25 resultados para animal attribute view
Since the publication of the book of Russell and Burch in 1959, scientific research has never stopped improving itself with regard to the important issue of animal experimentation. The European Directive 2010/63/EU “On the protection of animals used for scientific purposes” focuses mainly on the animal welfare, fixing the Russell and Burch’s 3Rs principles as the foundations of the document. In particular, the legislator clearly states the responsibility of the scientific community to improve the number of alternative methods to animal experimentation. The swine is considered a species of relevant interest for translational research and medicine due to its biological similarities with humans. The surgical community has, in fact, recognized the swine as an excellent model replicating the human cardiovascular system. There have been several wild-type and transgenic porcine models which were produced for biomedicine and translational research. Among these, the cardiovascular ones are the most represented. The continuous involvement of the porcine animal model in the biomedical research, as the continuous advances achieved using swine in translational medicine, support the need for alternative methods to animal experimentation involving pigs. The main purpose of the present work was to develop and characterize novel porcine alternative methods for cardiovascular translational biology/medicine. The work was mainly based on two different models: the first consisted in an ex vivo culture of porcine aortic cylinders and the second consisted in an in vitro culture of porcine aortic derived progenitor cells. Both the models were properly characterized and results indicated that they could be useful to the study of vascular biology. Nevertheless, both the models aim to reduce the use of experimental animals and to refine animal based-trials. In conclusion, the present research aims to be a small, but significant, contribution to the important and necessary field of study of alternative methods to animal experimentation.
This thesis presents AMR phenotypic evaluation and whole genome sequencing analysis of 288 Escherichia coli strains isolated from different sources (livestock, companion animal, wildlife, food and human) in Italy. Our data reflects general resistance trends in Europe, reporting tetracycline, ampicillin, sulfisoxazole and aminoglycosides resistance as the most common phenotypic AMR profile among livestock, pets, wildlife and humans. Identification of human and animal (livestock and companion animal) AMR profiles in niches with a rare (fishery, mollusc) or absent (vegetable, wild animal, wild boar) direct exposure to antimicrobials, suggests widespread environmental pollution with ARGs conferring resistance to these antimicrobials. Phenotypic resistance to highest priority critically important antimicrobials was mainly observed in food-producing animals and related food such as rabbit, poultry, beef and swine. Discrepancies between AMR phenotypic pattern and genetic profile were observed. In particular, phenotypic aminoglycoside, cephalosporin, meropenem, colistin resistance and ESBL profile did not have a genetic explanation in different cases. This data could suggest the diffusion of new genetic variants of ARGs, associated to these antimicrobial classes. Generally, our collection shows a virulence profile typical of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) pathotype. Different pandemic and emerging ExPEC lineages were identified, in particular in poultry meat (ST10; ST23; ST69, ST117; ST131). Rabbit was suggested as a source of ST20-ST40 potential hybrid pathogens. Wildlife carried a high average number (10) of VAGs (mostly associated to ExPEC pathotype) and different predominant ExPEC lineages (ST23, ST117, ST648), suggesting its possible involvement in maintenance and diffusion of virulence determinants. In conclusion, our study provides important knowledge related to the phenotypic/genetic AMR and virulence profiles circulating in E. coli in Italy. The role of different niches in AMR dynamics has been discussed. In particular, food-producing animals are worthy of continued investigation as a source of potential zoonotic pathogens, meanwhile wildlife might contribute to VAGs spread.
Ex-situ conservation and the in-situ conservation of natural habitats are the tools to conserve biodiversity. Habitats and ecosystems have been becoming altered by human activities and a growing number of species requires form of management to ensure their survival. Conservation queries become more complex and urgent. Developing scientifically based and innovative approaches to ex-situ conservation is necessary. Recent studies underline importance of gut microbiome in animal health with implications for animal conservation and management. Animal and human studies have demonstrated that environmental factors can impact gut microbiome composition. Within this scenario, the present work focused on species belonging to different taxa, reptiles and mammals: Aldabrachelys gigantea, the giant tortoise of the Seychelles islands and Indri indri, the greatest leaving lemur of Madagascar. The Seychelles giant tortoise is vulnerable species with declining population, whereas the indri is a critically endangered species that could reach the extinction within 25 years. Both need research to help them to survive. Tortoises live for very long time and to observe how they can afford the environmental changes is very difficult. Indris, instead, are able to survive only in a small area of the Madagascar forest, with a very strong link between the species’ survival and the environment. The obtained results underline importance of environmental factors, both in-situ and ex-situ, for species conservation. Microbiome could help the organisms to respond on a short timescale and cope with, environmental changes. However, species with long generation time might not be able to adapt to fast changes but bacteria with a short generation time can adapt on a shorter timescale allowing the host to cope with fluctuating environment. Gut microbiome plays an important role in an animal’s health and has the potential to improve the management of individuals under human care for conservation purposes.
