengthen themselves in their identity. On the one hand if void, as measurable reality, concurs all the dimensional changes quantifying the relationships between the parts, on the other hand its dialectic connotation concurs to search the equilibrium that regulated such variations. Equilibrium that therefore does not represent an obtained state applying criteria setting up from arbitrary rules but that depends from the intimate nature of the matter and its embodiment in the form. The production of a form, or a formal system that can be finalized to the construction of a building, is indissolubly tied to the technique that is based on the acquaintance of the formal vocation of the matter, and what it also can representing, meaning, expresses itself in characterizing the site. For Moneo, in fact, the space defined from the architecture is above all a site, because the essence of the site is based on the construction. When Moneo speaks about “birth of the idea of plan” like essential moment in the construction process of the architecture, it refers to a process whose complexity cannot be born other than from a deepened acquaintance of the site that leads to the comprehension of its specificity. Specificity arise from the infinite sum of relations, than for Moneo is the story of the oneness of a site, of its history, of the cultural identity and of the dimensional characters that that they are tied to it beyond that to the physical characteristics of the site. This vision is leaned to a solid made physical structure of perceptions, of distances, guideline and references that then make that the process is first of all acquaintance, appropriation. Appropriation that however does not happen for directed consequence because does not exist a relationship of cause and effect between place and architecture, thus as an univocal and exclusive way does not exist to arrive to a representation of an idea. An approach that, through the construction of the place where the architecture acquires its being, searches an expression of its sense of the truth. The proposal of a distinction for areas like space, matter, spirit and time, answering to the issues that scan the topics of the planning search of Moneo, concurs a more immediate reading of the systems subtended to the composition principles, through which is related the recurrent architectonic elements in its planning dictionary. From the dialectic between the opposites that is expressed in the duality of the form, through the definition of a complex element that can mediate between inside and outside as a real system of exchange, Moneo experiences the form development of the building deepening the relations that the volume establishes in the site. From time to time the invention of a system used to answer to the needs of the program and to resolve the dual character of the construction in an only gesture, involves a deep acquaintance of the professional practice. The technical aspect is the essential support to which the construction of the system is indissolubly tied. What therefore arouses interest is the search of the criteria and the way to construct that can reveal essential aspects of the being of the things. The constructive process demands, in fact, the acquaintance of the formative properties of the matter. Property from which the reflections gush on the relations that can be born around the architecture through the resonance produced from the forms. The void, in fact, through the form is in a position to constructing the site establishing a reciprocity relation. A reciprocity that is determined in the game between empty and full and of the forms between each other, regarding around, but also with regard to the subjective experience. The construction of a background used to amplify what is arranged on it and to clearly show the relations between the parts and at the same time able to tie itself with around opening the space of the vision, is a system that in the architecture of Moneo has one of its more effective applications in the use of the platform used like architectonic element. The spiritual force of this architectonic gesture is in the ability to define a place whose projecting intention is perceived and shared with who experience and has lived like some instrument to contact the cosmic forces, in a delicate process that lead to the equilibrium with them, but in completely physical way. The principles subtended to the construction of the form taken from the study of the void and the relations that it concurs, lead to express human values in the construction of the site. The validity of these principles however is tested from the time. The time is what Moneo considers as filter that every architecture is subordinate to and the survival of architecture, or any of its formal characters, reveals them the validity of the principles that have determined it. It manifests thus, in the tie between the spatial and spiritual dimension, between the material and the worldly dimension, the state of necessity that leads, in the construction of the architecture, to establish a contact with the forces of the universe and the intimate world, through a process that translate that necessity in elaboration of a formal system.


