230 resultados para Logistica industriale gestione scorte magazzino
Customer satisfaction has been traditionally studied and measured regardless of the time elapsed since the purchase. Some studies have recently reopened the debate about the temporal pattern of satisfaction. This research aims to explain why “how you evaluate a service depends on when you evaluate it” on the basis of the theoretical framework proposed by Construal-Level Theory (CLT). Although an empirical investigation is still lacking, the literature does not deny that CLT can be applied also with regard to past events. Moreover, some studies support the idea that satisfaction is a good predictor of future intentions, while others do not. On the basis of CLT, we argue that these inconsistent results are due to the different construal levels of the information pertaining to retrospective and prospective evaluations. Building on the Two-Factor Theory, we explain the persistence of certain attributes’ representations over time according to their relationship with overall performance. We present and discuss three experiments and one field study that were conducted a) to test the extensibility of CLT to past events, b) to disentangle memory and construal effects, c) to study the effect of different temporal perspective on overall satisfaction judgements, and d) to investigate the temporal shift of the determinants of customer satisfaction as a function of temporal distance.
This doctoral dissertation is triggered by an emergent problem: how can firms reinvent themselves? Continuity- and change-oriented decisions fundamentally shape overtime the activities and potential revenues of organizations and other adaptive systems, but both types of actions draw upon limited resources and rely on different organizational routines and capabilities. Most organizations appear to have difficulties in making tradeoffs, so that it is easier to overinvest in one of them than to successfully achieve a mixture of both. Nevertheless, theory and empirical evidence suggest that too little of either may reduce performance, indicating a need to learn more about how organizations reconcile these tensions. In the first paper, I moved from the consideration that rapid changes in competitive environments increasingly require firms to be “ambidextrous” implementing organizational mechanisms and structures that allow continuity- and change-oriented activities to be engaged at the same time. More specifically, I show that continuity- and change-related decisions can’t be confined either inside or outside the firm, but span overtime across distinct decision domains located within and beyond the organizational boundaries. Reconciling static and dynamic perspectives of ambidexterity, I conceptualize a firm’s strategy as a bundle of decisions about product attributes and components of the production team, proposing a multidimensional and dynamic model of structural ambidexterity that explains why and how firms could manage conflicting pressures for continuity and change in the context of new products. In the second study I note how rigorous systematic evidence documenting the success of ambidextrous organizations is lacking, and there has been very little investigation of how firms deal with continuity and change in new products. How to manage the transition form a successful product to another? What to change and what to keep? Incumbents that deal with series of products over time need to update their offerings in order to have the most relevant attributes to prospect clients without disappoint the current customer base. They need to both match and anticipate consumers’ preferences, blending something old with something new to satisfy the current demand and enlarge the herd by appealing to newer audiences. This paper contributes to strategic renewal and ambidexterity-related research with the first empirically assessment of a positive consumer response to ambidexterity in new products. Also, this study provides a practical method to monitor overtime the degree to which a brand or a firm is continuity- or change- oriented and evaluate different strategy profiles across two decision domains that play a pivotal role in new products: product attributes and components of the production team.
Although nickel is a toxic metal for living organisms in its soluble form, its importance in many biological processes recently emerged. In this view, the investigation of the nickel-dependent enzymes urease and [NiFe]-hydrogenase, especially the mechanism of nickel insertion into their active sites, represent two intriguing case studies to understand other analogous systems and therefore to lead to a comprehension of the nickel trafficking inside the cell. Moreover, these two enzymes have been demonstrated to ensure survival and colonization of the human pathogen H. pylori, the only known microorganism able to proliferate in the gastric niche. The right nickel delivering into the urease active site requires the presence of at least four accessory proteins, UreD, UreE, UreF and UreG. Similarly, analogous process is principally mediated by HypA and HypB proteins in the [NiFe]-hydrogenase system. Indeed, HpHypA and HpHypB also have been proposed to act in the activation of the urease enzyme from H. pylori, probably mobilizing nickel ions from HpHypA to the HpUreE-HpUreG complex. A complete comprehension of the interaction mechanism between the accessory proteins and the crosstalk between urease and hydrogenase accessory systems requires the determination of the role of each protein chaperone that strictly depends on their structural and biochemical properties. The availability of HpUreE, HpUreG and HpHypA proteins in a pure form is a pre-requisite to perform all the subsequent protein characterizations, thus their purification was the first aim of this work. Subsequently, the structural and biochemical properties of HpUreE were investigated using multi-angle and quasi-elastic light scattering, as well as NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters of Ni2+ and Zn2+ binding to HpUreE were principally established using isothermal titration calorimetry and the importance of key histidine residues in the process of binding metal ions was studied using site-directed mutagenesis. The molecular details of the HpUreE-HpUreG and HpUreE-HpHypA protein-protein assemblies were also elucidated. The interaction between HpUreE and HpUreG was investigated using ITC and NMR spectroscopy, and the influence of Ni2+ and Zn2+ metal ions on the stabilization of this association was established using native gel electrophoresis, light scattering and thermal denaturation scanning followed by CD spectroscopy. Preliminary HpUreE-HpHypA interaction studies were conducted using ITC. Finally, the possible structural architectures of the two protein-protein assemblies were rationalized using homology modeling and docking computational approaches. All the obtained data were interpreted in order to achieve a more exhaustive picture of the urease activation process, and the correlation with the accessory system of the hydrogenase enzyme, considering the specific role and activity of the involved protein players. A possible function for Zn2+ in the chaperone network involved in Ni2+ trafficking and urease activation is also envisaged.
