27 resultados para top-down approach
L’attuale rilevanza rappresentata dalla stretta relazione tra cambiamenti climatici e influenza antropogenica ha da tempo posto l’attenzione sull’effetto serra e sul surriscaldamento planetario così come sull’aumento delle concentrazioni atmosferiche dei gas climaticamente attivi, in primo luogo la CO2. Il radiocarbonio è attualmente il tracciante ambientale per eccellenza in grado di fornire mediante un approccio “top-down” un valido strumento di controllo per discriminare e quantificare il diossido di carbonio presente in atmosfera di provenienza fossile o biogenica. Ecco allora che ai settori applicativi tradizionali del 14C, quali le datazioni archeometriche, si affiancano nuovi ambiti legati da un lato al settore energetico per quanto riguarda le problematiche associate alle emissioni di impianti, ai combustibili, allo stoccaggio geologico della CO2, dall’altro al mercato in forte crescita dei cosiddetti prodotti biobased costituiti da materie prime rinnovabili. Nell’ambito del presente lavoro di tesi è stato quindi esplorato il mondo del radiocarbonio sia dal punto di vista strettamente tecnico e metodologico che dal punto di vista applicativo relativamente ai molteplici e diversificati campi d’indagine. E’ stato realizzato e validato un impianto di analisi basato sul metodo radiometrico mediante assorbimento diretto della CO2 ed analisi in scintillazione liquida apportando miglioramenti tecnologici ed accorgimenti procedurali volti a migliorare le performance del metodo in termini di semplicità, sensibilità e riproducibilità. Il metodo, pur rappresentando generalmente un buon compromesso rispetto alle metodologie tradizionalmente usate per l’analisi del 14C, risulta allo stato attuale ancora inadeguato a quei settori applicativi laddove è richiesta una precisione molto puntuale, ma competitivo per l’analisi di campioni moderni ad elevata concentrazione di 14C. La sperimentazione condotta su alcuni liquidi ionici, seppur preliminare e non conclusiva, apre infine nuove linee di ricerca sulla possibilità di utilizzare questa nuova classe di composti come mezzi per la cattura della CO2 e l’analisi del 14C in LSC.
Chitin is the second most abundant biopolymer on Earth and the most diffused across the known species, being present in more than 70 % of them. It is present in a huge variety of different structures and morphologies being a massive pool of information for new material science approach. This thesis aims to study chitin at different level of organization using diverse approaches. Three main topics are discussed in this manuscript. The first is the use of a bottom-up approach to study chitin nanofibrils self-assembly in water triggering the assembly by pH increment. Successively, the assembly was studied in presence of another pH responsive biomacromolecule, the collagen, to get new composite materials and study how the assembly and the chitin/collagen ratio influence fibroblast’s viability. The second topic focuses on biogenic organized chitin-based matrices, in both Ariolimax californicus and Loligo vulgaris. This study aims to understand the features that give raise to the properties of those matrices. Finally, in the last section a top-up approach was used to exploit natural hierarchically organized chitinous matrices to obtain organized functional materials introducing a catechol on the free amino group of deacetylated chitin (DA 77 %). In conclusion, this study of chitin at different level of organization emphasized different novelties depending on the organization level studied. Moreover, this thesis gives many possibilities for future bioinspired routes to get highly organized materials, or for highly organized functional materials based on natural chitin-based matrices.
