668 resultados para Orientamento di Grafi, Ricerca Operativa, CPLEX
The abandonment of less productive fields and agro-forest activities has occured in the last decades, interesting large mountain areas in all mediterranean basin. Until the fifties, agricultural practices dealt mainly with soil surface and surface runoff control systems. However, the apparent sustainability of soil use results often in contrast with historical documents, witnessing heavy hydrogeological instability, in naturally fragile areas. The research focused on the dynamics and effects of post-coltural land abandonment in a critical mountain area of the Reno River. The Reno River rappresents a typical Tuscan-Emilian Apennines Watershed where soil erosion occurs under very different conditions depending on interactions between land use, climate, geomorphology and lithology. Landslides are largely rappresented, due to the diffusion of clay hill slopes. Recent researches suggest that climatic variability will increase as a consequence of global climate change, resulting in greater frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, which could increase rates of erosion, landslides reactivations and diffusion of calanchive basins. As far as hill slopes are concerned, instability is today basically due to intrinsic factors, as the Apennine range is a rather young formation, in geological terms, and is mainly formed by sedimentary rocks with high occurrence of clays. Therefore landslides and rockfalls are very frequent, while surface soil erosion is generally low and anyway concentrated in the low Apennine, where intensive farming is still economically worth. The study, supported by GIS use, analyses the main fisical characteristics of the area and the historical changes of land use, and focalizes the dynamics of spontaneous reafforestation. Futhermore, the research studies the results of soil bioengineering and surface water control solutions for the restablishment of landslides occured in the last period. Infact soil bioengineering has been recently used in different situations in order to consolidate slopes and hillsides and prevent erosion; when applied, it gave good results, both in terms of engineering efficiency and vegetational development, expecially if combined with a good hydraulic control, thus proving to be an actual alternative to other techniques with heavier environmental impacts. Research into the specific site features and the use of proper plant species is vital to the success of bioengineering works.
Oggetto della ricerca sono l’esame e la valutazione dei limiti posti all’autonomia privata dal divieto di abuso della posizione dominante, come sancito, in materia di tutela della concorrenza, dall’art. 3 della legge 10 ottobre 1990, n. 287, a sua volta modellato sull’art. 82 del Trattato CE. Preliminarmente, si è ritenuto opportuno svolgere la ricognizione degli interessi tutelati dal diritto della concorrenza, onde individuare la cerchia dei soggetti legittimati ad avvalersi dell’apparato di rimedi civilistici – invero scarno e necessitante di integrazione in via interpretativa – contemplato dall’art. 33 della legge n. 287/1990. È così emerso come l’odierno diritto della concorrenza, basato su un modello di workable competition, non possa ritenersi sorretto da ragioni corporative di tutela dei soli imprenditori concorrenti, investendo direttamente – e rivestendo di rilevanza giuridica – le situazioni soggettive di coloro che operano sul mercato, indipendentemente da qualificazioni formali. In tal senso, sono stati esaminati i caratteri fondamentali dell’istituto dell’abuso di posizione dominante, come delineatisi nella prassi applicativa non solo degli organi nazionali, ma anche di quelli comunitari. Ed invero, un aspetto importante che caratterizza la disciplina italiana dell’abuso di posizione dominante e della concorrenza in generale, distinguendola dalle normative di altri sistemi giuridici prossimi al nostro, è costituito dal vincolo di dipendenza dal diritto comunitario, sancito dall’art. 1, quarto comma, della legge n. 287/1990, idoneo a determinare peculiari riflessi anche sul piano dell’applicazione civilistica dell’istituto. La ricerca si è quindi spostata sulla figura generale del divieto di abuso del diritto, onde vagliarne i possibili rapporti con l’istituto in esame. A tal proposito, si è tentato di individuare, per quanto possibile, i tratti essenziali della figura dell’abuso del diritto relativamente all’esercizio dell’autonomia privata in ambito negoziale, con particolare riferimento all’evoluzione del pensiero della dottrina e ai più recenti orientamenti giurisprudenziali sul tema, che hanno valorizzato il ruolo della buona fede intesa in senso oggettivo. Particolarmente