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Seyfert galaxies are the closest active galactic nuclei. As such, we can use them to test the physical properties of the entire class of objects. To investigate their general properties, I took advantage of different methods of data analysis. In particular I used three different samples of objects, that, despite frequent overlaps, have been chosen to best tackle different topics: the heterogeneous BeppoS AX sample was thought to be optimized to test the average hard X-ray (E above 10 keV) properties of nearby Seyfert galaxies; the X-CfA was thought the be optimized to compare the properties of low-luminosity sources to the ones of higher luminosity and, thus, it was also used to test the emission mechanism models; finally, the XMM–Newton sample was extracted from the X-CfA sample so as to ensure a truly unbiased and well defined sample of objects to define the average properties of Seyfert galaxies. Taking advantage of the broad-band coverage of the BeppoS AX MECS and PDS instruments (between ~2-100 keV), I infer the average X-ray spectral propertiesof nearby Seyfert galaxies and in particular the photon index (~1.8), the high-energy cut-off (~290 keV), and the relative amount of cold reflection (~1.0). Moreover the unified scheme for active galactic nuclei was positively tested. The distribution of isotropic indicators used here (photon index, relative amount of reflection, high-energy cut-off and narrow FeK energy centroid) are similar in type I and type II objects while the absorbing column and the iron line equivalent width significantly differ between the two classes of sources with type II objects displaying larger absorbing columns. Taking advantage of the XMM–Newton and X–CfA samples I also deduced from measurements that 30 to 50% of type II Seyfert galaxies are Compton thick. Confirming previous results, the narrow FeK line is consistent, in Seyfert 2 galaxies, with being produced in the same matter responsible for the observed obscuration. These results support the basic picture of the unified model. Moreover, the presence of a X-ray Baldwin effect in type I sources has been measured using for the first time the 20-100 keV luminosity (EW proportional to L(20-100)^(−0.22±0.05)). This finding suggests that the torus covering factor may be a function of source luminosity, thereby suggesting a refinement of the baseline version of the unifed model itself. Using the BeppoSAX sample, it has been also recorded a possible correlation between the photon index and the amount of cold reflection in both type I and II sources. At a first glance this confirms the thermal Comptonization as the most likely origin of the high energy emission for the active galactic nuclei. This relation, in fact, naturally emerges supposing that the accretion disk penetrates, depending to the accretion rate, the central corona at different depths (Merloni et al. 2006): the higher accreting systems hosting disks down to the last stable orbit while the lower accreting systems hosting truncated disks. On the contrary, the study of the well defined X–C f A sample of Seyfert galaxies has proved that the intrinsic X-ray luminosity of nearby Seyfert galaxies can span values between 10^(38−43) erg s^−1, i.e. covering a huge range of accretion rates. The less efficient systems have been supposed to host ADAF systems without accretion disk. However, the study of the X–CfA sample has also proved the existence of correlations between optical emission lines and X-ray luminosity in the entire range of L_(X) covered by the sample. These relations are similar to the ones obtained if high-L objects are considered. Thus the emission mechanism must be similar in luminous and weak systems. A possible scenario to reconcile these somehow opposite indications is assuming that the ADAF and the two phase mechanism co-exist with different relative importance moving from low-to-high accretion systems (as suggested by the Gamma vs. R relation). The present data require that no abrupt transition between the two regimes is present. As mentioned above, the possible presence of an accretion disk has been tested using samples of nearby Seyfert galaxies. Here, to deeply investigate the flow patterns close to super-massive black-holes, three case study objects for which enough counts statistics is available have been analysed using deep X-ray observations taken with XMM–Newton. The obtained results have shown that the accretion flow can significantly differ between the objects when it is analyzed with the appropriate detail. For instance the accretion disk is well established down to the last stable orbit in a Kerr system for IRAS 13197-1627 where strong light bending effect have been measured. The accretion disk seems to be formed spiraling in the inner ~10-30 gravitational radii in NGC 3783 where time dependent and recursive modulation have been measured both in the continuum emission and in the broad emission line component. Finally, the accretion disk seems to be only weakly detectable in rk 509, with its weak broad emission line component. Finally, blueshifted resonant absorption lines have been detected in all three objects. This seems to demonstrate that, around super-massive black-holes, there is matter which is not confined in the accretion disk and moves along the line of sight with velocities as large as v~0.01-0.4c (whre c is the speed of light). Wether this matter forms winds or blobs is still matter of debate together with the assessment of the real statistical significance of the measured absorption lines. Nonetheless, if confirmed, these phenomena are of outstanding interest because they offer new potential probes for the dynamics of the innermost regions of accretion flows, to tackle the formation of ejecta/jets and to place constraints on the rate of kinetic energy injected by AGNs into the ISM and IGM. Future high energy missions (such as the planned Simbol-X and IXO) will likely allow an exciting step forward in our understanding of the flow dynamics around black holes and the formation of the highest velocity outflows.