Salient stimuli, like sudden changes in the environment or emotional stimuli, generate a priority signal that captures attention even if they are task-irrelevant. However, to achieve goal-driven behavior, we need to ignore them and to avoid being distracted. It is generally agreed that top-down factors can help us to filter out distractors. A fundamental question is how and at which stage of processing the rejection of distractors is achieved. Two circumstances under which the allocation of attention to distractors is supposed to be prevented are represented by the case in which distractors occur at an unattended location (as determined by the deployment of endogenous spatial attention) and when the amount of visual working memory resources is reduced by an ongoing task. The present thesis is focused on the impact of these factors on three sources of distraction, namely auditory and visual onsets (Experiments 1 and 2, respectively) and pleasant scenes (Experiment 3). In the first two studies we recorded neural correlates of distractor processing (i.e., Event-Related Potentials), whereas in the last study we used interference effects on behavior (i.e., a slowing down of response times on a simultaneous task) to index distraction. Endogenous spatial attention reduced distraction by auditory stimuli and eliminated distraction by visual onsets. Differently, visual working memory load only affected the processing of visual onsets. Emotional interference persisted even when scenes occurred always at unattended locations and when visual working memory was loaded. Altogether, these findings indicate that the ability to detect the location of salient task-irrelevant sounds and identify the affective significance of natural scenes is preserved even when the amount of visual working memory resources is reduced by an ongoing task and when endogenous attention is elsewhere directed. However, these results also indicate that the processing of auditory and visual distractors is not entirely automatic.
The topics I came across during the period I spent as a Ph.D. student are mainly two. The first concerns new organocatalytic protocols for Mannich-type reactions mediated by Cinchona alkaloids derivatives (Scheme I, left); the second topic, instead, regards the study of a new approach towards the enantioselective total synthesis of Aspirochlorine, a potent gliotoxin that recent studies indicate as a highly selective and active agent against fungi (Scheme I, right). At the beginning of 2005 I had the chance to join the group of Prof. Alfredo Ricci at the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Bologna, starting my PhD studies. During the first period I started to study a new homogeneous organocatalytic aza-Henry reaction by means of Cinchona alkaloid derivatives as chiral base catalysts with good results. Soon after we introduced a new protocol which allowed the in situ synthesis of N-carbamoyl imines, scarcely stable, moisture sensitive compounds. For this purpose we used α-amido sulfones, bench stable white crystalline solids, as imine precursors (Scheme II). In particular we were able to obtain the aza-Henry adducts, by using chiral phase transfer catalysis, with a broad range of substituents as R-group and excellent results, unprecedented for Mannich-type transformations (Scheme II). With the optimised protocol in hand we have extended the methodology to the other Mannich-type reactions. We applied the new method to the Mannich, Strecker and Pudovik (hydrophosphonylation of imines) reactions with very good results in terms of enantioselections and yields, broadening the usefulness of this novel protocol. The Mannich reaction was certainly the most extensively studied work in this thesis (Scheme III). Initially we developed the reaction with α-amido sulfones as imine precursors and non-commercially available malonates with excellent results in terms of yields and enantioselections.3 In this particular case we recorded 1 mol% of catalyst loading, very low for organocatalytic processes. Then we thought to develop a new Mannich reaction by using simpler malonates, such as dimethyl malonate.4 With new optimised condition the reaction provided slightly lower enantioselections than the previous protocol, but the Mannich adducts were very versatile for the obtainment of β3-amino acids. Furthermore we performed the first addition of cyclic β-ketoester to α-amido sulfones obtaining the corresponding products in good yield with high level of diastereomeric and enantiomeric excess (Scheme III). Further studies were done about the Strecker reaction mediated by Cinchona alkaloid phase-transfer quaternary ammonium salt derivatives, using acetone cyanohydrin, a relatively harmless cyanide source (Scheme IV). The reaction proceeded very well providing the corresponding α-amino nitriles in good yields and enantiomeric excesses. Finally, we developed two new complementary methodologies for the hydrophosphonylation of imines (Scheme V). As a result of the low stability of the products derived from aromatic imines, we performed the reactions in mild homogeneous basic condition by using quinine as a chiral base catalyst giving the α-aryl-α-amido phosphonic acid esters as products (Scheme V, top).6 On the other hand, we performed the addition of dialkyl phosphite to aliphatic imines by using chiral Cinchona alkaloid phase transfer quaternary ammonium salt derivatives using our methodology based on α-amido sulfones (Scheme V, bottom). The results were good for both procedures covering a broad range of α-amino phosphonic acid ester. During the second year Ph.D. studies, I spent six months in the group of Prof. Steven V. Ley, at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Cambridge, in United Kingdom. During this fruitful period I have been involved in a project concerning the enantioselective synthesis of Aspirochlorine. We provided a new route for the synthesis of a key intermediate, reducing the number of steps and increasing the overall yield. Then we introduced a new enantioselective spirocyclisation for the synthesis of a chiral building block for the completion of the synthesis (Scheme VI).
