208 resultados para Coordinazione, Spazi di tuple, Sistemi distribuiti, Semantica


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Recent developments in piston engine technology have increased performance in a very significant way. Diesel turbocharged/turbo compound engines, fuelled by jet fuels, have great performances. The focal point of this thesis is the transformation of the FIAT 1900 jtd diesel common rail engine for the installation on general aviation aircrafts like the CESSNA 172. All considerations about the diesel engine are supported by the studies that have taken place in the laboratories of the II Faculty of Engineering in Forlì. This work, mostly experimental, concerns the transformation of the automotive FIAT 1900 jtd – 4 cylinders – turbocharged – diesel common rail into an aircraft engine. The design philosophy of the aluminium alloy basement of the spark ignition engine have been transferred to the diesel version while the pistons and the head of the FIAT 1900 jtd are kept in the aircraft engine. Different solutions have been examined in this work. A first V 90° cylinders version that can develop up to 300 CV and whose weight is 30 kg, without auxiliaries and turbocharging group. The second version is a development of e original version of the diesel 1900 cc engine with an optimized crankshaft, that employ a special steel, 300M, and that is verified for the aircraft requirements. Another version with an augmented stroke and with a total displacement of 2500 cc has been examined; the result is a 30% engine heavier. The last version proposed is a 1600 cc diesel engine that work at 5000 rpm, with a reduced stroke and capable of more than 200 CV; it was inspired to the Yamaha R1 motorcycle engine. The diesel aircraft engine design keeps the bore of 82 mm, while the stroke is reduced to 64.6 mm, so the engine size is reduced along with weight. The basement weight, in GD AlSi 9 MgMn alloy, is 8,5 kg. Crankshaft, rods and accessories have been redesigned to comply to aircraft standards. The result is that the overall size is increased of only the 8% when referred to the Yamaha engine spark ignition version, while the basement weight increases of 53 %, even if the bore of the diesel version is 11% lager. The original FIAT 1900 jtd piston has been slightly modified with the combustion chamber reworked to the compression ratio of 15:1. The material adopted for the piston is the aluminium alloy A390.0-T5 commonly used in the automotive field. The piston weight is 0,5 kg for the diesel engine. The crankshaft is verified to torsional vibrations according to the Lloyd register of shipping requirements. The 300M special steel crankshaft total weight is of 14,5 kg. The result reached is a very small and light engine that may be certified for general aviation: the engine weight, without the supercharger, air inlet assembly, auxiliary generators and high pressure body, is 44,7 kg and the total engine weight, with enlightened HP pump body and the titanium alloy turbocharger is less than 100 kg, the total displacement is 1365 cm3 and the estimated output power is 220 CV. The direct conversion of automotive piston engine to aircrafts pays too huge weight penalties. In fact the main aircraft requirement is to optimize the power to weight ratio in order to obtain compact and fast engines for aeronautical use: this 1600 common rail diesel engine version demonstrates that these results can be reached.


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In order to protect river water quality, highly affected in urban areas by continuos as intermittent immissions, it is necessary to adopt measures to intercept and treat these polluted flows. In particular during rain events, river water quality is affected by CSOs activation. Built in order to protect the sewer system and the WWTP by increased flows due to heavy rains, CSOs divert excess flows to the receiving water body. On the basis of several scientific papers, and of direct evidences as well, that demonstrate the detrimental effect of CSOs discharges, also the legislative framework moved towards a stream standard point of view. The WFD (EU/69/2000) sets new goals for receiving water quality, and groundwater as well, through an integrated immission/emissions phylosophy, in which emission limits are associated with effluent standards, based on the receiving water characteristics and their specific use. For surface waters the objective is that of a “good” ecological and chemical quality status. A surface water is defined as of good ecological quality if there is only slight departure from the biological community that would be expected in conditions of minimal anthropogenic impact. Each Member State authority is responsible for preparing and implementing a River Basin Management Plan to achieve the good ecological quality, and comply with WFD requirements. In order to cope with WFD targets, and thus to improve urban receiving water quality, a CSOs control strategy need to be implemented. Temporarily storing the overflow (or at least part of it) into tanks and treating it in the WWTP, after the end of the storm, showed good results in reducing total pollutant mass spilled into the receiving river. Italian State Authority, in order to comply with WFD statements, sets general framework, and each Region has to adopt a Water Remediation Plan (PTA, Piano Tutela Acque), setting goals, methods, and terms, to improve river water quality. Emilia Romagna PTA sets 25% reduction up to 2008, and 50% reduction up to 2015 fo total pollutants masses delivered by CSOs spills. In order to plan remediation actions, a deep insight into spills dynamics is thus of great importance. The present thesis tries to understand spills dynamics through a numerical and an experimental approach. A four months monitoring and sampling campaign was set on the Bologna sewer network, and on the Navile Channel, that is the WWTP receiving water , and that receives flows from up to 28 CSOs during rain events. On the other hand, the full model of the sewer network, was build with the commercial software InfoWorks CS. The model was either calibrated with the data from the monitoring and sampling campaign. Through further model simulations interdependencies among masses spilled, rain characteristics and basin characteristics are looked for. The thesis can be seen as a basis for further insighs and for planning remediation actions.