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A multidisciplinary study was carried out on the Late Quaternary-Holocene subsurface deposits of two Mediterranean coastal areas: Arno coastal plain (Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) and Modern Po Delta (Northern Adriatic Sea). Detailed facies analyses, including sedimentological and micropalaeontological (benthic foraminifers and ostracods) investigations, were performed on nine continuously-cored boreholes of variable depth (ca. from 30 meters to100 meters). Six cores were located in the Arno coastal plain and three cores in the Modern Po Delta. To provide an accurate chronological framework, twenty-four organic-rich samples were collected along the fossil successions for radiocarbon dating (AMS 14C). In order to reconstruct the depositional and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the study areas, core data were combined with selected well logs, provided by local companies, along several stratigraphic sections. These sections revealed the presence of a transgressive-regressive (T-R) sequence, composing of continental, coastal and shallow-marine deposits dated to the Late Pleistocene-Holocene period, beneath the Arno coastal plain and the Modern Po Delta. Above the alluvial deposits attributed to the last glacial period, the post-glacial transgressive succession (TST) consists of back-barrier, transgressive barrier and inner shelf deposits. Peak of transgression (MFS) took place around the Late-Middle Holocene transition and was identified by subtle micropalaeontological indicators within undifferentiated fine-grained deposits. Upward a thick prograding succession (HST) records the turnaround to regressive conditions that led to a rapid delta progradation in both study areas. Particularly, the outbuilding of modern-age Po Delta coincides with mud-belt formation during the late HST (ca. 600 cal yr BP), as evidenced by a fossil microfauna similar to the foraminiferal assemblage observed in the present Northern Adriatic mud-belt. A complex interaction between allocyclic and autocyclic factors controlled facies evolution during the highstand period. The presence of local parameters and the absence of a predominant factor prevent from discerning or quantifying consequences of the complex relationships between climate and deltaic evolution. On the contrary transgressive sedimentation seems to be mainly controlled by two allocyclic key factors, sea-level rise and climate variability, that minimized the effects of local parameters on coastal palaeoenvironments. TST depositional architecture recorded in both study areas reflects a well-known millennial-scale variability of sea-level rising trend and climate during the Late glacial-Holocene period. Repeated phases of backswamp development and infilling by crevasse processes (parasequences) were recorded in the subsurface of Modern Po Delta during the early stages of transgression (ca. 11,000-9,500 cal yr BP). In the Arno coastal plain the presence of a deep-incised valley system, probably formed at OSI 3/2 transition, led to the development of a thick (ca. 35-40 m) transgressive succession composed of coastal plain, bay-head delta and estuarine deposits dated to the Last glacial-Early Holocene period. Within the transgressive valley fill sequence, high-resolution facies analyses allowed the identification and lateral tracing of three parasequences of millennial duration. The parasequences, ca. 8-12 meters thick, are bounded by flooding surfaces and show a typical internal shallowing-upward trend evidenced by subtle micropalaeontological investigations. The vertical stacking pattern of parasequences shows a close affinity with the step-like sea-level rising trend occurred between 14,000-8,000 cal years BP. Episodes of rapid sea-level rise and subsequent stillstand phases were paralleled by changes in climatic conditions, as suggested by pollen analyses performed on a core drilled in the proximal section of the Arno palaeovalley (pollen analyses performed by Dr. Marianna Ricci Lucchi). Rapid shifts to warmer climate conditions accompanied episodes of rapid sea-level rise, in contrast stillstand phases occurred during temporary colder climate conditions. For the first time the palaeoclimatic signature of high frequency depositional cycles is clearly documented. Moreover, two of the three "regressive" pulsations, recorded at the top of parasequences by episodes of partial estuary infilling in the proximal and central portions of Arno palaeovalley, may be correlated with the most important cold events of the post-glacial period: Younger Dryas and 8,200 cal yr BP event. The stratigraphic and palaeoclimatic data of Arno coastal plain and Po Delta were compared with those reported for the most important deltaic and coastal systems in the worldwide literature. The depositional architecture of transgressive successions reflects the strong influence of millennial-scale eustatic and climatic variability on worldwide coastal sedimentation during the Late glacial-Holocene period (ca. 14,000-7,000 cal yr BP). The most complete and accurate record of high-frequency eustatic and climatic events are usually found within the transgressive succession of very high accommodation settings, such as incised-valley systems where exceptionally thick packages of Late glacial-Early Holocene deposits are preserved.