The possibility of combining different functionalities in a single device is of great relevance for further development of organic electronics in integrated components and circuitry. Organic light-emitting transistors (OLETs) have been demonstrated to be able to combine in a single device the electrical switching functionality of a field-effect transistor and the capability of light generation. A novel strategy in OLET realization is the tri-layer vertical hetero-junction. This configuration is similar to the bi-layer except for the presence of a new middle layer between the two transport layers. This “recombination” layer presents high emission quantum efficiency and OLED-like (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) vertical bulk mobility value. The key idea of the vertical tri-layer hetero-junction approach in realizing OLETs is that each layer has to be optimized according to its specific function (charge transport, energy transfer, radiative exciton recombination). Clearly, matching the overall device characteristics with the functional properties of the single materials composing the active region of the OFET, is a great challenge that requires a deep investigation of the morphological, optical and electrical features of the system. As in the case of the bi-layer based OLETs, it is clear that the interfaces between the dielectric and the bottom transport layer and between the recombination and the top transport layer are crucial for guaranteeing good ambipolar field-effect electrical characteristics. Moreover interfaces between the bottom transport and the recombination layer and between the recombination and the top transport layer should provide the favourable conditions for the charge percolation to happen in the recombination layer and form excitons. Organic light emitting transistor based on the tri-layer approach with external quantum efficiency out-performing the OLED state of the art has been recently demonstrated [Capelli et al., Nat. Mater. 9 (2010) 496-503] widening the scientific and technological interest in this field of research.
This thesis presents a new approach for the design and fabrication of bond wire magnetics for power converter applications by using standard IC gold bonding wires and micro-machined magnetic cores. It shows a systematic design and characterization study for bond wire transformers with toroidal and race-track cores for both PCB and silicon substrates. Measurement results show that the use of ferrite cores increases the secondary self-inductance up to 315 µH with a Q-factor up to 24.5 at 100 kHz. Measurement results on LTCC core report an enhancement of the secondary self-inductance up to 23 µH with a Q-factor up to 10.5 at 1.4 MHz. A resonant DC-DC converter is designed in 0.32 µm BCD6s technology at STMicroelectronics with a depletion nmosfet and a bond wire micro-transformer for EH applications. Measures report that the circuit begins to oscillate from a TEG voltage of 280 mV while starts to convert from an input down to 330 mV to a rectified output of 0.8 V at an input of 400 mV. Bond wire magnetics is a cost-effective approach that enables a flexible design of inductors and transformers with high inductance and high turns ratio. Additionally, it supports the development of magnetics on top of the IC active circuitry for package and wafer level integrations, thus enabling the design of high density power components. This makes possible the evolution of PwrSiP and PwrSoC with reliable highly efficient magnetics.
E2F-1 is a transcription factor that plays a key role in cell-cycle control at G1/S check-point level by regulating the timely expression of many target genes whose products are required for S phase entry and progression. In mammalian cells, E2F-1 is negatively regulated by hypo-phosphorylated Retinoblastoma protein (pRb) whereas it is protected against degradation by its binding to Mouse Double Minute 2 protein (MDM2). In this study we experimented a drug combination in order to obtain a strong down-regulation of E2F-1 by acting on two different mechanisms of E2F-1 regulation mentioned above. This was achieved by combining drugs inhibiting the phosphorylation of pRb with drugs inactivating the MDM2 binding capability. The mechanism of action of these drugs in down-regulating E2F-1 level and activity is p53 independent. As expected, when combined, these drugs strongly inhibits E2F-1 and hinder cell proliferation in p53-/- and p53-mutated cells by blocking them in G1 phase of cell cycle, suggesting that E2F-1 down-regulation may represent a valid chemotherapeutic approach to inhibit proliferation in tumors independently of p53 status.
