21 resultados para European law


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This work analyses the limits that the principle of State liability for damages suffered by individuals because of breach of EU law poses to the procedural autonomy of the Member States of the EU. The introductory part of this work is dedicated to the general character of the limitations EU law poses to the State’s competence in procedural matters. The first part of the research, instead, focuses on the specific limits that european law poses on the rules of procedure related to the legal regime of the right to compensation and its operating conditions; in particular, this first part explores respectively the “substantive” and “procedural” limits that EU law poses to the State’s autonomy to regulate actions for damages for breaches of EU law. The substantial limits concern the conditions of eligibility of liability and the constitutive conditions of the right to compensation; the procedural limits to the action for damages refer to the concrete organization and characteristics of the judicial action. The second part of the research is devoted to rules of procedure governing the relations between judicial remedies explicitly aimed at protecting the right to reparation and other remedies that may be relevant, both europeans and nationals. The first chapter of the second part of this work focuses on the rules governing the relations between the action for damages brought up at the national level and the remedies provided by european Treaties; finally, I explore the relations between the action for damages brought up at the national level and other remedies present in the same national juridical order. I reconstruct all the limits to the procedural autonomy of Member States concerning the right to compensation; consequently, I verify that those limits represent part of the system of internal procedures, able to guarantee the respect of european law.


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We study first the different cadastral systems in the EU countries and their perspective in the European Law context, especially in their tax law aspect and about the different building tax system. We talk about the most important aspect, taxation, and the European Unionʼs influence, particularly the European Court. But not only speak about the influence in the Member stateʼs building tax, also find another influences ways, with some European policies. All these aspects and another show a tendency to the cadastral integration, not direct, but existent in the indirect way. About other aspects, the study holds the dual nature of the cadastre, social (like social science), and their tax aspect, and technic nature. The Inspire information net can generate a new way to the tax information exchange between European countries. The investigation end with a comparison of the different cadastral systems in EU countries, and about the edification tax law too. This report holds the tax nature of the cadastre, the need to be considered like social-technic complex. Diverse international organization consider that is a multipurpose instrument and institution, but seem to forget their original purpose, their tax purpose, that was the central aspect in their origin and that don can`t be forget in the new world that raises after the world financial crisis.


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La ricerca affronta in modo unitario e nell’ottica europea i multiformi fenomeni della doppia imposizione economica e giuridica, assumendo come paradigma iniziale la tassazione dei dividendi cross-border. Definito lo statuto giuridico della doppia imposizione, se ne motiva la contrarietà all’ordinamento europeo e si indagano gli strumenti comunitari per raggiungere l’obiettivo europeo della sua eliminazione. In assenza di un’armonizzazione positiva, il risultato sostanziale viene raggiunto grazie all’integrazione negativa. Si dimostra che il riserbo della Corte di Giustizia di fronte a opzioni di politica fiscale è soltanto un’impostazione di facciata, valorizzando le aperture giurisprudenziali per il suo superamento. Questi, in sintesi, i passaggi fondamentali. Si parte dall’evoluzione delle libertà fondamentali in diritti di rango costituzionale, che ne trasforma il contenuto economico e la portata giuridica, attribuendo portata costituzionale ai valori di neutralità e non restrizione. Si evidenzia quindi il passaggio dal divieto di discriminazioni al divieto di restrizioni, constatando il fallimento del tentativo di configurare il divieto di doppia imposizione come principio autonomo dell’ordinamento europeo. Contemporaneamente, però, diventa opportuno riesaminare la distinzione tra doppia imposizione economica e giuridica, e impostare un unico inquadramento teorico della doppia imposizione come ipotesi paradigmatica di restrizione alle libertà. Conseguentemente, viene razionalizzato l’impianto giurisprudenziale delle cause di giustificazione. Questo consente agevolmente di legittimare scelte comunitarie per la ripartizione dei poteri impositivi tra Stati Membri e l’attribuzione delle responsabilità per l’eliminazione degli effetti della doppia imposizione. In conclusione, dunque, emerge una formulazione europea dell’equilibrato riparto di poteri impositivi a favore dello Stato della fonte. E, accanto ad essa, una concezione comunitaria del principio di capacità contributiva, con implicazioni dirompenti ancora da verificare. Sul piano metodologico, l’analisi si concentra criticamente sull’operato della Corte di Giustizia, svelando punti di forza e di debolezza della sua azione, che ha posto le basi per la risposta europea al problema della doppia imposizione.