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We present a study of the metal sites of different proteins through X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. First of all, the capabilities of XAFS analysis have been improved by ab initio simulation of the near-edge region of the spectra, and an original analysis method has been proposed. The method subsequently served ad a tool to treat diverse biophysical problems, like the inhibition of proton-translocating proteins by metal ions and the matrix effect exerted on photosynthetic proteins (the bacterial Reaction Center, RC) by strongly dehydrate sugar matrices. A time-resolved study of Fe site of RC with μs resolution has been as well attempted. Finally, a further step aimed to improve the reliability of XAFS analysis has been performed by calculating the dynamical parameters of the metal binding cluster by means of DFT methods, and the theoretical result obtained for MbCO has been successfully compared with experimental data.


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Punto di partenza per il lavoro presentato, sono le tematiche legate alle pratiche di consumo di cibo in un’ottica che superi una semplice visione utilitaristica delle stesse, mentre viene evidenziato invece il più profondo rapporto uomo-cibo e i fenomeni di socializzazione che ne scaturiscono. Si trovano pertanto a coniugarsi la sociologia dei consumi e la sociologia della cultura. La base per questa visione del cibo e delle pratiche di produzione e consumo ad esso collegate è l’ipotesi che nel rapporto uomo-cibo sia individuabile un livello di significato superiore al mero utilitarismo/nutrizionismo, che si compone di una dimensione strutturale, una dimensione simbolica ed una dimensione metaforica. Il cibo, e di conseguenza tutte le pratiche ad esso collegate (produzione, elaborazione, consumo), rientrano pertanto in maniera naturale nella categoria “cultura”, e quindi, accostandoci al paradigma del passaggio da natura a società, attraverso il cibo si crea e si alimenta la socialità del consorzio umano, e quindi l’umanità stessa. Accostando a queste concettualizzazioni l’idea che il consumo in generale possa diventare una prassi tramite cui esperire una più diffusa ricerca di sostenibilità nello sviluppo del territorio, (facendosi carico delle conseguenze socio-ambientali derivanti dalla fruizione di determinati oggetti piuttosto che altri), si è sviluppata l’ipotesi che al consumo alimentare possa competere un ruolo precipuamente attivo nella definizione di pratiche sociali orientate alla sostenibilità, capaci cioè di integrare attraverso il consumo – e in relazione all’indebolimento delle tradizionali agenzie di socializzazione – quella perdita di senso civico e solidarietà organizzata che sperimentiamo nelle prassi di vita quotidiana. Sul piano operativo, la tesi è articolata in sei capitoli: • Il percorso presentato prende le mosse dalla considerazione che il cibo, inteso in un’ottica sociologica, costituisce un fattore culturale non irrilevante, anzi fondamentale per il consorzio umano. Si fornisce quindi una breve descrizione del ruolo del cibo nei suoi accostamenti con la definizione di un territorio (e quindi con la sua storia, economia e società), con le arti visive, con il cinema, con la musica, ma anche con la sfera sensoriale (tatto, gusto, olfatto) ed emotivo-cognitiva (psiche) dell’uomo. • Successivamente, si analizza nello specifico la funzione socializzante delle pratiche alimentari, ripercorrendo le tappe principali degli studi classici di sociologia e antropologia dell’alimentazione e introducendo anche l’idea di cibo come simbolo e metafora, che si riflettono sul piano sociale e sulle relazioni tra gli individui. La constatazione che le pratiche legate al cibo sono le uniche attività umane da sempre e per sempre irrinunciabili è un chiaro indicatore di come esse giochino un ruolo fondamentale nella socializzazione umana. • Nel terzo capitolo, la prospettiva simbolico-metaforica è la