3 resultados para micro total analysis system
em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España
Interpretación realizada por las alumnas en prácticas de la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación, Estíbaliz López-Leiton Trujillo, Danaide Rodríguez Hernández, Esther Ramírez Millares.
Trabajo realizado por: Garijo, J. C., Hernández León, S.
[EN]Automatic facial analysis abilities are commonly integrated in a system by a previous off-line learning stage. In this paper we argue that a facial analysis system would improve its facial analysis capabilities based on its own experience similarly to the way a biological system, i.e. the human system, does throughout the years. The approach described, focused on gender classification, updates its knowledge according to the classification results. The presented gender experiments suggestthatthisapproachispromising,evenwhenjustashort simulationofwhatforhumanswouldtakeyearsofacquisition experience was performed.