39 resultados para LHC,CMS,Big Data
In this thesis the analysis to reconstruct the transverse momentum p_{t} spectra for pions, kaons and protons identified with the TOF detector of the ALICE experiment in pp Minimum Bias collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV was reported.
After a detailed description of all the parameters which influence the TOF PID performance (time resolution, calibration, alignment, matching efficiency, time-zero of the event) the method used to identify the particles, the unfolding procedure, was discussed. With this method, thanks also to the excellent TOF performance, the pion and kaon spectra can be reconstructed in the 0.5
One of the main targets of the CMS experiment is to search for the Standard Model Higgs boson. The 4-lepton channel (from the Higgs decay h->ZZ->4l, l = e,mu) is one of the most promising. The analysis is based on the identification of two opposite-sign, same-flavor lepton pairs: leptons are required to be isolated and to come from the same primary vertex. The Higgs would be statistically revealed by the presence of a resonance peak in the 4-lepton invariant mass distribution. The 4-lepton analysis at CMS is presented, spanning on its most important aspects: lepton identification, variables of isolation, impact parameter, kinematics, event selection, background control and statistical analysis of results. The search leads to an evidence for a signal presence with a statistical significance of more than four standard deviations. The excess of data, with respect to the background-only predictions, indicates the presence of a new boson, with a mass of about 126 GeV/c2 , decaying to two Z bosons, whose characteristics are compatible with the SM Higgs ones.
In this thesis three measurements of top-antitop differential cross section at an energy in the center of mass of 7 TeV will be shown, as a function of the transverse momentum, the mass and the rapidity of the top-antitop system. The analysis has been carried over a data sample of about 5/fb recorded with the ATLAS detector. The events have been selected with a cut based approach in the "one lepton plus jets" channel, where the lepton can be either an electron or a muon. The most relevant backgrounds (multi-jet QCD and W+jets) have been extracted using data driven methods; the others (Z+ jets, diboson and single top) have been simulated with Monte Carlo techniques. The final, background-subtracted, distributions have been corrected, using unfolding methods, for the detector and selection effects. At the end, the results have been compared with the theoretical predictions. The measurements are dominated by the systematic uncertainties and show no relevant deviation from the Standard Model predictions.
The analysis of the K(892)*0 resonance production in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC is presented. The analysis is motivated by the interest in the measurement of short-lived resonances production that can provide insights on the properties of the medium produced in heavy-ion collisions both during its partonic (Quark-Gluon Plasma) and hadronic phase. This particular analysis exploits particle identification of the ALICE Time-Of-Flight detector. The ALICE experiment is presented, with focus on the performance of the Time-Of-Flight system. The aspects of calibration and data quality controls are discussed in detail, while illustrating the excellent and very stable performance of the system in different collision environments at the LHC. A full analysis of the K*0 resonance production is presented: from the resonance reconstruction to the determination of the efficiency and the systematic uncertainty. The results show that the analysis strategy discussed is a valid tool to measure the K∗0 up to intermediate momenta. Preliminary results on K*0 resonance production at the LHC are presented and confirmed to be a powerful tool to study the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
The discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation in 1965 is one of the fundamental milestones supporting the Big Bang theory. The CMB is one of the most important source of information in cosmology. The excellent accuracy of the recent CMB data of WMAP and Planck satellites confirmed the validity of the standard cosmological model and set a new challenge for the data analysis processes and their interpretation. In this thesis we deal with several aspects and useful tools of the data analysis. We focus on their optimization in order to have a complete exploitation of the Planck data and contribute to the final published results. The issues investigated are: the change of coordinates of CMB maps using the HEALPix package, the problem of the aliasing effect in the generation of low resolution maps, the comparison of the Angular Power Spectrum (APS) extraction performances of the optimal QML method, implemented in the code called BolPol, and the pseudo-Cl method, implemented in Cromaster. The QML method has been then applied to the Planck data at large angular scales to extract the CMB APS. The same method has been applied also to analyze the TT parity and the Low Variance anomalies in the Planck maps, showing a consistent deviation from the standard cosmological model, the possible origins for this results have been discussed. The Cromaster code instead has been applied to the 408 MHz and 1.42 GHz surveys focusing on the analysis of the APS of selected regions of the synchrotron emission. The new generation of CMB experiments will be dedicated to polarization measurements, for which are necessary high accuracy devices for separating the polarizations. Here a new technology, called Photonic Crystals, is exploited to develop a new polarization splitter device and its performances are compared to the devices used nowadays.
