298 resultados para 550 Scienze della Terra
This thesis is divided in three chapters. In the first chapter we analyse the results of the world forecasting experiment run by the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP). We take the opportunity of this experiment to contribute to the definition of a more robust and reliable statistical procedure to evaluate earthquake forecasting models. We first present the models and the target earthquakes to be forecast. Then we explain the consistency and comparison tests that are used in CSEP experiments to evaluate the performance of the models. Introducing a methodology to create ensemble forecasting models, we show that models, when properly combined, are almost always better performing that any single model. In the second chapter we discuss in depth one of the basic features of PSHA: the declustering of the seismicity rates. We first introduce the Cornell-McGuire method for PSHA and we present the different motivations that stand behind the need of declustering seismic catalogs. Using a theorem of the modern probability (Le Cam's theorem) we show that the declustering is not necessary to obtain a Poissonian behaviour of the exceedances that is usually considered fundamental to transform exceedance rates in exceedance probabilities in the PSHA framework. We present a method to correct PSHA for declustering, building a more realistic PSHA. In the last chapter we explore the methods that are commonly used to take into account the epistemic uncertainty in PSHA. The most widely used method is the logic tree that stands at the basis of the most advanced seismic hazard maps. We illustrate the probabilistic structure of the logic tree, and then we show that this structure is not adequate to describe the epistemic uncertainty. We then propose a new probabilistic framework based on the ensemble modelling that properly accounts for epistemic uncertainties in PSHA.
The aim of this Thesis is to obtain a better understanding of the mechanical behavior of the active Alto Tiberina normal fault (ATF). Integrating geological, geodetic and seismological data, we perform 2D and 3D quasi-static and dynamic mechanical models to simulate the interseismic phase and rupture dynamic of the ATF. Effects of ATF locking depth, synthetic and antithetic fault activity, lithology and realistic fault geometries are taken in account. The 2D and 3D quasi-static model results suggest that the deformation pattern inferred by GPS data is consistent with a very compliant ATF zone (from 5 to 15 km) and Gubbio fault activity. The presence of the ATF compliant zone is a first order condition to redistribute the stress in the Umbria-Marche region; the stress bipartition between hanging wall (high values) and footwall (low values) inferred by the ATF zone activity could explain the microseismicity rates that are higher in the hanging wall respect to the footwall. The interseismic stress build-up is mainly located along the Gubbio fault zone and near ATF patches with higher dip (30°
The Vrancea region, at the south-eastern bend of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania, represents one of the most puzzling seismically active zones of Europe. Beside some shallow seismicity spread across the whole Romanian territory, Vrancea is the place of an intense seismicity with the presence of a cluster of intermediate-depth foci placed in a narrow nearly vertical volume. Although large-scale mantle seismic tomographic studies have revealed the presence of a narrow, almost vertical, high-velocity body in the upper mantle, the nature and the geodynamic of this deep intra-continental seismicity is still questioned. High-resolution seismic tomography could help to reveal more details in the subcrustal structure of Vrancea. Recent developments in computational seismology as well as the availability of parallel computing now allow to potentially retrieve more information out of seismic waveforms and to reach such high-resolution models. This study was aimed to evaluate the application of a full waveform inversion tomography at regional scale for the Vrancea lithosphere using data from the 1999 six months temporary local network CALIXTO. Starting from a detailed 3D Vp, Vs and density model, built on classical travel-time tomography together with gravity data, I evaluated the improvements obtained with the full waveform inversion approach. The latter proved to be highly problem dependent and highly computational expensive. The model retrieved after the first two iterations does not show large variations with respect to the initial model but remains in agreement with previous tomographic models. It presents a well-defined downgoing slab shape high velocity anomaly, composed of a N-S horizontal anomaly in the depths between 40 and 70km linked to a nearly vertical NE-SW anomaly from 70 to 180km.
