em Acceda, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. España


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[ES] El sapo de sabana, Bufo xeros, es un bufónido de tamaño medio cuya área de distribución ocupa la franja saheliana comprendida entre Senegal y Somalia, así como algunas poblaciones aisladas en pleno Sahara en Níger, Malí, Argelia, Libia y Mauritania (LE BERRE, 1989, SALVADOR,1996). Hasta la fecha, sin embargo, no había sido citado en el Sahara Occidental (ver VALVERDE 1957, SALVADOR 1996, BONS & GENIEZ, 1996).


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[ES]Se describe una nueva especie del género Uromastyx sobre la base de dos especímenes procedentes del Adrar Sutuf (Sahara Occidental). Los individuos del nuevo taxón difieren fuertemente de Uromastyx acanthinura por el gran tamaño que llegan a alcanzar los adultos, su siempre mayor número de escamas, la disposición diferente de los tubérculos en los muslos, y por su diseño y coloración. Sus características generales se asemejan a las de Uromastyx aegyptia, un hecho que sugiere la posible existencia de lagartos del complejo U. aegyptia en poblaciones relícticas a lo largo del desierto del Sahara.


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[EN]Aeolian dust plays an important role in climate and ocean processes. Particularly, Saharan dust deposition is of importance in the Canary Current due to its content of iron minerals, which are fertilizers of the ocean. In this work, dust particles are characterized mainly by granulometry, morphometry and mineralogy, using image processing and scanning northern Mauritania and the Western Sahara. The concentration of terrigenous material was measured in three environments: the atmosphere (300 m above sea level), the mixed layer at 10 m depth, and 150 m depth. Samples were collected before and during the dust events, thus allowing the effect of Saharan dust inputs in the water column to be assessed. The dominant grain size was coarse silt


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[EN] Aeolian dust plays an important role in climate and ocean processes. Particularly, Saharan dust deposition is of importance in the Canary Current due to its content of iron minerals, which are fertilizers of the ocean. In this work, dust particles are characterized mainly by granulometry, morphometry and mineralogy, using image processing and scanning northern Mauritania and the Western Sahara. The concentration of terrigenous material was measured in three environments: the atmosphere (300 m above sea level), the mixed layer at 10 m depth, and 150 m depth. Samples were collected before and during the dust events, thus allowing the effect of Saharan dust inputs in the water column to be assessed.


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