27 resultados para Tissue engineering scaffolds


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Reconstruction of bone is needed for high bone loss due to congenital deformities, trauma or neoplastic diseases. Commonly, orthopaedic surgical treatments are autologus or allogenic bone implant or prosthetic implant. A choice to the traditional approaches could be represented by tissue engineering that use cells (and/or their products) and innovative biomaterials to perform bone substitutes biologically active as an alternative to artificial devices. In the last years, there was a wide improvement in biology on stem cells potential research and in biomedical engineering through development of new biomaterials designed to resemble the physiological tissues. Tissue engineering strategies and smart materials aim together to stimulate in vivo bone regeneration. This approaches drive at restore not only structure integrity and/or function of the original tissue, but also to induce new tissue deposition in situ. An intelligent bone substitute is now designed like not only a scaffold but also as carrier of regeneration biomolecular signals. Biomimetics has helped to project new tissue engineered devices to simulate the physiological substrates architecture, such extracellular matrix (ECM), and molecular signals that drive the integration at the interface between pre-existing tissue and scaffold. Biomimetic strategies want to increase the material surface biological activity with physical modifications (topography) o chemical ones (adhesive peptides), to improve cell adhesion to material surface and possibly scaffold colonization. This study evaluated the effects of biomimetic modifications of surgical materials surface, as poly-caprolattone (PCL) and titanium on bone stem cells behaviour in a marrow experimental model in vitro. Two biomimetic strategies were analyzed; ione beam irradiation, that changes the surface roughness at the nanoscale, and surface functionalization with specific adhesive peptides or Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs). These new concept could be a mean to improve the early (cell adhesion, spreading..) and late phases (osteoblast differentiation) of cell/substrate interactions.


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Stem cells are one of the most fascinating areas of biology today, and since the discover of an adult population, i.e., adult Stem Cells (aSCs), they have generated much interest especially for their application potential as a source for cell based regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. aSCs have been found in different tissues including bone marrow, skin, intestine, central nervous system, where they reside in a special microenviroment termed “niche” which regulate the homeostasis and repair of adult tissues. The arterial wall of the blood vessels is much more plastic than ever before believed. Several animal studies have demonstrated the presence of cells with stem cell characteristics within the adult vessels. Recently, it has been also hypothesized the presence of a “vasculogenic zone” in human adult arteries in which a complete hierarchy of resident stem cells and progenitors could be niched during lifetime. Accordingly, it can be speculated that in that location resident mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with the ability to differentiate in smooth muscle cells, surrounding pericytes and fibroblasts are present. The present research was aimed at identifying in situ and isolating MSCs from thoracic aortas of young and healthy heart-beating multiorgan donors. Immunohistochemistry performed on fresh and frozen human thoracic aortas demonstrated the presence of the vasculogenic zone between the media and the adventitial layers in which a well preserved plexus of CD34 positive cells was found. These cells expressed intensely HLA-I antigens both before and after cryopreservation and after 4 days of organ cultures remained viable. Following these preliminary results, we succeeded to isolate mesenchymal cells from multi-organ thoracic aortas using a mechanical and enzymatic combined procedure. Cells had phenotypic characteristics of MSC i.e., CD44+, CD90+, CD105+, CD166+, CD34low, CD45- and revealed a transcript expression of stem cell markers, e.g., OCT4, c-kit, BCRP-1, IL6 and BMI-1. As previously documented using bone marrow derived MSCs, resident vascular wall MSCs were able to differentiate in vitro into endothelial cells in the presence of low-serum supplemented with VEGF-A (50 ng/ml) for 7 days. Under the condition described above, cultured cells showed an increased expression of KDR and eNOS, down-regulation of the CD133 transcript, vWF expression as documented by flow cytometry, immunofluorescence, qPCR and TEM. Moreover, matrigel assay revealed that VEGF induced cells were able to form capillary-like structures within 6 hours of seeding. In summary, these findings indicate that thoracic aortas from heart-beating, multi-organ donors are highly suitable for obtaining MSCs with the ability to differentiate in vitro into endothelial cells. Even though their differentiating potential remains to be fully established, it is believed that their angiogenic ability could be a useful property for allogenic use. These cells can be expanded rapidly, providing numbers which are adequate for therapeutic neovascularization; furthermore they can be cryostored in appropriate cell banking facilities for later use.