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Self-organisation is increasingly being regarded as an effective approach to tackle modern systems complexity. The self-organisation approach allows the development of systems exhibiting complex dynamics and adapting to environmental perturbations without requiring a complete knowledge of the future surrounding conditions. However, the development of self-organising systems (SOS) is driven by different principles with respect to traditional software engineering. For instance, engineers typically design systems combining smaller elements where the composition rules depend on the reference paradigm, but typically produce predictable results. Conversely, SOS display non-linear dynamics, which can hardly be captured by deterministic models, and, although robust with respect to external perturbations, are quite sensitive to changes on inner working parameters. In this thesis, we describe methodological aspects concerning the early-design stage of SOS built relying on the Multiagent paradigm: in particular, we refer to the A&A metamodel, where MAS are composed by agents and artefacts, i.e. environmental resources. Then, we describe an architectural pattern that has been extracted from a recurrent solution in designing self-organising systems: this pattern is based on a MAS environment formed by artefacts, modelling non-proactive resources, and environmental agents acting on artefacts so as to enable self-organising mechanisms. In this context, we propose a scientific approach for the early design stage of the engineering of self-organising systems: the process is an iterative one and each cycle is articulated in four stages, modelling, simulation, formal verification, and tuning. During the modelling phase we mainly rely on the existence of a self-organising strategy observed in Nature and, hopefully encoded as a design pattern. Simulations of an abstract system model are used to drive design choices until the required quality properties are obtained, thus providing guarantees that the subsequent design steps would lead to a correct implementation. However, system analysis exclusively based on simulation results does not provide sound guarantees for the engineering of complex systems: to this purpose, we envision the application of formal verification techniques, specifically model checking, in order to exactly characterise the system behaviours. During the tuning stage parameters are tweaked in order to meet the target global dynamics and feasibility constraints. In order to evaluate the methodology, we analysed several systems: in this thesis, we only describe three of them, i.e. the most representative ones for each of the three years of PhD course. We analyse each case study using the presented method, and describe the exploited formal tools and techniques.


