13 resultados para blood lactate concentration

em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[EN] 1. One to five weeks of chronic exposure to hypoxia has been shown to reduce peak blood lactate concentration compared to acute exposure to hypoxia during exercise, the high altitude 'lactate paradox'. However, we hypothesize that a sufficiently long exposure to hypoxia would result in a blood lactate and net lactate release from the active leg to an extent similar to that observed in acute hypoxia, independent of work intensity. 2. Six Danish lowlanders (25-26 years) were studied during graded incremental bicycle exercise under four conditions: at sea level breathing either ambient air (0 m normoxia) or a low-oxygen gas mixture (10 % O(2) in N(2), 0 m acute hypoxia) and after 9 weeks of acclimatization to 5260 m breathing either ambient air (5260 m chronic hypoxia) or a normoxic gas mixture (47 % O(2) in N(2), 5260 m acute normoxia). In addition, one-leg knee-extensor exercise was performed during 5260 m chronic hypoxia and 5260 m acute normoxia. 3. During incremental bicycle exercise, the arterial lactate concentrations were similar at sub-maximal work at 0 m acute hypoxia and 5260 m chronic hypoxia but higher compared to both 0 m normoxia and 5260 m acute normoxia. However, peak lactate concentration was similar under all conditions (10.0 +/- 1.3, 10.7 +/- 2.0, 10.9 +/- 2.3 and 11.0 +/- 1.0 mmol l(-1)) at 0 m normoxia, 0 m acute hypoxia, 5260 m chronic hypoxia and 5260 m acute normoxia, respectively. Despite a similar lactate concentration at sub-maximal and maximal workload, the net lactate release from the leg was lower during 0 m acute hypoxia (peak 8.4 +/- 1.6 mmol min(-1)) than at 5260 m chronic hypoxia (peak 12.8 +/- 2.2 mmol min(-1)). The same was observed for 0 m normoxia (peak 8.9 +/- 2.0 mmol min(-1)) compared to 5260 m acute normoxia (peak 12.6 +/- 3.6 mmol min(-1)). Exercise after acclimatization with a small muscle mass (one-leg knee-extensor) elicited similar lactate concentrations (peak 4.4 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.9 +/- 0.3 mmol l(-1)) and net lactate release (peak 16.4 +/- 1.8 vs. 14.3 mmol l(-1)) from the active leg at 5260 m chronic hypoxia and 5260 m acute normoxia. 4. In conclusion, in lowlanders acclimatized for 9 weeks to an altitude of 5260 m, the arterial lactate concentration was similar at 0 m acute hypoxia and 5260 m chronic hypoxia. The net lactate release from the active leg was higher at 5260 m chronic hypoxia compared to 0 m acute hypoxia, implying an enhanced lactate utilization with prolonged acclimatization to altitude. The present study clearly shows the absence of a lactate paradox in lowlanders sufficiently acclimatized to altitude.


