153 resultados para VoIP, Sicurezza, Symbian, ZRTP


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L'elaborato analizza il tema del reddito di cittadinanza, nella sue diverse accezioni, indagandone le interferenze con la disciplina giulavoristica e previdenziale alla luce delle metamorfosi del lavoro. Dopo aver ricostruito la genealogia del concetto di lavoro e, con esso, dei sistemi di sicurezza sociale, esaminiamo de jure condito le misure di sostegno al reddito in Italia, con particolare accento sulla tutela contro la disoccupazione e sul reddito di cittadinanza, senza trascurare, nondimeno, le misure straordinarie messe in campo durante l'emergenza pandemica. Infine, chiedendoci quale significato assuma oggi il lavoro in un contesto caratterizzato da flessibilità e precarietà, analizzeremo dapprima le possibilità di riforma delle misure vigenti nel nostro ordinamento (dagli ammortizzatori sociali al reddito di cittadinanza), spingendoci poi de jure condendo verso la possibile declinazione di un reddito di base incondizionato, provando a ripensare alcune tradizionali categorie giuslavoristiche, a partire dalle nozioni di mansione, tempo di lavoro e retribuzione, chiedendoci se il lavoro possa avere un orizzonte di senso che vada oltre il fare in cambio di un salario.


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Regular physical activity (PA) during childhood is associated with physical, mental, emotional and social health benefits. The constant practice of PA is considered one of the best buys available in public health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends to perform at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous PA for children and adolescents in order to obtain health benefits. However, globally, this level of PA is hardly achieved. Children and adolescent who do not reach the recommended levels of PA are defined as physically inactive and nowadays physical inactivity constitutes a new type of pandemic. For this reason, the WHO launched a global action plan addressing physical activity with a goal of reducing physical inactivity in children and youth. The plan also included recommendation to improve individual and community health and contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of all nations. Worldwide, children and adolescents spend a significant amount of time in school and for this reason the school represents a fundamental educational setting that can play a pivotal role increasing students’ PA. Opportunities to be physically active should not be considered purely in relation to when children attend physical education classes but also making physical activity available during the school day, such as physically active lessons, and multicomponent PA interventions. Since school-based PA interventions are quite numerous, the present thesis focused on interventions delivered during school hours and that integrate small doses of PA as part of routine instruction. This type of intervention is called “Active Breaks.” Active Breaks consists of brief 5–15 minutes sessions of PA led by teachers who introduce short bursts of PA into the academic lesson. In light of this the present thesis aims to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy and sustainability of an Active Breaks intervention targeting children to promote PA.


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In Italia, quasi il 90% delle abitazioni esistenti sono state edificate prima degli anni Settanta del Novecento, se consideriamo la tipologia costruttiva, le normative per la sicurezza strutturale in ambito sismico e il comportamento energetico, ne deriva che la maggior parte non risponde agli standard vigenti. A questo si aggiunge la consapevolezza che il patrimonio residenziale costruito in quel periodo, e che occupa le prime periferie delle città, non si presta per sua natura costitutiva ad essere oggetto di interventi di riqualificazione che siano giustificabili in termini di costi-benefici dal punto di vista economico e per ottimizzazione ingegneristica. È opportuno ripensare piani e programmi di rinnovamento non circoscritti alle categorie di risanamento, efficientamento, manutenzione, adeguamento, ma che siano in grado di assumere in positivo il tema della sostituzione secondo il paradigma del ri-costruire per ri-generare per sviluppare strategie a medio-lungo termine per soddisfare un quadro esigenziale-prestazionale coerente con la legislazione europea, in termini di sicurezza, efficienza e impatto ambientale, e promuovere la pianificazione e lo sviluppo sostenibile delle città. L’edilizia circolare è qui intesa come un’attività finalizzata alla costruzione e gestione degli edifici all’interno di un ecosistema economico basato sulla circolarità dei processi. L’obiettivo della ricerca è duplice: (i) metodologico, rivolto alla formalizzazione di un modello innovativo d’intervento associato ai principi della circolarità e basato sulla conoscenza approfondita del patrimonio esistente; e (ii) progettuale, prevede la progettazione di un prototipo di unità abitativa e l’applicazione del modello ad un caso di studio, che viene assunto come applicazione sperimentale ad un contesto reale e momento conclusivo del processo. La definizione di una matrice valutativa consente di formulare indicazioni operative nella fase precedente l’intervento per rendere espliciti, attraverso un indice sintetico di supporto decisionale, i criteri su cui fondare le scelte tra le due macro-categorie di intervento (demolizione con ricostruzione o rinnovo).


