8 resultados para dynamic capabilities of the territory

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[EN]This Ph. D. thesis presents a simple and stable procedure for the estimation of periods and dampings of pile shear buildings taking soil-structure interaction into account. The coupled-system response is obtained by using a substructuring model. A boundary element-finite element coupling formulation is used to compute impedances and kinematic interaction factors of the pile group configurations under investigation. The proposed procedure is applied to perform parametric analyses to determine the influence of the main parameters of soil-structure interaction problems on the dynamic response of the superstructure. The scope of this thesis also encompasses the study of foundations including battered piles.


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This work ls based on a atudy about tbe Dunes Camp of Maspalomas (fígure 1), in Gran Canaria Island (Spaln). Their sedimentary processes are detached and represented separately in order to delimit the diferent sedimentary and eolian sub-unit to get an "spectral" analysls. The developed analytic serie permit us to construct a sequence of thematic maps Later, the cartographlc puzzle is integrated, once the pbyslcal varieties of tbe sedimentary dynamycs that intervene in lbe terrltory 1s well konwn and clearly understood. Tbe cartography of integration or the general vision about the processes of both transport and sedimentary deposits contains yet enough information, inside a physical perspective ( based on the dune biotope ), to decide in relatlon to the arrangement, planning and management of the territory.


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Programa de doctorado: Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería Instituto Universitario (SIANI)


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[EN]A new one-dimensional model of DMSP/DMS dynamics (DMOS) is developed and applied to the Sargasso Sea in order to explain what drives the observed dimethylsulfide (DMS) summer paradox: a summer DMS concentration maximum concurrent with a minimum in the biomass of phytoplankton, the producers of the DMS precursor dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). Several mechanisms have been postulated to explain this mismatch: a succession in phytoplankton species composition towards higher relative abundances of DMSP producers in summer; inhibition of bacterial DMS consumption by ultraviolet radiation (UVR); and direct DMS production by phytoplankton due to UVR-induced oxidative stress. None of these hypothetical mechanisms, except for the first one, has been tested with a dynamic model. We have coupled a new sulfur cycle model that incorporates the latest knowledge on DMSP/DMS dynamics to a preexisting nitrogen/carbon-based ecological model that explicitly simulates the microbial-loop. This allows the role of bacteria in DMS production and consumption to be represented and quantified. The main improvements of DMOS with respect to previous DMSP/DMS models are the explicit inclusion of: solar-radiation inhibition of bacterial sulfur uptakes; DMS exudation by phytoplankton caused by solar-radiation-induced stress; and uptake of dissolved DMSP by phytoplankton. We have conducted a series of modeling experiments where some of the DMOS sulfur paths are turned “off” or “on,” and the results on chlorophyll-a, bacteria, DMS, and DMSP (particulate and dissolved) concentrations have been compared with climatological data of these same variables. The simulated rate of sulfur cycling processes are also compared with the scarce data available from previous works. All processes seem to play a role in driving DMS seasonality. Among them, however, solar-radiation-induced DMS exudation by phytoplankton stands out as the process without which the model is unable to produce realistic DMS simulations and reproduce the DMS summer paradox.


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[EN] This paper shows a BEM-FEM coupling model for the time harmonic dynamic analysis of piles and pile groups embeddes in an elastic half-space. Piles are modelled using Finite Elements (FEM) as a beam according to the Bernoulli hypothesis, while the soil modelled using  Boundary Elements (BEM) as a continuum, semi-infinite, isotropic, homogeneous or zoned homogeneous, linear, viscoelastic medium.


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[EN]A boundary element-finite element model is presented for the three-dimensional dynamic analysis of piled buildings in the frequency domain. Piles are modelled as compressible Euler-Bernoulli beams founded on a linear, isotropic, viscoelastic, zoned-homogeneous, unbounded layered soil, while multi-storey buildings are assumed to be comprised of vertical compressible piers and rigid slabs.


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[EN]This work presents a time-harmonic boundary elementfinite element three-dimensional model for the dynamic analysis of building structures founded on elastic or porelastic soils. The building foundation and soil domains are modelled as homogeneous, isotropic, elastic or poroelastic media using boundary elements.


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[EN] This work studies the structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI) effects on the dynamic response of nearby piled structures under obliquely-incident shear waves. For this purpose, a three-dimensional, frequency-domain, coupled boundary element-finite (BEM-FEM) model is used to analyse the response of configuration of three buildings aligned parallel to the horizontal component of the wave propagation direction.