23 resultados para Signal amplitude
This doctoral dissertation aims to establish fiber-optic technologies overcoming the limiting issues of data communications in indoor environments. Specific applications are broadband mobile distribution in different in-building scenarios and high-speed digital transmission over short-range wired optical systems. Two key enabling technologies are considered: Radio over Fiber (RoF) techniques over standard silica fibers for distributed antenna systems (DAS) and plastic optical fibers (POFs) for short-range communications. Hence, the objectives and achievements of this thesis are related to the application of RoF and POF technologies in different in-building scenarios. On one hand, a theoretical and experimental analysis combined with demonstration activities has been performed on cost-effective RoF systems. An extensive modeling on modal noise impact both on linear and non-linear characteristics of RoF link over silica multimode fiber has been performed to achieve link design rules for an optimum choice of the transmitter, receiver and launching technique. A successful transmission of Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile signals on the resulting optimized RoF system over silica multimode fiber employing a Fabry-Perot LD, central launch technique and a photodiode with a built-in ball lens was demonstrated up to 525m with performances well compliant with standard requirements. On the other hand, digital signal processing techniques to overcome the bandwidth limitation of POF have been investigated. An uncoded net bit-rate of 5.15Gbit/s was obtained on a 50m long POF link employing an eye-safe transmitter, a silicon photodiode, and DMT modulation with bit and power loading algorithm. With the insertion of 3x2N quadrature amplitude modulation constellation formats, an uncoded net-bit-rate of 5.4Gbit/s was obtained on a 50 m long POF link employing an eye-safe transmitter and a silicon avalanche photodiode. Moreover, simultaneous transmission of baseband 2Gbit/s with DMT and 200Mbit/s with an ultra-wideband radio signal has been validated over a 50m long POF link.
The work of the present thesis is focused on the implementation of microelectronic voltage sensing devices, with the purpose of transmitting and extracting analog information between devices of different nature at short distances or upon contact. Initally, chip-to-chip communication has been studied, and circuitry for 3D capacitive coupling has been implemented. Such circuits allow the communication between dies fabricated in different technologies. Due to their novelty, they are not standardized and currently not supported by standard CAD tools. In order to overcome such burden, a novel approach for the characterization of such communicating links has been proposed. This results in shorter design times and increased accuracy. Communication between an integrated circuit (IC) and a probe card has been extensively studied as well. Today wafer probing is a costly test procedure with many drawbacks, which could be overcome by a different communication approach such as capacitive coupling. For this reason wireless wafer probing has been investigated as an alternative approach to standard on-contact wafer probing. Interfaces between integrated circuits and biological systems have also been investigated. Active electrodes for simultaneous electroencephalography (EEG) and electrical impedance tomography (EIT) have been implemented for the first time in a 0.35 um process. Number of wires has been minimized by sharing the analog outputs and supply on a single wire, thus implementing electrodes that require only 4 wires for their operation. Minimization of wires reduces the cable weight and thus limits the patient's discomfort. The physical channel for communication between an IC and a biological medium is represented by the electrode itself. As this is a very crucial point for biopotential acquisitions, large efforts have been carried in order to investigate the different electrode technologies and geometries and an electromagnetic model is presented in order to characterize the properties of the electrode to skin interface.
This thesis presents several data processing and compression techniques capable of addressing the strict requirements of wireless sensor networks. After introducing a general overview of sensor networks, the energy problem is introduced, dividing the different energy reduction approaches according to the different subsystem they try to optimize. To manage the complexity brought by these techniques, a quick overview of the most common middlewares for WSNs is given, describing in detail SPINE2, a framework for data processing in the node environment. The focus is then shifted on the in-network aggregation techniques, used to reduce data sent by the network nodes trying to prolong the network lifetime as long as possible. Among the several techniques, the most promising approach is the Compressive Sensing (CS). To investigate this technique, a practical implementation of the algorithm is compared against a simpler aggregation scheme, deriving a mixed algorithm able to successfully reduce the power consumption. The analysis moves from compression implemented on single nodes to CS for signal ensembles, trying to exploit the correlations among sensors and nodes to improve compression and reconstruction quality. The two main techniques for signal ensembles, Distributed CS (DCS) and Kronecker CS (KCS), are introduced and compared against a common set of data gathered by real deployments. The best trade-off between reconstruction quality and power consumption is then investigated. The usage of CS is also addressed when the signal of interest is sampled at a Sub-Nyquist rate, evaluating the reconstruction performance. Finally the group sparsity CS (GS-CS) is compared to another well-known technique for reconstruction of signals from an highly sub-sampled version. These two frameworks are compared again against a real data-set and an insightful analysis of the trade-off between reconstruction quality and lifetime is given.
