340 resultados para antropologia della nascita, politiche della riproduzione, donne, ostetriche, ginecologia, nascita
Tuber borchii (Ascomycota, order Pezizales) is highly valued truffle sold in local markets in Italy. Despite its economic importance, knowledge on its distribution and population variation is scarce. The objective of this work was to investigate the evolutionary forces shaping the genetic structure of this fungus using coalescent and phylogenetic methods to reconstruct the evolutionary history of populations in Italy. To assess population structure, 61 specimens were collected from 11 different Provinces of Italy. Sampling was stratified across hosts and habitats to maximize coverage in native oak and pine stands and both mychorrizae and fruiting bodies were collected. Samples were identified considering anatomo-morphological characters. DNA was extracted and both multilocus (AFLP) and single-locus (18 loci from rDNA, nDNA, and mtDNA) approaches were used to look for polymorphisms. Screening AFLP profiles, both Jaccard and Dice coefficients of similarity were utilized to transform binary matrix into a distance matrix and then to desume Neighbour-Joining trees. Though these are only preliminary examinations, phylogenetic trees were totally concordant with those deriving from single locus analyses. Phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear loci were performed using maximum likelihood with PAUP and a combined phylogenetic inference, using Bayesian estimation with all nuclear gene regions, was carried out. To reconstruct the evolutionary history, we estimated recurrent migration, migration across the history of the sample, and estimated the mutation and approximate age of mutations in each tree using SNAP Workbench. The combined phylogenetic tree using Bayesian estimation suggests that there are two main haplotypes that are difficult to be differentiated on the basis of morphology, of ecological parameters and symbiontic tree. Between these two lineages, that occur in sympatry within T. borchii populations, there is no evidence of recurrent migration. However, migration over the history of the sample was asymmetrical suggesting that isolation was a result of interrupted gene flow followed by range expansion. Low levels of divergence between the haplotypes indicate that there are likely to be two cryptic species within the T. borchii population sampled. Our results suggest that isolation between populations of T. borchii could have led to reproductive isolation between two lineages. This isolation is likely due to sympatric speciation caused by a multiple colonization from different refugia or a recent isolation. In attempting to determinate whether these haplotypes represent separate species or a partition of the same species we applied Biological and Mechanistic species Concepts. Notwithstanding, further analyses are necessary to evaluate if selection favoured premating or post-mating isolation.
Background: It is well known, since the pioneristic observation by Jenkins and Dallenbach (Am J Psychol 1924;35:605-12), that a period of sleep provides a specific advantage for the consolidation of newly acquired informations. Recent research about the possible enhancing effect of sleep on memory consolidation has focused on procedural memory (part of non-declarative memory system, according to Squire’s taxonomy), as it appears the memory sub-system for which the available data are more consistent. The acquisition of a procedural skill follows a typical time course, consisting in a substantial practice-dependent learning followed by a slow, off-line improvement. Sleep seems to play a critical role in promoting the process of slow learning, by consolidating memory traces and making them more stable and resistant to interferences. If sleep is critical for the consolidation of a procedural skill, then an alteration of the organization of sleep should result in a less effective consolidation, and therefore in a reduced memory performance. Such alteration can be experimentally induced, as in a deprivation protocol, or it can be naturally observed in some sleep disorders as, for example, in narcolepsy. In this research, a group of narcoleptic patients, and a group of matched healthy controls, were tested in two different procedural abilities, in order to better define the size and time course of sleep contribution to memory consolidation. Experimental Procedure: A Texture Discrimination Task (Karni & Sagi, Nature 1993;365:250-2) and a Finger Tapping Task (Walker et al., Neuron 2002;35:205-11) were administered to two indipendent samples of drug-naive patients with first-diagnosed narcolepsy with cataplexy (International Classification of Sleep Disorder 2nd ed., 2005), and two samples of matched healthy controls. In the Texture Discrimination task, subjects (n=22) had to learn to recognize a complex visual array on the screen of a personal computer, while in the Finger Tapping task (n=14) they had to press a numeric sequence on a standard