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[EN] The principal aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of blood haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) on maximal exercise capacity and maximal O(2) consumption (V(O(2),max)) in healthy subjects acclimatised to high altitude. Secondarily, we examined the effects of [Hb] on the regulation of cardiac output (CO), blood pressure and muscular blood flow (LBF) during exercise. Eight Danish lowlanders (three females and five males; 24 +/- 0.6 years, mean +/- S.E.M.) performed submaximal and maximal exercise on a cycle ergometer after 9 weeks at an altitude of 5260 m (Mt Chacaltaya, Bolivia). This was done first with the high [Hb] resulting from acclimatisation and again 2-4 days later, 1 h after isovolaemic haemodilution with Dextran 70 to near sea level [Hb]. After measurements at maximal exercise while breathing air at each [Hb], subjects were switched to hyperoxia (55 % O(2) in N(2)) and the measurements were repeated, increasing the work rate as tolerated. Hyperoxia increased maximal power output and leg V(O(2),max), showing that breathing ambient air at 5260 m, V(O(2),max) is limited by the availability of O(2) rather than by muscular oxidative capacity. Altitude increased [Hb] by 36 % from 136 +/- 5 to 185 +/- 5 g l(-1) (P < 0.001), while haemodilution (replacing 1 l of blood with 1 l of 6 % Dextran) lowered [Hb] by 24 % to 142 +/- 6 g l(-1) (P < 0.001). Haemodilution had no effect on maximal pulmonary or leg V(O(2),max), or power output. Despite higher LBF, leg O(2) delivery was reduced and maximal V(O(2)) was thus maintained by higher O(2) extraction. While CO increased linearly with work rate irrespective of [Hb] or inspired oxygen fraction (F(I,O(2))), both LBF and leg vascular conductance were systematically higher when [Hb] was low. Close and significant relationships were seen between LBF (and CO) and both plasma noradrenaline and K(+) concentrations, independently of [Hb] and F(I,O(2)). In summary, under conditions where O(2) supply limits maximal exercise, the increase in [Hb] with altitude acclimatisation does not improve maximal exercise capacity or V(O(2),max), and does not alter peak CO. However, LBF and vascular conductance are higher at altitude when [Hb] is lowered to sea level values, with both relating closely to catecholamine and potassium concentrations. This suggests that the lack of effect of [Hb] on V(O(2),max) may involve reciprocal changes in LBF via local metabolic control of the muscle vasculature.


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[EN] The aim of this study was to find out whether the efficiency of concentric muscle contraction is impaired by eccentric squatting exercise. The study involved 25 male physical education students in two experiments. In the first experiment 14 subjects undertook cycling exercise at 65% VO(2)max until exhaustion on two occasions. During the experimental condition their cycling was interrupted every 10 min so they could perform eccentric squatting exercise, whereas in the control condition they rested seated on the bike during the interruptions. Eccentric squatting consisted of 10 series of 25 reps with a load equivalent to 150% of the subject's body mass on the shoulders. During the first experiment gross efficiency decreased (mean +/- SE) from 17.1 +/- 0.3 to 16.0 +/- 0.4%, and from 17.2 +/- 0.3 to 16.5 +/- 0.4%, between the 2nd and 9th cycling bouts of the experimental and control conditions, respectively (both p < 0.05). The reduction in cycling efficiency was similar in both conditions (p = 0.10). Blood lactate concentration [La] was higher during the experimental than in the control condition (p < 0.05), but substrate oxidation was similar. MVC was decreased similarly (25-28%) in both conditions. The 11 subjects participating in the second experiment undertook 25 reps of eccentric squatting exercise only, each with a load equivalent to 95% of his maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), repeated every 3 min until exhaustion. One hour after the end of the eccentric squatting exercise series cycling, VO(2) and gross cycling efficiency were comparable to the values observed before the eccentric exercise. Both experimental protocols with eccentric exercise elicited similar muscle soreness 2 days later; however, at this time cycling efficiency was similar to that observed prior to eccentric exercise. The interposition of cycling exercise between the eccentric exercise bouts accelerated the recovery of MVC. We conclude that eccentric exercise does not alter or has only a marginal effect on gross cycling efficiency even in presence of marked muscle soreness.


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[EN] The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of severe acute hypoxia on exercise performance and metabolism during 30-s Wingate tests. Five endurance- (E) and five sprint- (S) trained track cyclists from the Spanish National Team performed 30-s Wingate tests in normoxia and hypoxia (inspired O(2) fraction = 0.10). Oxygen deficit was estimated from submaximal cycling economy tests by use of a nonlinear model. E cyclists showed higher maximal O(2) uptake than S (72 +/- 1 and 62 +/- 2 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.05). S cyclists achieved higher peak and mean power output, and 33% larger oxygen deficit than E (P < 0.05). During the Wingate test in normoxia, S relied more on anaerobic energy sources than E (P < 0.05); however, S showed a larger fatigue index in both conditions (P < 0.05). Compared with normoxia, hypoxia lowered O(2) uptake by 16% in E and S (P < 0.05). Peak power output, fatigue index, and exercise femoral vein blood lactate concentration were not altered by hypoxia in any group. Endurance cyclists, unlike S, maintained their mean power output in hypoxia by increasing their anaerobic energy production, as shown by 7% greater oxygen deficit and 11% higher postexercise lactate concentration. In conclusion, performance during 30-s Wingate tests in severe acute hypoxia is maintained or barely reduced owing to the enhancement of the anaerobic energy release. The effect of severe acute hypoxia on supramaximal exercise performance depends on training background.


