175 resultados para Forni elettrici domestici, cicli cottura, scambio termico
The work carried out in this thesis aims at: - studying – in both simulative and experimental methods – the effect of electrical transients (i.e., Voltage Polarity Reversals VPRs, Temporary OverVoltages TOVs, and Superimposed Switching Impulses SSIs) on the aging phenomena in HVDC extruded cable insulations. Dielectric spectroscopy, conductivity measurements, Fourier Transform Infra-Red FTIR spectroscopy, and space charge measurements show variation in the insulating properties of the aged Cross-Linked Polyethylene XLPE specimens compared to non-aged ones. Scission in XLPE bonds and formation of aging chemical bonds is also noticed in aged insulations due to possible oxidation reactions. The aged materials show more ability to accumulate space charges compared to non-aged ones. An increase in both DC electrical conductivity and imaginary permittivity has been also noticed. - The development of life-based geometric design of HVDC cables in a detailed parametric analysis of all parameters that affect the design. Furthermore, the effect of both electrical and thermal transients on the design is also investigated. - The intrinsic thermal instability in HVDC cables and the effect of insulation characteristics on the thermal stability using a temperature and field iterative loop (using numerical methods – Finite Difference Method FDM). The dielectric loss coefficient is also calculated for DC cables and found to be less than that in AC cables. This emphasizes that the intrinsic thermal instability is critical in HVDC cables. - Fitting electrical conductivity models to the experimental measurements using both models found in the literature and modified models to find the best fit by considering the synergistic effect between field and temperature coefficients of electrical conductivity.
In the last years the increasing demand of higher torque and power densities has led to the adoption of hairpin windings (HWs) in electrical machines, mainly in those intended for automotive applications. However, this winding topology is quite sensitive to AC losses, hence one of their main challenges is represented by their reduction. This work deals with different design aspects related to the enhancements of some performance figures of rotating electrical machines for traction applications, above all power density and reliability, mainly through the adoption of HWs.
This Doctoral Thesis aims to study and develop advanced and high-efficient battery chargers for full electric and plug-in electric cars. The document is strictly industry-oriented and relies on automotive standards and regulations. In the first part a general overview about wireless power transfer battery chargers (WPTBCs) and a deep investigation about international standards are carried out. Then, due to the highly increasing attention given to WPTBCs by the automotive industry and considering the need of minimizing weight, size and number of components this work focuses on those architectures that realize a single stage for on-board power conversion avoiding the implementation of the DC/DC converter upstream the battery. Based on the results of the state-of-the-art, the following sections focus on two stages of the architecture: the resonant tank and the primary DC/AC inverter. To reach the maximum transfer efficiency while minimizing weight and size of the vehicle assembly a coordinated system level design procedure for resonant tank along with an innovative control algorithm for the DC/AC primary inverter is proposed. The presented solutions are generalized and adapted for the best trade-off topologies of compensation networks: Series-Series and Series-Parallel. To assess the effectiveness of the above-mentioned objectives, validation and testing are performed through a simulation environment, while experimental test benches are carried out by the collaboration of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).
My PhD research period was focused on the anatomical, physiological and functional study of the gastrointestinal system on two different animal models. In two different contexts, the purpose of these two lines of research was contribute to understand how a specific genetic mutation or the adoption of a particular dietary supplement can affect gastrointestinal function. Functional gastrointestinal disorders are chronic conditions characterized by symptoms for which no organic cause can be found. Although symptoms are generally mild, a small subset of cases shows severe manifestations. This subset of patients may also have recurrent intestinal sub-occlusive episodes, but in absence of mechanical causes. This condition is referred to as chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, a rare, intractable chronic disease. Some mutations have been associated with CIPO. A novel causative RAD21 missense mutation was identified in a large consanguineous family, segregating a recessive form of CIPO. The present thesis was aimed to elucidate the mechanisms leading to neuropathy underlying CIPO via a recently developed conditional KI mouse carrying the RAD21 mutation. The experimental studies are based on the characterization and functional analysis of the conditional KI Rad21A626T mouse model. On the other hand aquaculture is increasing the global supply of foods. The species selected and feeds used affects the nutrients available from aquaculture, with a need to improve feed efficiency, both for economic and environmental reasons, but this will require novel innovative approaches. Nutritional strategies focused on the use of botanicals have attracted interest in animal production. Previous research indicates the positive results of using essential oils (EOs) as natural feed additives for several farmed animals. Therefore, the present study was designed to compare the effects of feed EO supplementation in two different forms (natural and composed of active ingredients obtained by synthesis) on the gastric mucosa in European sea bass.
