18 resultados para Electromagnetic scattering, diffuse scattering, radio propagation, ray tracing, scattering models
Over the past years, ray tracing (RT) models popularity has been increasing. From the nineties, RT has been used for field prediction in environment such as indoor and urban environments. Nevertheless, with the advent of new technologies, the channel model has become decidedly more dynamic and to perform RT simulations at each discrete time instant become computationally expensive. In this thesis, a new dynamic ray tracing (DRT) approach is presented in which from a single ray tracing simulation at an initial time t0, through analytical formulas we are able to track the motion of the interaction points. The benefits that this approach bring are that Doppler frequencies and channel prediction can be derived at every time instant, without recurring to multiple RT runs and therefore shortening the computation time. DRT performance was studied on two case studies and the results shows the accuracy and the computational gain that derives from this approach. Another issue that has been addressed in this thesis is the licensed band exhaustion of some frequency bands. To deal with this problem, a novel unselfish spectrum leasing scheme in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is proposed that offers an energy-efficient solution minimizing the environmental impact of the network. In addition, a network management architecture is introduced and resource allocation is proposed as a constrained sum energy efficiency maximization problem. System simulations demonstrate an increment in the energy efficiency of the primary users’ network compared with previously proposed algorithms.
A method for automatic scaling of oblique ionograms has been introduced. This method also provides a rejection procedure for ionograms that are considered to lack sufficient information, depicting a very good success rate. Observing the Kp index of each autoscaled ionogram, can be noticed that the behavior of the autoscaling program does not depend on geomagnetic conditions. The comparison between the values of the MUF provided by the presented software and those obtained by an experienced operator indicate that the procedure developed for detecting the nose of oblique ionogram traces is sufficiently efficient and becomes much more efficient as the quality of the ionograms improves. These results demonstrate the program allows the real-time evaluation of MUF values associated with a particular radio link through an oblique radio sounding. The automatic recognition of a part of the trace allows determine for certain frequencies, the time taken by the radio wave to travel the path between the transmitter and receiver. The reconstruction of the ionogram traces, suggests the possibility of estimating the electron density between the transmitter and the receiver, from an oblique ionogram. The showed results have been obtained with a ray-tracing procedure based on the integration of the eikonal equation and using an analytical ionospheric model with free parameters. This indicates the possibility of applying an adaptive model and a ray-tracing algorithm to estimate the electron density in the ionosphere between the transmitter and the receiver An additional study has been conducted on a high quality ionospheric soundings data set and another algorithm has been designed for the conversion of an oblique ionogram into a vertical one, using Martyn's theorem. This allows a further analysis of oblique soundings, throw the use of the INGV Autoscala program for the automatic scaling of vertical ionograms.
The objective of the Ph.D. thesis is to put the basis of an all-embracing link analysis procedure that may form a general reference scheme for the future state-of-the-art of RF/microwave link design: it is basically meant as a circuit-level simulation of an entire radio link, with – generally multiple – transmitting and receiving antennas examined by EM analysis. In this way the influence of mutual couplings on the frequency-dependent near-field and far-field performance of each element is fully accounted for. The set of transmitters is treated as a unique nonlinear system loaded by the multiport antenna, and is analyzed by nonlinear circuit techniques. In order to establish the connection between transmitters and receivers, the far-fields incident onto the receivers are evaluated by EM analysis and are combined by extending an available Ray Tracing technique to the link study. EM theory is used to describe the receiving array as a linear active multiport network. Link performances in terms of bit error rate (BER) are eventually verified a posteriori by a fast system-level algorithm. In order to validate the proposed approach, four heterogeneous application contexts are provided. A complete MIMO link design in a realistic propagation scenario is meant to constitute the reference case study. The second one regards the design, optimization and testing of various typologies of rectennas for power generation by common RF sources. Finally, the project and implementation of two typologies of radio identification tags, at X-band and V-band respectively. In all the cases the importance of an exhaustive nonlinear/electromagnetic co-simulation and co-design is demonstrated to be essential for any accurate system performance prediction.