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La libertad de establecimiento y la movilidad de las empresas juegan un papel fundamental en el proceso comunitario de integración. Las empresas buscan nuevas formas de cooperación e integración que les permitan ocupar cuotas de mercado cada vez más importantes. De entre las modalidades de integración y cooperación que tienen a su disposición, la fusión transfronteriza de sociedades es, sin duda, una de las más relevantes. Es evidente que las fusiones de sociedades pertenecientes a Estados miembros distintos podrían tener una enorme importancia en el proceso de integración del mercado único. Sin embargo, la posibilidad de llevar a cabo con éxito una fusión transfronteriza en el ámbito comunitario era improbable hasta época reciente. Dos tipos de impedimentos la dificultaban: por una parte, obstáculos a la libertad de establecimiento por parte de los ordenamientos jurídicos de los Estados miembros; por otro, obstáculos de Derecho internacional privado. En cambio, hoy la mayor parte de estos impedimentos han sido superados gracias, en primer lugar, al progresivo reconocimiento del derecho de establecimiento de las sociedades por el Tribunal de Justicia, y en segundo, a la importante Directiva 2005/56/CE relativa a las fusiones transfronterizas de sociedades de capital. Esta Directiva impone a los Estados miembros una serie de normas de mínimos de derecho material a fin de armonizar la tutela de los intereses de los sujetos implicados más débiles (sobre todo, los trabajadores y los socios). De igual manera, establece una serie de normas de conflicto para resolver la cuestión de la ley aplicable a las fusiones transfronterizas. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal valorar la relevancia de los pronunciamientos del Tribunal de Justicia y de las actuaciones del legislador europeo orientados a impedir las restricciones a las fusiones transfronterizas de sociedades en el territorio comunitario.


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Questo lavoro, tramite un'analisi attenta ed accurata dello sviluppo delle pronunce della Corte di Giustizia in materia tributaria, ha lo scopo di mettere in evidenza i canoni interpretativi utilizzati dalla Corte, tenendo presente gli effetti che tali pronunce hanno prodotto nei singoli stati ed in particolare sul ruolo del giudice tributario come giudice europeo. Assistiamo infatti oggi ad una vera e propria europeizzazione della produzione giuridica in grado di aprire nuovi spiragli alla tutela del cittadino anche nei confronti dell'amministrazione finanziaria. L'interazione, per molti aspetti problematica, tra gli organi di giustizia tributaria dei singoli ordinamenti ed il giudice comunitario sono diventate vera e propria fucina di un diritto tributario europeo, nell'ambito del quale a svolgere un ruolo di estrema rilevanza è il giudice interno. Le sentenze del giudice tributario nazionale infatti rappresentano lo strumento più efficace di chiarificazione del diritto comunitario. Il presente lavoro si propone quindi di esaminare nel dettaglio il rapporto complementare e funzionalista che si estrinseca nella peculiare funzione attribuita al giudice tributario nazionale che gli fa assumere le vesti di "giudice europeo" nonché la funzione attribuita alla Corte di Giustizia che assume i caratteri sempre più marcati di "giudice tributario sovranazionale". Partendo dalla disamina delle figure dei giudici tributari di Germania, Francia ed Italia, si passerà poi ad evidenziare i ruoli che hanno avuto le Corti nazionali nell'applicazione del diritto comunitario, evidenziando come nei vari casi le sentenze si sono affiancate alla preminenza gerarchica della norma europea.