We have used kinematic models in two Italian regions to reproduce surface interseismic velocities obtained from InSAR and GPS measurements. We have considered a Block modeling, BM, approach to evaluate which fault system is actively accommodating the occurring deformation in both considered areas. We have performed a study for the Umbria-Marche Apennines, obtaining that the tectonic extension observed by GPS measurements is explained by the active contribution of at least two fault systems, one of which is the Alto Tiberina fault, ATF. We have estimated also the interseismic coupling distribution for the ATF using a 3D surface and the result shows an interesting correlation between the microseismicity and the uncoupled fault portions. The second area analyzed concerns the Gargano promontory for which we have used jointly the available InSAR and GPS velocities. Firstly we have attached the two datasets to the same terrestrial reference frame and then using a simple dislocation approach, we have estimated the best fault parameters reproducing the available data, providing a solution corresponding to the Mattinata fault. Subsequently we have considered within a BM analysis both GPS and InSAR datasets in order to evaluate if the Mattinata fault may accommodate the deformation occurring in the central Adriatic due to the relative motion between the North-Adriatic and South-Adriatic plates. We obtain that the deformation occurring in that region should be accommodated by more that one fault system, that is however difficult to detect since the poor coverage of geodetic measurement offshore of the Gargano promontory. Finally we have performed also the estimate of the interseismic coupling distribution for the Mattinata fault, obtaining a shallow coupling pattern. Both of coupling distributions found using the BM approach have been tested by means of resolution checkerboard tests and they demonstrate that the coupling patterns depend on the geodetic data positions.
The main objective of this thesis is to obtain a better understanding of the methods to assess the stability of a slope. We have illustrated the principal variants of the Limit Equilibrium (LE) method found in literature, focalizing our attention on the Minimum Lithostatic Deviation (MLD) method, developed by Prof. Tinti and his collaborators (e.g. Tinti and Manucci, 2006, 2008). We had two main goals: the first was to test the MLD method on some real cases. We have selected the case of the Vajont landslide with the objective to reconstruct the conditions that caused the destabilization of Mount Toc, and two sites in the Norwegian margin, where failures has not occurred recently, with the aim to evaluate the present stability state and to assess under which conditions they might be mobilized. The second goal was to study the stability charts by Taylor and by Michalowski, and to use the MLD method to investigate the correctness and adequacy of this engineering tool.
This thesis is focused on the paleomagnetic rotation pattern inside the deforming zone of strike-slip faults, and the kinematics and geodynamics describing it. The paleomagnetic investigation carried out along both the LOFZ and the fore-arc sliver (38º-42ºS, southern Chile) revealed an asymmetric rotation pattern. East of the LOFZ and adjacent to it, rotations are up to 170° clockwise (CW) and fade out ~10 km east of fault. West of the LOFZ at 42ºS (Chiloé Island) and around 39°S (Villarrica domain) systematic CCW rotations have been observed, while at 40°-41°S (Ranco-Osorno domain) and adjacent to the LOFZ CW rotations reach up to 136° before evolving to CCW rotations at ~30 km from the fault. These data suggest a directed relation with subduction interface plate coupling. Zones of high coupling yield to a wide deforming zone (~30 km) west of the LOFZ characterized by CW rotations. Low coupling implies a weak LOFZ and a fore-arc dominated by CCW rotations related to NW-sinistral fault kinematics. The rotation pattern is consistent with a quasi-continuous crust kinematics. However, it seems unlikely that the lower crust flux can control block rotation in the upper crust, considering the cold and thick fore-arc crust. I suggest that rotations are consequence of forces applied directly on both the block edges and along the main fault, within the upper crust. Farther south, at the Austral Andes (54°S) I measured the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) of 22 Upper Cretaceous to Upper Eocene sites from the Magallanes fold-thrust belt internal domains. The data document continuous compression from the Early Cretaceous until the Late Oligocene. AMS data also show that the tectonic inversion of Jurassic extensional faults during the Late Cretaceous compressive phase may have controlled the Cenozoic kinematic evolution of the Magallanes fold-thrust belt, yielding slip partitioning.
The inversion of seismo-volcanic events is performed to retrieve the source geometry and to determine volumetric budgets of the source. Such observations have shown to be an important tool for the seismological monitoring of volcanoes. We developed a novel technique for the non-linear constrained inversion of low frequency seismo-volcanic events. Unconstrained linear inversion methods work well when a dense network of broadband seismometers is available. We propose a new constrained inversion technique, which has shown to be efficient also in a reduced network configuration and a low signal-noise ratio. The waveform inversion is performed in the frequency domain, constraining the source mechanism during the event to vary only in its magnitude. The eigenvectors orientation and the eigenvalue ratio are kept constant. This significantly reduces the number of parameters to invert, making the procedure more stable. The method has been tested over a synthetic dataset, reproducing realistic very-long-period (VLP) signals of Stromboli volcano. The information obtained by performing the synthetic tests is used to assess the reliability of the results obtained on a VLP dataset recorded on Stromboli volcano and on a low frequency events recorded at Vesuvius volcano.