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L’insorgere della pandemia da COVID-19 ha comportato una pesante riorganizzazione delle strutture ospedaliere e lo stesso sistema delle cure oncologiche è stato ripensato cercando di garantire, da un lato, la sicurezza dei pazienti e del personale sanitario e, dall’altro, la continuità delle cure. Il progetto analizza l’impatto di questa riorganizzazione sulle traiettorie di malattia dei pazienti oncologici e sul lavoro di cura dei diversi attori coinvolti nella definizione di queste traiettorie. La ricerca, focalizzata sul contesto ospedaliero emiliano-romagnolo, si è svolta tramite la realizzazione di interviste qualitative a personale sanitario ospedaliero, associazioni di volontariato, pazienti e caregiver. La gestione del rischio Covid ha comportato un consistente impegno in termini di safety work da parte del personale sanitario. Inoltre, le limitazioni degli accessi agli ambienti ospedalieri, imposte come misure di sicurezza, hanno comportato l’esclusione di familiari e associazioni di volontariato dagli ospedali e, di conseguenza, una maggiore solitudine del paziente in tutte le fasi del percorso di cura. L’assistenza fornita da queste figure ricomprende una componente di “lavoro invisibile” che la situazione pandemica ha permesso di far emergere. Infatti, i familiari supportano indirettamente e informalmente il lavoro del personale sanitario all’interno dello stesso ambiente ospedaliero. I professionisti intervistati hanno riconosciuto il venir meno di questo supporto. La risposta del personale ospedaliero, e infermieristico in particolare, si è articolata in due direzioni al fine di sopperire a queste mancanze: da un lato, incrementando la componente di sentimental work, e quindi di supporto emotivo ai pazienti; dall’altro, attraverso buone pratiche orientate a rispondere ai bisogni dei pazienti, intesi non solo in senso biomedico, ma anche psicologico e relazionale. Possiamo quindi concludere che, sotto certi aspetti, la pandemia è stata contrastata con una maggiore umanizzazione delle cure oncologiche e una maggiore attenzione ai bisogni dei pazienti intesi nella loro interezza e complessità.


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Aedes albopictus is a vector able to transmit several arboviruses. Due to its high impact on human health, it is important to develop an efficient control strategy for this pest. Nowadays, control based on chemical insecticides is limited by the number of available active principles and the occurrence of resistance. A valuable alternative to the conventional control strategies is the sterile insect technique (SIT) which relies on releasing sterile males of the target insect. Mating between wild females and sterile males results in no viable offspring. A crucial aspect of SIT is the production of a large number of sterile males with a low presence of females that can bite and transmit viruses. The present thesis aimed to find, implement and study the most reliable mechanical sex sorter and protocol to implement male productivity and reduce female contamination. In addition, I evaluated different variables and sorting protocols to enable female recovery for breeding purposes. Furthermore, I studied the creation of a hyper-protandric strain potentially able to produce only males. I also assessed the integration of artificial intelligence with an optical unit to identify sexes at the adult stage. All these applications helped to realise a mass production model in Italy with a potential weekly production of 1 million males. Moreover, I studied and applied for aerial sterile male release in an urban environment. This technology could allow the release of males in a wide area, overcoming environmental and urban obstacles. However, the development and application of drone technologies in a metropolitan area close to airports, such as in Bologna area, must fit specific requirements. Lastly, at Réunion Island, during a Short Term Scientific Mission France (AIM-COST Action), Indian Ocean, I studied the Boosted SIT application. Coating sterile males with Pyriproxyfen may help spread the insecticide into the larval breeding sites.


