21 resultados para Logosauce Contest
Il continuo sdoppiamento e la riverberazione sono le matrici di sviluppo di questa tesi, in cui le ricerche di Grotowski legate al Parateatro e al Teatro delle Fonti sono indagate e interpretate a partire da un pensiero polivalente che prende avvio nella sociologia della cultura e si radica in un terreno antropologico. La ricerca si configura come un’interpretazione possibile delle scelte operate da Grotowski e, complessivamente, dal Teatro Laboratorio, nel contesto delle trasformazioni socio-culturali successive agli anni Sessanta verificando come nel periodo dal '70 all'82 le scelte stesse rispecchino i valori culturali dell’epoca.La ricerca ricorre alla categoria della “festa” - intesa come realtà quotidiana elevata alla forma rituale, attraverso gli elementi culturali e identitari del gruppo di appartenenza - e, a partire da essa, sovrappone criticamente la logica dell’“identità in performance” con la nozione di “Incontro” elaborata da Grotowski. Questa logica è, successivamente, problematizzata attraverso il “diamante culturale”, un dispositivo di analisi della sociologia della culturache, a sua volta, è discusso eridimensionato a partire dalpresuppostodi “Decostruzione” e dall’idea di “Decondizionamento”legata al lavoro del Performer, inteso come individuo.Tre immagini e un’incognita rivelano i campi d’azioneed i principi che permeano l’intera ricerca raddoppiandosi e congiungendo l’immagine del Performer come individuo riflessivo. L’immagine riflessa si configura nel contrasto fra apparenza e presenza: nella domanda posta da Grotowski “che si può fare con la propria solitudine?” si evidenzia uno dei problemi a cui deve far fronte l’individuo in una determinata struttura culturale e, al contempo, viene suggerita una possibilità di amplificazione della percezione di “se stesso” da parte dell’Attore-Performer come Individuo.
Gut microbial acquisition during the early stage of life is an extremely important event since it affects the health status of the host. In this contest the healthy properties of the genus Bifidobacterium have a central function in newborns. The aim of this thesis was to explore the dynamics of the gut microbial colonization in newborns and to suggest possible strategies to maintain or restore a correct balance of gut bacterial population in infants. The first step of this work was to review the most recent studies on the use of probiotics and prebiotics in infants. Secondly, in order to prevent or treat intestinal disorders that may affect newborns, the capability of selected Bifidobacterium strains to reduce the amount of Enterobacteriaceae and against the infant pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae was evaluated in vitro. Furthermore, the ability of several commercial fibers to stimulate selectively the growth of bifidobacterial strains was checked. Finally, the gut microbial composition in the early stage of life in response to the intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP) against group B Streptococcus was studied using q-PCR, DGGE and next generation sequencing. The results globally showed that Bifidobacterium breve B632 strain is the best candidate for the use in a synbiotic product coupled to a mixture of two selected prebiotic fibers (galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides) for gastrointestinal disorders in infants. Moreover, the early gut microbial composition was affected by IAP treatment with infants showing lower counts of Bifidobacterium spp. and Bacteroides spp. coupled to a decrement of biodiversity of bacteria, compared to control infants. These studies have shown that IAP could affect the early intestinal balance in infants and they have paved the way to the definition of new strategies alternative to antibiotic treatment to control GBS infection in pregnant women.
Le Social Street sono gruppi di vicini di casa che vogliono ricreare legami di convivialità avendo notato un indebolimento delle relazioni sociali nei loro quartieri. Nascono come gruppi online, tramite la piattaforma Facebook, per materializzarsi in incontri offline andando a costruire legami conviviali grazie pratiche di socialità, inclusività e gratuità. Questa Tesi ha come obiettivo l’analisi dei profili socio-demografici degli Streeter e dei quartieri coinvolti per comprendere come sia possibile creare convivialità e come la variabile urbana intervenga in questi processi. Inoltre, si vuole comprendere le dinamiche di attaccamento al quartiere, gli interessi portati avanti dagli Streeter, il loro profilo civico e il posizionamento di quest’esperienza rispetto all’associazionismo tradizionale. Per perseguire l’obiettivo della ricerca, sono state studiate le tre città che vedono la maggiore presenza di Social Street: Milano, Bologna, Roma. La ricerca ha previsto sia un’analisi degli Streeter grazie a un questionario online replicato in tutti i contesti. Inoltre, sono state realizzate 131 interviste ad amministratori e fondatori di Social Street e condotte osservazioni etnografiche e netnografiche. I risultati mostrano come gli Streeter siano appartenenti alle classi medio-alte, tra trenta e cinquanta anni, che hanno sperimentato la mobilità tra un quartiere e l’altro o tra diversi contesi nazionali ed internazionali e trovano nelle Social Street un modo per creare legami di vicinato che hanno perso nei loro trasferimenti. Gli stessi quartieri dove si diffondono le Social Street sono agiati e vi è una buona corrispondenza tra Streeter e modello della centralità sociale elaborato da Milbrath (1965) per cui anche la partecipazione civica è molto sentita tra gli aderenti alle Social Street. Il contributo di questa Tesi al dibattito sociologico risiede nell’aver offerto un’analisi empirica di un’azione collettiva a livello urbano, quella delle Social Street, mostrando come vi sia circolarità tra azione e contesto grazie all’azione mutualistica conviviale.