To ensure food safety and to prevent food-borne illnesses, rapid and accurate detection of pathogenic agents is essential. It has already been demonstrated that shotgun metagenomic sequencing can be used to detect pathogens and their antibiotic resistance genes in food. In the studies presented in this thesis, the application shotgun metagenomic sequencing has been applied to investigate both the microbiome and resistome of foods of animal origin in order to assess advantages and disadvantages of shotgun metagenomic sequencing in comparison to the cultural methods. In the first study, it has been shown that shotgun metagenomics can be applied to detect microorganisms experimentally spiked in cold-smoked salmon. Nevertheless, a direct correlation between cell concentration of each spiked microorganism and number of corresponding reads cannot be established yet. In the second and third studies, the microbiomes and resistomes characterizing caeca and the corresponding carcasses of the birds reared in the conventional and antibiotic free farms were compared. The results highlighted the need to reduce sources of microbial contamination and antimicrobial resistance not only at the farm level but also at the post-harvest one. In the fourth study, it has been demonstrated that testing a single aliquot of a food homogenate is representative of the whole homogenate because biological replicates displayed overlapping taxonomic and functional composition. All in all, the results obtained confirmed that the application of shotgun metagenomic sequencing represents a powerful tool that can be used in the identification of both spoilage and pathogenic microorganism, and their resistome in foods of animal origin. However, a robust relationship between sequence read abundance and concentration of colony-forming unit must be still established.
In Metazoa, the germline represents the cell lineage devoted to transmission of genetic heredity across generations. Its functions intuitively evoke the crucial roles that it plays in the development of a new organism and in the evolution of the species. Germline establishment is tightly tied to animal multicellularity itself, in which the complex differentiation of cell lineages is favoured by the confinement of totipotency in specific cell populations. In the present thesis, I addressed the subject of germline characterization in animals through different approaches, in an attempt to cover different sides and scales. First, I investigated the extent and nature of shared differentially transcribed molecular factors in 10 different species germline-related lineages. I observed that newly evolved genes are less likely to be involved in germline-related mechanisms and that the mostly shared transcriptional signal across the species considered was the upregulation of genes associated to proper DNA replication, instead of the expected transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, that apparently have a higher level of lineage-specificity. I then focused on the evolutionary history of Tudor domain containing proteins, a gene family that underwent germline-associated expansions in animals. Using data from 24 holozoan phyla, I could confirm the previously proposed evolution of the Tudor domain secondary structure. Also, I associated lineage-specific family reductions and expansions to peculiar genomic dynamics and to the evolution of germline-associated piRNA pathway of retrotransposon silencing. Lastly, I characterized and investigated the expression of the Tudor protein TDRD7 in the clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Through immunolocalization, I could compare its expression profiles in gametogenic specimens to the previously characterized germline marker vasa. Combining results with literature, I proposed that, in this species, TDRD7 is involved in the assembly of germ granules, i.e. cytoplasmic structures associated to germline differentiation in virtually all animals, but whose assemblers can be taxon specific.
My PhD research period was focused on the anatomical, physiological and functional study of the gastrointestinal system on two different animal models. In two different contexts, the purpose of these two lines of research was contribute to understand how a specific genetic mutation or the adoption of a particular dietary supplement can affect gastrointestinal function. Functional gastrointestinal disorders are chronic conditions characterized by symptoms for which no organic cause can be found. Although symptoms are generally mild, a small subset of cases shows severe manifestations. This subset of patients may also have recurrent intestinal sub-occlusive episodes, but in absence of mechanical causes. This condition is referred to as chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, a rare, intractable chronic disease. Some mutations have been associated with CIPO. A novel causative RAD21 missense mutation was identified in a large consanguineous family, segregating a recessive form of CIPO. The present thesis was aimed to elucidate the mechanisms leading to neuropathy underlying CIPO via a recently developed conditional KI mouse carrying the RAD21 mutation. The experimental studies are based on the characterization and functional analysis of the conditional KI Rad21A626T mouse model. On the other hand aquaculture is increasing the global supply of foods. The species selected and feeds used affects the nutrients available from aquaculture, with a need to improve feed efficiency, both for economic and environmental reasons, but this will require novel innovative approaches. Nutritional strategies focused on the use of botanicals have attracted interest in animal production. Previous research indicates the positive results of using essential oils (EOs) as natural feed additives for several farmed animals. Therefore, the present study was designed to compare the effects of feed EO supplementation in two different forms (natural and composed of active ingredients obtained by synthesis) on the gastric mucosa in European sea bass.
