245 resultados para Gauls in Italy.


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I sistemi sanitari sono messi sotto stress da fattori diversi che possono essere sintetizzati schematizzando il problema in pressioni sistemiche e pressioni pandemiche leggendole secondo due vettori paralleli: fattori modificabili e fattori non modificabili. I fattori non modificabili sono legati alla condizione socio-demografica di una popolazione (reddito pro-capite, livello di istruzione) e alle caratteristiche individuali dei pazienti che accedono ai servizi (condizioni di moltimorbidità, fragilità, età, sesso) mentre i fattori modificabili sono legati al modello organizzativo del servizio regionale e Aziendale. I fattori modificabili sono quelli che leggendo i fattori non modificabili possono adattarsi al contesto specifico e con gradi di flessibilità variabile rispondere alle domande emergenti. Il tradizionale approccio ospedaliero, ancora in gran parte basato su modelli organizzativi funzionalmente e strutturalmente chiusi, costruiti attorno alle singole discipline, non si è rivelato in grado di rispondere adeguatamente da solo a questi bisogni di salute complessi che necessitano di una presa in carico multidisciplinare e coordinata tra diversi setting assistenziali. La pandemia che ha portato in Italia ad avere più di 8 milioni di contagiati ha esacerbato problemi storici dei sistemi sanitari. Le Regioni e le Aziende hanno fronteggiato un doppio binario di attività vedendo ridursi l’erogazione di servizi per i pazienti non Covid per far fronte all’incremento di ricoveri di pazienti Covid. Il Policlinico S. Orsola ha in questa congiuntura storica sviluppato un progetto di miglioramento del percorso del paziente urgente coinvolgendo i professionisti e dando loro strumenti operativi di analisi del problema e metodi per identificare risposte efficaci. Riprendendo infine la distinzione tra pressioni modificabili e non modificabili il lavoro mostra che dall’analisi delle cause profonde dei nodi critici del percorso del paziente si possono identificare soluzioni che impattino sugli aspetti organizzativi (modificabili) personalizzando l’approccio per il singolo paziente (non modificabile) in un’ottica patient centred.


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The research presented herein aims to investigate the strengths and weaknesses of a relatively new technique called phytoscreening. Parallel to the well-known phytoremediation, it consists of exploiting the absorbing potential of trees to delineate groundwater contamination plumes, especially for chlorinated ethenes (i.e., PCE, TCE, 1,2-cis DCE, and VC). The latter are prevalent contaminants in groundwater but their fate and transport in surface ecosystems, such as trees, are still poorly understood and subjected to high variability. Moreover, the analytical validity of tree-coring is still limited in many countries due to a lack of knowledge of its application opportunities. Tree-cores are extracted from trunks and generally analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. A systematic review of former literature on phytoscreening for chlorinated ethenes is presented in this PhD thesis to evaluate the factors influencing the effectiveness of the technique. Besides, we tested the technique by probing eight sites contaminated by chlorinated ethenes in Italy (Emilia-Romagna) in different hydrogeological and seasonal settings. We coupled the technique with the assessment of gaseous-phase concentrations directly on-site, inserting detector tubes or a photoionization detector in the tree-holes left by the coring tool. Finally, we applied rank order statistic analysis on field data along with literature data to assess under which conditions phytoscreening should be applied to either screen or monitor environmental contamination issues. A relatively high correlation exists between tree-core and groundwater concentrations (Spearman’s ρ > 0.6), being higher for compounds with higher sorption, for sites with shallower and thinner aquifers, and when sampling specific tree types with standardized sampling and extraction protocols. These results indicate the opportunities for assessing the occurrence, type, and concentration of solvents directly from the stem of trees. This can reduce the costs of characterization surveys, allowing rapid identification of hotspots and plume direction and thus optimizing the drilling of boreholes.