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In this Ph.D. project, original and innovative approaches for the quali-quantitative analysis of abuse substances, as well as therapeutic agents with abuse potential and related compounds were designed, developed and validated for application to different fields such as forensics, clinical and pharmaceutical. All the parameters involved in the developed analytical workflows were properly and accurately optimised, from sample collection to sample pretreatment up to the instrumental analysis. Advanced dried blood microsampling technologies have been developed, able of bringing several advantages to the method as a whole, such as significant reduction of solvent use, feasible storage and transportation conditions and enhancement of analyte stability. At the same time, the use of capillary blood allows to increase subject compliance and overall method applicability by exploiting such innovative technologies. Both biological and non-biological samples involved in this project were subjected to optimised pretreatment techniques developed ad-hoc for each target analyte, making also use of advanced microextraction techniques. Finally, original and advanced instrumental analytical methods have been developed based on high and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC,UHPLC) coupled to different detection means (mainly mass spectrometry, but also electrochemical, and spectrophotometric detection for screening purpose), and on attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) for solid-state analysis. Each method has been designed to obtain highly selective, sensitive yet sustainable systems and has been validated according to international guidelines. All the methods developed herein proved to be suitable for the analysis of the compounds under investigation and may be useful tools in medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis, within clinical studies and forensic investigations.


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Cured meats and dairy products are criticized for their salt content and synthetic additives. This has led to the development of strategies to reduce and replace these ingredients. Since the food matrix and technological processes can affect the bioaccessibility of nutrients, it is necessary to study their release during digestion to determine the real nutritional value of foods. In the first part of this PhD project, the impact on the nutritional quality of the reduction of sodium content and of the replacement of synthetic nitrates/nitrites with a combination of innovative formulations was evaluated in Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese and salami. For this purpose, an in vitro digestion model combined with different analytical techniques was used. The results showed that fatty acids and proteins release increased over time during digestion. At the end of digestion, the innovative formulation/processing did not negatively affect fatty acids release and protein hydrolysis, and led to the formation of bioactive peptides. The excessive intake of sugars is correlated with metabolic diseases. After the intestinal uptake, their release in the blood stream depends on their metabolic fate within the enterocyte. In the second part of this PhD project, the absorption and metabolism of glucose, fructose and sucrose was evaluated using intestinal cell line. A faster absorption of fructose than glucose was observed, and a different modulation of the synthesis/transport of other metabolites by monosaccharides was shown. Intestinal cells were also used to verify the stability and intestinal uptake of vitamins (A and D3) delivered to cells through two vehicles. It was shown that the presence of lipids protected the vitamin from external factors such as light, heat and oxygen, and improved their bioavailability Overall, the results obtained in this PhD project confirmed that considering only the chemical composition of foods is not sufficient to determine their nutritional value.


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La tesi consiste in un saggio di edizione critica commentata dei frammenti pervenutici sotto il nome di Senofane di Colofone. Se la ricerca, negli ultimi anni, ha beneficiato di una raccolta aggiornata delle testimonianze su questo autore, per quanto concerne la sua produzione poetica un’acquisizione di tal sorta rimane tuttora un desideratum. A fronte dell’impossibilità di editare e commentare in maniera esaustiva tutte le testimonianze e i lacerti del corpus senofaneo (che, pur non molto numerosi, si caratterizzano per una vasta eterogeneità di problemi esegetici e critico-testuali), si sono privilegiati i frammenti elegiaci, forse il campo maggiormente bisognoso di indagini. L’elaborato si compone di tre sezioni principali. Nell’introduzione, dopo un inquadramento della dibattuta cronologia di Senofane e della sua variegata produzione poetica, si rivolge specifica attenzione a testimoni, forma, struttura, lingua e stile, metrica e prosodia dei frammenti elegiaci, allargando, ove possibile, l’indagine agli esametri stichici superstiti. Il testo critico dei lacerti sicuramente elegiaci, fondato su una rinnovata collazione dei testimoni (autoptica o su riproduzione digitale) e su un censimento il più possibile esaustivo dell’attività filologica dalle prime edizioni a stampa fino ai giorni nostri, è accompagnato da una traduzione di servizio e da un commento di carattere linguistico-filologico. Quattro appendici finali sono riservate ai frr. 21 G.-P. = 21 W., 13 G.-P. e 45 G.-P. = 41 W., che, pur non rubricabili con sicurezza fra i lacerti elegiaci, esibiscono con questi ultimi alcuni significativi punti di contatto.


