307 resultados para Materiali Musivi
The growing market of electrical cars, portable electronics, photovoltaic systems..etc. requires the development of efficient, low-cost, and low environmental impact energy storage devices (ESDs) including batteries and supercapacitors.. Due to their extended charge-discharge cycle, high specific capacitance, and power capabilities supercapacitors are considered among the most attractive ESDs. Over the last decade, research and development in supercapacitor technology have accelerated: thousands of articles have been published in the literature describing the electrochemical properties of the electrode materials and electrolyte in addition to separators and current collectors. Carbon-based supercapacitor electrodes materials have gained increasing attention due to their high specific surface area, good electrical conductivity, and excellent stability in harsh environments, as well as other characteristics. Recently, there has been a surge of interest in activated carbon derived from low-cost abundant sources such as biomass for supercapacitor electrode materials. Also, particular attention was given to a major challenging issue concerning the substitution of organic solutions currently used as electrolytes due to their highest electrochemical stability window even though their high cost, toxicity, and flammability. In this regard, the main objective of this thesis is to investigate the performances of supercapacitors using low cost abundant safe, and low environmental impact materials for electrodes and electrolytes. Several prototypes were constructed and tested using natural resources through optimization of the preparation of appropriate carbon electrodes using agriculture by-products waste or coal (i.e. Argan shell or Anthracite from Jerrada). Such electrodes were tested using several electrolyte formulations (aqueous and water in salt electrolytes) beneficing their non-flammability, lower cost, and environmental impact; the characteristics that provide a promising opportunity to design safer, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly devices compared to organic electrolytes.
Conventional chromatographic columns are packed with porous beads by the universally employed slurry-packing method. The lack of precise control of the particle size distribution, shape and position inside the column have dramatic effects on the separation efficiency. In the first part the thesis an ordered, three-dimensional, pillar-array structure was designed by a CAD software. Several columns, characterized by different fluid distributors and bed length, were produced by a stereolithographic 3D printer and compared in terms of pressure drop and height equivalent to a theroretical plate (HETP). To prevent the release of unwanted substances and to provide a surface for immobilizing a ligand, pillars were coated with one or more of the following materials: titanium dioxide, nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) and polystyrene. The external NFC layer was functionalized with Cibacron Blue and the dynamic binding capacity of the column was measured by performing three chromatographic cycles, using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as target molecule. The second part of the thesis deals with Covid-19 pandemic related research activities. In early 2020, due to the pandemic outbreak, surgical face masks became an essential non-pharmaceutical intervention to limit the spread. To address the consequent shortage and to support the reconversion of the Italian industry, in late March 2020 a multidisciplinary group of the University of Bologna created the first Italian laboratory able to perform all the tests required for the evaluation and certification of surgical masks. More than 1200 tests were performed on about 350 prototypes, according to the standard EN 14683:2019. The results were analyzed to define the best material properties and masks composition for the production of masks with excellent efficiency. To optimize the usage of surgical masks and to reduce their environmental burden, the variation of their performance over time of usage were investigated as to determine the maximum lifetime.