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In recent years, there has been an exponential increase in the so-called “new pets”, including the domestic guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) and the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), two closely related Caviid rodents native to South America. Both historically bred for food purposes, they have more recently become increasingly popular as pets in the European and American continents, respectively. This led to an increasing veterinary interest in deepening the knowledge regarding their normal anatomy, as a basic contribution to other fields of veterinary medicine, including diagnostic imaging, surgery, and pathological anatomy. Being part of a bilateral framework co-tutelage agreement leading to a joint Doctoral Degree between the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, Italy and the Universidad Nacional del Litoral of Santa Fe, Argentina, this research project was partly carried out in Italy (study of guinea pigs) and partly in Argentina (study of capybaras). It consisted in the macroscopic study, through anatomical dissections of carcasses of both species as well as the use of anatomical casts, and in the histological study of the various systems in the two species, and was aimed at creating a gross and microscopic comparative anatomical atlas. From the gross and microscopic morphological and morphometrical anatomical study of the different system of the guinea pig and capybara, several analogies and differences emerged. The creation of a comparative anatomical atlas of gross and microscopic anatomy of the capybara and the guinea pig might prove useful for clinical, zootechnical and research purposes.


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Le théâtre de marionnettes a connu, depuis la fin du XXe siècle, de profondes mutations, tant sur le plan esthétique que sur celui du dispositif dramaturgique. Si en France des expériences plurielles de collaboration entre écrivains et marionnettistes se sont développées, en Italie ont émergé des expérimentations dramatiques de la part des marionnettistes eux-mêmes, auteurs de textes aux qualités littéraires. Au fil des rencontres avec la scène marionnettique, la posture de l’auteur devient « fluide », allant de l’écrivain extérieur répondant à une commande, au dramaturge et au co-créateur des spectacles. Une attention accrue aux enjeux dramaturgiques a renforcé les relations des arts de la marionnette avec le théâtre d’acteurs. En vertu de cette osmose, certaines caractéristiques du régime contemporain de l’écriture pour la scène, comme la « rhapsodisation » des textes mise en évidence par Jean-Pierre Sarrazac et les traits « postdramatiques » décrits par Hans-Thies Lehmann, sont à l’œuvre dans les pièces pour marionnettes écrites depuis les années 1980. La comparaison des créations françaises (par Daniel Lemahieu et François Lazaro, Jean Cagnard et la Cie Arketal, Kossi Efoui et Théâtre Inutile, Dennis Cooper et Gisèle Vienne) et italiennes (par Guido Ceronetti, Giuliano Scabia, Gigio Brunello et Gyula Molnár, Marta Cuscunà, Fabiana Iacozzilli, entre autres) montre comment elles exploitent la marionnette afin d’agencer la parole aux images suscitées par l’objet. Bien que l’on puisse observer un plus grand élan innovateur en France, tandis que les relations avec les différentes traditions régionales restent ancrées en Italie, l’analyse de textes nous apprend que les motifs les plus récurrents sont communs aux deux territoires, en vertu des possibilités de figuration qu’offre la marionnette : la confrontation avec les problèmes actuels et les traumatismes de l’histoire, la plongée dans l’esprit humain, l’imagination de territoires post-anthropocentriques, la rencontre avec le trouble et la mort


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A pesquisa-intervenção pretendeu cartografar e analisar os processos de trabalho e a produção de cuidados nos Hospitais Comunitários, enquanto dispositivos de cuidados intermediários da Região Emilia-Romagna, Itália. Nos diferentes encontros do percurso cartográfico, foram-se tecendo sentidos e contextos para aproximação do campo micropolítico, que na organização do estudo compõem as “pausas”, adensamentos que construíram ferramentas de intervenção e leituras. Estas “pausas” apresentaram os processos de aproximação cultural, de construção metodológica, de invenção e reinvenção dos modos de investigar cartografando encontros e afetos; além da construção de sentidos que impactaram nas intervenções produzidas pelo estudo. As interferências produzidas durante o percurso da pesquisa formação, a partir da realização do projeto de cooperação internacional - RERSUS, relevaram o campo micropolítico do cotidiano do Hospitais Comunitários e estão apresentadas pelos “platôs” nesta tese. São estas zonas de intensidades, que a partir coletivo marcaram os agenciamentos enquanto dispositivos presentes que disputam novos modos de fazer. Tais dispositivos, linhas de fugas visibilizados no percurso da pesquisa, são lançados à luz do contexto da pandemia Covid-19, em transposição atual e necessária aos sistemas de saúde, reapresentando à discussão recolocação das cogentes demandas de transição tecnológica e completa reestruturação produtiva da saúde.