The work done within the framework of my PhD project has been carried out between November 2019 and January 2023 at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Marta Galloni and PhD Gherardo Bogo. A period of three months was spent at the Natural History Museum of Rijeka, under the supervision of Prof. Boštjan Surina. The main aim of the thesis was to investigate further the so-called pollinator manipulation hypothesis, which states that when a floral visitor gets in contact with a specific nectar chemistry, the latter affects its behavior of visit on flowers, with potential repercussions on the plant reproductive fitness. To the purpose, the topic was tackled by means of three main approaches: field studies, laboratory assessments, and bibliographic reviews. This research project contributes to two main aspects. First, when insects encounter nectar-like concentrations of a plethora of secondary metabolites in their food-environment, various aspects of their behavior relevant to flower visitation can be affected. In addition, the results I gained confirm that the combination of field studies and laboratory assessments allows to get more realistic pictures of a given phenomenon than the single approaches. Second, reviewing the existent literature in the field of nectar ecology has highlighted how crucial is to establish the origin of nectar biogenic amines to either confirm or reject the multiple speculations made on the role of nectar microbes in shaping plant-animal interactions.
The was conducted with objectives focusing on the EU farm animal directive and applicability in Africa focusing in Ethiopia, the welfare assessment and the effect of different bovine respiratory disease (BRD) treatment protocols in beef cattle fattening unit and the calves navel healing and fitness for transport. Different methodology was applied: relevant literates, international organization, regional organization, countries legislations, standards were assessed and reviewed, for assessing beef welfare and biosecurity a modified version of the Italian protocol for assessing beef cattle was adopted which is part of the ClassyFarm monitoring scheme, 264 Limousine bulls with an average age of 11 months at the entrance to fattening unit were considered. Mycoplasma bovis was tested using RT-PCR at arrival and with culture at after 15 days of arrival to the fattening unit. For studying the navel healing and effect on transport the navels of 299 dairy calves (55 males, 244 females) aged 0–90 days were examined. As a conclusion, the European Union (EU) farm directive, could not be completely implement in African countries like Ethiopia, but it could serve as a good starting point, so as after successful identification of the farm animal welfare critical points may help as a starting point with modification to the local situation in the ground. In beef welfare assessment, integration of different assessment parameters could be of useful, when assessing beef welfare, and further continues detail physiological parameters of welfare assessment for integration with other assessment protocols should be studied, our finding indicate that also BRD was a major welfare and health concern in the studied population and evidence the difficulties of antimicrobial treatment of M. bovis associated BRD. In transporting calves with a completely healed navel should be considered best practice because it ensures that calves that are too young are not transported.
The artisanal food chain is enriched by a wide diversity of local food productions with delightful organoleptic characteristics and valuable nutritional properties. Despite their increasing worldwide popularity and appeal, several food safety challenges are addressed in artisanal facilities context suffering from less standardized processing conditions. In such scenario, recent advances in molecular typing and genomic surveillance (e.g., Whole Genome Sequencing [WGS]) represent an unprecedent solution capable of inferring sources of contamination as well as contributing to food safety along the artisanal food continuum. The overall objective of this PhD thesis was to explore potential microbial hazards among different artisanal food productions of animal origins (dairy and meat-derived) typical of the food culture and heritage landscape belonging to Mediterranean countries. Three different studies were then carried out, specifically focussing on: 1) compare the seasonal variability of microbiological quality and potential occurrence of microbial hazards in two batches of Italian artisanal fermented dairy and meat productions; 2) Investigate genetic relationships as well as virulome and resistome of foodborne pathogens isolated within dairy and meat-derived productions located in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Morocco; 3) investigate the population structure, virulome, resistome and mobilome of Klebsiella spp. isolates collected from study 1, including an extended range of public sequences.
Protected crop production is a modern and innovative approach to cultivating plants in a controlled environment to optimize growth, yield, and quality. This method involves using structures such as greenhouses or tunnels to create a sheltered environment. These productive solutions are characterized by a careful regulation of variables like temperature, humidity, light, and ventilation, which collectively contribute to creating an optimal microclimate for plant growth. Heating, cooling, and ventilation systems are used to maintain optimal conditions for plant growth, regardless of external weather fluctuations. Protected crop production plays a crucial role in addressing challenges posed by climate variability, population growth, and food security. Similarly, animal husbandry involves providing adequate nutrition, housing, medical care and environmental conditions to ensure animal welfare. Then, sustainability is a critical consideration in all forms of agriculture, including protected crop and animal production. Sustainability in animal production refers to the practice of producing animal products in a way that minimizes negative impacts on the environment, promotes animal welfare, and ensures the long-term viability of the industry. Then, the research activities performed during the PhD can be inserted exactly in the field of Precision Agriculture and Livestock farming. Here the focus is on the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) approach and environmental assessment applied to improve yield, resource efficiency, environmental sustainability, and cost savings. It represents a significant shift from traditional farming methods to a more technology-driven, data-driven, and environmentally conscious approach to crop and animal production. On one side, CFD is powerful and precise techniques of computer modeling and simulation of airflows and thermo-hygrometric parameters, that has been applied to optimize the growth environment of crops and the efficiency of ventilation in pig barns. On the other side, the sustainability aspect has been investigated and researched in terms of Life Cycle Assessment analyses.