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La presente tesis analiza el problema de la validez de las disposiciones de transposición de las Directivas Europeas en los ordenamientos nacionales desde la perspectiva del principio constitucional de reserva de ley. En el primer capítulo se desarrolla un análisis del estado de la cuestión en las jurisprudencias española e italiana. En el segundo se afronta el estudio de los requisitos impuestos por la jurisprudencia del TJUE en relación con las normas por las que se procede a la incorporación en los ordenamientos internos del contenido de las Directivas; teniendo en cuenta que ha de partirse del principio de autonomía institucional y procedimental de los Estados Miembros y que las Directivas, en tanto carentes por razón de su forma de directa aplicabilidad, no pueden sustituir a la ley nacional, el principio de reserva de ley ha de aplicarse en este tipo de operaciones siempre que así lo exija la Constitución nacional. En el tercer capítulo se estudian los efectos que han producido en los ordenamientos italiano, francés y alemán las cláusulas constitucionales "europeas", alcanzándose la fundamental conclusión de que las mismas no han supuesto quiebra alguna de la disciplina general de producción normativa en lo que se refiere a las operaciones de ejecución interna del Derecho Europeo. En el cuarto y último capítulo, en fin, se analiza el sistema italiano de ejecución de las políticas europeas mediante normas reglamentarias y la posible toma en consideración del mismo para la formulación de propuestas de lege ferenda en relación con el Derecho Español.


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L’ordinamento giuridico cinese contemporaneo si è, recentemente, impegnato in una riforma che ha interessato le norme vigenti in materia di registrazione immobiliare con l’intento di realizzare un sistema unitario dell’istituto. Dal momento che la modernizzazione del diritto civile cinese è iniziata - a partire dalla fine del XIX secolo – tramite il recepimento del diritto civile occidentale, la disamina delle esperienze europee in materia di pubblicità immobiliare assume una notevole importanza, al fine di esaminare le norme vigenti in Cina e i cambiamenti scaturenti dalla riforma. Pertanto, l’obiettivo della mia ricerca è stato quello di avanzare una tesi che possa rivelarsi quale strumento utile per la riforma in Cina, attraverso uno studio comparato dei modelli europei in materia di registrazione immobiliare. A tal fine, il lavoro è stato suddiviso in due parti: nella prima si è presentata un’analisi dettagliata del diritto di proprietà, del dualismo delle proprietà fondiarie e relative problematiche, del sistema dei diritti reali costituito dalla Legge sui diritti reali del 2007, da cui è partita la riforma dell’istituto della registrazione immobiliare. Un approfondimento particolare è dedicato al pluralismo dei regimi di registrazione immobiliare vigenti nel diritto cinese contemporaneo e all’introduzione dei cambiamenti apportati dal nuovo regolamento del 2015. Nella seconda parte dell’elaborato, attraverso lo studio comparato dei diversi modelli Europei (Francese, Tedesco e Inglese), si è tentato di illustrare le esperienze europee in materia di pubblicità immobiliare maturate nei tre temi maggiormente rappresentativi e concreti, quali la tutela degli interessi privatistici, l’autenticità dei titoli e il ruolo del notaio, la procedura della pubblicità immobiliare, al fine di individuare una via percorribile per il perfezionamento del sistema unitario della registrazione nell’ordinamento cinese. Nelle conclusioni, infine, sono state inserite anche alcune riflessioni circa l’importanza dello studio del diritto comparato per l’esperienza Cinese.