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[EN] Chronic hypoxia is associated with elevated sympathetic activity and hypertension in patients with chronic pulmonary obstructive disease. However, the effect of chronic hypoxia on systemic and regional sympathetic activity in healthy humans remains unknown. To determine if chronic hypoxia in healthy humans is associated with hyperactivity of the sympathetic system, we measured intra-arterial blood pressure, arterial blood gases, systemic and skeletal muscle noradrenaline (norepinephrine) spillover and vascular conductances in nine Danish lowlanders at sea level and after 9 weeks of exposure at 5260 m. Mean blood pressure was 28 % higher at altitude (P < 0.01) due to increases in both systolic (18 % higher, P < 0.05) and diastolic (41 % higher, P < 0.001) blood pressures. Cardiac output and leg blood flow were not altered by chronic hypoxia, but systemic vascular conductance was reduced by 30 % (P < 0.05). Plasma arterial noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline concentrations were 3.7- and 2.4-fold higher at altitude, respectively (P < 0.05). The elevation of plasma arterial NA concentration was caused by a 3.8-fold higher whole-body NA release (P < 0.001) since whole-body noradrenaline clearance was similar in both conditions. Leg NA spillover was increased similarly (x 3.2, P < 0.05). These changes occurred despite the fact that systemic O2 delivery was greater after altitude acclimatisation than at sea level, due to 37 % higher blood haemoglobin concentration. In summary, this study shows that chronic hypoxia causes marked activation of the sympathetic nervous system in healthy humans and increased systemic arterial pressure, despite normalisation of the arterial O2 content with acclimatisation.


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[EN] To study the role of muscle mass and muscle activity on lactate and energy kinetics during exercise, whole body and limb lactate, glucose, and fatty acid fluxes were determined in six elite cross-country skiers during roller-skiing for 40 min with the diagonal stride (Continuous Arm + Leg) followed by 10 min of double poling and diagonal stride at 72-76% maximal O(2) uptake. A high lactate appearance rate (R(a), 184 +/- 17 micromol x kg(-1) x min(-1)) but a low arterial lactate concentration ( approximately 2.5 mmol/l) were observed during Continuous Arm + Leg despite a substantial net lactate release by the arm of approximately 2.1 mmol/min, which was balanced by a similar net lactate uptake by the leg. Whole body and limb lactate oxidation during Continuous Arm + Leg was approximately 45% at rest and approximately 95% of disappearance rate and limb lactate uptake, respectively. Limb lactate kinetics changed multiple times when exercise mode was changed. Whole body glucose and glycerol turnover was unchanged during the different skiing modes; however, limb net glucose uptake changed severalfold. In conclusion, the arterial lactate concentration can be maintained at a relatively low level despite high lactate R(a) during exercise with a large muscle mass because of the large capacity of active skeletal muscle to take up lactate, which is tightly correlated with lactate delivery. The limb lactate uptake during exercise is oxidized at rates far above resting oxygen consumption, implying that lactate uptake and subsequent oxidation are also dependent on an elevated metabolic rate. The relative contribution of whole body and limb lactate oxidation is between 20 and 30% of total carbohydrate oxidation at rest and during exercise under the various conditions. Skeletal muscle can change its limb net glucose uptake severalfold within minutes, causing a redistribution of the available glucose because whole body glucose turnover was unchanged.