interessante è parsa la possibilità di estendere i confini della figura dell’abuso del diritto sì da ricomprendere anche l’esercizio di prerogative individuali diverse dai diritti soggettivi. Da tale estensione potrebbero infatti discendere interessanti ripercussioni per la tutela dei soggetti deboli nel contesto dei rapporti d’impresa, intendendosi per tali tanto i rapporti tra imprenditori in posizione paritaria o asimmetrica, quanto i rapporti tra imprenditori e consumatori. È stato inoltre preso in considerazione l’aspetto dei rimedi avverso le condotte abusive, alla luce dei moderni contributi sull’eccezione di dolo generale, sulla tutela risarcitoria e sull’invalidità negoziale, con i quali è opportuno confrontarsi qualora si intenda cercare di colmare – come sembra opportuno – i vuoti di disciplina della tutela civilistica avverso l’abuso di posizione dominante. Stante l’evidente contiguità con la figura in esame, si è poi provveduto ad esaminare, per quanto sinteticamente, il divieto di abuso di dipendenza economica, il quale si delinea come figura ibrida, a metà strada tra il diritto dei contratti e quello della concorrenza. Tale fattispecie, pur inserita in una legge volta a disciplinare il settore della subfornitura industriale (art. 9, legge 18 giugno 1998, n. 192), ha suscitato un vasto interessamento della dottrina. Si sono infatti levate diverse voci favorevoli a riconoscere la portata applicativa generale del divieto, quale principio di giustizia contrattuale valevole per tutti i rapporti tra imprenditori. Nel tentativo di verificare tale assunto, si è cercato di individuare la ratio sottesa all’art. 9 della legge n. 192/1998, anche in considerazione dei suoi rapporti con il divieto di abuso di posizione dominante. Su tale aspetto è d’altronde appositamente intervenuto il legislatore con la legge 5 marzo 2001, n. 57, riconoscendo la competenza dell’Autorità garante per la concorrenza ed il mercato a provvedere, anche d’ufficio, sugli abusi di dipendenza economica con rilevanza concorrenziale. Si possono così prospettare due fattispecie normative di abusi di dipendenza economica, quella con effetti circoscritti al singolo rapporto interimprenditoriale, la cui disciplina è rimessa al diritto civile, e quella con effetti negativi per il mercato, soggetta anche – ma non solo – alle regole del diritto antitrust; tracciare una netta linea di demarcazione tra i reciproci ambiti non appare comunque agevole. Sono stati inoltre dedicati brevi cenni ai rimedi avverso le condotte di abuso di dipendenza economica, i quali involgono problematiche non dissimili a quelle che si delineano per il divieto di abuso di posizione dominante. Poste tali basi, la ricerca è proseguita con la ricognizione dei rimedi civilistici esperibili contro gli abusi di posizione dominante. Anzitutto, è stato preso in considerazione il rimedio del risarcimento dei danni, partendo dall’individuazione della fonte della responsabilità dell’abutente e vagliando criticamente le diverse ipotesi proposte in dottrina, anche con riferimento alle recenti elaborazioni in tema di obblighi di protezione. È stata altresì vagliata l’ammissibilità di una visione unitaria degli illeciti in questione, quali fattispecie plurioffensive e indipendenti dalla qualifica formale del soggetto leso, sia esso imprenditore concorrente, distributore o intermediario – o meglio, in generale, imprenditore complementare – oppure consumatore. L’individuazione della disciplina applicabile alle azioni risarcitorie sembra comunque dipendere in ampia misura dalla risposta al quesito preliminare sulla natura – extracontrattuale, precontrattuale ovvero contrattuale – della responsabilità conseguente alla violazione del divieto. Pur non sembrando prospettabili soluzioni di carattere universale, sono apparsi meritevoli di approfondimento i seguenti profili: quanto all’individuazione dei soggetti legittimati, il problema della traslazione del danno, o passing-on; quanto al nesso causale, il criterio da utilizzare per il relativo accertamento, l’ammissibilità di prove presuntive e l’efficacia dei provvedimenti amministrativi sanzionatori; quanto all’elemento soggettivo, la possibilità di applicare analogicamente l’art. 2600 c.c. e gli aspetti collegati alla colpa per inosservanza di norme di condotta; quanto ai danni risarcibili, i criteri di accertamento e di prova del pregiudizio; infine, quanto al termine di prescrizione, la possibilità di qualificare il danno da illecito antitrust quale danno “lungolatente”, con le relative conseguenze sull’individuazione del dies a quo di decorrenza del termine prescrizionale. In secondo luogo, è stata esaminata la questione della sorte dei contratti posti in essere in violazione del divieto di abuso di