Il carcinoma epatocellulare (HCC) è il più frequente tumore maligno del fegato e rappresenta il sesto tipo di tumore più comune nel mondo. Spesso i pazienti con HCC vengono diagnosticati a stadi piuttosto avanzati, quando le uniche opzioni terapeutiche in grado di migliorarne la sopravvivenza sono la chemoembolizzazione dell'arteria epatica ed il trattamento con l'inibitore multi-cinasico, Sorafenib. In questo contesto, la scoperta del ruolo centrale dei microRNA (miRNA) nella tumorigenesi umana risulta di fondamentale importanza per lo sviluppo di nuovi marcatori diagnostici e bersagli terapeutici. I microRNA (miRNA) sono delle piccole molecole di RNA non codificante, della lunghezza di 19-22 nucleotidi, filogeneticamente molto conservati, ed esercitano un ruolo cruciale nella regolazione di importanti processi fisiologici, quali sviluppo, proliferazione, differenziamento, apoptosi e risposta a numerosi segnali extracellulari e di stress. I miRNA sono inoltre responsabile della fine regolazione dell'espressione di centinaia di geni bersaglio attraverso il blocco della traduzione o la degradazione dell'mRNA target. Studi di profiling hanno evidenziato l'espressione aberrante di specifici miRNA in numerosi tipi di tumore umano. Lo scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di individuare un pannello di miRNA deregolati nell'epatocarcinoma umano e di caratterizzare il ruolo biologico di tre miRNA deregolati nell'HCC, al fine di individuare alcuni dei meccanismi molecolari alla base della trasformazione maligna miRNA-associata. La nostra ricerca è stata inoltre focalizzata nell'individuazione di nuovi bersagli e strumenti terapeutici, quali i microRNA, per il trattamento combinato di HCC in stadio intermedio-avanzato.
Much effort has been devoted in the recent years to the investigation of optically active polythiophenes characterized by the presence of a chiral moiety linked to the 3-position of the aromatic ring. In addition to their potential technological applications as materials for enantioselective electrodes and membranes, chiral poly(thiophene)s offer the possibility of studying the structural changes accompanying the transition from the disordered state by following the variation of their chiroptical properties by circular dichroism (CD). In solution of a good solvent, that kind of polythiophenes doesn’t display any optical activity arising from the presence of dissymmetric conformation of the backbone, as shown by circular dichroism (CD) spectra. When the macromolecules begin to aggregate, as it occurs e.g. by addition of a poor solvent, or lowering the solution temperature, or when the macromolecules are assembled in the solid state as thin films obtained by solution casting or spin coating, significant CD bands are observed in the spectral region related to the electronic absorptions of the aromatic polythiophene chromophore. These CD bands are indicative of a chiral macromolecule arrangement of one prevailing chirality. The synthesis of -substituted polythiophenes can be carried out starting from the corresponding -substituted mono- or oligomeric thiophenic monomers under regioselective or regiospecific conditions in order to minimize or avoid the formation of head-to-head dyads unfavourably affecting the presence of coplanar conformations of thiophene rings as a consequence of steric interactions between the side-chain substituents, both in solution and in the solid state. To this regard, non-symmetrically substituted monomers require therefore to perform the polymerization in the presence of highly demanding catalysts and reaction condition, whereas with symmetrically substituted oligothiophenic monomers containing the -substituents located far apart from the reacting sites, it is instead possible to obtain regioregular macromolecules by adopting more simple and economic polymerization methods, such as, e. g., the chemical oxidative polymerization with iron (III) trichloride. In order to verify how the polymer structure affects its optical activity, further poly-3-alkylthiophenes, substituted by an enantiomerically pure chiral alkyl group, namely poli[3,3”-di[2((S)-(+)-2-methylbutoxy)ethyl]-2,2’:5’,2”-terthiophene] (PDMBOETT), poli[3,3’di[2((S)-(+)-2-methylbutoxy)ethyl]-2,2’-bitiofene] (PDMBOEBT), poli[3,3””-didodecyl-4’,3”’-di(S)-(+)-2-methylbutyl-2,2’:5’,2”:5”,2”’:5”’,2””-quinquethiophene (PDDDMBQT) have been synthesized and characterized by instrumental techniques. The spectroscopic behaviour of thin films of poly(DDDMBQT) has been investigated in the solid state under different sample preparation procedures. It was also compared with the behaviour of polymers previously made. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of influence of the side-chain substituents on the extent of planarity of the polymeric chains and the formation of optically active chiral aggregates. In recent years conjugated block copolymers have received considerable attention. It is well known that conjugated block copolymers composed of two electronically different blocks can have morphologic and optical properties, that differ from those of their homopolymers. A recent study has also shown that the electronic properties and the supramolecular organization of one conjugated block can also be influenced by the other block. In order to study better this behavior, a new conjugated block copolymers, composed of a regioregular hydrophylic block and a regioregular hydrophobic block namely poli[3[2-(2-metossietossi)etossi]metiltiofene]-co- poli[3(1-octilossi)tiofene], has been synthesized and characterized.
Organotin compounds have found in the last few decades a wide variety of applications. Indeed, they are used successfully as antifouling paints, PVC stabilizers and ion carriers, as well as homogeneous catalysts. In this context, it has been proved that the Lewis acidity of the metal centre allows these compounds to promote the reaction between alcohol and ester. However their use is now limited by their well-known toxicity, moreover they are hardly removable from the reaction mixture. This problem can be overcome by grafting the organotin derivative onto a polymeric cross-linked support. In this way the obtained heterogeneous catalyst can be easily filtered off from the reaction mixture, thus creating the so-called "clean organotin reagents", avoiding the presence of toxic organotin residues in solution and the tin release in the environment. In the last few years several insoluble polystyrene resins containing triorganotin carboxylate moieties have been synthesized with the aim of improving their catalytic activity: in particular we have investigated and opportunely modified their chemical structure in order to optimize the accessibility to the metal centre and its Lewis acidity. Recently, we replaced the polymeric matrix with an inorganic one, in order to dispose of a relatively cheaper and easily available support. For this purpose an ordered mesoporous silica, characterized by 2D-hexagonal pores, named MCM-41, and an amorphous silica have been selected. In the present work two kinds of MCM-41 silica containing the triorganotin carboxylate moiety have been synthesized starting from a commercial Cab-O-Sil M5 silica. These catalysts have two different spacers between the core and the tin-carboxylate moiety, namely a polyaliphatic chain (compound FT29) or a poliethereal one (compound FT6), with the aim to improve the interaction between catalyst and reacting ester. Three catalysts supported onto an amorphous silica have been also synthesized: the structure is the same as silica FT29, i.e. a compound having a polialiphatic chain, and they have different percentage of organotin derivative grafted on the silica surface (10, 30, 50% respectively for silica MB9, SU27 and SU28). The performances of the above silica as heterogeneous catalysts in transesterification reactions have been tested in a model reaction between ethyl acetate and 1-octanol, a primary alcohol sensitive to the reaction conditions. The alcohol conversion was assessed by gas-chromatography, determining the relative amount of transesterified product and starting alcohol after established time intervals.