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[EN] 1. The present study examined whether reductions in muscle blood flow with exercise-induced dehydration would reduce substrate delivery and metabolite and heat removal to and from active skeletal muscles during prolonged exercise in the heat. A second aim was to examine the effects of dehydration on fuel utilisation across the exercising leg and identify factors related to fatigue. 2. Seven cyclists performed two cycle ergometer exercise trials in the heat (35 C; 61 +/- 2 % of maximal oxygen consumption rate, VO2,max), separated by 1 week. During the first trial (dehydration, DE), they cycled until volitional exhaustion (135 +/- 4 min, mean +/- s.e.m.), while developing progressive DE and hyperthermia (3.9 +/- 0.3 % body weight loss and 39.7 +/- 0.2 C oesophageal temperature, Toes). On the second trial (control), they cycled for the same period of time maintaining euhydration by ingesting fluids and stabilising Toes at 38.2 +/- 0.1 degrees C. 3. After 20 min of exercise in both trials, leg blood flow (LBF) and leg exchange of lactate, glucose, free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol were similar. During the 20 to 135 +/- 4 min period of exercise, LBF declined significantly in DE but tended to increase in control. Therefore, after 120 and 135 +/- 4 min of DE, LBF was 0.6 +/- 0.2 and 1.0 +/- 0.3 l min-1 lower (P < 0.05), respectively, compared with control. 4. The lower LBF after 2 h in DE did not alter glucose or FFA delivery compared with control. However, DE resulted in lower (P < 0.05) net FFA uptake and higher (P < 0.05) muscle glycogen utilisation (45 %), muscle lactate accumulation (4.6-fold) and net lactate release (52 %), without altering net glycerol release or net glucose uptake. 5. In both trials, the mean convective heat transfer from the exercising legs to the body core ranged from 6.3 +/- 1.7 to 7.2 +/- 1.3 kJ min-1, thereby accounting for 35-40 % of the estimated rate of heat production ( approximately 18 kJ min-1). 6. At exhaustion in DE, blood lactate values were low whereas blood glucose and muscle glycogen levels were still high. Exhaustion coincided with high body temperature ( approximately 40 C). 7. In conclusion, the present results demonstrate that reductions in exercising muscle blood flow with dehydration do not impair either the delivery of glucose and FFA or the removal of lactate during moderately intense prolonged exercise in the heat. However, dehydration during exercise in the heat elevates carbohydrate oxidation and lactate production. A major finding is that more than one-half of the metabolic heat liberated in the contracting leg muscles is dissipated directly to the surrounding environment. The present results indicate that hyperthermia, rather than altered metabolism, is the main factor underlying the early fatigue with dehydration during prolonged exercise in the heat.


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[EN] The aim of this study was to determine the influence of activity performed during the recovery period on the aerobic and anaerobic energy yield, as well as on performance, during high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIT). Ten physical education students participated in the study. First they underwent an incremental exercise test to assess their maximal power output (Wmax) and VO2max. On subsequent days they performed three different HITs. Each HIT consisted of four cycling bouts until exhaustion at 110% Wmax. Recovery periods of 5 min were allowed between bouts. HITs differed in the kind of activity performed during the recovery periods: pedaling at 20% VO2max (HITA), stretching exercises, or lying supine. Performance was 3-4% and aerobic energy yield was 6-8% (both p < 0.05) higher during the HITA than during the other two kinds of HIT. The greater contribution of aerobic metabolism to the energy yield during the high-intensity exercise bouts with active recovery was due to faster VO2 kinetics (p< 0.01) and a higher VO2peak during the exercise bouts preceded by active recovery (p < 0.05). In contrast, the anaerobic energy yield (oxygen deficit and peak blood lactate concentrations) was similar in all HITs. Therefore, this study shows that active recovery facilitates performance by increasing aerobic contribution to the whole energy yield turnover during high-intensity intermittent exercise.