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Over the past few years, in veterinary medicine there has been an increased interest in understanding the biology of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). This interest comes from their potential clinical use especially in wound repair, tissue engineering and application in therapeutics fields, including regenerative surgery. MSCs can be isolated directly from bone marrow aspirates, adipose tissue, umbilical cord and various foetal tissues. In this study, mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from equine bone marrow, adipose tissue, cord blood, Wharton’s Jelly and, for the first time, amniotic fluid. All these cell lines underwent in vitro differentiation in chondrocytes, osteocytes and adipocytes. After molecular characterization, cells resulted positive for mesenchymal markers such as CD90, CD105, CD44 and negative for CD45, CD14, CD34 and CD73. Adipose tissue and bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells were successfully applied in the treatment of tendinitis in race horses. Furthermore, for the first time in the horse, skin wounds of septicemic foal, were treated applying amniotic stem cells. Finally, results never reported have been obtained in the present study, isolating mesenchymal stem cells from domestic cat foetal fluid and membranes. All cell lines underwent in vitro differentiation and expressed mesenchymal molecular markers.


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Lo scheletro è un tessuto dinamico, capace di adattarsi alle richieste funzionali grazie a fenomeni di rimodellamento ed alla peculiare proprietà rigenerativa. Tali processi avvengono attraverso l’azione coordinata di osteoclasti ed osteoblasti. Queste popolazioni cellulari cooperano allo scopo di mantenere l’ equilibrio indispensabile per garantire l’omeostasi dello scheletro. La perdita di tale equilibrio può portare ad una diminuzione della massa ossea e, ad una maggiore suscettibilità alle fratture, come avviene nel caso dell’osteoporosi. E’ noto che, nella fisiopatologia dell’osso, un ruolo cruciale è svolto da fattori endocrini e paracrini. Dati recenti suggeriscono che il rimodellamento osseo potrebbe essere influenzato dal sistema nervoso. L’ipotesi è supportata dalla presenza, nelle vicinanze dell’osso, di fibre nervose sensoriali responsabili del rilascio di alcuni neuro peptidi, tra i quali ricordiamo la sostanza P. Inoltre in modelli animali è stato dimostrato il diretto coinvolgimento del sistema nervoso nel mantenimento dell’omeostasi ossea, infatti ratti sottoposti a denervazione hanno mostrato una perdita dell’equilibrio esistente tra osteoblasti ed osteoclasti. Per tali ragioni negli ultimi anni si è andata intensificando la ricerca in questo campo cercando di comprendere il ruolo dei neuropeptidi nel processo di differenziamento dei precursori mesenchimali in senso osteogenico. Le cellule stromali mesenchimali adulte sono indifferenziate multipotenti che risiedono in maniera predominante nel midollo osseo, ma che possono anche essere isolate da tessuto adiposo, cordone ombelicale e polpa dentale. In questi distretti le MSC sono in uno stato non proliferativo fino a quando non sono richieste per processi locali di riparo e rigenerazione tessutale. MSC, opportunamente stimolate, possono differenziare in diversi tipi di tessuto connettivo quali, tessuto osseo, cartilagineo ed adiposo. L’attività di ricerca è stata finalizzata all’ottimizzazione di un protocollo di espansione ex vivo ed alla valutazione dell’influenza della sostanza P, neuropeptide presente a livello delle terminazioni sensoriali nelle vicinanze dell’osso, nel processo di commissionamento osteogenico.


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Diverse tecniche di ingegneria tessutale sono state sviluppate per promuovere la riparazione delle lesioni della cartilagine articolare. Nonostante i buoni risultati clinici a breve termine, il tessuto rigenerato fallisce nel tempo poiché non possiede le caratteristiche meccaniche e funzionali della cartilagine articolare nativa. La stimolazione con campi elettromagnetici pulsati (CEMP) rappresenta un approccio terapeutico innovativo. I CEMP aumentano l’attività anabolica dei condrociti con conseguente incremento della sintesi della matrice, e limitano l’effetto catabolico delle citochine pro-infiammatorie riducendo la degradazione della cartilagine nel microambiente articolare. I CEMP agiscono mediante l’up-regolazione dei recettori adenosinici A2A potenziando il loro affetto anti-infiammatorio. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato quello di valutare l’effetto della stimolazione con CEMP sulla guarigione di difetti osteocondrali in un modello sperimentale nel coniglio. Un difetto osteocondrale del diametro di 4mm è stato eseguito nel condilo femorale mediale di entrambe le ginocchia di 20 conigli. A destra la lesione è stata lasciata a guarigione spontanea mentre a sinistra e stata trattata mediante inserimento di scaffold collagenico o trapianto di cellule mesenchimali midollari sul medesimo scaffold precedentemente prelevate dalla cresta iliaca. In base al trattamento eseguito 10 animali sono stati stimolati con CEMP 4 ore/die per 40 giorni mentre altri 10 hanno ricevuto stimolatori placebo. Dopo il sacrificio a 40 giorni, sono state eseguite analisi istologiche mediante un punteggio di O’Driscoll modificato. Confrontando le lesioni lasciate a guarigione spontanea, la stimolazione con CEMP ha migliorato significativamente il punteggio (p=0.021). Lo stesso risultato si è osservato nel confronto tra lesioni trattate mediante trapianto di cellule mesenchimali midollari (p=0.032). Nessuna differenza è stata osservata tra animali stimolati e placebo quando la lesione è stata trattata con il solo scaffold (p=0.413). La stimolazione con CEMP è risultata efficace nel promuovere la guarigione di difetti osteocartilaginei in associazione a tecniche chirurgiche di ingegneria tessutale.