The aging process is characterized by the progressive fitness decline experienced at all the levels of physiological organization, from single molecules up to the whole organism. Studies confirmed inflammaging, a chronic low-level inflammation, as a deeply intertwined partner of the aging process, which may provide the “common soil” upon which age-related diseases develop and flourish. Thus, albeit inflammation per se represents a physiological process, it can rapidly become detrimental if it goes out of control causing an excess of local and systemic inflammatory response, a striking risk factor for the elderly population. Developing interventions to counteract the establishment of this state is thus a top priority. Diet, among other factors, represents a good candidate to regulate inflammation. Building on top of this consideration, the EU project NU-AGE is now trying to assess if a Mediterranean diet, fortified for the elderly population needs, may help in modulating inflammaging. To do so, NU-AGE enrolled a total of 1250 subjects, half of which followed a 1-year long diet, and characterized them by mean of the most advanced –omics and non –omics analyses. The aim of this thesis was the development of a solid data management pipeline able to efficiently cope with the results of these assays, which are now flowing inside a centralized database, ready to be used to test the most disparate scientific hypotheses. At the same time, the work hereby described encompasses the data analysis of the GEHA project, which was focused on identifying the genetic determinants of longevity, with a particular focus on developing and applying a method for detecting epistatic interactions in human mtDNA. Eventually, in an effort to propel the adoption of NGS technologies in everyday pipeline, we developed a NGS variant calling pipeline devoted to solve all the sequencing-related issues of the mtDNA.
Neuroblastoma (NB) is the deadliest cancer in early childhood. Around 25% of patients pre- sent MYCN-amplification (MNA) which is linked to poor prognosis, metastasis, and therapy- resistance. While retinoic acid (RA) is beneficial only for some NB patients, the cause of its resistance is still unknown. Thus, there remains a need for new therapies to treat NB. I show that MYCN-specific inhibition by the antigene oligonucleotide BGA002 in combination with 13-cis RA (BGA002-RA) overcome resistance in MNA-NB cell lines, leading to potent MYCN mRNA expression and protein decrease. Moreover, BGA002-RA reactivated neuron differentiation or led to apoptosis in MNA-NB cell lines, and inhibited invasiveness capacity. Since NB and PI3K/mTOR pathway are strictly related MYCN down-regulation by BGA002 led to mTOR pathway inhibition in MNA-NB, that was strengthened by BGA002-RA. I further analyzed if MYCN silencing may induce autophagy reactivation, and indeed BGA002-RA caused a massive increase in lysosomes and macrovacuoles in MNA-NB cells. In addition, while MYCN is known to induce angiogenesis, BGA002-RA in vivo treatment elim- inated the tumor vascularization in a MNA-NB mice model, and significantly increased the survival. Overall, these results indicate that MYCN modulation mediates the therapeutic efficacy of RA and the development of RA resistance in MNA-NB. Furthermore, by targeting MYCN, we show a cancer-specific way of mTOR pathway inhibition only in MNA-NB, avoiding side effects of targeting mTOR in normal cells. These findings warrant clinical testing of BGA002-RA as a potential strategy to overcome RA resistance in MNA-NB.
Synthetic chemists constantly strive to develop new methodologies to access complex molecules more sustainably. The recently developed photocatalytic approach results in a valid and greener alternative to the classical synthetic methods. Here we present three protocols to furnish five-membered rings exploiting photoredox catalysis. We firstly obtained 4,5-dihydrofurans (4,5-DHFs) from readily available olefins and α-haloketones employing fac-Ir(ppy)3 as a photocatalyst under blue-light irradiation (Figure 1, top). This transformation resulted very broad in scope, thanks to its mild conditions and the avoidance of stoichiometric amounts of oxidants or reductants. Moreover, similar conditions could lead to β,γ-unsaturated ketones, or highly substituted tetrahydrofurans (THFs) by carefully differentiating the substitution pattern on the starting materials and properly adjusting the reaction parameters. We then turned our attention to the reactivity of allenamides employing analogous photocatalytic conditions to access 2-aminofurans (Figure 1, bottom). α-Haloketones again provided the radical generated by fac-Ir(ppy)3 under visible-light irradiation, which added to the π-system and furnished the cyclic molecule. The addition of a second molecule of the α-haloketone moiety led to the formation of the final highly functionalized furan, which might be further elaborated to afford more complex products. The two works were both supplied with mechanistic investigations supported by experimental and computational methods. As our last project, we developed a methodology to achieve cypentanonyl-fused N-methylpyrrolidines (Figure 2), exploiting N,N-dimethylamines and carboxylic acids as radical sources. In two separated photocatalytic steps, both functionalities are manipulated through the photoredox catalysis by 4CzIPN to add to an α,β-enone system, furnishing the bicyclic product.