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[EN] With altitude acclimatization, blood hemoglobin concentration increases while plasma volume (PV) and maximal cardiac output (Qmax) decrease. This investigation aimed to determine whether reduction of Qmax at altitude is due to low circulating blood volume (BV). Eight Danish lowlanders (3 females, 5 males: age 24.0 +/- 0.6 yr; mean +/- SE) performed submaximal and maximal exercise on a cycle ergometer after 9 wk at 5,260 m altitude (Mt. Chacaltaya, Bolivia). This was done first with BV resulting from acclimatization (BV = 5.40 +/- 0.39 liters) and again 2-4 days later, 1 h after PV expansion with 1 liter of 6% dextran 70 (BV = 6.32 +/- 0.34 liters). PV expansion had no effect on Qmax, maximal O2 consumption (VO2), and exercise capacity. Despite maximal systemic O2 transport being reduced 19% due to hemodilution after PV expansion, whole body VO2 was maintained by greater systemic O2 extraction (P < 0.05). Leg blood flow was elevated (P < 0.05) in hypervolemic conditions, which compensated for hemodilution resulting in similar leg O2 delivery and leg VO2 during exercise regardless of PV. Pulmonary ventilation, gas exchange, and acid-base balance were essentially unaffected by PV expansion. Sea level Qmax and exercise capacity were restored with hyperoxia at altitude independently of BV. Low BV is not a primary cause for reduction of Qmax at altitude when acclimatized. Furthermore, hemodilution caused by PV expansion at altitude is compensated for by increased systemic O2 extraction with similar peak muscular O2 delivery, such that maximal exercise capacity is unaffected.


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[EN] Erythropoietin (Epo) has been suggested to affect plasma volume, and would thereby possess a mechanism apart from erythropoiesis to increase arterial oxygen content. This, and potential underlying mechanisms, were tested in eight healthy subjects receiving 5000 IU recombinant human Epo (rHuEpo) for 15 weeks at a dose frequency aimed to increase and maintain haematocrit at approximately 50%. Red blood cell volume was increased from 2933 +/- 402 ml before rHuEpo treatment to 3210 +/- 356 (P < 0.01), 3117 +/- 554 (P < 0.05), and 3172 +/- 561 ml (P < 0.01) after 5, 11 and 13 weeks, respectively. This was accompanied by a decrease in plasma volume from 3645 +/- 538 ml before rHuEpo treatment to 3267 +/- 333 (P < 0.01), 3119 +/- 499 (P < 0.05), and 3323 +/- 521 ml (P < 0.01) after 5, 11 and 13 weeks, respectively. Concomitantly, plasma renin activity and aldosterone concentration were reduced. This maintained blood volume relatively unchanged, with a slight transient decrease at week 11, such that blood volume was 6578 +/- 839 ml before rHuEpo treatment, and 6477 +/- 573 (NS), 6236 +/- 908 (P < 0.05), and 6495 +/- 935 ml (NS), after 5, 11 and 13 weeks of treatment. We conclude that Epo treatment in healthy humans induces an elevation in haemoglobin concentration by two mechanisms: (i) an increase in red cell volume; and (ii) a decrease in plasma volume, which is probably mediated by a downregulation of the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis. Since the relative contribution of plasma volume changes to the increments in arterial oxygen content was between 37.9 and 53.9% during the study period, this mechanism seems as important for increasing arterial oxygen content as the well-known erythropoietic effect of Epo.


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[EN] BACKGROUND: A classic, unresolved physiological question is whether central cardiorespiratory and/or local skeletal muscle circulatory factors limit maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max) in humans. Severe heat stress drastically reduces VO2max, but the mechanisms have never been studied. METHODS AND RESULTS: To determine the main contributing factor that limits VO2max with and without heat stress, we measured hemodynamics in 8 healthy males performing intense upright cycling exercise until exhaustion starting with either high or normal skin and core temperatures (+10 degrees C and +1 degrees C). Heat stress reduced VO2max, 2-legged VO2, and time to fatigue by 0.4+/-0.1 L/min (8%), 0.5+/-0.2 L/min (11%), and 2.2+/-0.4 minutes (28%), respectively (all P<0.05), despite heart rate and core temperature reaching similar peak values. However, before exhaustion in both heat stress and normal conditions, cardiac output, leg blood flow, mean arterial pressure, and systemic and leg O2 delivery declined significantly (all 5% to 11%, P<0.05), yet arterial O2 content and leg vascular conductance remained unchanged. Despite increasing leg O2 extraction, leg VO2 declined 5% to 6% before exhaustion in both heat stress and normal conditions, accompanied by enhanced muscle lactate accumulation and ATP and creatine phosphate hydrolysis. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrate that in trained humans, severe heat stress reduces VO2max by accelerating the declines in cardiac output and mean arterial pressure that lead to decrements in exercising muscle blood flow, O2 delivery, and O2 uptake. Furthermore, the impaired systemic and skeletal muscle aerobic capacity that precedes fatigue with or without heat stress is largely related to the failure of the heart to maintain cardiac output and O2 delivery to locomotive muscle.