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The protein silk fibroin (SF) from the silkworm Bombyx mori is a FDA-approved biomaterial used over centuries as sutures wire. Importantly, several evidences highlighted the potential of silk biomaterials obtained by using so-called regenerated silk fibroin (RSF) in biomedicine, tissue engineering and drug delivery. Indeed, by a water-based protocol, it is possible to obtain protein water-solution, by extraction and purification of fibroin from silk fibres. Notably, RSF can be processed in a variety of biomaterials forms used in biomedical and technological fields, displaying remarkable properties such as biocompatibility, controllable biodegradability, optical transparency, mechanical robustness. Moreover, RSF biomaterials can be doped and/or chemical functionalized with drugs, optically active molecules, growth factors and/or chemicals In this view, activities of my PhD research program were focused to standardize the process of extraction and purification of protein to get the best physical and chemical characteristics. The analysis of the chemo-physical properties of the fibroin involved both the RSF water-solution and the protein processed in film. Chemo-physical properties have been studied through: vibrational (FT-IR and Raman-FT) and optical (absorption and emission UV-VIS) spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (1H and 13C NMR), thermal analysis and thermo-gravimetric scan (DSC and TGA). In the last year of my PhD, activities were focused to study and define innovative methods of functionalization of the silk fibroin solution and films. Indeed, research program was the application of different methods of manufacturing approaches of the films of fibroin without the use of harsh treatments and organic solvents. New approaches to doping and chemical functionalization of the silk fibroin were studied. Two different methods have been identified: 1) biodoping that consists in the doping of fibroin with optically active molecules through the addition of fluorescent molecules in the standard diet used for the breeding of silkworms; 2) chemical functionalization via silylation.


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Traditional cell culture models have limitations in extrapolating functional mechanisms that underlie strategies of microbial virulence. Indeed during the infection the pathogens adapt to different tissue-specific environmental factors. The development of in vitro models resembling human tissue physiology might allow the replacement of inaccurate or aberrant animal models. Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture systems are more reliable and more predictive models that can be used for the meaningful dissection of host–pathogen interactions. The lung and gut mucosae often represent the first site of exposure to pathogens and provide a physical barrier against their entry. Within this context, the tracheobronchial and small intestine tract were modelled by tissue engineering approach. The main work was focused on the development and the extensive characterization of a human organotypic airway model, based on a mechanically supported co-culture of normal primary cells. The regained morphological features, the retrieved environmental factors and the presence of specific epithelial subsets resembled the native tissue organization. In addition, the respiratory model enabled the modular insertion of interesting cell types, such as innate immune cells or multipotent stromal cells, showing a functional ability to release pertinent cytokines differentially. Furthermore this model responded imitating known events occurring during the infection by Non-typeable H. influenzae. Epithelial organoid models, mimicking the small intestine tract, were used for a different explorative analysis of tissue-toxicity. Further experiments led to detection of a cell population targeted by C. difficile Toxin A and suggested a role in the impairment of the epithelial homeostasis by the bacterial virulence machinery. The described cell-centered strategy can afford critical insights in the evaluation of the host defence and pathogenic mechanisms. The application of these two models may provide an informing step that more coherently defines relevant molecular interactions happening during the infection.


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In the search to understand the interaction between cells and their underlying substrates, life sciences are beginning to incorporate micro and nano-technology based tools to probe, measure and improve cellular behavior. In this frame, patterned surfaces provide a platform for highly defined cellular interactions and, in perspective, they offer unique advantages for artificial implants. For these reasons, functionalized materials have recently become a central topic in tissue engineering. Nanotechnology, with its rich toolbox of techniques, can be the leading actor in the materials patterning field. Laser assisted methods, conventional and un-conventional lithography and other patterning techniques, allow the fabrication of functional supports with tunable properties, either physically, or topographically and chemically. Among them, soft lithography provides an effective (and low cost) strategy for manufacturing micro and nanostructures. The main focus of this work is the use of different fabrication approaches aiming at a precise control of cell behavior, adhesion, proliferation and differentiation, through chemically and spatially designed surfaces.