posizione dominante. In particolare, ci si è interrogati sulla possibilità di configurare – in assenza di indicazioni normative – la nullità “virtuale” di detti contratti, anche a fronte della recente conferma giunta dalla Suprema Corte circa la distinzione tra regole di comportamento e regole di validità del contratto. È stata inoltre esaminata – e valutata in senso negativo – la possibilità di qualificare la nullità in parola quale nullità “di protezione”, con una ricognizione, per quanto sintetica, dei principali aspetti attinenti alla legittimazione ad agire, alla rilevabilità d’ufficio e all’estensione dell’invalidità. Sono poi state dedicate alcune considerazioni alla nota questione della sorte dei contratti posti “a valle” di condotte abusive, per i quali non sembra agevole configurare declaratorie di nullità, mentre appare prospettabile – e, anzi, preferibile – il ricorso alla tutela risarcitoria. Da ultimo, non si è trascurata la valutazione dell’esperibilità, avverso le condotte di abuso di posizione dominante, di azioni diverse da quelle di nullità e risarcimento, le sole espressamente contemplate dall’art. 33, secondo comma, della legge n. 287/1990. Segnatamente, l’attenzione si è concentrata sulla possibilità di imporre a carico dell’impresa in posizione dominante un obbligo a contrarre a condizioni eque e non discriminatorie. L’importanza del tema è attestata non solo dalla discordanza delle pronunce giurisprudenziali, peraltro numericamente scarse, ma anche dal vasto dibattito dottrinale da tempo sviluppatosi, che investe tuttora taluni aspetti salienti del diritto delle obbligazioni e della tutela apprestata dall’ordinamento alla libertà di iniziativa economica.
The removal of aromatic hydrocarbons from diesel has received considerable attention after environmental regulations that require petroleum reï¬ners to raise cetane number and to limit aromatics in diesel fuel in order to improve combustion efficiency and reduce particulate and NOx emissions. An alternative is blending with FischerâTropsch (FT) gas-to-liquid diesel fuel; however, this option may not be economically viable solution in case of extensive blend. Another alternative is to incorporate in the diesel pool a greater fraction of the so-called light cycle oil (LCO). Due to its high aromatics content and its low cetane number (typically between 20 and 30), the incorporation of LCO may have a negative impact on the quality of diesel. Current technologies for LCO improvement are based on hydrogenation to adjust both sulphur and cetane number but while an important fraction of the aromatics present in LCO can be saturated in a deep hydrogenation process, the cetane number may still be lower than the target values specified in diesel legislations, so further upgrading is needed. An interesting technology for improving the cetane number of diesels and maintaining meanwhile high diesel yields is achieved by combining a complete hydrogenation process with a selective ring opening (SRO) reaction of the naphthenic rings. The SRO can be defined as naphthene ring-opening to form compounds with high cetane number, but without any carbon losses. Controlling the interconversion of six- and five- membered rings via an acid-catalyzed ring-contraction step is also of great importance, since selective conversion of six-membered to five-membered naphthene rings greatly inï¬uences ring-opening rates and selectivity. High intrinsic activity may be enhanced by deposition of noble metals on acidic, high surface area supports, because it is possible to arrange close proximity of the metal and acid sites. Moreover, in large-pore supports, the diffusion resistance of liquid reactants into the pores is minimized. In addition to metal centres, the acid sites of support also plays role in aromatics hydrogenation. However, the functions of different kinds of acid sites (Brønsted vs. Lewis acidity), and their optimal concentrations and strengths, remain unclear. In the present study we investigated the upgrading of an aromatic-rich feedstock over different type of metal supported on mesoporous silica-alumina. The selective hydrogenolysis and ring opening of tetrahydronaphthalene (THN or tetralin) was carried out as representative of LCO fractions after deep hydrogenation process. In this regards the aim of this study is to evaluate both the effect of metals and that of the supports characterized by different acid distribution and strength, on conversion and selectivity. For this purpose a series of catalysts were prepared by impregnation. The catalysts were characterized and conversion tests of THN were performed in a lab-scale plant operating in the pressure range from 7.0-5.0 MPa and in the temperature range from 300 to 360°C.
