21 resultados para Video interaction analysis : methods and methodology
Changing or creating an organisation means creating a new process. Each process involves many risks that need to be identified and managed. The main risks considered here are procedural and legal risks. The former are related to the risks of errors that may occur during processes, while the latter are related to the compliance of processes with regulations. Managing the risks implies proposing changes to the processes that allow the desired result: an optimised process. In order to manage a company and optimise it in the best possible way, not only should the organisational aspect, risk management and legal compliance be taken into account, but it is important that they are all analysed simultaneously with the aim of finding the right balance that satisfies them all. This is the aim of this thesis, to provide methods and tools to balance these three characteristics, and to enable this type of optimisation, ICT support is used. This work isn’t a thesis in computer science or law, but rather an interdisciplinary thesis. Most of the work done so far is vertical and in a specific domain. The particularity and aim of this thesis is not to carry out an in-depth analysis of a particular aspect, but rather to combine several important aspects, normally analysed separately, which however have an impact and influence each other. In order to carry out this kind of interdisciplinary analysis, the knowledge base of both areas was involved and the combination and collaboration of different experts in the various fields was necessary. Although the methodology described is generic and can be applied to all sectors, the case study considered is a new type of healthcare service that allows patients in acute disease to be hospitalised to their home. This provide the possibility to perform experiments using real hospital database.
In the present study, mixed systems composed of SDS in the presence of neutral cyclodextrins were considered. Firstly, the effect of the CDs on the CMC of the surfactant was evaluated by CE experiments. Furthermore, a new CE approach based on electric current measurement was developed for the estimation of the stoichiometry as well as of the binding constants of SDS-CDs complexes. The results of these investigations were compared to those obtained with a different technique, electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The obtained results suggested that methylated CDs, in particular (2,6-di-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin (DM-beta-CD), strongly affect the micellization of SDS in comparison to the other studied CDs. This effect also paralleled the chiral CD-MEKC performance, as indicated by the enantioresolution of (+/-)-Catechin, which was firstly selected as a model compound representative of important chiral phytomarkers. Then a CD-MEKC system, composed of sodium dodecyl sulfate as surfactant (90 mM) and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (25 mM) as chiral selector, under acidic conditions (25 mM borate – phosphate buffer, pH 2.5) was applied to study the thermal epimerisation of epi-structured catechins, (-)-Epicatechin and (-)-Epigallocatechin, to non epi-structured (-)-Catechin and (-)-Gallocatechin. The latter compounds, being non-native molecules, were for the first time regarded as useful phytomarkers of tea sample degradation. The proposed method was applied to the analysis of more than twenty tea samples of different geographical origins (China, Japan, Ceylon), having undergone different storage conditions and manufacturing processes.
A first phase of the research activity has been related to the study of the state of art of the infrastructures for cycling, bicycle use and methods for evaluation. In this part, the candidate has studied the "bicycle system" in countries with high bicycle use and in particular in the Netherlands. Has been carried out an evaluation of the questionnaires of the survey conducted within the European project BICY on mobility in general in 13 cities of the participating countries. The questionnaire was designed, tested and implemented, and was later validated by a test in Bologna. The results were corrected with information on demographic situation and compared with official data. The cycling infrastructure analysis was conducted on the basis of information from the OpenStreetMap database. The activity consisted in programming algorithms in Python that allow to extract data from the database infrastructure for a region, to sort and filter cycling infrastructure calculating some attributes, such as the length of the arcs paths. The results obtained were compared with official data where available. The structure of the thesis is as follows: 1. Introduction: description of the state of cycling in several advanced countries, description of methods of analysis and their importance to implement appropriate policies for cycling. Supply and demand of bicycle infrastructures. 2. Survey on mobility: it gives details of the investigation developed and the method of evaluation. The results obtained are presented and compared with official data. 3. Analysis cycling infrastructure based on information from the database of OpenStreetMap: describes the methods and algorithms developed during the PhD. The results obtained by the algorithms are compared with official data. 4. Discussion: The above results are discussed and compared. In particular the cycle demand is compared with the length of cycle networks within a city. 5. Conclusions