keyboard, as quickly and accurately as possible. Three subsequent experimental sessions were scheduled for each partecipant, namely a training session, a first retrieval session the next day, and a second retrieval session one week later. To test for possible circadian effects on learning, half of the subjects performed the training session at 11 a.m. and half at 17 p.m. Performance at training session was taken as a measure of the practice-dependent learning, while performance of subsequent sessions were taken as a measure of the consolidation level achieved respectively after one and seven nights of sleep. Between training and first retrieval session, all participants spent a night in a sleep laboratory and underwent a polygraphic recording. Results and Discussion: In both experimental tasks, while healthy controls improved their performance after one night of undisturbed sleep, narcoleptic patients showed a non statistically significant learning. Despite this, at the second retrieval session either healthy controls and narcoleptics improved their skills. Narcoleptics improved relatively more than controls between first and second retrieval session in the texture discrimination ability, while their performance remained largely lower in the motor (FTT) ability. Sleep parameters showed a grater fragmentation in the sleep of the pathological group, and a different distribution of Stage 1 and 2 NREM sleep in the two groups, being thus consistent with the hypothesis of a lower consolidation power of sleep in narcoleptic patients. Moreover, REM density of the first part of the night of healthy subjects showed a significant correlation with the amount of improvement achieved at the first retrieval session in TDT task, supporting the hypothesis that REM sleep plays an important role in the consolidation of visuo-perceptual skills. Taken together, these results speak in favor of a slower, rather than lower consolidation of procedural skills in narcoleptic patients. Finally, an explanation of the results, based on the possible role of sleep in contrasting the interference provided by task repetition is proposed.
The current studies assessed the role of trait anger and anger expression styles on risk decision-making in adulthood, adolescence and childhood. In the first experiment 158 adults completed the STAXI-2 and an inventory consisting of a battery of hypothetical everyday decision-making scenarios. Participants were also asked to evaluate the perception of risk for each chosen option and some contextual characteristics, that are familiarity and salience for each scenario. The study provides evidence for a relationship between individual differences in the tendency to feel and express anger and risky decisions and for mediation effects of familiarity and salience appraisals. Moreover, results indicated that trait anger was predictive of risk perception and they provide evidence for a positive relationship between risk decision-making and risk perception. In the second study, we examined the relationship between specific components of anger (i.e., cognitive, affective and behavioural) and risk decision-making in adolescents. 101 subjects completed specific tasks, measuring risk decision-making, assessed using hypothetical choice scenarios, and anger, evaluated through the STAXI-CA and the MSAI-R. Results showed that adolescents higher on hostility, anger experience and destructive expression, make more risky decisions in everyday life situations. Moreover, regression analyses indicated that destructive expression of anger and hostility were predictive of adolescents’ risky decisions. In the third experiment, 104 children completed three tasks: the STAXI-CA, the MSAI-R and a task measuring risk decision-making in everyday situations. Subjects were also asked to evaluate the degree of danger, benefit, fun and fear perceived for each risky choice. Analyses indicated that: (a) risk decision-making was predicted by both trait anger and outward expression of anger; (b) destructive expression o anger was predictive of children’s risky decisions; (c) appraisal of danger fully mediated the relation between trait anger and risk; (d) perceptions of benefit, scare and fun partially mediated the relationship between trait anger and risk; and (e) appraisal of danger partially mediated the relationship between outward expression of anger and risk decision-making. The results provide evidence for a relationship between dispositional anger and risk decision-making during childhood, suggesting a possible explanation of the mechanisms below. In particular, risk decision-making can be viewed as the output of cognitive and emotive processes, linked to dispositional anger that leads children to be amused, optimistic and fearless in potentially risky situations. These findings substantiate the importance of incorporating cognitive and emotive factors in theories that seek to explain the relationship between personality traits and risk decision making across a broad range of age.