Obiettivo del presente lavoro è approntare un’analisi interpretativa dell’operatività dalle Finanziarie regionali, valutarne gli investimenti in capitale di rischio e, in particolare, l’attività di private equity, evidenziando le tendenze in atto, i possibili percorsi evolutivi e le eventuali criticità. La metodologia adottata ha previsto un’articolazione del lavoro lungo due principali direttive: un’analisi di tipo quantitativo sui bilanci di sette esercizi (dal 2002 al 2008), con la finalità di indagare nel dettaglio gli aspetti economici, finanziari e patrimoniali delle Finanziarie regionali attive sul territorio italiano; un’analisi qualitativa basata su un’approfondita rassegna della letteratura internazionale e su interviste mirate ad un campione ampiamente rappresentativo della popolazione osservata. I risultati raggiunti fanno ragionevolmente supporre che sia in atto una profonda ristrutturazione dell’intero sistema delle Finanziarie, che ha visto innanzitutto aumentare il controllo pubblico nella compagine sociale. L’indagine contabile ha permesso di identificare la presenza di due modelli di business ben differenziati: alcune Finanziarie sono orientate ad attività con forte contenuto di intermediazione finanziaria; altre invece sono focalizzate sull’attività di erogazione di servizi sia finanziari di consulenza che reali. L’investimento in capitale di rischio costituisce un attività centrale per le Finanziarie regionali; l’analisi dedicata a tali impieghi ha permesso di individuare, tra esse, alcune realtà tipiche del merchant banking, e più di frequente, del modello di holding. Complessivamente le Finanziarie campionate detengono oltre 400 partecipazioni per un valore che supera 1,7 miliardi di euro; prevalentemente concentrati su una ristretta cerchia di realtà spesso con impatto strategico sul territorio, ovvero strumentali. Segnatamente all’attività di private equity, è stato possibile rilevare come la politica d’investimento delle Finanziarie regionali sia complementare rispetto a quella mediamente espressa dal mercato domestico, anche se restano critici, anche per le Finanziarie, gli investimenti su imprese target con fatturato compreso tra 2 e 10 milioni di euro. Le evidenze circa la struttura dei contratti segnalano una parziale conformità alla best practice individuata dalla letteratura internazionale. In particolare l’uso limitato dello stage financing, la bassa partecipazione alla gestione sono le principali criticità individuate. Infine, della fase di riorganizzazione che pare interessare il sistema delle Finanziarie, si trova conferma nella percezione dei suoi operatori. Interpellati sul futuro dell’attività di investimento in capitale di rischio, hanno fornito indicazioni che consentono di concludere l’esistenza di una polarizzazione delle Finanziarie su due gruppi: da un lato quelle che implementeranno, più o meno, l’attività di private equity, dall’altro quelle che, viceversa, abbandoneranno tale strumento. La normativa sulle società a partecipazione pubblica regionale e la scarsa autonomia nella gestione delle misure affidate sono ritenute, dalle Finanziarie “interessate”, il principale fattore di freno alla loro crescita nel mercato del private equity.
Analysis of publicly available genomes of Streptococcus pneumoniae has led to the identification of a new genomic element resembling gram-positive pilus islets (PIs). Here, we demonstrate that this genomic region, herein referred to as PI-2 (containing the genes pitA, sipA, pitB, srtG1, and srtG2) codes for a novel functional pilus in pneumococcus. Therefore, there are two pilus islets identified so far in this pathogen (PI-1 and PI-2). Polymerization of the PI-2 pilus requires the backbone protein PitB as well as the sortase SrtG1 and the signal peptidase-like protein SipA. PI-2 is associated with serotypes 1, 2, 7F, 19A, and 19F, considered to be emerging in both industrialized and developing countries. Interestingly, strains belonging to clonal complex 271 (CC271) contain both PI-1 and PI-2, as revealed by genome analyses. In these strains both pili are surface exposed and independently assembled. Furthermore, in vitro experiments provide evidence that the pilus encoded by PI-2 of S. pneumoniae is involved in adherence. Thus, pneumococci encode at least two types of pili that may play a role in the initial host cell contact to the respiratory tract. In addition, the pilus proteins are potential antigens for inclusion in a new generation of pneumococcal vaccines. Adherence by pili could represent important factor in bacterial community formation, since it has been demonstrated that bacterial community formation plays an important role in pneumococcal otitis media. In vitro quantification of bacterial community formation by S. pneumoniae was performed in order to investigate the possible role of pneumococcal pili to form communities. By using different growth media we were not able to see clear association between pili and community formation. But our findings revealed that strains belonging to MLST clonal complex CC15 efficiently form bacterial communities in vitro in a glucose dependent manner. We compared the genome of forty-four pneumococcal isolates discovering four open reading frames specifically associated with CC15. These four genes are annotated as members of an operon responsible for the biosynthesis of a putative lanctibiotic peptide, described to be involved in bacterial community formation. Our experiments show that the lanctibiotic operon deletion affects glucose mediated community formation in CC 15 strain INV200. Moreover, since glucose consumption during bacterial growth produce an acidic environment, we tested bacterial community formation at different pH and we showed that the lanctibiotic operon deletion affected pH mediated community formation in CC 15 strain INV200. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that the putative lanctibiotic operon is associated with pneumococcal CC 15 strains in vitro bacterial community formation.