In the last few years, mobile wireless technology has gone through a revolutionary change. Web-enabled devices have evolved into essential tools for communication, information, and entertainment. The fifth generation (5G) of mobile communication networks is envisioned to be a key enabler of the next upcoming wireless revolution. Millimeter wave (mmWave) spectrum and the evolution of Cloud Radio Access Networks (C-RANs) are two of the main technological innovations of 5G wireless systems and beyond. Because of the current spectrum-shortage condition, mmWaves have been proposed for the next generation systems, providing larger bandwidths and higher data rates. Consequently, new radio channel models are being developed. Recently, deterministic ray-based models such as Ray-Tracing (RT) are getting more attractive thanks to their frequency-agility and reliable predictions. A modern RT software has been calibrated and used to analyze the mmWave channel. Knowledge of the electromagnetic properties of materials is therefore essential. Hence, an item-level electromagnetic characterization of common construction materials has been successfully achieved to obtain information about their complex relative permittivity. A complete tuning of the RT tool has been performed against indoor and outdoor measurement campaigns at 27 and 38 GHz, setting the basis for the future development of advanced beamforming techniques which rely on deterministic propagation models (as RT). C-RAN is a novel mobile network architecture which can address a number of challenges that network operators are facing in order to meet the continuous customers’ demands. C-RANs have already been adopted in advanced 4G deployments; however, there are still some issues to deal with, especially considering the bandwidth requirements set by the forthcoming 5G systems. Open RAN specifications have been proposed to overcome the new 5G challenges set on C-RAN architectures, including synchronization aspects. In this work it is described an FPGA implementation of the Synchronization Plane for an O-RAN-compliant radio system.
The Ph.D. thesis describes the simulations of different microwave links from the transmitter to the receiver intermediate-frequency ports, by means of a rigorous circuit-level nonlinear analysis approach coupled with the electromagnetic characterization of the transmitter and receiver front ends. This includes a full electromagnetic computation of the radiated far field which is used to establish the connection between transmitter and receiver. Digitally modulated radio-frequency drive is treated by a modulation-oriented harmonic-balance method based on Krylov-subspace model-order reduction to allow the handling of large-size front ends. Different examples of links have been presented: an End-to-End link simulated by making use of an artificial neural network model; the latter allows a fast computation of the link itself when driven by long sequences of the order of millions of samples. In this way a meaningful evaluation of such link performance aspects as the bit error rate becomes possible at the circuit level. Subsequently, a work focused on the co-simulation an entire link including a realistic simulation of the radio channel has been presented. The channel has been characterized by means of a deterministic approach, such as Ray Tracing technique. Then, a 2x2 multiple-input multiple-output antenna link has been simulated; in this work near-field and far-field coupling between radiating elements, as well as the environment factors, has been rigorously taken into account. Finally, within the scope to simulate an entire ultra-wideband link, the transmitting side of an ultrawideband link has been designed, and an interesting Front-End co-design technique application has been setup.
At the center of galaxy clusters, a dramatic interplay known as feedback cycle occurs between the hot intracluster medium (ICM) and the active galactic nucleus (AGN) of the central galaxy. The footprints of this interplay are evident from X-ray observations of the ICM, where X-ray cavities and shock fronts are associated with radio lobe emission tracing energetic AGN outbursts. While such jet activity reduces the efficiency of the hot gas to cool to lower temperatures, residual cooling can generate warm and cold gas clouds around the central galaxy. The condensed gas parcels can ultimately reach the core of the galaxy and be accreted by the AGN. This picture is the result of tremendous advances over the last three decades. Yet, a deeper understanding of the details of how the heating–cooling regulation is achieved and maintained is still missing. In this Thesis, we delve into key aspects of the feedback cycle. To this end, we leverage high-resolution (sub-arcsecond), multifrequency observations (mainly X-ray and radio) of several top-level facilities (e.g., Chandra, JVLA, VLBA, LOFAR). First, we investigate which conditions trigger a feedback response to gas cooling, by studying the properties of clusters where feedback is just about to start. Then, we focus on the details of how the AGN–ICM interaction progresses by examining cavity and shock heating in the cluster RBS797, an exemplary case of the jet feedback paradigm. Furthermore, we explore the importance of shock heating and the coupling of distinct jet power regimes (i.e., FRII, FRI and FR0 radio galaxies) to the environment. Ultimately, as heating models rely on the connection between the direct evidence (the jets) and the smoking gun (the X-ray cavities) of feedback, we examine the cases in which these two are dramatically misaligned.