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Aedes albopictus is a vector able to transmit several arboviruses. Due to its high impact on human health, it is important to develop an efficient control strategy for this pest. Nowadays, control based on chemical insecticides is limited by the number of available active principles and the occurrence of resistance. A valuable alternative to the conventional control strategies is the sterile insect technique (SIT) which relies on releasing sterile males of the target insect. Mating between wild females and sterile males results in no viable offspring. A crucial aspect of SIT is the production of a large number of sterile males with a low presence of females that can bite and transmit viruses. The present thesis aimed to find, implement and study the most reliable mechanical sex sorter and protocol to implement male productivity and reduce female contamination. In addition, I evaluated different variables and sorting protocols to enable female recovery for breeding purposes. Furthermore, I studied the creation of a hyper-protandric strain potentially able to produce only males. I also assessed the integration of artificial intelligence with an optical unit to identify sexes at the adult stage. All these applications helped to realise a mass production model in Italy with a potential weekly production of 1 million males. Moreover, I studied and applied for aerial sterile male release in an urban environment. This technology could allow the release of males in a wide area, overcoming environmental and urban obstacles. However, the development and application of drone technologies in a metropolitan area close to airports, such as in Bologna area, must fit specific requirements. Lastly, at Réunion Island, during a Short Term Scientific Mission France (AIM-COST Action), Indian Ocean, I studied the Boosted SIT application. Coating sterile males with Pyriproxyfen may help spread the insecticide into the larval breeding sites.


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Tanto en Italia como en España las personas han reivindicado que el ordenamiento jurídico reconozca un verdadero derecho de todos a acceder a la información pública de manera libre. En parte, esto ha sido así por la desafección de los ciudadanos con el sistema político que los ha llevado a reivindicar un rol más preponderante en los procesos de toma de decisiones públicas y a exigir una mayor eficiencia en la lucha contra la corrupción en el sector público. Con el libre acceso a la información pública se favorecen ambas cosas, ya que la información que posee el sector público resulta valiosísima para que los ciudadanos puedan enjuiciar de manera crítica «cómo se toman las decisiones que les afectan, cómo se manejan los fondos públicos o bajo qué criterios actúan nuestras instituciones» -apartado I del preámbulo de la LTAIBG-. Tradicionalmente, el derecho a acceder a los documentos públicos ha sido una cuestión vinculada al procedimiento administrativo y su ejercicio quedaba circunscrito a ser parte en el procedimiento. Este derecho ha sido el modelo seguido para la creación del derecho de acceso a la información público, aunque nace desvinculado del procedimiento administrativo en la medida en que tiene un fundamento democrático del que carece el derecho de acceso en el procedimiento administrativo. En esta tesis doctoral estudiamos las normas que han hecho posible que en Italia y España se cree este nuevo derecho político en el siglo XXI y su fundamento democrático. Concretamente, en Italia han sido el Decreto Legislativo 33/2013 y el Decreto Legislativo 97/2016 y en España la LTAIBG, las normas que han configurado este nuevo derecho.