The humans process the numbers in a similar way to animals. There are countless studies in which similar performance between animals and humans (adults and/or children) are reported. Three models have been developed to explain the cognitive mechanisms underlying the number processing. The triple-code model (Dehaene, 1992) posits an mental number line as preferred way to represent magnitude. The mental number line has three particular effects: the distance, the magnitude and the SNARC effects. The SNARC effect shows a spatial association between number and space representations. In other words, the small numbers are related to left space while large numbers are related to right space. Recently a vertical SNARC effect has been found (Ito & Hatta, 2004; Schwarz & Keus, 2004), reflecting a space-related bottom-to-up representation of numbers. The magnitude representations horizontally and vertically could influence the subject performance in explicit and implicit digit tasks. The goal of this research project aimed to investigate the spatial components of number representation using different experimental designs and tasks. The experiment 1 focused on horizontal and vertical number representations in a within- and between-subjects designs in a parity and magnitude comparative tasks, presenting positive or negative Arabic digits (1-9 without 5). The experiment 1A replied the SNARC and distance effects in both spatial arrangements. The experiment 1B showed an horizontal reversed SNARC effect in both tasks while a vertical reversed SNARC effect was found only in comparative task. In the experiment 1C two groups of subjects performed both tasks in two different instruction-responding hand assignments with positive numbers. The results did not show any significant differences between two assignments, even if the vertical number line seemed to be more flexible respect to horizontal one. On the whole the experiment 1 seemed to demonstrate a contextual (i.e. task set) influences of the nature of the SNARC effect. The experiment 2 focused on the effect of horizontal and vertical number representations on spatial biases in a paper-and-pencil bisecting tasks. In the experiment 2A the participants were requested to bisect physical and number (2 or 9) lines horizontally and vertically. The findings demonstrated that digit 9 strings tended to generate a more rightward bias comparing with digit 2 strings horizontally. However in vertical condition the digit 2 strings generated a more upperward bias respect to digit 9 strings, suggesting a top-to-bottom number line. In the experiment 2B the participants were asked to bisect lines flanked by numbers (i.e. 1 or 7) in four spatial arrangements: horizontal, vertical, right-diagonal and left-diagonal lines. Four number conditions were created according to congruent or incongruent number line representation: 1-1, 1-7, 7-1 and 7-7. The main results showed a more reliable rightward bias in horizontal congruent condition (1-7) respect to incongruent condition (7-1). Vertically the incongruent condition (1-7) determined a significant bias towards bottom side of line respect to congruent condition (7-1). The experiment 2 suggested a more rigid horizontal number line while in vertical condition the number representation could be more flexible. In the experiment 3 we adopted the materials of experiment 2B in order to find a number line effect on temporal (motor) performance. The participants were presented horizontal, vertical, rightdiagonal and left-diagonal lines flanked by the same digits (i.e. 1-1 or 7-7) or by different digits (i.e. 1-7 or 7-1). The digits were spatially congruent or incongruent with their respective hypothesized mental representations. Participants were instructed to touch the lines either close to the large digit, or close to the small digit, or to bisected the lines. Number processing influenced movement execution more than movement planning. Number congruency influenced spatial biases mostly along the horizontal but also along the vertical dimension. These results support a two-dimensional magnitude representation. Finally, the experiment 4 addressed the visuo-spatial manipulation of number representations for accessing and retrieval arithmetic facts. The participants were requested to perform a number-matching and an addition verification tasks. The findings showed an interference effect between sum-nodes and neutral-nodes only with an horizontal presentation of digit-cues, in number-matching tasks. In the addition verification task, the performance was similar for horizontal and vertical presentations of arithmetic problems. In conclusion the data seemed to show an automatic activation of horizontal number line also used to retrieval arithmetic facts. The horizontal number line seemed to be more rigid and the preferred way to order number from left-to-right. A possible explanation could be the left-to-right direction for reading and writing. The vertical number line seemed to be more flexible and more dependent from the tasks, reflecting perhaps several example in the environment representing numbers either from bottom-to-top or from top-to-bottom. However the bottom-to-top number line seemed to be activated by explicit task demands.