Turbulence introduced into the intra-cluster medium (ICM) through cluster merger events transfers energy to non-thermal components (relativistic particles and magnetic fields) and can trigger the formation of diffuse synchrotron radio sources. Owing to their steep synchrotron spectral index, such diffuse sources can be better studied at low radio frequencies. In this respect, the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) is revolutionizing our knowledge thanks to its unprecedented resolution and sensitivity below 200 MHz. In this Thesis we focus on the study of radio halos (RHs) by using LOFAR data. In the first part of this work we analyzed the largest-ever sample of galaxy clusters observed at radio frequencies. This includes 309 Planck clusters from the Second Data Release of the LOFAR Two Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS-DR2), which span previously unexplored ranges of mass and redshift. We detected 83 RHs, half of which being new discoveries. In 140 clusters we lack a detected RH; for this sub-sample we developed new techniques to derive upper limits to their radio powers. By comparing detections and upper limits, we carried out the first statistical analysis of populations of clusters observed at low frequencies and tested theoretical formation models. In the second part of this Thesis we focused on ultra-steep spectrum radio halos. These sources are almost undetected at GHz frequencies, but are thought to be common at low frequencies. We presented LOFAR observations of two interesting clusters hosting ultra-steep spectrum radio halos. With complementary radio and X-ray observations we constrained the properties and origin of these targets.
The evolution of modern and increasingly sensitive image sensors, the increasingly compact design of the cameras, and the recent emergence of low-cost cameras allowed the Underwater Photogrammetry to become an infallible and irreplaceable technique used to estimate the structure of the seabed with high accuracy. Within this context, the main topic of this work is the Underwater Photogrammetry from a geomatic point of view and all the issues associated with its implementation, in particular with the support of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. Questions such as: how does the technique work, what is needed to deal with a proper survey, what tools are available to apply this technique, and how to resolve uncertainties in measurement will be the subject of this thesis. The study conducted can be divided into two major parts: one devoted to several ad-hoc surveys and tests, thus a practical part, another supported by the bibliographical research. However the main contributions are related to the experimental section, in which two practical case studies are carried out in order to improve the quality of the underwater survey of some calibration platforms. The results obtained from these two experiments showed that, the refractive effects due to water and underwater housing can be compensated by the distortion coefficients in the camera model, but if the aim is to achieve high accuracy then a model that takes into account the configuration of the underwater housing, based on ray tracing, must also be coupled. The major contributions that this work brought are: an overview of the practical issues when performing surveys exploiting an UUV prototype, a method to reach a reliable accuracy in the 3D reconstructions without the use of an underwater local geodetic network, a guide for who addresses underwater photogrammetry topics for the first time, and the use of open-source environments.
Quality control of medical radiological systems is of fundamental importance, and requires efficient methods for accurately determine the X-ray source spectrum. Straightforward measurements of X-ray spectra in standard operating require the limitation of the high photon flux, and therefore the measure has to be performed in a laboratory. However, the optimal quality control requires frequent in situ measurements which can be only performed using a portable system. To reduce the photon flux by 3 magnitude orders an indirect technique based on the scattering of the X-ray source beam by a solid target is used. The measured spectrum presents a lack of information because of transport and detection effects. The solution is then unfolded by solving the matrix equation that represents formally the scattering problem. However, the algebraic system is ill-conditioned and, therefore, it is not possible to obtain a satisfactory solution. Special strategies are necessary to circumvent the ill-conditioning. Numerous attempts have been done to solve this problem by using purely mathematical methods. In this thesis, a more physical point of view is adopted. The proposed method uses both the forward and the adjoint solutions of the Boltzmann transport equation to generate a better conditioned linear algebraic system. The procedure has been tested first on numerical experiments, giving excellent results. Then, the method has been verified with experimental measurements performed at the Operational Unit of Health Physics of the University of Bologna. The reconstructed spectra have been compared with the ones obtained with straightforward measurements, showing very good agreement.