Water distribution networks optimization is a challenging problem due to the dimension and the complexity of these systems. Since the last half of the twentieth century this field has been investigated by many authors. Recently, to overcome discrete nature of variables and non linearity of equations, the research has been focused on the development of heuristic algorithms. This algorithms do not require continuity and linearity of the problem functions because they are linked to an external hydraulic simulator that solve equations of mass continuity and of energy conservation of the network. In this work, a NSGA-II (Non-dominating Sorting Genetic Algorithm) has been used. This is a heuristic multi-objective genetic algorithm based on the analogy of evolution in nature. Starting from an initial random set of solutions, called population, it evolves them towards a front of solutions that minimize, separately and contemporaneously, all the objectives. This can be very useful in practical problems where multiple and discordant goals are common. Usually, one of the main drawback of these algorithms is related to time consuming: being a stochastic research, a lot of solutions must be analized before good ones are found. Results of this thesis about the classical optimal design problem shows that is possible to improve results modifying the mathematical definition of objective functions and the survival criterion, inserting good solutions created by a Cellular Automata and using rules created by classifier algorithm (C4.5). This part has been tested using the version of NSGA-II supplied by Centre for Water Systems (University of Exeter, UK) in MATLAB® environment. Even if orientating the research can constrain the algorithm with the risk of not finding the optimal set of solutions, it can greatly improve the results. Subsequently, thanks to CINECA help, a version of NSGA-II has been implemented in C language and parallelized: results about the global parallelization show the speed up, while results about the island parallelization show that communication among islands can improve the optimization. Finally, some tests about the optimization of pump scheduling have been carried out. In this case, good results are found for a small network, while the solutions of a big problem are affected by the lack of constraints on the number of pump switches. Possible future research is about the insertion of further constraints and the evolution guide. In the end, the optimization of water distribution systems is still far from a definitive solution, but the improvement in this field can be very useful in reducing the solutions cost of practical problems, where the high number of variables makes their management very difficult from human point of view.
The aim of the present study was to examine the association between milk protein polymorphism and fatty acids profiles of bovine milk. Milk samples were collected from each of 55 Reggiana cows during early, mid and late lactation, respectively, in two farms within the production area of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. Identification and quantification of fatty acids were performed by gas chromatography. Milk fatty acid composition using cows of differing κ-casein (κ-Cn) and β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) phenotypes was investigated. Statistically significant results regarding the associations between milk fatty acid composition and κ-Cn phenotype were found, in particular, κ-Cn BB seems to influence de novo fatty acid synthesis in the mammary gland. Also κ-Cn AB seems to have the same effect. Proportions of C10:0 (2,29a AA; 2,53b AB; 2,59b BB), C12:0 (2,77a AA; 3,17b AB; 3,20b BB) and C14:0 (9,22a AA; 10,25b AB; 10,27b BB) were higher in the milk from cows with κ-Cn phenotype AB and BB vs κ-Cn phenotype AA (p<0,05). Conversely C18:0 (7,84b AA; 7,20a,b AB; 6,94a BB) and C18:1 (19,19b AA; 16,81a AB; 16,79a BB) were lower in the milk from cows with κ-Cn phenotype AB and BB vs κ-Cn phenotype AA. The association between milk fatty acid composition and β-Lg phenotype was not statistically significant, except for some fatty acids. In particular, C12:0 (3,05a AA; 3,04a AB; 3,33b BB) was higher in the milk from cows with β-Lg phenotype BB vs β-Lg phenotype AA and AB (p<0,05). Concentrations of C18:0 (6,93a AA; 7,86b AB; 6,59a BB) and C18:1 (16,74a,b AA; 18,24b AB; 16,07a BB) were lower in the milk from cows with β-Lg phenotype AA and BB vs β-Lg phenotype AB (p<0,05). Moreover this research, carried out in farms within the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese district, analysed also the size distribution of fat globules in bulk milk of Reggiana and Frisona breed cows. In particular, the size distribution of individual milk fat globules of Reggiana cows with differing κ-Cn phenotypes was considered. From first observations, no statistically significant differences were observed.