This work is focused on the analysis of sea–level change (last century), based mainly on instrumental observations. During this period, individual components of sea–level change are investigated, both at global and regional scales. Some of the geophysical processes responsible for current sea-level change such as glacial isostatic adjustments and current melting terrestrial ice sources, have been modeled and compared with observations. A new value of global mean sea level change based of tide gauges observations has been independently assessed in 1.5 mm/year, using corrections for glacial isostatic adjustment obtained with different models as a criterion for the tide gauge selection. The long wavelength spatial variability of the main components of sea–level change has been investigated by means of traditional and new spectral methods. Complex non–linear trends and abrupt sea–level variations shown by tide gauges records have been addressed applying different approaches to regional case studies. The Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition technique has been used to analyse tide gauges records from the Adriatic Sea to ascertain the existence of cyclic sea-level variations. An Early Warning approach have been adopted to detect tipping points in sea–level records of North East Pacific and their relationship with oceanic modes. Global sea–level projections to year 2100 have been obtained by a semi-empirical approach based on the artificial neural network method. In addition, a model-based approach has been applied to the case of the Mediterranean Sea, obtaining sea-level projection to year 2050.
A method for automatic scaling of oblique ionograms has been introduced. This method also provides a rejection procedure for ionograms that are considered to lack sufficient information, depicting a very good success rate. Observing the Kp index of each autoscaled ionogram, can be noticed that the behavior of the autoscaling program does not depend on geomagnetic conditions. The comparison between the values of the MUF provided by the presented software and those obtained by an experienced operator indicate that the procedure developed for detecting the nose of oblique ionogram traces is sufficiently efficient and becomes much more efficient as the quality of the ionograms improves. These results demonstrate the program allows the real-time evaluation of MUF values associated with a particular radio link through an oblique radio sounding. The automatic recognition of a part of the trace allows determine for certain frequencies, the time taken by the radio wave to travel the path between the transmitter and receiver. The reconstruction of the ionogram traces, suggests the possibility of estimating the electron density between the transmitter and the receiver, from an oblique ionogram. The showed results have been obtained with a ray-tracing procedure based on the integration of the eikonal equation and using an analytical ionospheric model with free parameters. This indicates the possibility of applying an adaptive model and a ray-tracing algorithm to estimate the electron density in the ionosphere between the transmitter and the receiver An additional study has been conducted on a high quality ionospheric soundings data set and another algorithm has been designed for the conversion of an oblique ionogram into a vertical one, using Martyn's theorem. This allows a further analysis of oblique soundings, throw the use of the INGV Autoscala program for the automatic scaling of vertical ionograms.
An extensive study of the morphology and the dynamics of the equatorial ionosphere over South America is presented here. A multi parametric approach is used to describe the physical characteristics of the ionosphere in the regions where the combination of the thermospheric electric field and the horizontal geomagnetic field creates the so-called Equatorial Ionization Anomalies. Ground based measurements from GNSS receivers are used to link the Total Electron Content (TEC), its spatial gradients and the phenomenon known as scintillation that can lead to a GNSS signal degradation or even to a GNSS signal ‘loss of lock’. A new algorithm to highlight the features characterizing the TEC distribution is developed in the framework of this thesis and the results obtained are validated and used to improve the performance of a GNSS positioning technique (long baseline RTK). In addition, the correlation between scintillation and dynamics of the ionospheric irregularities is investigated. By means of a software, here implemented, the velocity of the ionospheric irregularities is evaluated using high sampling rate GNSS measurements. The results highlight the parallel behaviour of the amplitude scintillation index (S4) occurrence and the zonal velocity of the ionospheric irregularities at least during severe scintillations conditions (post-sunset hours). This suggests that scintillations are driven by TEC gradients as well as by the dynamics of the ionospheric plasma. Finally, given the importance of such studies for technological applications (e.g. GNSS high-precision applications), a validation of the NeQuick model (i.e. the model used in the new GALILEO satellites for TEC modelling) is performed. The NeQuick performance dramatically improves when data from HF radar sounding (ionograms) are ingested. A custom designed algorithm, based on the image recognition technique, is developed to properly select the ingested data, leading to further improvement of the NeQuick performance.