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With the advent of new technologies it is increasingly easier to find data of different nature from even more accurate sensors that measure the most disparate physical quantities and with different methodologies. The collection of data thus becomes progressively important and takes the form of archiving, cataloging and online and offline consultation of information. Over time, the amount of data collected can become so relevant that it contains information that cannot be easily explored manually or with basic statistical techniques. The use of Big Data therefore becomes the object of more advanced investigation techniques, such as Machine Learning and Deep Learning. In this work some applications in the world of precision zootechnics and heat stress accused by dairy cows are described. Experimental Italian and German stables were involved for the training and testing of the Random Forest algorithm, obtaining a prediction of milk production depending on the microclimatic conditions of the previous days with satisfactory accuracy. Furthermore, in order to identify an objective method for identifying production drops, compared to the Wood model, typically used as an analytical model of the lactation curve, a Robust Statistics technique was used. Its application on some sample lactations and the results obtained allow us to be confident about the use of this method in the future.


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Growing need for infrastructure has led to expanding research on advances in road pavement materials. Finding solutions that are sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient is a priority. Focusing such efforts on low-traffic and rural roads can contribute with a significant progress in the vital circulatory system of transport for rural and agricultural areas. An important alternative material for pavement construction is recycled aggregates from solid wastes, including waste from civil engineering activities, mainly construction and demolition. A literature review on studies is made; it is performed a planned set of laboratory testing procedures aimed to fully characterize and assess the potential in-situ mechanical performance and chemical impact. Furthermore, monitoring the full-scale response of the selected materials in a real field construction site, including the production, laying and compaction operations. Moreover, a novel single-phase solution for the construction of semi-flexible paving layers to be used as alternative material to common concrete and bituminous layers is experimented and introduced, aiming the production and laying of a single-phase laid material instead of a traditional two phases grouted macadam. Finally, on a parallel research work for farming pavements, the possible use of common geotechnical anti-erosive products for the improvement of soil bearing capacity of paddock areas in cattle husbandries of bio-farms is evaluated. this thesis has clearly demonstrated the feasibility of using the sustainable recycled aggregates for low-traffic rural roads and the pavements of farming and agriculture areas. The pavement layers constructed with recycled aggregates provided satisfying performance under heavy traffic conditions in experimental pavements. This, together with the fact that these aggregates can be available in most areas and in large quantities, provides great impetus towards shifting from traditional materials to more sustainable alternatives. The chemical and environmental stability of these materials proves their soundness to be utilized in farming environments.