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An amperometric glucose biosensor was developed using an anionic clay matrix (LDH) as enzyme support. The enzyme glucose oxidase (GOx) was immobilized on a layered double hydroxide Ni/Al-NO3 LDH during the electrosynthesis, which was followed by crosslinking with glutaraldehyde (GA) vapours or with GA and bovine serum albumin (GABSA) to avoid the enzyme release. The electrochemical reaction was carried out potentiostatically, at -0.9V vs. SCE, using a rotating disc Pt electrode to assure homogeneity of the electrodeposition suspension, containing GOx, Ni(NO3)2 and Al(NO3)3 in 0.3 M KNO3. The mechanism responsible of the LDH electrodeposition involves the precipitation of the LDH due to the increase of pH at the surface of the electrode, following the cathodic reduction of nitrates. The Pt surface modified with the Ni/Al-NO3 LDH shows a much reduced noise, giving rise to a better signal to noise ratio for the currents relative to H2O2 oxidation, and a linear range for H2O2 determination wider than the one observed for bare Pt electrodes. We pointed out the performances of the biosensor in terms of sensitivity to glucose, calculated from the slope of the linear part of the calibration curve for enzimatically produced H2O2; the sensitivity was dependent on parameters related to the electrodeposition in addition to working conditions. In order to optimise the glucose biosensor performances, with a reduced number of experimental runs, we applied an experimental design. A first screening was performed considering the following variables: deposition time (30 - 120 s), enzyme concentration (0.5 - 3.0 mg/mL), Ni/Al molar ratio (3:1 or 2:1) of the electrodeposition solution at a total metals concentration of 0.03 M and pH of the working buffer solution (5.5-7.0). On the basis of the results from this screening, a full factorial design was carried out, taking into account only enzyme concentration and Ni/Al molar ratio of the electrosynthesis solution. A full factorial design was performed to study linear interactions between factors and their quadratic effects and the optimal setup was evaluated by the isoresponse curves. The significant factors were: enzyme concentration (linear and quadratic terms) and the interaction between enzyme concentration and Ni/Al molar ratio. Since the major obstacle for application of amperometric glucose biosensors is the interference signal resulting from other electro-oxidizable species present in the real matrices, such as ascorbate (AA), the use of different permselective membranes on Pt-LDHGOx modified electrode was discussed with the aim of improving biosensor selectivity and stability. Conventional membranes obtained using Nafion, glutaraldehyde (GA) vapours, GA-BSA were tested together with more innovative materials like palladium hexacyanoferrate (PdHCF) and titania hydrogels. Particular attention has been devoted to hydrogels, because they possess some attractive features, which are generally considered to favour biosensor materials biocompatibility and, consequently, the functional enzyme stability. The Pt-LDH-GOx-PdHCF hydrogel biosensor presented an anti-interferant ability so that to be applied for an accurate glucose analysis in blood. To further improve the biosensor selectivity, protective membranes containing horseradish peroxidase (HRP) were also investigated with the aim of oxidising the interferants before they reach the electrode surface. In such a case glucose determination was also accomplished in real matrices with high AA content. Furthermore, the application of a LDH containing nickel in the oxidised state was performed not only as a support for the enzyme, but also as anti-interferant sistem. The result is very promising and it could be the starting point for further applications in the field of amperometric biosensors; the study could be extended to other oxidase enzymes.


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The introduction of hydroxyl groups into ligands is able to transfer high hydrophilic features to the related metal systems. The atom-economy synthetic procedure adopted which consists in the one-step Cyclopentene-oxide ring opening, quantitatitatively affords stereoselective formation of the multi-hydroxyl rac-1,2,4- C5H2[CH(CH2)3CHOH]3 Cpººº ligand1. Rh complexation of Cpººº gives rise to a novel class of water-soluble complexes (L,L)RhCpººº (LL=NBD 1, COD 2, CH2CH2 3, CO 4) (Scheme 1) characterized by their spectroscopic features (ESI-MS, IR, 2D NMR, n.O.e.). The X-ray diffraction studies of 1a reveal the occurrence of one couple of enantiomeric pairs in the crystal structure, whilst the crystal packing shows an interesting self-organization in chains of dimeric units of 1a, promoted by strong intermolecular hydroxyl H-bonding. This effect has been exploited by performing VT NMR experiments in different solvents (CDCl3, Py, DMSO). Unpredictably, in the absence of chiral tag, 1 exhibits solvent-dependent chiroptical properties (CD, αD^ 25), which are correlated to UV transitions and DFT calculations. The intra/inter molecular H-binding is crucial in driving the equilibrium between the observed atropisomers 1a and 1b, by varying the planar chirality on the two π-complexes.