Towards the 3D attenuation imaging of active volcanoes: methods and tests on real and simulated data
The purpose of my PhD thesis has been to face the issue of retrieving a three dimensional attenuation model in volcanic areas. To this purpose, I first elaborated a robust strategy for the analysis of seismic data. This was done by performing several synthetic tests to assess the applicability of spectral ratio method to our purposes. The results of the tests allowed us to conclude that: 1) spectral ratio method gives reliable differential attenuation (dt*) measurements in smooth velocity models; 2) short signal time window has to be chosen to perform spectral analysis; 3) the frequency range over which to compute spectral ratios greatly affects dt* measurements. Furthermore, a refined approach for the application of spectral ratio method has been developed and tested. Through this procedure, the effects caused by heterogeneities of propagation medium on the seismic signals may be removed. The tested data analysis technique was applied to the real active seismic SERAPIS database. It provided a dataset of dt* measurements which was used to obtain a three dimensional attenuation model of the shallowest part of Campi Flegrei caldera. Then, a linearized, iterative, damped attenuation tomography technique has been tested and applied to the selected dataset. The tomography, with a resolution of 0.5 km in the horizontal directions and 0.25 km in the vertical direction, allowed to image important features in the off-shore part of Campi Flegrei caldera. High QP bodies are immersed in a high attenuation body (Qp=30). The latter is well correlated with low Vp and high Vp/Vs values and it is interpreted as a saturated marine and volcanic sediments layer. High Qp anomalies, instead, are interpreted as the effects either of cooled lava bodies or of a CO2 reservoir. A pseudo-circular high Qp anomaly was detected and interpreted as the buried rim of NYT caldera.
Over the past ten years, the cross-correlation of long-time series of ambient seismic noise (ASN) has been widely adopted to extract the surface-wave part of the Green’s Functions (GF). This stochastic procedure relies on the assumption that ASN wave-field is diffuse and stationary. At frequencies <1Hz, the ASN is mainly composed by surface-waves, whose origin is attributed to the sea-wave climate. Consequently, marked directional properties may be observed, which call for accurate investigation about location and temporal evolution of the ASN-sources before attempting any GF retrieval. Within this general context, this thesis is aimed at a thorough investigation about feasibility and robustness of the noise-based methods toward the imaging of complex geological structures at the local (∼10-50km) scale. The study focused on the analysis of an extended (11 months) seismological data set collected at the Larderello-Travale geothermal field (Italy), an area for which the underground geological structures are well-constrained thanks to decades of geothermal exploration. Focusing on the secondary microseism band (SM;f>0.1Hz), I first investigate the spectral features and the kinematic properties of the noise wavefield using beamforming analysis, highlighting a marked variability with time and frequency. For the 0.1-0.3Hz frequency band and during Spring- Summer-time, the SMs waves propagate with high apparent velocities and from well-defined directions, likely associated with ocean-storms in the south- ern hemisphere. Conversely, at frequencies >0.3Hz the distribution of back- azimuths is more scattered, thus indicating that this frequency-band is the most appropriate for the application of stochastic techniques. For this latter frequency interval, I tested two correlation-based methods, acting in the time (NCF) and frequency (modified-SPAC) domains, respectively yielding esti- mates of the group- and phase-velocity dispersions. Velocity data provided by the two methods are markedly discordant; comparison with independent geological and geophysical constraints suggests that NCF results are more robust and reliable.
A critical point in the analysis of ground displacements time series is the development of data driven methods that allow the different sources that generate the observed displacements to be discerned and characterised. A widely used multivariate statistical technique is the Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which allows reducing the dimensionality of the data space maintaining most of the variance of the dataset explained. Anyway, PCA does not perform well in finding the solution to the so-called Blind Source Separation (BSS) problem, i.e. in recovering and separating the original sources that generated the observed data. This is mainly due to the assumptions on which PCA relies: it looks for a new Euclidean space where the projected data are uncorrelated. The Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a popular technique adopted to approach this problem. However, the independence condition is not easy to impose, and it is often necessary to introduce some approximations. To work around this problem, I use a variational bayesian ICA (vbICA) method, which models the probability density function (pdf) of each source signal using a mix of Gaussian distributions. This technique allows for more flexibility in the description of the pdf of the sources, giving a more reliable estimate of them. Here I present the application of the vbICA technique to GPS position time series. First, I use vbICA on synthetic data that simulate a seismic cycle (interseismic + coseismic + postseismic + seasonal + noise) and a volcanic source, and I study the ability of the algorithm to recover the original (known) sources of deformation. Secondly, I apply vbICA to different tectonically active scenarios, such as the 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake, the 2012 Emilia (northern Italy) seismic sequence, and the 2006 Guerrero (Mexico) Slow Slip Event (SSE).