Human biomonitoring (HBM) is an ideal tool for evaluating toxicant exposure in health risk assessment. Chemical substances or their metabolites related to environmental pollutants can be detected as biomarkers of exposure using a wide variety of biological fluids. Individual exposure to aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (benzene, toluene, and o-xylene –“BTX”) were analysed with a liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation-mass spectrometry (μHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous quantitative detection of the BTX exposure biomarker SPMA, SBMA and o-MBMA in human urine. Urinary S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA) is a biomarker proposed by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) for assessing occupational exposure to benzene (Biological Exposure Index of 25 microg/g creatinine). Urinary S-benzylmercapturic (SBMA) and o-methyl S-benzyl mercapturic acid (o-MBMA) are specific toluene and o-xylene metabolites of glutathione detoxicant pathways, proposed as reliable biomarkers of exposure. To this aim a pre-treatment of the urine with solid phase extraction (SPE) and an evaporation step were necessary to concentrate the mercapturic acids before instrumental analysis. A liquid chromatography separation was carried out with a reversed phase capillary column (Synergi 4u Max-RP) using a binary gradient composed of an acquous solution of formic acid 0.07% v/v and methanol. The mercapturic acids were determinated by negative-ion-mass spectrometry and the data were corrected using isotope-labelled analogs as internal standards. The analytical method follows U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidance and was applied to assess exposure to BTX in a group of 396 traffic wardens. The association between biomarker results and individual factors, such as age, sex and tobacco smoke were also investigated. The present work also included improvements in the methods used by modifying various chromatographic parameters and experimental procedures. A partial validation was conducted to evaluate LOD, precision, accuracy, recovery as well as matrix effects. Higher sensitivity will be possible in future biological monitoring programmes, allowing evaluation of very low level of BTX human exposure. Keywords: Human biomonitoring, aromatic hydrocarbons, biomarker of exposure, HPLC-MS/MS.
The sexual attraction is a complex emotional event, with somatic modifications, that like all the emotions, belongs to the psychic dimension and that, too much simply, can be led back, from a explicative point of view, to biological and psychical causes. The sexual attraction represents a personal experience, that is difficult to record, but of which every adult is able to delineate a correspondence with own âlivedâ. In the within of biological sciences, many experimental studies were been conducted with the aim to know which chemistries substances and cerebral zones are involved in front of a stimulus assessed like sexually attractive. Contrarily, there are little researches conducted in psychological field, aimed to the understanding the psychical factors, often unconscious, tinged to the subjective processes of sexual attraction: the sexual attraction remains an unexplored psychological event and unprovided of adapted instruments of assessment. The present thesis is oriented in primis to examine the existing scientific literature, in order to provide an exhaustive picture of the sexual attraction and to analyze the instruments of survey available for the empirical assessment of it. Secondly, the thesis is oriented to introduce two studies: the first study is aimed to adapt the Cuestionario de Atracción Sexual - CAS (Fernández ET to, 2006a; 2006b; 2006c) to the Italian language; the second study is aimed to assess the attitudes towards the sexual attraction in a sample of university students, in order to establish if some differences or association with some psychological dimensions (attachment stiles and alexithymia) exist.
This doctoral dissertation faces the debated topic of the traditions of Republicanism in the Modern Age assuming, as a point of view, the problem of the "mixed" government. The research therefore dwells upon the use of this model in Sixteenth-Century Italy, also in connection with the historical events of two standard Republics such as Florence and Venice. The work focuses on Donato Giannotti (1492-1573), Gasparo Contarini (1483-1542) and Paolo Paruta (1540-1598), as the main figures in order to reconstruct the debate on "mixed" constitution: in them, decisive in the attention paid to the peculiar structure of the Venetian Republic, the only of a certain dimension and power to survive after 1530. The research takes into account also the writings of Traiano Boccalini (1556-1613): he himself, though being involved in the same topics of debate, sets for some aspects his considerations in the framework of a new theme, that of Reason of State.