Scopo Confrontare il trattamento transcatetere (TAVI) balloon-expandable con il trattamento chirurgico di sostituzione valvolare aortica (AVR) della stenosi valvolare aortica severa (SVAS) nella pratica clinica real world. Materiali e metodi Nel decennio 2010-2020, 1486 pazienti con SVAS isolata sono stati sottoposti a AVR (n=1049) o TAVI balloon-expandable (n=437) presso Hesperia Hospital Modena. Sono stati analizzati la Mortality nell’intera popolazione e gli episodi di ricovero cardiovascolare nei 5 anni precedenti e durante il follow-up nella popolazione residente in Emilia Romagna (n=1196) al momento della procedura (AVR n=879, TAVI balloon-expandable n=317). Risultati La popolazione TAVI è risultata mediamente più anziana di quella AVR (età media 82.2 vs. 72.7 anni) e maggiormente gravata da comorbidità. L’In-hospital mortality è stata del 1.4% nella AVR e 2.1% nella TAVI (pNS). La sopravvivenza a 5 anni è stata del 85.74% nella AVR e del 59.45% nella TAVI, con la TAVI come fattore predittivo di All-cause mortality (HR 1.44 95%CI 1.14-1.82). La riospedalizzazione per Heart Failure a 5 anni è stata del 20.6% per AVR e 51.3% per TAVI, con dialisi preoperatoria (HR 5.67 95%CI 3.06-10.49) come principale fattore predittivo. Il tasso di All Stroke a 5 anni è stato del 3.7% nella AVR e del 7.5% nella TAVI, con fibrillazione atriale preoperatoria come principale fattore predittivo (HR 1.91 95%CI 1.06-3.45). Il tasso di angioplastica coronarica percutanea (PCI) a 5 anni è stato del 3.1% sia nella AVR che nella TAVI, con previous PCI come principale fattore predittivo (HR 4.86 95%CI 2.57-9.21). L’impianto di pacemaker a 30 giorni è stato del 2.9% nella AVR e 3.4% nella TAVI (pNS). Conclusioni Nella pratica clinica real-world 2010-2020 di un centro cardiochirurgico a medio volume, la TAVI balloon-expandable ha mostrato una eccellente performance a 30 giorni in confronto con la AVR, che invece ha evidenziato una migliore performance durante follow-up.
Sandy coasts represent vital areas whose preservation and maintenance also involve economic and tourist interests. Besides, these dynamic environments undergo the erosion process at different levels depending on their specific characteristics. For this reason, defence interventions are commonly realized by combining engineering solutions and management policies to evaluate their effects over time. Monitoring activities represent the fundamental instrument to obtain a deep knowledge of the investigated phenomenon. Thanks to technological development, several possibilities both in terms of geomatic surveying techniques and processing tools are available, allowing to reach high performances and accuracy. Nevertheless, when the littoral definition includes both emerged and submerged beaches, several issues have to be considered. Therefore, the geomatic surveys and all the following steps need to be calibrated according to the individual application, with the reference system, accuracy and spatial resolution as primary aspects. This study provides the evaluation of the available geomatic techniques, processing approaches, and derived products, aiming at optimising the entire workflow of coastal monitoring by adopting an accuracy-efficiency trade-off. The presented analyses highlight the balance point when the increase in performance becomes an additional value for the obtained products ensuring proper data management. This perspective can represent a helpful instrument to properly plan the monitoring activities according to the specific purposes of the analysis. Finally, the primary uses of the acquired and processed data in monitoring contexts are presented, also considering possible applications for numerical modelling as supporting tools. Moreover, the theme of coastal monitoring has been addressed throughout this thesis by considering a practical point of view, linking to the activities performed by Arpae (Regional agency for prevention, environment and energy of Emilia-Romagna). Indeed, the Adriatic coast of Emilia-Romagna, where sandy beaches particularly exposed to erosion are present, has been chosen as a case study for all the analyses and considerations.
L’energia da onda potrebbe assumere un ruolo fondamentale per la transizione energetica durante i prossimi decenni, grazie alla sua continuità nel tempo molto superiore rispetto ad altre risorse rinnovabili e alla sua vasta distribuzione nello spazio. Tuttavia, l’energia da onda è ancora lontana dall’essere economicamente sostenibile, a causa di diverse problematiche tecnologiche e alle difficoltà finanziarie associate. In questa ricerca, si è innanzitutto affrontata una delle maggiori sfide tecniche, nello specifico la progettazione e modellazione di sistemi di ancoraggio per i dispositivi galleggianti, proponendo possibili soluzioni per la modellazione numerica di sistemi di ancoraggio complessi e per l’ottimizzazione dei dispositivi stessi. Successivamente sono state analizzate le possibili sinergie strategiche di installazioni per lo sfruttamento della energia da onda con altre risorse rinnovabili e la loro applicazione nel contesto di aree marine multiuso. In particolare, una metodologia per la valutazione della combinazione ottimale delle risorse rinnovabili è stata sviluppata e verificata in due diversi casi studio: un’isola e una piattaforma offshore. Si è così potuto evidenziare l’importante contributo della risorsa ondosa per la continuità energetica e per la riduzione della necessità di accumulo. Inoltre, è stato concepito un metodo di supporto decisionale multicriteriale per la valutazione delle opzioni di riuso delle piattaforme offshore alla fine della loro vita operativa, come alternativa al decommissionamento, nell’ottica di una gestione sostenibile e della ottimizzazione dell’uso dello spazio marino. Sulla base dei criteri selezionati, l’inclusione di attività innovative come la produzione di energia da onda si è dimostrata essere rilevante per rendere vantaggioso il riuso rispetto al decommissionamento. Numerosi studi recenti hanno infatti sottolineato che, nell’ambito della “crescita blu”, i mercati come l’oil&gas, le attività offshore e le isole stimoleranno lo sviluppo di tecnologie innovative come lo sfruttamento dell’energia da onda, promuovendo la sperimentazione e fornendo un importante contributo all’avanzamento tecnico e alla commercializzazione.