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The thesis deals with standing and justiciability in climate litigation against governments and the private sector. The first part addresses the impacts of climate change on human rights, the major developments in international climate law, and the historical reasons for climate litigation. The second part analyses several cases, divided into categories. It then draws to a comparative conclusion with regard to each category. The third part deals with the Italian legal tradition on standing and justiciability – starting from the historical roots of such rules. The fourth part introduces the ‘Model Statute’ drafted by the International Bar Association, arguing that the 'ratio legis' of this proposal could be implemented in Italy or the EU. The thesis develops arguments, based on the existing legal framework, to help plaintiffs establish standing and justiciability in proceedings pending before Italian courts. It further proposes the idea that 'citizen suits' are consistent with the Italian and EU legal tradition and that the EU could rely on citizen suits to privately enforce its climate law and policies under the ‘European Green Deal.’


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The increasing consumption rates among citizens and the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources have made environmental pollution and management of waste the main problems facing humanity in its upcoming future. Together with generation of energy and transport, industrial production certainly plays a key role in the genesis of these problems. It is for this reason that the concepts of environmental, social and economic sustainability have emerged over the years as the cornerstones for future development. In light of this, the most forward-looking industries have begun to study their impact on environment and society in order to improve their performances and, at the same time, to anticipate the increasingly rigorous environmental regulations. In this work, various performance indicators related to the Italian ceramic tile sector will be presented and discussed. In particular, the emission factor of characteristic pollutants will be reported on a period of up to fifteen years while data regarding waste management, concentration of pollutants and emission legal limits for the last decade will be here disclosed as a result of a vast analysis on recorded data. The collected information describes the present level of performance of the ceramic tile manufacturing industries in Italy and shows how recycling is now a consolidated reality and how some pollutants, such as particulate matter, fluorine and lead are actually disappearing from production processes and how others, such as volatile organic compounds, are increasing instead. Moreover, the adoption of alternative raw materials for the production of ceramic tiles is discussed and the implementation of the recycling of various waste is addressed at experimental or industrial scale. Finally, the development of a new ceramic engobe with high content of waste glass (20%) is presented as an experimental example of reutilization of resources in the ceramic tile industry.


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La ricerca indaga il ruolo del designer nella transizione sostenibile e circolare all’uso di materiali polimerici. Nel contesto contemporaneo la plastica è utilizzata in quasi ogni settore merceologico ma la sua futura applicazione è messa in forte discussione a causa dei visibili impatti ambientali del suo uso irresponsabile. Un passaggio netto dalla totale dipendenza alla liberazione dei polimeri è difficile; è necessario un periodo di transizione che permetta di coesistere responsabilmente con i polimeri in attesa di trovare dei validi sostituti. L’obiettivo della ricerca è lavorare su questo periodo ponendo il designer e le sue competenze come soggetti chiave del movimento. La tesi di ricerca propone un approccio per calare le pratiche del Transition Design nella progettazione di sistemi-prodotto, nutrendosi degli attributi anticipatori dell’Advanced Design e puntando agli obiettivi del Circular Design, lavorando a partire dalle merci più critiche nel contesto contemporaneo: quelle in polimero fossile non riciclabile. Contributo della tesi è la figura del Transition Matter Designer, un progettista di transizioni dei materiali che prevede metamorfosi di sistemi-prodotto nel tempo grazie alle sue competenze a diverse scale del progetto: forma l’utente agli atteggiamenti circolari e sostenibili, caratterizza i materiali per individuarne nuovi usi, seleziona i processi produttivi adatti a prevenire scarti e ne anticipa i cicli di vita nei prodotti. I Knitted Fasteners sono il risultato della simulazione del lavoro del Transition Matter Designer nel tessile: un sistema di elementi di fissaggio, personalizzabili dallo stilista e integrati negli abiti a maglia, che permettono di eliminare l’uso di fashion fasteners in plastica e metallo, elementi che rendono difficile il riciclo dei capi. Dalla sperimentazione è emerso il modello concettuale della Transindustrial Production: un lavoro di collaborazione fra Transition Matter Designer e creativo per dare identità ai materiali polimerici circolari attraverso l’ibridazione fra artigianato e industria, tipico del Made in Italy.