Galaxy clusters occupy a special position in the cosmic hierarchy as they are the largest bound structures in the Universe. There is now general agreement on a hierarchical picture for the formation of cosmic structures, in which galaxy clusters are supposed to form by accretion of matter and merging between smaller units. During merger events, shocks are driven by the gravity of the dark matter in the diffuse barionic component, which is heated up to the observed temperature. Radio and hard-X ray observations have discovered non-thermal components mixed with the thermal Intra Cluster Medium (ICM) and this is of great importance as it calls for a “revision” of the physics of the ICM. The bulk of present information comes from the radio observations which discovered an increasing number of Mpcsized emissions from the ICM, Radio Halos (at the cluster center) and Radio Relics (at the cluster periphery). These sources are due to synchrotron emission from ultra relativistic electrons diffusing through µG turbulent magnetic fields. Radio Halos are the most spectacular evidence of non-thermal components in the ICM and understanding the origin and evolution of these sources represents one of the most challenging goal of the theory of the ICM. Cluster mergers are the most energetic events in the Universe and a fraction of the energy dissipated during these mergers could be channelled into the amplification of the magnetic fields and into the acceleration of high energy particles via shocks and turbulence driven by these mergers. Present observations of Radio Halos (and possibly of hard X-rays) can be best interpreted in terms of the reacceleration scenario in which MHD turbulence injected during these cluster mergers re-accelerates high energy particles in the ICM. The physics involved in this scenario is very complex and model details are difficult to test, however this model clearly predicts some simple properties of Radio Halos (and resulting IC emission in the hard X-ray band) which are almost independent of the details of the adopted physics. In particular in the re-acceleration scenario MHD turbulence is injected and dissipated during cluster mergers and thus Radio Halos (and also the resulting hard X-ray IC emission) should be transient phenomena (with a typical lifetime <» 1 Gyr) associated with dynamically disturbed clusters. The physics of the re-acceleration scenario should produce an unavoidable cut-off in the spectrum of the re-accelerated electrons, which is due to the balance between turbulent acceleration and radiative losses. The energy at which this cut-off occurs, and thus the maximum frequency at which synchrotron radiation is produced, depends essentially on the efficiency of the acceleration mechanism so that observations at high frequencies are expected to catch only the most efficient phenomena while, in principle, low frequency radio surveys may found these phenomena much common in the Universe. These basic properties should leave an important imprint in the statistical properties of Radio Halos (and of non-thermal phenomena in general) which, however, have not been addressed yet by present modellings. The main focus of this PhD thesis is to calculate, for the first time, the expected statistics of Radio Halos in the context of the re-acceleration scenario. In particular, we shall address the following main questions: • Is it possible to model “self-consistently” the evolution of these sources together with that of the parent clusters? • How the occurrence of Radio Halos is expected to change with cluster mass and to evolve with redshift? How the efficiency to catch Radio Halos in galaxy clusters changes with the observing radio frequency? • How many Radio Halos are expected to form in the Universe? At which redshift is expected the bulk of these sources? • Is it possible to reproduce in the re-acceleration scenario the observed occurrence and number of Radio Halos in the Universe and the observed correlations between thermal and non-thermal properties of galaxy clusters? • Is it possible to constrain the magnetic field intensity and profile in galaxy clusters and the energetic of turbulence in the ICM from the comparison between model expectations and observations? Several astrophysical ingredients are necessary to model the evolution and statistical properties of Radio Halos in the context of re-acceleration model and to address the points given above. For these reason we deserve some space in this PhD thesis to review the important aspects of the physics of the ICM which are of interest to catch our goals. In Chapt. 1 we discuss the physics of galaxy clusters, and in particular, the clusters formation process; in Chapt. 2 we review the main observational properties of non-thermal components in the ICM; and in Chapt. 3 we focus on the physics of magnetic field and of particle acceleration in galaxy clusters. As a relevant application, the theory of Alfv´enic particle acceleration is applied in Chapt. 