Proper GABAergic transmission through Cl-permeable GABAA receptors is fundamental for physiological brain development and function. Indeed, defective GABAergic signaling – due to a high NKCC1/KCC2 expression ratio – has been implicated in several neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g., Down syndrome, DS, Autism spectrum disorders, ASD). Interestingly, NKCC1 inhibition by the FDA-approved diuretic drug bumetanide reverts cognitive deficits in the TS65Dn mouse models of DS and core symptoms in other models of brain disorders. However, the required chronic treatment with bumetanide is burdened by its diuretic side effects caused by the antagonization of the kidney Cl importer NKCC2. This may lead to hypokalemia, while jeopardizing drug compliance. Crucially, these issues would be solved by selective NKCC1 inhibitors, thus devoid of the diuretic effect of bumetanide. To this aim, starting from bumetanide’s structure, we applied a ligand-based computational approach to design new molecular entities that we tested in vitro for their capacity to selectively block NKCC1. Extensive synthetic efforts and structure-activity relationships analyses allowed us to improve in vitro potency and overall drug-like properties of the initially identified chemical hits. As a result, we identified a new highly potent NKCC1 inhibitor (ARN23746) that displayed excellent solubility, metabolic stability, and no significant effect on NKCC2 in vitro. Moreover, this novel and selective NKCC1 inhibitor was able to rescue cognitive deficits in DS mice and social/repetitive behaviors in ASD mice, with no diuretic effect and no overt toxicity upon chronic treatment in adult animals. Thus, ARN23746 a selective NKCC1 inhibitor devoid of the diuretic effect – represents a suitable and solid therapeutic strategy for the treatment of Down syndrome and all the brain neurological disorders characterized by depolarizing GABAergic transmission.
This thesis has the aim to give an overview about the tectonic history of the Epiligurian units, which crop out in the axial portion of the Northern Apennines fold-and-thrust belt, from a structural and thermal point of view, through a multiscalar and multitecnique approach. I focused on a key example of Epiligurian wedge-top basin, (Marzabotto Basin) proceeding from macro-to-microscale approach. The study started from a remote sensing analysis of the lineaments and morphostructures which affected the study area to obtain the regional faulting pattern and an overview about the main tectonic structures, used as basis for the structural investigation at the mesoscale. On the basis of this, it was possible to reconstruct the succession of tectonic events that affected the Marzabotto Basin, consisting in: i) two sets of thrusts indicating a NE-SW and NW-SE shortening of the sedimentary succession; ii) NE-SW-left lateral transtensional faults related to a strike-slip tectonic phase; iii) three main sets of extensional structures which cut and displace the previous thrusts. Normal faults are related to the post-orogenic evolution and have been dated with U-Th method, getting an age of Middle-Late Pleistocene. From a thermal point of view, apatite fission-tracks and (U-Th)/He analyses of detrital minerals and thermal modelling on the middle-upper Eocene siliciclastic deposits allowed me to better constrain the local exhumation history and correlate it with the large-scale tectonic evolution of the Northern Apennines. In particular, the Marzabotto Basin experienced a complex burial-exhumation history, consisting in two cooling cooling phases related to the growth of the Northern Apennines belt (Oligo-Miocene in age) and a later cooling which tracks the accretion in the orogenic wedge concomitant with rollback-driven extension (late Miocene-Pliocene in age). In conclusion it is possible to affirm that the study shed new light on poorly constrained elements of fold-and-thrust belt.