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The thesis of this paper is based on the assumption that the socio-economic system in which we are living is characterised by three great trends: growing attention to the promotion of human capital; extremely rapid technological progress, based above all on the information and communication technologies (ICT); the establishment of new production and organizational set-ups. These transformation processes pose a concrete challenge to the training sector, which is called to satisfy the demand for new skills that need to be developed and disseminated. Hence the growing interest that the various training sub-systems devote to the issues of lifelong learning and distance learning. In such a context, the so-called e-learning acquires a central role. The first chapter proposes a reference theoretical framework for the transformations that are shaping post-industrial society. It analyzes some key issues such as: how work is changing, the evolution of organizational set-ups and the introduction of learning organization, the advent of the knowledge society and of knowledge companies, the innovation of training processes, and the key role of ICT in the new training and learning systems. The second chapter focuses on the topic of e-learning as an effective training model in response to the need for constant learning that is emerging in the knowledge society. This chapter starts with a reflection on the importance of lifelong learning and introduces the key arguments of this thesis, i.e. distance learning (DL) and the didactic methodology called e-learning. It goes on with an analysis of the various theoretic and technical aspects of e-learning. In particular, it delves into the theme of e-learning as an integrated and constant training environment, characterized by customized programmes and collaborative learning, didactic assistance and constant monitoring of the results. Thus, all the aspects of e-learning are taken into exam: the actors and the new professionals, the virtual communities as learning subjects, the organization of contents in learning objects, the conformity to international standards, the integrated platforms and so on. The third chapter, which concludes the theoretic-interpretative part, starts with a short presentation of the state-of-the-art e-learning international market that aims to understand its peculiarities and its current trends. Finally, we focus on some important regulation aspects related to the strong impulse given by the European Commission first, and by the Italian governments secondly, to the development and diffusion of e-learning. The second part of the thesis (chapters 4, 5 and 6) focus on field research, which aims to define the Italian scenario for e-learning. In particular, we have examined some key topics such as: the challenges of training and the instruments to face such challenges; the new didactic methods and technologies for lifelong learning; the level of diffusion of e-learning in Italy; the relation between classroom training and online training; the main factors of success as well as the most critical aspects of the introduction of e-learning in the various learning environments. As far as the methodological aspects are concerned, we have favoured a qualitative and quantitative analysis. A background analysis has been done to collect the statistical data available on this topic, as well as the research previously carried out in this area. The main source of data is constituted by the results of the Observatory on e-learning of Aitech-Assinform, which covers the 2000s and four areas of implementation (firms, public administration, universities, school): the thesis has reviewed the results of the last three available surveys, offering a comparative interpretation of them. We have then carried out an in-depth empirical examination of two case studies, which have been selected by virtue of the excellence they have achieved and can therefore be considered advanced and emblematic experiences (a large firm and a Graduate School).


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The recent widespread diffusion of radio-frequency identification (RFID) applications operating in the UHF band has been supported by both the request for greater interrogation ranges and greater and faster data exchange. UHF-RFID systems, exploiting a physical interaction based on Electromagnetic propagation, introduce many problems that have not been fully explored for the previous generations of RFID systems (e.g. HF). Therefore, the availability of reliable tools for modeling and evaluating the radio-communication between Reader and Tag within an RFID radio-link are needed. The first part of the thesis discuss the impact of real environment on system performance. In particular an analytical closed form formulation for the back-scattered field from the Tag antenna and the formulation for the lower bound of the BER achievable at the Reader side will be presented, considering different possible electromagnetic impairments. By means of the previous formulations, of the analysis of the RFID link operating in near filed conditions and of some electromagnetic/system-level co-simulations, an in-depth study of the dimensioning parameters and the actual performance of the systems will be discussed and analyzed, showing some relevant properties and trade-offs in transponder and reader design. Moreover a new low cost approach to extend the read range of the RFID UHF passive systems will be discussed. Within the scope to check the reliability of the analysis approaches and of innovative proposals, some reference transponder antennas have been designed and extensive measurement campaign has been carried out with satisfactory results. Finally, some commercial ad-hoc transponder for industrial application have been designed within the cooperation with Datalogic s.p.a., some guidelines and results will be briefly presented.