4 where we report the most important results from calculations we have done in the framework of the re-acceleration scenario. In this Chapter we show that a fraction of the energy of fluid turbulence driven in the ICM by the cluster mergers can be channelled into the injection of Alfv´en waves at small scales and that these waves can efficiently re-accelerate particles and trigger Radio Halos and hard X-ray emission. The main part of this PhD work, the calculation of the statistical properties of Radio Halos and non-thermal phenomena as expected in the context of the re-acceleration model and their comparison with observations, is presented in Chapts.5, 6, 7 and 8. In Chapt.5 we present a first approach to semi-analytical calculations of statistical properties of giant Radio Halos. The main goal of this Chapter is to model cluster formation, the injection of turbulence in the ICM and the resulting particle acceleration process. We adopt the semi–analytic extended Press & Schechter (PS) theory to follow the formation of a large synthetic population of galaxy clusters and assume that during a merger a fraction of the PdV work done by the infalling subclusters in passing through the most massive one is injected in the form of magnetosonic waves. Then the processes of stochastic acceleration of the relativistic electrons by these waves and the properties of the ensuing synchrotron (Radio Halos) and inverse Compton (IC, hard X-ray) emission of merging clusters are computed under the assumption of a constant rms average magnetic field strength in emitting volume. The main finding of these calculations is that giant Radio Halos are naturally expected only in the more massive clusters, and that the expected fraction of clusters with Radio Halos is consistent with the observed one. In Chapt. 6 we extend the previous calculations by including a scaling of the magnetic field strength with cluster mass. The inclusion of this scaling allows us to derive the expected correlations between the synchrotron radio power of Radio Halos and the X-ray properties (T, LX) and mass of the hosting clusters. For the first time, we show that these correlations, calculated in the context of the re-acceleration model, are consistent with the observed ones for typical µG strengths of the average B intensity in massive clusters. The calculations presented in this Chapter allow us to derive the evolution of the probability to form Radio Halos as a function of the cluster mass and redshift. The most relevant finding presented in this Chapter is that the luminosity functions of giant Radio Halos at 1.4 GHz are expected to peak around a radio power » 1024 W/Hz and to flatten (or cut-off) at lower radio powers because of the decrease of the electron re-acceleration efficiency in smaller galaxy clusters. In Chapt. 6 we also derive the expected number counts of Radio Halos and compare them with available observations: we claim that » 100 Radio Halos in the Universe can be observed at 1.4 GHz with deep surveys, while more than 1000 Radio Halos are expected to be discovered in the next future by LOFAR at 150 MHz. This is the first (and so far unique) model expectation for the number counts of Radio Halos at lower frequency and allows to design future radio surveys. Based on the results of Chapt. 6, in Chapt.7 we present a work in progress on a “revision” of the occurrence of Radio Halos. We combine past results from the NVSS radio survey (z » 0.05 − 0.2) with our ongoing GMRT Radio Halos Pointed Observations of 50 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters (at z » 0.2−0.4) and discuss the possibility to test our model expectations with the number counts of Radio Halos at z » 0.05 − 0.4. The most relevant limitation in the calculations presented in Chapt. 5 and 6 is the assumption of an “averaged” size of Radio Halos independently of their radio luminosity and of the mass of the parent clusters. This assumption cannot be released in the context of the PS formalism used to describe the formation process of clusters, while a more detailed analysis of the physics of cluster mergers and of the injection process of turbulence in the ICM would require an approach based on numerical (possible MHD) simulations of a very large volume of the Universe which is however well beyond the aim of this PhD thesis. On the other hand, in Chapt.8 we report our discovery of novel correlations between the size (RH) of Radio Halos and their radio power and between RH and the cluster mass within the Radio Halo region, MH. In particular this last “geometrical” MH − RH correlation allows us to “observationally” overcome the limitation of the “average” size of Radio Halos. Thus in this Chapter, by making use of this “geometrical” correlation and of a simplified form of the re-acceleration model based on the results of Chapt. 5 and 6 we are able to discuss expected correlations between the synchrotron power and the thermal cluster quantities relative to the radio emitting region. This is a new powerful tool of investigation and we show that all the observed correlations (PR − RH, PR − MH, PR − T, PR − LX, . . . ) now become well understood in the context of the re-acceleration model. In addition, we find that observationally the size of Radio Halos scales non-linearly with the virial radius of the parent cluster, and this immediately means that the fraction of the cluster volume which is radio emitting increases with cluster mass and thus that the non-thermal component in clusters is not self-similar.