base di un’analisi di tipo storico delle pratiche alimentari, nello specifico delle pratiche di consumo di cibo, dalle origini dell’umanità ai giorni nostri. Viene presentato un excursus essenziale in cui l’attenzione è focalizzata sulla tavola, sui cibi ivi serviti e sugli eventi di socializzazione che si sviluppano attorno ad essa, considerando situazioni storico-sociali oggettive di cui si è in grado, oggi, di ricostruire le dinamiche e le fasi più significative. • Il quarto capitolo costituisce un momento di riflessione teorica intorno al tema della globalizzazione nella contemporaneità. Sia per una logica progressione cronologica all’interno del lavoro presentato, sia per la rilevanza in quanto inerente alla società attuale in cui viviamo, non si è potuto infatti non soffermarsi un po’ più a fondo sull’analisi delle pratiche alimentari nella contemporaneità, e quindi nella società generalmente definita come “globalizzata” (o “mcdonaldizzata”, per dirla alla Ritzer) ma che in realtà è caratterizzata da un più sottile gioco di equilibri tra dimensione locale e dimensione globale, che si compenetrano come anche nel termine che indica tale equilibrio: il “glocale”. In questo capitolo vengono presentati i principali riferimenti teorici relativi a queste tematiche. • Nel quinto capitolo è stata analizzata, quindi, la declinazione in senso “alimentare” della relazione tra globale e locale, e quindi non solo i mutamenti intercorsi nella contemporaneità nelle pratiche di produzione, scambio e consumo di cibo con particolare riferimento ai sistemi culturali e al territorio, ma anche alcune proposte (sia teoriche che pratiche) a garanzia di uno sviluppo sostenibile del territorio, che trovi i suoi fondamenti sulla perpetuazione di modalità tradizionali di produzione, commercio e consumo di cibo. • Nel sesto capitolo viene analizzato un caso di studio significativo, (il movimento Slow Food, con il suo progetto Terra Madre) senza la pretesa di confermare o smentire né le ipotesi di partenza, né i concetti emersi in itinere, ma semplicemente con l’intenzione di approfondire il percorso svolto attraverso l’esemplificazione operativa e la ricerca entro un piccolo campione composto da testimoni significativi e intervistati, sottoposti a colloqui e interviste incentrate su item inerenti i temi generali di questo lavoro e sul caso di studio considerato. La scelta del caso è motivata dalla considerazione che, alla luce delle filosofia che lo anima e delle attività che svolge, il movimento Slow Food con il progetto Terra Madre costituisce una vera e propria eccellenza nella pianificazione di uno sviluppo sostenibile del territorio e delle sue risorse, tanto economiche quanto sociali e culturali. L’intera analisi è stata condotta tenendo presente l’importanza della comparazione e della collocazione del singolo caso non solo nel contesto sociale di riferimento, ma anche in sintonia con l’ipotesi della ricerca, e quindi con l’assunto che le pratiche alimentari possano guidare uno sviluppo sostenibile del territorio. Per analizzare la realtà individuata, si è in primo luogo proceduto alla raccolta e all’analisi di dati e informazioni volte alla ricostruzione della sua storia e del suo sviluppo attuale. Le informazioni sono state raccolte attraverso l’analisi di materiali, documenti cartacei e documenti multimediali. Si è poi proceduto con colloqui in profondità a testimoni significativi individuati nell’ambito delle attività promosse da Slow Food, con particolare riferimento alle attività di Terra Madre; le informazioni sono state elaborate con l’ausilio dell’analisi del contenuto. Alla luce di quanto analizzato, tanto a livello teorico quanto a livello empirico, la tesi si conclude con alcune considerazioni che, in linea con la finalità dichiarata di approfondire (più che di confermare o smentire) le ipotesi di partenza circa un ruolo fondamentale delle pratiche alimentari nello sviluppo sostenibile del territorio, non possono comunque non tendere ad una convalida dei