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Impairment of postural control is a common consequence of Parkinson's disease (PD) that becomes more and more critical with the progression of the disease, in spite of the available medications. Postural instability is one of the most disabling features of PD and induces difficulties with postural transitions, initiation of movements, gait disorders, inability to live independently at home, and is the major cause of falls. Falls are frequent (with over 38% falling each year) and may induce adverse consequences like soft tissue injuries, hip fractures, and immobility due to fear of falling. As the disease progresses, both postural instability and fear of falling worsen, which leads patients with PD to become increasingly immobilized. The main aims of this dissertation are to: 1) detect and assess, in a quantitative way, impairments of postural control in PD subjects, investigate the central mechanisms that control such motor performance, and how these mechanism are affected by levodopa; 2) develop and validate a protocol, using wearable inertial sensors, to measure postural sway and postural transitions prior to step initiation; 3) find quantitative measures sensitive to impairments of postural control in early stages of PD and quantitative biomarkers of disease progression; and 4) test the feasibility and effects of a recently-developed audio-biofeedback system in maintaining balance in subjects with PD. In the first set of studies, we showed how PD reduces functional limits of stability as well as the magnitude and velocity of postural preparation during voluntary, forward and backward leaning while standing. Levodopa improves the limits of stability but not the postural strategies used to achieve the leaning. Further, we found a strong relationship between backward voluntary limits of stability and size of automatic postural response to backward perturbations in control subjects and in PD subjects ON medication. Such relation might suggest that the central nervous system presets postural response parameters based on perceived maximum limits and this presetting is absent in PD patients OFF medication but restored with levodopa replacement. Furthermore, we investigated how the size of preparatory postural adjustments (APAs) prior to step initiation depend on initial stance width. We found that patients with PD did not scale up the size of their APA with stance width as much as control subjects so they had much more difficulty initiating a step from a wide stance than from a narrow stance. This results supports the hypothesis that subjects with PD maintain a narrow stance as a compensation for their inability to sufficiently increase the size of their lateral APA to allow speedy step initiation in wide stance. In the second set of studies, we demonstrated that it is possible to use wearable accelerometers to quantify postural performance during quiet stance and step initiation balance tasks in healthy subjects. We used a model to predict center of pressure displacements associated with accelerations at the upper and lower back and thigh. This approach allows the measurement of balance control without the use of a force platform outside the laboratory environment. We used wearable accelerometers on a population of early, untreated PD patients, and found that postural control in stance and postural preparation prior to a step are impaired early in the disease when the typical balance and gait intiation symptoms are not yet clearly manifested. These novel results suggest that technological measures of postural control can be more sensitive than clinical measures. Furthermore, we assessed spontaneous sway and step initiation longitudinally across 1 year in patients with early, untreated PD. We found that changes in trunk sway, and especially movement smoothness, measured as Jerk, could be used as an objective measure of PD and its progression. In the third set of studies, we studied the feasibility of adapting an existing audio-biofeedback device to improve balance control in patients with PD. Preliminary results showed that PD subjects found the system easy-to-use and helpful, and they were able to correctly follow the audio information when available. Audiobiofeedback improved the properties of trunk sway during quiet stance. Our results have many implications for i) the understanding the central mechanisms that control postural motor performance, and how these mechanisms are affected by levodopa; ii) the design of innovative protocols for measuring and remote monitoring of motor performance in the elderly or subjects with PD; and iii) the development of technologies for improving balance, mobility, and consequently quality of life in patients with balance disorders, such as PD patients with augmented biofeedback paradigms.