Ultrasound imaging is widely used in medical diagnostics as it is the fastest, least invasive, and least expensive imaging modality. However, ultrasound images are intrinsically difficult to be interpreted. In this scenario, Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems can be used to support physicians during diagnosis providing them a second opinion. This thesis discusses efficient ultrasound processing techniques for computer aided medical diagnostics, focusing on two major topics: (i) Ultrasound Tissue Characterization (UTC), aimed at characterizing and differentiating between healthy and diseased tissue; (ii) Ultrasound Image Segmentation (UIS), aimed at detecting the boundaries of anatomical structures to automatically measure organ dimensions and compute clinically relevant functional indices. Research on UTC produced a CAD tool for Prostate Cancer detection to improve the biopsy protocol. In particular, this thesis contributes with: (i) the development of a robust classification system; (ii) the exploitation of parallel computing on GPU for real-time performance; (iii) the introduction of both an innovative Semi-Supervised Learning algorithm and a novel supervised/semi-supervised learning scheme for CAD system training that improve system performance reducing data collection effort and avoiding collected data wasting. The tool provides physicians a risk map highlighting suspect tissue areas, allowing them to perform a lesion-directed biopsy. Clinical validation demonstrated the system validity as a diagnostic support tool and its effectiveness at reducing the number of biopsy cores requested for an accurate diagnosis. For UIS the research developed a heart disease diagnostic tool based on Real-Time 3D Echocardiography. Thesis contributions to this application are: (i) the development of an automated GPU based level-set segmentation framework for 3D images; (ii) the application of this framework to the myocardium segmentation. Experimental results showed the high efficiency and flexibility of the proposed framework. Its effectiveness as a tool for quantitative analysis of 3D cardiac morphology and function was demonstrated through clinical validation.
In the present thesis, a new methodology of diagnosis based on advanced use of time-frequency technique analysis is presented. More precisely, a new fault index that allows tracking individual fault components in a single frequency band is defined. More in detail, a frequency sliding is applied to the signals being analyzed (currents, voltages, vibration signals), so that each single fault frequency component is shifted into a prefixed single frequency band. Then, the discrete Wavelet Transform is applied to the resulting signal to extract the fault signature in the frequency band that has been chosen. Once the state of the machine has been qualitatively diagnosed, a quantitative evaluation of the fault degree is necessary. For this purpose, a fault index based on the energy calculation of approximation and/or detail signals resulting from wavelet decomposition has been introduced to quantify the fault extend. The main advantages of the developed new method over existing Diagnosis techniques are the following: - Capability of monitoring the fault evolution continuously over time under any transient operating condition; - Speed/slip measurement or estimation is not required; - Higher accuracy in filtering frequency components around the fundamental in case of rotor faults; - Reduction in the likelihood of false indications by avoiding confusion with other fault harmonics (the contribution of the most relevant fault frequency components under speed-varying conditions are clamped in a single frequency band); - Low memory requirement due to low sampling frequency; - Reduction in the latency of time processing (no requirement of repeated sampling operation).
