17 resultados para Additive Manufacturing 3D Printing FDM TPU nanocompisiti
The main focus of this work is to define a numerical methodology to simulate an aerospike engine and then to analyse the performance of DemoP1, which is a small aerospike demonstrator built by Pangea Aerospace. The aerospike is a promising solution to build more efficient engine than the actual one. Its main advantage is the expansion adaptation that allows to reach the optimal expansion in a wide range of ambient pressures delivering more thrust than an equivalent bell-shaped nozzle. The main drawbacks are the cooling system design and the spike manufacturing but nowadays, these issues seem to be overcome with the use of the additive manufacturing method. The simulations are performed with dbnsTurbFoam which is a solver of OpenFOAM. It has been designed to simulate a supersonic compressible turbulent flow. This work is divided in four chapters. The first one is a short introduction. The second one shows a brief summary of the theoretical performance of the aerospike. The third one introduces the numerical methodology to simulate a compressible supersonic flow. In the fourth chapter, the solver has been verified with an experiment found in literature. And in the fifth chapter, the simulations on DemoP1 engine are illustrated.
Three dimensional (3D) printers of continuous fiber reinforced composites, such as MarkTwo (MT) by Markforged, can be used to manufacture such structures. To date, research works devoted to the study and application of flexible elements and CMs realized with MT printer are only a few and very recent. A good numerical and/or analytical tool for the mechanical behavior analysis of the new composites is still missing. In addition, there is still a gap in obtaining the material properties used (e.g. elastic modulus) as it is usually unknown and sensitive to printing parameters used (e.g. infill density), making the numerical simulation inaccurate. Consequently, the aim of this thesis is to present several work developed. The first is a preliminary investigation on the tensile and flexural response of Straight Beam Flexures (SBF) realized with MT printer and featuring different interlayer fiber volume-fraction and orientation, as well as different laminate position within the sample. The second is to develop a numerical analysis within the Carrera' s Unified Formulation (CUF) framework, based on component-wise (CW) approach, including a novel preprocessing tool that has been developed to account all regions printed in an easy and time efficient way. Among its benefits, the CUF-CW approach enables building an accurate database for collecting first natural frequencies modes results, then predicting Young' s modulus based on an inverse problem formulation. To validate the tool, the numerical results are compared to the experimental natural frequencies evaluated using a digital image correlation method. Further, we take the CUF-CW model and use static condensation to analyze smart structures which can be decomposed into a large number of similar components. Third, the potentiality of MT in combination with topology optimization and compliant joints design (CJD) is investigated for the realization of automated machinery mechanisms subjected to inertial loads.