295 resultados para Accademia della Crusca. Vocabolario.


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Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (EDA), is the most frequent form among Ectodermal Dysplasias, hereditary genetic disorders causing ectodermal appendages defective development. Indeed, EDA is characterized by defective formation of hair follicles, sweat glands and teeth both in human patients and animals. EDA, the gene mutated in Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, encodes Ectodysplasin, a TNF family member that activates NF-kB mediated transcription. This disease can occur with mutations in other EDA-NF-kB pathway members, as EDA receptor, EDAR and its adapter, EDARADD. Moreover, mutations in TRAF6, NEMO, IKB and NF-kBs genes are responsible for Immunodeficiency associated EDA (EDA-ID). Several molecules, as SHH, WNT/DKK, BMP and LTβ, have already been reported to be EDA pathway regulators or effectors although the knowledge of the full spectrum of EDA targets remains incomplete. During the first part of the research project a gene expression analysis was performed in primary keratinocytes from Wild-type and Tabby (EDA model mouse) mice to identify novel EDA target genes. Earlier expression profiling at various developmental time points in Tabby and Wild-type mouse skin reported genes differentially expressed in the two samples and, to increase the resolution to find genes whose expression may be restricted to epidermal cells, the study was extended to primary keratinocyte cultures established from E19 Wild-type and Tabby skin. Using microarrays bearing 44,000 gene probes, we found 385 “preliminary candidate” genes whose expression was significantly affected by Eda defect. By comparing expression profiles to those from Eda-A1 (where Eda-A1 is highly expressed) transgenic skin, we restricted the list to 38 “candidate EDA targets”, 14 of which were already known to be expressed in hair follicles or epidermis. This work confirmed expression changes for 3 selected genes, Tbx1, Bmp7, and Jag1, both in primary keratinocytes and in Wild-type and Tabby whole skin, by Q-PCR and Western blotting analyses. Thus, this study detected novel candidate pathways downstream of EDA. In the second part of the research project, plasmid constructs were produced and analyzed to create a transgenic mouse model for Immunodeficiency associated EDA disease (XL-EDA-ID). In particular, plasmids containing mouse Wild-type and mutated Nemo cDNA under K-17 epidermis-specific promoter control and a Flag tag, were prepared, on the way to confine transgene expression to mice epidermis and to determine EDA phenotype without immunodeficiency for a comparison to Tabby model phenotype. EDA-ID mutations reported in patients and selected for this study are: C417R (C409R in mouse), causing Zinc Finger protein domain destabilization and A288G (A282G in mouse) affecting oligomerization of the protein. Moreover, the ex-novo mutation, ZnF, C-terminal Zinc Finger domain deletion, was tested. Thus, the constructs were analyzed by transient transfection, Western blotting and luciferase assays techniques, detecting Nemo Wild-type and mutant protein products and residue NF-kB activity in presence of mutants, after TNF stimulation. In particular, MEF_Nemo-/- cell line was used to monitor NF-kB activity without endogenous Nemo gene. Results show reduced NF-kB activity in presence of mutated Nemo forms compared to Wild-type: 81% for A282G (A288G in human); 24% for C409R (C417R in human); 15% for ZnF. C409R mutation (C417R in human), reported in 6 EDA-ID human patients, was selected to prepare transgenic model mouse. Mice (white, FVP) born following K17-promoter-Flag-Nemo_C409R plasmid region pronuclear injection, were analyzed for the transgene presence in the genotype and a preliminar examination of their phenotype was performed. In particular, one mouse showed considerable coat defects if compared to Wild-type mice. This preliminar analysis suggests a possible influence of Nemo mutant over-expression in epidermis without immunodeficiency. Still, more microscopic studies to analyze hair subtypes, Guard, Awl and Zigzag (usually alterated inTabby mouse model), Immunohistochemistry experiments to detect epidermis restricted Nemo expression and sweat glands analysis, will follow. This and other transgene positive mice will be crossed with black mice C57BL6 to obtain at least two indipendent agouti lines to analyze. Theses mice will be used in EDA target genes detection through microarrays. Following, plasmid constructs containing other Nemo mutant forms (A282G and ZnF) might be studied by the same experimental approaches to prepare more transgenic model mice to compare to Nemo_C409R and Tabby mouse models.