Nowadays, the scientific community has devoted a consistent effort to the sustainable development of the waste management sector and resource efficiency in building infrastructures. Waste is the fourth largest source sector of emissions and the municipal solid waste management system is considered as the most complex system to manage, due to its diverse composition and fragmentation of producers and responsibilities. Nevertheless, given the deep complexity that characterize the waste management sector, sustainability is still a challenging task. Interestingly, open issues arise when dealing with the sustainability of the waste sector. In this thesis, some recent advances in the waste management sector have been presented. Specifically, through the analysis of four author publications this thesis attempted to fill the gap in the following open issues: (i) the waste collection and generation of waste considering the pillars of sustainability; (ii) the environmental and social analysis in designing building infrastructures; (iv) the role of the waste collection in boosting sustainable systems of waste management; (v) the ergonomics impacts of waste collection. For this purpose, four author publications in international peer – reviewed journals were selected among the wholly author's contributions (i.e., final publication stage).
Introduzione: L'idrosadenite suppurativa (HS) è una malattia immuno-mediata che colpisce i follicoli piliferi situati principalmente nelle aree ricche di ghiandole apocrine. Materiali e metodi: È stato condotto uno studio osservazionale prospettico monocentrico finalizzato a correlare i parametri clinici ed ecografici con: l'evoluzione delle lesioni, la probabilità di riacutizzazione o di andare incontro ad un trattamento chirurgico/laser-CO2. Risultati: Sono stati reclutati sessantuno pazienti con un'età media pari a 29,5 ± 7,5 anni che presentavano un numero basale di 127 noduli infiammatori, 43 ascessi e 62 fistole. Dopo un tempo medio di 77,9 settimane, rispettivamente il 40%, 14%, 8% di noduli, ascessi e fistole erano guariti, il 5%, 30%, 29% persistevano privi di infiammazione, il 47%, 33%, 63 % presentava uno stato infiammatorio, e l'8% e il 23% dei noduli e degli ascessi erano evoluti in fistole. Sono stati registrati 137 episodi di flare nelle lesioni acute (noduli + ascessi) e 54 nelle lesioni croniche (fistole), mentre il numero di interventi procedurali è stato rispettivamente pari a 59 e 50. I fattori predittivi associati ad un'evoluzione sfavorevole (stato infiammatorio o cronicizzazione) per ascessi e noduli sono stati: evidenza ecografica di frammenti piliferi intralesionali, elevato segnale Power Doppler (PD) ed edema all'ecografia, profondità della localizzazione ed interessamento genitale; i predittori associati alle fistole sono stati: profondità della localizzazione, edema e dimensioni della lesione. La probabilità che una lesione acuta venisse sottoposta ad un intervento procedurale è stata correlata a: età, presenza di frammenti piliferi, segnale PD, edema e profondità della localizzazione; per le fistole l'unico predittore indipendente è stato la dimensione. I predittori di riacutizzazione della patologia per ascessi e noduli sono stati: giovane età all'esordio, segnale PD, evidenza ecografica di frammenti follicolari, profondità della localizzazione e dimensioni; per le fistole i predittori sono stati: localizzazione ascellare, profondità della localizzazione, edema e dimensione.