The thesis aims at inquiring into the issue of innovation and organizational and institutional change in the public administration with regard to the increasingly massive adoption of participatory devices and practices in various arenas of public policies. The field of reference regards transformations of the types of public actions and regulation systems, concerning governance. Together with the crisis of the public function and of the role played by the insitutions what is emerging are different levels of governement, both towards an over national and a local direction, and a plurality of social interlocutors, followed by a post-bureaucratic pattern of the public administration that is opening itself in the direction of environment and citizens. The public adminstration is no longer considered an inert object within the bureaucratic paradigm but as a series of communicative processes, choices, cultures and practices that actively builds itself and the environment it interacts with. Therefore, the output of the public administration isn’t the simple service being supplied but the relationship enacted with the citizen, relationship that becomes the constituent basis of adminstrative processes. The intention of thesis is to take into consideration the relation between innovation of the public administration and participatory experimentations and implementations regarded as exchanges in which citizens and the public administration hold talks and debates. The issue of the organizational change of the public administration as output and effect of inclusive deliberative practices has been analysed starting from an institutionalist approach, in other words examining the constituent features of institutions, “rediscovering” them with regard to their public nature, their ability to elaborate collective values and meanings, the social definition of problems and solutions. The participatory device employed by the Forlì city council that involved enterprises and cultural associations of the area in order to build a participatory Table, has been studied through a qualitative methodology (participant observation and semi-strutctured interviews). The analysis inquired into the public nature both of the participatory device and the administrative action itself as well as into elements pertaining the deliberative setting, the regulative reference framework and the actors which took part in the process.
The species of the genus Coenosia Meigen are polyphagous predators both in the larval and in the adult stage. In Europe five Coenosia species of the ‘tigrina group’ are naturally present in greenhouses, where they can establish for long periods. As their wide preys range includes important pests of protected crops, as Aleyrodidae, Sciaridae and Agromyzidae, Coenosia species are considered promising potential biological control agents. A method for rearing Coenosia species in vivo was developed for the first time in 1993 in Germany, where C. attenuata, C. strigipes and C. humilis were bred on Bradysia paupera (Diptera Sciaridae), reared on Fusarium spp. cultivated on wood fibre. Although this method was partially simplified afterwards, it is still too complex and expensive for a mass production. This research aimed at simplifying this rearing procedure and making it cheaper, in the perspective of an eventual mass production. Studies on potential preys were conducted, to determine their suitability for C. attenuata larvae and adults and to develop rearing methods. Biology and rearing methods of Bradysia paupera Tuomikoski, Scatella stagnalis Fallén and Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera: Sciaridae, Ephydridae, Drosophilidae) were compared. B. paupera resulted the most suitable prey for rearing C. attenuata in vivo. The Sciarid fly was effectively reared on damp coconut fibre with fresh Agaricus bisporus (J.E. Lange) Pilát, thus simplifying the existing method. After preliminary trials with different potential preys, attempts to rear C. attenuata in vivo on B. paupera and D. melanogaster were made. The best results were obtained with B. paupera, reared on coconut fibre and A. bisporus, but the method needs further improvement. Trials of in vitro rearing of C. attenuata were also made: as no specific diet for Coenosia species is reported in literature, different potentially suitable media were tested. Among these, a specific diet for Diptera Tachinidae resulted a good starting point for further studies and improvements. The biology of C. attenuata adults captured in greenhouses was also studied, by observing both groups and isolated individuals. Data on lifespan, daily number of preys per adult, daily number of laid eggs and hatching rate were recorded, and the effects of different foods on these parameters were analyzed. The following foods were compared: D. melanogaster adults only, as preys for C. attenuata; D. melanogaster adults and a water-honey solution; the water-honey solution only. Honey resulted an effective food integration for C. attenuata, increasing lifespan and the number of egg laying females. It is possible that in greenhouses Coenosia adults complete the preys diet with nectar and/or honeydew. Moreover, the integration with honey reduced the daily preys consumption. This may allow to prevent cannibalism among Coenosia adults in the rearing conditions, where high population densities are required. A survey of the Coenosia species naturally present in Lombardy greenhouses was conducted. The species C. attenuata, C. strigipes, C. tigrina and C. atra were detected. C. attenuata resulted the most common, recorded in most greenhouses and for consecutive years. Besides, the presence of potential preys, weeds and the crops were recorded in each greenhouse. Nevertheless, it is difficult to determine the relation between these parameters and the presence of Coenosia species.