concetti introduttivi. Si individuano pertanto spunti importanti per affermare che nelle pratiche alimentari, nei tre momenti in cui trovano specificazione (la produzione, lo scambio, il consumo), siano individuabili quei semi valoriali che possono dare solidità alle ipotesi di partenza, e che quindi - nell’intento di operare per uno sviluppo sostenibile del territorio - sia possibile farne un valido strumento al fine di costruire dei veri e propri percorsi di sostenibilità ancorati ai concetti di tutela della tradizione locale, recupero e salvaguardia dei metodi tradizionali di produzione e conservazione, certificazione di tipicità, controllo della distribuzione, riscatto e promozione delle modalità tradizionali di consumo con particolare riferimento alle culture locali.


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Environmental Management includes many components, among which we can include Environmental Management Systems (EMS), Environmental Reporting and Analysis, Environmental Information Systems and Environmental Communication. In this work two applications are presented: the developement and implementation of an Environmental Management System in local administrations, according to the European scheme "EMAS", and the analysis of a territorial energy system through scenario building and environmental sustainability assessment. Both applications are linked by the same objective, which is the quest for more scientifically sound elements; in fact, both EMS and energy planning are oftec carachterized by localism and poor comparability. Emergy synthesis, proposed by ecologist H.T. Odum and described in his book "Environmental Accounting: Emergy and Environmental Decision Making" (1996) has been chosen and applied as an environmental evaluation tool, in order complete the analysis with an assessment of the "global value" of goods and processes. In particular, eMergy syntesis has been applied in order to improve the evaluation of the significance of environmental aspects in an EMS, and in order to evaluate the environmental performance of three scenarios of future evolution of the energy system. Regarding EMS, in this work an application of an EMS together with the CLEAR methodology for environmental accounting is discussed, in order to improve the identification of the environmental aspects; data regarding environmental aspects and significant ones for 4 local authorities are also presented, together with a preliminary proposal for the integration of the assessment of the significance of environmental aspects with eMergy synthesis. Regarding the analysis of an energy system, in this work the carachterization of the current situation is presented together with the overall energy balance and the evaluation of the emissions of greenhouse gases; moreover, three scenarios of future evolution are described and discussed. The scenarios have been realized with the support of the LEAP software ("Long Term Energy Alternatives Planning System" by SEI - "Stockholm Environment Institute"). Finally, the eMergy synthesis of the current situation and of the three scenarios is shown.


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In this Thesis we have presented our work on the analysis of galaxy clusters through their X-ray emission and the gravitational lensing effect that they induce. Our research work was mainly finalised to verify and possibly explain the observed mismatch between the galaxy cluster mass distributions estimated through two of the most promising techniques, i.e. the X-ray and the gravitational lensing analyses. Moreover, it is an established evidence that combined, multi-wavelength analyses are extremely effective in addressing and explaining the open issues in astronomy: however, in order to follow this approach, it is crucial to test the reliability and the limitations of the individual analysis techniques. In this Thesis we also assessed the impact of some factors that could affect both the X-ray and the strong lensing analyses.