Low-pressure/high-temperature (LP/HT) metamorphic belts are characterised by rocks that experienced abnormal heat flow in shallow crustal levels (T > 600 °C; P < 4 kbar) resulting in anomalous geothermal gradients (60-150 °C/km). The abnormal amount of heat has been related to crustal underplating of mantle-derived basic magmas or to thermal perturbation linked to intrusion of large volumes of granitoids in the intermediate crust. In particular, in this latter context, magmatic or aqueous fluids are able to transport relevant amounts of heat by advection, thus favouring regional LP/HT metamorphism. However, the thermal perturbation consequent to heat released by cooling magmas is responsible also for contact metamorphic effects. A first problem is that time and space relationships between regional LP/HT metamorphism and contact metamorphism are usually unclear. A second problem is related to the high temperature conditions reached at different crustal levels. These, in some cases, can completely erase the previous metamorphic history. Notwithstanding this problem is very marked in lower crustal levels, petrologic and geochronologic studies usually concentrate in these attractive portions of the crust. However, only in the intermediate/upper-crustal levels of a LP/HT metamorphic belt the tectono-metamorphic events preceding the temperature peak, usually not preserved in the lower crustal portions, can be readily unravelled. The Hercynian Orogen of Western Europe is a well-documented example of a continental collision zone with widespread LP/HT metamorphism, intense crustal anatexis and granite magmatism. Owing to the exposure of a nearly continuous cross-section of the Hercynian continental crust, the Sila massif (northern Calabria) represents a favourable area to understand large-scale relationships between granitoids and LP/HT metamorphic rocks, and to discriminate regional LP/HT metamorphic events from contact metamorphic effects. Granulite-facies rocks of the lower crust and greenschist- to amphibolite-facies rocks of the intermediate-upper crust are separated by granitoids emplaced into the intermediate level during the late stages of the Hercynian orogeny. Up to now, advanced petrologic studies have been focused mostly in understanding P-T evolution of deeper crustal levels and magmatic bodies, whereas the metamorphic history of the shallower crustal levels is poorly constrained. The Hercynian upper crust exposed in Sila has been subdivided in two different metamorphic complexes by previous authors: the low- to very low-grade Bocchigliero complex and the greenschist- to amphibolite-facies Mandatoriccio complex. The latter contains favourable mineral assemblages in order to unravel the tectono-metamorphic evolution of the Hercynian upper crust. The Mandatoriccio complex consists mainly of metapelites, meta-arenites, acid metavolcanites and metabasites with rare intercalations of marbles and orthogneisses. Siliciclastic metasediments show a static porphyroblastic growth mainly of biotite, garnet, andalusite, staurolite and muscovite, whereas cordierite and fibrolite are less common. U-Pb ages and internal features of zircons suggest that the protoliths of the Mandatoriccio complex formed in a sedimentary basin filled by Cambrian to Silurian magmatic products as well as by siliciclastic sediments derived from older igneous and metamorphic rocks. In some localities, metamorphic rocks are injected by numerous aplite/pegmatite veins. Small granite bodies are also present and are always associated to spotted schists with large porphyroblasts. They occur along a NW-SE trending transcurrent cataclastic fault zone, which represents the tectonic contact between the Bocchigliero and the Mandatoriccio complexes. This cataclastic fault zone shows evidence of activity at least from middle-Miocene to Recent, indicating that brittle deformation post-dated the Hercynian orogeny. P-T pseudosections show that micaschists and paragneisses of the Mandatoriccio complex followed a clockwise P-T path characterised by four main prograde phases: thickening, peak-pressure condition, decompression and peak-temperature condition. During the thickening phase, garnet blastesis started up with spessartine-rich syntectonic core developed within micaschists and paragneisses. Coevally (340 ± 9.6 Ma), mafic sills and dykes injected the upper crustal volcaniclastic sedimentary sequence of the Mandatoriccio complex. After reaching