Nowadays, electrical machines are seeing an ever-increasing development and extensive research is currently being dedicated to the improvement of their efficiency and torque/power density. Compared to conventional random windings, hairpin winding inherently features lower DC resistance, higher fill factor, better thermal performance, improved reliability, and an automated manufacturing process. However, several challenges need to be addressed, including electromagnetic, thermal, and manufacturing aspects. Of these, the high ohmic losses at high-frequency operations due to skin and proximity effects are the most severe, resulting in low efficiency or high-temperature values. In this work, the hairpin winding challenges were highlighted at high-frequency operations and at showing the limits of applicability of these standard approaches. Afterward, a multi-objective design optimization is proposed aiming to enhance the exploitation of the hairpin technology in electrical machines. Efficiency and volume power density are considered as main design objectives. Subsequently, a changing paradigm is made for the design of electric motors equipped with hairpin windings, where it is proven that a temperature-oriented approach would be beneficial when designing this type of pre-formed winding. Furthermore, the effect of the rotor topology on AC losses is also considered. After providing design recommendations and FE electromagnetic and thermal evaluations, experimental tests are also performed for validation purposes on a motorette wound with pre-formed conductors. The results show that operating the machine at higher temperatures could be beneficial to efficiency, particularly in high-frequency operations where AC losses are higher at low operating temperatures. The last part of the thesis focuses on comparing the main electromagnetic performance metrics for a conventional hairpin winding, wound onto a benchmark stator with a semi-closed slot opening design, and a continuous hairpin winding, in which the slot opening is open. Lastly, the adoption of semi-magnetic slot wedges is investigated to improve the overall performance of the motor.
The role of aquaculture in satisfying the global seafood demand is essential. The expansion of the aquaculture sector and the intensification of its activities have enhanced the circulation of infectious agents. Among these, the nervous necrosis virus (NNV) represents the most widespread in the Mediterranean basin. The NNV is responsible for a severe neuropathological condition named viral nervous necrosis (VNN), impacting hugely on fish farms due to the serious disease-associated losses. Therefore, it is fundamental to develop new strategies to limit the impact of VNN in this area, interconnecting several aspects of disease management, diagnosis and prevention. This PhD thesis project, focusing on aquatic animals’ health, deals with these topics. The first two chapters expand the knowledge on VNN epidemiology and distribution, showing the possibility of interspecies transmission, persistent infections and a potential carrier role for invertebrates. The third study expands the horizon of VNN diagnosis, by developing a quick and affordable multiplex RT-PCR able to detect and simultaneously discriminate between NNV variants, reducing considerably the time and costs of genotyping. The fourth study, with the development of a fluorescent in situ hybridization technique and its application to aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates’ tissues, contributes to expand the knowledge on NNV distribution at cellular level, localizing also the replication site of the virus. Finally, the last study dealing with an in vitro evaluation of the NNV susceptibility to a commercial biocide, stress the importance to implement proper disinfectant procedures in fish farms to prevent virus spread and disease outbreaks.
The ambitious goals of increasing the efficiency, performance and power densities of transportation drives cannot be met with compromises in the motor reliability. For the insulation specialists the challenge will be critical as the use of wide-bandgap converters (WBG, based on SiC and GaN switches) and the higher operating voltages expected for the next generation drives will enhance the electrical stresses to unprecedented levels. It is expected for the DC bus in aircrafts to reach 800 V (split +/-400 V) and beyond, driven by the urban air mobility sector and the need for electrification of electro-mechanical/electro-hydraulic actuators (an essential part of the "More Electric Aircraft" concept). Simultaneously the DC bus in electric vehicles (EV) traction motors is anticipated to increase up to 1200 V very soon. The electrical insulation system is one of the most delicate part of the machine in terms of failure probability. In particular, the appearance of partial discharges (PD) is disruptive on the reliability of the drive, especially under fast repetitive transients. Extensive experimental activity has been performed to extend the body of knowledge on PD inception, endurance under PD activity, and explore and identify new phenomena undermining the reliability. The focus has been concentrated on the impact of the WGB-converter produced waveforms and the environmental conditions typical of the aeronautical sector on insulation models. Particular effort was put in the analysis at the reduced pressures typical of aircraft cruise altitude operation. The results obtained, after a critical discussion, have been used to suggest a coordination between the insulation PD inception voltage with the converter stresses and to propose an improved qualification procedure based on the existing IEC 60034-18-41 standard.