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La conoscenza delle esigenze luminose (intensità, spettro, durata minima, massima ed ottimale del fotoperiodo di illuminazione) e della tolleranza alle condizioni degli interni delle piante ad uso decorativo, è di fondamentale importanza per una giusta tecnica di progettazione (dimensionamento e dislocazione dei punti luce) dell’indoor plantscaping. Il lungo periodo di condizionamento al quale queste piante vengono sottoposte, caratterizzato principalmente dalla scarsa disponibilità di luce naturale e dagli alti livelli di concentrazione di CO2 determina una forte influenza sui processi morfo-fisiologici. Il presente studio analizza il fattore luminoso ed è articolato su più punti quali; • caratterizzazione della riposta fotosintetica all’intensità luminosa di 21 delle principali specie a fogliame decorativo comunemente utilizzate nella realizzazione degli spazi verdi indoor, per stabilire quali siano i minimi ed ottimali livelli di PAR tali da garantire una fotosintesi netta positiva e nel complesso le condizioni di maggior benessere per le piante; • quantificazione dell’incremento fotosintetico netto dovuto ad una maggior concentrazione di CO2 negli interni rispetto alla concentrazione CO2 atmosferica esterna, all’aumentare dell’ intensità luminosa artificiale sulle precedenti specie; • monitoraggio dell’andamento delle attività fotosintetiche durante il periodo di illuminazione di 8 ore comunemente utilizzato in un interno ad uso lavorativo, a PAR costante e variabile in Ficus elastica e Dieffenbachia picta, al fine di stabilire quali possano essere le durate e le modalità di somministrazione della luce per rendere massima la fotosintesi netta riducendo al minimo i consumi energetici dovuti all’accensione delle lampade; • valutazione della risposta morfo-fisiologica e fotosintetica a modificazioni dello spettro luminoso mediante l’uso di LED monocromatici colorati ad emissione nel bianco, blu e rosso in Ficus benjamina e Iresine herbistii al fine di stabilire se questo tipo di lampade possano essere utilizzate come fonte integrativa e/o sostitutiva nella realizzazione degli spazi verdi interni. Vengono analizzati il punto si compensazione alla luce (g), il punto di saturazione alla luce (s), l’efficienza quantica (AQE), il punto di respirazione al buio (Rd) e la fotosintesi netta massima (A max) per (Aglaonema commutatum, Asplenium nidus, Anthurium andreanum, Begonia rex, Calathea luoise, Calathea veitchiana, Calathea rufibarba, Calathea zebrina, Codiaeum variegatum, Cthenanthe oppenheimiana, Dieffenbakia picta, Ficus benjamina, Ficus elatica, Ficus longifolia, Fittonia verschaffeltii, Iresine herbistii, Philodendron erubescens, Philodendron pertusum, Potos aureus, Spathiphillum wallisi, Syngonium podophillum ) e classificate le specie in funzione di Amax in quattro categorie; A max < 2 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, A max compresa tra 2 e 4 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, Amax cpmpresa tra 4 e 6 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, Amax > 6 µmol CO2 m-2 s-1, al fine di mettere in risalto la potenzialità fotosintetiche di ogni singola specie. I valori di PAR compresi tra (g) ed (s) forniscono le indicazioni sulle quali basarsi per scegliere una giusta lampada o dimensionare un punto luce per ogni singola specie e/o composizione. È stimata l’influenza di due livelli di concentrazione di CO2 ambientale (400 e 800 ppm) all’incrementare dell’intensità luminosa sul processo fotosintetico delle specie precedenti. Per quasi tutte le specie 800 ppm di CO2 non favoriscono nessun incremento all’attività fotosintetica ad eccezione di Ficus benjamina, Ficus elatica e Syngonium podophillum se non accompagnati da una disponibilità luminosa superiore alle 10 µmol m-2 s-1. Viene monitorato l’andamento dell’attività fotosintetica a PAR costante e variabile (intervallando periodi di 8 minuti a PAR 40 e 80) durante 8 ore di illuminazione su Ficus elastica e Dieffenbachia picta al fine di stabilire la miglior modalità di somministrazione della luce. La fotosintesi netta cumulativa per l’intera durata di illuminazione a PAR costante mostra un calo dopo alcune ore dall’attivazione in Dieffenbackia, e un andamento oscillatorio in Ficus. L’illuminazione alternata consente di raggiungere i quantitativi di CO2 organicata a 80 µmol m-2 s-1 di PAR, dopo 5 ore e mezza sia in Ficus che Dieffenbackia sebbene le potenzialità fotosintetiche delle due piante siano molto differenti. È stato valutato l’effetto dell’illuminazione artificiale mediante LED (15W) a luce bianca, blu e rossa monocromatica in rapporto alla luce neon(36W) bianca tradizionale (con differenti abbinamenti tra le lampade) sui principali parametri morfologici e fisiologici, in Ficus benjamin ‘Variegata’ e Iresine herbistii per verificare se tali fonti possono rappresentare una valida alternativa nella sostituzione o integrazione di altre lampade per gli spazi verdi indoor. Tutte le combinazioni LED indagate possono rappresentare un’alternativa di sostituzione alla coltivazione con neon ed un risparmio energetico di oltre il 50%. Una PAR di 20,6 µmol m-2 s-1 della singola lampada LED bianco è sufficiente per mantenere la pianta in condizioni di sopravvivenza con un consumo di 15W a fronte dei 36W necessari per il funzionamento di ogni neon. La combinazione LED bianco + LED blu monocromatico favorisce il contenimento della taglia della pianta, caratteristica gradita nella fase di utilizzo indoor, una maggior produzione di sostanza secca e un’attività fotosintetica più elevata.