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E’ stato affrontato in modo approfondito lo studio dei campi gravitazionali della relatività generale (RG) che producono un’accelerazione uniforme, e si è confrontato tale studio con i sistemi si riferimento (SR) accelerati della relatività ristretta (RR). Nel corso di quest’analisi sono stati trovati alcuni aspetti non evidenziati in precedenza nella letteratura scientifica, di cui il più rilevante è il fatto che la metrica di Rindler produce un campo che, osservato con misure di tipo radar, appare uniforme a un osservatore solidale con il campo stesso. Si è inoltre trovata più di una metrica cui corrisponde un’accelerazione che non dipende dalla coordinata di partenza. Per il campo di Rindler è stata eseguita anche un’analisi approfondita, tramite un’applicazione diretta del principio di equivalenza (PE). La metodologia utilizzata e i risultati sono un contributo originale di questa tesi e sono di interesse da un punto di vista didattico. Nel corso dell’analisi delle proprietà del campo di Rindler sono stati analizzati in modo operativo: il confronto del ritmo di marcia di due orologi che si trovano a una quota differente, la deflessione dei raggi luminosi e la traiettoria di un corpo in caduta libera. Infine si è indagato sulla forma della metrica di una distribuzione di massa a simmetrica planare.


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The Poxviruses are a family of double stranded DNA (dsDNA) viruses that cause disease in many species, both vertebrate and invertebrate. Their genomes range in size from 135 to 365 kbp and show conservation in both organization and content. In particular, the central genomic regions of the chordopoxvirus subfamily (those capable of infecting vertebrates) contain 88 genes which are present in all the virus species characterised to date and which mostly occur in the same order and orientation. In contrast, however, the terminal regions of the genomes frequently contain genes that are species or genera-specific and that are not essential for the growth of the virus in vitro but instead often encode factors with important roles in vivo including modulation of the host immune response to infection and determination of the host range of the virus. The Parapoxviruses (PPV), of which Orf virus is the prototypic species, represent a genus within the chordopoxvirus subfamily of Poxviridae and are characterised by their ability to infect ruminants and humans. The genus currently contains four recognised species of virus, bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV) and pseudocowpox virus (PCPV) both of which infect cattle, orf virus (OV) that infects sheep and goats, and parapoxvirus of red deer in New Zealand (PVNZ). The ORFV genome has been fully sequenced, as has that of BPSV, and is ~138 kb in length encoding ~132 genes. The vast majority of these genes allow the virus to replicate in the cytoplasm of the infected host cell and therefore encode proteins involved in replication, transcription and metabolism of nucleic acids. These genes are well conserved between all known genera of poxviruses. There is however another class of genes, located at either end of the linear dsDNA genome, that encode proteins which are non-essential for replication and generally dictate host range and virulence of the virus. The non-essential genes are often the most variable within and between species of virus and therefore are potentially useful for diagnostic purposes. Given their role in subverting the host-immune response to infection they are also targets for novel therapeutics. The function of only a relatively small number of these proteins has been elucidated and there are several genes whose function still remains obscure principally because there is little similarity between them and proteins of known function in current sequence databases. It is thought that by selectively removing some of the virulence genes, or at least neutralising the proteins in some way, current vaccines could be improved. The evolution of poxviruses has been proposed to be an adaptive process involving frequent events of gene gain and loss, such that the virus co-evolves with its specific host. Gene capture or horizontal gene transfer from the host to the virus is considered an important source of new viral genes including those likely to be involved in host range and those enabling the virus to interfere with the host immune response to infection. Given the low rate of nucleotide substitution, recombination can be seen as an essential evolutionary driving force although it is likely underestimated. Recombination in poxviruses is intimately linked to DNA replication with both viral and cellular proteins participate in this