La ricerca indaga il ruolo del designer nella transizione sostenibile e circolare all’uso di materiali polimerici. Nel contesto contemporaneo la plastica è utilizzata in quasi ogni settore merceologico ma la sua futura applicazione è messa in forte discussione a causa dei visibili impatti ambientali del suo uso irresponsabile. Un passaggio netto dalla totale dipendenza alla liberazione dei polimeri è difficile; è necessario un periodo di transizione che permetta di coesistere responsabilmente con i polimeri in attesa di trovare dei validi sostituti. L’obiettivo della ricerca è lavorare su questo periodo ponendo il designer e le sue competenze come soggetti chiave del movimento. La tesi di ricerca propone un approccio per calare le pratiche del Transition Design nella progettazione di sistemi-prodotto, nutrendosi degli attributi anticipatori dell’Advanced Design e puntando agli obiettivi del Circular Design, lavorando a partire dalle merci più critiche nel contesto contemporaneo: quelle in polimero fossile non riciclabile. Contributo della tesi è la figura del Transition Matter Designer, un progettista di transizioni dei materiali che prevede metamorfosi di sistemi-prodotto nel tempo grazie alle sue competenze a diverse scale del progetto: forma l’utente agli atteggiamenti circolari e sostenibili, caratterizza i materiali per individuarne nuovi usi, seleziona i processi produttivi adatti a prevenire scarti e ne anticipa i cicli di vita nei prodotti. I Knitted Fasteners sono il risultato della simulazione del lavoro del Transition Matter Designer nel tessile: un sistema di elementi di fissaggio, personalizzabili dallo stilista e integrati negli abiti a maglia, che permettono di eliminare l’uso di fashion fasteners in plastica e metallo, elementi che rendono difficile il riciclo dei capi. Dalla sperimentazione è emerso il modello concettuale della Transindustrial Production: un lavoro di collaborazione fra Transition Matter Designer e creativo per dare identità ai materiali polimerici circolari attraverso l’ibridazione fra artigianato e industria, tipico del Made in Italy.
The aim of this work was to investigate novel diagnostic and prognostic tools, postoperative treatments and epidemiologic factors impacting the outcome of surgical cases of colic. To make a more accurate diagnosis and establish a prognosis, several biomarkers have been investigated in colic patients. In this study we evaluated peritoneal PCT and blood ADMA and SDMA in SIRS positive and negative colic patients to be used as prognostic biomarkers. Our results highlighted the limits of these biomarkers in detection and the lack of specificity. In fact PCT was not detectable and even if ADMA and SDMA significantly increased in colic horses, they are not diagnostic nor prognostic markers for SIRS. Fluid therapy has been described to be crucial for the outcome of colic patients, nevertheless no guidelines have been established. Overhydration was the common practice in post surgical management. We compared cases with an extended fluid therapy protocol and cases with a restricted protocol. Results showed that survival rate and postoperative complications were similar between the groups, despite costs being significantly lower in the restricted group. The possible correlation between intestinal microbiota and colics has gained interest. In this study, cecal and colonic content from horses undergoing laparotomy were collected, and the microbiota analized. Results showed some differences in microbiota between discharged and non discharged patients, and between strangulating and non strangulating types of colic, that might suggest some influence of hind gut microbiota on the disease. A multicentric study involving three veterinary teaching hospitals on the italian territory was conducted investigating factors affecting postoperative survival and complications in colics. Results showed that the influence of age, PCV, TPP, blood lactate, reflux, type of disease, type of lesion, presence of anastomosis, duration of surgery and surgeons, were in line with literature. Amount of crystalloids used could affected the outcome.
CONTESTO: Il rischio oncologico dell’esposizione al testosterone (T) di organi genitali in transgender AFAB non è noto. SCOPO: valutazione istologica di utero, cervice, salpingi e ovaia asportati in corso di intervento chirurgico di affermazione di genere (GAS) in AFAB che assumevano testosterone. MATERIALI E METODI: valutazione dei dati istologici condotta retrospettivamente tramite la consultazione di 187 cartelle cliniche di soggetti transgender AFAB sottoposti a GAS presso la Ginecologia dell’IRCCS Sant’Orsola, Bologna. RISULTATI: 187 transgender AFAB sono stati sottoposti a isteroannessiectomia bilaterale. Nessun paziente sottoposto a ovariectomia, chemioterapia o radioterapia prima della chirurgia. La mediana della durata di assunzione di T era di 36 mesi (12 mesi-14 anni). 96/187 (51.4%) uteri presentavano endometrio ipoattivo/atrofico, mentre 1 caso di iperplasia senza atipie cellulari è stato identificato (0.5%), 8/187 (4.3%) endometrio polipoide e 4/187 (2.2%) secretivo. Il più comune riscontro istologico cervicale è stata la cervicite cronica (n=174, 93%) associata a metaplasia (n=131,76%). Le salpingi sono risultate indenni in 90/187 (48.1%) casi e con infiammazione cronica in 91/187 (48,7%) casi. La maggior parte delle ovaie analizzate mostravano follicoli in diversi stati di maturazione (n=117, 62.5%). In 20 analisi istologiche sono stati identificati corpi lutei/corpi lutei emorragici (10.7%). CONCLUSIONI: Nessuna lesione premaligna o maligna è stata riscontrata in questi 187 soggetti che assumevano testosterone fino a un massimo di 168 mesi prima della chirurgia. La presenza di follicoli in vari stadi di sviluppo e di corpi lutei suggerisce la possibilità di cicli ovulatori in corso di terapia con testosterone. I risultati di questo studio confermano la sicurezza dell'uso prolungato di T sugli organi genitali di transgender AFAB. Seppur ancora limitate, le evidenze suggeriscono sempre più la mancanza di necessità assoluta di rimuovere utero e ovaia nei soggetti trasgender in terapia con T con il solo fine di prevenire patologie oncologiche.