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Objectives In diabetic and non diabetic patients with peripheral artery obstructive disease (PAOD), we sought to establish whether the vascular wall damage, the mature circulating endothelium and the "in situ" neoangiogenesis are related with each other. Design In the peripheral blood of diabetic patients suffering critical ischaemia associated with peripheral artery disease, low levels and poor function of circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) were observed. Moreover, circulating endothelial cells (CECs) have been described in different conditions of vascular injury. In this type of disorders, which are all characterized by endothelial damage, neoangiogenesis plays a key role. Materials In the study we recruited 22 diabetic and 16 non diabetic patients, all of them suffering PAOD and critical ischaemia; healthy subjects and multiorgan donors have also been considered like controls. Methods Histopathologic characterization was performed on arterial tissue samples under a light microscope. Flow cytofluorimetric analysis was used to quantify CECs in peripheral blood samples. "In situ" expression of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) transcripts was quantified in a Real Time-PCR analysis. Circulating VEGF concentration was determined by an ELISA assay. Results Arterial wall from diabetic patients, compared with non diabetic subjects, revealed a higher incidence of serious lesions (60% vs 47%) and a lower number of capillaries (65% vs 87%). Mean number of CECs/ml was significantly increased in all patients, compared to healthy controls (p=0.001). Compared to healthy subjects, VEGF transcripts expression resulted significantly higher in diabetic patients and in all patients (p<0.05) and a similar result was obtained in the MMP-9 transcripts expression. Serum VEGF concentration was significantly increased in PAOD patients correlated with controls (p=0.0431). Conclusions Our study demonstrates that in all patients considered, probably, regressive phenomenons prevail on reparative ones, causing an inesorable and progressive degeneration of the vascular wall, worse by diabetes. The vascular damage can be monitored by determining CECs number and its severity and development are emphasized by the MMP-9 transcripts expression. The "in situ" VEGF increased expression seems to be the evidence of a parietal cells bid to induce local angiogenesis. This reparing mechanism could induce the EPCs mobilitation by means the release of VEGF from the arterial wall. The mechanism, however, is ineffective like demonstrated by the EPCs reduced number and activities observed in patients suffering PAOD and critical ischaemia.


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This thesis investigates the representation of Sicilian mafia women on the Italian press after the second postwar, in particular by examining three Italian newspapers, Il Corriere della Sera, L’Ora and Il Giornale di Sicilia. The focus is on the 1963 – 1983 twenty-year period, after which there has been a big change in the world of Sicilian crime organization with the phenomenon of pentitismo that changes a lot of thing in the whole universe of mafia. In this research there are two aspects very different but very central at the same time. On one hand the careful counting of quoted newspapers and the filing of the articles about general mafia and mafia women, which rendered a whole database about the interest for these woman figures founded in print, in a historical period never analyzed from this point of view; on the other hand the interpretation of these articles and the different representation forms. The founded material was compared with the cultural Italian history of that period to understand if there was a difference between general woman perception and that of mafia woman and if there was also an iconographic prototype of southern woman which it is possible to apply on photographs and descriptions. In fact the most important result of the thesis is to underline that, in front of a woman who belongs to mafia context, the Italia press represented the female gender as first and the mafia gender as the second one.


