20 resultados para Materiali compositi, CFRP, Combined Loading Compression (CLC) test method
Mountainous areas are prone to natural hazards like rockfalls. Among the many countermeasures, rockfall protection barriers represent an effective solution to mitigate the risk. They are metallic structures designed to intercept rocks falling from unstable slopes, thus dissipating the energy deriving from the impact. This study aims at providing a better understanding of the response of several rockfall barrier types, through the development of rather sophisticated three-dimensional numerical finite elements models which take into account for the highly dynamic and non-linear conditions of such events. The models are built considering the actual geometrical and mechanical properties of real systems. Particular attention is given to the connecting details between the structural components and to their interactions. The importance of the work lies in being able to support a wide experimental activity with appropriate numerical modelling. The data of several full-scale tests carried out on barrier prototypes, as well as on their structural components, are combined with results of numerical simulations. Though the models are designed with relatively simple solutions in order to obtain a low computational cost of the simulations, they are able to reproduce with great accuracy the test results, thus validating the reliability of the numerical strategy proposed for the design of these structures. The developed models have shown to be readily applied to predict the barrier performance under different possible scenarios, by varying the initial configuration of the structures and/or of the impact conditions. Furthermore, the numerical models enable to optimize the design of these structures and to evaluate the benefit of possible solutions. Finally it is shown they can be also used as a valuable supporting tool for the operators within a rockfall risk assessment procedure, to gain crucial understanding of the performance of existing barriers in working conditions.
The application of Computational Fluid Dynamics based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations to the simulation of bluff body aerodynamics has been thoroughly investigated in the past. Although a satisfactory accuracy can be obtained for some urban physics problems their predictive capability is limited to the mean flow properties, while the ability to accurately predict turbulent fluctuations is recognized to be of fundamental importance when dealing with wind loading and pollution dispersion problems. The need to correctly take into account the flow dynamics when such problems are faced has led researchers to move towards scale-resolving turbulence models such as Large Eddy Simulations (LES). The development and assessment of LES as a tool for the analysis of these problems is nowadays an active research field and represents a demanding engineering challenge. This research work has two objectives. The first one is focused on wind loads assessment and aims to study the capabilities of LES in reproducing wind load effects in terms of internal forces on structural members. This differs from the majority of the existing research, where performance of LES is evaluated only in terms of surface pressures, and is done with a view of adopting LES as a complementary design tools alongside wind tunnel tests. The second objective is the study of LES capabilities in calculating pollutant dispersion in the built environment. The validation of LES in this field is considered to be of the utmost importance in order to conceive healthier and more sustainable cities. In order to validate the numerical setup adopted, a systematic comparison between numerical and experimental data is performed. The obtained results are intended to be used in the drafting of best practice guidelines for the application of LES in the urban physics field with a particular attention to wind load assessment and pollution dispersion problems.
Safe collaboration between a robot and human operator forms a critical requirement for deploying a robotic system into a manufacturing and testing environment. In this dissertation, the safety requirement for is developed and implemented for the navigation system of the mobile manipulators. A methodology for human-robot co-existence through a 3d scene analysis is also investigated. The proposed approach exploits the advance in computing capability by relying on graphic processing units (GPU’s) for volumetric predictive human-robot contact checking. Apart from guaranteeing safety of operators, human-robot collaboration is also fundamental when cooperative activities are required, as in appliance test automation floor. To achieve this, a generalized hierarchical task controller scheme for collision avoidance is developed. This allows the robotic arm to safely approach and inspect the interior of the appliance without collision during the testing procedure. The unpredictable presence of the operators also forms dynamic obstacle that changes very fast, thereby requiring a quick reaction from the robot side. In this aspect, a GPU-accelarated distance field is computed to speed up reaction time to avoid collision between human operator and the robot. An automated appliance testing also involves robotized laundry loading and unloading during life cycle testing. This task involves Laundry detection, grasp pose estimation and manipulation in a container, inside the drum and during recovery grasping. A wrinkle and blob detection algorithms for grasp pose estimation are developed and grasp poses are calculated along the wrinkle and blobs to efficiently perform grasping task. By ranking the estimated laundry grasp poses according to a predefined cost function, the robotic arm attempt to grasp poses that are more comfortable from the robot kinematic side as well as collision free on the appliance side. This is achieved through appliance detection and full-model registration and collision free trajectory execution using online collision avoidance.
Using Computational Wind Engineering, CWE, for solving wind-related problems is still a challenging task today, mainly due to the high computational cost required to obtain trustworthy simulations. In particular, the Large Eddy Simulation, LES, has been widely used for evaluating wind loads on buildings. The present thesis assesses the capability of LES as a design tool for wind loading predictions through three cases. The first case is using LES for simulating the wind field around a ground-mounted rectangular prism in Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) flow. The numerical results are validated with experimental results for seven wind attack angles, giving a global understanding of the model performance. The case with the worst model behaviour is investigated, including the spatial distribution of the pressure coefficients and their discrepancies with respect to experimental results. The effects of some numerical parameters are investigated for this case to understand their effectiveness in modifying the obtained numerical results. The second case is using LES for investigating the wind effects on a real high-rise building, aiming at validating the performance of LES as a design tool in practical applications. The numerical results are validated with the experimental results in terms of the distribution of the pressure statistics and the global forces. The mesh sensitivity and the computational cost are discussed. The third case is using LES for studying the wind effects on the new large-span roof over the Bologna stadium. The dynamic responses are analyzed and design envelopes for the structure are obtained. Although it is a numerical simulation before the traditional wind tunnel tests, i.e. the validation of the numerical results are not performed, the preliminary evaluations can effectively inform later investigations and provide the final design processes with deeper confidence regarding the absence of potentially unexpected behaviours.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) are well renowned for their excellent mechanical properties, superior strength-to-weight characteristics, low thermal expansion coefficient, and fatigue resistance over any conventional polymer or metal. Due to the high stiffness of carbon fibers and thermosetting matrix, CFRP laminates may display some drawbacks, limiting their use in specific applications. Indeed, the overall laminate stiffness may lead to structural problems arising from their laminar structure, which makes them susceptible to structural failure by delamination. Moreover, such stiffness given by the constituents makes them poor at damping vibration, making the component more sensitive to noise and leading, at times, to delamination triggering. Nanofibrous mat interleaving is a smart way to increase the interlaminar fracture toughness: the use of thermoplastic polymers, such as poly(ε- caprolactone) (PCL) and polyamides (Nylons), as nonwovens are common and well established. Here, in this PhD thesis, a new method for the production of rubber-rich nanofibrous mats is presented. The use of rubbery nanofibers blended with PCL, widely reported in the literature, was used as matrix tougheners, processing DCB test results by evaluating Acoustic Emissions (AE). Moreover, water-soluble electrospun polyethylene oxide (PEO) nanofibers were proposed as an innovative method for reinforcing layers and hindering delamination in epoxy-based CFRP laminates. A nano-modified CFRP was then aged in water for 1 month and its delamination behaviour compared with the ones of the commercial laminate. A comprehensive study on the use of nanofibers with high rubber content, blended with a crystalline counterpart, as enhancers of the interlaminar properties were then investigated. Finally, PEO, PCL, and Nylon 66 nanofibers, plain or reinforced with Graphene (G), were integrated into epoxy-matrix CFRP to evaluate the effect of polymers and polymers + G on the laminate mechanical properties.