Cardiotocography (CTG) is a widespread foetal diagnostic methods. However, it lacks of objectivity and reproducibility since its dependence on observer's expertise. To overcome these limitations, more objective methods for CTG interpretation have been proposed. In particular, many developed techniques aim to assess the foetal heart rate variability (FHRV). Among them, some methodologies from nonlinear systems theory have been applied to the study of FHRV. All the techniques have proved to be helpful in specific cases. Nevertheless, none of them is more reliable than the others. Therefore, an in-depth study is necessary. The aim of this work is to deepen the FHRV analysis through the Symbolic Dynamics Analysis (SDA), a nonlinear technique already successfully employed for HRV analysis. Thanks to its simplicity of interpretation, it could be a useful tool for clinicians. We performed a literature study involving about 200 references on HRV and FHRV analysis; approximately 100 works were focused on non-linear techniques. Then, in order to compare linear and non-linear methods, we carried out a multiparametric study. 580 antepartum recordings of healthy fetuses were examined. Signals were processed using an updated software for CTG analysis and a new developed software for generating simulated CTG traces. Finally, statistical tests and regression analyses were carried out for estimating relationships among extracted indexes and other clinical information. Results confirm that none of the employed techniques is more reliable than the others. Moreover, in agreement with the literature, each analysis should take into account two relevant parameters, the foetal status and the week of gestation. Regarding the SDA, results show its promising capabilities in FHRV analysis. It allows recognizing foetal status, gestation week and global variability of FHR signals, even better than other methods. Nevertheless, further studies, which should involve even pathological cases, are necessary to establish its reliability.
Heavy Liquid Metal Cooled Reactors are among the concepts, fostered by the GIF, as potentially able to comply with stringent safety, economical, sustainability, proliferation resistance and physical protection requirements. The increasing interest around these innovative systems has highlighted the lack of tools specifically dedicated to their core design stage. The present PhD thesis summarizes the three years effort of, partially, closing the mentioned gap, by rationally defining the role of codes in core design and by creating a development methodology for core design-oriented codes (DOCs) and its subsequent application to the most needed design areas. The covered fields are, in particular, the fuel assembly thermal-hydraulics and the fuel pin thermo-mechanics. Regarding the former, following the established methodology, the sub-channel code ANTEO+ has been conceived. Initially restricted to the forced convection regime and subsequently extended to the mixed one, ANTEO+, via a thorough validation campaign, has been demonstrated a reliable tool for design applications. Concerning the fuel pin thermo-mechanics, the will to include safety-related considerations at the outset of the pin dimensioning process, has given birth to the safety-informed DOC TEMIDE. The proposed DOC development methodology has also been applied to TEMIDE; given the complex interdependence patterns among the numerous phenomena involved in an irradiated fuel pin, to optimize the code final structure, a sensitivity analysis has been performed, in the anticipated application domain. The development methodology has also been tested in the verification and validation phases; the latter, due to the low availability of experiments truly representative of TEMIDE's application domain, has only been a preliminary attempt to test TEMIDE's capabilities in fulfilling the DOC requirements upon which it has been built. In general, the capability of the proposed development methodology for DOCs in delivering tools helping the core designer in preliminary setting the system configuration has been proven.
The challenges of the current global food systems are often framed around feeding the world's growing population while meeting sustainable development for future generations. Globalization has brought to a fragmentation of food spaces, leading to a flexible and mutable supply chain. This poses a major challenge to food and nutrition security, affecting also rural-urban dynamics in territories. Furthermore, the recent crises have highlighted the vulnerability to shocks and disruptions of the food systems and the eco-system due to the intensive management of natural, human and economic capital. Hence, a sustainable and resilient transition of the food systems is required through a multi-faceted approach that tackles the causes of unsustainability and promotes sustainable practices at all levels of the food system. In this respect, a territorial approach becomes a relevant entry point of analysis for the food system’s multifunctionality and can support the evaluation of sustainability by quantifying impacts associated with quantitative methods and understanding the territorial responsibility of different actors with qualitative ones. Against this background the present research aims to i) investigate the environmental, costing and social indicators suitable for a scoring system able to measure the integrated sustainability performance of food initiatives within the City/Region territorial context; ii) develop a territorial assessment framework to measure sustainability impacts of agricultural systems; and iii) define an integrated methodology to match production and consumption at a territorial level to foster a long-term vision of short food supply chains. From a methodological perspective, the research proposes a mixed quantitative and qualitative research method. The outcomes provide an in-depth view into the environmental and socio-economic impacts of food systems at the territorial level, investigating possible indicators, frameworks, and business strategies to foster their future sustainable development.