Background L’incidenza di malattie valvolari aortiche è in costante aumento. La terapia definitiva è chirurgica o interventistica, determinando un evidente miglioramento della qualità di vita, a fronte di un rischio operatorio ormai estremamente basso. Le linee guida internazionali più recenti pongono in classe I entrambe le procedure nella fascia di età fra 65 e 80 anni. Materiali e metodi È stata effettuata un’analisi retrospettiva dei pazienti di età compresa fra 65 e 80 anni, sottoposti a sostituzione valvolare aortica isolata chirurgica con bioprotesi sutureless (gruppo SU-AVR), oppure trans-catetere (gruppo TAVR), presso Maria Cecilia Hospital tra gennaio 2011 e dicembre 2021. Mediante propensity score matching sono stati analizzati, nei due gruppi risultanti, gli outcomes di mortalità e complicanze intraospedaliere, a 30 giorni, ad un anno e attuariale. Risultati Sono stati inclusi nello studio 638 pazienti, di cui 338 (52.98%) nel gruppo SU-AVR e 300 (47.02%) nel gruppo TAVR. Dopo propensity score matching, sono stati ottenuti due gruppi di pazienti (124 per gruppo) senza differenze statisticamente significative nelle comorbidità preoperatorie. La mortalità a 30 giorni è risultata sovrapponibile nei 2 gruppi. Il gruppo TAVR ha mostrato un’incidenza significativamente maggiore di impianto di pacemaker definitivo e di danni vascolari maggiori, mentre il gruppo SU-AVR ha mostrato una maggior incidenza di fibrillazione atriale, di trasfusioni e di insufficienza renale. La mortalità per tutte le cause a un anno è risultata significativamente maggiore per il gruppo TAVR e il divario continua ad aumentare con il tempo. Conclusioni La sostituzione valvolare aortica trans-catetere (TAVR) mostra risultati molto buoni nel breve termine nei pazienti fra 65 e 80 anni di età. Al follow-up a medio termine, tuttavia, i risultati preliminari mostrano un miglior outcome dei pazienti sottoposti a sostituzione valvolare chirurgica, sia in termini di mortalità per qualsiasi causa che di eventi cardiovascolari e cerebrovascolari maggiori.
Energy transition is the response of humankind to the concerning effects of fossil fuels depletion, climate change and energy insecurity, and calls for a deep penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) in power systems and industrial processes. Despite the high potentials, low impacts and long-term availability, RESs present some limits which need to be overcome, such as the strong variability and difficult predictability, which result in scarce reliability and difficult applicability in steady-state processes. Some technological solutions relate to energy storage systems, equipment electrification and hybrid systems deployment, thus accomplishing distributed generation even in remote sites as offshore. However, all of these actions cannot disregard sustainability, which represents a founding principle for any project, bringing together economics, reliability and environmental protection. To entail sustainability in RESs-based innovative projects, previous knowledge and tools are often not tailored or miss the novel objectives. This research proposes three methodological approaches, bridging the gaps. The first contribute adapts literature-based indicators of inherent safety and energy efficiency to capture the specificities of novel process plants and hybrid systems. Minor case studies dealing with novel P2X processes exemplify the application of these novel indicators. The second method guides the conceptual design of hybrid systems for the valorisation of a RES in a site, by considering the sustainability performances of alternative design options. Its application is demonstrated through the comparison of two offshore sites where wave energy can be valorised. Finally, “OHRES”, a comprehensive tool for the sustainable optimisation of hybrid renewable energy systems is proposed. “OHRES” hinges on the exploitation of multiple RESs, by converting ex-post sustainability indicators into discrimination markers screening a large number of possible system configurations, according to the location features. Five case studies demonstrate “OHRES” versatility in the sustainable valorisation of multiple RESs.