This work shows for the first time that native CSTB polymerizes on addition of Cu2+ and DnaK (Hsp70). Cysteines are involved in the polymerization process and in particular at least one cysteine is necessary. We propose that Cu2+ interacts with the thiol group of cysteine and oxidize it. The oxidized cysteine modifies the CSTB structure allowing interaction with DnaK/Hsp70 to occur. Thus, Cu2+ binding to CSTB exposes a site for DnaK and such interaction allows the polymerization of CSTB. The polymers generated from native CSTB monomers, are DTT sensitive and they may represent physiological polymers. Denatured CSTB does not require Cu2+ and polymerizes simply on addition of DnaK. The polymers generated from denatured CSTB do not respond to DTT. They have characteristics similar to those of the CSTB toxic aggregates described in vivo in eukaryotic cells following CSTB over-expression. Interaction between CSTB and Hsp70 is shown by IP experiments. The interaction occurs with WT CSTB and not with the ïcys mutant. This suggests that disulphur bonds are involved. Methal-cathalyzed oxidation of proteins involves reduction of the metal ion(s) bound to the protein itself and oxidation of neighboring ammino acid residues resulting in structural modification and de-stabilization of the molecule. In this work we propose that the cysteine thyol residue of CSTB in the presence of Cu2+ is oxidized, and cathalyzes the formation of disulphide bonds with Hsp70, that, once bound to CSTB, mediates its polymerization. In vivo this molecular mechanism of CSTB polymerization could be regulated by redox environment through the cysteine residue. This may imply that CSTB physiological polymers have a specific cellular function, different from that of the protease inhibitor known for the CSTB monomer. This hypothesis is interesting in relation to Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy of type 1 (EPM1). This pathology is usually caused by mutations in the CSTB gene. CSTB is a ubiquitous protein, but EPM1 patients have problems only in the central nervous system. Maybe physiological CSTB polymers have a specific function altered in people affected by EPM1.
During the last years we assisted to an exponential growth of scientific discoveries for catalysis by gold and many applications have been found for Au-based catalysts. In the literature there are several studies concerning the use of gold-based catalysts for environmental applications and good results are reported for the catalytic combustion of different volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Recently it has also been established that gold-based catalysts are potentially capable of being effectively employed in fuel cells in order to remove CO traces by preferential CO oxidation in H2-rich streams. Bi-metallic catalysts have attracted increasing attention because of their markedly different properties from either of the costituent metals, and above all their enhanced catalytic activity, selectivity and stability. In the literature there are several studies demostrating the beneficial effect due to the addition of an iron component to gold supported catalysts in terms of enhanced activity, selectivity, resistence to deactivation and prolonged lifetime of the catalyst. In this work we tried to develop a methodology for the preparation of iron stabilized gold nanoparticles with controlled size and composition, particularly in terms of obtaining an intimate contact between different phases, since it is well known that the catalytic behaviour of multi-component supported catalysts is strongly influenced by the size of the metal particles and by their reciprocal interaction. Ligand stabilized metal clusters, with nanometric dimensions, are possible precursors for the preparation of catalytically active nanoparticles with controlled dimensions and compositions. Among these, metal carbonyl clusters are quite attractive, since they can be prepared with several different sizes and compositions and, moreover, they are decomposed under very mild conditions. A novel preparation method was developed during this thesis for the preparation of iron and gold/iron supported catalysts using bi-metallic carbonyl clusters as precursors of highly dispersed nanoparticles over TiO2 and CeO2, which are widely considered two of the most suitable supports for gold nanoparticles. Au/FeOx catalysts were prepared by employing the bi-metallic carbonyl cluster salts [NEt4]4[Au4Fe4(CO)16] (Fe/Au=1) and [NEt4][AuFe4(CO)16] (Fe/Au=4), and for comparison FeOx samples were prepared by employing the homometallic [NEt4][HFe3(CO)11] cluster. These clusters were prepared by Prof. Longoni research group (Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry- University of Bologna). Particular attention was dedicated to the optimization of a suitable thermal treatment in order to achieve, apart from a good Au and Fe metal dispersion, also the formation of appropriate species with good catalytic properties. A deep IR study was carried out in order to understand the physical interaction between clusters and different supports and detect the occurrence of chemical reactions between them at any stage of the preparation. The characterization by BET, XRD, TEM, H2-TPR, ICP-AES and XPS was performed in order to investigate the catalysts