Perfluoroalkylated substances are a group of chemicals that have been largely employed during the last 60 years in several applications, widely spreading and accumulating in the environment due to their extreme resistance to degradation. As a consequence, they have been found also in various types of food as well as in drinking water, proving that they can easily reach humans through the diet. The available information concerning their adverse effects on health has recently increased the interest towards these contaminants and highlighted the importance of investigating all the potential sources of human exposure, among which diet was proved to be the most relevant. This need has been underlined by the European Union through Recommendation 2010/161/EU: in this document, Member States were called to monitor their presence of in food, producing accurate estimations of human exposure. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which is the result of a partnership between an Italian and a French laboratory, was to develop reliable tools for the analysis of these pollutants in food, to be used for generating data on potentially contaminated matrices. An efficient method based on liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of 16 different perfluorinated compounds in milk has been validated in accordance with current European regulation guidelines (2002/657/EC) and is currently under evaluation for ISO 17025 accreditation. The proposed technique was applied to cow, powder and human breast milk samples from Italy and France to produce a preliminary monitoring on the presence of these contaminants. In accordance with the above mentioned European Recommendation, this project led also to the development of a promising technique for the quantification of some precursors of these substances in fish. This method showed extremely satisfying performances in terms of linearity and limits of detection, and will be useful for future surveys.
Towards the 3D attenuation imaging of active volcanoes: methods and tests on real and simulated data
The purpose of my PhD thesis has been to face the issue of retrieving a three dimensional attenuation model in volcanic areas. To this purpose, I first elaborated a robust strategy for the analysis of seismic data. This was done by performing several synthetic tests to assess the applicability of spectral ratio method to our purposes. The results of the tests allowed us to conclude that: 1) spectral ratio method gives reliable differential attenuation (dt*) measurements in smooth velocity models; 2) short signal time window has to be chosen to perform spectral analysis; 3) the frequency range over which to compute spectral ratios greatly affects dt* measurements. Furthermore, a refined approach for the application of spectral ratio method has been developed and tested. Through this procedure, the effects caused by heterogeneities of propagation medium on the seismic signals may be removed. The tested data analysis technique was applied to the real active seismic SERAPIS database. It provided a dataset of dt* measurements which was used to obtain a three dimensional attenuation model of the shallowest part of Campi Flegrei caldera. Then, a linearized, iterative, damped attenuation tomography technique has been tested and applied to the selected dataset. The tomography, with a resolution of 0.5 km in the horizontal directions and 0.25 km in the vertical direction, allowed to image important features in the off-shore part of Campi Flegrei caldera. High QP bodies are immersed in a high attenuation body (Qp=30). The latter is well correlated with low Vp and high Vp/Vs values and it is interpreted as a saturated marine and volcanic sediments layer. High Qp anomalies, instead, are interpreted as the effects either of cooled lava bodies or of a CO2 reservoir. A pseudo-circular high Qp anomaly was detected and interpreted as the buried rim of NYT caldera.
The present doctoral thesis discusses the ways to improve the performance of driving simulator, provide objective measures for the road safety evaluation methodology based on driver’s behavior and response and investigates the drivers' adaptation to the driving assistant systems. The activities are divided into two macro areas; the driving simulation studies and on-road experiments. During the driving simulation experimentation, the classical motion cueing algorithm with logarithmic scale was implemented in the 2DOF motion cueing simulator and the motion cues were found desirable by the participants. In addition, it found out that motion stimuli could change the behaviour of the drivers in terms of depth/distance perception. During the on-road experimentations, The driver gaze behaviour was investigated to find the objective measures on the visibility of the road signs and reaction time of the drivers. The sensor infusion and the vehicle monitoring instruments were found useful for an objective assessment of the pavement condition and the drivers’ performance. In the last chapter of the thesis, the safety assessment during the use of level 1 automated driving “ACC” is discussed with the simulator and on-road experiment. The drivers’ visual behaviour was investigated in both studies with innovative classification method to find the epochs of the distraction of the drivers. The behavioural adaptation to ACC showed that drivers may divert their attention away from the driving task to engage in secondary, non-driving-related tasks.