This doctoral dissertation represents a cluster of research activities carried out at the DICAM Department of the University of Bologna during a three-year Ph.D. course. The goal of this research is to show how the development of an interconnected infrastructure network, aimed at promoting accessibility and sustainability of places, is fundamental in a framework of deep urban regeneration. Sustainable urban mobility plays an important role in improving the quality of life of citizens. From an environmental point of view, a sustainable mobility system means reducing fuel discharges and energy waste and, in general, aims to promote low carbon emissions. At the same time, a socially and economically sustainable mobility system should be accessible to everybody and create more job opportunities through better connectivity and mobility. Environmentally friendly means of transport such as non-motorized transport, electric vehicles, and hybrid vehicles play an important role in achieving sustainability but require a planned approach at the local policy level. The aim of this study is to demonstrate that, through a targeted reconnection of road and cycle-pedestrian routes, the quality of life of an urban area subject to degradation can be significantly improved just by increasing its accessibility and sustainability. Starting from a detailed study of the European policies and from the comparison with real similar cases, the case study of the Canal Port of Rimini (Italy) has been analysed within the European project FRAMESPORT. The analysis allowed the elaboration of a multicriterial methodology to get to the definition of a project proposal and of a priority scale of interventions. The applied methodology is a valuable tool that may be used in the future in similar urban contexts. Finally, the whole project was represented by using virtual reality to visually show the difference between the before and after the regeneration intervention.
Historical evidence shows that chemical, process, and Oil&Gas facilities where dangerous substances are stored or handled are target of deliberate malicious attacks (security attacks) aiming at interfering with normal operations. Physical attacks and cyber-attacks may generate events with consequences on people, property, and the surrounding environment that are comparable to those of major accidents caused by safety-related causes. The security aspects of these facilities are commonly addressed using Security Vulnerability/Risk Assessment (SVA/SRA) methodologies. Most of these methodologies are semi-quantitative and non-systematic approaches that strongly rely on expert judgment, leading to security assessments that are not reproducible. Moreover, they do not consider the synergies with the safety domain. The present 3-year research is aimed at filling the gap outlined by providing knowledge on security attacks, as well as rigorous and systematic methods supporting existing SVA/SRA studies suitable for the chemical, process, and Oil&Gas industry. The different nature of cyber and physical attacks resulted in the development of different methods for the two domains. The first part of the research was devoted to the development and statistical analysis of security databases that allowed to develop new knowledge and lessons learnt on security threats. Based on the obtained background, a Bow-Tie based procedure and two reverse-HazOp based methodologies were developed as hazard identification approaches for physical and cyber threats respectively. To support the quantitative estimation of the security risk, a quantitative procedure based on the Bayesian Network was developed allowing to calculate the probability of success of physical security attacks. All the developed methods have been applied to case studies addressing chemical, process and Oil&Gas facilities (offshore and onshore) proving the quality of the results that can be achieved in improving site security. Furthermore, the outcomes achieved allow to step forward in developing synergies and promoting integration among safety and security management.
Nowadays, the chemical industry has reached significant goals to produce essential components for human being. The growing competitiveness of the market caused an important acceleration in R&D activities, introducing new opportunities and procedures for the definition of process improvement and optimization. In this dynamicity, sustainability is becoming one of the key aspects for the technological progress encompassing economic, environmental protection and safety aspects. With respect to the conceptual definition of sustainability, literature reports an extensive discussion of the strategies, as well as sets of specific principles and guidelines. However, literature procedures are not completely suitable and applicable to process design activities. Therefore, the development and introduction of sustainability-oriented methodologies is a necessary step to enhance process and plant design. The definition of key drivers as support system is a focal point for early process design decisions or implementation of process modifications. In this context, three different methodologies are developed to support design activities providing criteria and guidelines in a sustainable perspective. In this framework, a set of key Performance Indicators is selected and adopted to characterize the environmental, safety, economic and energetic aspects of a reference process. The methodologies are based on heat and material balances and the level of detailed for input data are compatible with available information of the specific application. Multiple case-studies are defined to prove the effectiveness of the methodologies. The principal application is the polyolefin productive lifecycle chain with particular focus on polymerization technologies. In this context, different design phases are investigated spanning from early process feasibility study to operative and improvements assessment. This flexibility allows to apply the methodologies at any level of design, providing supporting guidelines for design activities, compare alternative solutions, monitor operating process and identify potential for improvements.