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The present research thesis was focused on the development of new biomaterials and devices for application in regenerative medicine, particularly in the repair/regeneration of bone and osteochondral regions affected by degenerative diseases such as Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis or serious traumas. More specifically, the work was focused on the synthesis and physico-chemical-morphological characterization of: i) a new superparamagnetic apatite phase; ii) new biomimetic superparamagnetic bone and osteochondral scaffolds; iii) new bioactive bone cements for regenerative vertebroplasty. The new bio-devices were designed to exhibit high biomimicry with hard human tissues and with functionality promoting faster tissue repair and improved texturing. In particular, recent trends in tissue regeneration indicate magnetism as a new tool to stimulate cells towards tissue formation and organization; in this perspective a new superparamagnetic apatite was synthesized by doping apatite lattice with di-and trivalent iron ions during synthesis. This finding was the pin to synthesize newly conceived superparamagnetic bone and osteochondral scaffolds by reproducing in laboratory the biological processes yielding the formation of new bone, i.e. the self-assembly/organization of collagen fibrils and heterogeneous nucleation of nanosized, ionically substituted apatite mimicking the mineral part of bone. The new scaffolds can be magnetically switched on/off and function as workstations guiding fast tissue regeneration by minimally invasive and more efficient approaches. Moreover, in the view of specific treatments for patients affected by osteoporosis or traumas involving vertebrae weakening or fracture, the present work was also dedicated to the development of new self-setting injectable pastes based on strontium-substituted calcium phosphates, able to harden in vivo and transform into strontium-substituted hydroxyapatite. The addition of strontium may provide an anti-osteoporotic effect, aiding to restore the physiologic bone turnover. The ceramic-based paste was also added with bio-polymers, able to be progressively resorbed thus creating additional porosity in the cement body that favour cell colonization and osseointegration.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the regenerative potential of alternative sources of stem cells, derived from human dental pulp (hDPSCs) and amniotic fluid (hAFSCs) and, specifically, to evaluate their capability to be committed towards osteogenic and myogenic lineages, for the eventual applicability of these stem cells to translational strategies in regenerative medicine of bone and skeletal muscle tissues. The in vitro bone production by stem cells may represent a radical breakthrough in the treatment of pathologies and traumas characterized by critical bone mass defects, with no medical or surgical solution. Human DPSCs and AFSCs were seeded and pre-differentiated on different scaffolds to test their capability to subsequently reach the osteogenic differentiation in vivo, in order to recover critical size bone defects. Fibroin scaffold resulted to be the best scaffold promoting mature bone formation and defect correction when combined to both hDPSCs and hAFSCs. This study also described a culture condition that might allow human DPSCs to be used for human cell therapy in compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMPs): the use of human serum (HS) promoted the expansion and the osteogenic differentiation of hDPSCs in vitro and, furthermore, allowed pre-differentiated hDPSCs to regenerate critical size bone defects in vivo. This thesis also showed that hDPSCs and hAFSCs can be differentiated towards the myogenic lineage in vitro, either when co-cultured with murine myoblasts and when differentiated alone after DNA demethylation treatment. Interestingly, when injected into dystrophic muscles of SCID/mdx mice - animal model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) - hDPSCs and hAFSCs pre-differentiated after demethylating treatment were able to regenerate the skeletal muscle tissue and, particularly, to restore dystrophin expression. These observations suggest that human DPSCs and AFSCs might be eventually applied to translational strategies, in order to enhance the repair of injured skeletal muscles in DMD patients.


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Bone disorders have severe impact on body functions and quality life, and no satisfying therapies exist yet. The current models for bone disease study are scarcely predictive and the options existing for therapy fail for complex systems. To mimic and/or restore bone, 3D printing/bioprinting allows the creation of 3D structures with different materials compositions, properties, and designs. In this study, 3D printing/bioprinting has been explored for (i) 3D in vitro tumor models and (ii) regenerative medicine. Tumor models have been developed by investigating different bioinks (i.e., alginate, modified gelatin) enriched by hydroxyapatite nanoparticles to increase printing fidelity and increase biomimicry level, thus mimicking the organic and inorganic phase of bone. High Saos-2 cell viability was obtained, and the promotion of spheroids clusters as occurring in vivo was observed. To develop new syntethic bone grafts, two approaches have been explored. In the first, novel magnesium-phosphate scaffolds have been investigated by extrusion-based 3D printing for spinal fusion. 3D printing process and parameters have been optimized to obtain custom-shaped structures, with competent mechanical properties. The 3D printed structures have been combined to alginate porous structures created by a novel ice-templating technique, to be loaded by antibiotic drug to address infection prevention. Promising results in terms of planktonic growth inhibition was obtained. In the second strategy, marine waste precursors have been considered for the conversion in biogenic HA by using a mild-wet conversion method with different parameters. The HA/carbonate ratio conversion efficacy was analysed for each precursor (by FTIR and SEM), and the best conditions were combined to alginate to develop a composite structure. The composite paste was successfully employed in custom-modified 3D printer for the obtainment of 3D printed stable scaffolds. In conclusion, the osteomimetic materials developed in this study for bone models and synthetic grafts are promising in bone field.