Some fundamental biological processes such as embryonic development have been preserved during evolution and are common to species belonging to different phylogenetic positions, but are nowadays largely unknown. The understanding of cell morphodynamics leading to the formation of organized spatial distribution of cells such as tissues and organs can be achieved through the reconstruction of cells shape and position during the development of a live animal embryo. We design in this work a chain of image processing methods to automatically segment and track cells nuclei and membranes during the development of a zebrafish embryo, which has been largely validates as model organism to understand vertebrate development, gene function and healingrepair mechanisms in vertebrates. The embryo is previously labeled through the ubiquitous expression of fluorescent proteins addressed to cells nuclei and membranes, and temporal sequences of volumetric images are acquired with laser scanning microscopy. Cells position is detected by processing nuclei images either through the generalized form of the Hough transform or identifying nuclei position with local maxima after a smoothing preprocessing step. Membranes and nuclei shapes are reconstructed by using PDEs based variational techniques such as the Subjective Surfaces and the Chan Vese method. Cells tracking is performed by combining informations previously detected on cells shape and position with biological regularization constraints. Our results are manually validated and reconstruct the formation of zebrafish brain at 7-8 somite stage with all the cells tracked starting from late sphere stage with less than 2% error for at least 6 hours. Our reconstruction opens the way to a systematic investigation of cellular behaviors, of clonal origin and clonal complexity of brain organs, as well as the contribution of cell proliferation modes and cell movements to the formation of local patterns and morphogenetic fields.
The goal of the present research is to define a Semantic Web framework for precedent modelling, by using knowledge extracted from text, metadata, and rules, while maintaining a strong text-to-knowledge morphism between legal text and legal concepts, in order to fill the gap between legal document and its semantics. The framework is composed of four different models that make use of standard languages from the Semantic Web stack of technologies: a document metadata structure, modelling the main parts of a judgement, and creating a bridge between a text and its semantic annotations of legal concepts; a legal core ontology, modelling abstract legal concepts and institutions contained in a rule of law; a legal domain ontology, modelling the main legal concepts in a specific domain concerned by case-law; an argumentation system, modelling the structure of argumentation. The input to the framework includes metadata associated with judicial concepts, and an ontology library representing the structure of case-law. The research relies on the previous efforts of the community in the field of legal knowledge representation and rule interchange for applications in the legal domain, in order to apply the theory to a set of real legal documents, stressing the OWL axioms definitions as much as possible in order to enable them to provide a semantically powerful representation of the legal document and a solid ground for an argumentation system using a defeasible subset of predicate logics. It appears that some new features of OWL2 unlock useful reasoning features for legal knowledge, especially if combined with defeasible rules and argumentation schemes. The main task is thus to formalize legal concepts and argumentation patterns contained in a judgement, with the following requirement: to check, validate and reuse the discourse of a judge - and the argumentation he produces - as expressed by the judicial text.
Decomposition based approaches are recalled from primal and dual point of view. The possibility of building partially disaggregated reduced master problems is investigated. This extends the idea of aggregated-versus-disaggregated formulation to a gradual choice of alternative level of aggregation. Partial aggregation is applied to the linear multicommodity minimum cost flow problem. The possibility of having only partially aggregated bundles opens a wide range of alternatives with different trade-offs between the number of iterations and the required computation for solving it. This trade-off is explored for several sets of instances and the results are compared with the ones obtained by directly solving the natural node-arc formulation. An iterative solution process to the route assignment problem is proposed, based on the well-known Frank Wolfe algorithm. In order to provide a first feasible solution to the Frank Wolfe algorithm, a linear multicommodity min-cost flow problem is solved to optimality by using the decomposition techniques mentioned above. Solutions of this problem are useful for network orientation and design, especially in relation with public transportation systems as the Personal Rapid Transit. A single-commodity robust network design problem is addressed. In this, an undirected graph with edge costs is given together with a discrete set of balance matrices, representing different supply/demand scenarios. The goal is to determine the minimum cost installation of capacities on the edges such that the flow exchange is feasible for every scenario. A set of new instances that are computationally hard for the natural flow formulation are solved by means of a new heuristic algorithm. Finally, an efficient decomposition-based heuristic approach for a large scale stochastic unit commitment problem is presented. The addressed real-world stochastic problem employs at its core a deterministic unit commitment planning model developed by the California Independent System Operator (ISO).