properties, whit particular attention to the interaction between Au and Fe and its influence on the catalytic activity. This novel preparation method resulted in small gold metallic nanoparticles surrounded by highly dispersed iron oxide species, essentially in an amorphous phase, on both TiO2 and CeO2. The results presented in this thesis confirmed that FeOx species can stabilize small Au particles, since keeping costant the gold content but introducing a higher iron amount a higher metal dispersion was achieved. Partial encapsulation of gold atoms by iron species was observed since the Au/Fe surface ratio was found much lower than bulk ratio and a strong interaction between gold and oxide species, both of iron oxide and supports, was achieved. The prepared catalysts were tested in the total oxidation of VOCs, using toluene and methanol as probe molecules for aromatics and alchols, respectively, and in the PROX reaction. Different performances were observed on titania and ceria catalysts, on both toluene and methanol combustion. Toluene combustion on titania catalyst was found to be enhanced increasing iron loading while a moderate effect on FeOx-Ti activity was achieved by Au addition. In this case toluene combustion was improved due to a higher oxygen mobility depending on enhanced oxygen activation by FeOx and Au/FeOx dispersed on titania. On the contrary ceria activity was strongly decreased in the presence of FeOx, while the introduction of gold was found to moderate the detrimental effect of iron species. In fact, excellent ceria performances are due to its ability to adsorb toluene and O2. Since toluene activation is the determining factor for its oxidation, the partial coverage of ceria sites, responsible of toluene adsorption, by FeOx species finely dispersed on the surface resulted in worse efficiency in toluene combustion. Better results were obtained for both ceria and titania catalysts on methanol total oxidation. In this case, the performances achieved on differently supported catalysts indicate that the oxygen mobility is the determining factor in this reaction. The introduction of gold on both TiO2 and CeO2 catalysts, lead to a higher oxygen mobility due to the weakening of both Fe-O and Ce-O bonds and consequently to enhanced methanol combustion. The catalytic activity was found to strongly depend on oxygen mobility and followed the same trend observed for catalysts reducibility. Regarding CO PROX reaction, it was observed that Au/FeOx titania catalysts are less active than ceria ones, due to the lower reducibility of titania compared to ceria. In fact the availability of lattice oxygen involved in PROX reaction is much higher in the latter catalysts. However, the CO PROX performances observed for ceria catalysts are not really high compared to data reported in literature, probably due to the very low Au/Fe surface ratio achieved with this preparation method. CO preferential oxidation was found to strongly depend on Au particle size but also on surface oxygen reducibility, depending on the different oxide species which can be formed using different thermal treatment conditions or varying the iron loading over the support.
Nowadays, it is clear that the target of creating a sustainable future for the next generations requires to re-think the industrial application of chemistry. It is also evident that more sustainable chemical processes may be economically convenient, in comparison with the conventional ones, because fewer by-products means lower costs for raw materials, for separation and for disposal treatments; but also it implies an increase of productivity and, as a consequence, smaller reactors can be used. In addition, an indirect gain could derive from the better public image of the company, marketing sustainable products or processes. In this context, oxidation reactions play a major role, being the tool for the production of huge quantities of chemical intermediates and specialties. Potentially, the impact of these productions on the environment could have been much worse than it is, if a continuous efforts hadn’t been spent to improve the technologies employed. Substantial technological innovations have driven the development of new catalytic systems, the improvement of reactions and process technologies, contributing to move the chemical industry in the direction of a more sustainable and ecological approach. The roadmap for the application of these concepts includes new synthetic strategies, alternative reactants, catalysts heterogenisation and innovative reactor configurations and process design. Actually, in order to implement all these ideas into real projects, the development of more efficient reactions is one primary target. Yield, selectivity and space-time yield are the right metrics for evaluating the reaction efficiency. In the case of catalytic selective oxidation, the control of selectivity has always been the principal issue, because the formation of total oxidation products (carbon oxides) is thermodynamically more favoured than the formation of the desired, partially oxidized compound. As a matter of fact, only in few oxidation reactions a total, or close to total, conversion is achieved, and usually the selectivity is limited by the formation of by-products or co-products, that often implies unfavourable