recombination-dependent replication. It has been shown, in other poxvirus genera, that recombination between isolates and perhaps even between species does occur, thereby providing another mechanism for the acquisition of new genes and for the rapid evolution of viruses. Such events may result in viruses that have a selective advantage over others, for example in re-infections (a characteristic of the PPV), or in viruses that are able to jump the species barrier and infect new hosts. Sequence data related to viral strains isolated from goats suggest that possible recombination events may have occurred between OV and PCPV (Ueda et al. 2003). The recombination events are frequent during poxvirus replication and comparative genomic analysis of several poxvirus species has revealed that recombinations occur frequently on the right terminal region. Intraspecific recombination can occur between strains of the same PPV species, but also interspecific recombination can happen depending on enough sequence similarity to enable recombination between distinct PPV species. The most important pre-requisite for a successful recombination is the coinfection of the individual host by different virus strains or species. Consequently, the following factors affecting the distribution of different viruses to shared target cells need to be considered: dose of inoculated virus, time interval between inoculation of the first and the second virus, distance between the marker mutations, genetic homology. At present there are no available data on the replication dynamics of PPV in permissive and non permissive hosts and reguarding co-infetions there are no information on the interference mechanisms occurring during the simultaneous replication of viruses of different species. This work has been carried out to set up permissive substrates allowing the replication of different PPV species, in particular keratinocytes monolayers and organotypic skin cultures. Furthermore a method to isolate and expand ovine skin stem cells was has been set up to indeep further aspects of viral cellular tropism during natural infection. The study produced important data to elucidate the replication dynamics of OV and PCPV virus in vitro as well as the mechanisms of interference that can arise during co-infection with different viral species. Moreover, the analysis carried on the genomic right terminal region of PCPV 1303/05 contributed to a better knowledge of the viral genes involved in host interaction and pathogenesis as well as to locate recombination breakpoints and genetic homologies between PPV species. Taken together these data filled several crucial gaps for the study of interspecific recombinations of PPVs which are thought to be important for a better understanding of the viral evolution and to improve the biosafety of antiviral therapy and PPV-based vectors.


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La ricerca svolta ha individuato fra i suoi elementi promotori l’orientamento determinato da parte della comunità europea di dare vita e sostegno ad ambiti territoriali intermedi sub nazionali di tipo regionale all’interno dei quali i sistemi di città potessero raggiungere le massime prestazioni tecnologiche per cogliere gli effetti positivi delle innovazioni. L’orientamento europeo si è confrontato con una realtà storica e geografica molto variata in quanto accanto a stati membri, nei quali le gerarchie fra città sono storicamente radicate e funzionalmente differenziate secondo un ordine che vede la città capitale dominante su città subalterne nelle quali la cultura di dominio del territorio non è né continua né gerarchizzata sussistono invece territori nazionali compositi con una città capitale di riconosciuto potere ma con città di minor dimensione che da secoli esprimono una radicata incisività nella organizzazione del territorio di appartenenza. Alla prima tipologia di stati appartengono ad esempio i Paesi del Nord Europa e l’Inghilterra, esprimendo nella Francia una situazione emblematica, alla seconda tipologia appartengono invece i Paesi dell’aera mediterranea, Italia in primis, con la grande eccezione della Germania. Applicando gli intendimenti comunitari alla realtà locale nazionale, questa tesi ha avviato un approfondimento di tipo metodologico e procedurale sulla possibile organizzazione a sistema di una regione fortemente policentrica nel suo sviluppo e “artificiosamente” rinata ad unità, dopo le vicende del XIX secolo: l’Emilia-Romagna. Anche nelle regioni che si presentano come storicamente organizzate sulla pluralità di centri emergenti, il rapporto col territorio è mediato da centri urbani minori che governano il tessuto cellulare delle aggregazioni di servizi di chiara origine agraria. Questo stato di cose comporta a