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Aims: Ripening evaluation of two different Pecorino cheese varieties ripened according either to a traditional method in plant and in cave. Different ripening features have been analyzed in order to evaluate the cave as possible ripening environment with the aim of obtaining a peculiar product which could also establish an added value to the cultural heritage of the local place in which it has been originally manufactured. Methods and Results: Chemical-physical features of Pecorino cheese have been initially analyzed into two different ripening environments and experimentations, among which: pH, weight reduction and subsequent water activity. Furthermore, the microbial composition has been characterized in relationship with the two different ripening environments, undertaking a variety of microbial groups, such as: lactic bacteria, staphylococci, yeasts, lactococci, enterobacteria, enterococci. Besides, an additional analysis for the in-cave adaptability evaluation has been the identification of biogenic amines inside the Pecorino cheese (2-phenilethylamine, putrescine, cadaverine, hystidine, tyramine, spermine and spermidine). Further analysis were undertaken in order to track the lipid profile evolution, reporting the concentration of the cheese free fatty acids in object, in relation with ripening time, environment and production. In order to analyse the flavour compounds present in Pecorino cheese, the SPME-GC-MS technique has been widely employed. As a result, it is confirmed the trend showed by the short-chain free fatty acids, that is to say the fatty acids which are mostly involved in conveying a stronger flavor to the cheese. With the purpose of assessing the protheolytic patterns of the above-mentioned Pecorino cheese in the two different ripening environments and testing methods, the technique SDS-PAGE has been employed into the cheese insoluble fraction, whereas the SDS-PAGE technique has been carried out into the cheese soluble portion. Furthermore, different isolated belonging to various microbial groups have been genotypically characterized though the ITS-PCR technique with the aim to identify the membership species. With reference to lactic bacillus the characterized species are: Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus curvatus and Lactobacillus paraplantarum. With reference to lactococci the predominant species is Lactococcus lactis, coming from the employed starter used in the cheese manufacturing. With reference to enterococcus, the predominant species are Enterococcus faecium and Enterococcus faecalis. Moreover, Streptococcus termophilus and Streptococcus macedonicus have been identified too. For staphylococci the identified species are Staphyilococcus equorum, Staphylococcus saprophyfiticus and Staphylococcus xylosus. Finally, a sensorial analysis has been undertaken through on one side a consumer test made by inexperienced consumers, and on the other side through a panel test achieved by expert consumers. From such test Pecorino cheese ripened in cave were found to be more pleasant in comparison with Pecorino cheese ripened in plant. Conclusions: The proposed approach and the undertaken analysis showed the cave as preferential ripening environment for Pecorino cheese and for the development of a more palatable product and safer for consumers’ health.


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In the last decades, the increase of industrial activities and of the request for the world food requirement, the intensification of natural resources exploitation, directly connected to pollution, have aroused an increasing interest of the public opinion towards initiatives linked to the regulation of food production, as well to the institution of a modern legislation for the consumer guardianship. This work was planned taking into account some important thematics related to marine environment, collecting and showing the data obtained from the studies made on different marine species of commercial interest (Chamelea gallina, Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis, Crassostrea gigas, Salmo salar, Gadus morhua). These studies have evaluated the effects of important physic and chemical parameters variations (temperature, xenobiotics like drugs, hydrocarbons and pesticides) on cells involved in the immune defence (haemocytes) and on some important enzymatic systems involved in xenobiotic biotransformation processes (cytochrome P450 complex) and in the related antioxidant defence processes (Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Heat Shock Protein), from a biochemical and bimolecular point of view. Oxygen is essential in the biological answer of a living organism. Its consume in the normal cellular breathing physiological processes and foreign substances biotransformation, leads to reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, potentially toxic and responsible of biological macromolecules damages with consequent pathologies worsening. Such processes can bring to a qualitative alteration of the derived products, but also to a general state of suffering that in the most serious cases can provoke the death of the organism, with important repercussions in economic field, in the output of the breedings, of fishing and of aquaculture. In this study it seemed interesting to apply also alternative methodologies currently in use in the medical field (cytofluorimetry) and in proteomic studies (bidimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry) with the aim of identify new biomarkers to place beside the traditional methods for the control of the animal origin food quality. From the results it’s possible to point out some relevant aspects from each experiment: 1. The cytofluorimetric techniques applied to