23 resultados para dieta de emagrecimento
em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España
Premio Extraordinario, Área de Humanidades
Se estudió la preferencia de alimento del erizo cachero (Arbacia lixula) al administrarle una dieta basada en dos macroalgas (Ulva sp. y Cystoceira humilis). Los erizos muestran una tendencia clara a consumir mayor cantidad del alga verde frente al alga parda.ABSTRACT The food preferences of the black sea urchin (Arbacia lixula) was studied giving it a diet based on two macroalgae (Ulva sp. and Cystoceira humilis). The sea urchins showed a clear tendency to consume a higher quantity of green algae against brown algae.
[EN]The effect of dietary inclusion of sea urchin meal (Diadema antillarum) on growth and feed utilization was investigated in a growth trial with red porgy (Pagus pagrus) of 208g initial body weight, during 6 month feeding period. High quality fish meal and fish oil diet was used as a control (Diet C); urchin meal was included at 8% and 16% dietary levels (EM8 and EM16). Compared to the control diet higher values for absolute and relative final weight and SGR were obtained either for fish fed EM8 and EM16 diets; for the latter diets values for FCR and final HSI were significantly smaller respect to those for the control diets. No differences were found among diets for the total feed intake, VSI and K factor. Obtained results indicate the suitability of the sea urchin meal as alternative ingredient in diets for the red porgy, improving fish growth and feed utilization. More studies are being done at the moment in red porgy and other fish species in order to better determine the optimum dietary levels taking into account other important culture and quality parameters.
Octopus vulgaris on-growing in floating cages is a promising activity implemented in Spain at industrial level, with productions of 16-32 tons/year from 1998. Nevertheless, some aspects of the culture system need to be evaluated to warrantee its profitability. In the present work absolute growth rate (AGR, g/day) and mortality (%) under two initial rearing densities, 10 and 17 kg/m3, were compared under two feeding regimes over 15 weeks. One diet was composed by bogue, supplied as ?discarded? species from local fish farms. The other diet was based on a 40-60% discarded bogue-crab Portunus pelagicus. Half of the reared octopuses were PIT-tagged and two sampling points were established along the experimental period. Regardless of dietary treatment, up to the 11th week, growth was 19 and 13 g./day for the low and high rearing density. On the other hand, up to the 11th week mortality was higher in the control diet fed group (30%), reaching 74-84% by the end of the experiment regardless of rearing density and dietary treatment, which could suggest some nutritional imbalance of the tested diets.
[EN]Octopus vulgaris on-growing in floating cages has shown promising results. Nevertheless, some aspects of the culture system need to be evaluated to warrantee its profitability. In the present work individual and group rearing, in PVC net compartments and floating cages respectively, are compared under two dietary treatments. One diet is composed by bogue, supplied as ?discarded? species from local fish farms, and the other is based on a 40-60% discarded bogue-crab Portunus pelagicus. Besides, the effect of initial size is also evaluated. All octopuses were PIT-tagged and the experiment lasted 2 months. Absolute growth rate (AGR, g./day) and mortality (%) were calculated. Control diet generated higher growth rates and lower mortality which suggests different crab requirements at higher rearing temperatures. High mortality recorded in individual rearing could be related with high initial rearing density and temperatures.
[EN] The effect of dietary inclusion of two type of crab meal on growth, feed utilization and skin coloration performance was investigated in a growth trial with red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) of 233g initial body weight, during 6 month feeding period. High quality fish meal and fish oil diet was used as a control (Diet C). Protein of fish meal in the control was replaced by increasing dietary levels of protein derived from a river crab meal (Procamburus clarkii) (CR) and a marine crab meal (Chaceon affinis) (CM) at 10% and 20% each of them. Regarding growth results, fish fed the CM20 diet showed the highest values in absolute final weight and percent of the initial weight. For animals fed the crab meal based diets, the colour result was better than that of fish fed the control one, showing skin redness similar to that of the wild specimens. For both ingredients, increasing dietary inclusions were accompanied for an increment of the colour saturation, being in this case the obtained value for the CR meal higher than those for the CM meal. Present results indicate that crab meals used in this study are suitable as partial replacers for fish meal in diets for the red porgy.
Programa de Doctorada: Sanidad y patología animal.
[ES] En este trabajo se aborda la reconstrucción de la dieta y la nutrición de las poblaciones prehistóricas que habitaron el Archipiélago a partir de procedimientos de análisis ciertamente novedosos. El estudio tiene como objetivo básico el convertirse en una aproximación al modelo económico y alimenticio de la población prehispánica de Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma y El Hierro. Para ello, se parte fundamentalmente de los análisis sobre evidencias bioantropológicas. Además, se ha pretendido hacer una valoración de algunos de los fenómenos de adaptación biológica y cultural puestos en marcha por estos grupos humanos.
Programa de doctorado: Sanidad animal.
Programa de doctorado: Salud pública (epidemilogía, planificación y nutrición)