the peak-pressure condition (≈4 kbar), the upper crust experienced a period of deformation quiescence marked by the static overgrowths of S2 by Almandine-rich-garnet rims and by porphyroblasts of biotite and staurolite. Probably, this metamorphic phase is related to isotherms relaxation after the thickening episode recorder by the Rb/Sr isotopic system (326 ± 6 Ma isochron age). The post-collisional period was mainly characterised by decompression with increasing temperature. This stage is documented by the andalusite+biotite coronas overgrown on staurolite porphyroblasts and represents a critical point of the metamorphic history, since metamorphic rocks begin to record a significant thermal perturbation. Peak-temperature conditions (≈620 °C) were reached at the end of this stage. They are well constrained by some reaction textures and mineral assemblages observed almost exclusively within paragneisses. The later appearance of fibrolitic sillimanite documents a small excursion of the P-T path across the And-Sil boundary due to the heating. Stephanian U-Pb ages of monazite crystals from the paragneiss, can be related to this heating phase. Similar monazite U-Pb ages from the micaschist combined with the lack of fibrolitic sillimanite suggest that, during the same thermal perturbation, micaschists recorded temperatures slightly lower than those reached by paragneisses. The metamorphic history ended with the crystallisation of cordierite mainly at the expense of andalusite. Consequently, the Ms+Bt+St+And+Sill+Crd mineral assemblage observed in the paragneisses is the result of a polyphasic evolution and is characterised by the metastable persistence of the staurolite in the stability fields of the cordierite. Geologic, geochronologic and petrographic data suggest that the thermal peak recorded by the intermediate/upper crust could be strictly connected with the emplacement of large amounts of granitoid magmas in the middle crust. Probably, the lithospheric extension in the relatively heated crust favoured ascent and emplacement of granitoids and further exhumation of metamorphic rocks. After a comparison among the tectono-metamorphic evolutions of the different Hercynian crustal levels exposed in Sila, it is concluded that the intermediate/upper crustal level offers the possibility to reconstruct a more detailed tectono-metamorphic history. The P-T paths proposed for the lower crustal levels probably underestimate the amount of the decompression. Apart from these considerations, the comparative analysis indicates that P-T paths at various crustal levels in the Sila cross section are well compatible with a unique geologic scenario, characterized by post-collisional extensional tectonics and magmas ascent.
The expression of phospholipase C-β1 (PLC-β1) and cyclin D3 is highly induced during skeletal myoblast differentiation. We have previously shown that PLC-β1 activates cyclin D3 promoter during the differentiation of myoblasts to myotubes, indicating that PLC-β1 is a crucial regulator of mouse cyclin D3 gene. Here we report that PLC-β1 catalytic activity plays a role in the increase of cyclin D3 levels and in the induction of differentiation of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. PLC-β1 mutational analysis revealed the importance of His331 and His378 for the catalytic activity. We show that following insulin administration, cyclin D3 mRNA levels are lower in cells overexpressing the PLC-β1 catalytically inactive form, as compared to wild type cells. We describe a novel signaling pathway elicited by PLC-β1 that modulates Activator Protein-1 (AP-1) activity. Indeed, gel mobility shift assays indicate that there is a c-jun binding site located in cyclin D3 promoter region specifically regulated by PLC-β1 and that c-jun binding activity is significantly increased by insulin stimulation and PLC-β1 overexpression. Moreover, mutation of c-jun/AP-1 binding site decreases the basal cyclin D3 promoter activity and eliminates its induction by insulin and PLC-β1 overexpression. Interestingly, we observed that the ectopic expression of the Inositol Polyphosphate Multikinase (IPMK) in C2C12 myoblasts enhances cyclin D3 gene expression and that the mutation of c-jun site in cyclin D3 promoter determines an impairment of IPMK-dependent promoter induction. These results indicate that PLC-β1 activates a c-jun/AP-1 target gene, i.e. cyclin D3, during myogenic differentiation through IPMK signaling.
