44 resultados para OECT, transistor organici, PEDOT, bioelettronica
Lo scopo di questa tesi è stato la produzione di un elettrolizzatore ad ossidi solidi (SOEC) mediante tecniche economiche e facilmente industrializzabili. Fondamentale a questo scopo è stata la realizzazione di una semicella costituita da un anodo poroso a base di La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ (LSM-GDC) ed un elettrolita denso a base di Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ (GDC). Le tecniche utilizzate per la produzione di questo sistema sono state il colaggio su nastro e la serigrafia. Anche se generalmente, le celle SOEC vengono prodotte catodo supportate, in questo studio, l’elemento supportante scelto è stato l’anodo poiché questo garantisce una migliore stabilità meccanica all’intera cella. Tale substrato è stato ottenuto mediante colaggio su nastro accoppiato con un metodo innovativo di sinterizzazione denominato sinterizzazione reattiva, processo che prevede la formazione della fase di interesse durante un unico trattamento termico di eliminazione degli additivi organici e consolidamento del manufatto finale. La membrana elettrolitica per l’ottenimento del bilayer anodo-elettrolita, è stata prodotta mediante sia serigrafia che colaggio su nastro. L’accurato studio dell’evoluzione di fase della polvere anodica, l’ottimizzazione della sospensione per colaggio su nastro e dei trattamenti termici hanno permesso l’ottenimento di anodi (fino a dimensioni di 10x10 cm2). Lo studio dei profili di sinterizzazione delle polveri anodica ed elettrolitica e dell’influenza della tecnica di formatura sulla sinterabilità dei layer elettrolitici prodotti hanno inoltre permesso l’ottenimento di una semicella planare costituita da un elettrodo poroso ed una membrana elettrolitica densa adatte per applicazioni SOEC.
The needed of new intermediates/products for screening in the fields of drug discovery and material science is the driving force behind the development of new methodologies and technologies. Organic scaffolds are privileged targets for this scouting. Among them a priority place must be attributed to those including nitrogen functionalities in their scaffolds. It comes out that new methodologies, allowing the introduction of the nitrogen atom for the synthesis of an established target or for the curiosity driven researches, will always be welcome. The target of this PhD Thesis’ work is framed within this goal. Accordingly, Chapter 1 reports the preparation of new N-Heteroarylmethyl 3-carboxy-5-hydroxy piperidine scaffold, as potential and selective α-glucosidase inhibitors. The proposed reversible uncompetitive mechanism of inhibition makes them attractive as interesting candidate for drug development. Chapter 2 is more environmentally method-driven research. Eco-friendly studies on the synthesis of enantiomerically pure 1,4-dihydropyridines using “solid” ammonia (magnesium nitride) is reported via classical Hantzch method. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 may be targeted as the core of the Thesis’s research work. Chapter 3 reports the studies addressed to the synthesis of N-containing heterocycles by using N-trialkylsilylimine/hetero-Diels–Alder (HAD) approach. New eco-friendly methodology as MAOS (Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis) has been used as witness of our interest to a sustainable chemistry. Theoretical calculations were adopted to fully clarify the reaction mechanism. Chapter 4 is dedicated to picture the most recent studies performed on the application of N-Metallo-ketene imines (metallo= Si, Sn, Al), relatively new intermediates which are becoming very popular, in the preparation of highly functionalized N-containing derivatives, accordingly to the Thesis’ target. Derivatives obtained are designed in such a way that they could be of interest in the field of drug and new material chemistry.
Semiconductors technologies are rapidly evolving driven by the need for higher performance demanded by applications. Thanks to the numerous advantages that it offers, gallium nitride (GaN) is quickly becoming the technology of reference in the field of power amplification at high frequency. The RF power density of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs (High Electron Mobility Transistor) is an order of magnitude higher than the one of gallium arsenide (GaAs) transistors. The first demonstration of GaN devices dates back only to 1993. Although over the past few years some commercial products have started to be available, the development of a new technology is a long process. The technology of AlGaN/GaN HEMT is not yet fully mature, some issues related to dispersive phenomena and also to reliability are still present. Dispersive phenomena, also referred as long-term memory effects, have a detrimental impact on RF performances and are due both to the presence of traps in the device structure and to self-heating effects. A better understanding of these problems is needed to further improve the obtainable performances. Moreover, new models of devices that take into consideration these effects are necessary for accurate circuit designs. New characterization techniques are thus needed both to gain insight into these problems and improve the technology and to develop more accurate device models. This thesis presents the research conducted on the development of new charac- terization and modelling methodologies for GaN-based devices and on the use of this technology for high frequency power amplifier applications.