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Caratteristica comune ai regimi di consolidamento previsti dai diversi ordinamenti, è quella di consentire la compensazione tra utili e perdite di società residenti, e, di negare, o rendere particolarmente difficoltosa, la stessa compensazione, quando le perdite sono maturate da società non residenti. La non considerazione delle perdite comporta una tassazione al lordo del gruppo multinazionale, per mezzo della quale, non si colpisce il reddito effettivo dei soggetti che vi appartengono. L’effetto immediato è quello di disincentivare i gruppi a travalicare i confini nazionali. Ciò impedisce il funzionamento del Mercato unico, a scapito della libertà di stabilimento prevista dagli artt. 49-54 del TFUE. Le previsioni ivi contenute sono infatti dirette, oltre ad assicurare a società straniere il beneficio della disciplina dello Stato membro ospitante, a proibire altresì allo Stato di origine di ostacolare lo stabilimento in un altro Stato membro dei propri cittadini o delle società costituite conformemente alla propria legislazione. Gli Stati membri giustificano la discriminazione tra società residenti e non residenti alla luce della riserva di competenza tributaria ad essi riconosciuta dall’ordinamento europeo in materia delle imposte dirette, dunque, in base all’equilibrata ripartizione del potere impositivo. In assenza di qualsiasi riferimento normativo, va ascritto alla Corte di Giustizia il ruolo di interprete del diritto europeo. La Suprema Corte, con una serie di importanti pronunce, ha infatti sindacato la compatibilità con il diritto comunitario dei vari regimi interni che negano la compensazione transfrontaliera delle perdite. Nel verificare la compatibilità con il diritto comunitario di tali discipline, la Corte ha tentato di raggiungere un (difficile) equilibrio tra due interessi completamenti contrapposti: quello comunitario, riconducibile al rispetto della libertà di stabilimento, quello degli Stati membri, che rivendicano il diritto di esercitare il proprio potere impositivo.


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The present research aims to study the special rights other than shares in Spanish Law and the protection of their holders in cross-border mergers of limited liability companies within the European Union frame. Special rights other than shares are recognised as an independent legal category within legal systems of some EU Member States, such as Germany or Spain, through the implementation of the Third Directive 78/855/CEE concerning mergers of public limited liability companies. The above-cited Directive contains a special regime of protection for the holders of securities, other than shares, to which special rights are attached, consisting of being given rights in the acquiring company, at least equivalent to those they possessed in the company being acquired. This safeguard is to highlight the intimate connection between this type of rights and the company whose extinction determines the existence of those. Pursuant to the Directive 2005/56/CE on cross-border mergers of limited liability companies, each company taking part in these operations shall comply with the safeguards of members and third parties provided in their respective national law to which is subject. In this regard, the protection for holders of special rights other than shares shall be ruled by the domestic M&A regime. As far as Spanish Law are concerned, holders of these special rights are recognized a right of merger information, in the same terms as shareholders, as well as equal rights in the company resulting from the cross-border merger. However, these measures are not enough guarantee for a suitable protection, thus considering those holders of special rights as special creditors, sometimes it will be necessary to go to the general protection regime for creditors. In Spanish Law, it would involve the recognition of right to the merger opposition, whose exercise would prevent the operation was completed until ensuring equal rights.


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This work provides several policy proposals capable to strengthen the private enforcement of EU competition law in arbitration. It focuses on the procedural law aspects that are permeated by legal uncertainty and that have not yet fallen under the scrutiny of the law and economics debate. The policy proposals described herein are based on the functional approach to law and economics and aim to promote a more qualified decision making process by: adjudicators, private parties and lawmakers. The resulting framework of procedural rules would be a cost-effective policy tool that could sustain the European Commission’s effort to guarantee a workable level of competition in the EU internal market. This project aims to answer the following broad research question: which procedural rules can improve the efficiency of antitrust arbitration by decreasing litigation costs for private parties on the one hand, and by increasing private parties’ compliance with competition law on the other hand?Throughout this research project, such broad question has been developed into research sub-questions revolving around several key legal issues. The chosen sub-research questions result from a vacuum in the European enforcement system that leaves several key legal issues in antitrust arbitration unresolved. The legal framework proposed in this research project could prevent such a blurry scenario from impairing the EU private enforcement of competition law in arbitration. Therefore, our attention was triggered by those legal issues whose proposed solutions lead to relevant uncertainties and that are most suitable for a law and economics analysis.


