278 resultados para Dinaimca dei meccanismi, Motori elettrici, Servomeccanismi, Macchine automatiche, Meccatronica
I rifiuti come oggetti impegnano tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione del posto che occupano e quindi del valore che assumono. In tale dinamica la gestione dei rifiuti diventa un fatto sociale totale che coinvolge tutte le istituzioni umane in una lotta di definizione territorializzata. La storia del movimento ambientalista ci mostra come partendo dal disagio nei confronti dell’oggetto si è passati ad un disagio nei confronti delle idee che lo generano. Modernizzazione ecologica e modernizzazione democratica sembrano andare per un certo periodo d’accordo. Nei casi di conflittualità recente, e nello studio di caso approfondito di un piano provinciale della gestione rifiuti, il carattere anticipatore dell’attivismo ambientalista, sta rendendo sempre più costosi e incerti, investimenti e risultati strategici . Anche i principi delle politiche sono messi in discussione. La sostenibilità è da ricercare in una relativizzazione dei principi di policy e degli strumenti tecnici di valutazione (e.g. LCA) verso una maggiore partecipazione di tutti gli attori. Si propone un modello di governance che parta da un coordinamento amministrativo territoriale sulle reti logistiche, quindi un adeguamento geografico degli ATO, e un loro maggior ruolo nella gestione del processo di coordinamento e pianificazione. Azioni queste che devono a loro volta aprirsi ai flussi (ecologici ed economici) e ai loro attori di riferimento: dalle aziende multiutility agli ambientalisti. Infine è necessario un momento di controllo democratico che può avere una funzione arbitrale nei conflitti tra gli attori o di verifica. La ricerca si muove tra la storia e la filosofia, la ricerca empirica e la riflessione teorica. Sono state utilizzate anche tecniche di indagine attiva, come il focus group e l’intervista.
The thesis reconstructs the cinema’s experience of Italian missionaries during the XX century in a historical-pragmatic key. Italian missionaries, who started producing movies around the Twenties, have used cinema as a helpful instrument for religious propaganda. They have considered the rules of the Catholic Church, the political and social context and the audience’s expectations. Each chapter (1-4) analyses the phenomenon inside the context constituted by the Italian colonial experiences, the relationship between Catholic Church and images during the Evangelization, the history of cinema and the history of missions. A specific chapter (chapter 5) is dedicated to the archives of missionary’s cinema and to the value to be assigned to this film production (in terms of social memory and archive’s memory). At the end of the first part, the thesis presents a proposal about the relationship between missionary’s cinema and visual anthropology. The second part of the thesis includes the film cards of the missionary’s movies preserved in Italy: 339 cards of Italian movies and 149 cards of foreign movies placed in different archives and bureaus.
Fifty-two cases of monomorphic post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (M-PTLD), developed in patients undergone solid organ or bone marrow transplantation, were studied by the application of the tissue micro-array (TMA) technology. They included 50 cases of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DLBCL) and 2 Burkitt lymphomas (BL). In order to evaluate the immune-profile a large panel of antibodies was applied including several new markers (Cyclin D2, Cyclin D3, p27, PKC-β, FOXP-1 and Survivin) identified as negative prognostic factors in DLBCL of the immunocompetent patient. Out of 50 DLBCL, 23 cases (46%) had an Activated B Cell (ABC) phenotype, 8 (16%) a Germinal Centre B-cell (GCB) phenotype, and 11 (22%) an Unclassified (UC) phenotype. In 8 cases (16%) the subtype was not demonstrable due to sub-optimal preservation or loss of the tissue core. FISH analysis detected BCL2 gene amplification and MYC rearrangement. EBV was identified in 32 cases (64%) performing immunohistochemistry (LMP-1) and in situ hybridization (EBER). Clinical data and follow-up were available in all cases of malignant lymphomas but one. Thirty-two patients died for progression of disease or complications related to transplant (bleeding, bacterial infections, and multi-organ failure); 17 patients are actually alive and disease-free. M-PTLD are aggressive lymphomas characterized by very poor outcome. The neoplastic process is stimulated by a prolonged immunosuppressive status which is capable to induce alterations of the immune system and allow EBV reactivation in previously infected patients. Indeed EBV infection seems to be the most significant risk factor to predict the development of a PTLD while age, sex, site of involvement and type of transplant do not have significant correlation. Furthermore DLBCL arisen in a setting of immunodeficiency share phenotypic and molecular features with DLBCL of the immunocompetent patient. In particular, the former shows a high incidence of BCL2 gene amplification and this aberration typically correlates with “non-GCB” phenotype. Also M-PTLD do express prognostic markers (PKC-β, cyclin D2, FOXP-1, and Survivin): notably, in our study, PKC-β and FOXP-1 were frequently expressed and they were predictive of a shorter overall survival even in lymphomas recognized to have a good prognosis (GCB-type). Given the fact that such molecules are detectable at the time of the diagnosis, we postulate whether a “tailored” or more specific therapy might be applied in the management of the immune-compromised patient.
