7 resultados para other numerical approaches

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[EN]The aim of this work is to study several strategies for the preservation of flow discontinuities in variational optical flow methods. We analyze the combination of robust functionals and diffusion tensors in the smoothness assumption. Our study includes the use of tensors based on decreasing functions, which has shown to provide good results. However, it presents several limitations and usually does not perform better than other basic approaches. It typically introduces instabilities in the computed motion fields in the form of independent \textit{blobs} of vectors with large magnitude...


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[EN]Most face recognition systems are based on some form of batch learning. Online face recognition is not only more practical, it is also much more biologically plausible. Typical batch learners aim at minimizing both training error and (a measure of) hypothesis complexity. We show that the same minimization can be done incrementally as long as some form of ”scaffolding” is applied throughout the learning process. Scaffolding means: make the system learn from samples that are neither too easy nor too difficult at each step. We note that such learning behavior is also biologically plausible. Experiments using large sequences of facial images support the theoretical claims. The proposed method compares well with other, numerical calculus-based online learners.


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[EN] Filaments are narrow, shallow structures of cool water originating from the coast. They are typical features of the four main eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS). In spite of their significant biological and chemical roles, through the offshore exportation of nutrient-rich waters, the physical processes that generate them are still not completely understood. This paper is a process-oriented study of filament generation mechanisms. Our goal is twofold: firstly, to obtain a numerical solution able to well represent the characteristics of the filament off Cape Ghir (30°38'N, northwestern Africa) in the Canary EBUS and secondly, to explain its formation by a simple mechanism based on the balance of potential vorticity. The first goal is achieved by the use of the ROMS model (Regional Ocean Modeling System) in embedded domains around Cape Ghir, with a horizontal resolution going up to 1.5 km for the finest domain. The latter gets its initial and boundary conditions from a parent solution and is forced by climatological, high-resolution atmospheric fields. The modeled filaments display spatial, temporal and physical characteristics in agreement with the available in situ and satellite observations. This model solution is used as a reference to compare the results with a set of process-oriented experiments. These experiments allow us to reach the second objective. Their respective solution serves to highlight the contribution of various processes in the filament generation. Since the study is focused on general processes present under climatological forcing conditions, inter-annual forcing is not necessary. The underlying idea for the filament generation is the balance of potential vorticity in the Canary EBUS: the upwelling jet is characterized by negative relative vorticity and flows southward along a narrow band of uniform potential vorticity. In the vicinity of the cape, an injection of relative vorticity induced by the wind breaks the existing vorticity balance. The upwelling jet is prevented from continuing its way southward and has to turn offshore to follow lines of equal potential vorticity. The model results highlight the essential role of wind, associated with the particular topography (coastline and bottom) around the cape. The mechanism presented here is general and thus can be applied to other EBUS.


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[EN]A numerical model for the evaluation of solar radiation in different locations is presented. The solar radiation model is implemented taking into account the terrain surface using two-dimensional adaptive meshes of triangles that are constructed using a refinement/derefinement procedure in accordance with the variations of terrain surface and albedo. The selected methodology defines the terrain characteristics with a minimum number of points so that the computational cost is reduced for a given accuracy. The model can be used in atmospheric sciences as well as in other fields such as electrical engineering, since it allows the user to find the optimal location for maximum power generation in photovoltaic or solar thermal power plants...


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[EN] Marine turtles undergo dramatic ontogenic changes in body size and behavior, with the loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta, typically switching from an initial oceanic juvenile stage to one in the neritic, where maturation is reached and breeding migrations are subsequently undertaken every 2-3 years [1-3]. Using satellite tracking, we investigated the migratory movements of adult females from one of the world's largest nesting aggregations at Cape Verde, West Africa. In direct contrast with the accepted life-history model for this species [4], results reveal two distinct adult foraging strategies that appear to be linked to body size. The larger turtles (n = 3) foraged in coastal waters, whereas smaller individuals (n = 7) foraged oceanically.