19 resultados para ALIPHATIC POLYESTERS


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Gli argomenti trattati all’interno di questa tesi di dottorato riguardano la sintesi e la modifica di polimeri ottenuti a partire da fonti rinnovabili. L’acido polilattico (PLA) è stato modificato per ottenere film estensibili per uso alimentare. La scelta del materiale si è basata sull’analisi del suo ciclo di vita e perché è riconosciuto come sicuro per l’utilizzo nel campo alimentare. Le formulazioni testate, a base di PLA, sono state preparate con l’aggiunta di una serie di additivi utilizzati per migliorare le proprietà meccaniche del materiale. La lavorazione è stata eseguita mediante estrusione, ottenendo dei pellet a composizione omogenea successivamente lavorati nell’estrusore a bolla, modalità industriale di produzione dei film estensibili. È stata poi effettuata la sintesi diretta di nuovi poliesteri insaturi a base di dimetil succinato e 1,6-esandiolo. L’insaturazione della catena è stata ottenuta mediante l’uso, durante la sintesi, di derivati dell’olio di ricino, l’acido ricinoleico e il suo derivato insaturo metil undecenoato. Un’altra molecola insatura utilizzata è stata il citronellolo, scelto tra i terpeni. I polimeri così ottenuti sono stati modificati tramite reazioni radicaliche indotte con radiazioni UV utilizzando sostanze antibatteriche (sale 3-esadecil-1-vinilimidazolo bromuro) al fine di ottenere materiali con attività biocida a lungo termine e senza rilascio. Si è proceduto inoltre alla polimerizzazione reversibile di monomeri furanici con oli vegetali utilizzando una strategia di tipo double click. Si è partiti dalla sintesi di monomeri derivanti da oli vegetali contenenti eterocicli furanici attaccati mediante addizione tiol-enica (prima reazione click chemistry) e si è proseguito con la loro successiva polimerizzazione attraverso una reazione di tipo Diels-Alder con molecole con gruppi maleimmidici (seconda reazione click chemistry). I polimeri così ottenuti sono materiali potenzialmente auto-riparanti, grazie alla possibilità di spostare l’equilibrio verso i prodotti o i reagenti semplicemente variando le condizioni di temperatura.


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The aim of my PhD research project was to investigate new and more sustainable routes, compared to those currently used, for the production of adipic acid (AA). AA is a very important chemical intermediate. The main use of AA is the production of Nylon-6,6 fibers, resins, polyesters, plasticizers. My project was divided into two parts: 1. The two-step oxidation of cyclohexene, where the latter is first oxidized into trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol (CHD) with aqueous hydrogen peroxide, and then the glycol is transformed into AA by reaction with molecular oxygen. Various catalysts were investigated in this process, both heterogeneous (alumina-supported Ru(OH)x and Au nanoparticles supported on TiO2, MgO and Mg(OH)2) and homogeneous (polyoxometalates). We also studied the mechanism of CHD oxidation with oxygen in the presence of these catalysts. 2. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation of cyclohexanone with aqueous hydrogen peroxide into ɛ-caprolactone, as a first step on the way to produce AA. Study on the mechanism of the uncatalyzed (thermal) oxidation of cyclohexanone were also carried out. Investigation on how the different heterogeneous catalysts affect the formation of the reaction products and their distribution was done.


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Epoxy resins are mainly produced by reacting bisphenol A with epichlorohydrin. Growing concerns about the negative health effects of bisphenol A are urging researchers to find alternatives. In this work diphenolic acid is suggested, as it derives from levulinic acid, obtained from renewable resources. Nevertheless, it is also synthesized from phenol, from fossil resources, which, in the current paper has been substituted by plant-based phenols. Two interesting derivatives were identified: diphenolic acid from catechol and from resorcinol. Epichlorohydrin on the other hand, is highly carcinogenic and volatile, leading to a tremendous risk of exposure. Thus, two approaches have been investigated and compared with epichlorohydrin. The resulting resins have been characterized to find an appropriate application, as epoxy are commonly used for a wide range of products, ranging from composite materials for boats to films for food cans. Self-curing capacity was observed for the resin deriving from diphenolic acid from catechol. The glycidyl ether of the diphenolic acid from resorcinol, a fully renewable compound, was cured in isothermal and non-isothermal tests tracked by DSC. Two aliphatic amines were used, namely 1,4-butanediamine and 1,6-hexamethylendiamine, in order to determine the effect of chain length on the curing of an epoxy-amine system and determine the kinetic parameters. The latter are crucial to plan any industrial application. Both diamines demonstrated superior properties compared to traditional bisphenol A-amine systems.


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The investigation of phylogenetic diversity and functionality of complex microbial communities in relation to changes in the environmental conditions represents a major challenge of microbial ecology research. Nowadays, particular attention is paid to microbial communities occurring at environmental sites contaminated by recalcitrant and toxic organic compounds. Extended research has evidenced that such communities evolve some metabolic abilities leading to the partial degradation or complete mineralization of the contaminants. Determination of such biodegradation potential can be the starting point for the development of cost effective biotechnological processes for the bioremediation of contaminated matrices. This work showed how metagenomics-based microbial ecology investigations supported the choice or the development of three different bioremediation strategies. First, PCR-DGGE and PCR-cloning approaches served the molecular characterization of microbial communities enriched through sequential development stages of an aerobic cometabolic process for the treatment of groundwater contaminated by chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons inside an immobilized-biomass packed bed bioreactor (PBR). In this case the analyses revealed homogeneous growth and structure of immobilized communities throughout the PBR and the occurrence of dominant microbial phylotypes of the genera Rhodococcus, Comamonas and Acidovorax, which probably drive the biodegradation process. The same molecular approaches were employed to characterize sludge microbial communities selected and enriched during the treatment of municipal wastewater coupled with the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). Known PHA-accumulating microorganisms identified were affiliated with the genera Zooglea, Acidovorax and Hydrogenophaga. Finally, the molecular investigation concerned communities of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contaminated soil subjected to rhizoremediation with willow roots or fertilization-based treatments. The metabolic ability to biodegrade naphthalene, as a representative model for PAH, was assessed by means of stable isotope probing in combination with high-throughput sequencing analysis. The phylogenetic diversity of microbial populations able to derive carbon from naphthalene was evaluated as a function of the type of treatment.