L’obiettivo della tesi riguarda l’utilizzo di immagini aerofotogrammetriche e telerilevate per la caratterizzazione qualitativa e quantitativa di ecosistemi forestali e della loro evoluzione. Le tematiche affrontate hanno riguardato, da una parte, l’aspetto fotogrammetrico, mediante recupero, digitalizzazione ed elaborazione di immagini aeree storiche di varie epoche, e, dall’altra, l’aspetto legato all’uso del telerilevamento per la classificazione delle coperture al suolo. Nel capitolo 1 viene fatta una breve introduzione sullo sviluppo delle nuove tecnologie di rilievo con un approfondimento delle applicazioni forestali; nel secondo capitolo è affrontata la tematica legata all’acquisizione dei dati telerilevati e fotogrammetrici con una breve descrizione delle caratteristiche e grandezze principali; il terzo capitolo tratta i processi di elaborazione e classificazione delle immagini per l’estrazione delle informazioni significative. Nei tre capitoli seguenti vengono mostrati tre casi di applicazioni di fotogrammetria e telerilevamento nello studio di ecosistemi forestali. Il primo caso (capitolo 4) riguarda l’area del gruppo montuoso del Prado- Cusna, sui cui è stata compiuta un’analisi multitemporale dell’evoluzione del limite altitudinale degli alberi nell’arco degli ultimi cinquant’anni. E’ stata affrontata ed analizzata la procedura per il recupero delle prese aeree storiche, definibile mediante una serie di successive operazioni, a partire dalla digitalizzazione dei fotogrammi, continuando con la determinazione di punti di controllo noti a terra per l’orientamento delle immagini, per finire con l’ortorettifica e mosaicatura delle stesse, con l’ausilio di un Modello Digitale del Terreno (DTM). Tutto ciò ha permesso il confronto di tali dati con immagini digitali più recenti al fine di individuare eventuali cambiamenti avvenuti nell’arco di tempo intercorso. Nel secondo caso (capitolo 5) si è definita per lo studio della zona del gruppo del monte Giovo una procedura di classificazione per l’estrazione delle coperture vegetative e per l’aggiornamento della cartografia esistente – in questo caso la carta della vegetazione. In particolare si è cercato di classificare la vegetazione soprasilvatica, dominata da brughiere a mirtilli e praterie con prevalenza di quelle secondarie a nardo e brachipodio. In alcune aree sono inoltre presenti comunità che colonizzano accumuli detritici stabilizzati e le rupi arenacee. A questo scopo, oltre alle immagini aeree (Volo IT2000) sono state usate anche immagini satellitari ASTER e altri dati ancillari (DTM e derivati), ed è stato applicato un sistema di classificazione delle coperture di tipo objectbased. Si è cercato di definire i migliori parametri per la segmentazione e il numero migliore di sample per la classificazione. Da una parte, è stata fatta una classificazione supervisionata della vegetazione a partire da pochi sample di riferimento, dall’altra si è voluto testare tale metodo per la definizione di una procedura di aggiornamento automatico della cartografia esistente. Nel terzo caso (capitolo 6), sempre nella zona del gruppo del monte Giovo, è stato fatto un confronto fra la timberline estratta mediante segmentazione ad oggetti ed il risultato di rilievi GPS a terra appositamente effettuati. L’obiettivo è la definizione del limite altitudinale del bosco e l’individuazione di gruppi di alberi isolati al di sopra di esso mediante procedure di segmentazione e classificazione object-based di ortofoto aeree in formato digitale e la verifica sul campo in alcune zone campione dei risultati, mediante creazione di profili GPS del limite del bosco e determinazione delle coordinate dei gruppi di alberi isolati. I risultati finali del lavoro hanno messo in luce come le moderne tecniche di analisi di immagini sono ormai mature per consentire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissi nelle tre applicazioni considerate, pur essendo in ogni caso necessaria una attenta validazione dei dati ed un intervento dell’operatore in diversi momenti del processo. In particolare, le operazioni di segmentazione delle immagini per l’estrazione di feature significative hanno dimostrato grandi potenzialità in tutti e tre i casi. Un software ad “oggetti” semplifica l’implementazione dei risultati della classificazione in un ambiente GIS, offrendo la possibilità, ad esempio, di esportare in formato vettoriale gli oggetti classificati. Inoltre dà la possibilità di utilizzare contemporaneamente, in un unico ambiente, più sorgenti di informazione quali foto aeree, immagini satellitari, DTM e derivati. Le procedure automatiche per l’estrazione della timberline e dei gruppi di alberi isolati e per la classificazione delle coperture sono oggetto di un continuo sviluppo al fine di migliorarne le prestazioni; allo stato attuale esse non devono essere considerate una soluzione ottimale autonoma ma uno strumento per impostare e semplificare l’intervento da parte dello specialista in fotointerpretazione.