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Urbanization has grown during the last decades, with an increase in population concentrated in cities. Cities are usually relatively nature-poor, and the loss of green urban space likely leads to less contact with the natural world for urban dwellers. It is known that the natural environment could provide important advantages, and the loss of contact with this type of environment has potential negative impacts on the quality of life. The use of green urban space demonstrated stronger benefits for mental health and stress reduction. In general, exposure to green urban space is linked to a reduction in mortality rates, due to the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. Green urban space could be an optimal environment in which to perform physical activity. Undertaking regular physical activity is one of the major determinants of health. The benefits of exercise have been widely demonstrated through a wide range of studies. Benefits are linked to the treatment and prevention of most chronic and non-communicable diseases, that are not contagious, but they are usually long-lasting. Regular physical activity could reduce mental health problems, such as anxiety. The World Health Organization proposed to improve physical activity programs through the implementation of interventions in green urban spaces. Green urban space provides a safe, accessible, and attractive place to perform physical activity. All the interventions aimed to promote the practice of physical activity and to reduce sedentary behavior are important. It is well known that physical activity has several positive effects, a great amount of the population remains inactive. A good strategy could be to show people how integrated physical activity into their all-day life, for example through the use of green urban space or active commuting. The results in the present thesis showed the effectiveness of performing physical activity in a natural environment and of active commuting.


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Il patrimonio residenziale italiano ammonta a 12,2 milioni di edifici, di cui il 57,5% ha più di 50 anni ed è stato costruito in assenza di normative specifiche, in termini di sicurezza sismica, resistenza al fuoco, efficienza energetica e accessibilità, e manifesta un’avanzata obsolescenza. Agire su questo patrimonio significa operare tramite le due macro categorie di intervento: demolizione/ricostruzione o riqualificazione energetica. Questa ricerca dottorale vuole indagare la demolizione/ricostruzione di comparti urbani periferici, costruiti tra 1945-1965, quale strategia di rigenerazione urbana, integrandola in un modello edilizio basato sui criteri dell’economia circolare. Vengono definite le caratteristiche costruttive e i principi di questo modello di progettazione ecosistemica, denominato Integrho, che coniuga i criteri di ecodesign nel ciclo di vita (Building in Layers, Design for Disassembly e il Design out Waste) con quelli di bioclimaticità e di adattabilità funzionale. Il lavoro è stato improntato secondo due livelli gerarchici, scala urbana e scala edilizia, tra loro correlate mediante quella intermedia dell’isolato, al fine di ottenere un obiettivo di natura metodologica: definire uno strumento di supporto decisionale, capace di indirizzare tra le categorie di intervento attraverso parametri oggettivi, valutati con analisi comparative speditive. Tale metodologia viene applicata al contesto di Bologna, e si fonda sulla creazione di un’approfondita base conoscitiva attraverso la catalogazione delle 8.209 pratiche edilizie di nuova costruzione presentate tra 1945 e il 1965. Tale strumento georeferenziato, contenente informazioni tipologiche, costruttive ecc., è impiegato per valutare in modo quantitativo e speditivo i consumi energetici, i materiali incorporati, gli impatti ambientali e i costi economici dei differenti scenari di intervento nel ciclo di vita. Infine, l’applicazione del modello edilizio Integrho e del paradigma Ri-Costruire per Ri-Generare ad uno degli isolati periferici selezionati, è impiegata come esemplificazione dell’intero processo, dalla fase conoscitiva a quella strumentale, al fine di verificarne l’attendibilità e l’applicabilità su larga scala.


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A three-dimensional Direct Finite Element procedure is here presented which takes into account most of the factors affecting the interaction problem of the dam-water-foundation system, whilst keeping the computational cost at a reasonable level by introducing some simplified hypotheses. A truncated domain is defined, and the dynamic behaviour of the system is treated as a wave-scattering problem where the presence of the dam perturbs an original free-field system. The rock foundation truncated boundaries are enclosed by a set of free-field one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems which transmit the effective forces to the main model and apply adsorbing viscous boundaries to ensure radiation damping. The water domain is treated as an added mass moving with the dam. A strategy is proposed to keep the viscous dampers at the boundaries unloaded during the initial phases of analysis, when the static loads are initialised, and thus avoid spurious displacements. A focus is given to the nonlinear behaviour of the rock foundation, with concentrated plasticity along the natural discontinuities of the rock mass, immersed in an otherwise linear elastic medium with Rayleigh damping. The entire procedure is implemented in the commercial software Abaqus®, whose base code is enriched with specific user subroutines when needed. All the extra coding is attached to the Thesis and tested against analytical results and simple examples. Possible rock wedge instabilities induced by intense ground motion, which are not easily investigated within a comprehensive model of the dam-water-foundation system, are treated separately with a simplified decoupled dynamic approach derived from the classical Newmark method, integrated with FE calculation of dam thrust on the wedges during the earthquake. Both the described approaches are applied to the case study of the Ridracoli arch-gravity dam (Italy) in order to investigate its seismic response to the Maximum Credible Earthquake (MCE) in a full reservoir condition.