In recent years, thanks to the technological advances, electromagnetic methods for non-invasive shallow subsurface characterization have been increasingly used in many areas of environmental and geoscience applications. Among all the geophysical electromagnetic methods, the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) has received unprecedented attention over the last few decades due to its capability to obtain, spatially and temporally, high-resolution electromagnetic parameter information thanks to its versatility, its handling, its non-invasive nature, its high resolving power, and its fast implementation. The main focus of this thesis is to perform a dielectric site characterization in an efficient and accurate way studying in-depth a physical phenomenon behind a recent developed GPR approach, the so-called early-time technique, which infers the electrical properties of the soil in the proximity of the antennas. In particular, the early-time approach is based on the amplitude analysis of the early-time portion of the GPR waveform using a fixed-offset ground-coupled antenna configuration where the separation between the transmitting and receiving antenna is on the order of the dominant pulse-wavelength. Amplitude information can be extracted from the early-time signal through complex trace analysis, computing the instantaneous-amplitude attributes over a selected time-duration of the early-time signal. Basically, if the acquired GPR signals are considered to represent the real part of a complex trace, and the imaginary part is the quadrature component obtained by applying a Hilbert transform to the GPR trace, the amplitude envelope is the absolute value of the resulting complex trace (also known as the instantaneous-amplitude). Analysing laboratory information, numerical simulations and natural field conditions, and summarising the overall results embodied in this thesis, it is possible to suggest the early-time GPR technique as an effective method to estimate physical properties of the soil in a fast and non-invasive way.
Assessment of the integrity of structural components is of great importance for aerospace systems, land and marine transportation, civil infrastructures and other biological and mechanical applications. Guided waves (GWs) based inspections are an attractive mean for structural health monitoring. In this thesis, the study and development of techniques for GW ultrasound signal analysis and compression in the context of non-destructive testing of structures will be presented. In guided wave inspections, it is necessary to address the problem of the dispersion compensation. A signal processing approach based on frequency warping was adopted. Such operator maps the frequencies axis through a function derived by the group velocity of the test material and it is used to remove the dependence on the travelled distance from the acquired signals. Such processing strategy was fruitfully applied for impact location and damage localization tasks in composite and aluminum panels. It has been shown that, basing on this processing tool, low power embedded system for GW structural monitoring can be implemented. Finally, a new procedure based on Compressive Sensing has been developed and applied for data reduction. Such procedure has also a beneficial effect in enhancing the accuracy of structural defects localization. This algorithm uses the convolutive model of the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves which takes advantage of a sparse signal representation in the warped frequency domain. The recovery from the compressed samples is based on an alternating minimization procedure which achieves both an accurate reconstruction of the ultrasonic signal and a precise estimation of waves time of flight. Such information is used to feed hyperbolic or elliptic localization procedures, for accurate impact or damage localization.
An extensive study of the morphology and the dynamics of the equatorial ionosphere over South America is presented here. A multi parametric approach is used to describe the physical characteristics of the ionosphere in the regions where the combination of the thermospheric electric field and the horizontal geomagnetic field creates the so-called Equatorial Ionization Anomalies. Ground based measurements from GNSS receivers are used to link the Total Electron Content (TEC), its spatial gradients and the phenomenon known as scintillation that can lead to a GNSS signal degradation or even to a GNSS signal ‘loss of lock’. A new algorithm to highlight the features characterizing the TEC distribution is developed in the framework of this thesis and the results obtained are validated and used to improve the performance of a GNSS positioning technique (long baseline RTK). In addition, the correlation between scintillation and dynamics of the ionospheric irregularities is investigated. By means of a software, here implemented, the velocity of the ionospheric irregularities is evaluated using high sampling rate GNSS measurements. The results highlight the parallel behaviour of the amplitude scintillation index (S4) occurrence and the zonal velocity of the ionospheric irregularities at least during severe scintillations conditions (post-sunset hours). This suggests that scintillations are driven by TEC gradients as well as by the dynamics of the ionospheric plasma. Finally, given the importance of such studies for technological applications (e.g. GNSS high-precision applications), a validation of the NeQuick model (i.e. the model used in the new GALILEO satellites for TEC modelling) is performed. The NeQuick performance dramatically improves when data from HF radar sounding (ionograms) are ingested. A custom designed algorithm, based on the image recognition technique, is developed to properly select the ingested data, leading to further improvement of the NeQuick performance.