Recentemente, sempre più attenzione è stata rivolta all' utilizzo di coloranti organici come assorbitori di luce per la preparazione di strati fotoattivi in celle solari organiche (OPV). I coloranti organici presentano un'elevata abilità nella cattura della luce solare grazie all'elevato coefficiente di estinzione molare e buone proprietà fotofisiche. Per questi motivi sono eccellenti candidati per l'incremento della conversione fotoelettrica in OPV. In questa tesi viene descritta una nuova strategia per l'incorporazione di derivati porfirinici in catena laterale a copolimeri tiofenici. Gli studi svolti hanno dimostrato che poli(3-bromoesil)tiofene può essere variamente funzionalizzato con idrossitetrafenilporfirina (TPPOH), per l'ottenimento di copolimeri utilizzabili come materiali p-donatori nella realizzazione di OPV. I copolimeri poli[3-(6-bromoesil)tiofene-co-(3-[5-(4-fenossi)-10,15,20-trifenilporfirinil]esil tiofene] P[T6Br-co-T6TPP] contenenti differenti quantità di porfirina, sono stati sintetizzati sia con metodi non regiospecifici che regiospecifici, con lo scopo di confrontarene le proprietà e di verificare se la strutture macromolecolare che presenta una regiochimica di sostituzione sempre uguale, promuove o meno il trasporto della carica elettrica, migliorando di conseguenza l'efficienza. E' stato inoltre effettuato un ulteriore confronto tra questi derivati e derivati simili P[T6H-co-T6TPP] che non contengono l'atomo di bromo in catena laterale con lo scopo di verificare se l'assenza del gruppo reattivo, migliora o meno la stabilità termica e chimica dei film polimerici, agendo favorevolmete sulle performance dei dispositivi fotovoltaici. Tutti i copolimeri sono stati caratterizzati con differenti tecniche: spettroscopia NMR, FT-IR e UV-Vis, analisi termiche DSC e TGA, e GPC. Le celle solari Bulk Heterojunction, preparate utilizzando PCBM come materiale elettron-accettore e i copolimeri come materilai elettron-donatori, sono state testate utilizzando un multimetro Keithley e il Solar Simulator.
Organic printed electronics is attracting an ever-growing interest in the last decades because of its impressive breakthroughs concerning the chemical design of π-conjugated materials and their processing. This has an impact on novel applications, such as flexible-large-area displays, low- cost printable circuits, plastic solar cells and lab-on-a-chip devices. The organic field-effect transistor (OFET) relies on a thin film of organic semiconductor that bridges source and drain electrodes. Since its first discovery in the 80s, intensive research activities were deployed in order to control the chemico-physical properties of these electronic devices and consequently their charge. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are a versatile tool for tuning the properties of metallic, semi-conducting, and insulating surfaces. Within this context, OFETs represent reliable instruments for measuring the electrical properties of the SAMs in a Metal/SAM/OS junction. Our experimental approach, named Charge Injection Organic-Gauge (CIOG), uses OTFT in a charge-injection controlled regime. The CIOG sensitivity has been extensively demonstrated on different homologous self-assembling molecules that differ in either chain length or in anchor/terminal group. One of the latest applications of organic electronics is the so-called “bio-electronics” that makes use of electronic devices to encompass interests of the medical science, such as biosensors, biotransducers etc… As a result, thee second part of this thesis deals with the realization of an electronic transducer based on an Organic Field-Effect Transistor operating in aqueous media. Here, the conventional bottom gate/bottom contact configuration is replaced by top gate architecture with the electrolyte that ensures electrical contact between the top gold electrode and the semiconductor layer. This configuration is named Electrolyte-Gated Field-Effect Transistor (EGOFET). The functionalization of the top electrode is the sensing core of the device allowing the detection of dopamine as well as of protein biomarkers with ultra-low sensitivity.
Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di analizzare dapprima l’impatto ambientale di tali impianti e poi analizzare il contributo effettivo che oggi la tecnologia innovativa dei cicli Rankine organici può dare nella valorizzazione elettrica del calore di scarto di processi industriali, focalizzando l’obiettivo principalmente sulle turbine a gas ed eseguendo un caso di studio in un settore ancora poco esplorato da questa tecnologia, quello Oil&Gas. Dopo aver effettuato il censimento degli impianti a fonti fossili e rinnovabili, cogenerativi e non, presenti in Emilia-Romagna, è stato sviluppato un software chiamato MiniBref che permette di simulare il funzionamento di una qualsiasi centrale termoelettrica grazie alla possibilità di combinare la tecnologia dell’impianto con il tipo di combustibile consentendo la valutazione delle emissioni inquinanti ed i potenziali di inquinamento. Successivamente verranno illustrati gli ORC, partendo dalle caratteristiche impiantistiche e termodinamiche fino ad arrivare alla scelta del fluido organico, fondamentale per le performance del ciclo. Dopo aver effettuato una ricognizione dello stato dell’arte delle applicazioni industriali degli ORC nel recupero termico, verranno eseguite simulazioni numeriche per ricostruire gli ORC ed avere una panoramica il più completa ed attendibile delle prestazioni effettive di questi sistemi. In ultimo verranno illustrati i risultati di un caso di studio che vede l’adozione di recupero mediante ciclo organico in un’installazione esistente del settore Oil&Gas. Si effettuerà uno studio delle prestazione dell’impianto al variare delle pressioni massime e minime del ciclo ed al variare del fluido impiegato al fine di mostrare come questi parametri influenzino non solo le performance ma anche le caratteristiche impiantistiche da adottare. A conclusione del lavoro si riporteranno i risultati relativi all’analisi condotte considerando l’impianto ai carichi parziali ed in assetto cogenerativo.
The present thesis is focused on the study of Organic Semiconducting Single Crystals (OSSCs) and crystalline thin films. In particular solution-grown OSSC, e.g. 4-hdroxycyanobenzene (4HCB) have been characterized in view of their applications as novel sensors of X-rays, gamma-rays, alpha particles radiations and chemical sensors. In the field of ionizing radiation detection, organic semiconductors have been proposed so far mainly as indirect detectors, i.e. as scintillators or as photodiodes. I first study the performance of 4HCB single crystals as direct X-ray detector i.e. the direct photon conversion into an electrical signal, assessing that they can operate at room temperature and in atmosphere, showing a stable and linear response with increasing dose rate. A dedicated study of the collecting electrodes geometry, crystal thickness and interaction volume allowed us to maximize the charge collection efficiency and sensitivity, thus assessing how OSSCs perform at low operating voltages and offer a great potential in the development of novel ionizing radiation sensors. To better understand the processes generating the observed X-ray signal, a comparative study is presented on OSSCs based on several small-molecules: 1,5-dinitronaphthalene (DNN), 1,8-naphthaleneimide (NTI), Rubrene and TIPS-pentacene. In addition, the proof of principle of gamma-rays and alpha particles has been assessed for 4HCB single crystals. I have also carried out an investigation of the electrical response of OSSCs exposed to vapour of volatile molecules, polar and non-polar. The last chapter deals with rubrene, the highest performing molecular crystals for electronic applications. We present an investigation on high quality, millimeter-sized, crystalline thin films (10 – 100 nm thick) realized by exploiting organic molecular beam epitaxy on water-soluble substrates. Space-Charge-Limited Current (SCLC) and photocurrent spectroscopy measurements have been carried out. A thin film transistor was fabricated onto a Cytop® dielectric layer. The FET mobility exceeding 2 cm2/Vs, definitely assess the quality of RUB films.
Organic molecular semiconductors are subject of intense research for their crucial role as key components of new generation low cost, flexible, and large area electronic devices such as displays, thin-film transistors, solar cells, sensors and logic circuits. In particular, small molecular thienoimide (TI) based materials are emerging as novel multifunctional materials combining a good processability together to ambipolar or n-type charge transport and electroluminescence at the solid state, thus enabling the fabrication of integrated devices like organic field effect transistors (OFETs) and light emitting transistor (OLETs). Given this peculiar combination of characteristics, they also constitute the ideal substrates for fundamental studies on the structure-property relationships in multifunctional molecular systems. In this scenario, this thesis work is focused on the synthesis of new thienoimide based materials with tunable optical, packing, morphology, charge transport and electroluminescence properties by following a fine molecular tailoring, thus optimizing their performances in device as well as investigating and enabling new applications. Investigation on their structure-property relationships has been carried out and in particular, the effect of different π-conjugated cores (heterocycles, length) and alkyl end chain (shape, length) changes have been studied, obtaining materials with enhanced electron transport capability end electroluminescence suitable for the realization of OFETs and single layer OLETs. Moreover, control on the polymorphic behaviour characterizing thienoimide materials has been reached by synthetic and post-synthetic methodologies, developing multifunctional materials from a single polymorphic compound. Finally, with the aim of synthesizing highly pure materials, simplifying the purification steps and avoiding organometallic residues, procedures based on direct arylation reactions replacing conventional cross-couplings have been investigated and applied to different classes of molecules, bearing thienoimidic core or ends, as well as thiophene and anthracene derivatives, validating this approach as a clean alternative for the synthesis of several molecular materials.