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La disciplina pubblicistica dell’energia elettrica presenta specificità rilevanti rispetto ad altri settori della regolazione economica. Il settore energetico si caratterizza infatti per una complessa regolazione, dovuta sia alle specificità dell’oggetto della disciplina, cioè l’energia elettrica come bene immateriale, sia alla molteplicità degli interessi pubblici coinvolti, che si innestano su fallimenti di mercato (i.e. il sistema a rete non duplicabile), sia agli obiettivi di politica internazionale e di sicurezza nazionale, che intercettano delicate interrelazioni con l’ambiente e il clima, come tutelati nel Green Deal, nelle normative europee e nazionali e negli accordi internazionali sulla decarbonizzazione e sullo sviluppo sostenibile. Inoltre, la filiera elettrica è “verticalmente integrata”, cioè suddivisa in attività diverse, cioè la produzione, il dispacciamento, la trasmissione, la distribuzione, la vendita all’ingrosso e al dettaglio di energia. Queste sono esercitate in regimi di mercato differenti: monopolio naturale (dovuto al carattere sub-additivo dei costi) per il dispacciamento, la trasmissione e la distribuzione di energia; libera concorrenza per la produzione e la vendita. L’esigenza di assicurare la concorrenza nel mercato energetico si contempera con la necessità di rispettare gli obblighi di servizio pubblico, in un delicato bilanciamento tra esigenze contrapposte. La Direttiva U.E. del 13 luglio 2009 n. 2009/72/Cee, all’art. 3, qualifica infatti la fornitura di energia elettrica come un servizio universale, attribuendo agli utenti il diritto di ricevere la fornitura e di mantenere prezzi ragionevoli, facilmente e chiaramente comparabili, trasparenti e non discriminatori.


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Background. Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) is an umbrella term that includes a myriad of conditions such as urinary (UI) and anal incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and sexual dysfunction. Literature showed high prevalence rates of PFD among athletes, especially UI, with high-impact sports have been linked with an increased risk of developing symptoms. However, comprehensive research summarising PFD prevalence across sexes, exploring treatment options, and the absence of a standardised referral screening tool are notable gaps. Misinformation is also prevalent in the sports medicine field. Methods. This doctoral project comprises four studies addressing different aspects of pelvic health in athletes. The first two studies were scoping reviews of epidemiological PFD data in male and female athletes, as well as available interventions. Study 3 concerned the development of a new screening tool for PFD in female athletes, aiming to guide sports medicine clinicians in referring patients to PFD specialists through a worldwide Delphi consensus. Study 4 summarised all previous findings, integrating data into an infographic. Results and conclusions. In Study 1, the findings of 100 articles on PFD in both sexes have been collected, highlighting a higher prevalence of studies on female athletes evaluating UI across multiple sports. Other conditions remain rarely investigated. Study 2 found a diverse range of interventions for female PFD, with a notable emphasis on conservative approaches. Recommendations for clinical practice often relied on the transferability of results from the nonathlete population or expert opinions. In Study 3, 41 international experts took part in the consensus development of the Pelvic Floor Dysfunction-ScrEeNing Tool IN fEmale athLetes (PFD-SENTINEL). It incorporates a cluster of PFD symptoms, items (risk factors, clinical, and sports-related characteristics), and a clinical algorithm. Lastly, Study 4 included ten evidence-based information with a relative description concerning pelvic floor health in athletes.