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Life is full of uncertainties. Legal rules should have a clear intention, motivation and purpose in order to diminish daily uncertainties. However, practice shows that their consequences are complex and hard to predict. For instance, tort law has the general objectives of deterring future negligent behavior and compensating the victims of someone else's negligence. Achieving these goals are particularly difficult in medical malpractice cases. To start with, when patients search for medical care they are typically sick in the first place. In case harm materializes during the treatment, it might be very hard to assess if it was due to substandard medical care or to the patient's poor health conditions. Moreover, the practice of medicine has a positive externality on the society, meaning that the design of legal rules is crucial: for instance, it should not result in physicians avoiding practicing their activity just because they are afraid of being sued even when they acted according to the standard level of care. The empirical literature on medical malpractice has been developing substantially in the past two decades, with the American case being the most studied one. Evidence from civil law tradition countries is more difficult to find. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the empirical literature on medical malpractice, using two civil law countries as a case-study: Spain and Italy. The goal of this thesis is to investigate, in the first place, some of the consequences of having two separate sub-systems (administrative and civil) coexisting within the same legal system, which is common in civil law tradition countries with a public national health system (such as Spain, France and Portugal). When this holds, different procedures might apply depending on the type of hospital where the injury took place (essentially whether it is a public hospital or a private hospital). Therefore, a patient injured in a public hospital should file a claim in administrative courts while a patient suffering an identical medical accident should file a claim in civil courts. A natural question that the reader might pose is why should both administrative and civil courts decide medical malpractice cases? Moreover, can this specialization of courts influence how judges decide medical malpractice cases? In the past few years, there was a general concern with patient safety, which is currently on the agenda of several national governments. Some initiatives have been taken at the international level, with the aim of preventing harm to patients during treatment and care. A negligently injured patient might present a claim against the health care provider with the aim of being compensated for the economic loss and for pain and suffering. In several European countries, health care is mainly provided by a public national health system, which means that if a patient harmed in a public hospital succeeds in a claim against the hospital, public expenditures increase because the State takes part in the litigation process. This poses a problem in a context of increasing national health expenditures and public debt. In Italy, with the aim of increasing patient safety, some regions implemented a monitoring system on medical malpractice claims. However, if properly implemented, this reform shall also allow for a reduction in medical malpractice insurance costs. This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 provides a review of the empirical literature on medical malpractice, where studies on outcomes and merit of claims, costs and defensive medicine are presented. Chapter 2 presents an empirical analysis of medical malpractice claims arriving to the Spanish Supreme Court. The focus is on reversal rates for civil and administrative decisions. Administrative decisions appealed by the plaintiff have the highest reversal rates. The results show a bias in lower administrative courts, which tend to focus on the State side. We provide a detailed explanation for these results, which can rely on the organization of administrative judges career. Chapter 3 assesses predictors of compensation in medical malpractice cases appealed to the Spanish Supreme Court and investigates the amount of damages attributed to patients. The results show horizontal equity between administrative and civil decisions (controlling for observable case characteristics) and vertical inequity (patients suffering more severe injuries tend to receive higher payouts). In order to execute these analyses, a database of medical malpractice decisions appealed to the Administrative and Civil Chambers of the Spanish Supreme Court from 2006 until 2009 (designated by the Spanish Supreme Court Medical Malpractice Dataset (SSCMMD)) has been created. A description of how the SSCMMD was built and of the Spanish legal system is presented as well. Chapter 4 includes an empirical investigation of the effect of a monitoring system for medical malpractice claims on insurance premiums. In Italy, some regions adopted this policy in different years, while others did not. The study uses data on insurance premiums from Italian public hospitals for the years 2001-2008. This is a significant difference as most of the studies use the insurance company as unit of analysis. Although insurance premiums have risen from 2001 to 2008, the increase was lower for regions adopting a monitoring system for medical claims. Possible implications of this system are also provided. Finally, Chapter 5 discusses the main findings, describes possible future research and concludes.