livello politico -istituzionale una dialettica vivace fra territori voluti dalle istituzioni e territori legittimati dal consolidamento delle tradizioni confermato dall’uso attuale. La crescente domanda di capacità di governo dello sviluppo formulata dagli operatori economici locali e sostenuta dalle istituzioni europee si confronta con la scarsa capacità degli enti territoriali attuali: Regioni, Comuni e Province di raggiungere un livello di efficienza sufficiente ad organizzare sistemi di servizi adeguati a sostegno della crescita economica. Nel primo capitolo, dopo un breve approfondimento sulle “figure retoriche comunitarie”, quali il policentrismo, la governance, la coesione territoriale, utilizzate per descrivere questi fenomeni in atto, si analizzano gli strumenti programmatici europei e lo S.S.S.E,. in primis, che recita “Per garantire uno sviluppo regionale equilibrato nella piena integrazione anche nell’economia mondiale, va perseguito un modello di sviluppo policentrico, al fine di impedire un’ulteriore eccessiva concentrazione della forza economica e della popolazione nei territori centrali dell’UE. Solo sviluppando ulteriormente la struttura, relativamente decentrata, degli insediamenti è possibile sfruttare il potenziale economico di tutte le regioni europee.” La tesi si inserisce nella fase storica in cui si tenta di definire quali siano i nuovi territori funzionali e su quali criteri si basa la loro riconoscibilità; nel tentativo di adeguare ad essi, riformandoli, i territori istituzionali. Ai territori funzionali occorre riportare la futura fiscalità, ed è la scala adeguata per l'impostazione della maggior parte delle politiche, tutti aspetti che richiederanno anche la necessità di avere una traduzione in termini di rappresentanza/sanzionabilità politica da parte dei cittadini. Il nuovo governo auspicato dalla Comunità Europea prevede una gestione attraverso Sistemi Locali Territoriali (S.Lo.t.) definiti dalla combinazione di milieu locale e reti di attori che si comportano come un attore collettivo. Infatti il secondo capitolo parte con l’indagare il concetto di “regione funzionale”, definito sulla base della presenza di un nucleo e di una corrispondente area di influenza; che interagisce con altre realtà territoriali in base a relazioni di tipo funzionale, per poi arrivare alla definizione di un Sistema Locale territoriale, modello evoluto di regione funzionale che può essere pensato come una rete locale di soggetti i quali, in funzione degli specifici rapporti che intrattengono fra loro e con le specificità territoriali del milieu locale in cui operano e agiscono, si comportano come un soggetto collettivo. Identificare un sistema territoriale, è una condizione necessaria, ma non sufficiente, per definire qualsiasi forma di pianificazione o governance territoriale, perchè si deve soprattutto tener conto dei processi di integrazione funzionale e di networking che si vengono a generare tra i diversi sistemi urbani e che sono specchio di come il territorio viene realmente fruito., perciò solo un approccio metodologico capace di sfumare e di sovrapporre le diverse perimetrazioni territoriali riesce a definire delle aree sulle quali definire un’azione di governo del territorio. Sin dall’inizio del 2000 il Servizio Sviluppo Territoriale dell’OCSE ha condotto un’indagine per capire come i diversi paesi identificavano empiricamente le regioni funzionali. La stragrande maggioranza dei paesi adotta una definizione di regione funzionale basata sul pendolarismo. I confini delle regioni funzionali sono stati definiti infatti sulla base di “contorni” determinati dai mercati locali del lavoro, a loro volta identificati sulla base di indicatori relativi alla mobilità del lavoro. In Italia, la definizione di area urbana funzionale viene a coincidere di fatto con quella di Sistema Locale del Lavoro (SLL). Il fatto di scegliere dati statistici legati a caratteristiche demografiche è un elemento fondamentale che determina l’ubicazione di alcuni servizi ed attrezzature e una mappa per gli investimenti nel settore sia pubblico che privato. Nell’ambito dei programmi europei aventi come obiettivo lo sviluppo sostenibile ed equilibrato del territorio fatto di aree funzionali in relazione fra loro, uno degli studi di maggior rilievo è stato condotto da ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) e riguarda l’adeguamento delle politiche alle caratteristiche dei territori d’Europa, creando un sistema permanente di monitoraggio del territorio europeo. Sulla base di tali indicatori vengono costruiti i ranking dei diversi FUA e quelli che presentano punteggi (medi) elevati vengono classificati come MEGA. In questo senso, i MEGA sono FUA/SLL particolarmente performanti. In Italia ve ne sono complessivamente