O. edulis and C. gigas could bring to important developments in the search of alternative methods that quickly allows to identify with precision the origin of a specific sample, contributing to oppose possible alimentary frauds, in this case for example related to presence of a different species, also under a qualitative profile, but morpholgically similar. A concrete perspective for the application in the inspective field of this method has to be confirmed by further laboratory tests that take also in account in vivo experiments to evaluate the effect in the whole organism of the factors evaluated only on haemocytes in vitro. These elements suggest therefore the possibility to suit the cytofluorimetric methods for the study of animal organisms of food interest, still before these enter the phase of industrial working processes, giving useful information about the possible presence of contaminants sources that can induce an increase of the immune defence and an alteration of normal cellular parameter values. 2. C. gallina immune system has shown an interesting answer to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) exposure, dose and time dependent, with a significant decrease of the expression and of the activity of one of the most important enzymes involved in the antioxidant defence in haemocytes and haemolymph. The data obtained are confirmed by several measurements of physiological parameters, that together with the decrease of the activity of 7-etossi-resourifine-O-deetilase (EROD linked to xenobiotic biotransformation processes) during exposure, underline the major effects of B[a]P action. The identification of basal levels of EROD supports the possible presence of CYP1A subfamily in the invertebrates, still today controversial, never identified previously in C. gallina and never isolated in the immune cells, as confirmed instead in this study with the identification of CYP1A-immunopositive protein (CYP1A-IPP). This protein could reveal a good biomarker at the base of a simple and quick method that could give clear information about specific pollutants presence, even at low concentrations in the environment where usually these organisms are fished before being commercialized. 3. In this experiment it has been evaluated the effect of the antibiotic chloramphenicol (CA) in an important species of commercial interest, Chamelea gallina. Chloramphenicol is a drug still used in some developing countries, also in veterinary field. Controls to evaluate its presence in the alimentary products of animal origin, can reveal ineffective whereas the concentration results to be below the limit of sensitivity of the instruments usually used in this type of analysis. Negative effects of CA towards the CYP1A- IPP proteins, underlined in this work, seem to be due to the attack of free radicals resultant from the action of the antibiotic. This brings to a meaningful alteration of the biotransformation mechanisms through the free radicals. It seems particularly interesting to pay attention to the narrow relationships in C. gallina, between SOD/CAT and CYP450 system, actively involved in detoxification mechanism, especially if compared with the few similar works today present about mollusc, a group that is composed by numerous species that enter in the food field and on which constant controls are necessary to evaluate in a rapid and effective way the presence of possible contaminations. 4. The investigations on fishes (Gadus morhua, and Salmo salar) and on a bivalve mollusc (Mytilus edulis) have allowed to evaluate different aspects related to the possibility to identify a biomarker for the evaluation of the health of organisms of food interest and consequently for the quality of the final product through 2DE methodologies. In the seafood field these techniques are currently used with a discreet success only for vertebrates (fishes), while in the study of the invertebrates (molluscs) there are a lot of difficulties. The results obtained in this work have underline several problems in the correct identification of the isolated proteins in animal organisms of which doesn’t currently exist a complete genomic sequence. This brings to attribute some identities on the base of the comparison with similar proteins in other animal groups, incurring in the possibility to obtain inaccurate data and above all discordant with those obtained on the same animals by other authors. Nevertheless the data obtained in this work after MALDI-ToF analysis, result however objective and the spectra collected could be again analyzed in the future after the update of genomic database related to the species studied. 4-A. The investigation about the presence of HSP70 isoforms directly induced by different phenomena of stress like B[a]P presence, has used bidimensional electrophoresis methods in C. gallina, that have allowed to isolate numerous protein on 2DE gels, allowing the collection of several spots currently in phase of analysis with MALDI-ToF-MS. The present preliminary work has allowed therefore to acquire and to improve important methodologies in the study of cellular parameters and in the proteomic field, that is not only revealed of great potentiality in the application in medical and veterinary field, but also in the field of the inspection of the foods with connections to the toxicology and the environmental pollution. Such study contributes therefore to the search of rapid and new methodologies, that can increase the inspective strategies, integrating themselves with those existing, but improving at the same time the general background of information related to the state of health of the considered animal organism, with the possibility, still hypothetical, to replace in particular cases the employment of the traditional techniques in the alimentary field.