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Climate change has been acknowledged as a threat to humanity. Most scholars agree that to avert dangerous climate change and to transform economies into low-carbon societies, deep global emission reductions are required by the year 2050. Under the framework of the Kyoto Protocol, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is the only market-based instrument that encourages industrialised countries to pursue emission reductions in developing countries. The CDM aims to pay the incremental finance necessary to operationalize emission reduction projects which are otherwise not financially viable. According to the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol, the CDM should finance projects that are additional to those which would have happened anyway, contribute to sustainable development in the countries hosting the projects, and be cost-effective. To enable the identification of such projects, an institutional framework has been established by the Kyoto Protocol which lays out responsibilities for public and private actors. This thesis examines whether the CDM has achieved these objectives in practice and can thus be considered an effective tool to reduce emissions. To complete this investigation, the book applies economic theory and analyses the CDM from two perspectives. The first perspective is the supply-dimension which answers the question of how, in practice, the CDM system identified additional, cost-effective, sustainable projects and, generated emission reductions. The main contribution of this book is the second perspective, the compliance-dimension, which answers the question of whether industrialised countries effectively used the CDM for compliance with their Kyoto targets. The application of the CDM in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is used as a case-study. Where the analysis identifies inefficiencies within the supply or the compliance dimension, potential improvements of the legal framework are proposed and discussed.


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The thesis deals with the concept of presumptions, and in particular of legal presumptions, in the context of national tax systems (Italy and Belgium) and EU law. The purpose was to investigate the concept of legal presumption under a twofold comparative perspective. After having provided a general overview of the common core concept of presumption in the European context, an insight in the national approach to legal presumptions was given by examining two different national experiences, namely the Italian and Belgian tax systems. At this stage, the Constitutional framework and some of the most interesting and relevant at EU level presumptive measures were explored, with a view to underlining possible divergences and common grounds. The concept of (national) legal presumption was then investigated in the context of EU law, with the attempt to systematize under a uniform perspective a matter which has been traditionally dealt with either from the merely national point of view or, at EU level, through a fragmented form. In this instance, the EU law relevant framework and the most significant EUCJ case-law, in particular in the field of customs duties, VAT, on the issue of the repayment of taxes levied in breach of EU law and in the area of direct taxation, were examined so as to construe the overall EU approach to national legal presumptions. This was done with the finality of determining if and to what extent a common analytical framework may be identified, from which were extracted certain criteria governing the compatibility of national legal presumptions with EU law.


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This research primarily represents a contribution to the lobbying regulation research arena. It introduces an index which for the first time attempts to measure the direct compliance costs of lobbying regulation. The Cost Indicator Index (CII) offers a brand new platform for qualitative and quantitative assessment of adopted lobbying laws and proposals of those laws, both in the comparative and the sui generis dimension. The CII is not just the only new tool introduced in the last decade, but it is the only tool available for comparative assessments of the costs of lobbying regulations. Beside the qualitative contribution, the research introduces an additional theoretical framework for complementary qualitative analysis of the lobbying laws. The Ninefold theory allows a more structured assessment and classification of lobbying regulations, both by indication of benefits and costs. Lastly, this research introduces the Cost-Benefit Labels (CBL). These labels might improve an ex-ante lobbying regulation impact assessment procedure, primarily in the sui generis perspective. In its final part, the research focuses on four South East European countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia), and for the first time brings them into the discussion and calculates their CPI and CII scores. The special focus of the application was on Serbia, whose proposal on the Law on Lobbying has been extensively analysed in qualitative and quantitative terms, taking into consideration specific political and economic circumstances of the country. Although the obtained results are of an indicative nature, the CII will probably find its place within the academic and policymaking arena, and will hopefully contribute to a better understanding of lobbying regulations worldwide.