The availability of a huge amount of source code from code archives and open-source projects opens up the possibility to merge machine learning, programming languages, and software engineering research fields. This area is often referred to as Big Code where programming languages are treated instead of natural languages while different features and patterns of code can be exploited to perform many useful tasks and build supportive tools. Among all the possible applications which can be developed within the area of Big Code, the work presented in this research thesis mainly focuses on two particular tasks: the Programming Language Identification (PLI) and the Software Defect Prediction (SDP) for source codes. Programming language identification is commonly needed in program comprehension and it is usually performed directly by developers. However, when it comes at big scales, such as in widely used archives (GitHub, Software Heritage), automation of this task is desirable. To accomplish this aim, the problem is analyzed from different points of view (text and image-based learning approaches) and different models are created paying particular attention to their scalability. Software defect prediction is a fundamental step in software development for improving quality and assuring the reliability of software products. In the past, defects were searched by manual inspection or using automatic static and dynamic analyzers. Now, the automation of this task can be tackled using learning approaches that can speed up and improve related procedures. Here, two models have been built and analyzed to detect some of the commonest bugs and errors at different code granularity levels (file and method levels). Exploited data and models’ architectures are analyzed and described in detail. Quantitative and qualitative results are reported for both PLI and SDP tasks while differences and similarities concerning other related works are discussed.
With the CERN LHC program underway, there has been an acceleration of data growth in the High Energy Physics (HEP) field and the usage of Machine Learning (ML) in HEP will be critical during the HL-LHC program when the data that will be produced will reach the exascale. ML techniques have been successfully used in many areas of HEP nevertheless, the development of a ML project and its implementation for production use is a highly time-consuming task and requires specific skills. Complicating this scenario is the fact that HEP data is stored in ROOT data format, which is mostly unknown outside of the HEP community. The work presented in this thesis is focused on the development of a ML as a Service (MLaaS) solution for HEP, aiming to provide a cloud service that allows HEP users to run ML pipelines via HTTP calls. These pipelines are executed by using the MLaaS4HEP framework, which allows reading data, processing data, and training ML models directly using ROOT files of arbitrary size from local or distributed data sources. Such a solution provides HEP users non-expert in ML with a tool that allows them to apply ML techniques in their analyses in a streamlined manner. Over the years the MLaaS4HEP framework has been developed, validated, and tested and new features have been added. A first MLaaS solution has been developed by automatizing the deployment of a platform equipped with the MLaaS4HEP framework. Then, a service with APIs has been developed, so that a user after being authenticated and authorized can submit MLaaS4HEP workflows producing trained ML models ready for the inference phase. A working prototype of this service is currently running on a virtual machine of INFN-Cloud and is compliant to be added to the INFN Cloud portfolio of services.
In this thesis, a search for same-sign top quark pairs produced according to the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) is presented. The analysis is carried out within the ATLAS Collaboration using collision data at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, collected by the ATLAS detector during the Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $140$ fb$^{-1}$. Three SMEFT operators are considered in the analysis, namely $\mathcal{O}_{RR}$, $\mathcal{O}_{LR}^{(1)}$, and $\mathcal{O}_{LR}^{(8)}$. The signal associated to same-sign top pairs is searched in the dilepton channel, with the top quarks decaying via $t \longrightarrow W^+ b \longrightarrow \ell^+ \nu b$, leading to a final state signature composed of a pair of high-transverse momentum same-sign leptons and $b$-jets. Deep Neural Networks are employed in the analysis to enhance sensitivity to the different SMEFT operators and to perform signal-background discrimination. This is the first result of the ATLAS Collaboration concerning the search for same-sign top quark pairs production in proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, in the framework of the SMEFT.
The enhanced production of strange hadrons in heavy-ion collisions relative to that in minimum-bias pp collisions is historically considered one of the first signatures of the formation of a deconfined quark-gluon plasma. At the LHC, the ALICE experiment observed that the ratio of strange to non-strange hadron yields increases with the charged-particle multiplicity at midrapidity, starting from pp collisions and evolving smoothly across interaction systems and energies, ultimately reaching Pb-Pb collisions. The understanding of the origin of this effect in small systems remains an open question. This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the production of $K^{0}_{S}$, $\Lambda$ ($\bar{\Lambda}$) and $\Xi^{-}$ ($\bar{\Xi}^{+}$) strange hadrons in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV collected in LHC Run 2 with ALICE. A novel approach is exploited, introducing, for the first time, the concept of effective energy in the study of strangeness production in hadronic collisions at the LHC. In this work, the ALICE Zero Degree Calorimeters are used to measure the energy carried by forward emitted baryons in pp collisions, which reduces the effective energy available for particle production with respect to the nominal centre-of-mass energy. The results presented in this thesis provide new insights into the interplay, for strangeness production, between the initial stages of the collision and the produced final hadronic state. Finally, the first Run 3 results on the production of $\Omega^{\pm}$ ($\bar{\Omega}^{+}$) multi-strange baryons are presented, measured in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13.6 TeV and 900 GeV, the highest and lowest collision energies reached so far at the LHC. This thesis also presents the development and validation of the ALICE Time-Of-Flight (TOF) data quality monitoring system for LHC Run 3. This work was fundamental to assess the performance of the TOF detector during the commissioning phase, in the Long Shutdown 2, and during the data taking period.