19 resultados para Amines biògenes
The present thesis aims to evaluate a method to assess the viability; estimate the bacterial and viral (Hepatitis A and Norovirus) contamination; describe how some parameters change during a week in refrigerated condition and after 24 hours of immersion; estimate indole-producing bacteria and biogenic amines; evaluate the presence of saxitoxin and tetrodotoxin. The method to assess the viability using sea salt is easy to apply. Marine gastropods did not accumulate fecal contaminants, but vibrios due to their feeding. The Vibrio spp. load was even higher than the one registered on Ruditapes philippinarum belonging to the same area For what to concern the evaluation during a week in refrigerated condition and after 24 hours of immersion, non-re-immersed gastropods exceeded the acceptable mortality (10%) after three days in refrigerated conditions, but the Vibrio spp. load did not show a significant increase within three days. The TVC was already high from the beginning and its major part consisted of SSOs, which could be explained by gastropods’ feed, such as the Pseudomonas spp. load and the abundance of IPB. The BAs amount was also correlated with viability and had a statistically significant difference within a week on refrigerated conditions, principally because putrescine, tyramine, spermidine, and cadaverine rise in non-re-immersed samples. It also should be noted that the BAs amount was higher on average than the recommendation of literature. Moreover, re-immersed batches showed acceptable viability even after 3 days, and the Vibrio spp. load, TVC, SSOs, and biogenic amines remained almost constant within a week contrary to non-re-immersed samples. Finally, T. mutabilis and B. brandaris did not accumulate NoVs and TTX. We obtained only one positivity of the HAV sample and traces of STX (not at levels toxic to humans). Our results contribute to identifying food-borne hazards for T. mutabilis and B. brandaris.
In the last decades, nanomaterials, and in particular semiconducting nanoparticles (or quantum dots), have gained increasing attention due to their controllable optical properties and potential applications. Silicon nanoparticles (also called silicon nanocrystals, SiNCs) have been extensively studied in the last years, due to their physical and chemical properties which render them a valid alternative to conventional quantum dots. During my PhD studies I have planned new synthetical routes to obtain SiNCs functionalised with molecules which could ameliorate the properties of the nanoparticle. However, this was certainly challenging, because SiNCs are very susceptible to many reagents and conditions that are often used in organic synthesis. They can be irreversibly quenched in the presence of alkalis, they can be damaged in the presence of oxidants, they can modify their optical properties in the presence of many nitrogen-containing compounds, metal complexes or simple organic molecules. If their surface is not well-passivated, the oxygen can introduce defect states, or they can aggregate and precipitate in several solvents. Therefore, I was able to functionalise SiNCs with different ligands: chromophores, amines, carboxylic acids, poly(ethylene)glycol, even ameliorating functionalisation strategies that already existed. This thesis will collect the experimental procedures used to synthesize silicon nanocrystals, the strategies adopted to functionalise effectively the nanoparticle with different types of organic molecules, and the characterisation of their surface, physical properties and luminescence (mostly photogenerated, but also electrochemigenerated). I also spent a period of 7 months in Leeds (UK), where I managed to learn how to synthesize other cadmium-free quantum dots made of copper, indium and sulphur (CIS QDs). During my last year of PhD, I focused on their functionalisation by ligand exchange techniques, yielding the first example of light-harvesting antenna based on those quantum dots. Part of this thesis is dedicated to them.
The work done within the framework of my PhD project has been carried out between November 2019 and January 2023 at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences of the University of Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Marta Galloni and PhD Gherardo Bogo. A period of three months was spent at the Natural History Museum of Rijeka, under the supervision of Prof. Boštjan Surina. The main aim of the thesis was to investigate further the so-called pollinator manipulation hypothesis, which states that when a floral visitor gets in contact with a specific nectar chemistry, the latter affects its behavior of visit on flowers, with potential repercussions on the plant reproductive fitness. To the purpose, the topic was tackled by means of three main approaches: field studies, laboratory assessments, and bibliographic reviews. This research project contributes to two main aspects. First, when insects encounter nectar-like concentrations of a plethora of secondary metabolites in their food-environment, various aspects of their behavior relevant to flower visitation can be affected. In addition, the results I gained confirm that the combination of field studies and laboratory assessments allows to get more realistic pictures of a given phenomenon than the single approaches. Second, reviewing the existent literature in the field of nectar ecology has highlighted how crucial is to establish the origin of nectar biogenic amines to either confirm or reject the multiple speculations made on the role of nectar microbes in shaping plant-animal interactions.
The present thesis aims to provide a thorough comprehension of the vaginal ecosystem of pregnant women and enhance the knowledge of pregnancy pathophysiology. The first study emphasized the importance of limiting protein intake from animal sources, consuming carbohydrates, and avoiding starting pregnancy overweight to maintain a healthy vaginal environment characterized by lactobacilli and related metabolites. In the second paper, a reduction in bacterial diversity, an increase in Lactobacillus abundance, and a decrease in bacterial vaginosis-related genera were observed during pregnancy. Lactobacillus abundance correlated with higher levels of lactate, sarcosine, and amino acids, while bacterial vaginosis-related genera were associated with amines, formate, acetate, alcohols, and short-chain fatty acids. An association between intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis for Group B Streptococcus and higher vaginal abundance of Prevotella was found. Moreover, women experiencing a first-trimester miscarriage displayed a higher abundance of Fusobacterium. The third study explored the presence of macrolides and tetracyclines resistance genes in the vaginal environment, highlighting that different vaginal microbiota types were associated with distinct resistance profiles. Lactobacilli-dominated ecosystems showed fewer or no resistance genes, while women with increased bacterial vaginosis-related genera were positive for resistance genes. The last two papers aimed to identify potential biomarkers of vaginal health or disease status. The fourth paper showed that positivity for Torquetenovirus decreased from the first to the third trimester, being more prevalent in women with higher vaginal leukocyte counts. Torquetenovirus-positive samples showed higher levels of cytokines, propionate, and cadaverine. Lactobacillus species decreased in Torquetenovirus-positive samples, while Sneathia and Shuttleworthia increased. The last work pointed out the association between clade 2 of Gardnerella vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis. Moreover, as the number of simultaneously detected G. vaginalis clades increased, bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria also tended to increase. Additionally, sialidase gene levels negatively correlated with Lactobacillus and positively correlated with Gardnerella, Atopobium, Prevotella, Megasphaera, and Sneathia.