The research solved the historiographic lacuna about Leonardo Ricci’s work in the United States focusing on the span 1952-1972 as a fundamental period for the architect's research, which moved from the project for the community space to macrostructures. The considered period is comprised between Ricci’s first travel to the United States and the date of his resignation from the University of Florida, one year before his resignation from the deanship of the faculty of architecture of Florence (1973). The research retraced philologically the stages of Ricci’s activity in the U.S.A. unveiling the premises and results of his American transfer, and to what extent it marked a turning period for his work as educator and designer and for the wider historiographic contest of the Sixties. The American transfer helped him grounding his belief in avoiding a priori morphological results in favor of what he called the “form-act” design method. Ricci’s research in the U.S.A. is described in his books Anonymous (XX century) and City of the Earth (unpublished). In them and in Ricci’s projects one common thread is traceable: the application of the “form-act” as the best tool to conceive urban design, a discipline established in the United States during Ricci’s first stay at M.I.T., in which he encountered the balance point between architecture and urban planning, between the architect’s sign and his being anonymous, between the collective and the individual dimension. With the notions of “anonymous architecture” and “form-act”, Urban Design and “open work” are the key words to understand Ricci’s work in the United States and in Italy. Urban design’s main goal to design the city as a collective work of art was the solution of that dychothomous research that enlivened Ricci’s work and one possible answer to that tension useful for him to seek the truth of architecture.
In the contest of a modern green chemistry approach, we firstly tried to substituent the classic peptide synthesis approach with the use of N-carboxyanhydrides in the presence of Hydroxyapatite, a high biocompatible inorganic base. Despite the great results, further developments are necessary for a daily use in laboratory and for our research, we decided to proceed with solid phase or liquid phase synthesis. In the first chapter, the treatment of pain with the use of opioids is introduced. The abuse and misuse of these kind of potent analgesics, led to the necessity of developing new drugs with less side effects. Starting from a previous study, where the introduction of a lactam-like structure in the place of the proline of Endomorphine1, switched the selectivity from MOR to KOR, we designed and synthetized three different libraries by placing a different trans inducer element to gain the desired selectivity and activity forcing the structure to adopt a linear rather than folded position. In the second chapter, we focused on lactate dehydrogenase, an enzyme overexpressed when the cells in hypoxia conditions, like in a tumour mass, need to produce energy through the transformation of pyruvate into lactate. We synthetized different cyclic peptidomimetics, designed to be inhibitors, as powerful tool to contrast cancer cells growing. Biological assays produced satisfactory preliminary results, but further studies are necessary for a definitive output. Finally in the last chapter, the cancer treatment problem is also approached through the design of nanoparticles, able to deliver drugs with efficacy and selectivity. We firstly synthetized silica core nanoparticles, built with toxic peptide sequences conjugated through click chemistry with Pluronic acid and then, in collaboration with Miriam Royo’s research group, we synthetized multivalent platforms for used drugs for the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer.
This thesis consists of three self-contained essays on nonlinear pricing and rent-seeking. In the first chapter of the thesis, I provide new theoretical insights about non-linear pricing in monopoly and common agency by combining the principal-agent framework with other-regarding preferences. I introduce a new theoretical model that separately characterizes status-seeker and inequity-averse buyers. I show how the buyer’s optimal choice of quality and market inefficiency change when the buyer has other-regarding preferences. In the second chapter, I find the optimal productive rent-seeking and sabotaging efforts when the prize is endogenous. I show that due to the existence of endogeneity, sabotaging the productive rent-seeking efforts causes sabotaging the endogenous part of the prize, which can affect the rent-seeking efforts. Moreover, I introduce social preferences into my model and characterize symmetric productive rent-seeking and sabotaging efforts. In the last chapter, I propose a new theoretical model regarding information disclosure with Bayesian persuasion in rent-seeking contests when the efforts are productive. I show that under one-sided incomplete information, information disclosure decision depends on both the marginal costs of efforts and the marginal benefit of aggregate exerted effort. I find that since the efforts are productive and add a positive surplus on the fixed rent, my model narrows down the conditions for the information disclosure compared to the exogenous model. Under the two-sided incomplete information case, I observe that there is a non-monotone relationship between optimal effort and posterior beliefs. Thus, it might be difficult to conclude whether a contest organizer should disclose any information to contestants.