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[EN] We hypothesized that reliance on lactate as a means of energy distribution is higher after a prolonged period of acclimatization (9 wk) than it is at sea level due to a higher lactate Ra and disposal from active skeletal muscle. To evaluate this hypothesis, six Danish lowlanders (25 +/- 2 yr) were studied at rest and during 20 min of bicycle exercise at 146 W at sea level (SL) and after 9 wk of acclimatization to 5,260 m (Alt). Whole body glucose Ra was similar at SL and Alt at rest and during exercise. Lactate Ra was also similar for the two conditions at rest; however, during exercise, lactate Ra was substantially lower at SL (65 micro mol. min(-1). kg body wt(-1)) than it was at Alt (150 micro mol. min(-1). kg body wt(-1)) at the same exercise intensity. During exercise, net lactate release was approximately 6-fold at Alt compared with SL, and related to this, tracer-calculated leg lactate uptake and release were both 3- or 4-fold higher at Alt compared with SL. The contribution of the two legs to glucose disposal was similar at SL and Alt; however, the contribution of the two legs to lactate Ra was significantly lower at rest and during exercise at SL (27 and 81%) than it was at Alt (45 and 123%). In conclusion, at rest and during exercise at the same absolute workload, CHO and blood glucose utilization were similar at SL and at Alt. Leg net lactate release was severalfold higher, and the contribution of leg lactate release to whole body lactate Ra was higher at Alt compared with SL. During exercise, the relative contribution of lactate oxidation to whole body CHO oxidation was substantially higher at Alt compared with SL as a result of increased uptake and subsequent oxidation of lactate by the active skeletal muscles.


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[EN] A universal O2 sensor presumes that compensation for impaired O2 delivery is triggered by low O2 tension, but in humans, comparisons of compensatory responses to altered arterial O2 content (CaO2) or tension (PaO2) have not been reported. To directly compare cardiac output (QTOT) and leg blood flow (LBF) responses to a range of CaO2 and PaO2, seven healthy young men were studied during two-legged knee extension exercise with control hemoglobin concentration ([Hb] = 144.4 +/- 4 g/l) and at least 1 wk later after isovolemic hemodilution ([Hb] = 115 +/- 2 g/l). On each study day, subjects exercised twice at 30 W and on to voluntary exhaustion with an FIO2 of 0.21 or 0.11. The interventions resulted in two conditions with matched CaO2 but markedly different PaO2 (hypoxia and anemia) and two conditions with matched PaO2 and different CaO2 (hypoxia and anemia + hypoxia). PaO2 varied from 46 +/- 3 Torr in hypoxia to 95 +/- 3 Torr (range 37 to >100) in anemia (P < 0.001), yet LBF at exercise was nearly identical. However, as CaO2 dropped from 190 +/- 5 ml/l in control to 132 +/- 2 ml/l in anemia + hypoxia (P < 0.001), QTOT and LBF at 30 W rose to 12.8 +/- 0.8 and 7.2 +/- 0.3 l/min, respectively, values 23 and 47% above control (P < 0.01). Thus regulation of QTOT, LBF, and arterial O2 delivery to contracting intact human skeletal muscle is dependent for signaling primarily on CaO2, not PaO2. This finding suggests that factors related to CaO2 or [Hb] may play an important role in the regulation of blood flow during exercise in humans.