Information is nowadays a key resource: machine learning and data mining techniques have been developed to extract high-level information from great amounts of data. As most data comes in form of unstructured text in natural languages, research on text mining is currently very active and dealing with practical problems. Among these, text categorization deals with the automatic organization of large quantities of documents in priorly defined taxonomies of topic categories, possibly arranged in large hierarchies. In commonly proposed machine learning approaches, classifiers are automatically trained from pre-labeled documents: they can perform very accurate classification, but often require a consistent training set and notable computational effort. Methods for cross-domain text categorization have been proposed, allowing to leverage a set of labeled documents of one domain to classify those of another one. Most methods use advanced statistical techniques, usually involving tuning of parameters. A first contribution presented here is a method based on nearest centroid classification, where profiles of categories are generated from the known domain and then iteratively adapted to the unknown one. Despite being conceptually simple and having easily tuned parameters, this method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy in most benchmark datasets with fast running times. A second, deeper contribution involves the design of a domain-independent model to distinguish the degree and type of relatedness between arbitrary documents and topics, inferred from the different types of semantic relationships between respective representative words, identified by specific search algorithms. The application of this model is tested on both flat and hierarchical text categorization, where it potentially allows the efficient addition of new categories during classification. Results show that classification accuracy still requires improvements, but models generated from one domain are shown to be effectively able to be reused in a different one.
Evaluating the nature of the earliest, often controversial, traces of life in the geological record (dating to the Palaeoarchaean, up to ~3.5 billion years before the present) is of fundamental relevance for placing constraints on the potential that life emerged on Mars at approximately the same time (the Noachian period). In their earliest histories, the two planets shared many palaeoenvironmental similarities, before the surface of Mars rapidly became inhospitable to life as we know it. Multi-scalar, multi-modal analyses of fossiliferous rocks from the Barberton greenstone belt of South Africa and the East Pilbara terrane of Western Australia are a window onto primitive prokaryotic ecoystems. Complementary petrographic, morphological, (bio)geochemical and nanostructural analyses of chert horizons and the carbonaceous material within using a wide range of techniques – including optical microscopy, SEM-EDS, Raman spectroscopy, PIXE, µCT, laser ablation ICP-MS, high-resolution TEM-based analytical techniques and secondary ion mass spectrometry – can characterise, at scales from macroscopic to nanoscopic, the fossilised biomes of the earliest Earth. These approaches enable the definition of the palaeoenvironments, and potentially metabolic networks, preserved in ancient rocks. Modifying these protocols is necessary for Martian exploration using rovers, since the range and power of space instrumentation is significantly reduced relative to terrestrial laboratories. Understanding the crucial observations possible using highly complementary rover-based payloads is therefore critical in scientific protocols aiming to detect traces of life on Mars.
The better understanding of mechanisms at the basis of host-pathogen interaction can represent a valid tool to increase productivity and contain economic losses in animal production through the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis. With this project, three preliminary in vitro studies were conducted with the aim of investigating how bioactive compounds could influence mechanisms of host-pathogen interaction in poultry and swine. Different panels of nature identical compounds, medium chain fatty acids, and plant extracts were employed against strains of Salmonella Typhimurium, Brachyspira hyodysenteriae, and Salmonella Enteritidis, respectively. When bacterial field strains were tested, the comparison between natural compounds and antibiotics was examined, with the aim of evaluating the role of the substances in the antibiotic-resistance context. Results demonstrate that bioactive compounds have positive effects on the host, the pathogen, or both in different experimental conditions. Additionally, when compared to antibiotics, bioactive compounds have proven to be valid alternatives to address the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.