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Earthquake prediction is a complex task for scientists due to the rare occurrence of high-intensity earthquakes and their inaccessible depths. Despite this challenge, it is a priority to protect infrastructure, and populations living in areas of high seismic risk. Reliable forecasting requires comprehensive knowledge of seismic phenomena. In this thesis, the development, application, and comparison of both deterministic and probabilistic forecasting methods is shown. Regarding the deterministic approach, the implementation of an alarm-based method using the occurrence of strong (fore)shocks, widely felt by the population, as a precursor signal is described. This model is then applied for retrospective prediction of Italian earthquakes of magnitude M≥5.0,5.5,6.0, occurred in Italy from 1960 to 2020. Retrospective performance testing is carried out using tests and statistics specific to deterministic alarm-based models. Regarding probabilistic models, this thesis focuses mainly on the EEPAS and ETAS models. Although the EEPAS model has been previously applied and tested in some regions of the world, it has never been used for forecasting Italian earthquakes. In the thesis, the EEPAS model is used to retrospectively forecast Italian shallow earthquakes with a magnitude of M≥5.0 using new MATLAB software. The forecasting performance of the probabilistic models was compared to other models using CSEP binary tests. The EEPAS and ETAS models showed different characteristics for forecasting Italian earthquakes, with EEPAS performing better in the long-term and ETAS performing better in the short-term. The FORE model based on strong precursor quakes is compared to EEPAS and ETAS using an alarm-based deterministic approach. All models perform better than a random forecasting model, with ETAS and FORE models showing better performance. However, to fully evaluate forecasting performance, prospective tests should be conducted. The lack of objective tests for evaluating deterministic models and comparing them with probabilistic ones was a challenge faced during the study.


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This study aims to explore the Italian students’ perspectives on using English in English-medium instruction (EMI) programs in light of the practices of internationalization at home (IaH) at the University of Bologna (UNIBO) in Italy and further investigates whether these attitudes affect their language identity as English as lingua franca (ELF) users. To serve this aim, a mixed-method approach was adopted to collect quantitative and in-depth qualitative data in two phases through an online survey and a semi-structured interview. A total number of 78 Italian students participated in the survey, out of which 14 participants were interviewed. The findings of the online survey indicated that most participants (92%) held a positive perspective toward the use of English in EMI programs and the findings from the interviews were in line with the results of the survey. However, the purpose of the interviews was to explore the participants’ views on their language identity as ELF users. Thematic analysis of the interviews revealed that students experience emotional, cognitive, and social transitions in EMI programs in response to their shift from a non-EMI to an EMI academic setting. Overall, all the above-mentioned transitions were positive and could lead to personal development. However, it can be concluded that the EMI context provides few opportunities for the emergence of significant new subject positions mediated by English in this study. The focus on students’ perspectives on the use of English in EMI programs can contribute to the improvement in language policy planning and internationalized curriculum design by policymakers and alleviate tensions over the controversial issue of the Englishization of higher education by considering how EMI students perceive their use of English as ELF users not superior standard English users.