sei, di cui uno nella regione Emilia-Romagna (Bologna). Le FUA sono spazialmente interconnesse ed è possibile sovrapporre le loro aree di influenza. Tuttavia, occorre considerare il fatto che la prossimità spaziale è solo uno degli aspetti di interazione tra le città, l’altro aspetto importante è quello delle reti. Per capire quanto siano policentrici o monocentrici i paesi europei, il Progetto Espon ha esaminato per ogni FUA tre differenti parametri: la grandezza, la posizione ed i collegamenti fra i centri. La fase di analisi della tesi ricostruisce l’evoluzione storica degli strumenti della pianificazione regionale analizzandone gli aspetti organizzativi del livello intermedio, evidenziando motivazioni e criteri adottati nella suddivisione del territorio emilianoromagnolo (i comprensori, i distretti industriali, i sistemi locali del lavoro…). La fase comprensoriale e quella dei distretti, anche se per certi versi effimere, hanno avuto comunque il merito di confermare l’esigenza di avere un forte organismo intermedio di programmazione e pianificazione. Nel 2007 la Regione Emilia Romagna, nell’interpretare le proprie articolazioni territoriali interne, ha adeguato le proprie tecniche analitiche interpretative alle direttive contenute nel Progetto E.S.P.O.N. del 2001, ciò ha permesso di individuare sei S.Lo.T ( Sistemi Territoriali ad alta polarizzazione urbana; Sistemi Urbani Metropolitani; Sistemi Città – Territorio; Sistemi a media polarizzazione urbana; Sistemi a bassa polarizzazione urbana; Reti di centri urbani di piccole dimensioni). Altra linea di lavoro della tesi di dottorato ha riguardato la controriprova empirica degli effettivi confini degli S.Lo.T del PTR 2007 . Dal punto di vista metodologico si è utilizzato lo strumento delle Cluster Analisys per impiegare il singolo comune come polo di partenza dei movimenti per la mia analisi, eliminare inevitabili approssimazioni introdotte dalle perimetrazioni legate agli SLL e soprattutto cogliere al meglio le sfumature dei confini amministrativi dei diversi comuni e province spesso sovrapposti fra loro. La novità è costituita dal fatto che fino al 2001 la regione aveva definito sullo stesso territorio una pluralità di ambiti intermedi non univocamente circoscritti per tutte le funzioni ma definiti secondo un criterio analitico matematico dipendente dall’attività settoriale dominante. In contemporanea col processo di rinnovamento della politica locale in atto nei principali Paesi dell’Europa Comunitaria si va delineando una significativa evoluzione per adeguare le istituzioni pubbliche che in Italia comporta l’attuazione del Titolo V della Costituzione. In tale titolo si disegna un nuovo assetto dei vari livelli Istituzionali, assumendo come criteri di riferimento la semplificazione dell’assetto amministrativo e la razionalizzazione della spesa pubblica complessiva. In questa prospettiva la dimensione provinciale parrebbe essere quella tecnicamente più idonea per il minimo livello di pianificazione territoriale decentrata ma nel contempo la provincia come ente amministrativo intermedio palesa forti carenze motivazionali in quanto l’ente storico di riferimento della pianificazione è il comune e l’ente di gestione delegato dallo stato è la regione: in generale troppo piccolo il comune per fare una programmazione di sviluppo, troppo grande la regione per cogliere gli impulsi alla crescita dei territori e delle realtà locali. Questa considerazione poi deve trovare elementi di compatibilità con la piccola dimensione territoriale delle regioni italiane se confrontate con le regioni europee ed i Laender tedeschi. L'individuazione di criteri oggettivi (funzionali e non formali) per l'individuazione/delimitazione di territori funzionali e lo scambio di prestazioni tra di essi sono la condizione necessaria per superare l'attuale natura opzionale dei processi di cooperazione interistituzionale (tra comuni, ad esempio appartenenti allo stesso territorio funzionale). A questo riguardo molto utile è l'esperienza delle associazioni, ma anche delle unioni di comuni. Le esigenze della pianificazione nel riordino delle istituzioni politico territoriali decentrate, costituiscono il punto finale della ricerca svolta, che vede confermato il livello intermedio come ottimale per la pianificazione. Tale livello è da intendere come dimensione geografica di riferimento e non come ambito di decisioni amministrative, di governance e potrebbe essere validamente gestito attraverso un’agenzia privato-pubblica dello sviluppo, alla quale affidare la formulazione del piano e la sua gestione. E perché ciò avvenga è necessario che il piano regionale formulato da organi politici autonomi, coordinati dall’attività dello stato abbia caratteri definiti e fattibilità economico concreta.