Organic electronics is an emerging field with a vast number of applications having high potential for commercial success. Although an enormous progress has been made in this research area, many organic electronic applications such as organic opto-electronic devices, organic field effect transistors and organic bioelectronic devices still require further optimization to fulfill the requirements for successful commercialization. The main bottle neck that hinders large scale production of these devices is their performances and stability. The performance of the organic devices largely depends on the charge transport processes occurring at the interfaces of various material that it is composed of. As a result, the key ingredient needed for a successful improvement in the performance and stability of organic electronic devices is an in-depth knowledge of the interfacial interactions and the charge transport phenomena taking place at different interfaces. The aim of this thesis is to address the role of the various interfaces between different material in determining the charge transport properties of organic devices. In this framework, I chose an Organic Field Effect Transistor (OFET) as a model system to carry out this study as it An OFET offers various interfaces that can be investigated as it is made up of stacked layers of various material. In order to probe the intrinsic properties that governs the charge transport, we have to be able to carry out thorough investigation of the interactions taking place down at the accumulation layer thickness. However, since organic materials are highly instable in ambient conditions, it becomes quite impossible to investigate the intrinsic properties of the material without the influence of extrinsic factors like air, moisture and light. For this reason, I have employed a technique called the in situ real-time electrical characterization technique which enables electrical characterization of the OFET during the growth of the semiconductor.
This Ph.D. Thesis concerns the design and characterisation of functional electrochemical interfaces in organic electronic devices for bioelectronic applications. The Thesis is structured as follows: Chapter I – Technological context that has inspired the research, introduction to Organic Bioelectronics and literature review concerning Organic Electrochemical Transistors (OECTs) for sensing applications. Chapter II – Working principle of an all-polymeric OECT and operando microscopic characterization using scanning electrochemical techniques. Chapter III – Dopamine detection with all-polymeric OECT sensors. Development of a potentiodynamic approach to address selectivity issues in the presence of interfering species and design of a needle-type, sub-micrometric OECT sensor for spatially resolved detection of biological Dopamine concentrations. Chapter IV – Development of an OECT pH sensor. Characterization of the electrochemical transducer and functionalization of the OECT gate electrode with the sensing material. Potentiodynamic and potentiostatic operation modalities are explored and the sensing performances are assessed in both cases. The final device is realized on a flexible substrate and tested in Artificial Sweat. Chapter V – Study of two-terminal, electrochemically gated sensors inspired by the OECT configuration. Design and characterization of novel functional materials showing a potentiometric transduction of the chemical signal that can be exploited in the realization of electrochemical sensors with simplified geometry for wearable applications. Chapter VI – Conclusion.
Wearable electronic textiles are an emerging research field playing a pivotal role among several different technological areas such as sensing, communication, clothing, health monitoring, information technology, and microsystems. The possibility to realise a fully-textile platform, endowed with various sensors directly realised with textile fibres and fabric, represents a new challenge for the entire research community. Among several high-performing materials, the intrinsically conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT), doped with poly(styrenesulfonic acid) (PSS), or PEDOT:PSS, is one of the most representative and utilised, having an excellent chemical and thermal stability, as well as reversible doping state and high conductivity. This work relies on PEDOT:PSS combined with sensible materials to design, realise, and develop textile chemical and physical sensors. In particular, chloride concentration and pH level sensors in human sweat for continuous monitoring of the wearer's hydration status and stress level are reported. Additionally, a prototype smart bandage detecting the moisture level and pH value of a bed wound to allow the remote monitoring of the healing process of severe and chronic wounds is described. Physical sensors used to monitor the pressure distribution for rehabilitation, workplace safety, or sport tracking are also presented together with a novel fully-textile device able to measure the incident X-ray dose for medical or security applications where thin, comfortable, and flexible features are essential. Finally, a proof-of-concept for an organic-inorganic textile thermoelectric generator that harvests energy directly from body heat has been proposed. Though further efforts must be dedicated to overcome issues such as durability, washability, power consumption, and large-scale production, the novel, versatile, and widely encompassing area of electronic textiles is a promising protagonist in the upcoming technological revolution.