Background. A new classification system of human breast tumours based on the immunohistochemical characterization has been applied to mammary tumours of the female dog with the aim to verify its association with invasion and grade, and prognostic aid in veterinary medicine. Methods. Forty-five canine mammary carcinomas with a two-year post-mastectomy follow-up were selected from our database, and the following antibodies were applied: anti-cytokeratines 14, 5/6, oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and ERB-B2. . The tumours were grouped for phenotype as: luminal-like (ER+ and/or PR+, CK14-, CK5/6-) type A (ERB-B2-), and B (ERB-B2+); basal-like (ER-, PR-, CK14+ and/or CK5/6+, ERB-B2-); ERB-B2 (ER-, PR-, CK14-, CK5/6-, ERB-B2+). Association with invasion, grade and histotypes were evaluated and Kaplan-Meier survival curves estimated, then compared by survival analysis. Results. Thirty-five cases with luminal pattern (ER+ and PR+) were subgrouped into 13 A type and 22 B type, if ERB-B2 positive or negative . Most luminal-like A and basal-like cases were grade 1 carcinomas, while the percentage of luminal B cases was higher in grade 2 and 3 (Pearson Chi-square P=0.009). No difference in the percentage of molecular subtypes was evidenced between simple and complex/mixed carcinomas (Pearson Chi-square P=0.47). No significant results were obtained by survival analysis, even if basal-like had a more favourable prognosis than luminal-like. Conclusion. The panel of antibodies identified only 3 groups (luminal-like A and B, and basal-like) in the dog. Even though canine mammary tumours may be a model of human breast cancer, the existence of the same types of carcinoma as in the woman need to be confirmed. Canine mammary carcinomas show high molecular heterogeneity, which would benefit from a classification based on molecular differences. However, by multivariate analysis, the molecular classification appears a variable with a dependent value if compared to invasion and grade that are independent, suggesting that, at present, caution should be used in the application of such a classification to the dog, in which invasion and grade supply the most important prognostic information.
Our research takes place in the context of a discipline kwown as Communication for Development, sited inside the field of Communication for Social Change, characterized by the use of interpersonal ad mass communication theories and tools, applyied to international development cooperation. Our study aims at pointing out a change of paradigm in this field: our object is Public Administration’s communication, therefore, what we suggest is a shift from Communication for Development, to Development Communication. The object of our study, hence, becomes the discourse itself, in its double action of representation and construction of reality. In particular, we are interested in the discourse’s tribute to the creation of a collective immagination, wich is the perspective towards which we have oriented the analysis, through a structuralist semoitics-based methodology integrated with a socio-semiotic approach. Taking into consideartion the fact that in our contemporary society (that is to say a ‘Western’ and ‘First World’ society), the internet is a crucial public space for the mediation and the management of collective immagination, we chose the web sites of Public Bodies which are dedicated to International Cooperation has our analysis corpus. This, due to their symbolic and ideologic significance, as well as for the actual political responsibility we think these web sites should have. The result of our analysis allows us to suggest some discoursive strategies used in the web sites of Public Bodies. In these sites, there is a tendency to shift the discourses around international cooperation from the ideological axis - avoiding in so doing to explicit a political statement about the causes of injustices and un-balances which lead to the necessity of a support in development (i.e. avoiding to mention values such as social justice and democracy while acknowledging socio-economical institutions which contribute to foster underdevelopment on a global scale) -, to the ethical axis, hence referring to moral values concerning the private sphere (human solidarity and charity), which is delegated mainly to non governamental associations.