Akt (also called PKB) is a 63 kDa serine/threonine kinase involved in promotion of cell survival, proliferation a nd metabolic responses downstream the phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) signaling pathway. In resting cells, Akt is a predominantly cytosolic enzyme; however generation of PI 3-kinase lipid products recruits Akt to the plasma membrane, resulting in a conformational change which confers full enzymatic activity through the phosphorylation of the membrane-bound protein at two residues, Thr308, and Ser473. Activated Akt redistributes to cytoplasm and nucleus, where phosphorylation of specific substrates occurs. Both the presence and the activity of Akt in the nucleus have been described. An interesting mechanism that mediates nuclear translocation of Akt has been described in human mature T-cell leukemia: the product of TCL1 gene, Tcl1, interacts with the PH domain of phosphorylated Akt, thus driving Akt to the nucleus. In this context, Tcl1 may act as a direct transporter of Akt or may contribute to the formation of a complex that promotes the transport of active Akt to the nucleus, where it can phosphorylate nuclear substrates. A well described nuclear substrate if Foxo. IGF-1 triggers phosphorylation of Foxo by Akt inside the nucleus, where phospho-Foxo associates to 14.3.3 proteins that, in turn, promote its export to the cytoplasm where it is sequestered. Remarkably, Foxo phosphorylation by Akt has been shown to be a crucial event in Akt-dependent myogenesis. However, most Akt nuclear substrates have so far remained elusive, as well as nuclear Akt functions. This lack of information prompted us to undertake a search of substrates of Akt in the nucleus, by the combined use of 2D-separation/mass spectrometry and anti-Akt-phosphosubstrate antibody. This study presents evidence of A-type lamins as novel nuclear substrates of Akt. Lamins are type V intermediate filaments proteins found in the nucleus of higher eukaryotes where, together with lamin-binding proteins, they form the lamina at the nuclear envelope, providing mechanical stability for the nuclear membrane. By coimmunoprecipitation, it is demonstrated here that endogenous lamin A and Akt interact, and that A-type lamins are phosphorylated by Akt both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, by phosphoaminoacid analysis and mutagenesis, it is further demonstrated that Akt phosphorylates lamin A at Ser404, and, more importantly, that while lamin A/C phosphorylation is stable throughout the cell cycle, phosphorylation of the precursor prelamin A becomes detectable as cells enter the G2 phase, picking at G2/M. This study also shows that lamin phosphorylation by Akt creates a binding site for 14.3.3 adaptors which, in turn, promote prelamin A degradation. While this mechanism is in agreement with a general role of Akt in the regulation of a subset of its substrates, opposite to what has been described, degradation is not mediated through a ubiquitination and proteasomal mechanism but through a lysosomal pathway, as indicated by the reverting action of the lysosomal inhibitor cloroquine. Phosphorylation is a key event in the mitotic breakdown of the nuclear lamina. However, the kinases and the precise sites of phosphorylation are scarcely known. Therefore, these results represent an important breakthrough in this very significant but understudied area. The phosphorylation of the precursor protein prelamin A and its subsequent degradation at G2/M, when both the nuclear envelop and the nuclear lamina disassemble, can be view as part of a mechanism to dispose off the precursor that is not needed in this precise context. The recently reported finding that patients affected by Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy carry a mutation at Arg 401, in the Akt phosphorylation motif, open new perspective that warrant further investigation in this very important field.
Phospholipase C (PLC) has been known to be a key effector protein in signal transduction pathway for cell proliferation and differentiation. Studies on signalling through the insulin/IGF-1 receptors in muscle differentiation have revealed that PLCγ1 is involved during this process and that both mRNA and protein levels were increased during myogenesis. Based on increasing signal transduction pathways that required both PLCγ1 and PKCε, we investigated its role in insulin stimulation of skeletal muscle differentiation. The precise effects of insulin on specific PKC isoforms are as yet unknown. Insulin stimulation produced a gradual increase in PKCε expression and activation of PKCε through skeletal muscle differentiation. By immunoprecipitation we have demonstrated that endogenous PLCγ1 and PKCε belong to the same immunocomplex that increase during through myogenic differentiation. Furthermore, the SH domain of PLCγ1 is involved in the protein complex and that its confine to the Golgi membrane. PLCγ1 has been involved in cyclin D3 up-regulation. By overexpression and silencing approach we have evidenced that PKCε modulate the espression of cyclin D3; the kinase dead form of PKCε doesn’t maintain the same ability. Using a reporter hGH vector we proved that PKCε acts at transcriptional level by affecting the -37 region of cyclin D3 promoter, as has been described previous for PLCγ1. In summary this data proved the involvement of PKCε in the regulation of cyclin D3 expression, together with PLCγ1.