The main problem connected to cone beam computed tomography (CT) systems for industrial applications employing 450 kV X-ray tubes is the high amount of scattered radiation which is added to the primary radiation (signal). This stray radiation leads to a significant degradation of the image quality. A better understanding of the scattering and methods to reduce its effects are therefore necessary to improve the image quality. Several studies have been carried out in the medical field at lower energies, whereas studies in industrial CT, especially for energies up to 450 kV, are lacking. Moreover, the studies reported in literature do not consider the scattered radiation generated by the CT system structure and the walls of the X-ray room (environmental scatter). In order to investigate the scattering on CT projections a GEANT4-based Monte Carlo (MC) model was developed. The model, which has been validated against experimental data, has enabled the calculation of the scattering including the environmental scatter, the optimization of an anti-scatter grid suitable for the CT system, and the optimization of the hardware components of the CT system. The investigation of multiple scattering in the CT projections showed that its contribution is 2.3 times the one of primary radiation for certain objects. The results of the environmental scatter showed that it is the major component of the scattering for aluminum box objects of front size 70 x 70 mm2 and that it strongly depends on the thickness of the object and therefore on the projection. For that reason, its correction is one of the key factors for achieving high quality images. The anti-scatter grid optimized by means of the developed MC model was found to reduce the scatter-toprimary ratio in the reconstructed images by 20 %. The object and environmental scatter calculated by means of the simulation were used to improve the scatter correction algorithm which could be patented by Empa. The results showed that the cupping effect in the corrected image is strongly reduced. The developed CT simulation is a powerful tool to optimize the design of the CT system and to evaluate the contribution of the scattered radiation to the image. Besides, it has offered a basis for a new scatter correction approach by which it has been possible to achieve images with the same spatial resolution as state-of-the-art well collimated fan-beam CT with a gain in the reconstruction time of a factor 10. This result has a high economic impact in non-destructive testing and evaluation, and reverse engineering.