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Chromatography represents one of the most important and widely used unit operation in the biotechnology industry. However this technique suffers from several limitations such as high pressure drop, slow mass transfer through the diffusive pores and strong dependence of the binding capacity on flow rate. In this work, affinity membranes with improved capacity have been considered as an alternative technology for the capturing step in antibody manufacturing. Several affinity membranes have been prepared starting from various membrane supports. Different affinity ligands have been utilized like Protein A, the natural ligand of choice for antibodies, as well as synthetic ligands that exhibit affinity for the Fc portion of antibodies. The membranes have been characterized in detail: binding and elution performance was evaluated in adsorption experiments using pure IgG solutions, while membrane selectivity was evaluated using complex solutions like a cell culture supernatant. The most promising affinity membranes were extensively tested in dynamic experiments. The effects of operating parameters like feed concentration and flow rate on separation performances like binding capacity, selectivity and process yield have been studied in detail in order to find the optimal conditions for binding and elution steps. The membranes have been used over several complete chromatographic cycles to evaluate the effects of ageing and of membrane regeneration on dynamic binding capacity. A novel mathematical model is proposed that can describe all the chromatographic steps involved in the membrane affinity chromatography process for protein purification. The mathematical description is based on the species continuity equation coupled with a proper binding kinetic equation, and suitable to describe adequately the dispersion phenomena occurring both in the micro-porous membranes as well as in the extra-column devices used in the system. The model considers specifically all the different chromatographic steps, namely adsorption, washing and elution. The few relevant fitting parameters of the model were derived from a calibration with the experimental affinity cycles performed with pure IgG solutions, then the model is used to describe experimental data obtained in chromatographic cycles carried out with complex feeds as the cell culture supernatant. Simulations reveal a good agreement with experimental data in all the chromatography steps, both in the case of pure IgG solutions and for the cell culture supernatant considered.


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9-hydroxystearic acid (9-HSA) is an endogenous lipoperoxidation product and its administration to HT29, a colon adenocarcinoma cell line, induced a proliferative arrest in G0/G1 phase mediated by a direct activation of the p21WAF1 gene, bypassing p53. We have previously shown that 9-HSA controls cell growth and differentiation by inhibiting histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) activity, showing interesting features as a new anticancer drug. The interaction of 9-HSA with the catalytic site of the 3D model has been tested with a docking procedure: noticeably, when interacting with the site, the (R)-9-enantiomer is more stable than the (S) one. Thus, in this study, (R)- and (S)-9-HSA were synthesized and their biological activity tested in HT29 cells. At the concentration of 50 M (R)-9-HSA showed a stronger antiproliferative effect than the (S) isomer, as indicated by the growth arrest in G0/G1. The inhibitory effect of (S)-9-HSA on HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC3 activity was less effective than that of the (R)-9-HSA in vitro, and the inhibitory activity of both the (R)- and the (S)-9-HSA isomer, was higher on HDAC1 compared to HDAC2 and HDAC3, thus demonstrating the stereospecific and selective interaction of 9-HSA with HDAC1. In addition, histone hyperacetylation caused by 9-HSA treatment was examined by an innovative HPLC/ESI/MS method. Analysis on histones isolated from control and treated HT29 confirmed the higher potency of (R)-9-HSA compared to (S)-9-HSA, severely affecting H2A-2 and H4 acetylation. On the other side, it seemed of interest to determine whether the G0/G1 arrest of HT29 cell proliferation could be bypassed by the stimulation with the growth factor EGF. Our results showed that 9-HSA-treated cells were not only prevented from proliferating, but also showed a decreased [3H]thymidine incorporation after EGF stimulation. In this condition, HT29 cells expressed very low levels of cyclin D1, that didn’t colocalize with HDAC1. These results suggested that the cyclin D1/HDAC1 complex is required for proliferation. Furthermore, in the effort of understanding the possible mechanisms of this effect, we have analyzed the degree of internalization of the EGF/EGFR complex and its interactions with HDAC1. EGF/EGFR/HDAC1 complex quantitatively increases in 9-HSA-treated cells but not in serum starved cells after EGF stimulation. Our data suggested that 9-HSA interaction with the catalytic site of the HDAC1 disrupts the HDAC1/cyclin D1 complex and favors EGF/EGFR recruitment by HDAC1, thus enhancing 9-HSA antiproliferative effects. In conclusion 9-HSA is a promising HDAC inhibitor with high selectivity and specificity, capable of inducing cell cycle arrest and histone hyperacetylation, but also able to modulate HDAC1 protein interaction. All these aspects may contribute to the potency of this new antitumor agent.