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La presente tesi si concentra sulla tendenza, riscontrata nel panorama editoriale italiano, al repêchage e ritraduzione di letteratura fantastica angloamericana femminile. Il corpus di case studies individuati a tale scopo è costituito da una selezione di testi delle autrici Daphne du Maurier, Shirley Jackson e Angela Carter. Di ogni autrice si sono analizzati il romanzo e il racconto con più pubblicazioni editoriali fra lingua inglese e italiana. Di questi testi si sono esaminate le ritraduzioni italiane, che vanno dal 1958 al 2017, con particolare attenzione alle ritraduzioni degli anni Novanta e Duemila pubblicate dagli editori di cultura. Lo studio prende avvio da un apparato teorico sul problema della ritraduzione e sulle teorie formulate in merito alla letteratura fantastica femminile, coadiuvato da una ricerca all’interno dei cataloghi delle case editrici di cultura che hanno pubblicato le ritraduzioni in esame, confrontati con quelli di tre case editrici di riferimento per quanto riguarda il settore fantastico-gotico. Una seconda parte della ricerca è inoltre dedicata agli studi sulla ricezione e sul paratesto, come ulteriore strumento d’analisi del processo di repêchage editoriale quando coadiuvato dalla pratica ritraduttiva. L’apparato teorico è supportato da una ricerca qualitativa in merito all’evoluzione paratestuale dei testi selezionati e della ricezione degli stessi nel loro contesto originario e d’arrivo. La terza e ultima sezione della ricerca è dedicata all’analisi letteraria dei testi in esame. In questo contesto ha infine un suo spazio lo studio traduttologico contrastivo di una casistica di esempi linguistici tratti dai testi. A partire dall’osservazione delle parabole editoriali delle tre autrici, la presente ricerca si propone dunque di fornire uno sguardo d’insieme sul recente fenomeno del repêchage letterario di opere fantastiche femminili nel panorama editoriale italiano, e di investigare il ruolo e la portata socioculturale che la ritraduzione occupa all’interno di questo processo.


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L'obesità infantile può essere considerata una delle maggiori sfide sanitarie del XXI secolo. In Italia, la fascia d'età più colpita è quella tra i 6 e gli 11 anni. L'infanzia e l'adolescenza non solo influenzano lo sviluppo fisico, cognitivo e sociale dell'adulto, ma anche l'aspettativa di vita. Inoltre, l'interruzione dell'insegnamento in classe e le misure di contenimento di Covid-19 hanno aumentato il comfort food, la sedentarietà e la vulnerabilità socio-economica delle famiglie. Lo scopo del lavoro di ricerca è stato quello di studiare i fattori sociali che hanno influenzato le abitudini alimentari e gli stili di vita delle famiglie con bambini di età compresa tra i 6 e gli 11 anni, all'interno dell'ambiente di socializzazione primario (famiglia) e secondario (scuola e altre istituzioni) anche durante la pandemia di COVID-19. La ricerca è stata condotta in Emilia-Romagna nella città di Rimini e poi estesa al contesto europeo contemporaneo. Per indagare questo punto, è stata utilizzata una metodologia in parte qualitativa e in parte quantitativa. L'approccio mosaico composto da 15 interviste semi-strutturate; 8 focus group e 5 etnografie ha permesso di costruire un questionario, online e cartaceo, somministrato a 361 genitori. I principali risultati rivelano che (1) i bambini sono ingrassati durante il periodo di Covid; (2) esiste una correlazione tra il peso della madre e il peso del bambino; (3) le madri sottovalutano l'obesità dei figli.


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This thesis is based on a pilot investigation which explores the attitudes of a sample of Italian viewers towards the simil sync technique which in Italy is used for the dub of non-fictional television contents. The thesis seeks to analyse and define the characteristics of this dubbing modality which is often considered by scholars and professionals in the dubbing industry a hybrid modality of standard synchronised dubbing and voice-over. In order to investigate viewers’ attitudes, I organised 4 focus groups sessions which, due to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic, were carried out online. The online recruitment of participants, which was a difficult task, resulted in a small sample of eighteen participants (and two interviewees). The four online focus groups revealed that participants were aware of the simil sync technique. They recognised that the clips were dubbed in a different modality from standard synchronised dubbing. The characteristic that was mostly mentioned for detecting simil sync was the original soundtrack that was audible below the dub, followed by the identification of the genre of the programme in the clip and the absence of lip sync. Moreover, while simil sync with a barely audible original soundtrack received neutral or positive attitudes, simil sync with a more audible original soundtrack, instead, was tolerated or considered annoying. Simil sync passed unnoticed in the in-depth interviews in which the discussion about dubbing was not focused on the distinction between two dubbing modalities, for instance simil sync versus standard synchronised dubbing, but rather on the distinction between programmes that originated in Italian and those that were translated into Italian from another language and then dubbed.