process economics; moreover, sometimes the cost of the oxidant further penalizes the process. During my PhD work, I have investigated four reactions that are emblematic of the new approaches used in the chemical industry. In the Part A of my thesis, a new process aimed at a more sustainable production of menadione (vitamin K3) is described. The “greener” approach includes the use of hydrogen peroxide in place of chromate (from a stoichiometric oxidation to a catalytic oxidation), also avoiding the production of dangerous waste. Moreover, I have studied the possibility of using an heterogeneous catalytic system, able to efficiently activate hydrogen peroxide. Indeed, the overall process would be carried out in two different steps: the first is the methylation of 1-naphthol with methanol to yield 2-methyl-1-naphthol, the second one is the oxidation of the latter compound to menadione. The catalyst for this latter step, the reaction object of my investigation, consists of Nb2O5-SiO2 prepared with the sol-gel technique. The catalytic tests were first carried out under conditions that simulate the in-situ generation of hydrogen peroxide, that means using a low concentration of the oxidant. Then, experiments were carried out using higher hydrogen peroxide concentration. The study of the reaction mechanism was fundamental to get indications about the best operative conditions, and improve the selectivity to menadione. In the Part B, I explored the direct oxidation of benzene to phenol with hydrogen peroxide. The industrial process for phenol is the oxidation of cumene with oxygen, that also co-produces acetone. This can be considered a case of how economics could drive the sustainability issue; in fact, the new process allowing to obtain directly phenol, besides avoiding the co-production of acetone (a burden for phenol, because the market requirements for the two products are quite different), might be economically convenient with respect to the conventional process, if a high selectivity to phenol were obtained. Titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) is the catalyst chosen for this reaction. Comparing the reactivity results obtained with some TS-1 samples having different chemical-physical properties, and analyzing in detail the effect of the more important reaction parameters, we could formulate some hypothesis concerning the reaction network and mechanism. Part C of my thesis deals with the hydroxylation of phenol to hydroquinone and catechol. This reaction is already industrially applied but, for economical reason, an improvement of the selectivity to the para di-hydroxilated compound and a decrease of the selectivity to the ortho isomer would be desirable. Also in this case, the catalyst used was the TS-1. The aim of my research was to find out a method to control the selectivity ratio between the two isomers, and finally to make the industrial process more flexible, in order to adapt the process performance in function of fluctuations of the market requirements. The reaction was carried out in both a batch stirred reactor and in a re-circulating fixed-bed reactor. In the first system, the effect of various reaction parameters on catalytic behaviour was investigated: type of solvent or co-solvent, and particle size. With the second reactor type, I investigated the possibility to use a continuous system, and the catalyst shaped in extrudates (instead of powder), in order to avoid the catalyst filtration step. Finally, part D deals with the study of a new process for the valorisation of glycerol, by means of transformation into valuable chemicals. This molecule is nowadays produced in big amount, being a co-product in biodiesel synthesis; therefore, it is considered a raw material from renewable resources (a bio-platform molecule). Initially, we tested the oxidation of glycerol in the liquid-phase, with hydrogen peroxide and TS-1. However, results achieved were not satisfactory. Then we investigated the gas-phase transformation of glycerol into acrylic acid, with the intermediate formation of acrolein; the latter can be obtained by dehydration of glycerol, and then can be oxidized into acrylic acid. Actually, the oxidation step from acrolein to acrylic acid is already optimized at an industrial level; therefore, we decided to investigate in depth the first step of the process. I studied the reactivity of heterogeneous acid catalysts based on sulphated zirconia. Tests were carried out both in aerobic and anaerobic conditions, in order to investigate the effect of oxygen on the catalyst deactivation rate (one main problem usually met in glycerol dehydration). Finally, I studied the reactivity of bifunctional systems, made of Keggin-type polyoxometalates, either alone or supported over sulphated zirconia, in this way combining the acid functionality (necessary for the dehydrative step) with the redox one (necessary for the oxidative step). In conclusion, during my PhD work I investigated reactions that apply the “green chemistry” rules and strategies; in particular, I studied new greener approaches for the synthesis of chemicals (Part A and Part B), the optimisation of reaction parameters to make the oxidation process more flexible (Part C), and the use of a bioplatform molecule for the synthesis of a chemical intermediate (Part D).