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Obiettivi: Valutare la modalità  più efficace per la riabilitazione funzionale del limbo libero di fibula "single strut", dopo ampie resezioni per patologia neoplastica maligna del cavo orale. Metodi: Da una casistica di 62 ricostruzioni microvascolari con limbo libero di fibula, 11 casi sono stati selezionati per essere riabilitati mediante protesi dentale a supporto implantare. 6 casi sono stati trattati senza ulteriori procedure chirurgiche ad eccezione dell'implantologia (gruppo 1), affrontando il deficit di verticalità  della fibula attraverso la protesi dentaria, mentre i restanti casi sono stati trattati con la distrazione osteogenetica (DO) della fibula prima della riabilitazione protesica (gruppo 2). Il deficit di verticalità  fibula/mandibola è stato misurato. I criteri di valutazione utilizzati includono la misurazione clinica e radiografica del livello osseo e dei tessuti molli peri-implantari, ed il livello di soddisfazione del paziente attraverso un questionario appositamente redatto. Risultati: Tutte le riabilitazioni protesiche sono costituite da protesi dentali avvitate su impianti. L'età  media è di 52 anni, il rapporto uomini/donne è di 6/5. Il numero medio di impianti inseriti nelle fibule è di 5. Il periodo massimo di follow-up dopo il carico masticatorio è stato di 30 mesi per il gruppo 1 e di 38.5 mesi (17-81) di media per il gruppo 2. Non abbiamo riportato complicazioni chirurgiche. Nessun impianto è stato rimosso dai pazienti del gruppo 1, la perdita media di osso peri-implantare registrata è stata di 1,5 mm. Nel gruppo 2 sono stati riportati un caso di tipping linguale del vettore di distrazione durante la fase di consolidazione e un caso di frattura della corticale basale in assenza di formazione di nuovo osso. L'incremento medio di osso in verticalità è stato di 13,6 mm (12-15). 4 impianti su 32 (12.5%) sono andati persi dopo il periodo di follow-up. Il riassorbimento medio peri-implantare, è stato di 2,5 mm. Conclusioni: Le soluzioni più utilizzate per superare il deficit di verticalità  del limbo libero di fibula consistono nell'allestimento del lembo libero di cresta iliaca, nel posizionare la fibula in posizione ideale da un punto di vista protesico a discapito del profilo osseo basale, l'utilizzo del lembo di fibula nella versione descritta come "double barrel", nella distrazione osteogenetica della fibula. La nostra esperienza concerne il lembo libero di fibula che nella patologia neoplastica maligna utilizziamo nella versione "single strut", per mantenere disponibili tutte le potenzialità  di lunghezza del peduncolo vascolare, senza necessità  di innesti di vena. Entrambe le soluzioni, la protesi dentale ortopedica e la distrazione osteogenetica seguita da protesi, entrambe avvitate su impianti, costituiscono soluzioni soddisfacenti per la riabilitazione funzionale della fibula al di là  del suo deficit di verticalità . La prima soluzione ha preso spunto dall'osservazione dei buoni risultati della protesi dentale su impianti corti, avendo un paragonabile rapporto corona/radice, la DO applicata alla fibula, sebbene sia risultata una metodica con un numero di complicazioni più elevato ed un maggior livello di riassorbimento di osso peri-implantare, costituisce in ogni caso una valida opzione riabilitativa, specialmente in caso di notevole discrepanza mandibulo/fibulare. Decisiva è la scelta del percorso terapeutico dopo una accurata valutazione di ogni singolo caso. Vengono illustrati i criteri di selezione provenienti dalla nostra esperienza.