High-frequency seismograms contain features that reflect the random inhomogeneities of the earth. In this work I use an imaging method to locate the high contrast small- scale heterogeneity respect to the background earth medium. This method was first introduced by Nishigami (1991) and than applied to different volcanic and tectonically active areas (Nishigami, 1997, Nishigami, 2000, Nishigami, 2006). The scattering imaging method is applied to two volcanic areas: Campi Flegrei and Mt. Vesuvius. Volcanic and seismological active areas are often characterized by complex velocity structures, due to the presence of rocks with different elastic properties. I introduce some modifications to the original method in order to make it suitable for small and highly complex media. In particular, for very complex media the single scattering approximation assumed by Nishigami (1991) is not applicable as the mean free path becomes short. The multiple scattering or diffusive approximation become closer to the reality. In this thesis, differently from the ordinary Nishigami’s method (Nishigami, 1991), I use the mean of the recorded coda envelope as reference curve and calculate the variations from this average envelope. In this way I implicitly do not assume any particular scattering regime for the "average" scattered radiation, whereas I consider the variations as due to waves that are singularly scattered from the strongest heterogeneities. The imaging method is applied to a relatively small area (20 x 20 km), this choice being justified by the small length of the analyzed codas of the low magnitude earthquakes. I apply the unmodified Nishigami’s method to the volcanic area of Campi Flegrei and compare the results with the other tomographies done in the same area. The scattering images, obtained with frequency waves around 18 Hz, show the presence of high scatterers in correspondence with the submerged caldera rim in the southern part of the Pozzuoli bay. Strong scattering is also found below the Solfatara crater, characterized by the presence of densely fractured, fluid-filled rocks and by a strong thermal anomaly. The modified Nishigami’s technique is applied to the Mt. Vesuvius area. Results show a low scattering area just below the central cone and a high scattering area around it. The high scattering zone seems to be due to the contrast between the high rigidity body located beneath the crater and the low rigidity materials located around it. The central low scattering area overlaps the hydrothermal reservoirs located below the central cone. An interpretation of the results in terms of geological properties of the medium is also supplied, aiming to find a correspondence of the scattering properties and the geological nature of the material. A complementary result reported in this thesis is that the strong heterogeneity of the volcanic medium create a phenomenon called "coda localization". It has been verified that the shape of the seismograms recorded from the stations located at the top of the volcanic edifice of Mt. Vesuvius is different from the shape of the seismograms recorded at the bottom. This behavior is justified by the consideration that the coda energy is not uniformly distributed within a region surrounding the source for great lapse time.
High spectral resolution radiative transfer (RT) codes are essential tools in the study of the radiative energy transfer in the Earth atmosphere and a support for the development of parameterizations for fast RT codes used in climate and weather prediction models. Cirrus clouds cover permanently 30% of the Earth's surface, representing an important contribution to the Earth-atmosphere radiation balance. The work has been focussed on the development of the RT model LBLMS. The model, widely tested in the infra-red spectral range, has been extended to the short wave spectrum and it has been used in comparison with airborne and satellite measurements to study the optical properties of cirrus clouds. A new database of single scattering properties has been developed for mid latitude cirrus clouds. Ice clouds are treated as a mixture of ice crystals with various habits. The optical properties of the mixture are tested in comparison to radiometric measurements in selected case studies. Finally, a parameterization of the mixture for application to weather prediction and global circulation models has been developed. The bulk optical properties of ice crystals are parameterized as functions of the effective dimension of measured particle size distributions that are representative of mid latitude cirrus clouds. Tests with the Limited Area Weather Prediction model COSMO have shown the impact of the new parameterization with respect to cirrus cloud optical properties based on ice spheres.
The gaseous environment of radio galaxies: a new perspective from high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy
It is known that massive black holes have a profound effect on the evolution of galaxies, and possibly on their formation by regulating the amount of gas available for the star formation. However, how black hole and galaxies communicate is still an open problem, depending on how much of the energy released interacts with the circumnuclear matter. In the last years, most studies of feedback have primarily focused on AGN jet/cavity systems in the most massive galaxy clusters. This thesis intends to investigate the feedback phenomena in radio--loud AGNs from a different perspective studying isolated radio galaxies, through high-resolution spectroscopy. In particular one NLRG and three BLRG are studied, searching for warm gas, both in emission and absorption, in the soft X-ray band. I show that the soft spectrum of 3C33 originates from gas photoionized by the central engine. I found for the first time WA in 3C382 and 3C390.3. I show that the observed warm emitter/absorbers is not uniform and probably located in the NLR. The detected WA is slow implying a mass outflow rate and kinetic luminosity always well below 1% the L(acc) as well as the P(jet). Finally the radio--loud properties are compared with those of type 1 RQ AGNs. A positive correlation is found between the mass outflow rate/kinetic luminosity, and the radio loudness. This seems to suggest that the presence of a radio source (the jet?) affects the distribution of the absorbing gas. Alternatively, if the gas distribution is similar in Seyferts and radio galaxies, the M(out) vs rl relation could simply indicate a major ejection of matter in the form of wind in powerful radio AGNs.