Questa tesi di dottorato ha per suo oggetto la ricognizione degli elementi teorici, di linguaggio politico e di influenza concettuale che le scienze sociali tra Ottocento e Novecento hanno avuto nell’opera di Antonio Gramsci. La ricerca si articola in cinque capitoli, ciascuno dei quali intende ricostruire, da una parte, la ricezione gramsciana dei testi classici della sociologia e della scienza politica del suo tempo, dall’altra, far emergere quelle filiazioni concettuali che permettano di valutare la portata dell’influenza delle scienze sociali sugli scritti gramsciani. Il lungo processo di sedimentazione concettuale del lessico delle scienze sociali inizia in Gramsci già negli anni della formazione politica, sullo sfondo di una Torino positivista che esprime le punte più avanzate del “progetto grande borghese” per lo studio scientifico della società e per la sua “organizzazione disciplinata”; di questa tradizione culturale Gramsci incrocia a più riprese il percorso. La sua formazione più propriamente politica si svolge però all’interno del Partito socialista, ancora imbevuto del lessico positivista ed evoluzionista. Questi due grandi filoni culturali costituiscono il brodo di coltura, rifiutato politicamente ma al tempo stesso assunto concettualmente, per quelle suggestioni sociologiche che Gramsci metterà a frutto in modo più organico nei Quaderni. La ricerca e la fissazione di una specifica antropologia politica implicita al discorso gramsciano è il secondo stadio della ricerca, nella direzione di un’articolazione complessiva delle suggestioni sociologiche che i Quaderni assumono come elementi di analisi politica. L’analisi si sposta sulla storia intellettuale della Francia della Terza Repubblica, più precisamente sulla nascita del paradigma sociologico durkheimiano come espressione diretta delle necessità di integrazione sociale. Vengono così messe in risalto alcune assonanze lessicali e concettuali tra il discorso di Durkheim, di Sorel e quello di Gramsci. Con il terzo capitolo si entra più in profondità nella struttura concettuale che caratterizza il laboratorio dei Quaderni. Si ricostruisce la genesi di concetti come «blocco storico», «ideologia» ed «egemonia» per farne risaltare quelle componenti che rimandano direttamente alle funzioni di integrazione di un sistema sociale. La declinazione gramsciana di questo problema prende le forme di un discorso sull’«organicità» che rende più che mai esplicito il suo debito teorico nei confronti dell’orizzonte concettuale delle scienze sociali. Il nucleo di problemi connessi a questa trattazione fa anche emergere l’assunzione di un vero e proprio lessico sociologico, come per i concetti di «conformismo» e «coercizione», comunque molto distante dallo spazio semantico proprio del marxismo contemporaneo a Gramsci. Nel quarto capitolo si affronta un caso paradigmatico per quanto riguarda l’assunzione non solo del lessico e dei concetti delle scienze sociali, ma anche dei temi e delle modalità della ricerca sociale. Il quaderno 22 intitolato Americanismo e fordismo è il termine di paragone rispetto alla realtà che Gramsci si prefigge di indagare. Le consonanze delle analisi gramsciane con quelle weberiane dei saggi su Selezione e adattamento forniscono poi gli spunti necessari per valutare le novità emerse negli Stati Uniti con la razionalizzazione produttiva taylorista, specialmente in quella sua parte che riguarda la pervasività delle tecniche di controllo della vita extra-lavorativa degli operai. L’ultimo capitolo affronta direttamente la questione delle aporie che la ricezione della teoria sociologica di Weber e la scienza politica italiana rappresentata dagli elitisti Mosca, Pareto e Michels, sollevano per la riformulazione dei concetti politici gramsciani. L’orizzonte problematico in cui si inserisce questa ricerca è l’individuazione di una possibile “sociologia del politico” gramsciana che metta a tema quel rapporto, che è sempre stato di difficile composizione, tra marxismo e scienze sociali.