The growing market of electrical cars, portable electronics, photovoltaic systems..etc. requires the development of efficient, low-cost, and low environmental impact energy storage devices (ESDs) including batteries and supercapacitors.. Due to their extended charge-discharge cycle, high specific capacitance, and power capabilities supercapacitors are considered among the most attractive ESDs. Over the last decade, research and development in supercapacitor technology have accelerated: thousands of articles have been published in the literature describing the electrochemical properties of the electrode materials and electrolyte in addition to separators and current collectors. Carbon-based supercapacitor electrodes materials have gained increasing attention due to their high specific surface area, good electrical conductivity, and excellent stability in harsh environments, as well as other characteristics. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in activated carbon derived from low-cost abundant sources such as biomass for supercapacitor electrode materials. Also, particular attention was given to a major challenging issue concerning the substitution of organic solutions currently used as electrolytes due to their highest electrochemical stability window even though their high cost, toxicity, and flammability. In this regard, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the performances of supercapacitors using low cost abundant safe, and low environmental impact materials for electrodes and electrolytes. Several prototypes were constructed and tested using natural resources through optimization of the preparation of appropriate carbon electrodes using agriculture by-products waste or coal (i.e. Argan shell or Anthracite from Jerrada). Such electrodes were tested using several electrolyte formulations (aqueous and water in salt electrolytes) beneficing their non-flammability, lower cost, and environmental impact; the characteristics that provide a promising opportunity to design safer, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly devices compared to organic electrolytes.
Interfacing materials with different intrinsic chemical-physical characteristics allows for the generation of a new system with multifunctional features. Here, this original concept is implemented for tailoring the functional properties of bi-dimensional black phosphorus (2D bP or phosphorene) and organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs). Phosphorene is highly reactive under atmospheric conditions and its small-area/lab-scale deposition techniques have hampered the introduction of this material in real-world applications so far. The protection of 2D bP against the oxygen by means of functionalization with alkane molecules and pyrene derivatives, showed long-term stability with respect to the bare 2D bP by avoiding remarkable oxidation up to 6 months, paving the way towards ultra-sensitive oxygen chemo-sensors. A new approach of deposition-precipitation heterogeneous reaction was developed to decorate 2D bP with Au nanoparticles (NP)s, obtaining a “stabilizer-free” that may broaden the possible applications of the 2D bP/Au NPs interface in catalysis and biodiagnostics. Finally, 2D bP was deposited by electrospray technique, obtaining oxidized-phosphorous flakes as wide as hundreds of µm2 and providing for the first time a phosphorous-based bidimensional system responsive to electromechanical stimuli. The second part of the thesis focuses on the study of organic heterostructures in ambipolar OLET devices, intriguing optoelectronic devices that couple the micro-scaled light-emission with electrical switching. Initially, an ambipolar single-layer OLET based on a multifunctional organic semiconductor, is presented. The bias-depending light-emission shifted within the transistor channel, as expected in well-balanced ambipolar OLETs. However, the emitted optical power of the single layer-based device was unsatisfactory. To improve optoelectronic performance of the device, a multilayer organic architecture based on hole-transporting semiconductor, emissive donor-acceptor blend and electron-transporting semiconductor was optimized. We showed that the introduction of a suitable electron-injecting layer at the interface between the electron-transporting and light-emission layers may enable a ≈ 2× improvement of efficiency at reduced applied bias.
This thesis focuses on two main topics: photoresponsive azobenzene-based polymers and supramolecular systems generated by the self-assembly of lipophilic guanosines. In the first chapters describe innovative photoresponsive devices and materials capable of performing multiple roles in the field of soft robotics and energy conversion. Chapter 2 describes a device obtained by coupling a photoresponsive liquid-crystalline network and a piezoelectric polymer to convert visible light into electricity. Chapter 3 deals with a material that can assume different shapes when triggered by three different stimuli in different environments. Chapter 4 reports a highly performing artificial muscle that contracts when irradiated. The last two chapters report on supramolecular structures generated from functionalized guanosines dissolved in organic solvents. Chapter 6 illustrates the self-assembly into G-quadruplexes of 8- and 5’-functionalized guanosines in the absence of templating ions. Chapter 7 describes the supramolecular structure generated by the assembly of a lipophilic guanosine in the presence of silver cations. Chapter 6 is reproduced from an already published paper, while the other chapters are going to be submitted to different journals in a couple of months.