Electrospinning is the most common and industrially scalable technique for the production of polymeric nanofibers. Currently, nanocomposites are drawing much interest for their excellent properties in terms of flexibility, electrical conductivity and high surface area, which enhances the interaction with the surrounding environment. The objective of this thesis was the optimization of different electrospinning setups for the production of nanostructured polymeric composites using graphene-related materials as nanofillers. Such composites were obtained using different polymers as matrix (polyamide 6, polyinylidene fluoride and polylactic acid) that were selected and combined with the appropriate reinforcements based on their properties and their interest for specific applications. Moreover, this study highlighted the possibility to tune the morphology and size of the produced nanofibers by the addition of appropriate nanofillers even in low amounts. The addition of only 0.5% of GO allowed the production of smooth nanofibers with diameters up to 75% thinner (in the case of PLA) than the ones obtained from the pristine polymer. PVdF was charged with GO to produce triboelectric materials that can be exploited in a wearable nanogenerator for the conversion of human motion energy in electrical energy. The addition of GO improved the open-circuit voltage and power-output of a generator prototype by 3.5 times. Electrospun PA6 membranes were coated with rGO using a simple two-step technique to produce conductive textiles for wearable electronic applications. The sheet resistance of the produced materials was measured in approximately 500 Ω/sq and their resistance to washing and bending was successfully tested. These materials could be exploited as strain sensors or heating elements in smart textiles. PLA was co-electrospun with GO and cellulose nanofibers to produce high-surface area and porosity mats that could be exploited for the production of functionalized highly selective adsorption membranes with low pressure drops.
Water Distribution Networks (WDNs) play a vital importance rule in communities, ensuring well-being band supporting economic growth and productivity. The need for greater investment requires design choices will impact on the efficiency of management in the coming decades. This thesis proposes an algorithmic approach to address two related problems:(i) identify the fundamental asset of large WDNs in terms of main infrastructure;(ii) sectorize large WDNs into isolated sectors in order to respect the minimum service to be guaranteed to users. Two methodologies have been developed to meet these objectives and subsequently they were integrated to guarantee an overall process which allows to optimize the sectorized configuration of WDN taking into account the needs to integrated in a global vision the two problems (i) and (ii). With regards to the problem (i), the methodology developed introduces the concept of primary network to give an answer with a dual approach, of connecting main nodes of WDN in terms of hydraulic infrastructures (reservoirs, tanks, pumps stations) and identifying hypothetical paths with the minimal energy losses. This primary network thus identified can be used as an initial basis to design the sectors. The sectorization problem (ii) has been faced using optimization techniques by the development of a new dedicated Tabu Search algorithm able to deal with real case studies of WDNs. For this reason, three new large WDNs models have been developed in order to test the capabilities of the algorithm on different and complex real cases. The developed methodology also allows to automatically identify the deficient parts of the primary network and dynamically includes new edges in order to support a sectorized configuration of the WDN. The application of the overall algorithm to the new real case studies and to others from literature has given applicable solutions even in specific complex situations.
The urgent need for alternative solutions mitigating the impacts of human activities on the environment has strongly opened new challenges and opportunities in view of the energy transition. Indeed, the automotive industry is going through a revolutionary moment in its quest to reduce its carbon footprint, with biofuels being one of the viable alternatives. The use of different classes of biofuels as fuel additives/standalone components has attracted the attention of many researchers. Despite their beneficial effects, biofuel’s combustion can also result in the production of undesirable pollutants, requiring complete characterization of the phenomena occurring during their production and consumption. Industrial scale-up of biomass conversion is challenging owing to the complexity of its chemistry and transport phenomena involved in the process. In this view, the role of solid-phase and gas-phase chemistry is paramount. Thus, this study is devoted to detailed analysis of physical-chemical phenomena characterizing biomass pyrolysis and biofuel oxidation. The pyrolysis mechanism has been represented by 20 reactions whereas, the gas-phase kinetic models; manually upgraded model (KiBo_MU) and automated model (KiBo_AG), comprises 141 species and 453 reactions, and 631 species and 28329 reactions, respectively. The accuracy of the kinetic models was tested against experimental data and the models captured experimental trends very well. While the development and validation of detailed kinetic mechanisms is the main deliverable of this project, the realized procedure integrating schematic classifications with methodologies for the identification of common decomposition pathways and intermediates represents an additional source of novelty. Besides, the fundamentally oriented nature of the adopted method allows the identification of most relevant reactions and species under the operating conditions different industrial applications, paving the way for reduced kinetic mechanisms. Ultimately, the resulting detailed mechanisms can be used to integrate with more complex fluid dynamics model to accurately reproduce the behavior of real systems and reactors.